Colds When the children ect their feet vet and take cold give them a hot feet bath, a bowl of hot drink, a dos# of Ayer's Cheny Pectoral, and put them to bed. The chances are they will be all right in the morning. Con tinue the Cherry Pectoral n few days, until all cough has dis appeared. Old coughs are also cured; we mean the coughs of bron chitis, weak throats and irritable hings. Even the hard coughs of consumption are always made easy and frequently cured by the continued use of HOW IT ALL HAPPENED. MAY BE CUBA'S PRESIDENT. • k'." Every doctor knows that wild cherry bark is the best remedy known to medical science for soothing and healing inflamed throats and lungs. Pmt one of Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Plasters over your Sang* Th* Bmsi Modtoml 4rfWoo Free i Wo now hiive soma of the most eml> mat physicians 1" the United Statu*. Unusual opportunities and long expert- •nc* eminently fit them for iriviiie you BMdieitl adrlc*. Write fteeij all th« •articular* in your «MC. Address, Dr. J. O. ATER. Lowell, Mas*. i I I torn * Willing Girl Helped Hint Thromrh a v ; K o u m w m u t P r » p « M i . ^ He was in joubt. There wail ho particular reason vihy he should be iu doubt, but, of course, that has nothing to do with the case. Up to a certain point in the courtship It is the privilege of every lover to be in doubt, and if he were not we would be tempted to believe that something was wrong. On this particular evening he made up his mind that he would reach the point where doubt ends or know the reason why. Thus it happened that he got a little closer to her tbait.usual whon he found* that they were.,fitting J4de -by side on the sofa. "r "Do you ever think about marriage?" he asked. , ifJ < "No," sherepUfct ". v , * V ' Of course that "was a course he knew that It was a lie and she knew that he l*a$w it. Consequently she wished that she hadn't answered so hastily; but that is so customary in a woman that it should attract no atten tion. . v :• :. • i "If I were a woman like you." he said, rep»aeh#iilly»t"4 would think of it." • > • - "Would you?" she inquired care l e s s l y . , . • • ' r • "Yes, I would," ^asserted, aggres sively. • • > ••••; '• "Perhaps." she suggested, tantaliz- ingly, "yon wouldn't mind telling me just what course your thoughts would take--if you -were a woman like me." "I don't know that I can give the ex act course of reasoning." he answered, fearful that he might be getting beyond his depth, "but if I were a woman like you I feel pretty reasonably sure that I would marry a man like--er--like me," "You do?" she said, coloring a little, bnt still spedking in the same tantaliz Ing tone. "Yes. I do." he returned, doggedly. "Well, if I were a man like you," she asserted. "I wouldn't expect a woman like me to $o anything of the sort until a man like%ou had asked her to." . Elcuterlo Beta rice a, f>cientlat» Philan thropist, Writer IMd P*trio& « Eleuterio Betaneea, the uoted savant, Hellenist and oculist of Paris, is b^ng talked of for the presidenc y ot the Cv^an republic. Dr. Bet^fipes is?an ancient en- iny of Spain in the \Vgst Indies and one of the men who have haft ihoat, $o do with the downfall of Spanish power in those islands. He is a native *>f Porto Rico, but has long lived in,Europe, where hit skill as a surgeon and his ability as a loan of letters have given him great fame and IDE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FWS to due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the CALIFORNIA FIG SYBUP Co. only, and we wish to impress upon •11 the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the CALIFORNIA FIG SVKUP CO. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless Imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing1 of the CAIJ- FORNIA FIG SYRUP Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty Off the excellence of its remedy^ It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company -- CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP GO. SAN F BAN CISCO. o«L WOTSTTLLE. ER. NEW T«IK, KT. POMMEL SLICKER 1 Oahlta a Popular Flower. The dahlia, uamed after the famous Swedish botanist Dalil, appeared early in this century, and was as popular in the flower garden as were the camel lias and fuchsias in the greenhouses and still holds its own. This plant which is a native of Mexico, was prac t'.cally introduced into England by Lad^ Holland in 1804, as it had been lost since its first appearance some fif teen years previously, when Lady Bute imported It from Spain. During the first forty years of its popularity double dahlias were all the fashion, and since then the single varieties have had theii day, while at the present time the new cactus kinds hold the foremost place A florist writing about 1830 compare*! the fashion for dahlias, which wa then at its height, to the tulip mania two centuries earlier, and, although the comparison is hardly correct. It shows the dahlia craze must have been very marked to have even suggested it- Longman's Magazine. Keeps both rider and saddle per- fenly dry in the hardest storms. Substitutes will disappoint Ask for 1807 Fish Brand Pommel Slicker-- It li entirely new. If not for sate in your town, write for catalogue to A.J. TOWER, Boston, Mass. A UNITED STATES WALL MAP m p| A: copy of our handsome map, 19 48x31 inches, printed in colcm and mounted on a rollar, will • •••••• besent to any addrosa on receipt Of 15 cants in postag* to pay for packing and trans- fortation. P. S. EDSTlS.Ghmaral Pimii|»r Acaot, C. B. A Q. R. R-, Chicago. Ilf. THE ftUSH FOR GOLD From the Times, Bluffs, 111 The rush of gold seekers to the Klon dike brings thrilling memories to the "forty-niners" still alive, of the time when they girdled the continent or faced the terrors of the great American desert ou the journey to the land of gold. These pioneers tell some experiences which should be heeded by gold seekers of to day. Constant exposure and faulty diet killed large numbers, while nearly all the survivors were afflicted with, disease, m a n y them with r h e u m tism. Such a sufferer was Aduui V angundy, who now resides a t Bluffs, 111. w h e r e h e h a s b e e n justice o the peace a n d w a s t h e f i r s president of the board of trustees "A Forty-niner."' In a recent interview he said: "I had been a suffererof rheumatism for a number of years and the pain at times was very intense. I tried all the proprie tary medicines I could think or hear of, but received no relief. "I finally placed my case with several physicians and doctored with them for some time, but they failed to do me any good. Finally, with my hopes of relief nearly exhausted I read an article regard ing Dr. Williams' Pink-Pills for Pale Pea pie. which induced nie to try them, was anxious to get rid of the terrible dis ease and bought two boxes of the pills I began using them about March, 1897 After 1 had taken two boxes I was com pletely cured, and the pain has never re turned. I think it is the best medicine have ever taken, and am willing at any time to sign my name to any testimony setting forth its great merit." (Signed) Adam Vangundy. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2Jhli day of September, A. D. 1897. Franklin C. Funk, Notary Public. HE PAYS THE FRAYT BEST SCALES- LEAST MONEY JONES OF BINGHAMTON N. Y. From out the bitter busk of pain, the feet of Courage tread tfie heart's moat perfect grain. BLEUTKRIO BKTANOKS. fortune. He traveled in Cuba. Hayti and other parts of the group and practiced medicine with great success. He later visited the United States and made a spe cial study of our political, economical and educational institutions. His practice in Paris has made millions of dollars for him, some of which he has drawn from the pockets of even the Spaniards. He has consistently fought Spain with htfc in fiuence and vhis wealth, and his name is well known to thousands of Cubans who never saw him. Dr. Betances is 73 years ©l$« „' , CURRENCY THE THEME. Students of Finance Discuss Phaaea of Problem at Omaha. Students of finance, leading economists, journalists, bankers and business men of prominence, and a scattering representa tion of politicians and social reformers, were present at the opening of the nation al currency convention in Omaha, called at the instance and held under the aus pices of the National Sound Money League. While the attendance at the opening session was hardly as large as ex pected, all of the various financial sys tems were represented by men who show a zealous interest in the objects for which they have met. Conspicuous among the gold-standard advocates present were E, V. Smalley of Minnesota, M. E. Ingalls of Cincinnati, ex-United States Senator Carey of Wyoming, M. L. Crawford of Texas, ex-Comptroller of the Currency James H. Eckels and John P. Irish of San Francisco. Prominent among the silver men were Congressman Towne of Minnesota and Senator Jones of Arkan sas. J. Sterling Morton of Nebraska call ed the gathering to order in the exposition auditorium. ) FOREIGN TRADT IN AUGUST. Decrease in I m porta of Merchandlae and Kxporta of Gold. The monthly statement of the imports and exports of the United States for Au gust shows the imports of merchandise to have aggregated $49,178,844. crease as compared with August* 1897, of about $9,500,000. Of the1 Imports during August $21,359,<593 were free of duty. The August exports of domestic mer chandise amounted to $83,262,478. an in crease of nearly $4,000,000. The imports of gold amounted to $6.822,027P and the exports to $1,955,908. The silver imports were $5^845,010 and the exports $4,798,478. For the eight months" ended Aug. 31 last a decrease of $119,913,739 is shown in the imports of uiercliundise as com pared with the same period lust year and an increase of $136,976,695 in the exports. During the same time the imports of gold increased over $90,000,000. and the ex ports decreased nearly $23,000,000. There was also a decrease of $983,070 in the silver imports and a decrease of $i|J,742,- 792 in the exports. Do You Like'Boils An analysis of the members of the peace commission is in the nature of a forecast of its. probable action. The President's closest political friend on the commission --ex-Secretary Day--does not believe in keeping more than a naval station in the Philippines. Senator Gray supported Cleveland heartily in opposition to the, annexation of Hawaii, and is believed to be opposed to all territorial expansion. These two will constitute the minority of the commission. Senators Davis and Frye will undoubtedly be in harmony with Whitelaw Reid, whose personal views and editorial expressions all favor the absolute retention of the whole Phil ippine group. • * • Gen. Flagler, chief of ordnance,, has appointed a board of ordnance officers to examine into the efficiency of modern army guns as shown by the war. It is the especial object of this board to determine the relative merits of the Springfield 45- caliber rifle used by the volunteer^ and the 32-caliber Krag-Jorgensen in use by the regular army. They will also care fully inquire into the efficiency of the Manser rifle used by the%Spanish and the field and siege guns with which Gen. Shafter bombarded Santiago, * * * No new legislation will be required to authorise the payment of pensions to the soldiers who were disabled in the Span ish war and the widows of those vfho fell victims to bullets or fever. Commissioner Evans of the pension office has had pre pared a statement showing that up to Sept. 2 there had been filed with his office total of 246 claims for pension on ac count of this war. Of these 45% per cent are invalid pensions. The details are: Invalid, 110; widow, 61; minor, 2; mother, 49; father, 24. ' * * ft A cable message was received at Wash ington from Havana stating that the Spanish authorities absolutely refused to allow the Comal to land the provisions which she carried for the starving inhabit ants of Cuba unless the full duty was paid. Secretary Alger thereupon ordered the duties upon the million rations to be paid and directed that they be distributed under the supervision of the United, States officers. • * • President McKinley has announced tke names of his appointees 011 the industrial commission. They are: Andrew L. Har ris of Ohio, S. N. D. North of Massachu setts, Frank P. Sargent of Illinois, Elli son A. Smythe of South Carolina, John M. Farquhar of New York, Eug< Conger of Miehiganj/Thomas W. of Pennsylvania.^Chas. J. Harris Carolina and M.iD. Itatchford of Indiana. * * • There is considerable talk in the War Department of discharging from the ser vice the entire volunteer arm/ enlisted during the war, except .thoae' troops in Manila. Now that all the actual fighting is at an end the volunteers are clamoring to be mustered out and show no inclina tion to serve either in Cuba or Porto Rico as armies of occupation. If j#ii do not. yon should take Hood's Sarsaparilla and it will purify your Mood, cure your boils and keep your system free from the poisons which cause them. The great blood purifying power Of Hood's Sarsaparilla is constantly being demon strated by its many marvelous cures. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is America's Greatest Medicine. II; six for H. Hood's Pills cure Sick Headache. % eta. Milch Goats. The goat ought to do a great deal to relieve the scare which has been pro duced by the reports that we have been habitually drinking milk infected with the tubercle-bacillus, as it is said that very few cows are free from tu- brecle. In Sicily, Naples, Leghorn, Hveres, Avignon, goat men go about from door to door and sell milk freshly drawu from the goats--a flock of ten or twelve goats. At Leghorn and at Avig non I myself have bought fresh goat's milk at the door. No doubt In many other continental towns a similar goat's milk trade Is carried oh. The English, however, are slowf In quitting their usual groove, however advantageous and wholesome the quitting may be. Many years ago I suggested to the Brit ish Goat Society the advisability of loir porting some milch goats from Malta. I have nowhere seeu finer mlloh goats than those of Yeletta. taken round the streets, and the goats milked at the door of each bouse. The finest are white, with small ears, and pink udders, reach ing almost to the ground. Comparative ly speaking, they give a larger quantity of milk than cows, aud the goats are much more economically fed than cows. In Calcutta there is a pretty small goat --a sort of toy goat--which gives good milk. The inhabitants prefer goat s milk with their tea to cow's milk, add those who have tried It think so also. Then on the highlands of Naples and Rome they have a milch sheep, from the milk of which the famous "Rlcotia" (cfeam curds) is made.--London Spec tator. Extinct' Florida Race. Professor Cashing has just made an examination of the Pine Island keys, 1n Florida, and discovered the remains of villages and numerous relics of an clent lake dwellers, whose racial affinl ties are still unknown. Judging from their steel and copper Implements or weapons, their pottery, masks and modes of sculpture, they appear to be akin to the ancient Mexican people. Homeseekera' Excursion*. On Sept. and Oct. 4 and 18, 1398, the Chicago. Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway wfH.sell rortnd-Wp excursion tickets (good for.t,weuty-one daysi to a great masV'p&iiits id Sojsth and North Dakota and other Western and South western States, at practically one fare for the round trip. Take a trip West and see what* an amouut of good land can be purchased for very little money. Further information as to rates, routes, prices of f^rm lsrt*da, etc., uyiy be ob tained on Application to any coupon ticket agent, or by addressing Geo. H. Heafford, General Passenger Agent, Old Colony Building. Chicago* ill. Russian Forest on fee.. One of the largest forests in the world stands on Ice. It is situated be tween the Ural Mountains and the Okhotsk Sea. A well was recently dug in this region, where it was found that at a depth oifllCJ meters the ground was still frozen. | , <«* The Growth of Socialism. The growth of socialism kt doe t* ft* Standing armies of the world in wVth. men are often made to enlist. »n« . become discontented. The growtli m stronger race is due to Hoatetter'x. ach Bitters, which is the best «edieie«i||; for costiveness, dyspepsia, fever, ague aa#^ all nervous troubles. Try one bottle. How Ihmmark Treats Her Poor. Denmark makes a clear distinction between the thriftless and the respect*!;' ||f; " pf Coughing fjeada to C<|n4«tmptio«u Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Go to your druggist to-day and get a sample bottle free. Sold in 25 and 50 cent bottle*. Go at oo«e; delays are dan gerous. 1 The University Press at Oxford has appliances for printing in ISO different languages. Strati ointment* and lotions tor skin diseases, cuts, sprains, bruises, etc, Mid use Glenn's - ulpbur boap. Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye, black or brown, BOe. able poor. The .former are treats! tau% English paupers. The latter cross a workhouse threshold. If deslJ-^ tute. they receive a pension ninjc?n#f -from $14 to $84 a year; or, if too to look after themselves, the/ am» placed in an old-age home. -w. Five Cent*. Everybody knows tbat Dobbins' Eleetrte best in the world, and for thirty-three yeartft st the highest price. Iu price is now Ore east*, as common brown soap. Bars full sue Order of grocer.--Ad*. DID NOT TRUST BANKS. Prominent Kansas City Woman la Bobbed of $iOtOOO in Currency. Mrs. Eli Potter, a prominent woman suffragist, was robbed of $10,000 fcy high waymen in the outskirts of Kansas City, Mo. A few months ago. the Potters' reai- dence was destroyed by fire and they re ceived $10,000 insurance money. Mrs. Potter, who does not trust in banks, sew ed the money into the linings of her dress. She was driving in the outskirts of town when a man stepped out from Ihe road side and grabbed her horse. Another dealt her a stunning blow 011 the head. When she recovered consciousness she found a eaci drawu over her head and the high waymen were tearing and cutting her skirts. They did not stop in their search' until the whole amount of the treasure had beep secured. WILL SEND SHIPS TO CRETE. CASTOR J A For Infamts and Children. Tie Kiad tn Hate Always Bought Bears the Signature of general and Local Agents pcHCiny§ ̂ TXTATVT'I' 141 I > I •llWIWIlW O, OUH Paaaiaa W^raTBD XI ever; State and County. Salary $150 per month agtd rxmnscw. No hou^e ta-liouse canvassing. Address IJOCK BOX 18. (iOOOI.ANI), KANSAS. 35JKLBB, wet! ka cites weather;Infallible; send 10c. silver, to I therM Inh Oo . Box 24.*492 (3oUimburXTeT>ew^tork city. 8 N» U No 39--98 QUICK I Vitu Cast. (rrAXBlLXb FnitaifntTuUiita, M 6IITHIRR IOWA FIRH LMDS SALK In Appwioose acT.unt, • comer, .lie tin- counts seas, lhe beet county In southern Iowa; riglit in the heart of >h> <x>»! uelds and (rreat • lite grass section Unexcelled for farming and stock rals ntr. F< r Information address A L.siWICKi.KK, Agent, CENTEUVILLE,IOWA. KEITH'S m REMARKASFT DISCOVERY row FIKE LMINMT WOftX. REQUKSNOGOOKM Fairly Jumped Into Success! KEITH'S ENAMEL STARGR Right from the start, notwithstanding all the other laundry starches on the market. Now, why was it? \Vhy is it that millions of packages of KEITH'S ENAMEL STARCH have been used in the few years since this starch was invented? Just do your ironing a month with KEITH'S ENAMEL STARCH and you will see. It makes ironing so easy--it puts on that beautiful enamel finish-- that it puts it at the head of every known aid for ironing. Manufactured by jpilTII'S ENAMEL STARCH CHICAGO. ILL United Statea to Demand Reparation from the Porte. A dispatch to the London Central News from Athens says that the United States will demand reparation from the Porte for the murder of British Vice-Consul Calche-. rinos, who was also the American con sular agent. The first secretary of the American legation at Constantinople has gone to Candia to investigate the matter and he will report to Washington. It iu stated that the United States has decided to send four warships to Crete. American Cbewinic Gum Barred, The health authorities of London, Eni land, have issued a warning against the use of American chewing gum. which is becoming the rage among the children in the east end. The authorities consider it more dangerouB than ice cream which the Italians sell in the street, and against which there has been a rigorous crusade. ister, were Yictinis of Italian Wideapread Klectrical Disturbance. Aurora borealis brought all telegraph ing to a standstill Friday aftern<?on for a time. The area of disturbance extended 500 miles in all directions from Chicago. At 3 p. m. not a wire was working east of Pittsburg or Buffalo. Atlanta and Augusta, Ga., reported there were no wires working north of Washington. Turkish Expulsion Asked For. The foreign admirals at Candia, Crete, have sent an identical telegram to their respective governments requesting the immediate expulsion from Crete of the 15,000 Bashi-Bazouks iu the island, the recall of the Turkish troops and authori ties and the appointment of a governor general as desired by the Cretans, « Action Against Anarchists. Many of the principal European jour^ nals are again urging international action against anarchists. They recall that both the late M. Carnot, president of the French republic, and the late Senor Can- ovas del Castillo, the Spanish grime min- anarch The President has made the -tOltowing pormotions for distinguished services at Santiago: To be major generals of volun teers--Brig. Gen. Wm. Ludlow and Brig. Gen. S. S. Sumner. To be brigadier gen- erals--Ool. Richard E. Comba, Fifth in fantry, and Lieut. Col. Joaeph T. Has kell, Seventeenth infantry. • • • A report from Constructor Capps at Ma nila states that aside from the small gun boats which have been raised and put into the service of Admiral Dewey, none of the Spanish ships of war engaged in the bat tle of Manila bay are likely to be raised. : • • * Juatice White of the United States Su preme Court finally declined the tender of a membership in the Spanish-AmericaD peacfe commission, and the position has been accepted by Senator Gray of Dela ware, • • • Many impecunious people appear at the White House, but they never succeed in seeing the President. Frequently they are arrested, and sometimes are found to be dangerous cranka. * • » retary Alger has appointed Maj. Gen. Ludlow, Col. Hecker of Detroit and Maj. Rivers to reorganiae the department of transportation of the army. it would be aptity if those who seek trouble shoula not find it. Queer Restaurant Sign. In Sweden the railway stationa meals axe served are known by the pla» ture of a crossed knife and fork site the name of the station. Ltane'a Family Medici a* Moves the bowels each day. I* to be healthy this is necessary. gently on the liver and kidney#. sick headache. Price 25 and 50c. The Egyptians practiced rtie art hatching chickens by artificial a century and a half ago. though tfcc|r knew nothing of the modern lncub%ta& ifc'."" .vJS&S,. . 'ss, The fifty Brown segmental tube wire guns ordered by the Government for the artillery service will cost something Ovei 1500,000. :hista. Three women are members of the Board of Aldermen at Lincoln, Neb. Georgia's cottou crop will be 10 to 20 per cent short over last year. Klondikers are said to be taking out $25 to $40 a day on the Hootalinqua river. Over 1,000,000 acres of land are de voted to the cultivation ot tobacoo in the world. William Badenhop, a farmer at Nichol son, Ohio, drank a glass of carbolic acid for whisky and died. . Gustav Byrne, a farmer neax Owens- boro, Ky„ stuck a splinter in hia foot and died of blood poisoning. Joe Goddard and big Bob Armstrong did not put. up a bout equal to expecta tions at the Arena in Philadelphia. The present population of the United States exceeds that of Germany by about 22,000,000, and that of Great Britain by 34,000,000. At Buffalo, N. Y., John Carrigan wae murdered while asleep in bed at his home by his son, Frank, who nearly severed his head with an ax. The Czar's call for a conference of the powers to discuss general disarmament has .caused a profound sensation in all European capitals, James Cox, a farmer near Middlesbor- ough, Ky., was shot and killed by his son, Perry, during a quarrel. They had been enemies for years. Joseph Jeffersonj the great actor, re cently wrote a cHt^fc for $2 on a piece of birch bark in tft£'Mountains because he had no paper wlthcfcita. The bank which cashed the check now has it framed and hanging on the wall. California has 60.000 acres devoted tc the raising of prunes. The investment in lands, trees, irrigation, etc., is estimated at $25,000,000, and 48.000 tons is the yearly crop. Of this year's yield aboul one-fifth- will be shipped East a9 green froit* ~ A man who possesses wealth possess-, es power, but it is a power to do evil as well as good.--A. S. Roe. I never used so quick a cure aa Piao's Cuw for Consumption.--J: B. Palmer, Box 1171° Seattle, Wash., Nor. 25, 1J©5, Mm, Winnlow'H Booxanro 8*mtn» fpr teething: aoitens the lums, teanewt ulsys paia. cures wind ooUc. WANTED.--Case of bad f h tii»t III PAK 4 will apt brneilt. Send S crnts to Rlpas* Cl»Kies*. Oow Haw York, lor lt> i»i|Jn »ml IjMU "" Stop! Women DECORATE YOUR HOMES. Beautiful Representations of Wild Ducks, Pheasants, Quail and 8nipe. Probably at no time ia the world's his tory has as much attention been paid to the interior decoration of homes as at present. No home, no matter how hum ble, is without its handiwork that helps to beautify the apartments and make the surroundings more cheerful. The taste of the/American people has kept pace with ^tlie age, and almost every day brings forth something new in the way of a pic ture, a draping, a piece of furniture or other form of mural decoration. One of the latest of these has been given to the world by the celebrated artist, Muville, in a series of four handsome porcelain game plaques. Not for years has any thing as handsome in this line been seen The subjects represented by these plaqnca are American wild ducks, American pheasants, American quail and English snipe. They are handsome paintings and are especially designed for hanging on din ing room walls, though their richness and beauty entitles them to a place in the parlor of any home. These original plaques have been purchased at a cost of $50,000 by J. C. Hubinger Bros. Oo., man ufacturers of the celebrated Elastic Starch, and in order to enable their num erous customers to become possessors of these handsome works of art they have had them reproduced by a special process, in all the rich colors and beauty of the original. They are finished on heavy cardboard, pressed aad embossed in the shape of a plaque and trimmed with a heavy band of gold. They measure forty inches in circumference and contain do reading matter or advertiaemeat what ever. Until Oct. 1 Messrs. J. C. Hubinger Bros. Co. propose to distribute these plaques free to their customers. Every purchaser of three ten-cent packages of Elastic Starch, fiatiron brand, manufac tured by J. C. Hubinger Bros. Co., is en titled to receive one of these handsome plaques free from their giecer. Old and new customers alike are entitled to the benefits of this offer. These plaques will not be sent through the mail, the only way to obtjK^ them being from your gro cer. Every grocery store in the country has Elastic Starch for sale. It is the old est and best laundry starch oa the market and is the most perfect coldSprocess starch ever invented. It is the only starch made by men who thoroughly understand the laundry business, and the only starch that will not injure the finest fabric. It has been the standard for a quarter of a cen tury and as an evidence of how good it is twenty-two million packages were sold last year. Ask your dealer to show you the plaques and tell you about Elastic Starch. Accept no substitute. Bear in mind that this offer holds good a short time only and should be take* advantage of without delay. Waterproof Paper. Waterproof paper la made from water glass mlx«d with oil. preferably vege table oils; melted wax is added, and the composition .thoroughly mixed and spread on botb sides of the paper, which is rendered water and moth proof, bnt is transparent enough to be used for traeing drawing®. 30,000 Acres More of Fertile Farm Lands for t*le at CkeatanriUe, Colorado County, Texas. Write for full particu lars »bout cheap rxcufsions and pe<*iw FHEK il- lust'd book, "A HUME IN TKIIR." SoathetalYxas Colonization Co., 110 Ui*lu> Uldg_ Chicago, ItL f! And Conner the Ail-Important Fad; That in addressing Mrs. Pinkham yon are eertii&r ing your private ills to a woman--a woman whoajp: experience in treating woman's disease® • is greater than that of any living pkj*»V : sician--male or female. - •; ^ You can talk freely to a wooMI.V;: when it is revolting to relate yoai private troubles to a man--beside^ a man does not understand- because he is a man. Many women suffer in alienee drift along from bad to worse, ] ing full well that they ought tohaaff^ immediate assistance, but a natural modesty impels them to shrink froA exposing themselves to the questions and probably examinations of ev«a their family physician. It is unnec essary. Without money ©r prioa you can consult a woman, whose knowledge from actual experi ence is greater than any local physician in the world. fo§- 6 lowing invitation ia free^y SOffierej^ accept it in the same spirit: ' MRS. PINKHAM'S STANDING INVITATION. Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to prampiftf communicate with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. All letters are receive^ opened, read and answered by women only. A woman can freely talk of private illness to a woman; thus has been established the eternal confidence be tween Mrs. Pinkham and the women of America which has never been brofae^. Outof the vast volume of experience which 6he has to draw from, it is moreth^a possible that she has gained the very knowledge that will help your case. She ask* nothing in return except your good-will, and her advice has relieved thousand^ Surely any woman, rich or poor, is very foolish if she does not take advantage «(t - this penerous offer of assistance.--LydiaE. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Nans- " The present Mrs, Pinkham's experience in treating female ills is unparalleled, for years she worked side by side with Mrs. LydiaE. Pinkham, and for sometiiaa past has had sole charge of the correspondence department of her great Iraah ness, treating by letter as many as a hundred thousand ailing women a fcr . L-a • • < IfUUG ; % s . ' v •>;' 'V&. • Dewey Ainiricanizia^ the Philippines* Wherever Battle Ax goes it pacifies and satisfies everybody--and there are more men chewing PLUG to-day than any other chewing tobacco ever made. a The popularity of Battle Ax is both national and international. You find it in Europe:--you find it in Maine:--you find it in India, and youll find it in Spain (very soon). Our soldiers and sailors have already taken it to Cuba and the Philippines I Are you chewing it? pemember the name I I • * when you buy again. * Titled London Cbeeae Dealer. The earl of Harrington, who has been running a fruit store in Loudon, at which he sells the product of bis gar dens, lias now added to it a cream cheese branch. Hall'a Catarrh Oar* U taken internally. Prioe 7seeaca. He that Works Easily Works Suc cessfully." 'Tis 'Very Easy Clean House Witltw^ SAP a N. U. No. 30-®9 IN writing to Atfvcrtiaen, please 4o got fall to i 1 MM ym caw the AHvertlacattit ia this ptfCf, • </-. PiSO'S CURE FOR CUBto WHtRt AU. ELSE FAHSL „ ; Coagb Syrup. Taste* Good- 1 " i time. Sold br iVUtlt) CURE roumiH r*e V tor une DISCHARGES. irritalKD* or uJew of ui u c • - u * awosl a. Painless, ainl i ITNEEMNS CHE»LIE«.CO. <<•«: OR or ariit is . iklK br *x f).». oritwJi ircul