tidy Henry Somerset has told bo* she wAr first drawn into temperance work. Rfae had seen two children, a boy «nd a girl, sip wine at their father's .table, and had heard the guest* laugh at the preco- K»»r '•'hr r.cm gfi w a. drunkard's g; avs tv»*)ut,v-. four yearn old. "But what of that girl?" ahe went on. "The girl was happily married, and became the mother of love*j Jy children. The fatal seed had been; #iwn, however. The young mother be* came a slave to strong drink. I prayed with her, and* wept with her. She asked one day, if I would be a total ab stainer if she renounced strong drink for ever. The proposition was a strange and I asked twenty-four hours for consideration. When I saw her again g|ia said it was too late. I felt that if I had giran her promptly the answer she should have received, she might have been saved. To-day her home is shatr tared, but I resolved to do in future all I could for God and humanity.--California ^jjjfohibitionist. • ; Will Have It. 1 4, i.„*J 1 WYOMING'S SODA LAKES. w • 1 - »*if t*- • l;/ a#.p,. |? I m * j y'%»' fcfev'1 m Remarkable Deposit Owned bgr Jh* Union Pacific Railway Company. < . As described by H. Pemberton, Jr.j Ibd George P. Tucker, there exists a . deposit of sulphate of soda, locally known as a "lake," about fourteen miles southwest of Laramie, Wyo. The deposit is composed of three of these lakes lying within a stone' throw of «ne another--the Big lake, the Track lake and the Red lake--having togeth er a total area of about sixty-five acres. They are the property of the Union Pacific Railroad company, are connect- ed by a branch of that road with the main line at Laramie, and are general ly known as the Union Pacific lakes. In these lakes, says the Popular Science Monthly, the sulphate of soda occurs 111 two bodies or layers. The lower part, constituting the great bulk of the deposit, is a mass of crystals of a faint greenish color, mixed with a consider able amount of black, slimy mud. It is known as the "solid soda," and is said 'to have a depth of some twenty or thir ty feet. Above this solid soda occurs the Superficial layer of pure white crystal lized sulphate of soda. This is formed by solution in water of the upper part of the lower body, the crystals being deposited by evaporation or by cooling, or by the two combined. A little rain lb the spring and autumn furnishes this water, besides which innumerable small sluggish-flowing springs are present in all the lakes, but on ac count of the dry air of this region the surface is generally dry, or nearly so, and in midsummer the white clouds of efflorescent sulphate that are whirled up by the ever-flowing winds of Wyoming can be seen for miles. The layer of white sulphate is from three ^ *--lve Inches In THS BABIES nr for It* M't'M ii For Sale at "Wholesale, and Retail Do not forget that .Pillsbury's Best Flour has held the lead for over 2C years, and still holcU the medal in tSnis country and in Europe, and is absolutely the best and purest flour in the world. W hat do competitors say -when offering other flour? Of course they say say it is equaf to Pilbbury's Best, and endeavor to sell you a flour that can be bought cheaper and iucvease their profits at the ex pense of your bread. Pillsbury's Best $1.05 per sack, Wash- bukm's Best $1 per sack, and we will guarantee Wahburn'* Best to be a better flour (except Pillsbury's Best) than any o.her flour that costs you more money, Try a sack and you will use no otheiv v Leave your order at the mill, we will do the rest. ' McHENRY ROLLER MlLL8r SHOES AND CLOTHING Our clothinsr stock is yet reasonably complete in meu's, youth's and children's suits and odd pants, on which we will make you un heard of prices, from now until our new arrival of fall and winter clothing* Call in and we will prove to you that these are facts. Have just opened a large invoice of the fully warranted Rock ford overalls, jackets and shirts. Is now complete, prices guaranteed the lowest, quality considered. Rubinstein's PiaM. ' Rubinstein has declined an offer of IP25,000 for a three monthB' tonr, ami henceforth he intends to stick to fais own music. He proposes to give three, recitals of his own pianoforte works at Berlin this winter, but no charge will be made for admission, which will be limited to music students. --Berlin Car® respondent. Gauze underwear, hosiery, gouts' neckwear, fly nets, hammocks <&c. We have just received a car of the Banner Mills Minnesota Flour, which we will guarantee as good as any flour made, not a ingle braad excepted, Call and try a sack or a bbl. Price the lowest, and fully warranted. Tours tor business. * JOHN J. MILLER, West McHeruy. IVORY SYOR •• St# * 99%0f0 9 = P U R E * . GASOLENE-:-STOVE? #not why wfceifi you canbuy one of the cele brated *' QU^CK MEAL " Stoves for even lees money than other stoves are sold for, and it is as far ahead of .the average vapor stove as can be imagined. ^ ---- -; BIS--"",' |As a household friend it is renowned; | No finer stove on earth is found, 'Twill that tired feeling heal, *' " The Quick Meal." /$he wonder I ul sale of this stove testimony ot its superiority over others. It is most certainly to ̂ fr interest to see this stove in operation, and to thoroughly understand our liber ality in disposing ot them. Ilo do this call upon 1 F . L . M c O M B E R . General Hardware, West M. WStBfi Pectfoff'fert „ Published Weekly. Price* 25c. per NuiAbef. clubbiv* vmioxvro bx&dxsb or thx plaihmaue* L Y - T ic :rv - cj j RAND OPPCMTi UNI I f 1 N<-»W la YOUR TIME 10 GET i'HjS OBIAf- JtOOIBH - nCTUBISQUI - !»«**,• For the Mere Cost of Publication. You Need It; Your Family Needs It; Everybody Ought to Move U. " OUE OW* C0UHTBY" »• warmly endorsed by President Cleveland. Xx PreSI- dent aurnaoD. tbe Blsnopa of the Cburches, famous College Presidents and «"-• otiier distinguished peopie It contains over Suo grand Photographs of Atnerlean scenery, in Royal Pa • scenes, tbe Indians awl their »urrouncfings, enriched with anecdotes adveatareo, heroic and historic incidents, forming an immense and beautiful folio volume or nearly 840 massive pages and over 500 splendid photographs ONLY 10 CENTS A WEEK TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. Complete in a Steiiies of 20 Numbers. ISSUED BT The FSalndeafer* McBBNRY, MLii Clip this coupon and mail it with 10c lu eflver, or six 2-cent a tana pi to Kational Art Co. Security Building, St. Louis, Mo. giving your name and address In full, and the Fart for which this coupon calls will be sent to you by return mail, post-paid. ciiwi tut, on in ciiim, • MMttuait olesafe and Retail Agent for OF ohicaco. |rikifl Company has built a fine Cold Storage Warehouse ill MoHenry, where |EmA PALE AND SALVATOR EXPORT BEER, Can be had by the keg or csBe. A fine new delivery wagon will be ran between McHenry. and Pox, OrMt Pistaqua Lakes, and also to all adjoining towns, to take and deliver orders. _ T He -- SEC UGHTHIH BIT! ROD CO. BURLIN MANUFACTDRERf ... OF - - IMPROVED Ligfatn rWRITE /• • AND • OEALER5 COPPER !g Rods fOR CLOTHES. ^IMi PROOTER a QAMBLC OO.. CJN-n. F O R PRICES Am| CATALOGUE ^E&^smsvsa ^ - x:' BOURBON ̂ ? PURE R" Shipped pure and unadulter- V ate^ direct from the distillery. Sfc; ^ Pronounced a pure and whole- ^ some tonic-stimulant by the g medical fraternity everywhere. Cv-L* ^*ves ̂ e» strength and happi- " ness to the weak, sick, aged §•% and infirm. !*• . V c^,nnot procure It of your drnggtat oc t" - 7?,n°r dealersj^upon receipt of $1.60 we will ^rofBoufrUbonqliart STOLL,\IUMm t CO, DISTILLERS. iMtngton, Kjr. Mi R I P A N S T4BULES REGULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. MfPA'NS TABITJLE.& ar© tlae Is est Medi cine known ffop lEidigestl©@0 llllioafsneaa, lieaducbe) Cosietipatlon, DyHpcjiHla, Chronie Liver Trouble^ lMzzliicHftf Had Cuniplexlon, Uyseiitoys, Offensive Breuth, and all dft^ ©rderpj ©ff tSi@ Ktoinach| Liver and Bowels* llipans Tabules contain nothing injurious to the most delicate constitution. Arc pleasant t take, safe, ellfjctual, and (five immediate relief. • ' -- -- - : • / ' HaTing Juit tTnloaded a Ocur of ^ • Elms Buggy Co. Fine Carriages and Surreys, AT WE8T MoHENRY, >rith ft lot Oi FIRST CLA8S FARM MACHINERY, We are now prepared to to give you the best goods AT CAB LOT BATES, Don't fail to see M. D. TAYLOR, West McHenry, 111. When in want of aDjthinp in the line Garriaie or Surrey Line, FAKM. HILK. BOAS. TBTJOK Wagon or Machine Line,- leasunt to ---, ou.c, Cii.;.;iuui, oTnl pfi' imnii'Uiate Price--Box(« via)-), 75ccntn; PackaffeO. • May be ordered through )i.-arvnt d_ • or by mail. Sample free by mail. Addrew • THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO f . 10 SPRUCE STREET, NEW "SORE CITY. ; relief. • 4 boxes), 5 IruKKiat. J I Crown lowers, 4i, 5 and ^ f| Gut All orders by mill or otherwise pr >tnpi]y attended40; Addr»M - - JOS. HEQIEB, m JACOB BONSLETT. HBALBB IK ,Opposite Bishop's Mi&ttf ' lloHBNBY, STOVES, TINWARE, DAIRY SUPPLIES, ETC. BUY TBB WONDERFUL RELIABLE g?OVB. Manutactured in 30 different styles, which is aclrtfto#le^ged^f «M to be the Best Gasolene Stove in the market. BUILDERS' HARDWARE| In thia line our stock Is complete, sod oar|prioes m tow u ttae Slltte qusHtf of goods can bought elsewhere. Alio, * Ane line of TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, Of the best makes, and warranted. In short. In our store can be found aoy article usually kept In a first class Hardware store, and we will always make our prices right. Call and see us wben in wbant of anything in our line. ; Nails and Barb Wire as low as the lowest. Milk Cans and all Dairy supplies at Bottom ---Jobbing and Repairing Promptly Attended to;- JACOB BONSLETT, McHenry. THE PAGE Woven Wire Fence. L. W. SHFLDON, OF MARENGO, ILL. is handling the above Fence in the East half of McHenry County. All correspondence promptly answered Write to him. ( INFORMATION ABOUT superb mammoth ttntograpb In 12 coloi tae dSatinKUlshed artist, Maud Humphrey. 3 feet long and 14 Inches wide and will l*. gent feu ifest. ..... •m. tor '•Ml your frlenslH. It Is called a a shows a beautiful, dimpled ft* if yuu tell , ••Out Visinxo," and darling clad In a warm, rich, fur-lined cloak basket and umbrella Jn band; she pulls the snow covered lutrh, while her golden hair shim mers tn th« sunshine, her cheeks blush with health and vigor and her roguish eyes sparkle merrily. Sure to d<*tisrht you. A copy will be Sent free, postpaid, it .you promisa to tell yon tHendH ami send 14 cents In stamps or silver for a three months' trial subscription to i r-;' THE WHOLE FAMILY tm Illustrated monthly magazine with! aascdotog, fashions and all articles of inte beat autliore and cash question contests monthly. *wr, FBI Addjrow a letter or postal card to JPRKSK CLAIMS COHPAIOT. BURN, Muaoins AttorMfc WASHINGTON, D.C. Will say that we buy THW BEST Carriage and Machine work Of th« (test mab«» in car lots. Will satisfy you if you call around and see our work at McHenry, Wau con da, (iurnee £ Lake Zurich that what we say is just all O K, lam at Waucon- da Saturday p, M and always entire ly at liherty, and tbere on Sunday except just during church hours, dur ing which time you mu?t excuse me tor a few moments. PESSIOHS fUOCUKED FOR . SGLDIERS WIDOWS, . CniLOREIi, PARENTS. ^ SoWSers and Sailor* disabled la the line of fin^sl^tTe*.M,1r»r Army or Kavyrtsseethe war. ,^Jl?JASL "1U Indlan ware of 1W2 inelr widows, now entitled. Old and r j Jtl0Usands entitled to bend for ocw law». Hft ' -- - JUSTEN BROS. DealABS IN FllfSS FUBIflTUBlJ or ALL KINDS, With two stores, one on the West side and one on the ISasI side, (McHenry), they present to the buying public j\. Larger (Stock of all kinds of • Tban ever before, wbicb we <• areofleriog at greatlj Reduced Prloea* Now ia the time to Bu? (^.We also keep in stock a full line of samples of CARPETS, and we'can five yoti anything from tbe cheapest to the finest Brussels at lower prices than any other house In the county. Yruhks at C0S1 McHenry. III. Please D« See What We Have Before You « e T. v. SLOCUM. We have taken great pains in selecting our E R T A K I N C S U P P elegant. We keep nothing but the best. Do not fall * call and see us wheoi in 3 1 s . • ' Coffins, Caskets and Trimmings ot tbe latest designs. Everything new and _ . . . . . - - - fito -- * * * want of anything in our line. SPLENDID HEARSE in connection, will be furnished al Reasonable . VW*-' k 'siS ,