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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Sep 1894, p. 8

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V-il:: "v.-«t < ' » ' > ' * * -"TO , • t^""' 'i*:l.i i 5 ' '" ^ -i. ': SS-' . " •": w \ ' T. U. _ and NMteM aaxter the above head _»he<t Hy lb® LvJieset tha W, O, T. CT editor clalme no par* or credit for the r;; it) r " 'VyftorlowIh*MMo(tlull«m*,^J ^ It is said by thoee in a position to ;' know that it is of no use to disguise the ^.-teir&Ie Jacfc that intemperance js^moiv infrequent among women than it has ever been before--more general and more ruin- ' on, to the point of physical and mental ' Mortality. „ ' • .. It makes us shudder (6 hear the facta '-i: In the case, to listen even to the supposi­ tions concerning its causes, one supposi­ tion being that suddenly acquired wealth > giving people the opportunity* of going through life at a great pace, makes it .^iiweessary that they should resort to whip and spurs. to maintain the gait-- -'-that is, that having money they must ' and will spend it fast, and spending it feel ongeuders pleasures to whose enjoy- |i jnent the strength is not equal without the help of the exciting and stimulating 'i drink. There are instances, too, where the dreadful evil has been brought about by £he prescriptions of physicians, the in­ valid thus having the habit established . Wore being aware what is done. But , 'these instances are few in comparison to »the number of those which result from ' ' the apparently innocent glass taken at 'the table or elsewhere. These are perilous times; all the cir­ cumstances of life are rapid, exhausting, nerve draining. The great stress under which we live.occaeione a degeneration of the nerves, ami the swiftest and easiest resource is the stimulant. Knowing this, knowing that yonngj/-girls are liable to each degeneration, it becomes doubly 1 important that they should be sheltered ** : "by the force of public opinion which may >' make it at any rate difficult for them to , *Y. begin the drinking habit in its most deli- cate first approaches. For it is to be re­ membered that it is in the beginning that | the danger lies. They none of them know what is be- " hind them, what heredity from an trafor f|S ?; tunate ancestor may give them a fatal V : impulse once started. But no heredity i) can start them on the way if they refuse > to take the first sip and thus make it possible to acquire the appetite. m OOOI> S I Cheaply bought, are now being received in large quantities by ' '• • • * V SIMON STOFFEL, On thereat side. . . -iProfits will be only charged to defray actual expenses. LARGE SELECTION. CORRECT STYLES. RIGHT PRICES. New Serges, Henriettas & Flannels. Cashmeres, Ginghams, Calicoes, Capitol City Flannels, Suitings and Blankets. onorable, boys and children's wear just received in large quantities from the well known houses of H, W, King and Kuh, Nathan and Fischer, F. L. McOmber s.V--- McHenry •V$ I CAN SAVE YOU BIG MONEY : On. Staves 1 The Best Made,. ' " ^ The Most Durable^" ; The Best Looking, The Most Convenient The Best Baker, and i Tne Best Heated]-" JPor the Least Money. Remf mber this and call and see what I haft* A written guaran­ tee with every stove. F. L. M c OMB E f Dealer in General Hardware, West McHenry, III •I' will follow soon in large lots, ail of the newest Gall en us for New Cloaks and Jackets •tyles and design, of Jos. Beifeld & Co.s make, YOUR FALL UNDERWEAR. Inspect pur new Fait Shoes and Rubber Goods! f Carpets, Oil Cloths, New Fall Wall Paper, Fall styles Hats and Caps. TRtJNHS, VALISES. SATCHELS. 5y*Beloit Overalls, Shirts, Jackets, Coats and Pants, warranted. Agents here for tlie famous Mayflower Tea. CHOICE GROCERIES, Arbuckle's Ariosa and Java Coffees. PILLSBUBY and FANCY FLOUR. <3T"Big stock of Fargo's and Douglas' custom shoes. I For Fall and Winter goods of any kind call on, Yours truly, «IHfON STOFFEL. lireuBnr«• PBOPIBTY. n the best and most liberal companies forms no small part of our business, and will be continued at the old stand on same business mnciples, by Yours truly SIMON STOFFEL Still - on - Earth I LA. BARRUS, §¥v; UIUB nr CHOICE RIXAI farKOCMKIMS NOTIONS, and Shoes, f VOLO, ILL, Owing to tbe hard times and Mffcity of monev 1 will the f. A- ,/•. For the Next 90 Days* Sell you Boots and Shoes at Hock Bottom Priccs, for Cash. Ladies' Fine Shoes from 80 cts upward, warranted a first class article. Men's Shoes from 80 cts. up. As good as sold elsewhere for $2 A splendid Kangaroo Shoe, which always sells for $4 50, I can stow sell you for $3 75. Can' be beat in the county. 4 A choice line of fresh Grocer­ ies as cheap as the same quality •jgf gQgds can be bought anywhere. " v';j8ust be sold as I need the money. Fine butter and soda crackers, 20 lbs. for $1. tsri am now running a wagon to Gray's Lake, Fox Lake, Moncyville, and the sur­ rounding country, and can sup- ply you with Shoes or Gro eries right at your door cheaper than you can buy the same of anv firm outside of the city. Call on me at mv store or "wait for the wagon, . Just received, a full line of men's pants, shirts and jickets, for summer and fall wear, A full line ot Rubber Goods Md FeltB lor ladies and gents. :ir - '-V. . 6 I.AiBAKRUS, ,*Lake Co, 111, June 4, 48ml OUR OWN COUNTRY ! Published Weekly. Price, 25c. per Number. CLUBBIHG FRICi; TO BEADEBS OF TH1 PLAINSEAi ES O N L Y - T E W - O E I ^ T S ! GRAND OPPORTUNITY! NOW la YOUR TIME TO GET TBE QB1A? - HO DISS - HCmiSpi - A1UBICA, For the Mere Cost cf Publication. You Need It; Your Family Needs It; Everybody Ought to Have it * " 0UB. 0W1I C0UHTBY" is warmly endorsed by President Cleveland, Ex-Presi­ dent Harrison, tbe Btshops of the Churches, famous College Presidents and many other distinguished people. It contains over 5U0 grand Photographs of American scenery, in Royal Purple Colors, picturing and describing every State and seetlon of our country, embracing all the great natural wonders, rich and racy character sketches, famous localities, the homes ot' the people, our great battlefields and their monuments, wild Western scenes, the Indians aud their surrounding*, enriched with anecdotes adventures, heroic and historic incidents, forming an immense and beautiful folio volume of nearly 340 massive pages and over 500 splendid photographs. ONLY 10 CENTS A WEEK TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. Complete in a Series of 20 Numbers. ISSUED BY The Plaindealerv ^ McHBNBY, ILL. Clip this oonpon and mall it with 10c lu silver, elx 2-cent stamps to National Art Co. Security Building, St. Louis, Mo. your name and address in full, and the Part for which this coupon calls will Coup for No.15, Our Ova Conatry, • e sent to you by return mail, post paid. PAINT C. R, HUBER Bakery, McHcnry î Having secured the Agency of the ' • V ; - WASHBURN The Best in the World* [s now prepared to fnrnish customers the same, either by the sack: or barrel, at Low Prices, and guarantee satisfaction. There is no better flour offered to the buying public, a trial which will convince the most skeptical. Call and get a sack and be convinced that what we say is true. Also, a full line ot Fresh Family Groceries and Bakery Supplie always on hand. McHenry, III,, 1894 C. R. HUBER. ' ; THE FARMERS STORE, tL, Our clothing stock is yet reasonably complete in imen'a, youth's and children's suits and odd pants, on which we vill make you un­ heard of prices, from now until our new arrival of fall and winter clothing. Call in and we will prove 1o you that these are facts Have j cist opened a large invoice of the fully warranted Rockford overalls, jackets and shirts. Is now complete, prices guaranteed the lowest, quality considered. Gauze underwear, hosiery, gents' neckwear, fly nets, hammocks <&c We have just received a car of the Banner Mills Minnesota Flour, which we will guarantee as good as any flour made, not a single brand excepted, Call and , try a sack or a bbl. Price the lowest, and fully warranted. Tours for business. JOHN J. MILLER, West McHenry. • A C R A M P O F F E R ! MME. A. RUPPERT'S FACE BLEACH Mm*. A. Ruppert says'. I appreciate the fact that there are many thousands of ladle* In the United States that would like to try my World R 0BOwnedi Pace Bleach, but have been kept * from doing so on account ot Srtce, which la $2.00 per hot-e. or 3 bottles, takmi to­ gether, $5.00. ID order that all may have an opportunity, I will Bell to every calloranam- Blebottlefos- ?-*»<!, JlvlnK outside of city. In any part of the world, I will safely packed, plain wrapper, all charge* prepaid, tot 25c, siiverormamps. In every caseof freckle*, plmplei, moths tsllow. Hess, blackheads, acne, ecaema, olllnesa or rough- Desa, or any discoloration or disease oithesiin, ana wrinkles (not caused by facial expression) Face Bleach removes absolutely. Itdo«s not cover up, as cosmetics do, but la a cum. Address all com. mumcations or call on MNE> A. It lJPPEltT, >o. 6 East 14th MtreeC. New York t'lty. All my preparations.* samples, bottles. &c., caa b9 haA at regular prices from my local a«ent, Mrs. S. A. ROBBIN8, McHenry, 11L VITALIS *\a«de a Well cf A\«. P A T E N T S . FOR PR0TECTI0M, NOT FOR ORNAMENT. lilU DUBOIS * DUBOIS, Patent Attoraeyi. Inventive Age Building, WASHUKWOK, P. C. MkwtlMi =: a - W L|DOUCLAS And other epeclaltles for Gentlemen, Ladies, Boys and Misses are the Btst in the WorM. See descriptive advertise­ ment which appears In tMa paper. ^ Take a» SoteUtvtc. Insist on having W. L. DOUGLAS' SHOES, with name and prlM stamped on bottom. SaMfcp B* Stoffel, West McHenry. lBt Day. VITALIS iou. THE GREAT 20thDay."i FRENCH REMEDY Product's Hie Above BesnliK Su :t0 Days. It 'acta powcriuily arul Quickly. Cures when all others fa,ii. Young men will regain their lost manhood, and old men will recover their youthful vigor by using VITALIS. It quickly and surely re­ stores Nervousness, Lost Vitality, Impotency, Nightly Emissions, Lost Power, Failing Mem­ ory, Wasting Diseases, and all effects of self abuse or excess and indiscretion. Wards off insanity and consumption. Insist on having VITALIS, no other. Can be carried in vest pocket. By mail. $1.00 per package, or six for with a positive written guarantee to can Or refund the money. Circular free. Address CALUMET IWHEM COMPANY, Chicago, 111. For sale at Storv's Drug Store, McHenry. IFVOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT Address a letter or portal card to THE PRESS CLAMS COMPANY, JOHN WE0DERBURN, • • Managing Attorney. P.O. Box 483. WASHINGTON, D. 0. . _ PENSIONS PBOCURED FOR 80LDIER8* WIDOWS. CHILDREN, PARENTS. Also, for Soldiers and SsDora disabled in the line of . aaty in the regular Army or Navy •!nee the war. j Survivors ot the Indian -wars of 18S2 to , their widows* now entitled. Old and I I £ specialty. Thousands entitled to * | ' " tee tne war. _ o 18t2, and i reJectedcUlma r cbarg« tor^aaTtOftf1 K»M T E£ BABIES Cry for It. A. CEOWIN^A TRIUMPH. * • •' if"-1 • Tbe remarkable reputation that the • Sieepy Eye" Cream Floor has fairly and honestly made during the last five weeks has greatly surprised many dealers and competitors who have made great efforts to placo a flour on the market that would win against the t( Sleepy Eye" Cream. Their efforts have been in vain, for the "Sleepy Eye ' Cream has triumphed over all, and now has the lead and will keep it for time to come. This flour has won its reputation entirely on genuine merits, It is the only flour sold in 'McHenry that took First Prize at the World's Columbia Exposition. We have jii0 received another car. Remember, we guarantee every sack, i i'- WE AL80 HAVK A FULL LINE OF GENERAL MERCH4NDISE, Which we are selling at prices that make them move right along. Drop in and see what we have to offer t|ou, West McHenry* Illinois. DEALER IK ^OPPOSITE IISITOP'S McHEfcRY, ILL. STOVES, TINWARE, DAIRY SUPPU£$, ETC. BUY THE WONDERFUL GASOLENE STOVE. Manufactured in 30 different styles, which is acknowledged by all to be the Best Gasolene Stove in the market* BUILDERS' HARDWARE. ID thia line our stock Is complete, and our prices as low as tbe same quality of goods cao bought elwwkere. Alao, a floe line of « TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, Of the beat makes, and warranted. In abort, In our store can be found article osuallv kept In a ffrst c'ais Hardware store, and we will always make our pricea right. Call and see us when in want of anything in our line. Nails and Barb Wire as low as the lowest, Milk Cans and all Dairy supplies at Bottom Prices, ----Jobbing and Repairing Promptly Attended to# ;'<*h JACOB BONSLETT, McHenry. JUSTEN BROS. DEALERS IN THE PEOPLE W1U Have It. For Sale fit Wholesale and Retail. Do not forget that Pitlsbury's Best Flour has held the lead for over 2C years, and still holds the medal in • this country and in Europe, and is ABSOLUTELY THE BEST and purest flour in the worlc. What do competitors say when offering other flour? Of course they say say it is equal to Pillsbury's Best, and endeavor to sell you a flour that can be bought cheaper and increase their profits at tbe ex­ pense of your bread. PILLSBURY'S BEST $1.05 per sack, WASH­ BURN'S BEST $1 per sack, and we will guarantee Washburn's Best to be a better flour (except Pill$bu?y'& Best) than any o.her flour that costs you more money* - * ' *' <1 ." " Try a sack and you will Dte no other. L«tve your order at the mill, wo will do the rest. ? MCHENRY ROLLER MILLS. FINE FUBIflTUKB OF ALL KINDS, JVith two stores, one on the West side and one on ^he^^^Eae side, (McHenry), they present to the buying public A Larger Stock ail kinds of tsA FU It IV1TUH12 Than ever before, which we are ofleriog at greatly Reduced Prices. Now is the time to Buy. IguWe also keep in stock a full line of samples of CABPETS, and we can give yoh anything from tbe cheapest to the fiueetBruMela at lower any other bouse in the county. • * TRUNKS AT COST. We have taken great pains in selecting our U N D E R T A K I N G - : - S U P P L I E S Coffins, Casket8 and Trimmings ot tbe latest designs. Everything new and elegant. We keep nothing but the bast. Do not fall to call and see us when in want of anything in our line. SPLENDID HEARSE in connection, will le furnished it Reasonable Bates.

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