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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Jun 1894, p. 1

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• s->3U'X -t ' i<- , „ * / 1 { r ' " "r f» ;t , »..? - -,5 - " te.=^rat' ^ -jf^, ' _* .\Sfs -C5"'-^ '-i-v*V $ ^ ' 5^ V ^ A--4 i_i, V 4 - '• •r^«lS utm ^ l'.' 1..' "jH^Dl-ln ".PI«d«od but to Truth, to LIborty and L«w| No Favors Win u» and no ^oar Shall Awe." --- •V v.. i'nrii.1 nui^.itii .IM1., M. • 1 ' 'i ';1 * : L1. Jii: ~' L - " - " " r r . • -- n i f t f , . i , " . a VOL. 19. iMi'Ul'l :ninj III ii|iijliji^ii| fH'ft"1 C it. ^ ^ ymijii n mij . i urn ji.^i j;l -- -- ljlimil,, |ir,n". ij^u.^iir / 3.11, t , j i ' M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1894 . , 1 S NO. 49. >.i Published Every Wkdnrsday by V A N 8 L T K B , J H lUHTOB AMD PBOPBIETOB. OFFICE IN THE NICHOLS BLOCK. Tw* Doors North of Perry Jk Owen'* Stor*, , i^4 ,.. t***« or suMcmpriol^ • 6a« year (lu idnset).... "aid within Thro- tptiona i lth* In the Mm* proportion. , _, 9180 It Mot Paid within Three Mouth* 3 00 Subscription* receive, for tkm or six RATC9 OF ADVERTISING: We announce liberal rates for advertising In the Plaindealek, and endeavor to state them so plainly that they will be readily am €s»tood. They frre m follows! llnoh one year • * it B Incheuu»e year - - 10 GO # Inches one year - 18 00 V Column one year - * * * • ' SO 00 H Ooiumn one year- ^ ' »' 4 6000 Column one year . ~'«c . '#• - 10000 One nch means the measurement of one Mh down the column, single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have tlM privilege of changing as often as they ebeoee, without extra charge. Secular advertisers (meaning those having Standing cards) will be entitled to Insertion of looal notices at the rate of 6 cents per line eaoh week. All others will be charged 10 cents per line the first week, and 6 cents per tine for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged •I the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the first Issue, and 6 oents per line for subsequent, issues. Thus, an inoh advertisement will cost fl.OO for one week, $1.60 for two weeks, 18.00 for three weeks, and so on. The PuiKDRiiiB will be liberal in giving editorial notices, but, as a business rule, it Will require & suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of Its columns for pecuniary gain. C.F. BOLEY, Prep! or §f McHenry Breiery, *'. McHKXRY, ILL. ' ::'l'?V ' Jkhoay* on Band with the Mitt Beer, Westerman & ^oni ^ MOUSE, SIGN AND CARRIAGE 'PAINTERS, Mohevky, lixivoi*. We are prepared to do all work In on# Ktt« on short notice and guarantee satisfaction PAPER HANGING A SPECIALTK Prices reasonable and work promptly done. y . . W ESTEEM AS * MeHenry, Jtaaary 80. ISM. United States War Claim Agin WMifi.COWLE^ Woodstock - - Illinois* Prosecutesall class ss and kinds of claims' against the United States tor ex-3oldi«rs, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made in prosecuting old and rejected claims. All communications promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply. WM, H. COWLlh Oflee at Beside nee, Madison St. Woodstoea 10c. flOc. BUSINESS CARDS. ¥ : • FRANK L. SHEPABD, lOUNSELLOR AT LAW. Suite 514-48 La f Salle St., Ohioago. a b. riaiis, m, d- DHTSXOiaN AND SUBGEOK, M*H*»r; •Tills. Office at Residence. PHS MeHenj O. J. HOWARD, M. D. IOIAN AND SURGEON. Offioe at the ersiaence of B. A, Howard, Weet Henry, 111. • -- DR. A. B. AUBINGSB. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office in Dr. Ohllda building, West McHenry, £11. Besldenoe. house formerly occupied by Dr Osborne, All professional ealle promptly at- Does smoke from your cigar ariai * 1 Like incense in the air ? *' * ' Or does it only cause a emndge And make your neighbor swear? </' Why will you stick to cabbage leaves And drive your friends afar, When you can purchase for a dime "Oar Monogram" cigar ?' • IOC- i«e, BARBIAN BROS. umioii ' ' V Ohoice CigararT We can sell you one or a thousand--retail or wholesale. D J\O.OOLBY, D.D.S. ENTIRT. Woodstock, 111. Special atten­ tion paid to regulating children's teeth, a P. BARNES, TTOBNEY, Solicitor, audi Counselor, L Oollectlons'ia specialty. woodstook, auaoa. Ti i JOSLYN A OASET, TTOBNETS AT LAW. Woodstock I1L All business will receive prompt at ten- -------------- ffii'i/ff1! Ar KNIGHT A BBOWN, ATTOBNETS AT LAW. U. S. Express Oo.'« Building, 87 and 69 Washington St. OHIOAGO, ILL. r,S. LUMLET. A^TTOft-SrET AT LAW, and A Itt. Office in Park House, first floor* -^^iiriiTTjwgiJ.iw11' ' • 1 • H. C.MEAD, Justice of the Peace and General In­ surance Agent -including Accident and Life Insurance. QrVICB WITH B. GlLBKRT, KliB DlTOT, WBST MOHBHBT. III. W. P. 8T. CLAIR, Jkutieeof the Peace and Notary Public JEatale and Insurant •IUNDA, III* f Mm- ; A. M. CHURCH, ^ Watohmaker and Jeweler NO.On < HundredTwenty-Five State fit Ohi» cago, 111. Speoial attention given to r# pairingr (ne watches and Ohronometere. CTi Fall Assortment of Goods In hie line ' F. l..PIL€HER, S - * Dental - eonl, QfHetvmk Dr, Aurimgcr, Wut MeHmry, JU. Crown, Plate and Bridge Work art'stlcally executed at reasonable prices. Special aitea tlon given to the care of Children's Teeth. . Consultation Fbbe, *IC 'fil I !•- :;a -r ;JOHii P- SMITH,I Watohmaker A JewSlar MoHENRY, ILLINOIS. AjTINIt S«OCm Of 0!OCt*| VratCiivB Suu JoW« dry Always 011 hand. Special attention given to repalTtnj! toe watohos. Give me ,MU* JOHN P. SMITH. Horsemen. Look Here. I have a fine stock of H rses, among which are ••Young Green Mountain Mor«an." •'Mor- ritl Charles," and other*. Call and see these Horses before making arrangements else where. y £ COLBY. MeHenry, HI., May 10.1m. Sr%^A9«Bt^$75 • week. Kxelaat*. vurtmrj- ,**• ItefU Dhh Wwlur. Wubnillth* IDlMtiohailrliiMSiaM. Tuki, rtm u4 M« iha wltho«t wrtdm* the To. MitaUMbatuni, ibtaatUHWi itimt. BrUkt. poltaiwd dtalMe, oMertal «(n«. *• «e»Wi« Sa(en.MW>»«dkaMMr«l*thiaS' broken dl>he«,Bo man. Cbetf, i dur»M<r,w»rr*nt«d.Circu1»r»fi^. Clerk Mm. IS, Muta, ft P A T E N T S . FOR PROTECTION. ROT FOR ORRMOT. friti DUBOIS ft DUBOIS, PitentAtlorneyL lnv«ntlv« Bulldlnc, WASHIMQTON, D. C. M9 YOU Kl^p WHO •BLLS4-u'i.;\ $6 00 Pan s |4 25 6 00 Harris Caenimere Pant*. 4 25 20 00 Riverside Mills Suit... 16 50 5 00 Suit 3 50 Fancy Good Pants $ 1 50 to 1 75 2 00 Boys Congress Shoes 1 25 2 50 Men's Fine Shoes. 1 75 Also Groceries and Canned Goods fresh eve^lweeks. J „ E. LAWLUS. ' ^ Opposite Riverside House. k?;A- • - YOUB MONEY .. . - *W it M iB tie Met. That ia what we are aat- f t i s f l e d l t o m a k e « * * T h e J3est# w and think wej oanaodemonatrate to yon if you will giyfi vm opportunity. Call in »nd sea the Goods ond bo oonvlnood. CU8 CARLSON. McHeni^, 111., 1894. A. Sngoln's SALOON AND RESTAURANT McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Fine Kentucky Liquori, French Bitters, 1 McHeaiy Lager Beer, -AXD*i "V v J. Iq any quantity from ft Snits Glass to 1C0 barrels. At Wholooalo or Retail Beer in bottle?, kegs or case, as cheap as the cheapest. I buy none but the best and sell at reasonable prices. Call and see me and I will us use you well. ANTONY ENGELN. McHenry^ 111., 1894. I PETER E. ROSE, < iLuiiTVAOviraali ea- -y I ose't Celebra*edj Ginger Ale, ) --2 tH Birch Beer. BUFFALO All kinds of Fine Flavored Car­ bonated Beverages. 1|OOD8TOCK, ILL . '> WXL& Headquarter* at McHenry About April lit. which will be ondpr the charge of N. L. HOLMES, and nil onr good* will be delivered to the Lakes and surroundiuic towns. Headquarters at Bach'a Bolldlng, WMt.end of lion Bridge, McHenry. 87If A. HII,I| JEWELER k OPTICIAN. Fist LCMES, Ije-Glassis ui WECTACLEa ASSISTED BT DR. W. H. CORTHELL, Qridutfl ChleiKo Othalmle College. OMCB A WKKK No C Harare for Testing the Kyes. PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. OSMUM BLOCK, NUNDA, ILL TIB IPBTTWITQ «•** visit. 1J1L f liUlnu Friday. June 15th WOODSTOCK. ILL.. At the Hotel Woodstock. 1 tffiST IN fBE WOtotD. GOAL & FEED In Good S < • JfUtX1- . tip - - Tor Spot Cash Only. . >' T"l*'mmVK t •*' *»«•' ' .v > ,t! Prices Reduced Accordingly. < • ,*• , \ ','WW" It will pay you to investigate. % JL crista tfEST McBENB Y% ILL - > , ̂ "1 . . « -r'» ' •* ' ~TfJ^ '-J "I* JmdX THE DEPOT. f^SSlT MoHENBY, ILL. Keep* open for tk« MeouMMM of Me Public a Flret-OUM Saloon and Restaurant, Wbexe he will at all time* keep the beet brands of Winea, Liquors and ulgare to be found in the market. PABST'8 miwaslui Laget Beet At Wholesale and Retail. Beer la Luge or Small Kege or Bottles el- irays on hand, cheaper than any other, quali­ ty considered. Orderr by mall promptly attended to. GOOD BTABUIT&aWVM JTOAMI : ; evoall and-eee as. \ Robert Sohlessle. A G R A N D O F F E R ! MME. A. RUPPEHT'8 FACE BLEACH Jtlme. A. Etimrt w»- "X appreciate the fact th at there are many tboaMDda of ladles In the united States that would like to try <nr " Fi World Renowned Faee Bleach, bat have been k< from doing so on account 8rice, which is 9&00 per bot< te. or S_ bottles. tak<< ithi UJ&T IKSTV VCfV -- -wltlselltoeveiT caller «aam» to rcther,$5.00. In orderthatal ma irillKIIW.Yerj <wio. pie bottlef or 25c, and to those fivUKt ontsWe o£citj, towjj V1TAL1S fas".r & wen '1; let Bar VITALIS .ou,^: THB ORK A T soth Day FRENCH REMEDY sotb^ar Pired««s the Above Basalts ta 80 Bars. It acts powerfully and quickly. Cures when all other* fail. Young men will regein their lost manhood, and old men will recover their youthful vigor by using VITALIS*. It quickly and surely re- storea Nenrousness, Losi Vitality, Impotency, Nightly Emissions, Loet Power, Failing Mem­ ory, Wasting Diseases, and all effects of self abuse or excess and Indiscretion. Wards off insanity and consumption. Insist on having VITALIS, do other. Can be carried In vest pocket. By mail. fl.OO per package, or six tor ||.ML wttk a fosiure wrtttoa guarantee d1 ceie « nmrt the mom/. Circular free. Address CALUMET BKXCDT COSFAMV, CUcsgo, IO. ^ JPor sale at Story's Drug Store, McHenry. vV- Bleach removes absolutely. It Ooesnol tovwur as eoumettos do, but is "Jjure. Addr««* ajLg^g" Mrf• 8. A. ROB6IN8t Mo Henry, HI. ABCOH, RESTAURANT <~r •••O . . •' , BOARDING HOUSE, Mm the Iron Bridge, MoBoujr. ̂ • ' Board, by the Day or Week at Reasonable rates, A Nio* Lnrs ofjBow Boats at « La*di*o. Pare Wines, Liquors and Chofee Cigars always op hand. ^ aTTresh Laser Beer eonston«jl«B dtaaj^t. 9 DISPENSARY DB. rRUTH, after years of experience has perfected the most infallible method of cur­ ing Nervous debility, decay of body and mind, sel'-distrust, poor memory, weak eyes, stunted development, lack of memory, im­ poverished bloo<i, low vitality, and all etleots of abuses, excesses, improper life, etc., which renders marriage unhappy and life miserable. Spkcialties-- Catarrh, Skin Diseases, Sores Pi nples, Scrofula, Btood Taint, Eczema, Can­ cer, Piles, and Diseases of Women We Guarantee to Forfeit S500 for a case of SEXUAL DISEASE Dure. Question list FBEK. < ne personal Interview solicited. Consultation free OR. D. O. FRUCHs 3B32 Lake Ave.« Chicago1: SOLDIERS' DEPARTMENT. BY AN OLD SOLD1EB. i C. A R MeHenry Post No. (H8 holds regular Meet­ ings the first and third Thursdays of each month at the City Hall. H. c. Mead, Commander, - AlBsbt Show, Adjutant. ' . A change has been made in the Grand Army button which will prevent its sale or wear by unauthorized persons. The face eide of the button remains the same but on the reverse side is placed a knap- Sack camp-kettle and fire., The button fe patented, , Comrade W.'1l. TJafrd;^ Pa., has in his possession a pass, reading "Andersonville, Ga., ^uly 26,1861. The bearer, W. B. Laird, feas permission to go one mile from E. R. depot, except in the direction of the stockade --H. Wnz, Captain Commanding Prison. The voucher for the pension of the late 6. W. Underbill, of Elgin, arrived shortly after his death. It was for service in the Mexican and civil wars, and included a back pension of over $1300. Their be­ ing no widow it issaid none of themoney can be secured by the heirs. At the business meeting held during the recent reunion of the 15th Illinois Inf. Vols, at Belvidere, it was unani­ mously decided to make Belvidere the permanent regiment headquarters and to hold the reunion there annually .on the 24th of May. For the ensuing vear the following officers were elected: Col. L. O. Gilman, president; George Q. Allen, secretary; Wm. Derthick, treasurer. The Confederates are In the saddle in Washington and they do not hesitate to spout their treason on all occasions. Twenty-two men who were generals in the Confederate army during the late un­ pleasantness are members of the Senate. "Youens licked us in the field, but weuns are on tie^p now and weuns are going to make ir,hot for youens I" and they are doing itl for all they are worth, A few hangings and a little more of the work of "makjng treason odious" at th*> close ot the war would have saved us all this. It is easy to see what a mistaken clemency has led to, and its consequences in a financial way has been harder on as in one year, inflicted more loss on the peo­ ple than the whole course of the and the end is not yet. STILL -ON • EARTH! L A. BARRUS, DEALBB 1M CHOICE FAMILY 6BOOIRIB8} NOTIONS, Boots and Shoes, YOLO, ILL, Owing Is the hard timea sod the •oarclty of money 1 will For the Next 30 Days* Sell you Boots and Shoes at Kock Bottom Prices, for Cash. Lidies' Fine Shoes f om #0 cts. upward, warranted a first class article. Men's Shoes from 80 cts. up. As good as sold elsewhere for $2, A splendid KaDgaroo Shoe, which always sells for $4 50, I can now sell you for $3 75. Can't be beat in the county. A choice line of fresh Grocer­ ies as cheap as the same quality of goods can ba bought anywhere. Must be sold as I need the money. fSrl am now running a wagon to Gray's Lake, Fox Lake, Moneyville, and the sur­ rounding country, and can sup­ ply you with Shoes or Groceries right at your door cheaper than you can buy the same of any tirm outside of the city, Call on me at my store or "wait for the wagon," I. At BAKRUS. Volo, Lake Co, 111, Juoe 4, 48ual FOR BALE CHEAP. One new custom made Milk Wagon and one neoond hand. Call early. Simon StoffeIu Qr. Price's Cream Baking Powdjig Wtflsft IW VH|SMI AVBVt It is with pain that we note that the issue of pension certificates for the week ending May 19 fell to the total of 1,586. Of these but 610, or less than two-fifths, were on original claims, and but 173, or less than one-seventh of the whole, were under the old law, and 305, or one-fifth under the act of June 27,1890. The re­ maining 976, or more than three-fifths of the whole, were "increase and additional" --mainly nominal--"reissues" "dupli­ cates," and similar formal work. Giving the bureau entire credit for the whole work, and assuming that there are yet 650,000 cases pending in the bureau, at this rate it would take 433 weeks, or eight years and three months, to clear the docket and dispose of all the cases. Of course it would not take quite so long for over 200,000 veterans now living will be dead before the end of another eight years and the pension bureau will have no further bother about them.--National Tribune. "Purglnff the Pension Bolla." There lives in the little town of Newark a veteran soldier by the name of Johnson Tannatta. He enlisted as a private in Co. D, 4th Pa. Cav., and was discharged in 1865. Mr. Vannatta made a war rec­ ord while in the army ef which he is proud. After six months hard fighting he was captured, and was among the first batch of prisoners sent to Anderson­ ville. At that time he was a strong man. Three times he escaped and three times he waa recaptured by the aid of blood- bounds, the scars from bites on his legs Inflicted by the cruel dogs are still visible. He was chained to a log, and in one of his efforts to escape he got entangled in the chain and fell, breaking his ankle. The surgeons in charge failed to do their duty, and, as a consequence he had a stiff joint. While forced to bury the dead and perform all sorts of dirty work, he contracted a most complicated form ofharnia, which is in such a condition that be cannot wear a truss. Across his face is a scar from a sabre cut, and he has two bullet wounds in his body. When Gen. Wilson captured An dersonville and took Captain Wirz a prisoner, Vannatta, among other prison era, was released in an emaciated condi­ tion, suffering from the wounds above described and an aggravated form of ec­ zema, contracted in the horrible prison. As a result of this suffering at Anderson­ ville he has been in poor health and una­ ble to do any manual labor. Vannatta received a pension from the government of $12 per month, but Hoke Smith's spies have been after the broken- down victim of Andersonville cruelty, and a reduction to |8 per month has been suggested, with a possible "drop" from the pension rolls. W ayne county is thoroughly disturbed over this outrage upon a victim of the cruelties of war. The old soldier says that the blood­ hounds are still after him, though many years have passecf since the Confederates came back into the "brotherhood of 4 t a ' if/ 4 Special Premiums. The number of special premiums offered for exhibits at the approaching McHenry County Fair is large and interesting. They are as follows; The Ferris Publishing Co., Albany, publishers of the old reliable Poultry Monthly, $1 a year, offer one year's sub­ scription for each of the folio wing V I..l)est pairGoldon Wymndott« Fow|(j£, 3..Beat p»u Silver Wyandotte Fowl%s;. r, 3.. itest pair Whits Wyandotte Ohickl, 4. Best pair Black LanRshang Fowls. Blunck & Drevenstedt, publishers of the American Fancier, the only exclusive poultry and pigeon weekly in America, $1.50 per year offer one yearly Mkserip- tion for each of the following: * 5..Reat dinplav of Pigeons. 6..Best pali W "J. B. Polish Fowl®. 7..Beat pair White Fan-tvil Pieeoos. 8.. Beat pair Partridge Oochin Chioks, Wm. H. Hamilton, DaaielaonvfBe, Conn., publisher of the New England Fancier, a 24-page monthly chicken pa­ per, 50 cents per year, offers one yearly subscription for each of the following: 9..Beat pair Brocse Turkeys,,,.... 10.. Best pair White Uuinena. i i II. Bustpiir White China Ge(p|t 'r 12.. Beat pair Muscovy Bucks,.; ' 18 .Beet pair Jacobin P geonsjf- • - 1*.. Best pair Houdan Chicks. 16.. Beat pair Uo«e Comb Black Bantams. le-.Best^ O Krown Leghorn Fowla, 17..Beet pair Barrel Plymouth Rock Ohiekft They also offer one docen Hamilton leg bands for marking poultry and pigeons for each of the following: ^ 18..Best psir Black Leghorn fowla, 19.. " Pekin Ducks. 20 . " Bfcrieu Plymouth Rock'TOWlt. Jl., " Blaok Langahan > bloke. E. E. Richards, i^dar Rapids, Iowa, publisher of the Western Poultry Journal, Iowa's only exclusive poultry paper offers one yearly subscription for each fi£ &Ue following: 'j.; ' 22.. Best Pair White Ooehtn Fowls, 6? 23.. " Rouen Dark*. • 811 ver Sp »ngl *d Hamburg. White Plymouth Rock Chick* . Golden Polish Fowls. Hansen, publisher of the og Bia vl, a Scandanavian poultry and bee journal, 50 cents a year, offers a yearly subscription for each of the following: 27.. Best exhtbit by Scandanavian, 28..Second be-texhiblt by Sea >danavlaa ( 29. .Third best exhibit by *3candanavlM 30.. Fou'ih best exhibit by Sc.andaoavt*a« 31.. Fifth best exhibit by Scandanavian. F. H Petts, Warsaw, Mo., publisher of Poultry Topics, the great 25-cent poul­ try paper offers one yearly subscription for each of the following: SI .Beat pair ••ark Brahma Fowl*. 33.. " ~ 34.. 38.. 38.. Fowl*. 37.. SB.. 3». 40.. 41.. 42.. 48.. 44.. 45.. 46.. liserkcm IS Partridge Oochin Fo* I*. White Plymouth Rook Fowl*. «laek Minorca Fowls, 'hite-faced Blacs Spanish White Holland Turkey* Light Brahma 'owls. Buff roc in Fowls. White Leghorn Fowls. Silver bearded Polish Fowls, Golden WyandottOhtclfc?"*^!!; White Cochin Chicks, % ( Pekin Dunks. fip-,; Black I. eghorn Dhloks J 1 , • f Dark Brahtn i Chieks. 47..Second heat exhibit t»y lady. 48 . Best pair Penrl Guinea*. 49.. " Brown' C>lna Go**e. SO.. •• B B Red Game BaaUm*. 61.. " Angora Babbitts. A. W. Hendricks, Decatur, 111., pub­ lisher of the Weekly Poultry Gazette, a practical, progressive poultry paper, 35 cents a year, offers one yearly subscrip­ tion for each of the following: 54. .Beat pair Japanese Baatama 6U..Be8tex ibit oy lady, 54. Beet pair wt ite ' eghornChlekl. 5>..Heaviest hen, any variety, 96 .smallest Bar.tam hen. 57..Heaviest 1 doz*n hen eggs, 5S..Lightest 1 dozen hen epgs. 99..Best exhibit Canaries. > They will also publish breeder's name in Breeders Directory one year lor each of the following: s 60..Best display In American elaaa. ^ 81., " '• in Asiatic class. «$.. '• " i«» Mlditerranean claffc • Holmes & Wright, Richmond, III., pub­ lishers of the Richmond Gazette, offer one yearly subscription each^lor: t>3 . Beg t display from Richmond or Barton towrubip 04.. Second best display canaries. Walsh & Whittleton, publishers of the Harvard Herald, Harvard, HI., offer one yearly subscription for: «5..Best display of Poultry from Chemmn* township. Also two years subscription for: 66..Best display pigeons from MoHenry County, H. B Begun, publisher of the Hebron Tribune, Hebron 111., offera one yearly subscription each for: 67..Rest display of poultry from Hebron towi-ahip, 68 .Best display from McHenry eonaty, 66.. Best display for lady. The Woodstock Sentinel Co., pub­ lishers of the old '^reliable Woodstock Sentinel, offers one yearly subscription for each of the following: 70.. Host attractive poultry exhibit at Fair, 71..Most popular exhibitor, ' 72.. Homliest exhibitor, B. S. Austin, leader in fine groceries, Woodstock, 111., offera a fine aatsr set for: 73 .Best pair Fan-tail pigeon*, Also 1 docen china nest eggs for: 74. Heaviest hen on exhibition, C. F. Thorne,clothier and shoe offers a pair of fine shoes for: 75..Best pair R C Brown Leghorn Ohiek*, M. G. Tripp, photographer, Wood- stock, 111., offers 1 down cabinet photos for: 76.. Best pair Barred Plymouth Boek|f Also 1 dosen cabinet photos for: 1 77..Lady making best exhibit, J. M. Thomas, proprietor of the Fair store, Woodstock, 111., dry goods, fancy goods, etc., offers a fine stand lamp for: 78..Best pair White Wyandotte Fowl*. E. Q. Westerman & Co., dealers in general merchandise, Greenwood, IU., offer a new hat for: 79..Best display from Greenwood township Stewart Bros., the hustling hardware firm of Hebron, 111., otter » ia» Mtd cage for: so . Best display oaaaiies, Frank Rowe, Hebron. Ill, proprietor of Frank's general store, offera a volume of Shakespeare for: 81..Best exhibit by lady. W. C. Hyde & Sons, HebToa, HL, deal- era in fancy groceries, boota aad *oea> gents furnishing goods, etc., o£nt ft pair c..,.YW * of fine shoes for: ^ 0 SI..The biggiat rooster oa sxblMtloa ' \ , | Pratt Food Company, PhihuMffi'tnt. Pa., offer the following SMf&TfiiMmiums - ^ which will be on exhibition and dMIvered by the superintendent at the time ot Fair to the drawers of the same: A 5-pound package Pratt's IWUf Food for each of the followtng: 88.. Best pair Red Game Fowls. Barred Plymouth l 84. 85.. 86.. ST., as.. 89.. 90.. 91.. 92.. Laanksu Fowl*. Light Brahma Fowla. Dark Brahma Fowl*, BoffOoehiu Fnwla Black Oochin Fowls- Blank Lagbom Fowl*, Bronze Turkey*. Silver W\aedotte Fowl*. The Farm and Dairy, of Ames, Iov%- offers two year's subscription for : ^t 94..Best Dairy Oow. One year's subscription tor: v*' M..Second beet Dairy Oow. ' Two year's subscription for: - ; M..Beat Tub or Firkin of Dairy BattSCW, f* One year's subscription for: " ̂ ' 96..Second best tub or flrkinof Dairy BatMV j Ta o year's subscription for: S 97..Best Litter Springpiga any breed. ^ One year's subscription for: ; % 98..Second beat litter spring pigsauy Wilt Wheaton College, of Wheaton, ID., offers a two-year scholarship as a prise for: 90.. Beat oration to be delivered 1894 ,on the following conditions: 1st--It aha!! be ad»«-tiaed thr< county a* ao nas practicable, gi resident of the county between tr and 24 yeara the opportunity taw viaed, that the nociety may limit of competitors } 2j--Toe orations shall be the cempetitor*a own composition, and not less thaa ave nor more than fifteen minutes in length. 3d--Tl-e Agricultural Society sha'l appoint a committee of judges who *hall eoaaider these items of merit la giving their deeuion; Original thought, composition delivery. 4tn--The enccessfull oration ahall 60 th* property of Wheaton College after it* de­ livery. The publishers of the Practical Dairy­ man, of Chatham, N. Y., will give three years subscription to the Faocmr'^ view tor: 100 . Beat show ot Pet stock, ' ^4 One year's subscription each for: , 101..Second best show of Pet Stock. • " IDS..Third Best Show of Pet bt «k. -j Also three year's subscriptUm to tibe Practical Dairyman for: luS.. Best Jar of Butter made by girl aader sixteen year*. One year's subscription each for: 104.. Second best Jar of Butter mad* Ibygal under sixteen. • 105.. Third beat Jar of Batter made by girt under sirteea .*& Pithy, Pointed and Tt would be rough on On cidedly amusing to the reJ country, should Gov. Pennoyer to the Senate. The pitiable condition -at the men who followed Coxey and agogues to Washington- bread and water--should be to those still on the road to Wi Don Dickerson has always been inclined towards Munchausenism, but He dived* in when he said that Grover Cleveland waa the best friend that silver had In til United States. If there were not so many men of wealth who privately advocate a Consti- tutional monarchy with a uiotioysd no­ bility for this country there would not be so many men who publicly advocate anarchy. Fortunately, neither ol tinge undesirable classes is numerous enough to have their way. It is rumored that Senator Gormon's illness will last aa long aa there te a chance of his being called as a witness by that Senate investigating committee. Why doesn't the Senate committee put Senator Hill under oath ? He talks like a man who knew something and ia willing to tell it if asked to do so. The man who expects war every Uma some loud-mouthed blatherskite talks about shedding blood is.too gullible for the times. Secretary Carlisle apparently does no* bother his head about Congress. He ii said to be preparing for another bond issue. The Kentucky style of having a killing at every dance is still in vogue in many parts of that state. The men who live on bread and waAsr as the Coxyitee at Washington are re­ ported to be doins:, rather than go to work and earn good food, certainly have no claim on.tliqpe who work when can get it. , When the d&affons got too scant to buy feed Ccxeytoad his valuable horaw shipped back to Ohio. He's a knave tort not a fool. Up to date there has been more ar|i> nation than vindication about thp .tMtt' mony heard by the Senate isxrssHSS'^S^' committee. The trouble about the e*> planation made ia that they do not explain. The assertion oI Senator Maadcreo* 'I am a Senator of the United Stated- b respectfully commended to thoos of his colleagues who are constantly aayi%|by their actio**; "I an* a 8«»a*ar ot Podank." - If the business men of New York had declared in favor of the ineomo tax tb^y might have caused its defeat, as "here is a strong element in Congress wh eh al­ ways votes in opposition to the know® wishes of New York business men. H 165,000,000 waa the danger hi ator the gold reserve fund in the TilMiiMiy when the administration ieseed boa3a tO replenish it, what u the gxmmt line? Gen. Rosssr a»d preachar Gave divide the fool's champloaaWp beit ha» tweMtthmn. No judge caa dwda wMA oftkemlebsetsatrtisdtoitatt.

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