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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Feb 1895, p. 4

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FEB. 6, 1895. WEDNESDAY. Editor. (QTSenatojrCoon introdncedabillin the State Legislature to grant women the i'k*;;. to voic am! participate In"town iiiiBdviiigs and to vote for such township officer® ae Supervisor, Clerk, Collector and Solicitor _____ iQTButter on the Elgin Board ©t Trade Monday was weak; offerings, 41,640 lbs; sales. 1,800 lbs at 22)£c, 9,050 lbs at ^ ^22^0. 10,920 lbs at 23c; afterward 6,420 fi'i 'J* '*)8 reported sold at 23c declared unsold, ^ ( buyer and seller not both being present, 8* according to rule. Last week's prices, jn;* 22%e and 23c; year ago, 27c. *:•»" f NF'Judge Long has won his case against Pension Commissioner Lochreo for the restoration of his pension of S72 per month which had been cat down to f30. Judge Bradley, of the District of Columbia Supreme Court, at Washing­ ton, laid down the proposition that "the Commissioner is neither the government nor Congress, and cannot give or with­ hold pensions at his pleasure." . The conduct of this administration has not been such as to demand the re- : spect of the Japanese, but the victorious Japs mast not get their heads turned by victory so far as to be unable to die- tlngnish the Cleveland administration from the American flag. One is backed by one of the fragments of a disorgan­ ized political party; the other by 10,- 000,000 men ready and willing to fight if "Old (Hory" isn't respected. IV The members of the General Assem­ bly from this District have been assigned to committees as follows: Geo. Reed: Fees and salaries, counties and township organizations, agriculture, livestock aud dairying, state and county fairs and horticulture. R. J. Beck: Chairman Com. on State Institutions, railroads, public charities, canals, river improvements and com­ merce, revenue and retrenchment. Mr. Delaney: Public charities and building and loan associations. Senator Coon has t>een placed on the following important committees: Judiciary, judicial department and ap­ portionment, revenue, appropriations, municipalities, (chairman), labor and manufactures, printing, elections, sena­ torial apportionment, enrolled and en­ grossed bills. •A -\r IK Will Interest Soldiers. I'm. H. Cowlin, who edits the'soldier's department in the Woodstock Sentinel, has the following to say with reference to the county board ot medical examiners: The board of medical examiners for pensions who meet in this city the flrst and third Wednesdays of each month are all pentlemen in every sense the name implies, and we have yet to learn ot any dissatisfaction among those who have gone before them for examination. We advise all who receive orders for medical examination made by the board of revi­ sion to go immediately for examination if ordered to Woodstock. The rating is not done by the board as formerly, btit by the medical board who examine claim­ ants. We are in receipt of numerous letters of inquiry from those ordered for examination, hence this explanation. Many of the "old boys" don't seem to understand why they are ordered before a board when they have not asked for «MK increase. fr Mr Last week Congressman Hopkins offered an amendment to the bill repeal ing the discriminating sugar duty which permits the president to re-impose the duty in the case of such countries as con­ tinue to discriminate unjustly against the products of the United States. The Chicago Herald says that Mr. Hopkins, intends this as a protection to the inter­ ests which have been attacked by the re cept action of European governments. "I want to make it possible," said he v'for the President, without further legis­ lation, to make it such an object to those countries to stop this discrimination, that they will do so promptly. If we merely pass this measure without any requirment regarding the relation of Other countries to our products we have AO assurance that the desired result will tie obtained. But if we give the Presi­ dent power to put the discriminatinK duty back again in the case of those not taking prompt steps in our behalf there will be some leverage to bring them to . prompt action. The amendment is as f follows: Provided that in case any foreign country, whether independent or a de­ pendency shall make or permit any un­ just discrimination against the importa­ tion to or sale in such foreign country, Whether independent or a dependency, of any product of the United states, then the duty mentioned shall remain the . same as fixed by the law in forceprior to of this act. Bsceentlve CommitteeMeetina A meeting of the Executive Committee at the McHenry County Agricultural Board was held at the court house, Jap. 98, 1895, President R. J. Beck in the chair. The following named members were present: Vice-presidents A. Bourne and O. M. Hale, Supt. R. Foreesk, M. Zimple- man, D. H. Bentley, C. N. Webber, Jas. Lawson, M. Hickox, John CoWs'ms., 'Wml f i a v l o r , v i . i ' j . i w o * * * * - r resented by E.Wireyte act fotM. W. Merry. • „ It was decided to hold the Fair of 1895 the week beginning Aug. 27. The presi­ dent and secretary were empowered to change the date to the following week should it become necessary. The following, named persons were elected as superintendents of the various departments: Speed--M. W. CatJfclft-rA. ^ MrsesXc. F. Dike. -- Sheep--Anson Thompson. Swine--Burton Wright. Poultry-r-Geo. A. Hunt. Garden products--A. Ghnpma CulinaryV-M rs. J. A. Bayard. Preserves--Mrs. G. B. Richards, *•*' • Art--Miss Mary Murphy. . ^ Textile Fabrics--Mrs. Calla Forreajb. Ornamental--Mrs. E. H. Cook. Greenhouse Plants--Mrs. F. Hanly. Youths' Department--Miss Sheldon. Miscellaneous--Mrs. Dora Glass, Agricultural Implements--J. A. Bftyrd. ft. O. and P--F. W. Buell. Floral Hall--J. L. Hibbard. Grand Stand--Peter Martin. County Superintendent Wire presented the subject of having an educational de­ partment placed in the premium list, whereupon motion was made that each a department be created to comprise ex­ hibits from high schools, village schools and country schools in the comity. On motion an appropriation of f60 was al­ lowed for said department. W. E. Wire was elected superintendent. A. communication was presented by JaB. Lawson asking that a lot for Shet­ land ponies be introduced in Class B Motion made and carried to place such a lot in premium list. On motion it was decided to allow sup­ erintendent of speed, also superintendent of horses, privilege of selecting his as­ sistant. Motion carried to continue the three judge system in all departments except poultry, in which an expert judge is to be employed. \ Matter of renting dining hall left with presidents, vice-presidents, general sup­ erintendent and secretary. A sum not to exceed $1200 was voted as premiums in speed department. On motion the president, secretary and Jas, Lawson were selected as a committee to assist the superintendent and assist­ ant superintendent of speed in the prepa­ ration of a speed program. . Voted that no gambling be allowed on the.grouude. Arrangements for amusements left with president, secretary and general superin­ tendent. Moved and carried that general super­ intendent investigate in regard to mov­ ing agricultural implement exhibit into infield and report at July meeting. Motion made and carried that a com mittee of five ladies be appointed to meet with the superintendents in the various ladies' departments to revise premium list in said departments. Mesdames L- T Hoy, C. E, Hunt, C. E. Rowley, J Richards and N. L. Jackson were ap­ pointed. Notification of time and place of meeling to be given out by secretary Voted to restore the premiums or poultry tof 1 for first and 50c for second. On motion C. F. Dike and C. E. Rowlej were appointed to act with the secretary in revising Class B of premium list. Moved and carried that the matter of purchasing the building of Mr. Hunt on the Fail grounds be left with president, 'secretary and general suserintendent. • On motion meeting adjourned to call of president. G. B. Richards, Secretary. ' TAX®SM TAXES ! > Tfce undersigned, Colhctor of Taxes for the Township of McHenry, will, on and after Monday, January 91st, 1895, be at the following places for the purpose of receiving the Taxes of said town: Mondays--At the store of Lay & Ad­ ams, in the village of Johnsburg. Tuesdays--At the store of J. W. Cristy,, ft Son, in the village of Ringwoodv s John J'. Miller, West McUeary. -i l Saturdays--At\ th^ store of fwry & Owen, c--' ), All persons Iravmfe Taxes to pay'; should call at any of\he above named places at as early a das) as possible. John H.Jjweuno, Collector. J*" HUKOA TAXSS. ThPimder^ned, Collector of TftTCB Of the Town of Nunda, will be at the follow^ ing places for the purpose Of t a x e s o f s a i d t o w n * Tuesdays--At Barrevilto. / • Wednesdays--^t the" store of 8mith & Throop, Nunda. Thursdays--At the store of Simon S toff el, West McHenry. Persons having taxes to pay.«are re­ quested to call at. any of the abovo named places. E. F. Matthews, Collector, Don't Tobaoeo Spit or Smoke your Life A way. The truthful startling title of a book about No-to-bac, the only harmless, guaranteed tobacco-habit cure. If you want to quit and can't use "No-to bac. Braces up nicotinized nerves, eliminates nicotine poisons, makes weak men gain strength, weight and vigor. Positive cure or money refunded. Book at druggists, or mailed free. Ad­ dress The Sterling Remedv Co., Chicago 45 Randolph St.; New York 10 Spruce St. 9. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powd World's Pair Highest Award. receiving Grocery For IF* f*i|i* il Choice 2 lb. " 3 . ' -.'a Plymouth Rock Corn, . T o m a t o e s , . . . . Evergreen Peas, * v Blackberries, Blueberries, Peaches, tr 8 40 10 - 15 :Walton PeariL "7 15 • $,l;:. Apricots, ^ 14 fi"/' Egg Plums, ' • ' / 12£ Poxes Sardines, ; 20 • 3 boxes larger, sp^dBai^nes, f5c. WlOlbs best granulated sugar for 35c with eacl 30 or 50c Tew,; V; 'sWW 7c per can. ELGIN, © are daily receiving, ̂ xV. iPITe are dally unpaektng, onr 'A una of 25, Boys* Overcoats $1.50 to $2. "Men'a Overcoats $4 to $1* Cloaks and Shawls at preciMy cibst, no more. Best combination Felt Boots and Overs $2. Odds J§hoefij^.haif price.. bid you welcpme every 4^^ and ends of Of Dress Goods, Silkd, Linens, White Goods, BmbroiderieSi Corsetsi ;erchiefi. Get 10 lbs best granulated sugs r for 35c. at Evanson's, Saturday. It belpA rich and poor alike. The tea is v«.y flpe. 25, 30 or 50c per lb., ss you wish. PROTECTION THE CRY. Protect your children from the fearful fall colds by calling on Perry & Owen for a pair ot those "Best of All" school shoen and get a pair of rubbers to keep out the thick mud they are all tramping in. FOR SALE. The brick block known as thePekovsky Block, opposite the Bank of McHenry, in this village, is offered for sale. It con­ tains one large store room and two rbotns suitable for Dress Maker or other business, in first story, and also fine liv­ ing rooms in second story. Is situated in center of village and is a first class lo­ cation for any business. Will be sold cheap and on rea- onable terms. Inquire of 4tl H. C. Mead, West McHenry. A U E R , R E D * V' - i* ' * •<*% V' """v s* * L "U-t ̂ >, .... , , ,'-V 'jri f \ " » ' • ¥ rf "1s y* -Ar U nderwear< Hosiery. Cloves. 8hoes. , . y. ft. '• i ; i . ^ ^ •¥/ . \ YvtJ > $•%« 4f- 9 hen Mejoe amtnged for sp irit! our tunuHdw prkw* Beautiful and matchless Fabrics; the most complete and choicest line of evening shades ever brought into this city. " _ Only the highest standard of merchandise will be allowed on ofar counters. To the Ladies of McHenry and vicin- \ ity I would say I still have the agency ; for the Barton System, west of the river, j six months longer. Those wishing a i system that will give perfect satisfaction please call at my home, West McHenry. Mrs. H. L. Black man. FUR SALE. The farm known as the John Fitzsim- mons farm, situated three miles north­ east of Nunda and six miles south of McHenry, containing 317% acres. This is one of the beststock farms in McHenry | county. Has the finest farm house and barn in the county and all improvements are first class. Is in a good state of cul­ tivation. Will be sold cheap. For fur­ ther particulars inquire at the farm, or at 69 Avenue, Chicago. '•0- Joseph Fitzsimmons, '0 James Fitzsimmons, 19m6 Administrators. DAMA3SIN, 40 in. wide, an ex­ quisite new fabrie in Silk and Worsted; fit for a Princess, fl 0J) ENGAT)INE. 40 in.- wide, finest Kiik and Wool, entirely new, just mak­ ing its debut in society. The pret­ tiest shades in the land for par­ ties, weddings . and graduating dresses, only fl 00 ALBATROS, 46 ill. wide, all vool» all Bhad«»s, the best quality ever offered for 50c HENBiSTlMPin. wide, i» - | ; - • all wool, 85c TAFFETA SILK, a price marvr the prettiest 1895 checks and stripes, only 50e TAFFETA Swivel wash Silk, new ideas, new designs, new-colorings, extra tone combinations, a mar­ vel in price, at 50c BL4CK SILKS. Rich Satin Duchess, heavy and rich Peau de Soie, new spring Gros de Paris and Gros de Londre. our Cut Rates on Patent Metffcfr t«* All $1 Patent Medicines, like Hood's Sargaparilla, for 79c. All $1 Patent Medicines, like Paine's Celery Compound, for All 50c Patent Medicines tor 39c, All 25c Patent JMicines for 19c. " ^ , j rSub 1 ^"Reoresentative Delany introduced o bill into the House last week, provid­ ing that those who buy milk for shipping from producers, be required to give a bond for the pay and return of the cans LOW BATES TO THE WEST. On February 12th, 1895, the North­ western line will sell excursion tickets at very low rates from stations in Illinois and Iowa to points in Nebraska, Wyom ing, Colorada and Utah and also t< joints in the Black Hills region of South Dakota, good for return passage withit twenty days. For tickets and full" in­ formation, apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. The best goods at emphatically the lowest prices. LELANDfc HOTEL, Look over our carefully selected stock of Fargo and Douglas Shoes for all, only at S. Stoffel's. FOR SALE CHEAP. Three fine residences, with large gar­ den lots, located in the center of the Vil­ lage. Some of the choicest building lots in McHenry and West McHenry, at very low prices. Terms reasonable. Also have form property and lots of 1 to 5 acres in River Forrest subdivision, souch of the village. Inquire of O N Owbn 23tf At Bank of McHenry. PHlsbury's, "Chick's and the famous Fancy Patent Flour at reduced prices at S. Stoffel's. Still in the insurance business. ^ -S. Stoffel. Snag proof rubber boots are taking better titan ever. People are learning of their double wearing qualities and will have no others. They cost but a trifle more than the common ones. Found only at Perry & Owen's. CHICAGO, Michigan Ave. Roulovard and Jactaori streets. ^ Fronting Lake Michigan, Within two Blocks ot the Center otthe City. Entire new management and popular prices. Over $100,000 ha* been expended in remodeling and re-furnishing the House, making it one ot the mosfrromplete and comfortable hotels in Chicago. Steam heat and electric light in every, room. Fifty-five blth rooms, Elevator and every modern convenience. Rooms, with -meals, from $2 per day upwards. / Rooms, without mials, irom $1 per dfty upwards. AH meals 75 cents each, ( very desirable hotel for ladies visiting the city unattend­ ed, and special care will be given them. ^ THEO. F. SWAN, GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE ELGI]>. ILL, r%t -r • The FARMERS STORE iiwlu: We have some odd siz6a left in our Underwear Department th%t we will close put at cost, and the balance of our wool hose yon can buy at less tian colt. Call and see the big reduction in out Dry Goods, Notions and Groceries' - , ; • . / • • • We have just opened the largest stock of Canned Goods ever offered in McHenry* and also a full line of Staple and Fane? Gro­ ceries, at greatly reduced prices. Remember we handle the finest keg Syrup in town, t"iT ROSEDALE FLORAL CO. MCHENRY, ILL. C. T. ESKILS0N, Manager. All kinds of Ont Flowers, and Funeral De. s'gna to < e had at all time* at Reasonable Rates. Carnation* in bud and other potted plaats for sale «a ^v. ' e«Du Law* to be Enforced. ; The Illinois State Sportsmen's associa- jf,Hon is taking steps for a more rigid en- ^ (orcement of the game laws. At a meet- |ng held at the Sherman House, in Chi­ cago, it was decided to notify all the rail roads and express companies, dealers And the genfral public than any company or person found with game in possession palter Feb. 6 will be prosecuted. The di- rectors of the association were empower­ ed and directed to take immediate steps to secure the arrest and conviction of any person violating the game or fish laws. The first action taken refers to the •ale of game in this state, which is al­ lowed until Feb. 1. Five days ot grace is usually given to give dealers a chance to get rid of their stock. The last action refers to the killing of game, which is now prohibited, with, certain exceptions, in Illinois. The selling lair covers ruffled grouse, prairie chickens, quail, turkey, woodcock deer, antelope, gray and red fox, squirrel, and ail song birds and i of plumage which may be shot, or sold, 4* j4 " > * •---1,1 For Nothing, An exchange says: A poor 3onntr> congregation found itself badly in want of hymn boo«s. The clergyman applied to a large publishing house, and asked to be" supplied at the lowest (church) rates. The firm replied that on condi­ tion that the hymn books container certain advertisements, the congregatioi: should have them for nothing. Neces­ sity knows no bounds, and the ministei sorrowfully accejite'd, thinking to himself that when the atl^fti sements came the> could be remold from the leave Th» hymn books arryred--and joy of joys-- they contained no interleaved advertise­ ments. At the/Thankftgiving service th» good- parson joyously fgave out thf Christmas hymn, and the congregatioi sang the first verse with fervor. When they reached the last line they found that this was what they had been singing: " Hark the herald angels sing, Beecham's pills are just the thing; Peace on earth and mercy tnil<|. Two for man and one for chilcfe" The W. C. C. Corset can be found in several styles at Perry & Owen's. A large stock has just come in. A perfect fit is guaranteed or money refunded. BOOKS 1 , BOOKS! The best author's works nicely bound for only 2o cents. Also a cheap line ol FOR $175. Beauliftil Half Tone Enprav. liravtugs 2x3 inches, for $1,75, You < an print hundreds of onf>an<Uon any printing preeg Send photo nnri fi.Tftaid receive the cut. Sainple fre?. \<1iiren8 JEFFPBSON J AC EBON, 415 Dearborn street, Chicago Are you inventing something use­ ful? Got In this way i you can ob­ tain it Thai's tha wajr to A Patent Monopoly Big Money Hew to Obtain Patents DABB & MILLIGAN. CHA8. W. DABB, * Fourteen years Proprietor ot the Commercial Hotel, CHA8* F. MILLICAW, Five years proprietor ol Hyde Park Ho^el, Qhicago. I'LOIB, The fact that Sleepy-Eye\Flour is the natw> al foe ot' monopoly mabe3 it the\iriend of the peo- ?: . v ; pie, bleepy-Eye Flour keeps pac6, With the timeB. V .,4^ Sleepy-Eye Flour should not be cofrfused or associ- |ated with the multitudes of cheap flairs placed on I'the market iiBder the name o|'patent.' 'fancy/., „ , best,' &c. ^Try a saek. of Sleepy-Eye Flour and be||i|j convinccd. Another car just received, ; West McHenry. Illliioifli. yfrJENr.? wk CAvt ai 0,1 nmi mm w COPYRIGHTS.^ SIBTAIK A PATENT ? Fori Buckwheat Flour 11 IUS. mat Do ton wan* > (>*t» nt that will be worth ermetMn?? Wanl e iat le intormation al) »ut Patten*. 8 liftiun", -.nd Patent Sellin»f? The INVENTIVR A>.E. f>ne ot t' e leading 1 lunlrattd «< lontil'c m»pa zincs now in its fifth year isdev I'd l.uge^ to the interests of Invni#^ It illustrate^ nd depcribei new irvg'niUnB, reviews »h ndustrial pr<>gr«~s and reliable i- for- mail ti to inventors tree/ 10 cents tor samplr copy, o- 91 for a whole vear. INVENTIVE AGF, WASHIKOfOW, l). 0 R-I-P-AN-S ONE GIVES BELIEF. Books cheap, nice bound only 20 and MUSN &r 4 'O.. who >iavj had nearly tifty years* experience ih the patent business. Comratmiaa- ttona strictly eniitliteuttai. A llniMlliuok of In­ formation concerning t'atents and how to ob> tain thera sent free. A5so a catalogue of mechan. ical and scientific books pent free. Patents taken th rough Mann & Co. receive special notice in the Srienlilic AmrrSrnn. and thus are brought widely betorethe public with- ot*f, cost to tlie inventor. This splendid paper, issued weekly, elegantly illust rated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work In the world. $3 a year. Sample conies Bent free. Building Kditton, monthly, $2.50a year. BiitRle copies, cents. Kvery number contains beau» tirul piates, in colors, ami photofrrapha of new houses, with plans, enabling builders to show the latest desltms and secure contracts. Address MUNN £ CO^ NSW YORK, 3U1 BKOADWAT. STEUBEN CO., New York, \JtANLY BROS., 'oprietors. ' > V ' ft e are prepared to^do all kinds of work usually done in a grist mill. •Feed Grinding a Specialty. • £ •* ; 18 THE BEST. NO SQUEAKING And other specialties for OentlenKin, Ladles, BOfS and Misses are the Best in the World. Bee descriptive advertise­ ment which appears in tbla paper. Take bo Sntwtltste. Insist oa having W. L. DOUGLAS' 8BOSS. with name and price Stamped on bottom. Bold by Guaranteed Pure Goods or no sale, at ̂UNCLE BEN eMEBTC Owing to the present hard times we have decided to grind Feed at cents a big. H-ehave no rolls or steel mill, but the ol<* reliable buhrs, that never fail to give;> satisfaction. The iarme gets back flour made trom his own wjieat. •WS; • Graham Ffoun Buckwheat and Feed always kept in stock, at lowest prices. •4:01 We Have MOB y to Loan at 6 per Cent, On Farm or Otty property In any section of country where property has a fixed maiket value. Money ready tor immediate kans where fei*uritv and title Is trood. Mo cominia ston. We solicit application*. Blanks far. nifehed upon request. Competent millers to care for the wants of our customers. Thanking the public for past tavors we shall hope to merit and receive A coatiauanoe of the same. . - ^ HANXiT BR03. ^ West MeHenr^ Jan, ll»» 1895. L f ' - - ' - *' *"•.«•" •y'*!krU .*-1 Kit# 4/ # «** - , Wi

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