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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Nov 1894, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, NOV. 14, 1894. Railway Time Tab*©. --r. °^r. :r.v, IS. 109! w ul pass this Button M (!nmmoni;!»» <<• i PiMMnger i'rains follow*; v.« - / • «OUIO SOUTH. . . f> -, .iw.TjSfl A» M. E WilMsriis lfey *f. B -VilliamS Bay Kroigbt P. M, S WillHniB Bay Passenger.., ..VS.28 P. M. :OOIKO MOBTH. ' E Wtlttams Bay PuBsenger fc:5fi A. M. £ Wiliiuai B*v Freight ....11:45 &.M; E Wilhums Bay Kxprves ,4:55 P. M. E Lake Ueneva, Passenger....... 6:A1 " S Geneva Passenger .......6;13 " ;iXFUHiTIO>.< 8 Daily. Dally except Snn iajr." b Sunday* only. s B. BUSS, Agent, McHenry, III. MASONIC. MOHBHBT LODOU, NO. 153 A. r. and A. M.-- ftegular Oomnmnicatnns the secoad and fourthMonday8 in each month. " / F. L MCOUBKR, ! W. M. OKDE& ©» THE EASTERN STAB. Regular Meetings the First and Third Wed. neaday evenings of each month, at Masonic Hall MRS. HA.HB.VRA. VAH SLYKE, W. M. MBS. I.OKA ELDHBDOI, Secretary. K. O. T. M. MCUEHHV I.ODGI No. 77, K. O. T. M.--Reg­ ular meetings second and f^nrth Tuesdav eveuings of each month, at K. O. T, M. Hall GEO. HAMLET, Com, N. HBUMAH. E. K. UniversaistChurch Directory. O, N. Owep Olerli H. T. Brown ..Treasurer the Willing Worker* (the ladies organ­ ization.) Mrs, John Story .........President Mrs. W. A, Crispy, ..Secretary Bev. J.ptr.'IQB, D. O. --Pastor Preaching services at 10:30 A. M. and at 7^30 P. m. A cordial invit-aiop to all. COME to sapper, at the City Hall, Fri­ day night. \ BEAD all the advertisements in the PLAINDEALER. YOU will find many things there that will interest you. DR. BAECHLEB, Dentist, makes Bridge and Crown work a specialty. Children's teeth carefully treated. THE PLAINDEALER and the weekly later Oman, one year each, $ 1.75. This offer will onljk be open for a limited period. LOST, between McHenry and Nunda, a Lap Robe, marked H. E. Wightraan, 1100. The finder will confer a favor by leaving the same at the livery barn of H. E. Wightman, McHenry. THE YOung Peoples' Social Gab, of McHenry, will give their first dance at the City Hall, on Thursday, to-morrow evening, Nov. 15. Music by the Quintet Orchestra. Tickets, 50 cents. A CHICAGO dime museum manager offers $1,000 for a Democrat who can offer to the^public any reasonable excuse for be­ ing alive, to exhibit as a political freak and curiosity. NEW advertisements can be found in our paper to-day from Perry & Owen, John Evanson & Co., A." P. Baer, Simon Stoffel, Theo. F. Swan, Dr. Howe and Demorest's Magazine. Bead them all. WE learn that Owen Bros, are contem­ plating fixing over the rooms over J. Bonslett's hardware store for a hall, which will be occupied by the Macabees, and perhaps some other societies. THIS vicinity was visited by quite a severe snow storm the first of thei week, some three or four inches falling. On Tuesday morning a number of our citi­ zens were enjoying the first Bleigh ride of the Beason. L. WAITE, of Sharon, whose case had been dispaired of for over a year, as a hop f"p8B consumptive, is rapidly recover­ ing liider the care of Dr. Howe. The patient is a brother of E. Waite, attor- torney at law, Woodstock. SCIENTISTS are now telling us that the dangerous mlferobe is lurking in the greenbacks. Those in arrears for sub- ascription can send the money, as the publisher has facilities to disinfect small femounts, and is willing to take the risk. . WE don't believe in kicking a man When he is down, therefore, a great many ly things we might say about our defeated | opponents we shall leave unsaid out of ^ respect and pity for the "late deceased k "Speak gently of the erring and'kindly of h-- the dead."--Marengo Republican. .I, ' DR. HOWE, the well known specialist in diseases of the nose, throat and lungs, trill receive patients at the Parker House ! Saturday, Nov. 17, all day. Remember $be date and call early as the doctor in- ; 1 variably declines cases for lack of time f ' %very where he fills an engagement. THE Thanksgiving Party, at the Me L Henry House, Nov. 29th promises to be f ' one of the most enjoyable ever held at 9*. . |his house. Nothing is being left undone C for the comfort and pleasure of those ;, fFho attend. Smith's orchestra will fur- •^ish the music, and as Jerry will be there Jiimself the dancing public may be [' « ' insured that it will be first class. ;• { ROBT. ScnisssLE has been making quite ^ extensive repairs and alterations in and und bis buildings, on the west side, e has been putting on new roofs, build * -1/ ing new walks, etc., and in short making * -r .f» general overhauling, which much im k ; proves their appearance, and of course - , ^heir convenience. Joseph Swadish has %, t, been doing the carpenter work. r>/ C. W. LOVE, of Beloit, a brother-in-law V:' -'.of Walter D. Williams, general manager t 4,1 the Grand Union Tea Company, 105 rtr"%. State street, Rocklord, having been v'*'* Tjgiven up by the local physicians of Beloit • Rockford as a hopeless consumptive, " 'ias well as other eminent physicians V V ^Madison, Janesville and Chicago, has i'"' Completely recovered under the Amick -remedy. Dr. Howe i* now treating a k"l~>-)'Jisister of Mr. Williams, and the wife of * ^ 'Senator Fuller's brother, of Belvidere.for T" - /the same disease, with greatly encour- , aging results. Both of these ladies are ' - "Y'trapidly improving, though they had pronounced hopeless and given up. Dr. Howe's success in respiratory dis- " f'i" leases is marvelous in many instances. 1 * ; * HOT Oysters, at the City Hall, Friday * -Bight! ' y"" FEBSONAL. • ' :- / ' H. M. GEBCOLD, of Elgin, was on oar streets one day last week. HON. F. K. GRANGER attended to bnsi- ness in Elgin on Saturday last. Jos. FITZSIMMONS, of Chicago, was on our streets the first of the week. BEN HOBINSON, of Nundn, was caiiing on friends here on Monday last. L. E. BENSETT.. OUR PHOTOGRAPJIERFHII|^ been n the sick list the past week. Miss JENNIE CHAPELL, of Algonquin, spent Sunday witji Miss Allie Smith. Miss LUELLA OABB visited Mass Flora Sherburne Tuesday. SHERMAN CHAPELL called on McHenry friends Saturday. Miss COHA BENNETT, of Rossburg, N. Y., is yisiting her sister, Mrs. Frank Hanly. She will spend the winter here. A. L. KIMBALL, ot Storm Lake, Iowa, has been visiting his brother, J>W. Kim­ ball and family the past few days. C. A. KNIOHT, of Chicago, was shaking hards with friendB here on Saturday last. W. A. CRISTY, W. P. Baer, and Mat. Engeln were Chicago visitors on Tues­ day. Miss FANNIE OSBORNE, of the Ringwood Public School,v was the guest of Miss Flora Sherburne on Saturday last. JOHN SCHUENEMANN and wife, of Chica­ go, were visi ting friends here the first of the week. M. KELTER, of Chicago, an old time resident here, was calling on friends on Saturday last. He came out to attend the funeral of James Kenaelly. THE Ladies' Willing Workers Society will meet with Mrs. E. M. Owen, on Friday afternoon of this week. Let there be a general attendance. MRS. W. A. CRISTY, President. MBS. O. N. OWEN, Secretary. '4 THE ladies of the W. C. T. U. tfifl with Mrs. Dr. Brown, on Thursday after­ noon, Nov. 15th, at 2:30 o'clock.. All members are requested to be present. MRS. A. E. AUKIKGER, President. MRS. T. J. WALSH, Secretary. DB HOWE will be at the Parker Howie, West MsHenry, thia week Saturday, af­ fording an opportunity for consultation to those who failed to see him at his last regular appointment. This will be the only time the doctor waits upon patients here until his next regular visit. Now is the time to advertise. Tell the people what you have to sell, keep it be­ fore them in such a manner that no mis­ take can be made. The merchant who advertises well is the merchant who suc­ ceeds. Bring your advertisements to the PLAINDEALER. Two weeks from to-morrow evening occurs the Annual Thanksgiving Party, at tlie Riverside House, and the dancing public are looking forward to a regular old fashioned time at that popular danc­ ing resort. And they will not be disap­ pointed. Slocum's full orchestra will furnish the music. Don't forget the date, November 29th. • DIED.--At the residence of his son, in Chicago, on Thursdav, Nov. 8, 1894, James Kenaelly, aged 84 years. Mr. Kenaelly formerly lived on a farm south of this village, and is well and favorably known by ail of our citizens. We did not learn the immediate cause of death. His remains were brought here on Saturday and the funeral held from St. Patrick's church, Rev. Father O'Neil officiating. AN exchange hits the nail on the head in the following: We were a little sur­ prised a few days ago to find $50 in the road beside a hedge at the corner of a prominent farmer's home, and more so to find that it had lain there several months unmolested and was beginning to look the worse for exposure. The money was in the shape of a mowing machine that will have to be replaced with a new one before many years unless cared for better than that. A Kentucky merchant advertises "tack­ ing combs and side saddles, hair pins and trace chains, watch charms and sledge hammers, hair oil and blasting powder, cinnamon drops and Colt's re­ volvers." A Canadian merchant, with a more varied stock thaii the above, has the following painted on a bulletin board in front of hisplace of business: " Coal, coke, pitch, oakum, tar and rope, wax candies, tobacco, tea and soap, bibles, black-ball, benzine and butter, godly books, ginger ale and gimlets for sale here, also, horses shod, teeth extracted, farm produce bought and sold and shoes mended. THE Concert, under the auspices of the Universalist Choir, at the City flail, on Friday evening last, was indeed one of the best entertainments of the kind ever held in this village, and the Choir not only added to their treasury, but to their laurels as well. Prof. Straub, Dr. Celley and the Misses Gertrude and Caro­ line Straub, were all professionals in their line, and their performances were receiv­ ed with delight by the large audience in attendance. As regards the home talent, where all done so well we dare not attempt to, particularize. We can simply saj^fcbtu the entertainment was first class in every particular, and one which will long be remembered with pleasure by all who attended. The re­ ceipts were between $28 and f 30. DEATH OF 0 T HOWB DIED.---At bis home in Chicago, on Friday |nornfng, Nov. 9th, 1894, of pneumonia,T. Howe, aged 69 years. Mr. Howe was an old resident of this village, and was in b^inesa hew* for many years, He held the office of Town Clerk for eleven or twelve years. Some ;«tirs ago he moved to Chicago, where he resided at the time of his death. He leaves a wife, one son and one daughter to mourn his lose. His reina'ns were brought to this village and his funeral held from the Universalist Church on Saturday forenoon last, Rev. Straub officiating, and his remains deposited in Woodland cemetery, beside those of a daughter who preceded him many years. IN the Fargo Morning Snn, of Fargo, N. D., under date of Sept. 14, we find the following: A. F. Kuhnert is certainly a progress­ ive business man. His was the first livery barn {Jrected after the fire. He laid the first noncombustible sidewalk in the city. Now he enjoys the distinction of introducing the first handsome cab in Fargo. It was monopolised all day yesterday. A. F. Kuhnert is a son of Charles Kuhnert, of Johnaburgh, and a brother ,-v« II^> tt~:~--. Ac &IGHLY COMPUMENTAET.^ The many friends of Prof. J. H. Burger, who formerly taught in the McHenry Public Schools, will be pleased to read the following highly complimentary no­ tice of the work he is doing in theLeland, III., High School, which we clip from tJie Leland Express of Oct. 26. - Co. Supt. Ktockdale visited our school Monday and delivered to Prof. Burger the maps sent from here to the education exhibit at the State Fair and which took the first apd second premiums as being the best presented fron the 102 counties in the state. The superintendent also delivered to Prof. B the cash, $15, paid on these premiums by the Board of Agri­ culture. The superintendent expressed himself as greatly pleased at our success and highly commends the discipline maintained in the school as well as the very successful manner of instruction by the different teachers, especially Prof. Burger. Prof. Burger was one of McHenry county's best teachers, and the citizens of Leland were fortunate when they se­ cured his services. BEAR in mind the Dancing School, which will be organized at Riverside Hall to-morrow, Thursday evening. H. P. Tilden, who is to conduct the school, comes highly recommended, and in fact is personally known to many in this county. In speaking of his schools, an Elgin exchange has the following to say: H. P. Tilden expects to open his danc­ ing school at the armory Wednesday evening, Nov. 10. This announcement will be very gratifying to many of his old patrons aud others who have been wait­ ing for it. Mr. Tilden's past success in this line in Elgin is a splendid recommen­ dation. That he is now one of the chief instructors for the well known Martine, Chicago, having full charge of one of the professor's three academies, also speaks exceedingly well of Mr. Tilden's ability. He will have "lots" of new dances-- among them the "American Gavot," "Columbia." "Octagon," "Minuet," "La Rush." together-with those already familiar. He also has a new waltz step which is bound to be popular. As here­ tofore he will give a social every two weeks. Those wishing to learn dancing or to improve in it should join Mr. Til­ den's school. We bespeak for Mr. Tilden a large cla«s in this village. Be sure and be on hand, to-morrow evening, Nov, 15, as no tick ets will be sold after the first lesson. See notice in another column. WOODSTOCK. Loran Woodard, of Marengo, was here on business last Friday. Richard Shay, of Majfair, visited his parents here Sunday. P. K. Allen, of R^bmoad, was a Wood­ stock visitor Saturday. A. Bogart, of Richmond, was on our Streets S»itnrrt«.y John Donahue was up from Huntley Saturday on business^ " A. Arnold -was., outUroTn Chicago last Sunday. - E. E. Murphy, of Chicago^ spent Sun­ day with his parents here. C. N. Wright, of Chieago, spent Sunday wiUi his parents in this city. J. C. Hallasey and wife returned on Sunday from a pleasant visit with friends in Chicago. Mrs. .lacob Kuhn returned on Satur1 day from a visit with friends in Chicago. Dr. Johnson, of Harvard, was here on. professional business on Friday evening last. Dr. F. -M. Armstrong, of Richmond, was here on business Saturday. B.T. Donnelly, of Chicago, spent Sun- day at his home in this city. J. P. McManus; of Chicago, was at home Over Sunday. j Chas. Thomas and jwife, of Chicago, spent Sunday with his parents in this city. Iviiss Bercna Mead, oi Elian, spent Sunday with her mother and brothers in this city. H. M. Hastings and wife, of Richmond, visited with friends here last Friday. W. H. Sherman aud wife left on Mon­ day for St. Thomas, Canada, for a few weeks' visit with their daughter. A. D. Kennedy .visited friends at Joliet last week. M. H. Schenck went to Elgin the first of the week. Thos. McD. Richards and wife left last week for Hebron, Neb., where they will visit with their son. Thos. Guth is visiting with 'friends in Chicago this week. Josephine Schenck returned on Sun­ day from a three weeks' visit with rela­ tives and friends in Chicago, Judge Glennon, of Chicago, spent San- day with his parents. Miss Mary Stoker, of St. Joe, Mo., spent Sunday with the family of her uncle, Emil Pfeifer, in this city. Will Bolger spent Sunday with his brother, at Elgin. County court was in session Monday. The roads were in a terrible condition on Sunday last and very few people were out for a pleasure ride. The next and last horse sale of the year will take place on Wednesday, Dec. 12, 1894. The Rev. J. M. Green delivered his lec­ ture, " Battle of Gettysburg, at the City Hall last week Friday evening to a good audience. Mr. Green is an eloquent speaker, his subject is an interesting one, and his description of that terrible con­ flict left a lasting impression in the mem­ ories of all who heard him. Chris. Ehlenfenfeldt, of Huntley, is the new clerk in A. S. Wright's drug store, having eutered upon his duties at that place on Monday morning He is a pleasant and courteous young man and comes to our city highly recommended by the people of Huntley. A pleasant social dancing party was enjoyed at the residence of Ed. Mullen in Seneca township on Thursday evening of last week. Guth & Howard's orches­ tra furnished the furnished the music and a most enjoyable time is reported by all who attended. The Bachelor's Club will give their first dancing party in the City Hall Friday evening. Chestnut's orchestra furnishes the music. The Spring City Sporting Club will give their second grand masked ball in this city, in Murphy's Hall, on Wednesday evening, Nov. 28th. Music by the Apol­ lo Orchestra. Tiskets $1. Supper at thd Hotel Woodstock. <i i hi nriff ii in ; 'MUfti. , • > Miii^iir/iii1 ' :NUNDA, ' ' " '• Election is over. * * ' - A number ot our citizens were at Wood­ stock last Wednesday and took a ride around the park. J. Van Siyke was a Nanda.rfeifcor last Friday. H. W. and Archie Hill were Chicago victors Election passed off very quietly at Nunda. Everything went Republican. A number of Nunda eitiaens wore fortu­ nate enough to bet aud wiu on election. The Columbian keeps a fine assortment of fresh fruits and candies. F. Palmer has gone north for another car of cows. Oyster t-tews and meals at the Colum­ bian, just south of the Richmond House. Winter commences November 7th. Elmer D. Andrus has gone to Indiana. Henry Keyes, county treasurer elect, was a Woodstock visitor Monday. H. T. Jones, of Crystal Lake has gone east on a visit. He will be absent two or three weeks. S. S. Rollins and daughter left Tuesday morning for New Orleans, where they ex­ pert |o spend the winter. • OSTEND ITEMS. JNpcks wont to the city on on Saturday of last week. The Greenwood Baptist Ladies' Aid cjociery wiu meet wicu Airs. Wm. iNogle on Wednesday, Nov. 21. An effort is being made to erect some sheds at the school house. A meeting to decide the matter will be held at the school house on Thursday evening of this week. Three large prairie wolves crossed the farm ot E. H. Thompson on Wednes­ day of la^t week. They were pursued as far as Terra Cotta when the chase was given up. The Ostend Sunday School will hold an apron and necktie social at the residence of Wm. Nogle, on Wednesday evening, Nov. 21. The ladies are requested to bring an apron that has not been hem­ med, and a necktie of the same material. A short programme will be given, after which supper will be served. All are cordially invited to be present. R. W. Colby is attending school at McHenry. Charlie Dates moved into part of Frank Wattles'house Monday. Business ideate. Books cheap, nice bound only 20 and 25 cents at J. A. Story's. Dr. Price's Cresm Baking Most Perfect Made. No merchant in the county can match our fine line of ladies' and gents/ boys' and misses' fine shoes. Low prices in fall underwear at Perry & Owen's, and a monster stock to select from. _______ Fine henriettas, black and latest Owen's. and suitings, in Shades, at Perry A Several dozens of the newest styles in gents' ties came in this week at Perry A Owen's. _______ I have calls for money on first class real estate security for. a term of years, lltf H. C. MEAD. I have calls for Houses, Who has any to rent in this village? Let me Knowv and I can rent them. H. C. MEAD • f - We ar® overloaded with heavy winter goods, owing to the lati fall, and want to unload at onco? therefore we will make pr;C6* low enough. Have all bizee irf tbe famous Mishawaka wool knit Boot, the best in the world, and we have the 'Snasr Proof over to " ik < i go with them, - " /' : ykh - •a % (if E. Lawlus, tailor, has taken orders tor some fine suits. Call in and Bavsr 25 cents on the dollar. DO NOT WAIT. A newspaper man is in some instances like other people. He respects his friends, appreciates a kindness, and is always willing to return a favor. In another respect he resembles his fellow men. He will not continue to pat a man on the back, tell what a good man he is, and how much he has done for the people, and give a free puff every day, when the man will not through prejudice or other­ wise. reciprocate in a business way- In other words he stands by the man who stands by him. That's about the way of the world, and newspaper men can't be expected to be so much different from other peopla. OYSTER SUPPER The M. E. Society will give an Oyster Supper and Entertainment at the City Hall, Friday evening of this week, Nov. 16. Extensive preparations are being made to make this one of the most inter­ esting and enjoyable entertainments of thefeason, An interesting musical and literary program wjll be given, commen­ cing at 8 o'clock. Oysters will be seryed from 5:30 to 7:00 p. M., also after entertainment. The young ladies have a choice collection of useful and orna­ mental articles which they will have on sale during the evening. Tickets in­ cluding Supper and Entertainment, 25 cents. Tickets for Entertainment only, 10 cents. Every one, is cordially invited to come out aad enjoy an evening of pleasure and also help along the cause. The piano used tor this concert is a new Crown, and is furnished by O. W. Owen, dealer in pianos and organs.-- These pianos are of superior tone and finish, and sold at extremely low prices for so high grade instruments. GOLD CURE Dr. D. L. Taylor, the Gold Care Spec­ ialist, who has been located at Wood­ stock for the past seven months, is now located at the Riverside Hotel, where he is prepared to treat and cure Opium, Morphine, Tobacco and Alcoholic dis­ eases. During his stay in Woodstock he treated and cured a large number of persons, including some well known citizens of McHenry. He gives private treatment when desired. Also guaran­ tees each and every patient a cure. Every patient has the privilege of drink­ ing all they desire, and as long as they wish while undergoing treatment. He comes recommended by well known citi­ zensIllinois, . 19wl PARTICULAR NOTICE. The time having come when I must close my books, all knowing themselves indebted to me are requested to call and settle the same on or bef»re December 1 JOHN I. STORY. u.n vr ii 1 on A If you are troubled with constipation or piles, which are usually a result of this disorder, go at once to your druggist and get a 10 cent, bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. And for indigestion noth­ ing can equal it. Large sizes 50 cents and $ 1. At J. A. Story's. y 18ml MUD! MUD! Every scholar going to school needs a pair of good school shoes and the best rubbers. We have tbe best and the cheapest. PERRY & OWEN. Bring in your feet to be locked up in a pair of our Fargo or Douglas Fine Shoes, or Candee Rubbers at S. Stoffel's. Send your entire female alliance at once for ehgant new Jackets or Capes. Over 200 to choose from at S.Stoffel's. LOST! Between the livery barn of H. E. Wightman and the depot, a Meat Saw. The finder will be rewarded by leaving the mune at the West Side market. * R. A. HOWARD. , Snag proof rubber boots are taking better than ever. People are learning of their dnnhln ni>Arin<r will have no others. They cost bat a trifle more than the common ones. Fonnd only at Perry & Owen's. OCEAN TICKETS, To or from any part of Europe at lowest 'possible rates, Over the White Star and North German Lloyd Steamship Com­ panies. Money sent at trifling cost to any part of the world. ^ I SIMON STOFFEL. tAIAAITcn 8o^ 10 men to soMclt orders " • CU for Hardy Nursery Stock Fruit and Ornamentals ; JU80 new and valu able varieties < t'8cc<i Potatoes. Permanent p 8ition;; g'od salary, ranging fr>m $75 to (128 par month. Apply quick with retcronces, L. L. MAY A CO., St Saul, Minn. Nurserymen, Florists aud ScuUtnou. 5 N A G P»OQr' SAVE 25 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. Call in and be measured for a suit' pants or vest, made of the very beet of cloths, first class in every respect. A fit wammted or no sale. E. LAWLUS. -- Opposite Riverside House. Loans Negotiated. ' Do you want money ? I can get it for you. Have you real estate to sell or rent? Do you want to buy or rent? I can help you. Terms reasonable. 2yl H. C. MEAD, West McHenry. DRY WOOD FOR SALE. The undersigned has a quantity of dry wood for sale. Will deliver in any part of the village in quantities of one cord or more. Orders may be left at the Ag­ ricultural Warehouse. WM. BAOON. To THE LADIES OF MCHENRY AND VICIN­ ITY I would say I still have the agency for the Barton System, west of the river, six months longer. Those wishing a system that will give perfect satisfaction please call at my home, West McHenry. MRS. H. L. BLACKMAN. #e have customers ^ ho hou^hi these overs of us in 1892 and are wearing the same ones to-day, without a bole or crack in them. These same persons wore oat two to four pairs of the best or­ dinary rubbers each season before getting the 'snag proof.' The best ordinary rubbers are aot in itwilh the 'auag proof NOTICE.--Having learned that a gang of Lightning Rod swindlers, from Chicago, are traveling in this county, the Security Lightning Rod Company, of Burlington, wish to say that if any one who has been or may hereafter be swindled by any of these sharks, wiir report the same to them they will assist in their prosecution and see that they are»brought to justice. Address the Security Lightning Rod Com­ pany, Burlington, Wis. We wish right here say that the Security is reliable in every particular and any one contem­ plating purchasing a Rod will make no mistake by dealing with them, as their Rod has no superior in the market. DANCING SCHOOL. Prof. Tilden, who forsixteen years has devoted his time to the art of dancing, and for three years held the position of head instructor in three largest dancing academies in tbe west, will open a class at Riverside Hall, Thursday, Nov. 15th, after which the class will meet on Wed­ nesday nights. He will teach all the latest dances taught by tbe society qf Professors of Dancing, including the German. All withing to join his class must do so Nov. 15, or send your names in to J. I. Story, proprietor Riverside House, on or before Thursday of this week, as no tickets will be sold afterNov. 15. Terms for 12 lessons: Ladies, $5. Gents, $6. Payable in advance, as fol- _ lows: Ladies $3 and Gents #4, tbe bal- ance of f 2 to be paid at the closing Of the *s half term, Dec. 19. Private lessons given fy by appointment. He will give two or |- three extra parties during the season for |e the benefit of his class. Remember the JH first lesson is most important of all. r An immense stock of Morris mill and Albert Underwear and Hosiery at S. Stoffel's. PROTECTION THE CRY. Protect your children from the fearfal fall colds by calling on Perry & Owen for a pair ot those "Best of AH" school shoes and get a pair of rubbers to keep out the thick mud they are all tramping in. COWS FOR SALE. For sale, two choice Milch Cows. In­ quire of JOHN I. STORY 15tf At Riverside House. SPEAKING OF COLDS, Do you know that if you keep your sys­ tem open and free from constipation that you are not liable to take cold? Doc­ tors know this to be a fact. You don't consult the doctor, however, until the cold is on. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is pleasant to take, and cures constipa­ tion. Ten doses 10 cents (trial size) large size 50c and $1. At J. A. Story's. 18ml MILLINERY. Sin. J. H. Spaulding and daughter now have in a full line of winter millin­ ery, to which they wish to invite the at­ tention of the ladies of McJ lenry and vi­ cinity. Call and examine before purchas­ ing. We shall endeavor to keep a full line of trimmed hats and bonnets on hand to select from, also many fancy goods and notions. We would say to those ladies wishing a perfect fitting and comfortable corset or corset waist that we' have a full line of the finest fitting corsets to be found, in different styles to fit the different forms. Also, dress-mak­ ing the same as ever. MRS. J. H. SPAULDING A DAUGHTER. Come forward now and seiectyour win­ ter supply of Dress Goods, Flannels, Shawls, Yarns,-Blankets, Robes, Mittens, Caps, Footwear, Horse Goods, etc., at S. Stoffel's. A second shipment of those fine St. Paul Fur Coats just received at S. Stoffel's. Prices from $10 to $35. All sizes. --- - PERSONS desirous of purchasing a Piano can see one of the celebrated Crown Pianos at the residence of Simon Stoffel, where they are invited to call and examine it. It is one of the best pianos for the money on the market. 0. W. OWEN, Agent, ST. PAUL FUR OVERCOATS Just received direct from the factory. All sizes and kinds, and prices to please all at S. Stoffel's. REGISTERED CATTLE FOR SALE. We offer for sale the following register­ ed Jersey Cattle: 1 Heifer 14 months old, 1 Bull Calf, 1 Bull 3 years old and 1 new milch Jersey Heifer. Are all fine animals and will be,sold reasonable. Call on or address . 4 " 1 T -w • u . . . I ho Snag Proof overs aikd rubber boots can be bought at no other place in town; we are the sole agents. We are selling lots ot warm shoes, German socks, school shoes and arctics and rubbers; all sizes of the best make«» . ̂ , * Jilarge line of ladies' andnlnf ,,$ .• ,4 es' Cloaks and Jackets, *! oat ' ^ ^ prices. , | Ringwood, 111. ^ V. AUCKLAND, OH ». S. HARRISON, 13w4 FOR SALE: A 6 ft. Water Tank. 2% ft. staves. Will be sold cheap if applied for soon. 17t2 F. A. HEBARD. THE GREAT NAPOLEON Was extremely careful about his personal habits, and no man ever possessed a keener or quicker intellect. If you have been neglectful and are suffering with constipation, indigestion, or other forms of stomach or bowel trouble, at once take steps to correct the evil. Dr. Cald­ well's Syrup Pepsin can give you more relief in this respect than any other rem­ edy. Ten doses 10 cents (large sizes 50 cents and $1). At J. A. Story's. 18ml BARBIAN BRVIS. have just put in ahnew brought to line of the finest pipes ever this market. Smokers will call and see them. Don't Tobs'ee Spit or 8moke your Life Away. The truthful startling title of a book about No-to-bac, the only harmless, guaranteed tobacco-habit cure. If you want to quit and can't use "No-to-bac." Braces up nicotinized nerves, eliminates nicotine poisons, makes weak men gain strength, weight and vigor. Positive cure or money refunded. Book at druggists, or mailed free. Ad­ dress The Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago, 45 Randolph St.; New York 10 Spruce St. 9yl- Flannels, suitings, fine surges and-new dress goods at Perry & Owen's. School shoes for the girls and boys, with cork sole dampness protector, at Perry & Owen's. A beautiful story is a lovely large book bound in leather, only $2.25, at J. A. Story's. Can and examine. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The beet salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum,- fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and aii skin eruptions, and posi­ tively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction do well to | or money refunded, Price 25 cents per , „ box. For .MfeW* THIS SLIP Jos. Beifleld & Co. have just sent a third large lot those stylish ladies' and misses' Jackets and Capes, and children's Cloaks at a reduction even from former low prices. Our entire stock will and must be closed out in the next two weeks. Call early on S. Stoffel. ^MARVELOUS RESULTS. From a letter written by Rev. J. Gund- erman, of Dimondale, Mich., we are per­ mitted to make this extract: " I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery, as the results were almost marvelous in the case of my wife. While 1 was pastor of the^Baptist church at Rives Junction she was brought down with Pneumonia succeeding,La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seemed as if she could not survive them A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery; it was quick in its work and highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles free at G. W. Besley's drug store. Regular size 50c. and $1. THE LADIES' TAILOR SYSTEM. Will be thoroughly taught by Mrs. Mooto. Has five years experience and first class references from scholars now holding steady situations. Ladies' gar­ ments of all kinds, ulsters, jackets, capes, fancy wraps, etc. Evening classes, two per week, 50 cents, or $5 for a term of three months. Those wishing to join must send in their names to E. Lawlus' tors,' opposite the Riverside House, if(>Jienry. ~ A beautif" found at J, a dainty gift. Waltz this way for your winter Suits and Overcoats. Large stock at Simon Stoffel's. 25 boxes new, large California raisins $1.25 per box at Perry & Owen's. WANTED, A home for a boy of twelve years ago. Apply to t W. A. CRISTY, Supervisor. FOUR BIG SUCCESSES. Having the needed merit to more than make good all the advertising claimed for them, the following four remedies have reached a phenomenal sale. Dr. Kin28 New Discovery, for consumption, coughs and eolds, each bottle guaran­ teed--Electric Bitters, the great remedy for liver, stomach and kidneys. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the wofki, and Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are a perfect pill. All these remedies are guar­ anteed to do just what is claimed for them and the dealer whose name is at­ tached herewith will be glad to tell yon more of them. For^ale at G. W. Besley's Awarded. - ^ ' Highest Honor8--Wprld'a Fair. •ElA; fgT* Fur Coats. Overcoats and Clothing below the Best cash price of any merchant in the county. Be sure and am Clothing before buying. m 'rl& '•1ft 5 : Are hilftif ̂ taking measures lor tailor made suits at about halt the usual prices for such work and #i guarantee fits to be perfect. pgRSee our immense stock oi stamped tidies, dresser scarfs, sideboard covers table mats, etc. Have ten times the stock of any ot the other merchants. Silks, linen and feotton in all the differ­ ent .shades*. €\:k f'd I ^ A full line of JBed Blankets, Gloves and Mittens, and a great stock of all ihe grades and .sizes m men's, boys*, ladies' and miss­ es' Underwear, Don't forget the coffee we have said so much about, tne flavor iar ahead of the common kinds. Pi lie burj's Bdst, Boss, Dandy and Polai* Star Flour at bottom prices. • Perry & Owen," General Merchants. iijtfi MoHJSNBY, ILL. PERRY ft CW£Jf> Busker* MoHENRY. - • ILLINOIS. »acen»f lefopoeitt. torn* ign <md Domiirtc Jb- CKEAM • MOST PERFECT MADB. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fte from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulters** 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. This Bank and sell* Foreign change, and doea a General Banking Business We endeavor to do aU Jmrinea* em- v trusted to <mr eesre in a manner and upon tesms entirety satiMfactory to OMP emtomsrs mud atpectfulty «olie<l||i||̂ :̂ public patronage. • MONEY TO LOAN; On Ileal E$iai0 and other fir*t dam \ eecurity. Speeiat attention given <0 lecti<nu, * »sf ' IMbUBAMOa ' * /Ui In JHrtt Ckm Oemp f̂* ̂ mi tfti Lovmt Bttee. ̂ Yowt ...̂ PERRY *<OWII« 'i M -

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