Published Evbby Wednesday by VAN SLY K B|- ., EDITOR AND PBOPBIETO*. OfTlCE JN THFC NICHOLS "«TDE*.' T*# DoorsNoTthof Ferry ft Owen's 8t«r«. a F. BO LEY, Prlinr of McHeiry Brewery | lie H ENRY, ILL. f Always on Band with \ ^ Beer. . i f " rwjN >raNom^je TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: tTMriin kdTftteel •? lot P«ld withlu Three Months... .... 8 «0 three or six Subscription* " Try A** o 5 r\ + «*»' receiver *0* t!en , ' RATES OF ADVERTISING: ^ - We ana»uno«ll>>er»l rates for advertising -la the Puui'KALKB, anrt endeavor to atete ' them 80 plainly that they will be readily ua 1 |i sretood. They are *s follows: 1 Inch one year -• » '• BOf> , * S Inches oue year n • >- * » *,/10G0 **' i- 8 Inches one year - «, -««'1 * *. '. v, fc Column one year , i1' n I -'"§0 00 Oolumn one year- .... 6000 V *t* * Column one year . . - - 100 qp ' One non means the meawraaent of one ' . nch down the column, single column width. ? »- Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege of ohanging as often aa they - *hoose, without extra charge. ; Regular advertisers (meaning those having 7.'|tanding carda) will be entitled to insertion local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line -iach week. All others will be charged 10 ients per line the first week, and 5 centa per Tine for eaoh subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil 4ype, same as this is set in) the first issue, and , S cents per line for subsequent issues. Thus, in inoh advertisement willeoat f 1.00 for one Week, <1.60 for two weeks, I*.00 tor three weeks, and so on. The Plaivdralsr will t»e liberal In giving " " --•kniMjinsi juuviocb, i>a«, «•» a i ' Will require a suitable fee from everybody Seeking the use of itfi columns for pecuniary v: - *»*• ioc. ; ioc. Does smoke from four cigar arise Like ir.cense in the air? j Or does it only cause a smudge And make your neighbor 8wear? Why will yon stick to cabbage teareR And drive youririeuue amr, When you can purchase for a dime "Our Monogram" cigar? IOC* < IOC. BARBIAN BROS. MAICSB8 OF| Choice Cigars. Wecan s«l! you one or a thousand--retai> or wholeaale. Wert Side Ilwry, FEED AND SALE STABLES. E- J- HANLY, Prop'r. WEST McHENRT. ILL. / First class rigs, with or without dri^«ra fttrirsbed'at reasMsaiile rates- Parties tekeft »• and from the Lakes In Easy Rigs, and prompt connection msrte with ail trains 1 Our Bigs will be kept in first class sh«pe. ami we shall a^are nopa'ns to please our cus tomers at all times. Give us a call, YOUl SHOULD OBTAIN FOB YOU Goods ii tie That i« tfvO^ BUSINESS CARDS. PBA.NK L. 8HEPABD, ./COUNSELLOB AT LAW. Suite 514--*! La ::\J Salle St., Ohioago. -# , --r JOS. L. ABT. M. D. t>HT810IAK andSUROEON, McMenrv, 111, Sifif'VWSSf.K* ***«*, $i O.BL FEGEB8, M, D- - ̂ • fcjHrsiOlAJI AND SURG SOU, MeHenry ..|TIlls, Office at Residence. ' a J. HOW ABD, M. D. • ;> • l |rt®f¥slOIAH AND 8URGEON. Office at JT the ersldenee of B. A. Howard, Weat MeHenry, 111. hR. A. E. AURINGER, T>HYSIOIaN AND SURGEON. Ofllee in Dr. JT Ohiida building, West MeHenry, III. • Residence, house formerly occupied bv Dr. Siborne, Alt professional ealls promptly at. nded to. Ipo/OOLBY, D, D.S. . .-IST. Woodstock. 111. Special aten- tion paid to regulating children's teethj T parties coming from r distancew<t d rtowel I U> give timolj notice by mail. Office, Kendal block corner Main street and PubliuSq are O. P. BABNES, " TTOBNEY, Solicitor, and Oonneelor, L Oollectione a specialty. WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS. " T h e what we are siat iMtied to make, fetest, *** Mud tliinlc we ean no demonstrate to you West MeHenry, 111, E. J. H A.NLY, Aug. 15, 1«H. Agents Wanted f l f l t Q H 1 S 7 1 Q S 3 HP THF I1AV Political Revolution of Vr • «t UHf • .a, Cri,ta Of '03 and •»* Rattles for breaa. Ocixktis*. Mrike>>, the Unemployed. Labor Issues of the present atid the future Tariff i-epiilHtiou 1'he "ilver Questions What Protection <loea tor the Amerirau Workmen. What Free Trade rtoes f< r him. A bo k for the hour. Every botlv wants ir, Pri r only #150. Sells at fight Most liberal terms to agents. Send for ' irculsrs or send "0 cents for agent's out fit at once P. W ZikULKK * G», <83 Market Street, fet, Louia, llo. HEAR THE DEPOT* ¥ WEST McHENRY, TT .T- Keeps open for the Public a Firat-Olaaa Of UK if you will give us the opportunity. Call In end see the Coodt and be convinced. CUS CARLSON. MeHenry, 111., 1894. Wm Ag^tmlturaf DEALKB IX jMachineryl MutlENKY, ILL. KNIGHT A BROWN, JBNBT8 AT LAW. U. 8. Expreaa Oo.'a IBuildlng, 87 and 89 Washington St. OHIOAGO, ILL. V,4. LUMLET. and Solicitor in M ' ATTOBNEY AT LAW, El. Ohaneery, • WOODSTOCK, ILL. Offioe In Park Mouae, first floor. f> H. C. MEAD, 'mttHse of the Peace and Oenttrul In surance Agent Jncluding Accident and Life Imurance. OlIIOI WITH B. Gxlbrkt, NUB D*POT, WBBT MoUBMBT, III. W. P. 8T. CLAIR. ;of the Peace and Notary Public heal Estate and Insurance. fCUNDA,llU A. M. CHURCH, t|l^tnhniaker and Jeweler j%TO-On 1 HuodredTwenty-Fiv© State St Ohl- ••iN cage, III. Special attention given to re- smiringr ine watches and Chronometers. /•jAarAJTull Aaaortment of Goods fflf' 1 • 1 ii 1) JOHN P. SMITH, IVatohmaker A Jeweler : MeHENRY. ILLINOIS. la riNE stock of Olooka, WatcheB and Jew- R elry always on hand. Special attention liven to repairing fine watehea. Qive me ! € t U * - ̂ ' J O H N P . B M J T B . r '*#•- ' --!--"T Westerman & Son, HOUSEi SIGN AND CARRIAGE PAINTERS. MOBufrsr, Illdbois. We are prepared to do all work in oor line "" Ir|Mtife and guarantee satisfaction. PAPEK HANGING A SPKCIALTK Prices reasonable and wrrk promptly 4one* W ESTEEM AN A SON. MeHenry, J vnuary 80,1«84. JOOJX J. BUCH, RESTAURANT BOARDING iiouss, Hew the Iran Brldi* MtNe«p poard by the Oay or W--U Naaonab e rates, V|k niob LNRS of,Row Boats at my Lahdimg. Pare Winer Uqu-.H'saml Obotee Oigsra alMftXAOB hand. have the most complete line of Pumps to be found in the county, and if you are in need of one it will pay yon to caU and see us We have TEE MYERS lOECI POMP, WITH WIND MUX REGULATOR, Buggies A Carriages Our entire stock of Busies and Carriages will be sold AT COST for the next 30 day*. SALOON AND RESTAURANT MoHENRY, ILLINOIS. Wholesale and Retail Agent for 8CUL1TZ lilwaote Brewioi Co's Beer^ THE BESTMADE. In any quantity from a Suite Qlaes to 1C0 barrels. Orden by mail promptly attended to. ALSO ALWATS ON BAND , Fine Kentucky Liquors* French Bitters, choice Ales, Wines, Cigars, Etc I bi y none but the best 'fend sell at reasonable prices. Call and see me and I will ne< use you well. ANTONY MeHenry, 111 , 1894# HfMUU A O R A W P Q F V E R I KMC. A. RUFPEHT'S FACE BLEACH flfme. A. Rtippert sr.yff. *1 i.pproiiato tho fact that there a.e luany thousands of ladles in tlie United States that w. ulcl like to try mj World lienor nod F*co Bleach, buth:ive beeu kept t from doing so on account ot 8~ rice, which is f2.00 per bot - le. or 3 bottles, taken to- jjether, f.YOO. In order t hat all mny have an opport unity. I wlll!5ell to every callcrasam- irtebottlefor 2oc, and to those JlViiiK outside of city, lu any nv. sr 'r j -r- part of th© world. I will jBwm. It safely packed, plain Wtaimer. all preaaid.for25c. eilTerorsi-ampa. In •rerrcaseoffrecklea^pimples, TBotbs Bailow* MM. blaokbeads. acne, eciema, olliness or rouBli- nesa. or aar discoloration or disease of thein. wrinkles (not caueed by facial expression* 1'ace nieacll nooTM at solatel y. It does not cover up, S'Sfsmlt^So. muDicatiOTis or ©ail on ill 31Ee A. Is I'i ( m Ko. • Ba«t 14th Street, New TtorltCUy. Ml my preparations, sampl^8s o«-ttles. &Qet CW D€ jtod St regular from my locai ayect, Mrs. ft. A. BOBBINS, Mc Henry, 111. Saloon and Restaurant, Where he will at an times keep brands of Wines, Liquors and Gigara all timea keen the beet Llqu to be found in the market. PABST'S lflhra«ksa Lager At Wholesale and Retail. . Bottlea al *ay« on hand, cheaper than any other, quail. ty considered. Oidera by mall promptly attended to. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSm awoall and-see aa. Robert Schiessle. *4r- REIDS German OUGH KIDNEY ell RE- (bnts^ins no Poison. Reid's German Pills cure Constipation and Malaria. 6y!van Cum purifies th© breath* COAL; Wfl^UR LU11BSR CO. ; : AT THEIR YARDS IN • -WSiT McHSIiilY9 . Httve now on bund Moth hard and soft Coal, which they will sell at prices ag low aa the lowest. We are handling the celebrated, Croes Creek Lehigh Hard Coal, which w«' guarantee unequakd by any. . {^"Delivery made to suit pur chaser Feed! Feed! Feed of ail kinds constantly ott hand. Car Lots a Specialty. Ggr rile. Lime, Cement, etc. always on band. Wilbur Lumber Co. Do You Want Wnrlr ? A steady paytup job f f v/JL J.A. • with l»r. est liouse in the west, 30 years es'ablishcd. With our fa- oilities we can make * (foort saleMuan in two weeks from row material. Nursory stock that is warranted to grow 25 bet varletiea teed potatoes in the world, etc. If you wa«t money write, stating age. L L. HAT A CO. Nurserymen, Vloilata and Seedsmen. (TUs homers responsible) > WANTED IT CUFfS C R 0 ^ A N p 8 or 10 men to solicit orders for Hartty Nursery Stock Kruit and Ornamentals ; also new and valu able varieties • !'Seeti Potatoes. Permanent prgition'-, g'od salary, rangintr fruu f,5 t' #125 per month, Api:ly quick with retereuces, L. L. MAY Sl COL, st pau<. Minn. Nurserymen, Ptorlata ami Seedmen. Onitefl StatesjSarClaim Apiics WM- H. COWLlNl Woodstock - - » Illinois Prosecutes all claaaaa and klnda of ciaimt against the United States for ez-Soldlers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs A specialty is made in prosecuting old and rejected claims. All oommunioationa promptly answered it Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply. WM, E. COWLJA oftee at Besidecee, Madlaon St. Woods toes E, RICHARD EON, JEWELER & OPTICIAN. Finest Lho^es, Fye-Glasses aifi jSPECTACLE8. llo Charge for Testing the Eyes. PFJRFBCT Fll' GUABANTKED. \ Will be afro. T, Drug Store, Algon quln, every SHmneFday, commercing July 11, Also, at a Severns's Drog Store, Cary. every Thureday,commencing July 2t)tb. Opmxtn Block* 36tt KUNDA,TLL. DR. FBUTH'S Went Visit. Friday. Jan. 25. WOODSTOCK, |L.f At the Hotel Woodst<x»k. »Tf DISPEMSARY DR. TRUTH, after years of experience has perfecte<l tte most infallible method of cur- ing Nervous dcOillty, deray of body and mind, sel<-distrust, poor memory, weak eyes, stunted develonment, lack of memory, im poverished blood, low vitality, and all eaocts ot atautee, excesses, improper life, etc., which renders marriage unhappy and life miserable. PKCIALTIE8--Catarrh, Skin Disea«es, Sores Pi uples, scrofula, Biood Taint, Eczema, Can- c«r, "iles, and Diseases of Women We Guarantee to Forfeit SSOOfor a ease of SEXUAL DISEASE X." °tlf.e£ Jure. Question liat FBEK. i ne peraonal nterview solicited. Cousultation free DR. D. O. FRU rH, 3B32 Lake Ave.« Chlcagoi DEALER IX DRTTOOODS, GROCERIES, CLOTHING, Dtuge. Paints and Oils. Flour, Notions, Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes, Hardware, Etc. VOmiLL. I wish to announce to my patrons and the public generally that I am now pre pared to furnish them with all goods ib my line at the Lowest Living Prices, f t5f™ FELTS MIII EUBBEB8 at prices that de5re mjnpetition. A large stock cp^eed Blankets, Horse Blankets, etc. Underwear, the finest stock to be found in this section. The finest stock of Shoes and Rubber Boots to be found 111 the Northwest. ; The best 50c. Tea iit markot. |^f°5 lbs. Arbuckle Coffiic, $1. Oj-sters 25c. per quart. .•» A No. 1 Fine Cut TobwJco, 26 cents per pound. In fact everything at bottom prices and good goods guaranteed. E. KICHARDSON. Yolo, 111., Dec. 10, 1894. A Few-Words of Its History and the Poet* of Its Destruction. The Vendome Column in Paris, which was destroyed by the Commune in 1871, was erected by Napoleon I., principally of cannon taken at Ulm, to commemo rate the victory of Austerlitz in 1805. It was covered with four hundred and twenty-five bronze plaqne, molded in bas-relief to display the chief incidents in the Austrian campaign of that year. They were each three feet and eight inches high, and formed a continuous band, inclosing the column twenty-two times as it circled to the top, the entire length of the spiral being ek-lit Iiuu- dred and forty ieet. Inste ad of Charle magne, as at first intended, it was sur- mounted'by a statue of the first Na poleon in a Roman costume and crowned with laurel. After several postponements it was brought to the ground on the 16th of May in the pres ence of many thousands who had waited few hours to witness the spec tacle. Owing to some engineering difficul ties in cutting the base ft could not be brought down at the time originally fixed. The members of the Commune attended in state to witness the affair, and sentinels were posted about half way down the Rue de la Paix to pre vent the crowd from approaching too close, as up to the last moment acci dents were feared. At half past five in the afternoon the rop»s were tightened, and suddenly the column was observed to lean forward toward Rue de la Paix, then finally to fall with a dull, heavy thud, raising as it did so an im mense cloud of dust. Before it touched the ground it Repijrated into throe parts by its own weight, and on reach ing the bed of dirt and fagots to re ceive it broke into at least thirty pieces. The statue of Napoleon, on reaching the ground, brokg off from its pedestal at the ankles, then at the knees, the waist, and the neck, while the iron railings which surrounded the summit of the monument were shivered to pieces. Shortly after the column had fallen spectators were permitted to traverse the place to witness the wreck,, but were not permitted to take away any of the fragments. SOME LONG BALLOON TRIPS. A Vain Effort to Cross the Mediterranean --^Voyaging from i;usiand to Germany, The longest balloon voyage on record was one undertaken in 1883, in which the distance traveled was a little more than one thousand two hundred miles. Three voyagers on that occasion, says Harbison's Magazine, made an ascent in France, with the intention of cross ing Mediterranean and landing in Al geria. The wind, however, proving unfavorable, carried them toward Cor- isca. When they were near that island the balloon descended toward the water, and for a time their lives were in great jeopardy. By throwing out all their apparatus they succeeded in getting the balloon to rise to height of between two and three thou sand feet, and, traveling on to Italy they safely descended in that country at a little village near Brescia. An other balloon voyage of nearly the same Jength was undertaken in No vember. 1836. On the 7th of that month, CharlesGreen, with two friends, ascended near London in a balloon, crossed the channel from Dover to Calais, and, passing over France and Belgium, found themselves the next morning over the Rhine. Proceeding further they arrived at Viborg, where they descended about eight a. m. on the 8th of November. A recent bal loon voyage of M. Mallet, the French aeronaut, lasted thirty-six and one' half hours and would have been the longest on record if he had not landed in the middle of it. lie left Villette on the 23d of October at six p. m. and next morning landed at Ottonville, in Alsace, to clear the snow from the balloon. At the end of twenty-five min utes he started a^ain and landed near Coblentz at eight p. m. An hour and a half later he landed once more in valley on Tauna mountains, and fin ally, on the 25th of October, at six a. m,, at Walben, in Ilesse. Two or three aeronauts have proposed to cross the Atlantic in a balloon, but so far-it iias begun and ended in talk only. : •: T fl***t»pMcsl Location of the Five Laagfr tndlnal Belts in This Country. With the enormous increase of rail way traveling the necessity arose for inventing some method of counting time which should avoid the complica tions anting from the use of local mean •ime, which varies with every mile ol fist or west travel. What is known as the "new standard time" was adopted l.y agreement by all the principal rail roads of the United States at twelve o'clock, noon, on November 18, 1883. Ihe system, says the Detroit Free Iress, divides the continent into flv« A FISH STORY. SAVINGS • aad surplus funds r< Cfived and lonued on carefully se-lecttd real entntfl securities and the interest collectfldT / \ A "VJ" •nd ^fm^tted withnutX^V^XXX~ O# ci>arge. Limns dim1« ui> time and terms to amt borrower J. W. BANaUfiaD, Zl jjui'age street, iUain. Illinois. let Day R E V I V O REST0HES VITALITY. Made a Well Man 15th Day. "^j|.$^ of Me. THE GREAT 30th T»ay- PZUEOfCSE RBMBDT produces the above results In MO dayjj. It a-1 powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fa:. Zouug mim will rctiaiu then' lomt maulioo.l ami OK neu will recover th.-ir yrnthtul vmor by Ub.i:< KKVI VO. It quickly and surely restores Ncrvoi:: aess. Lost Vitality, Impoteucy. Nightly Emission* Lost Power. Failing Memory, \Ya:-tnikr Diseases an. «U effects of self-abuse or exce-* and iudiscrttior, which uutits one tor s'luiy. business or marriage, j not only cures by starting at the feat of disease be isagreat nerve toni© and bload builder, britit ing back the pink glow to l«le oheeks a' dr. storing the fire youth. I< wards off Jnsatiit aad Consumption. Insi.-t ItK1IV O, i other. It can be ca 8>1.00 per package, oi tive written i. !.:««•' the money. Cucni* R0YAU MEDIC!K Q . W. Bes pocket. By DO, with a pe »re or reiar Four Ken Did the Work and a Cat Sn- Joyed the BeneAt Thereof. A Lewiston railroad man, two friends out of town and a local bag- gagemaster went fishing one night and early the next morning along the sinu ous edges of Worthley brook, says the Lewiston (Me.) Journal. They lost their sleep, walked thirty miles or less, lield their individual breath one hun dred and sixty times by count at the climaxes of the casts, and then came home with one trout 6even inches long --said trout having a sheepish look in its face at being the only trout caught. Their friends chaffed them, but they said they had had a good time. At dinner time they met and declared that they'd dine off that trout, that is, they would partly dine off that trout. One of them cooked it and put it on the table and then, while he stepped into the kitchen for the salt box, the cat jumped up on the table and ate the trout. They returned in time to see the cat washing her face and picking trout bones from between her teeth. They were philosophers, and their philosophy alone saved them, but it was rather galling to think that the cat, that had not lost any sleep, bad not walked thirty miles, had not stood the gibes and .slings of the multitude, should eat the fish. I I CH1GIGC.! cHenry Notice to the Pubffc! I have just completed a Patent of an article that will be of general use to the public. It is a tool for cutting Brass, Copper, Steei or Iron, and can be used by hand quickly and easily. Has a Ro tary Motion, Spindle or Gear Pressure, and is one of the most useful articles for general useeverinvented. Assoon as prac ticable 1 shall commence their manufac ture and will then explain it more fully. Patent applied for. MATEK&lkn. MeHenry, Dec. 1,1894. t» luSl lulaiJ of time for each belt. These meridians a?e fifteen degrees of longitude, corre al onding to one hour of time, apart. Eistern Maine, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia use the sixtieth meridian; th? Canadas, New England, the mid dle states, Virginia and the Carolines us? the seventy-fifth meridian, which is that of Philadelphia; the states of the Mississippi valley, Alabama, Georgia and Florida, and westward, in- cluling Texas, Kansas and the larger part of Nebraska and Dakota, use the nin?tieth meridian, which is that of Nev Orleans. The territories to the western border of Arizona and Mon tana go by the time of the one hun dred and fifth meridian, which is that of Denver, and the Pacific states em ploy the one hundred and twentieth meridian. The time divisions are known as intercolonial time, eastern time, central time, mountain time and Pacific time. A traveler passing from one time belt to another will find his watch an hour fast or too slow, accord ing to the direction in which he is go ing. All points in any time division using the time of the meridian must set their timepieces faster or slower than the time indicated by the sun, ac cording as their position is east or west of the line. This change of system re duced the time standards used by the railroads from fifty-three to five* great convenience to the railroads a»"l the traveling public. GREAT PRESENCE JOF MIND. Bow a Clever Yankee Fooled a Braoe of Britisher*. The residents of Staten Island, dur ing" its occupancy by the British in rev olutionary times, were prohibited from keeping firearms of any description in their houses. A few of them, never theless, succeeded in concealing guns, and among these was a young man named Houseman. One morning, after the full of a light snow, says the Argo naut, the young man was out with his gun in quest of rabbits, when a sudden turn in the path brought him in sight of two soldiers. The two parties saw each other simultaneously, and each stopped. Houseman thought of the loss of his gun, and possibly of his life; but the sense of danger was but a stim ulus to his coolness and daring. He suddenly turned his back on the sol diers, pnd, stepping around the turn, waved his hand, as if beckoning to some one. "Ilurry up!" he shouted; "here arc two Britishers. Three of you go round to the right, three to the left, and the rest follow me. Hurry up, be- r'-tt fore they run awayl" . The i;riashe«k hearing theseg migM- be a: round themjj even threwjj tate their fi& made when they reached their quarters is not known, but a detachment was at once sent out to capture the young man and his army. Their surprise and mor tification may be imagined when, at the turn in the path, they could find but the tracks of a single individual. EVIDENCE OF THE PHONOGRAPH The Court Find* It More Acceptable Than That of the Plaintiff. The phonograph is being used with marked effect in English courts, says the Washington Star. Recently a rail road company was sued by the owner of premises upon a street under which the road had run a tunnel. The com plaint stated that the noise of the trains going through the tunnel was so great as to utterly prevent sleep, while existence in daylight was made unbearable by the same cause. The railroad company's attorneys produced in court a phonograph which they had managed to have pigged in the premises in questfon, and when it was put in motion, and failed to emit any of the terrible noises alleged to have been suffered by the complainants, and the fact that it had been on active duty in the building occupied by the latter was sufficiently established, the judge dismissed the complainant without further ccrcmony,- virtually ~ holding that the evidence of the phonograph was more acceptable than <^at of tile interested plaintiffs. . Hard for the Neighbors. During the present financial crisis it is probable that a great deal of charity has been as badly misdirected as was that of a charitably disposed young woman in Providence, who is noted for her novel ways of helping the needy. have such a pity for these poor street musicians!" she said one day. "I pay one old Italian forty cents a week regularly. He plays i£ the yard every Thursday afternoon." "But that must be hard. To be always, on hand--and the noise must be tedious," said a somewhat nervous friend. "Oh, no," was the complacent reply; "the maid has to attend to that; and as for the music, I don't hear it, for Thursday la my afternoon at the club." "" She Exposed the fe'rinoe. the crown prince of Denmark visited female seminary in Copenhagen the other day to hear the girls recite. One little girl near him became confused and forgot her lesson, whereupon he took her on his lap, and she thence forth answered every question correct ly. Subsequently, when j praised for her knowledge, she replied! "Why, the crown prince whispered all f he answers to me." mmmmmmm,1 Large stock of Overcoats! most be | turned into cash this BewoD,j;tt J. Jk • Miller's, West MeHenry. THAN A How the Twisting of » Pig's Tail i Coaettme Schooner from IHwaa>«, A coasting schooner was • a fog off Cutler somewheML • San Francisco Argonaut. uine Bay of Fundy fog. of tltei riety that the man inadver an extra course on to while i his hotise. You couldn't see the < the bowsprit from the foremast, andi man up aloft might have been tettL from earth for all that he could sea.! a breath of wind was stirring sails only slatted lazily as the vessel - J, rolled on the swell. Th<? «Wmwr iyr OV <TSa i juUi, Ul LlltZ il'aciir'V of the ocean steamers, one of whjeh ^ was just about due. He r *1 the lookout to keep the tin horn aoo&l> ' % ing vigorously. Alas, the man ew% lessly laid the horn down on t.h*> for a moment and it rolled overboard. 'VI The delinquent was treated to a liberal j dose of profanity, but of what use was ] that? Presently the whistle of a. ^ steamer was heard through the fog and the noise of the paddles as they tore up the water. She was evidently " ; i| ing right down upon them. Skippef -J.M and crew shouted till their lungs sore, beat on pans from the gaUmr, but to no purpose. Every instant th3y?". expected to be sunk by the on-rushimf steamer. Suddenly the skipper's ays fell upon a lusty young pig, who WNI being transported in a temporary yrrti In a trice that porker was out, a p6w* erful sailor gripped his tail with s flair ' of pincers and gave a twist witibt tifcifc ' energy born of despair. Heavens^ what a squeal rent the atmosphere. "Keep it upl Keep it upt" yelled th*U skipperf a6 he danced up and dowaP? with excitement. The blasts of /tiw steamer's whistle redoubled in &»»'. quency and her machinery stopped. IM a few moments her outlines emetg«a£> from the mist right over the tohdtaer^ Half the crew and passengers won on' the forward deck. The ' over the rail and shouted: "You blaak> dashed son of a d#>h blanked 1 abhor, what in dash blank, blank to dash t>4 return are you trying to do? PBfc blanked if I didn't think I was ashore right into the middle of a< pig yard." SHORTHAND IN OLD TIMES. Th* Greeks, the RomaaaMtd the : of Quaes Baas' Time Had ft. The art of "hrachygraphie,"or*i«ijcw* u ? hand, as we call it now, is by no maMUlSS a modern invention, says the York Post. Even the Greeks and mans had their system of abbrevtatiBjfi language, using it to take £0*!$^ public speeches. By the time at renaissance the art had grown to qob* siderable proportions. Ikajp^ always cast a more favorably the system than any other and in the days of Queen raphers were plentiful. They were not, however, contact .jvith reporting merely spe<wS«*|ih^®^ sermons, but copied down the dMU of the time and always got their theft, owing to the miseCikMlK"'^ copyright laws. It is not surptjMtagi ^ th&a that John Webster should HUtfca* ' Sanltella In the court-room scene of th*'1,. >w Case," 'exclaim: officers, t that yoa let la drama! of Thomas Heywood ••Queen Elizabeth" the play "Did throng the seats,,! So much that some by i A plot, put It la prist, I The mangled our finest Elisat largely be attribut . graphic" men. Of time we have two, those of Peter Bales, but coi of the life of these : PHYSICAL EFFECT i Slsgslsr lali Physical ri man connected with' menagerie was sleeping trafe nn fi00? ()f ^ thing crawling over his br him. Springing ap, he creature, which proved to rattlesnake. As he struck it, i New York Ledger, he felt the j its fangs in his arm, and, wit of pain and terror, bounded : tent and shouted for help, wl doctor or some medicine.; chanced to be nothing available^ reach, and his fellows stood with scared faces, waiting for die, which he appeared likely t a very short time. The arm bet swell, and the poor victim was gasping for breath and groaning, wtf] almost intolerable pain. At last,, as the breath seemed about to his body, some one among the wagons^ shouted out that one of the pet sqMmI had escaped. It was an enor tier, but harmless, as the fangs ihad been removed. The reptile wasfeasd dead under one side of the tent, where the man had flung it. The bite proved to be the prick from a sharp tattle in the canvas of the tent. In an bow the man was as well as ever, aav* for weakness caused by the nervous eseite* ment. It was the opinion of all who witnessed the incident that, bat for the timely disabuse of the man's mind* he would have been dead withw a-JSaw minutes, the victim oif nervous dftad and terror. • A Hint for Hantera- Seashore gunners hold that the wild goose ean count two, but oot three Accordingly, it is customary £a prepar- aUUador ing to shooiPwild geese from some detached ribbon of three men to row over to together and for two of them to the mainland. The geese, able to count above two, bettsva «iten they see two men ret " """ ~ enemy has been left upon and approach the spot wif ~ Is asserted if only two am j only one returns the geese fS&r «tr.