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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Aug 1894, p. 5

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JMW# ». liM tlil itlikn M mmn: ,7;tB A. M. ..STTE A, * I HP. M. »*> 7:» Bol'lU. HJSS KATE Howie is SPENDING days I n Greenwood this week. lew advised to retf ing their maaagwi--t wfcaM way. It will save them trouble and ex-j FRAME MCOMBER and family are camj\ at Pistaqua Bay last and this week.Speose- Anyone is very foolish to "go it Jtiafce PftMnger " tLakattaaeva Passenger.. „ ^ FATIOH. J; " a ? 8. Km, Agent, L'V" V' ?%• MAAORIO. MoHainurlrfmoa,So. 158A.P.aadA. M.- Wtoin OMudSttMt the Mttad aad (mirth Monday* ia see* moatfe. G. L. MQOMSKK.'W. M. ORDER OF THE SASTSRN STAB. Meetings the Pint and Third Wed. Mite evenings of eaoh month, at Masonic Mae BA.BBA.RA VAN SLTKB, W. M. ' MM*. |<OBA ELDRIDQT, Secretary. K. O. T. M. *C3KWBT Looef No. 77, K. O. T. M---Beg Ular meetings second and fourth Yueadav evenings of each month, at K.O. T, M. BaH. Geo. Hour, Oosa, , V. ilKVMAV, B. K. tfnivernnilat Ohureh Directory. O, *. Owen. ...fllerk H T. Brown Treasurer Ilia Willing Worker* (the ladies organ- (nation ) M», John Story. President Mrs. W. A Crispy, Secretary Rev. J.JStraub, D, O.. Pastor Preaching service* at 10:S0 A. M. and at 7:30 P. M. A eordlal Invitation to alL DANCE at John Heimer's Hall on Mon­ day evening next, Aug. 13. SEVENTY-THREE tickets wars sold at 8nv / thiss \J*ake this station for the excursion to Devil's • on Tuesday.. SOCIAL PARTV at the McHenry House Hali, on Thursday, to-morrow evening Bee notice in another place in this paper THE dancing public should not forget the Harvest Party, at John Heimer's Hall on Monday evening next, Aug. 13. FOUND on the streets of this village, a long, straight key--probably a safe key --which the owner can have by calling at this office. THE Pistaqua Gnu Club will hold their First Annual Shoot, at Nippersink Point, att on/4 Qnnilow nowf Anm «hiu um »i wy aiw vy and 12. MRS. B. GILBERT and son, Orton, visit­ ed with friends in Chicago over Sunday. MRS. AMOS DODGE, of Park Ridge, vis­ ited at W. A. Criety's on Saturday last. FRED MCOMBER, of Chicago, is spend­ ing his vacation with his parents in this village. Ass. J. M. PRESTON, of Milwaukee, is visiting with friends in this village this week. BEBT BTBBBINB finished his vacation and returned to work at Central Park on Monday. Miss MINNIE MCLEAN, of Chicago, has been visiting with her parents, in this vil­ lage, the past week.- ADAM LEITNER, of Elgin, visited with friends in this village a few days last week. JAMES B. PERRY, of Woodstock, at­ tended the funeral of Mrs. Hibbard, in this village, on Saturday last. MRS. I.1. SEXTON and granddaughter, of Elgin, were the guests of E. Hubbard and wife one day last week. W. E. WIRE, County Superintendent of Schools and Dr. E. L. Herrick. of Hebron, were on our streets on Tuesday. MRS. E. H. WALKER returned on Sat­ urday last from Janeeville, Wis., where she has been visiting relatives and friends. WM. L. SMITH and wife started on Tuesday for Cedarville, Kan., where they will visit with friends for the next five or six weeks. FRANK SPITZER and wife. Capt. Wm. Stewart and wife and Bert Stewart and wife, all of Woodstock, are pimping at Pistaqua Bay this week. GEO. VALLOW and wife, of Chicago, were visiting-with friends here the latter part of last week. Mrs. Vallow was for­ merly Miss Maud Colby. /REV. FATHER KIRSCH, the pastor of the sew German Church, was honored with a serenade by the McHenry Band on Wed- luesday evening last, at the residence of Dr. C. H. Fegers, where he is stopping. T herewafe a large turnout outside of the band, and a pleasant, social time was had. REMEMBER the Ice Cream Festival in the Park, on Friday evening of next oroolr Kw "J ere' Society. NEW advertisements this week are Theo. F. Swan, Elgin, John Evanson 4 Co., Wm. Bacon and J. D. Lodtz, Jr., Metienry. learn that) quite a quantity of hay burned in the field south of the brick yard, near the railroad, one day last tit FEME Butter and Soda Crackers, 30 pounds for $1.00 at I. A. Barms', Yolo, 111. See advertisement, In another column. ' A daughter of Arthur Whiting, of More- land, Was brought here and buried on turd ay last. We did not learn Ike particulars of her death. THE Ladies of the Willing Workers' Society will hold an Ice Cream Festival in the Park, oa Friday evening of nut week, Aug. 17th. AH are cordially in­ vited. E. LAWLUS is Agent for a Milwaukee Dye House. If you want your clothes colored or cleaned be sure to call on Lawlus, he will do you a good job Mid charge you only a reasonable price. lib lover of the game should fail to toe the game of base ball, which will take place at Gage's Driving Park on Friday afternoon next, between the Algonquin and McHenry nines. /%. GASOLINE stove got on a rampage it residence of Thos. Burke, on Sunday, and made things lively for a time, but was got under control beforedoinc modi No efforts will be spared by the man­ agers of the Fair to make it a grand suc­ cess. Let every oae interested in the exposition put hie shoulder to the wheel and give what assistance he can. Oen columns are somewhat crowded this week on account of publishing the Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors. Our readers will therefore overlook any omissions that may be noticed. THE tar mere say this is the worst ysnr lor flies they ever saw. A new kind Of flat little fly that sticks dose to the hide is annoying the cattle. This, with the dry pastures, has greatly reduced the milk ippiy- ON the 27th of July about twenty of the friends of Amos Whiting, from this Tillage and vicinity, gave him a surprise, it being the anniversary of his 70th birth­ day. Refreshments were served and a it social time enjoyed by all.. that men THERE will be a Harvest Party, at Johu Heimer's Hall, McHenry, on Mon­ day evening next, Aug. 13. Music by Noona^'s Band. Tickets 35 cents. All are invited. LOST, between the residence of Dr. Fegers, in this village, and the farm of Mr. Covill, east of the iron bridge, an old gold and black Persian Shawl. The finder will please leave the same at the PLAINDEALER office. WE learn that there will bi a grand Picnic held in the grove, on the east side of the river, under the auspices of the members of the new German Parish, in this village, on or about August 25, full particulars of which will be given next week. . LOST between the East Bide post office, in this village, and the M. E. Church, on Sunday laet, a ladies'fan. It is a very fine one and is all the more prised as it was a present from a friend who is now deceased. The finder will confer a favor on the owner by leaving it at this office. BASE BALL.--McHenry vs. Algonquin. There will be a game oi Base Ball, at the Driving Park, in this village, on Friday afternoon of this week, between the above named clubs. Both nines are on their mettle and a good game may be looked for. Admission 25 cents. Ladies free. ___________________ LIST of letters remaining uncalled lor in the post offloe, at McHenry, 111., Aug. let, 1894. Mrs. A. F. Delaney, Mr. Frank Ells. Miss Mary Brown, Mr. A. C. Grow. In calling for the above please say they are advertised. ALBERT SNOW, P. M. IE census bureau -there are 100,000 more married than married women hi tie country this be true," says the Chicago Record, "what in the name of Hymen an those 100,000 men married to." WE have sent cmt a large nassbsr o( bills for subscriptions now long past due, and as yet but few have responded. We must respectfully urge all who have re­ ceived bills to attend to the matter with­ out delay. We have been lenient so far b«t we mean business now. THE delivery wagon ot Party 41 Ommi which visits the Lake every aeorniag, we judge is doing an immense business, as it goes out loaded to its ntmoat capacity everyday. It is a greateeeomsraiaiJon to Hie sojourners at the lake and profit** Meto Messrs. Parry & Owen. • AN Arkansas administrator following endorsement on the back of a doctor's bill: "This claim is not verified by affidavit as the statute require*, the death of the deceased is that the doctor THE Telephone Line between this vfl- age and Pistaqua Bay is now completed and in complete running order. Instru­ ments can be found in this village at H. E. Wightman'e Livery Barn, Dr. Fegers', Dr. Abt's and Dr. A u ringer's offices and HfcPerry & Owen's store. It will be a gteaSfaccommodation to our citizens. DR. HOWE, the well known specialist, of Cincinnati, who has regular appoint­ ments here, will be at the Parker House, West McHenry, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week to receive patients. The doctor hi well known everywhere for his skill in respiratory diseases, and many of his patients in this vicinity are being helped in a remarkable degreo. I THE show of trained horses and dogs, which exhibited here on Friday last, was Ul one of the best 25 cent shows we ever Witnessed. \With one exception they done everything they advertised. As they were not well advertised the crowd was small, but all who did attend were well satisfied. It would pay them to nee more printer's ink. ON Tuesday evening last a street lamp n the corner^ near the residense of Mrs. Beck with, on the West Side, burst with a loud report. The dry grass and sidewalk near were set on fire, and for a time resi­ dents in other parts of the village thought a serious conflagration was in progress. Fortunately it was extin- without serious damage. LAHSIE number of our citizens at­ tended the races at Richmond on Sator- arday last. As they were coming home, joet this side of Richmond, where the ra&road and highway run parallel, they were met by the five o'clock express and the result was several runaways, and white no 09s wawesnoeeiy hurt a lot of demoraBaed bnggtss wae the oonse- Uadsrtheefc prugiwi %uiabed || A LAH Mind aud trust to luck.' THE Kickapoo Medicine Company will camp at McHenry for ten days commenc­ ing Thursday, Ang. 9. This company is now at Gray's Lake, aud their entertain­ ments are very fine. The first night is free. After that ten cents will be charged nightly. Children ten cents always. Don't miss the first night. Camp east of iron bridge in Wheeler's grove. THERE is a certain class in every com­ munity for which one can only feel con­ temptuous pity, because the disposition they manifest is so small aud malignant that it exhibits the narrowness of their minds, and the dirtiness of what they would accomplish if they could have their way. Fortunately their influence is lim­ ited to the v«ry insignificant number of those who associate, and are of Kke mind with them. . IN the Elgin Courier we find the follow­ ing: "The home of H. L. Rounds, 258 Kimball street, was entered and $ 15 in cash stolen from a pocket in his pants. Rounds lay down on a sofa in the front room and left the door open. It was his intention to shut the door 'before going to bed but he fell asleep and did not awaken until 4 o'clock in the morning, when he found that his pants wore lying in the door and his money gone. THE letters "O. K." mean "All right." The political story was started years ago that Gen. Jackson used to endorse docu­ ments "O. K." meaning "oil korrect." This was told by the way of showing that he was illiterate. But James Hor- ton the historian, found among the records of the court of which Jackson was once judge, many legal documents with the indorsement *'0. R.," which meant "order recorded," but so scrawl- ingly written that it often looked like "O. K." Probably this was the origin of the story. As a matter of fact Jack­ son was well educated.--Ex. AN exchange says that no matter how hard a man may struggle to do right, there is always some sneaking scoundrel some loathsome reptile, some pimple on the face of nature, some wart on the hand of destiny, trying to dfaw him down. Many a man fails, not from lack of merit but from lack of appreciation by his fellow men. Failure in life is loss of confidence in one's character. When you see a man faltering, take him by the hand and help him up; when you see him climbing cheer him on, that he may reach the top and stand on the summit of success. SOMEBODY who wants to the editorial "we" signifies says that it has a variety of meanings, varied to suit the circumstances. For example: When you read that "we expect our wife home to-day," "we" refers to the editor-in- chief ; when it is "we are a little late with our work," it includes the whole offloe force, even to the devil and th# towel; in "we are having a boom," the town is meant; "we received over 700,000 immi­ grants last year," embraces the whole nation; but "we have hog cholera in our midst" only- means that the man who takes the paper and does not pay for it is very ill." by the courtesy of Rev. Father O'Nefi held Solemn High Mass at St. Patrick Chureh, on SundayfewtJ Thecfcoeefe was d!1eawitlt m^m^nftS» new who Hsteaed to an able «a mon from the hps Of the tleman, and from remarks whteH since heard all present* ed and congratulated themsslvea tliX so able and eloquent a man had been sent to minister to their spiritual wants. A business meeting was held at the Brick School House (which is being repair­ ed for use as their church) at 3 o'clock p. M., which was participated ia by near­ ly every German of that religions belief in this village and for some distance out in every direction, which goes to show that this church will not only have a large bnt enthusiastic congregation, who will put their shoulder to the wheel and help the cause along in everyway in their power. At this meeting a building com mittss was appointed, who will at once see that the building lately purchased will be put in shape for use, and it is hop?d they will be able to hold servioe there on Sunday next. The upper part of this building will be used for church purposes, one room below for a school and the other for a hall. The building is ppculiarly adapted for this purpose, and when the repairs are completed it will be in elegant shape. This Society propose to hold a Grand Picnic sometime about August 25th, (full particulars of which will be announ­ ced next we«k.) at which time it is ex­ pected a large number of the former par­ ishioners of Father Kirsch will be present, and show by their presence here the high regard in which he was held while among them. As we said before this Society starts out very nuspidously and they certainly have the beet wishes of all. fortai«litt«|iMllKi '̂ E. D. ANDROS, of Nnnia, made our sanctum a pleasant call on Monday morning. He was here ia the iatsrsst of a new magazine, Andrus Idea, which he is about to publish, and for which hs offers various premiums for storie»~-see notice elsewhere. Story writers in Mc­ Henry havejan opportunity to earn some good money. The magazine we are as­ sured will be gotten out in the beat style of typographical art, with fine fflartrs- tions, and a very desirable advertising medium. We trust that Mr. Andrus will meet with unbounded success in Ihis worthy enterprise. Contestants for the premiums must be amateur writers and residents of McHenry county. ' DIED.--At the residence of E. n this village, on Thursday, August 2d, 1894, Mjs. J. D. Hibbard, aged 57 yeguryr WrsT Hibbard was born in Morley, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y , in 1837. She came with her parents to Fremont, LaksCo., in 1844. They moved to McHenry in 1866 where they lived until 1871. From McHenry die wait to Elgin where she lived until 1892 when die oame back to McHenry, where her death occurred. Mrs. 'Hibbard was a graduate of Wauke- gan Academy, wad in her younger days taught several of the schools in McHenry and Lake counties. She wae a kind teacher, loved and respected by her scholars and by all with whom she was associated. She leaves three brothers and four sisters to mourn her loss. Her funeral was held from the residence pf Mr. Perkins on Saturday morning, Bev. Slade, former pastor of the Univer- salist church officiating, and the remains were laid to rest in Woodland Cemetery, beside those of her husband, who preced­ ed her only nine months ago. WHATEVER idea the young who practice street flirting, may entertain of their seemingly innocent pastime, it may be set down as a certainty, that when a respectable young man desires' the acquaintance of .art who may some day become his wife, lm does not go out on the street and seek bar acquaintance through a flirtation. But on the other hand the flirt on the street no matter how innocent and fair her intentions may be, is the last one he would adect as a life's companion. He desires purity «ithout and above suspicion. The young girl who engages in this kind of pastime should beau- in mind that she not only endangers her reputation and leaves a stun on her good name, but her name is a by-word among those with whom she flirts, to be bandied about in saloons, on the street corners and in low unholy places in the town, fastening on her otherwise fair name a stigma or stain that will follow her for years after she a H was^sess her toHj and attem^te to mend her YOUNG man dost thou go abroad in the land at night, rushing the growler? Dost thou whoop 'em up with the boys and figure for the substance of the big jack-pot, or bank thy shekels against the slippery tiger? Art thou a guzzler of beer and a player of cards? Dost tbou suck a "twofer" cigar? and hut thou lost thy grip on the ways that are right, and wisdom which are good in the world? Verily, verily I say unto thee, thou art in a bad row of stumps. Dost thou not know thy name is pants? Thy beds will fly up ere long, thou wilt fall into the soup. Better keep thine eyes on the gun and monkey not with the intoxicating juices of the jug. bteer widely of the tempting aces, and in the ripening years ot thy life thy pockets will be well filled with the collateral of the precious mines, while those « ho heednot thsss words of wisdom will be partaking of loach that is free.--Ex. You should write a stor test in the Andrus Idea. in another column. for the con- Be conditions 6w9 Beat Estate Transfers. Recorded op to aad laeffedfng July 90, WH: Andrew Bryan and wlo ft O Byerson w# nwjf nwfc ass 11 Dorr ...«10M 00 Jobs Oeebntn aad w to Anna M. Buhr, It 11 blk 8 MeHanry, w.< t rtw, Kattoenne SehaaCaratHi h to to J Frett It in nev w« >8 MeHeary G O Brows aad W to Joiia RUskok 8.1) int nolfrwXaad nwJVMVani nelf aw if aad wKaeM moSS On*™ tins... M Munger and w to ganger Dairy Co. Dantam MrOI S*iae to aaapo la awjf see 10 9a la nw)t ncjtf * fact aa>« vard.... Sam« to MHM factory n*ar Chemung Ha ar. *ame to aame u*a in Hartlaad. «atne to aaina craaaery In AMea .. . . Willetand Howard Phillips and w to John Bhiert itadj vtt Algonquin, m on M0 00 6S7 00 me 06 5000 M 8000 oe 70W 60 MOOOO «eo oo BIO YOLK At the McHenry County'Fair, day afternoon, Aug. 29. One mils county race--1st prise, paiis M. & W. tires; 2d prise, Search Light Lamp. Five tuile oona^r rasa 1st prias, f85 Gold Watch; 3d prise, $12 Bicycle Salt. For particulars address J. A. SHELDON, Huntley^l|t. AKDBWi XDB*. SR M'HENRY COUNTY. " A Magazine, to be published semi­ annually, composed of original stories by residents of McHenry county. Eighty ̂ dollars in cash premiums to bs paid for' the best stories, as follows: For the best story 925; for the next best story $10; nine prises of |5 each for the sue- ceediag bsst sine stories. Five thousand copies of this work will be furnished the principal mer­ chants of the county tor free distribution. A blank vote, in coupon shape, will ac­ company each book, and the story re* edviag the largest number votes of wjjl receive the cash premium of $25. This book will equal JETaiper's or tie CosmopoHtaa, aad ba oae evury family should have. CONDITIONS Stories must be in by Sept. 10,1894. Prises to be announesd and paid on issuing the book, Oct. 15. Stories not to contain over 1500 wofdl. Must be of good moral tone. Contestants must be amateur writers, write with good black ink only on one. side of the paper, aad give number of words in paper. Give address plainly. Mail to E. D. AKBRUS, Box 124. Nnndn. 5w4 M. Hawley and wife, of Barrington, Woodstock visitors tl^first of the To TH* LADIES or MCHKNST AND VICIN­ ITY I would say I still have the agency for the Barton System, west of the river, ke liau avaruflr " dx month® longer. Those wishing a ^ en he started violently, system that will give perfect satisfaction please call at my home, West McHenry. MRS. H. L. BLACKMAN. One prise of f25, one of f 10 and nine of $5 each for best stories in the Andrus Mea,tbe new magazine, open only to res- county. Mail stories to E. idente of this county D. ANDRUS, Nunda, 111. m -r "i t ; - - Jtu AUCTION SALE, f Th® undersigned will sdl at Pcblic Auc­ tion, at the Stock Yards, nearihe depot, in the village of McHenry, on Friday, 10, 1894, eomrneaVbg at 9 A. car of chota^Cows with >ythdrside. Terms Wade known at the sals. JDfCBLASD. F, K. Ga4NqER> Auctioneer. A special premium will be qtytred by the isdrai INS at the omgttig oonnty '«institute, OMI oataLto teachers HwiwaitiatartetBt . -• IT! ' 1*1 spent last i was at Huntley on bod- , , , Elic Darrell were at HairtiuwBltttdaT EHLKisgsiey, of Milwaukee, visited re- lativee hentthis week. A. F. MeOW, of Chicago, spent Ann- day with his family here. Wm Forrest was in Chicago Monday on budnsss. E, E. Furer was a Chicago vidtor on Monday. . w* J!?a8e 8P®nt Sunday with his fam­ ily at JMterson, III. Louis Zimmer, of Moris, IH., spent Sun­ day with his parents in this dty. F. E. Cox, of Nunda, was Here on busi­ ness Saturday. E. W. Ercanbrack spent the latter part of last week with his son in Chicago. Jacob Zimmer was in Chicago last Sat­ urday on business. Wm. Edwards is visiting with relatives and friends in Chicago. John A. Dufield, wife and son fepent Sunday with relatives at Marengo. Mrs. N. Grady spent last week with rel­ atives in Chicago. Mrs. D. Curaings, of Chicago, is spend- in the week with the family of N. Grady. Henry Schneider, of Chicago, spent Sunday with his parents hers. Fred Walters, wife and daughter spent Sunday with relatives near Hebron. Rev. Harry B. Long, of Bloomington, is visiting friends here. A. Dryer, Sr., spent Saturday aad Sun­ day with friends at Elgin. Henry Keyes and son, of Algonquin, were Woodstock vidtors Monday. John B. Lyon, of Harvard, was here on business Saturday. Quite a number from this dty took in the excursion to Devil's Lake Tuesday. J. E. Norris, wife and son, of Turner, were Woodstock visitors on Friday last. Geo. McConndl and R. W. Overton, of Richmond, were here on business last Monday. Attorneys A. B Coon and J. E.Barber, of Marengo, transacted legal business here Monday. H. M. Hawley and wife, oj were week. Misses Amelia Bier and Maria Wiedi rich are spending the week with relativee at Elgin. John Cutteridge, wife and children, of Chicago, were the guests of C. A. Lem- mers and wife over Sunday. Judge and Mrs. E. T. Glennon, of Chi­ cago, spent the latter part of the week with their parents here. F. W. Hartman and wife, of Ridgefleld, spent Sunday with her parents, Thos. Glennon and wife, in this city. The teacher's institute opens in this city next Monday. 8end over your "school mams" please. Mrs. E. A. Knight and daughter return­ ed on Saturday from a pleasant visit with relatives in Wisconsin and Minne­ sota. Mrs. D. D. Manny and children return­ ed to their home in Marengo on Sunday, after a week's stay with her parents in this city. B. A. Little. clflm agent for theC. ft N. W. railway, was in this dty last Friday looking after the damage done by the re­ cent fires. The McHenry County Fair opens in this dty two Weeks from next Tuesday and promises to be one of the best exhi­ bitions ever bald here Capt. Ectatberger was at Springfield last Saturday getting the pay roll of Company G audited so that the boys could get fay for thdr services at the strike ia Ctwago F. W. B«1 is building a new barn at his reddenin on Chemung street. 0. J. Larson is the contractor and is putting ttpa neat as well as substantial structure. must hereafter keep off the or they will be subject to a fine of from one to twenty dollars, as the <$©urt may decide. Better keep in "de middled If de road," boys. A bttn musician gave very fine con­ certs inn tent on the German church lot, eoutheast corner of the square, on Fri­ day, Saturday and Monday. Hs is a very fine musician, and with bis new in­ vention is enabled to play several instru­ ment at the same time. He drew good audhgoes which were well pleased with the entertainment. G. S. Beach, an old and respected red- dent of this county, died at his home hers On Saturday last after a brief illness, of Itoart disease. Mr. Beach was for ma«y years engaged in the livery busi- and later served the city for several s as marshal. He was an honest, strious and agreeable gentleman, apt his many friends were shocked to leiiu of his sudden death. The funeral •Wrices were held on Monday and the re­ mains were laid at rest in the Ridgefleld cemetery. Don't ask questions by mail about conditions of story contest in Andrus1 Idea. They are plainly printed In all c o u n t y p a p e r s . ' 5 w 2 HARVEST PARTfij Yourself and ladies are cordially invit­ ed to attend a Harvest Party at A. B. Hitchcock's, 1% miles west of King wood, on Friday evening, Aug. 10.1894. Floor Manaarers--H. Vogel, G. Cowdry, J. E. Harrison. Music by the World's Famous Quintette. A. HITCHCOCK and P. S. DOCTER, <5 Proprietor/ Young folks enter the story contest in the Andrus Idea. We want • fishing stories, bicycle stories, love stories, stories of camp life, stories of the farm and home, school stories, all kinds of original stories by amateur writers, young and old. (Contest closes Septem­ ber 10th. 5w2 ills! 25 boxes new, large $1.25 per box at Penf ft book Or. Price's Crcaai Most PctWot MMa Books cheap, nice boftnd only 30 and 25 cents at J. A. Story's. Insure your property with and feel secure. „ A beautiful story is a lo bound in leather, only $2.25, Story's. Call and examine. Call and try a sack of the Banner Brand Flour at J. J. Miller's. A new car just received. We are making an advance sale of white goods, embroideries, laces, table linens and towels. PKRRY & Ow£N. Badger State Shirts, Pants, Jackets and Overalls at S. Stoffel's. i if you To or from any part of E_uro] possible ral Price and quality consic can beat Mrs. Besley's prices. OCEAN TICKETS, at lowest rates, over the Whitfe Star and North German Lloyd Steamship Com­ panies. Money sent at trifling cost to any part of the world. SIMON BTOFFEL. Try a sack of Banner Mills, Miancsotn Flour. None better. Price the lowest. J. J. MILLER. •' Great bargains Stoffd's. in Footwear at 8. Have you tried a sack of the Banner Brand Flour? If not call on J. J..Miller at once and try a sack or a Every sack fully warranted by nsr Mills, Minnesota. FOR SALE. A eow and pigs. Inquire of MRS. R. AYLWOOD. Pillsbury's and Chick's Flour at rode bottom prices at S. Stoffd's. FOR SALE CHEAP. One new custom made Milk Wagon and one necond hand. Call early. SIMON SXOFFBL. BARMAN BROS, have just put in a n< line of the finest pipes ever brought to this market. Smokers will do well to call and see them. Fashionable Drew Making. MISS McMANN is prepared to do all kinds of fashionable Dress Making on short notice and guarantee satisfaction. Terms reasonable. Rooms two doors south of the post office. Also proposes to make the None-Such Corset to order. We respectfully ask a share of the pat­ ronage of the ladies of McHenry and vicinity. lml Miss M. MCMANN. It yon wish to see the prettiest fists' for $2 and $2.50 that were ever brought fo McHenry, call on Mrs. Bedey. Loans Negotiated. Do you want money? I can get it lor yon. Have you real estate to sell or rent? Do you want to buy or rent? I can help you. Terms reasonable. 3yl H. C. MEAD, West McHenry. IFEW SPRING STYLE8. 200 samples of cloths to pick from, first-class in every respect. A fit war­ ranted or no sale. I will save you 25 per cent. Also clothing fitted, repaired and cleaned. E. LAWLU8, Tailor. Opposite Riverside House. Buy your "Church ReverdUe Hay Carrier" and all haying tools of F. L. The thing to knnw, WIMB YOU 'to buy a bin of goods. Is.f wl I do bessP Now we have business long enough to ba in a tlon to give yon the right goods at) right prices, and kaap a stock la enough to suit all right tnin<! lomers. Consult our largsrun and And out that yon get trea too. Right here, previous to we want to aaa how maar] ' \ 'j SUITS OP CLOTHES •ii*f Will (o ont, aad to make right along have reduced the prices some Instances aver 40 per cent. A fe ̂ odd suits, soma of theIsst ones bough! most get away from ns. ones who happen to need a n*v get the benefit. Now sea what chance yon have by calling In. Soma of those line Mack worsteds worth UV;f' to$20 will go away at $14 to$M. Soma young n«n1 all wool Miits^$]2JSQ, wll|j make somebody smile at $$JM). casip Men's and boys* linen costs at 60 worth $1.60, They are just the thing for these warm days, aad will wash a hundred times If oeoessavf» '1 Now is the time tor a new of Shoes Everybody want* pair just now. Vfce are in til* t>ho«» business all over. thing desired in shoes can be had by visiting our store. We Will mention light here that our shoes fit the foot and the purse at the Bgme time. A * * • - ^ _V\ w; We have a great line of ladies' and misses' low shoes, the only comfort f#c the feet during the heated term. Cone In and look them over. Tboaa taicla all shapes are grial tafcw, Ulilaiy es with slasttos' na the si<! They answer as a house slip alt tlHlli year round, aad are so easy wad dui We have them also In Mack. McOmber and save a good per omit. Just received, a new carload of A No. 1 Fine Salt, fresh from ths works, al S. Stoffd's. ^ CIDER MILL. The undersigned having put in a first class Cider Mill, is prepared to make your apples into cider in the best manner and guarantee satisfaction. Bring your apples along and we will be sure to please you. Mill at my residence, just north of the cemetery, McHenry, 111. NICK WINKLES. Over 200 nice, cool Summer Suits to select from, nt cost prices, at Simon Stoffel's. For the celebrated "Duchess" all wool pants, from $2.50 to $3,00, call on S. Stoffel. __________ Evanson's gift sale. World's Fatir aad Midway Plaisance with every $5 pur­ chase, for a limited time. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The beet Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and pod- tiyely cures pilee, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 35 cents per box. For sale by G. W. Bssley. WANTED M. D. TAYLOR, at his warehouse, west of the depot, has just received a full line of the Kingman Safeties, to which he in­ vites the attention of the public. If you want a safety call and sse me ae I know I can meet your wants both in quality and price. M. D. TAYLOR. x'tuwgqu Tnre tn-coiioia "Aha!" he lutterea. It was not" so much his ords as his manner. For an instant is eyes rested hungrily upon the glit- sring silverware. Then his glance andered to the plumbers' tools that ere scattered about the floor. "No." 5 muttered; "this is another man's b and I won t take the bread out of is mouth.* Petracing his steps he view.-- 8 or 10 men to solicit orders for Hardy Huraory Stook fruit and Ornamental* ; also new and vain able varieties Seed Potatoes. Permanent mUton«; good salary, ranging from f75 to 126 par month, Apply quick with retereneea, I.. L. MAY * CO., 8t Paul, Minn. Hurserymea, rioriaU and Seedmen. FOR SALE. The brick block known as thePekovsky Block, oppodte the Bank of McHenry, ia this village, is offered for sale. It cop- tains one large store room and two rooms suitable for Dress Maker or other budness, in first story, and also fine liv­ ing rooms in second story. Is situated in center of village and is a first class lo­ cation for any budness. Will be sold cheap and o«» onable terms. Inquire of 411 H. C. MEAD, West McHenry. Our men's fine shoes art great ta They combine style atnd- iifaf i moderate price attached. . • # ! ' * ' Newwa are looking after yonr tercet lo the way of soft unlamMtcted shirts snd fine neckwear. Jut drapln f and look it over aad get a straw hit too. If you need It, or e 8M sultef underwear. '.«Si3S"3 „ -- % , S fteJ* •*> t** A*r ». / '1-T i ns are very year. Can show you more stylM then *ny otten irm iaiheeonnty, Ton may soon need a new Can- pet, Have ia stock several finer * patterns and can sell you airy- thing needed from samples j»4 in, of all the late spring stylet, If, and by telegraph can have carpet ieadf ' ing day, ' k.; - f • J,# Perry & Owen, MtBMNBTt ILL. •mmli * Awarded. mors--World's Fair. 5w4Igaaoon Io^t to view.--Detroit Tri GRAND HARVEST PARTY. Yourself and ladies are cordially ii ed to attend a grand Harvest Party, J. Michaels' Ball, Johnsburgh, Thursday evening, Aug. 2,1894. Fl managers, M. Rouen, N. Rothei Music, Noonan's Orchestra. Tickets, cents. • J. MICHAELS, Proprietor, f Or. Price's Creaoi Baking Powder World's Pair High--t Medal and Diploma. Tn i t y KV**** ?lql CREAM BAKING Mm PERFECT MADE. & A pu.* Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Pie from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THB STANDAgfi, Bit if Mi We frwteal te osr CMftMMrs and jgei&Jfe jM&tMtqge. . MONEY TO LOAN; lienfil A» IM dra*TA*Y Ymn mmtmr . NBU$* v f • 2$«?

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