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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Jan 1895, p. 8

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^ , , \\ ' ̂ Notice* cinder the »Bp»e h®*d by ib6 L%dies < t tha W, C# T. U claim* ao pari or crtdu for Ue ™|lBee a. viae in time of fruitage, with |P^p|»fjta8t«ra ripening in the glow- (#§*, Hi soft leaves tippling with glad- I a* they point to the luscious gfapee (Mid Invite the birds to their dainty feast who woultLdreaiu to what uses this ex­ quisite gift of God could be put by his human children. There is an Arabic le­ gend which is translated by D.Z. Noorian as follows: When Adam first planted the vine Satan came Mid killed a peacock over(it, and the vine drank its blood. When the viae grew and put forth its leaves Satan cama again and killed an ape over it, and the vine drank the blood of the ape also. When grapes first formed on the vine he killed a lion over it, and the vine drank up the blood of the lion. When the fruit was fully ripe Satan came once more and killed a pig over it, and the vine drank up that blood also Hence, he who drinks of the fruit of the vine imbibes these four qualities. ^ hen be first tastes the wins, and it begins to crawl in his limbs, the color blooms in his face, and he becomes gay as a pea­ cock. When the first signs of drunken ness come upon him be plays, claps his hands- and dances like an ape. When the wine grows stronger within him he grows violent like the lion and challenges every one else. At last he wallows like a pig in the mire, desiring only to Bleep and his strength is gone.--7 bS Well •Spring •IT FLOATS * < ji • „ • BEST FOR 5H1RT5. THC jJHOOIfeH * CMMSLE CO- CINTL X F*L. McOmber s. - • l;. «#*- McNemy lean Save You a Big per cwt ON anything in the Stove This is not merely an as­ sertion, but a positive fact. The number of Stov season, is ahea fart recon by the our city. rand Ranges sold by us thus of Ih any previous sale in the e universal satisfaction given X v - v - - . : ma.ll * Their superiority in style and finish, and above the prices at which we sell them is giving us THE STOVE OF THE COUNTY. . -Mv i*k>•--i » ' ii i I HAVE AN EXCEPTIONALLY FINE LINE OF Skates from 40c. to $3,75. •my 1-nv ..yy.rwiwy ' r, , , rWA fulHioe ot seasonable Hardware, always.-; J"iy * .1 ^ 4' m •*> " V %,•* 5" F . L . M c O M B E R THE INTER OCEAN " . .. mm: -IS THE- iWSt*tOpnlar Republican Newspaper of the West And Has the Largest Circulation. ' DAILY (without Sunday). DAILY (with Sunday).<V*. I H-#; $6.oo per year $8.oo per year TERMS , BY MAIL The Weekly Inter Ocean ici.00 PER YEAR » T 1 S A NEWSPAPER THE INTER OCEAN keeps abreast of the times In m\l It spares neither palfts nor expense In securing ALL, THE " TMB BEST OF CURREN AND BEST OP CURRENT LITERATURE. The Weekly Inter Oc^airi AS A FAMILY PAPER IS NOT EXCELLED BY ANY. || It has something of interest to each member of the family. ITS YOUTH'S DEPARTMENT is the very best of its kind. . I] ITS LITERARY FEATURES are unequaled. POLITICALLY IT IS REPUBLICAN, and gives Its readere the benefit of the ablest discussions on all live political topics. It also gives them THE NEWS OF THE WORLD. IT IS A TWELVE-PAGE PAPER. THE INTER OCEAN IS PUBLISHED IN CHICAQO, THE NEWS AND COnriERClAL CENTER OP ALL WEST OP THE ALLEGHANY MOUNTAINS, AND IS BE IT BR ADAPTED TO THE NEEDS OP THE PEOPLE OF THAT SECTION THAN ANY PAPER FARTHER EAST. It is in accord with the people of the West both in Politics and Literature. Please remember that the price of The Weekly Inter Ocean is ONLY ONE DOL« LAR PER YEAR. Address THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago. s'\ The thumb is an unfailing index of character. The Square Type in­ dicates a strong will, great energy and firmness. Closely allied is tne Spatuiated Type, the thumb of those of advanced ideas and business ability Both of these types belong to the busy man or woman; and Demorest's Family Magazine pre­ pares e»!>ecially for such persons a whole volume of new ideas, con­ densed in a small space, so that the record of the whole world's work for a month may be read in half an hoar. The Conical Type indicates refinement, culture, and a love of music, poetry, and fiction. A person with this type of thumb will thor­ oughly enjoy the literary attractions of Demorest's Magazine. The Ar­ tistic Type indicates a love of beautT and art, which will find rait __ pleasure in the magnificent oil-pict- , k>*« Ml are of roses, x 24 inches, repro- ® daced from the original painting by De Longpre, the most celebrated of, living Bower-painters, wiiich will l>e given to every subscriber to Demorest's Magazine for 1895. The, cost of this superb work of art was $350.00; and the reproduction fo 11 cannot be d stinguished from the original. Besides this, an exquisite oil or water-color picture is pub­ lished in each number of the Maga-' JJJ MI zine, and the articles are so pro-i || fusely and superbly illustrated thai? the Magazine is, in reality, a pc:_ folio of art works of the highest I order. The Philosophic Type is the thumb of the thinker and inventor of ideus, who will be deeply inter­ ested in those developed monthly in Demorest's Magazine, in every one of its numerous departments, which cover the entire artistic and scientific field, chronicling every fact, fancy, and fad of the day. Demorest's is simply a perfect Family Magazine, and was long: ago crowned Queen of the Monthlies. Send in your subscription; it will cost only $2.00, and you will have a dozen Magazines ih one. Address W. JES SINGS DMOBEST, Publisher, 15 East 14th Street, New York, Though not a fashion magazine, its perfect fashion pageF.and its articles on family and domestic mat ters, will be of superlative interest to those possessing the Feminine Type of Thumb, which indicates in its small size, slenderness, soft nail, and smooth, rounded tip, those traits wbich belong essentially to the , every one of whom Bhould subscribe to aorest's Magazine. If you are unacquainted with Its merits, send for a specimen copy (free), and yoD will admit that Beeing these THUMBS has put TOO in the way of saving money by finding in one Magazine everything to satisfy us ittamr waata af lis whole Ifilly. X HAVE Goal, Shorts, b Middlings, Bran, g Oil Meal, ; Oats, Grouiif Feed. . Jj'iwl'i'r ; <1 .H IS Mi "m SECURITY ROD C IURLEN MANUFACTURER' • • • OP • • * IMPROVED Ligbtn We offer as a New Year's greetiog: mm r V - > -* V ^ '-k • •A- -n - -,*i ;»f \ < . i*' , f 5 4k » **# - - * • •i Overeoi Heavy Suits, : , -v -."s -tu, Heavy Wool •f.vr-' -C vV- ] !iig to tlie ContlDued mild weather we bave too goods, end are willing to reduce prices in order to reduce stock. We will name such .prico as are iu Loping with tbe*^ .attsi . > i this kiod ot a winter, on the following lines of good',4 j. • '•*'" >. T* *' V v -. L*' "f Felt Boots, J; • \% , - ' - V -- Over sho^,' «• Underwear, •'siWi Wc CM "fiiW len W,> £ A , ^ ̂ L J , ' v 15 PER CENT DISCOUNT Gloves and Mittensf Horse Blankets, ,V ' - Lap Robes, •*- '• 1 i Duck Coats ^ ^ Wool Jackets,^£ ' ^ Hi'- * rh-- ' ' Knit Shirts, ' ! Wool and Scotch Caps, ete. .. sssstesiesii sf**'" • For cash, during'January, 1895, on our still very co mplete stock of | Cloth and Fur \Overcoatg, ' v; Children's. ̂ Boys' and Men's Suits, O^er IOC style- ladies'.misses' and children'a J ; " Cloaks, Capes and Jacket*. Kir"* ' X "-it I iff 4' » .». ^ JMk. < f ive, among other choice fresh groceries to oner yoil, . .r . 20 pounds eood Raisins for SI, Other dried fruits in proporUnrla. Sugar is cheap. BemeMS# ^iop Jersey Lily Flour is-not ijatdersold in price nor outdone in quality. Tours for business for the year 1895. JOHN J. MILLER, West UcHenry« • i0we-r Oceans of warm Un^rwr-rfcr all mankiA BlaiJets, Yarns. Shawls, Hosiery, Caps, iittens. Horse Goods, Flannels, etc. 'OB JUSTEN jMcBENBY, I LI, To the Furniture trade, ... Would be pleased to* call and see my complete line of N. J. JUSTEN, ^HjEALE* IH ft? • V ' . t^"We will cut dovn our stpcl^' before taking inventory, Feb,, If 95, and mean what fr said. . j ^Thabking all for past favors we wll upe you well enough .o stay in Jine dufipg 1^95, HTOFG'BLi mm '$ INSUKIK© PlOPIBim In the best and iroM libeial ci mpsuies foims no email part-of oor business, and will be continued at the old stand cn same business I principles, ̂ by Yours trulj^ \ SIMON STOFFEL. I also keep a full line ot samples ot Carpets, and can please you both in quality and price. tsr i also have a large stock of Picture Mouldings ahd do Bepairiai, Picture Framisi, Etc. Call and look my stock over when in want ct Furniture of any kind. UNDERTAKING A specialty. A splendid Hearse in connection, will be furnished at reasonable rates. JACOB JUSTEN. ci McHenry.Janl . lb95. OF ALL KIHDS, treat MoHenrj, larger stock of Furniture thi ever before, which I am offering it fe, REDUCED 1 also keep in stock a full lii of samples of Carpets, and w^ can give you anything from tty cheapest to the finest Brussels al lower prices than house in tke roi 1 UNDERTAKING Supplies of alt kinds always on hand A splendid Hearse in con- nfction. N. J. JUSTEN. West McHenry, Jan. 1,1895. 'ON, :• « * V ' DEALERS IM COPPER Yrtu have got to Use then. Get my prices on quantities, from a bag full to a car load, be­ fore buying elsewhere, W.A. CE.1STY, WE.ST McHENR Y'ILL. LG Bods W R I T E F O R CATALOGUE © PRICES ) v. /Toor Workingmen please keep *; v your hand on your pocket 'Mh UMTEL YOU HAVE SEEN THE NEW STOCK OF GOOD8 I AM SELLING AT COST 'y I m«ut what I saj. I' will a my elock .of i»e Beaver Overcoats, Men's and Bo^s' buits. Odd Pants, 50 odd Vests. Hats and C/aps, Gloves an d Mittens, l's, boys' & ladies' fine Shoes •T LESS THAN COST. jPMM* pMUk «|9V «m ioa p»M. •v" ip<. LAWLTO. 4 Onposite Riverside House. ELECTRIC TELEPHONE ss: me,( . ie. • lAaew I One : |Mlffhb BoM outright, no rwat, no royalty. Adapted ) City, Village or Country. NteJwi in ev«T7 'me, Mop. Mora and office. Oreuieut convan. litM «ell*r on en rth its aaarike Awn to SAO p*r <b». In « r*wid«ace means a sale to all tho _ _ . bor». Fine instrumeiit'i, no toys, work. IwQTwhem. any di«t»n<*. Com pivUi, ready for gram when dtipped. Can b« put up by tin y one. oatof OMIT, no REPAIRING, Just* a LITE Warranted. A money maker Writ# Hwrtoon 6 Co.. Clerk 13, Columbus, a ':M. 'k- I; A. OXALEK III CHOICE JTAHILY ^EOGEBIIS NOTIONS. Boots and Shoes, voio, xjyu. 3 R I P A N S ABULES REGULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. KIP AX 8 TABlilS are the 1>c«t MccU. i 4m knows for Indlgeatloa, BIlleuneM, J Headache, C.aatlpatlou,, Ohronla 2 Urer Troubles, UlutneM, Had Complexion, • DjMiilcry, VBt'iulvc llrcuth, end all dla. I •riers of the fetomack, Liver and Boweta. S Ktp&fM Tabulcs contain nothing injariotM to • the most delicate constitution. Are pleasant t take, tafc, effectual, and sriv^ iinniccuate relief 1 JULIA A. STORY, I*r t*-#»• ••••• DEALBH IN rugs c& i } A rau una c •cais, Bp M, Paiii,' *>n& Color* conttanUy on hand* Alto a PAT KMT MEDICINES, TOILET A AND i COMPLETE STOCK Of 8tailonex*y| Jk DirggiftU' Suudrlca» y^- & FBYSIGIANS' PBEf CBIPTIONS «T Omrefally ecmpooi<ded by a Regiaterod Pbunuflit, Ycur FfttroDage It rCtpectfully •oUelted. i . mm -- •"JULIA A. On* Door WeH of Rtvtnid* / ctue, MeEttury, Il| ^ | Sy ikf Four of the Milts of the Pillf- bury-Washburn Flour Mills Co.;» limited made the woek ending D 1st, 1894, the enormous amount 122,483 1-2 barrels, making a tot«l weekly output of all five mills 180,000 barrels of the BEST FLOUR DN EARTH, The Pillsbury "A" Mill average^ for the same week a daily produo% tion of 9,323 5-6 barrels of flour. v ,/• The necessity for this extraordin-, 3 ary output is found in the unpar* aljeled popularity of Pillsbury's Best Ihe I'illsbury Mills lead all otheip not only in quality but quantity of flour produced. ^Thanking you for past patronage and hoping fbr S eOBtin hristmas and a Happy New th^i same, we wish you a Merry McHENR ar^s: 'OLLER MILLS. Price-- iios(G vials), 75e«i»tH; I'ackage(4box< May be ordered through nc&reet drug or by maiL Sample free by mail. Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO • 10 BPRX3CE STREET, MEW tOKK CITT. te relief. J I lrem S CO., S CITT. t MMMMi r*" From now until January 25th. 1895, 1 will s-11 LADIES' SHOES - Regard !e»s of Cost. I also have on hand a full line of RUBBER BOOTI Overshoes, Felts, Arties and Riibbersf As cheap as the cheapest. All No. 1 goods. Call and see me and I will do you good. I. A. BAKRUS. Yolo, Lake Co, IU, 24, PATENTS ' | Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat-] , ient business conducted for MODERATE FEES. ! OUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U. 8. PATENT OmcE< and we can secure patent in less time than Uiosej remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip­ tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of J charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. , A PAMPHLET, "How to Obtain Patents," with* cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries! aent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&COj Opr. PATENT Omct, WASHINSTON, D. DEAL BR IN GEO W. BESLEY,---. >PPO8ITB BISHOP'S MILL. foBXNRY, ^ I STOVES, TINwlREf%AIRY SUPPLIES, ETC. NOl YOU ARE WRONG1 This man is not complaining that he has A CORN on his toe, but is'fhoutir We have the largest stock of Stove in McHenry county, among which arfc tSie W orld's Beet IF VOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT PENSIONS JOHN WE0DERBU8N, • . Managing MtaiMf, P. O. Box 4M. "WASH IS GTOK , D. fl. 80L0«EHr0N8PE0CUKED^ CHILDREN, WIDOWS, PARENTS. led in'the line of aineethe war. their widow*, entitled. Old and _ a apeclalty. Tboosandc entitled to Send for newjam. Ho cbarge for C " Acorn Stoves. If you want a Cook or Heating Jtove, either Ooal or Wood, be >ure and see us before yon bay. I" Table and Pocket Cutlery, jDf tbe best makes, and warranted In Mort. to our itor* can b* fouod an? Article usually kept In • ffratc'asa Hard Iware store, and we will always make l^ur prices right. Call and see us when ID want of sojlbtng In our HtHU I||. IH- Pyugs, Medicines. FAINTS, OILS. TOILET ARTICLE#. 4 PURE VISES AND LIQUORS FOB MEDICAL USB. 6 m m 1,000,000 ACORN STOVES ,1$ U36 AN^> FQR §ALE BY , Jobbing and Repairing I Promptly Attenotd to; Heating Stoves at Cost JACOB BONSLETT, U rJ MOHMIVT, Z1U « v tb" ' * * - > yy.-- , . . #!«>, Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical PM. ' , ' ^ ^ ; * " s , * , . vA" ; 1&rTh#*m brands ot Cigars and smoking ahd chewipff Tobacco always on hand. . ' v 4 -{V Physicians' Prescriptions^ Carefully compounded, 0ive me a call, "* L GEO. V|, #ESLBW West McHenry.^an. S, 1895,

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