WESDAY. JUNE 18, 1894. ..& VAN SLYKE, Editor. 5 REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION •' * The Republican roUsre of the State sre re gwwtert to meet in connty convention »n«t ' mlect delegate# to a Republican state conven |» be neld In Springfield, Werinesia-/, July 19,1894, at IS o'clock noon, for the pr.rpose o( placing In nomination candidates to l e voted for at the November election. 1894, to fill thf fol owing offices, to-wit: State treasurer, '* Mate superintendent of public Instruction I three trustees of the University of Illinois V ^he basis of representation for the several ' Bonnties will be one deleg*'« f r every SWt , votes cast for the Republican presidential » Electors in 1894, and one for every fraction thereof of not less than 150 votes. The dele 7 pates from Oook county shall be selected by j wards and commissioners'districts In coonty \ convention, and shall be so called in conven- * Hon, McHeary county Is entitled to 11 |'V.^elegate» . ^ - • *' signed by the Republican 8Ut« Central •Oommitt«e. j'" JAVSSH. CLARK, Chairman. T.». JA«l«*ow,|Secretary. }? I RKPUBUCAN SENATORIAL DISTRICT £ ' CONVENTION. •si".'- , The Republican voters of Boone, Lake and • .f ' lie Henry counties of the state of Illinois, com - 1;.' - prising the Eighth Senatorial District, are re quested to send delegates to the Republican i: jt>isirict Convention to be held at the ronrl CJBouse in Woodstock. MeHenry Oounty, on f * iHionday the 2d of July, 1894, at 11 o'clock A. M j ,. tor the purpose of placing in nomination three k - fSi candidates for the General Assembly, and lor the trar Faction of any other business that f may come before It. The representation will 'be on the basis of one delegate for every lBf Republican votes cast tor President in 1892, knit one for every fraction ab ve 75. On this basis Boone County will be entitled to IS del- Lake County to 90 delegate* and ites. Tit Ier e K. Btmi 6. H. BCENKTT W. D. WBITMOK 8.0. WELCH j Boone Const? | MeHenry Oounty Lake County tiP pk'\. K. : Sir U : •I -A"r p * 1ST"The Chicago Post sadly Bays: "If t> the result in the fourth judicial district ? |r Jpan be taken as a test, tho various tin s' '• \ reasonable democratic candidate!) for United States senator would do well to .' lay away their booms in lavender. From ;,r all appearances a democrat can't be elected dog catcher in Illinois this fall. WF Butter on the Elgin Board of Trade Monday. was active, sales of 86,200 It>s i^ggregating over f13,000, as follows: pB6,900 lbs at 17c. 2,400 lbs at 17&, 46,900 lbs at 17^c. Last week all sales at 16^c ; year ago, 20%c and 2<%c. The Repablio»o convention ^ tl» Eighth Congressional district occurred at Aurora Thursday*. The convention was merely a form, as no one doubted the renomination of HOB. A. J. Hopkins by acclamation. In fact he had pre viously received a most heafty endorse ment in the various county conventions. However, there was a full delegation and all considered it a great pleasure to give their individual endorsement to a Con gressman, who is so esteemed and admir ed, and VP hose services have been of such value to his constituency. ^ „ Ex-Lieut. Gov Ray, of Grundy, was made chairman of the convention, and k. R. Marshall, of Kendall, and M. F. Walsh, of MeHenry, secretaries. Speeches placing in nomination A. J. Hopkins were made by Congressman R. A. Childs. of Hinsdale, DuPage county, and A. H. Lowrie. of Elgin. The nomi nation was by acclamation. Mr. Hopkins was notified of his nomi nation and in an able speech thanked tb® Eighth district for the honor conferred upon him for the sixth time. The resolutions presented embodied a severe excoriation of the national admin istration and ended with the following paragraphs: Resolved, Th at we cb aracterise the ad ministration of Governor Altgeld, of this rotate, as an insult to the intelligent and patriotic citizens of the commonwealth, and hereby declare that his sympathies and socialistic ideas are a menace to our institutions and opposed to good order and good government ; that his blunder ing and obstinate partisanship in mak-' ing the State charitable institutions asy lums ofrefucrefor broken-down politicians and ward heelers is a shameless prostitu tion of the prerogatives of a chief execu tive, and calls forth the condemnation of every man who has at heart the highest interests and best welfare of the State. Resolved, That we pledge ourselves anew to the support of the able and dis tinguished gentleman who has represent ed the people of the old Fifth District with marked fidelity for the past decade and who stands to-day as the embodi ment of those essential elements of a legislator which command the public es teem and respect; whose splendid record in the Forty-Ninth, Fiftieth, Fifty-First, Fifty-Second and Fifty- Third Congresses has been such as to win the confidence of the voters of the best Congressional dis trict in the United States; a man whose public utterances are singularly free from the rhetorical bombast of the politician, but are couched in the language of a trained logician, a careful thinker and! debater; whose faultless rectitude of pur pose, whose splendid ability, and whose*; fearless championship of the principles of the party of protection are a source of constant pride not only to the people of this district," bat to the citisens of Illinois. W By agreement of the counsel the case of Pendergast, the assassin of ftij.Silfayor Harrison, will not be tried until |K;': fall. The case will come up June 11, but t|f» "Will be continued until the »September p8|;|;*term of court to allow Judge Chetlain to preside, as he will be engaged with civil cases until that time. Why not turn him loose and be done with it. Such proceed i r fag® are a disgrace to the people of Illi Uplf;," noise. There must be something behind > ' all of tills foolishness. DR. HOWE, --SPECIALIST. And orlglra< r *f the Direct lielh'd] lor-ifi «*»•*« of i he Ililijiijlllift'Mi) m 'WHJW "P." yif.;-' atigh-itfii rtSr , u VMHSAJti -AND -- ORIGINATOR OF LOW PRICES. I^TThe Burlington Gazette tells of an old darkey that reminds one of the con dition of the Democratic party. The old fellow arose in prayer meeting and ex claimed : "Brethren and sistern, I've been having a drefful time since last we met together.- I've been chawing hard bones and swallowing bitter pills. I'm afraid I've broken every one of the ten commandments, but thank the Lord, I haven't lost my religion!" The Demo crats have knocked out every plank in til® Chicago platform, but, thmilr the Lord, they are Democrats still. P' WThe banking authorities in con gress regard the defeat of the state bank measure as significant of the future of banking and currency in the United States. It is said to establish as a final ity that state banks and state bank cur rency will never be revived and that if any change is made from the presentsys- tem it will be by a nationalized currency. Chairman Springer will call together the boose banking and currency committee at an early day to consider the next step. The meetings of the committee had been suspended until the state bank itsue was settled. Mr. Springer is disposed, how ever, to push the subject until the state bank champions of the south snniwinta th« significance of the vote, f*? The Senate on Hawaii. The senate has finally settled the Ha waiian question, so far as the unwar ranted interference with the internal affairs of the islands by the president is concerned. The attempt by the presi dent to restore monarchy by a secret conspiracy carried on by the United States minister accredited to the provis ional government, has caused great loss in Honolulu and given rise to continual alarm far the safety of the people. This terrorism has been prolonged by the un certain attitude of the president and his immediate representatives in the senate. Senators who knew the facts recently forced the matter to the attention of the Senate and actually threatened the tariff «fhv JT® W6ek ^ matter waa dbPOBed of by the unanimous adoption of a reso lution reported from the committee on fortign relations. The resolution de- Clares mat, "It, of right, belongs wholly to the people of the Hawaiian islands to establish and maintain their own form of government and domestic policy; that th® United States ougt^ not, in any way, to interfere therewith, and that any in tervention in the political affairs of these islands by any other government would be regarded as an act unfriendly to the United States." Such a resolution ought to have been adopted long ago, when the outrageous poNcy of the president was first declared ill the Oresham letter. Now the govern ment atands where it ought to have stood at the beginning; but the disgrace- fol record made by the president has be- «wne part of the national archive*. he Marengo Republican, in speak ing of the late County Convention, uses the following plain language: The Harvard Herald alleges that the "Marengo papers are greatly wrought up over the defeat of Mr. Shurtleff," etc. Speaking for the Republican, it is not "wrought up" over his defeat simply, but the manner in which his defeat was brought about is open to criticism and ought to arouse every Republican to set to work to reform the "politics" of our County, which are certainly going from bad to worse. We however, regret Mr. Shurtleff s defeat, yet he comes out of the ordeal clean-handed and honorable, and has made a host of friends: liis present defeat is simply a success deferred --he will surely be a winner in the near future, The result of a County Convention does not always express the choice of the people. For instance, who ever thought of Henry Keyes for Treasurer an office for which he made no canvass!' Clearly. Col. Wm. Avery or J. D. Clark were entitled to the nomination, and not Mr. Keyes, by any means, although he is the party nominee and will receive its full suffrage in November. It appears from the general expression of leading republicans that the political machine in this County is pretty well run "run into the ground." Let it remain there ; bury it deeper; let lis have a new order of things politically from this time forward by getting close to the voice of the people in earnest. felroatvHiT8,M:|W, « m Catarrh, Deafness, Catarrhal Laryngitis, Bronchitis, As thma and Incipient * ' TConsnmptioo. Ou* Shoe Oepartmen liivJn£r eon sura mated the greatest purc'ase of the season, the I John J Heldea stock ot fiae faot-wear, [everybody knows the good qualities handled by Mr. Helden but Swan'n ruinous priors wi'l pre- |vail] our idea i*to nurk all $5 Helden shoet- $2.9#, all $4 Helden shots $1 dS all $3 Helden shoe* $>.49. all |2 Heldeo sho:*s 11.19, |all $£.10 Hetdeii «bo*»*»e etc. ?v TTV/ "VK|u 'f i m i \ '|>V ^ !,<t , rom Our Grocery Department. Positively Cured by the Direct Method an J Amick Remedy. Discovered and Invented by br. H<>we, Profassor of dlteases of Nos* . Throat and ("best Cincinnati Medical College. Consulting Phvsiclan to tb« Cincinnati and Chicago Institute* an'1 member of the Htate Medical Sociotlet >f Ohio and Illinois. WILL BE AT PARKER - HOUSE, --FROM-- Hondty, Joa* 25th, 1194, ,1894. 41 lbs H. & £ ite quantity tot 25 and 50: -1 Granulated Sug&r for 99c, thp pame proportion 100 doz good brooms, wortt 15c, for tt* i \ i rom Our Wall Paper Department iobo rolls white back wall paper, 4c per roll. 9 inch border 1 1-2 per yd. Best mixed paints, worth $150 for $1.10 per gal. Barn paint by the bbU 65c per gal, Ail kinds of brushes &| our usual cut prices. FROM OUR DRUG DEPARTMENT, One large lot of Chamois Skins worth 15c for 6o. worih 50c for 29c, extra Targe Ize worth $1 for 49c. Best triple extract perfumes worth jWy fut lRc per oz athmere Bouquet Soap, worth 25c, for 19c. * " BOUBS ALL DAY and EVENIJJG. j until 10 o'clock. H E Q . F . S W A N , NEW PROCESS For preparing and administering Aeriform Flnld for Consumption Asthma, Bronchitis Catarrh. Hoarse ness, Catarrhal Deafne»84 Sore Throat. •*nd all the diseases ot »lr paspages -tomacb, blood glnndA and nerves. The treatment io simple and agreen ble and e fit ctt• apeetly *nd Per 011 WWW cure.' GREAT Btoee 1 Elgin, - Illinois ̂ * COUNTRY! v mui'hcd Wwkly, Arlo^ 3tc. per Vambe*. f- CLUMINO raxes to BEAOIK» or THX FLAUTOIAIJM O N L Y ̂ T E N • c e m t s ! ;CRAND OPPORTUNITY! ' ••/..., ^ HOW Is YOUR TIME TO GET THE ^ Q3IAT - M001BH - P1CTU11SQU1 - AmiCA, For the Mere Cost of Publication. You Need It; Your Family Needs It; Everybody Oupht to Save it. "OUBOWJf C0UBTBY " is warmly endorsed by President Oleveland, Kx-Pre»<- D®NT H»I,ri80n, TH« BT»nop8 of the Cbarchea, famous College Presidents and MAN? other dislingulBbed people It contains over 600 grand Photographs of American scenery, in ROTS) Parole Colors, picturing an<« <le9crloinjr every Srate and section of oar eonnirr. embraetn* all the great natural wonders, rich and racy charaete* sketches, famous the homes or he pe«{Je» our great battlefields ana their monuments, wild Western scenes, the In<iiRnn auct their Rurronndings, enriched with anecdotes adventares, heroic and Wrtorlc incidents, forming an immense and beautiful folio volnme of nearly 340 massive page® and over Boospjendid photographs. ONLY 10 CENTS A WEEK TO OUB SITBSCR1BEE8. Complete in & Series of 20 Numbers. I38UED BY The Plaindealer. McHENRY, ILL. j Clip tb s coupon and mall It witb 10c In silver, or *ix2-cent stamps to National Art Co. Security Building, St. Louis, Mo. giving your name and address in full, and the Part for wbtoh this oonpon calls will be sent to yon by return mail, post-paid. Coupon for No. 3, Oar flu Conatry, ft ~ I "'t"' FARMERS STORE «'< •> »jv f ^ $' -- v \ .r 1 V le making iteelf felt, ^bat'sjust why we are here in businei*. you want a bargain in good, honest goods don't fail to call and our stock over, consisting of JDry Goods, Notion 8, Hate and Gaps, Boots and Shoes, Tinware, Crockery. ot fresh Groceries, at bed rccft prices* Glassware, and a lull lin« • 1 r-\. •• 1 Viwrd8b The Sleepy Eye F our, Is g'ving such good satisfaction t commeuting is unnecessary** The Bngar-Oured Consreaa. (Tune--"The Old Oaken Backet,") How dear to our hearts Is our Democratic Congress. As hopeless inaction presents it to view; The biil of poor Wilson, the <*eep tangled tariff, And every mad pledge that their lunacy knew! The wide spread |depressior, the mills that closed by it. The rock ot free silver where great firover fell. They've busted rarcountry,noni,eto deny it. And darn ths old party, it's busted as well This G.Cleveland Congress. This Queen Lilly Congress, This wild free trade Congress We all love so well. plefges we no longer Wholesa'e Bet ail Agent for jiil CHICAGO- - When In need of Flour try a sack and yon will use no other. W. U»»e a (000 Uomo^ Pmom ?ip Sfca. (or UdlM »12# per jwlr , West MeHenry, Illinois. SS'4'? Their moss-covered treasure. For often atnoon when ont hunting a job We find that instead of the corn they had promised, They've given us nothing--not even a cob. flaw ardent we've cussed 'em with lips over, flowing With sulphurous blessings as great srear words fell, The emblems of hunger, free trade and free silver. AM sounding In sorrow the workingman's knell. J| .y, This bank-breaklng Congress. |r This mill-ciosing Congress. This starvation Congress " 4 We all love so welL Bow sweet from their etoqaect llpato re ceive it, ••Cursed tariff protection no longer uphold" We listened and voted our dinner pails empty, The factorlee silent, the furnaces edd, And now far removed from our lost situations. The tear of regret doth intrusively swell, We yearn for Republican Administration And sigh lor the Congress that served us well. IjThis Fifty-third Congress, *Th:s Democratic Congress, This sugar.cured Congress We wish was in--well, IPU'burg DUpatch The accompaaying cut Illustrate* the apparatus usad for applying reme dies direct to the diseased surfHcee ol ihe entire respiratory tract" Bv tbl" method remedial agents are spilled dhec-tly to the diseased surfacesof 1 hH air fascages, subduing lttflnmtnsllon.j cleansing and healing ulcers destroy lng bactilue, arresting diseased pro-] cesses and restoring the mucuous »ur face* te healthy action, thus cur iDg the disease permanently. Remarkable Cures perfect ed in cates which have been neglected; or un»killfully treated. No experlT ments or failures. If a case is incur-i able the patient will be so Informed, Skin Disease* and all diseases I of the blood and viands, nerves, stom ach, heart, liver, bowels, kidneys: also] nterine »>nd urinary affections, and Ir regularities, skillfully treated. All operations performed without pain. has built a fine Cold Storage in MeHenry* where their EOTA FAIS AMD 541TAI0R IXPHEtEEJE, Can be had by the keg or case. s A fine new delivery wagon will be run between McBfeiiry. and ttid Plstaqua Lakes, and also to all adjoining towns, to take and deliver orders. All orders by maW or otherwise promptly attended to. 7 4<?dress f JOS. HEIMER, MeHenry, M. Half Rates to the Seashore On account o! the Annual Meeting of the National Educational Association, which is to be held at Asbury Park, N. J. July 10th to 13th, the North-Weefcern Line will on July 7th and 8tb, sell ex cursion tickets at practically one fare lor the round trip, thus offering an excep tionally favorable opportunity to teach ers and the public in general for a visit to one of the most delightful resorts on the Atlantic coast. For tcikets and de tailed information apply to agents Chi cago & Noi th-Western R'y. 49 w4 We are making an advance sale of white goods, embroideries, laces, table and towels. < l^awr&Owalt • -• - -iC , Diseasi<>8 ol Women. The Doctor has had wonderful succeRs in permanently relieving hundreds ot these poor sufferers. The great diffi culty Is that ladies through delicacy do not seek relief fr>m their first symptoms, but delay until com plica- tlens set in and the bloom of beauty: and health Is gone. Middle Aged or Old Men who] find their vitality and vigor weakened] by results of old complaints se^ur# i speedy benefits Mid youthful vigor re# turns. Those terrible disorders con* sequent on the indiscretion aud luiiieC of youth in both seses. causing organ ic weakness, nervous debility prema ture decline, involuntary losses, isn- paired memory, mental anxiety, ab< senc of will power, weak back, mei- anc oly and kindred afi ctlons which so often drlva to irsanity ard saleide or render unfit to perform ttie duties of life- Sterility (or barrenness) sue ces*fully treated. COMING I TO HE MAN BROS' STOKE, MCHENRY, III, Wednesday, June ONE DAY ONLY. And will continoe evflVy sixty days.S"*M A Oreat Opportunity tO have yeur Vision Mado*Ferfeot. EPILEPSY cured ttred remedies. by newly dlscov- DISEASKS OP THB RKCTDM, Pilks FISIULA Eto.. eared without knife, pal a or loss of time* v Cogitation, hamM treatment anil lfl^»Cure guaranteed In curable eases, No teo f© services asked until the cure !•» complete. Charges always reaso&ble for medicines furnished. Dr. Howe will repeat his visits freretveTjr eight weeU. ; PROF. MOSE8 of the Columbian Optic** tiim pany.Hl Ohninptsin building, n rtb and wess comers Sta e nml Mailluon (itro- ts one of tho oldtfAtanri most celebrated optician* of Ohle. ago, who IIHS had iwenty.flve y^ara experi ence In aclj istifif glasses In all dlffl-nlt cases when all utbers have failed, aa will be seen .n hl« ciriMilars. PROF M< »SK^ has established an agency with Hemun Bros , UtHi nry, and at their •tore you tln>l tho celebrated Sight Bea- toiiug French Crystal Lenses for all normal eyes at reasonable prices. jar-AI'I- EYES TESTED FREE. -»j - 4 ,k v' T ; ^ Li,','-«£** 1*1^rfftI. ̂ *'*?, 25 boxes new, large California raiaine »1 .25 per box at Perry & Owen's. New stylish clothing for men, boys and afcS-8tolie»'* t PURE RYE Shipped pure and unadulter ated direct from the distillery. Pronounced a pure and whole some tonic-stimulant by the medical fraternity everywhere. Gives life, strength and happi ness to the weak, sick, aged and infirm. If yon cannot procure tt of your druggist or liquor dealers, upon receipt of Si.60 we will express prepaid to any address a tall quart sample bottle ot Old Elk Bye or Bourbon. STOLL, VMMTTt i CO., DISTILLERS, Leilngton By® .'3SS Fine Challie8, in Latest Fashion, 20c. ^ Fine Beaded Toe Slippers, $ I. esf fin© Oxfords, Pat, Tip, 81 to $1.45* Ladies' Fire Russets. ^ Men's Fine Shoes, 1.50. 1.90. 2. to $4 'V' >" Scria Clo^h, 12 W 15c, your choice^## Fine Chenille Curtains $3,50 per pair extra find fast black ladies' Hose for 20 cts, this week Saturday, June 16. Also special Baiidkerchiei sale Saturday evening begins at 7:30. ; ; im iOHN EVAN30N & CO. i°-~ ;.i4' FOR SPOT CASH. yv Mi 'V,. !' /:i ,rU':,y 'i' *• • THE PEOPLE Will Have it. •v'ui R I P A N S ABULES REGULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER JLND BOWELS AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. B1PANB TABCI.ES ar« the kMt Mail- dn. knowa for I»U(e>U<i, Bill.""'*" lleadaeli^ Camtlpatlva, D»e»e»ds, Otoole Unr TrwklM, DlutaeM,Ba4 Om*lexl«% l>r»cntery, Offeutie Breath, id all dis order* mt the SMuek, llrif u< B*w«ls. RijMuu Tatmle. eoatun astbtaw Inlurbm. te them<wt delicatecoiutltuUon. Anneuutte take, aafe. effectual, and (Ire tmmertlrtp »U»I. i*ric«--Box (6 Tialu, TOoent.; Ptmdare (4 boxm), t>. May be ordsrea through bmS dng|M> orbrmau. Sample (ra. by maiL Addra. THE RIPANS CHEMICA1. CO.. 10 8PRCCE STREET. KE1» "SORK CITT. See the celebrated "United Labor" fancy ookxrad ahirto at & StolWii. ill v Ory for It. i * ' A1 ~ Bemember. th»t PiUubury'^Best is lor sale at the low price of 9}.05 per §ack, by all the leadingmerchantr, and at the Hoik* Mill*. T .^ -TRY • -I- - v . n . f ' . .'f ** * 4 1 ;i ' LV, ^ • Waihhira'i Bait. $ I per SUfik, or $3 8Q per buret just received. a freeh supply, we will do the rest. '$£ Leave your orders «t the mi -.4^- . ' McHENRY ROLLER • &%t •• > •••n r •'* V*..: " '•»: 7- t