AUGUST 1, 1894. WEDNESDAY. ISLYKK, suppressing the Chicago riot gainst tbe will of GOT. Altgeld, andthus repudiating the old time democratic doctrine of Slatefe Right*, Grover Cleve land stumbled 011 to the first com men d- •ble act of his two terms as President. (©" Mr. Cleveland iH about to learn the #ff«mi(» between having the people with '* him and having them against him. In Ma stand for law and order the people were with him and success was easy. In ; (lis "break" for free trade the people are •gainst him. -;\3' IfiTThere was a big jump in butter on < the Elgin Board of Trade on Monday. *r|jale8 were 8,000 pounds at 23 cents; 8,400 pounds at 23% cents; 8,400 pounds At 2*5^ events. Market active, opening at 90 ceufcs. Several lots withdrawn on bids of 23 cents. Last year all sales at ?#0 cents. " s i®" Somebody around the Treasury department, must have blundered when "ft formal application was made to Con gress to pass a bill giving the Secretary Of the Treasury authority to do certain things, as the policy of the administra- * tion has been to dictate to Congress, in stead of getting authority therefrom. Pt: fcv & fv > MP* Why exclude the Chinese from this ^ - - Country, and admit the Poles, Eungar- lans and Italians? They are more dan gerous as elements of population than the Chinese ever were. We ought to pro hibit a great many foreigners from com- . log to this country. Th6y are not fa miliar with our language or laws and they constitute the dangerous classes in Our cities. Foreign immigration to this country ought to cease.--Ex. I&T Coxey is not feeding the tramps he t - has already induced to go to Washing- and the only object he can have in drying to get all the tramps in the coun- to go there is to make trouble. He „ Idoubtless hopes that if a very large Orowd of tramps assemble there that T starvation will drive them into commit- :.?:y?|Nng riotous excesses which would lead to ^tlieir being phot down by U. S. troops. „ This man Coxey is a more dangerous An archist than Johann Most, who has "done time" for incendiary speeches. s H^Tbe wise and always patriotic Lin coln, whose great heart embraced in its good will and care all sections of our beloved country and all classes of her people, in reference to cultivating respect and reverence for law, said: "Let rev erence of law be breathed by every mother -to the lisping babe that prattles on her - lap ; let it be taught in the schools, sem- ,inaries, and colleges; let it be written in 'prim mere, spelling books, and almanacs; •|et jt be preached from pulpits, and pro claimed in legislative balls, and enforced In courts of justice; in short let it become . the political religion of the Nation." .'•BR STATS COHVUmOV. The foil proceedings of the State Con vention, together with the Platform and names of the candidates nominated, can be found on the inside pages of this paper, The ticket is a strong one and will command the undivided support Of every Republican in the State, and will be elected by an overwhelming ma jority. The Platform is a good one forth© Republicans of Illinois to read and re- flect on. As has been said by another "the principles of the Republican party are all there. There is nothing indefinite about the cardinal points and the plat form as a w hole has the great merit of brevity. National issues are met clearly and intelligently. The great underlying principle of protection to American in dustries 4s the backbone of the declar ation. The state campaign, with its election of representatives in congress and members of a legislature which will choose a United states senator, must necessirily be fought on this issue, as will the national campaign of 1896." Now that the Platform and candidates are before the people, let every true Re publican take off his coat and work for its success from now until the close of the polls in November. True this is; a Re publican year, but the full fruits of vic tory will not come without work, and tbe full fruits of victory ougjit to be reaped. , : institute. We extend a cordial invita tion to school boards and others inter ested in education to meet with as. The school law allows teachers three days In. any one term and five days in any one year without loss of time. All schools in the county should be closed during the entire institute week, that every teacher may have its advantage^ BOARD. Aid w ill be given those who it in scouring board. Please notify the county superintendent as soon as convenient. Cordially inviting and confidently expect ing all teachers, school boards and friends of education to be present, I am very truly yours, W. E. WIRE, County Superintendent of Schools. Hebron, July 23, 1894. Ileal Estate Transfers. Recorded up to and including July 33, 18M: Rosa Hunt to J T Bower, j>t It 6 blk 2 1 800 00 pi '**ssr?. £» jpsf mm y. > fS MM- • , - * fcrV" V 125 00 450 00 800 Oil 300 00 Richmond .. E C Jewett and w to J F Casev Its 11 ft 12 folk ». It 5 blk 43 and It 6 blk IS Sprina Citv a<1n Wooiiato^k,.. M Karls and w to H Karls e7aof w 14a of neJi swj* sec 13 McHenry.. Ai>i'ie Rnwe to Ellen Ilowe It 8 Ellen rieroe'aa'ln Hebron, Naomi Jonckins to F. B. Faypt nwjf pec, 3*5 Marengo- ... C Loudenberk to Olive Londonbeck ft 25 (ex pc sold asre nit sec 86 Marenjro -500 00 Grace Wiisou to ft W Colby Its 1, 2 5, 4 and 6 blk 2, It 3 and w>f It 1 blk I Walknp'sadu Wunda 1OT0 00 J F Bain win and w to J Smith It 1 blk 2 Bold win's 21 adn Gary nation IOC 00 G Fillwpb*r to 8 Stillman sw)f sec lit Dorr. ... ... 1700 00 D Olinuin and w to E T Chase a 6r of It 49 asrs pit Rinffwood. 900 00 4- What Shan be Bone With Them P The weakness of our system of govern ment is that there seems to be no effect ual method of dealing with professional agitators and mischief makers. There should be some way to reach the Debses |and Henry Georges and Herr Mosts and ^creatures of that ilk, and stop forever •their dangerous vaporings. The treas onable utterances of such men sow dis- jcord and discontent, create a false im pression of what government means, and -.breed the worst forms of anarchy. One of the most important questions before the civilized world to-day is what to do with the enemies of society, whose hands are raised everywhere against law and order. Recent events in Europe have brought the powers face to face with this serious problem, and drastic measures are proposed to eradicate the evil France has taken the initiative and pro poses the creation of correctional courts where the anarchist agitator and plotter will be tried without a jury and punished F without publicity, thus depriving him of T the notoriety he so much courts. The penalties prescribed are severe, and the provisions are such that men guilty of H the utterances which flow from the lips of : ' Most and Debs every day, would, r France be severely punished at once. ; There is no excuse for the existence of an anarchist in this country, or any other. He is outside the pale of human ity. He is a wild beast, whose prey are the innocent and whose aim is to destroy and he should be annihilated without , pity or mercy. Naturalization of Anarchists. Simon Reskin was arrested a day or two ago by a man who had seen him hurl a stone through the window of a dwelling house. He was delivered to the police, and when questioned as to his motivesaid that be had thrown the stone "to terrify the rich." He further said that he would just as soon throw a bomb as a stone; he proclaimed himself an an archist, and when asked if he was not bound to obey the laws and support the constitution of this country becursed the laws and the constitution vehemently. There were no traces of insanity in the man's speech or action. He was a Rus sian by birth, and upon bis person were found "first papers" of naturalization. This comes close on the heels of the Mowbray incident, and the two sug gest the question: "At what rate are we naturalizing anarchists ? " The question is among the most grave of any that are up for consideration. There in no coun try in the world in which the right of citizenship should be more carefully guarded than this. For here the citizen is not a subject but a sovereign. Here he is a maker of the law makers, a chooser of the judges who shall interpret the laws, and an employer of the execu tives who are hired to enforce them. Up on the wisdom and the virtue of the citi zens the States and tbe Nation depend for their preservation. * Tet we are careless to a fault concern ing the naturalization of aliens*. Both of the great parties are carried away by their zeal, and voters are manufactured by the tens of thousands duriDg cam paign seasons without the slightest effort to determine their fitness. Remedial measures seem necessary. New laws concerning naturalization are as much needed as new laws concerning immigration. There are states--Indi ana is one of them--in which an alien can become a citizen within a year from the day of his landing. The law should be uniform for at least five years' residence. It might be well to order it that no nat uralization process should be in order during a period, thirty days perhaps, immediately preceding any city, state or national election. This would lessen the party zeal, that often works dangerously. Days should be set for naturalization as for registration; the fitness of applicants for naturalization should b^ scrutinized- at leat>t as carefully as that ofapplicants for registration. The matter should not be left solely to the states. We should have a national election law relative to naturalization of voters on national issues.--Inter Ocean. WHI? a Taste of "Royal Ruby Port Wine" and you will know why we call it " Royal." A glass held up to the light will show why we call it Ruby. $500 reward for any bottle of this wine found under five years old, or in any way adulterated. It is grand in sickness and convalescence, or where a strengthening cordial Is required; recommended by druggists and physi cians. Be eure you get "Royal Ruby," don't let dealers impose on you with some thing " just as good." Sold only in bottles; price, quarts $1, pints 60 cts. Bottled by Royal Wine Co. Sold by G. W. BESLEY. ELGIN, UJM Otlr ihqtriry sale was a rousing success; for next week w# hive arranged a grand programme of Trade Fetchers & Trade Winners. We cannot fully exp'ain the details as is usual when we buy btrt an entire stock, as we agreed not to publicly mention the name} but it is our privilege to q>iot8 prices. Do you remember the quality of Dress Goods you usually get fqjr 23c per yd, fo* 50c per ydr for 75c per yd. for $i per yd? Well our values are just as good, the only difference is, our prices are 19c, 39c, 49c and 69c, jSee? , Do you recollect what you usually pay for Dress Linings? Our prices are, 4c per yd. for ca nbric, 7c, for silesia, 103 for canvass, 5 and 7c for crinoline. If you are paying more you pay too much. Ail along the line until stock is greatly leduced. We wilt in one , month, begin to receive our usual fceivy fall stock ̂ merchandise, and will now begin to ^ SLAUGHTER WITHOUT RESERVES Our entire Stock of Summer Goods, including Hard - and - Soft i Beside the above our bargain counters will te heaped to over flowing with a thousand and one other items from each of our numerous departments, WILBUR LUMBER CO. AT THEIB YARDS IN west Mchenry, Have now on hand *>oth hard and soft Coal, which they will sell at prices ag low as the lowest. We are handling the celebrated Gross Creek Lehigh Hard Coal, which we guarantee unequaled by any. Spool cotton 3c, alarm clocks 69c, stationery box 11c, 180 ft fish line 10c, fountain pens 79c, Oxford Bibles 98c, smnmer corsets 21c. Theo e Bwan. GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE, ELGIB. ILL, l^grPelivery made to suit pur chaser Dress Goods. Goods, Laces, Hats* . JEosiery, Furnishing Goods, Lace Curtains, Shades, Etc, Great Bar^fiins In CLOTHING! ~ UNDERWEAR, All at Prices that Defy Competition. Agents forHttMTtorbtis Duchess Manufacturing bo's all wool Pants, and carry a large stock of these goods that will sell on sight. Trunks, Carpets, Wall Paper, Grocerie ̂and Flour. A large fetock ol Shoes and Kubbers now arriving. Yours for Summer and Fall trade. SIMON STOFPEL. 1ST" Here is a go. Webster City, Iowa, has prohibited the sale of lemon extract, claiming it to be an intoxicant. Geo. B. Ellsworth, of that city, went on a spree. For three days he was in a state of com plete intoxication and his arrest follow- ed. His room was searched and the dis covery made that during the time which elapsed while on hie spree he had drank forty eight bottles ol lemon extract. A chemical analysis of this stuff sold by the grocery stores disclosed the fact that 93 per cent of each boftle was pure alcohol The grocers have been ordered to discon tinue selling lemon extract. We do not advocate that Coal will be lower than last season, but whether lower or higher we guarantee to meet all prices and satisfy purchasers. Wilbur Lumber Co. IV: -TO THE- Mountains, Lakes and Seashore VIA BIG FOUR ROUTE THE FAVORITE TOCEI3T LI SB TO Put-in\Bay and all Lake Erie Islands via Sandusky. ^^What 0»u«d itr TEe explosion of the artillery caisson in Chicago, during drill, while the guns were being drawn at a slow pace over a smooth pavement, seems to a civilian a decidedly mysterious accident worthy of the closest investigation. A sort of amu- nition that, carefully packed and inspect ed daily, is liable to spontaneously ex plode under the circumstances stated is a sort of ammunition likely, one would think, to be more dangerous to the artil lerymen ueing it than to the enemy, in battle, when guns have to be moved rap idly over rough ground. Gen. Miles seem* deposed to scout the theory that the explosion was purposely caused by some evil disposed person strongly as the whole affair suggests the peculiar methods of warefare favored bv the anarchist. Still, in the course of the inquiry, it may be as well to make sure that the caisson could not possibly have been tampered with after it had been in- spfcted and locked Sunday evening. Supposing access to the caisson to have been possible, it would not have taken long to have dropped among the shells a To tbe Teachers of McHenry County.. We respectfully invite your attention to our annual institute, which will be held in the high school building, Wood- stock,August 13-17,1894. INSTBUCTOHS. Prank N. Hall, of Waukegan--arithme tic, language and pedagogy; S. B. Ilursh, Sterling--reading, literature and physi ology; C. W. Groves, Harvard--geogra phy, U. 3. history and spelling; Miss Lottie Jones, Danville--primary work and drawing. It is not necessary to add that these instructors are well known as educators and we may expect excellent work from them. A number of promi nent educators in the state have prom ised to be with us one or more days and give some special work. OBJECTS OF THE MEETING. The instruction of the institute wilt be practical and to prepare teachers better for their professional work. Outlines and plans will be arranged looking es pecially to the actual needs of the teach ers in the daily work of the school room. The attendance in the past has been most gratifying, each annual meeting in creasing not only in numbers but enthu siasm. Teachers let us all strive to make Lake Chautauqua, Niagara Fails, St. LawrenalPRiver, Thousand Islands, Lake Champlain, Adirondacka, Green <fc White Mountains, NEW ENGLAND RESORTS New York and Boston VIA CLEVELAND, LAKE SHORE, NEW YORK OENTSAT. AND BOSTON AND ALBANY RAILWAY*. TO THE COOL RRSORTS OF MICHIGAN VIA BENTON HARBOtt. When yon (to on your summer v*c*tion »®S that your ticket reads via the Big Four Route. E. O, McCOKMIOK. D. B. MART 'N, Passenger Traffic M'gr. Gen, Pas. T'k't Agt CINCINNATI, O, Ladies' Ready-made Dresses, dark colors. this week 89c, Would the drds makor p t shears into the cloth for le^s than that? And the tit style and make-up for comtort, Higher grades for a little more.. You are safe in buying on*, - - The Closing Out Sale of Shoes • - Is at its height. Child's Dongola patent Child's lovr shoes 50c. tip, 75c; misses' 95c. Ladies' Muslin Underwear al under prices, this arid next week. 3 pairs good Overalls for men $1. Si ecial sale ladies' fast black, brown and tan colored Hoae, of extra good quality, this week Saturday, Au&, 4th t<* any who may call for them, three pairs for 20 cents. |3|rWe seil the finest Flour in town, price $1 per sack. See our premium offer elsewhere. JOHN £VANSON & CO. WH. Bawh DEALER IN Agricultural QUEEN OF THC S H I N : M O X I E THE FAMOUS NERVE FOOD BEVERAGE. CHICAGO CONSOLIDATED BOTTLING CO. 14 TO is CHARLES PLACE, CHICAGO, III. TELEPHONE. MAIN S2T. SOLE AOENTS. BEWARE OF POOH IMITATIONS. WANTED 8 or 10 men to solicit orders for Hanty Nursery Stock Fruit ami Ornamentals ; also new and valu able varieties of Seerl Potatoes. Permanent positions; grod salary, ranging from $75 to 1186 p*r month, Apply quick with reterences, L- L. MAY A CO., 8t Paul, Minn. Nursery men, Florists and feed men. Machinery I McHENBY, ILL. We keep none but tbe best and guurantPQ everything to be Ju8t.*as represented, Our Prices ara the Lowest primer, or some high explosive capable ,. 'of beitiff fired by friction,or to have loos- j largest, most enthusiastic and «»dafu8e. .best institute ever held in McHenry Indeed if the ammunition was nrooerlv nmintv w<» u . . ^ Spared and properly packed .t W ffi ! hope and ^ colt to nee bow the explosion could have > 7 teacher present daring the entire been caused except in Home such way as 8e88'on- Those who are planning to has been suggested. Perfect ammunition j teach should by all means attend each fMVfoUy packed not go off by itself, session and receive the benefit* of the JsSi K. O. T. M. McaEKKV I.ODdB No. 77, K. O. T. M -- Reg- "Inr meetings sucoiui and fourth Tuesday iogs of earh month, at K, O. T, M. Hall. GEO. OAKLET, Com, N. HECMAH. I& K. Oamp Keetlnsr at Lake Bluff. On account of the above meeting the North-Western Line will, from June 30th to September 1st, sell excurHion tickets to Lake Bluff and return at low rates. For tickets and full information apply to agents ChHfego & North-W«»tern H'W 51 w3- CARRIAGES, BUGGIES JSC 8UKKEY8 We keep a full «toek always on band, and can fit you out wiih anything you want In this line and for lees money than you can get them for of &o.v dealer outtlde of town. Before you buy be sure and call and see UB. We also l:aVe tbe Babcock Cream Tenter, AMD ARE 4GBNTS FOR THK De LAVAL SEP ABATOR CO, And respectfully Invite Dairymen and Farniera to call and R e us when in want of anything in this line. We keep on hand aflne lot of garden Hose, It#.- ; WM. BACOH IfoHenry. July 2d 18M. KITCHEN I With one hind you can drain the water from boiling vegetables and it is impossible to burn yourself. Any child that can carry tbe vessel^ can operate it with ease simply by pressing tbe two bails together in the hand. A Blessing to Housekeepers. Saves Tline^ yegetables and Pain from Scalds and Burns. WILL SELLAT SIGHT. MRS. C. W. 8LAFTKR. Agent for McHenry and Vio nity. A¥INGS.J5Sp«I received and loaned on carefully se lected real estate securities Had the interest collectedT ( \ \ IV"Q 1 and remitted without V / O • Insukin© Propert y. tn the beet and most liberal companies f»rm8 no tmaU part of oi^ > business, and will be continued at the old stand on same business principles, by Yours truly v SIMON STOFFEL. THE FARMERS STORE. A citoYmxxra triumph. The remarkable reputation that the * Sieepy Eye" Gream Flour has fairly and honestly made during the last five weeks has greatly surprised many dealers and competitors who have made great efforts to placo a flour on the market that would win against the "Sleepy Bye" Cream. Their efforts have been in vain, for the "Sleepy Eye ' Cream has triumphed over ail, and now has the lead and will keep it for time to come. This flour has won its reputation entirely on genuine merits, It is the .only flour sold in McHenry that took cr First Prize at the World's Columbia Exposition. We have just received another car. Remember, we guarantee every sack, WE ALSO HAVE A FULL LINE OF C3-Ei^ERAL MERCHANDISE, Which we are selling at prices that meke them move right along. Drop in and see what we h&ve to offer you, West MoHenrj. Illinois. STOP AND READ. .»! s L m charge. Loans made on titan and terms to suit borrower. J. W. BANBTKAI), 21 bul'age street, Elgin, Illinois. > W. L. Douclas <,€£*> CUAF 18 THC BEST. VI# vfivb NOSOUCAKINTT. And other specialties Cor Gentlemen, Ladles, Boys and Xisses are the Best in the World. ISee descriptive advertise ment which appears In this paper. Taka BO Mwtttate fmlst on hiring W. L. DOUGLAS' SHOES, with name and price stamped on bottom. Sold by ». stoffM, West McHeniy. The -list Annual Fair! UNDEB THE AUSPI0E8 OF THE| McHEKRl COUNTY AGRICULTURAL - BOARD WILL BE HELD AT Woodstock* 119/ Are LIBERAL PRMiUMS offered and a varied gram ot pro- id BEING ARRANGED. Write to the Secretary at Woodstock I r/pr Premium List and ffive this enterprise your support. ft. J. BECK, President GEO. B. RICHARDS; Secretary. i- i,.. * m