' -V* "V. m £ ,;i:Ci • .. ^ v j*,#yjr> iiM.i «. O. T. II. NMRTRRCNT. 'A",<; 'vO <\&i) AfttolM and Notices under the above hear •M nEwahed by vhe Ladieaot the W, 0, T U. Wd tti tdllor elilai bo part or Aretfitfior the ' The foolish and on necessary expendi- lire of society on its trivial pleasures at ife tims what men and women are oat of work and children are crying for food is • croei and onciirietian waste of oppor tunities. "I was going to frame a picture tbfr Month, but it shall hang on my wall un- tmmed a while longer, and yon may feed •ome of God's little ones tf ith this five dollars instead." But the eyes of the a&gele will see a frame around the pic tare, a frame rich with more than earth to gilding. A mother wept and prayed at the bedside of her sick child--dying, she believed it to be--but God spared ita life and as an expression of her thankfulness •he sendB five dollars, perhaps to make the life of some other mother'* chi'd brighter--possibly to save a life, who knows? Ky #!? ' ' •it • • " • lVt', : ;lf there is anything in "your business ifcat is wrong, you must give it up. "Oh, but, you might say, "that would ruin me flaancially." No matter; bettor bf mined financially than go to the bar of God a disobedient child. If men could distill whiskey for the glory of God, then let them go on distilling whis iwy; let them send a thousand barrels oi it to the heathen, and some for the mis- rionaries; and then let them pray over the matter, and see how they feel. Thej could sell whiskey to men who might drink themselves to death, making their wives widows and their children father less, but it won't do to turn round and •ay now--"I, will give this widow and these children some money,', and think that the transaction would square; no: eould a man who ill-treated his wife and family when he was the worse for driirt make up for it by treating them kindly When lie is sober. HOMS. A tram, though familiar to all, and frequently in use, has never, as yet, lost its charms. It glows on the infantile breath, and is heard lisping from thr tongue of the child; it is the watch-word of eve, with the vigorous and good, while It stands, written with ink indelible, on the grief worn cheeks and silvei locks of the aged, and is stamped witl. ideas inexpressible, though true, in the trembling hand and the tottering frames . bonding op beneath the pressure of age. Hat term, perhaps, is not known which introduces a greater variety oi sensations, than home, when considered ia its native loveliness, and unperverted la its broad associations; yet this, like the church of Christ, may be filled with woes, with the unholy plants of intem perance and vice. Nevertheless, it is borne. Meet the virtuous, and make the inquiry whether he has been, and where he has gone. $1.00 FOB 10c. f*r: foilljl'" Sfei; ¥c-:; fc'v.' ,, ; * n.. :4 W,;' A gentleman from Farmer City, writes. ®*I have used your remedy, Dr. Caldwell's Qyrup Pepsin, and find it an excellent Bedicine. My whole family use it. .Our baby is only 6 months old and takes it freely. I would not be without it if the 10c size cost mef 1.00--Lincoln 8. Payne. In 10c, 50c and $1.00 sizes at J. A. Utorv's. 'S. Get your husking Gloves, at Simon vJRtoJM'a. Prices way down. WANTED--SEVERAL TRUST WORTHY persons In this state to manage oor Suslness in their own an«l nearby counties, lit is mainly office work conducted at home. 5*{ajry straight §900 a year and expenses-- definite, bonaflde, no moir, no less salary, loitblj, $75, References. Enclose se'l- ••ddressed stamped envelope, Herbert E seas. Pres., Dept. M. Chicago. 10-4m The editor of the Evans City, Pa., G/ofce, writes. "One minute Cough Cure fe rightly named. It cared my children after all other remedies failed." It cures •nughs, colds, and all throat and lung troubles. By J. A. Story. See the new Dress Ginghams and Calicoes at Owen Jfc Chapell's. v,re, ll •# A" ' AND GROCERY STORE. HEIMER'a BLOCK. Opposite J. A. 8tory'e Drag Store ------^ McHENRY. ILLINOIS FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Wheat, Grahum and Rye Bread, Cakes, Pies fresh baked every day. Also a floe line FAMILY GROCERIES. CANNED GOODS, ETC. soUettedtr0nage °f the pubUo la respectfully ' * JOHN HAUPKI8CH, MeHenry, June 6 lflaa. . ... 0 v,":' The McHenry Marble and Granite Works. it""' m* ; :v' "r i&Slk All Kinds of.Vemetery Work at Low Prices. fJK*. : fcii T J - f a . • •'jV'.' **• <"" ; " , ijfe. oaj * jW f "J **"« Line sf Finished Wsrk Constantly on Hand. and American Granite a Speciality. tli HUMILLER* For One Week, -COMMENC1JJG-- Saturday, Oot. © AND LASTING UNTIL Saturday, Oct. 15. HIE LONG AND THE SHORT OF IT On above week we will ex hibit at our store pa mile Suits, representing a whole sale stock of CLOTH INC Fresh from the market. But One Frloe And that the LOWEST LONG SERVICE SNORT PRICES No percentage added for carrying old stock, but the Benefit is Yours. Our new line of LADIES' JACKETS and CAPES Will* please you. Drop in and look u over. J. E. CRISTY. Ringwood. • mmm & • DtALU II DRUGS and MEDICINES A FULL LOT OF CHEMICALS. DYE STUFFS, t Paints, Oils and L OlOrS on hand. Full lot or PAT BUT MEDICIKEE, TOILET ARTICLE8* Stationery and Druggists' Sundrlaa. Physicians' Prescriptions' Oarefiilly corapoanded by a Registered Pbarm»cUt, • Tour JP&troaftge is respectfully solicited. V - JULIA A. TM OnaDoor W **of Rbtrrtde M cHmry,lll. :• THETOP ROUND MAKING has been reached in the paint that covers most, looks best, wears longest and is most eco nomical. The paint that saves money in the beginning because it covers the most surface; saves money in the end because it lasts the longest, is The Sherwin-Wiluams Paints the result of a quarter of a centu ry's experience in paint making by the largest paint factory in the world. An interesting booklet about paint free. The Sherwin-Williams Co., PAIMT AMO COLOR MAKBITM, ItO Cutl St., ClrTaland. . .. S»7 Washington fit* New Ywfc. •SSS Stewart Are., Clilnt*. •1 St. St^ HraltMd. 3. PERKINS, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. ' ̂ THE DAY DAWIJS "v --'."V " --FOB-- - r ' 4 CARgFUL s" • - Bright and Shining Facts for the Ladies. in the Direction of Our Store Wher# jf it will find a choice offering this week in NEW DRESS GOODS CLOAKS AND JACKETS. WEATHER • DSMAND rOS and Footwear ̂ '4 ̂ #e live provided both. Never during our time here, which is 16 years, have we offered for sale such a large, complete and well selected stock of Suits and Overcoats in Men's, Boys' and Children's as we have placed on bur counters this fall. In making your selec tion out of a stock so large, clean and new, you are sure to find " Styles and patterns you could not find elsewhere. We ask in justice to yourself to give us a look. We will risk our stock to do the re% Our Stock of Cloaks and Jackets, both for Ladies and Children, is the most complete ever brought to this market. They will all be in this week, when we invite you to call, look them over, and we are sure we can Please You in Price. Our Styles are the Latest And Quality the Best. tsr Watch for a more extended "ad" next week. Another Car of Pillsbury's Best this Week. SIMON West McHenry* III.. Sept. 28, 189•*. K'cV. tvvt V Paint andWall Paper House We sell the celebrated Sherwin-Williams Paint. There is none better. Call and see our Wall Paper Patterns, representing the patterns of various styles produced by a dozen factories at prices that are beyond competition.. Room Mouldings to Match all Wall Paper, braining, Paper Hanging, Sign Writing. All specialties and a first-class job guaranteed. Call and see me. No trouble to give estimates on work. •V B B. PEEKINs, Sacrificing Profits. Taking a Big Loss. 18-20 Douglas Ave., Elgin 111., Cutting prices right and left to clear stocks. Costs no longci the selling price on Suits and Overcoats. Everything marked at prices that must sell. Taking a loss of thousands of dollars to make a clean sweep. This add. does not tell one-hundredth part of the clearing sale saving chances. No matter what you may want, it is sure to pay you handsomly to look here for it. Now is the time to turn our loss to your profit. Investigate what the bargain tables offer from now on till closed out. Another immense sacrifice of profits to reduce stocks. A clearing sale with us is a clearing sale. hat we want to get rid of pmst go, no matter how great the loss. This week will be the most tempting bargains of the sale. The reductions are astonishing. CLOTHING AT LESS THAN COST. * Q for all Suits and Overcoats sold formerly at $12, $13 and $15. /» K/\ for all Suits and-Overcoats sold ipO*OU formerly at $8.50, $9.50, $11. Profits completely sacrificed to clean up our stock. Costs and former selling prices ignored. Every suit marked at a price that must sell quickly. The greatest Money-Saving Clothing Chance of the Season. CHEAP CHARLEY, 18-20 Douglas Ave. Elgin, 111. AND RUBBERS. ^ e have looked after every detail of the footwear bnsiness, our entire stook of Rubbers was bought before the advance. The most important School Shoe of the well known make of Selz Schwab & Co. is here in all sizes for boys and girls, they will stand ^e hops, skips and jumps of the young and turn the wet.a The leather boot is taking its place again on the farm for fall wear, we have the as sortment. Rubber goods in all widths and sizes, felt and fusion Uned. Our under stock comprises the entir6 line, men's, women's *nd children s. from a cheap cotton to the best woolen goods Duck coats, overalls, jackets and shirts. Remember our glove and mitten line. Fall Caps, wool Sweaters, Groceries, Floui. Remember in trading with us you are not as <ed to pay the old long time prices• we own our stock at rock bottom, spot cash prices. ' Yours for Fall Trade, West Mt- Henry, 111. JOHN J. MILLSR, THE REASON WHY There is a why and wherefore for everything. WHY wo wear clothes has gone beyond the realm of discussion. W HEREFORE good dressers prefer to wear garments made by ^ ' J? D. LODTZ, The Merchant Tailor, MoHENRY, ILL., Is a matter worthy of explanation. The reason is simple and the story is told in few words. It is BECAUSE he makes the clothes strictly to the measure of the party ordering them. They are trimmed well, they fit well, preserve tjieir shape, and above all --they wear well. His prices are *'popular" FOR THE REASON _ _ ^ that they are reasonable. They are made to fit the pockets as his garments are made to fit the forms of his customers. He guarantees SATISFACTION, and more than that--gives it. He wants your trade and he is ever ready to make it an object'for you to be with him. Now is the time to call. New. Fall and Winter Samples Just Received McHenry, Sept. 5th, 1898. J. D. LODTZ. THE NEW BROWNIES (Pictures and Rhyme), by PALMER COX -IN- The Chicago Inter-Ocean. Sinllay Inter Ocean, Beniiiis Septenta 11. Weekly liter Ocean, Bepiinii September 13. Order from Newsdealers or by Mail from THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago, III. THE WAR IS OVER --BUT-- JACOB JUSTEN, The Rleiable Furniture Dealer, Can still be found at his old stand, four doors north of the Bank of McHenry, with a full stock of furniture of all kinds, to which he invites the attention of the buying public. Parlor and Bed Room Sets Lower than the same goods can be bought anywhere in the county. In short, I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD on any class j of Furniture, quality of goods considered. Call and see* me when in want of anything in my line. -TMIM«» • WE CABBY A FULL LINE OF Gaskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Etc. j Ve guarantee first class work in every respect. Call and see me before purchasing. • JACOB JUSTEN. McHenry, HI., Sept. 7, 1898.