|RRP«PI1P|PRPPRHH - - f i j f 7 ' - 1" • UH^"»:• '•jwytgy "Ty1 *«"vrMB>itflMCR , \ W" * i"\ •' -> +'^-. • 6 " • •i^"y -• ^ .--.v t , '• *,•' /* - t * "• v ; Advice rn 11 * •ny-wm^ fhUeikr. WTSONESDAV, 1898. -- J, VAN eLYKfC, Editor. BBPUBLIOAN TTOKKT. STATS. For 8Ute Treasurer-- FLOYD K. WHITTEMOR*. For Superintendent of Public Instruction-- ALFRED BAYLIS8. ^PfCXniBtMS of the State University-- y * FRED L. HATCH, :.-V A. F. NIQHTINGAL®, MK8. ALI'JE A. ABBOTT. OOHOKB88IOMAU Par Mncbcr of Congress, 8th District-- ALBERT J. HOPKINS.- - : '5-"*' ' MEQISLATIVS. For Representatives, Eljhth District-- GEORGE R. LYON, of Lake County. D- A. FULLER, of Boone Connty. OOUHTT TICXST, For Oomnty Jodjre- O. H. GILL MOKE. For Oonaty Clerk-- GEO. T. BUSHTON. For Oouty Treasurer-- FRANK F. AXTKLL. For Sheriff-- . HENRY KEYES. Fv^ Oeuntjr 8uperlnten(lent|of School!-- W. K. WIRE. Wf Batter on the Elgin Board of Trade on Monday w& firm at 20c te. Offering®, 187 tabs, which were all taken. Price last week, 20c; one year ago, 22c. Sales of the week, 10,700 lbe. ||ifi'm IV Wevler is now calling on Spain to F V "eocrtjeticaHy defend" her righto in thf r* * the Philippines. The difficulty that con- froots Spain on such a proposition is, -, that it takes something more than hye- '* /. terieal shrieks of the Weyler pattern to cefend anything, when I>ewey is on thf side. a ^; is.-:, IVFormer Governor Aitgeld says that the people know abont the present ad ministration. That is what they do, and they also know about another ad ministration, particularly, since a certain speech was made at Golconda. They may not know of all its crookedness and inefficiency bat they know enough not to be In any humor to care for another one of its kind. tJCAYAMA, Porto Rico, \ | Sept. 14,1898 / I)eak Father:--One more WEEK has roiled around and we are all no nearer hotuu thau ever. There is some talk of -»ur moving some time this week, bat 1 don't know whether there is any truth in the report or not. Last Sunday Co 'i had a holiday and we weut to the sea Shore. W« marched to Aroya and eatuped in the i-ame place that we landed when we came (o the island. From there we wand ere 1 up and down the chore looking f ir shells of which we found a good number. Among other things we f< und a number of star fish which are quite a curiosity to people who never I ved near the sea. I was intending to ^ake a bath in the sea, but shortly after we got there a large water fowl settled about 2<J0 yards from shore and our captain decided to try a shot at it When he fired a large fish, presumably a sharl. ,of which tli^re are plenty here, started from near the bird for deep water, (tnd when 1 saw him I somehow lost all desire for a bath. My health remain* Yery good, as does the health of all ol the boys from McHenry. Things in camp go on much the same •us usual, there not being anything to break tne monotony. A bob t once a week you have to go on guard and the rest of the lime is spent laying around camp and wondering when the government will send us home. Therefore, you see there Is not much to write about Last w^ek lumber was brought out and made into floors so that now we each have a floor in our tent which is much better than laying on the ground. 1 guess the rairy season has ahout passed, for we are get ting quite a number ot days that are fair overhead, but hot ai3 the devil. I wish the Lord that if they are not going to fend us home they would paj us off, as I am dead tired of being busted all the time. I got the stationery and tobacco all right and it was lik _• old times to get a chew of Spear Bead on<* more, for while we get good tobacco here (thanks to our captain) still it is not the Spear Head which I am used to. Several of the boys are making canes of mahog any, which is very plentitul here, so plen tiful, in fact, that they u^e it for fenct p.ists and wagon wheels. Ye Gods, think of lumber of w hich the finest furniture ic made beinjr used for fence posts. Thert is a great deal of charcoal burned near camp, and in the evening you can set t^eir fires on the moui. tain-side in almost any diricti^n. Then* are some of the same birds in this country that are to be wen at home This mor ing I saw quite a flock of black birds and there are also doves htre, but I h we not seen any robbins as yet. OlyklpvY yes, and then another bird is the gat/M cock of which there are any number, and very good looking onfs, too. Wish I had some of them home to make the boy? "go" some this winter. Well, 1 must close for this time and 1 hope the next time I write 1 can tell you definitely when we are comitig homeland I think I can. Give my regards to every body. Yours, Jesse V. YanFlyke. IfirPresident McKinley has been per sonally assisting the commission en gaged in investigating the conduct of the war in making arrangements that will enable them to get all the information desired. Complaints are invited from the lowest as well as the highest, all that is asked is that the matters complained of shall be those which came under the personal knowledge of the complainant. Representatives of the press associations are to be present when testimony is taken by the commission. fST Not only should President McKin- lev's splendid war policy be given a vote of approval because it deserves it, but it should be borne in mind that he will need a republican congress to give fruition to the magnificent victories of American arms on land and sea, Many questions will arise as a direct result of the war and as the democratic parly is divided on the question of territorial expansion and others, and has never demonstrated that it possessed constructive capacity in ahigh degree, it is essential that the next congress be strongly republican. WPresident McKinley received the representative of Aguinaldo, the chief of the Philippine insurgents, 4s a private in dividual, and heard what he had to say abont the wishes of the insurgents as to the future government of the Philippines, bat he made no promisee. Gen. Greene brought full official reports from Admiral Dewey ^nd Gen, Merritt on present con ditions m the Philippines, and the latter is now on his way to Paris, for the pur pose of advising the American Peace Commissioners. Although there is no probability that President McKinley has any idea of turning the control of the Philipines over to Aguinaldo, it may be pat down as certain tkat all persons having legitimate rights in the Philip- pines will be fully protected in those rights, just as the rights of oar own citizens are protected. IVSenator Chandler, who is now in Washington, said: "The only reason why Secretary Alger was selected for at tack instead of the bureau chiefs of the war department, who are the responsible parties, is because the Democrats think party capital may be made by attacking him while it cannot be made by attack ing them. But the attack is none the less without reason. The investigation which the president has wisely ordered, by able and impartial men--no wiser or more fearless man exists than Gen. Granville M. Dodge--will show what mistakes have been made, and it will appear that few have been made by the secretary, and all by army officers, who are not politicians, and for whom the politicians are not re sponsible. So the attempt to make party capital by exhibiting to the world natfonal sores, if there are any, will react upon its authors, and the Democrats for their unpatriotic dry will lose ten votes in 1900 where they gain one in 1898- They started to be this time a patriotic «ar party, and not, as before, a copper head party. They are \h danger of end ing in the garb of banded malcontents, belittling the war and treating it onlv as an excuse for petty partisan assaults which should find no place in connection with our magnificent battle? f ir the ex pulsion of cruel Spain from the 4 merican continent, and from the Phil.ppines, as well." There are three great reme dies that every person with weak lungs, or with consump tion itself, should understand: These remedies will cure about every case in its first stages ; and many of those more advanced. It is only the most advanced that are hopeless. Even these are wonderfully relieved and life itself greatly prolonged. What are these remedies ? Fresh air, proper food and scon's Emulsion of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo- . p h o s p h i t e s . B e a f r a i d o f draughts but not of fresh air. Eat nutritious food and drink plenty of milk. Do not forget ii that Scott's Emulsion is the oldest, the most thoroughly tested and th$ highest en dorsed of all remedies for weak throats, weak lungs and consumption in all its stages. 50c. »nd $1.00; all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. MILO L. HOWE. DEA'.ER IN PIANOS, ORCANS, Musical Merchandise. Of *11 Kinds »nd Sheet Mn^ic. West McHenryl - Illinois B Ires Take to Piano Stools Naturally. A growing girl who has no Piano misses a great deal or enjoyment, and day by day becomes at a great disadvantage, socially. We make a specialty of good, honestly-built Pianos, at prices. Our stock is all-- tracing--we exhibit the f nest Pianos eve£_shown in this village, but we take jequal satisfaction in extremely low-priced instruments. A Visit of Inspection. Will Surprise You Pianos Tuned and Rep^ireJ. Oq short notice and satUta - ion guaranteed lan a 1 bo A Kent tor the Celebrated inpraved DOUKSTIC SEW I NO M.4C.M1NK8. Onft of the best Machines on the market. tchirh will he «oH on ea y term*, an<l guar.•in teed. Call and see tt. MILO L HOWE. Notice of Sale of Real Estate. By virtue of an order and decree of the County Court of McHenrv County, Illinoi-, made on lbe petition of the undersigned, Oliver N Owen, guardian of the minor heira WThe opening epeschof the campaign made by Governor Tanner at Golconda, which was published in the Plaindeaoer taat week, is in demand as a campaign document as no other effort of the kind that has been made in this state. From parts ol the state have come calls for it and the unexpected and unprecedented Oemand has made it impossible for the •wwe committee to fill the orders. Both national and state issues are ably dis cussed in it, and the best proof of its •alee as z campaign document is found la the manner in which the democrats an heaping abuse upon it. They do not attempt to answer it for they realize they can't. The array of facts and figures concerning the wholesale dishonesty and teeklees extravagance of the last dem ocratic administration with which Illi- aoj* was afflicted is something the dem ocrat-t cannot get around. of Jennie B. Owfn deceased, for leave to sell the real estate of paid tlece« sed. at th9 Octo- ' er Teroi, A. P. 18W), ot gaid Court, to-wit: On the thira day of October. 18PS, rotice Is hereby xlven,tht-t on Saturday, the 29th day of October « ex', between the hours of 10 o'clock in the forenoon and 6 o'clock in the afternoon at one o'elo- k p M.of cald day, at the premiers, in the Village of M"Henry County of Mctiec ry aEd V tate of Illinois, the' follow ingdrsTibed real estate belorglng to the estate of Jenni* B. Owan deceased, to wit: Oommencint? at the south east corner of lot one (1) in JE. M, Owen's estate addition to West Mchenry, III,, therre north 15 degrees 45 minutes east twelve (1-2) rods, thenoe cast- erly parallel to Waukegan rond four (4) rods, thence south 15 degrees 45 minutes weat twe.ve (12) rods to the north line of VVauke- tran road, thence westerly on tin ndrth line of Waukegan road four ri) rods to the place of beginning, being part of the south-weat quarter of seetio" 26 In township 45 north, range 8 cast of the 3a P. M. in McHenry Co , 111 will be sold to the high-stand best bidder. Termsof •ale cash. Olivk^N Owen, O-tober 3, 1898. Guardian. m. IONAL PEACE JUBILEE, CHI- CAGO, OCTOBER 18-10. On account of the above, tickets to Chicago, via the Northwestern Line, from all points within 250 miles of Chi cago, will be sold October 17 and 18, and for all trains arriving in Chicago before noon October 19, good nntil October 22, at one faro lor the round trip. Apply to for full particulars. J. W. BONSLETT, Plumbing Contractor. All Kinds of Sanitary PImMse PB0KPTLY ATTENDED TO Has just received a .very com plete stock of • Plumbing Goods, Bath Tubs. Closets, Lavatories and Fixtures. Steam and Hot Water Heating. Complete stock of all sizes Galvanized and Black Pipe and Fittings on hand. Office and Show Room in Jacob Bon slett's Agricultural Implement Building, MCHENRY, ILL. Y*TANTED-~EVERAL persons in thia st TRUSTWORTHY . - state to manage our •)ubines' in their own and nearly counties, it is mainly office wo k connuctel ajt home. 8V"alKht |9D0 a year and expenses-- aeunite, b>nalldc, no more, no' 'ess salary. Monthly, |;5. References Enclose self addressed stamped envelope; Herbert E. IIess, Preet,, Dept. M, Qhicago, 10-lm And notice what we have for jou again. Apron Gingham, worth 0%;, for 4c; French Gingham, worth 10c, now 8c. Dress Goods, worth 50c, for 42c; dress goods, worth 55c, for 45c. Black dress goods, worth 40c, now 32c. Dress pat terns, 8 to 12 yards, lc a yard off Red tuble cloth, 60 inches, plaid, worth 35c, for 33r; dark red figured, 60 inches, worth 32c, for 28c. Goat gloves 25c pr. pair. Silk neskties 25c. Toiler soap 4c tier bar. Ladies' underskirts, worth $1 45 for $1.20. Ladies' 75c rubbers (or 55c. Buiting, regular 12a for 10c. Ten bars Lenox soap 25c. Gold Dust 18c per box. Arbuckles coffee 10c per lb , Golden Rule Brand. Rubber goods, the best on the market, guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction at the very lowest price possible. Respectfully Yours, E. RICHARDSON, Volo* 111. coNsoLiDAT '1 ^ • reticing. DRES3 GOODS IN ENDLESS VARIETY All Wool, in brown and green mixed, 60c per yd. in blue and black mixed, 85c per yd. in red and black mixed, 60c per yd. U U u All "Wool,, in red, black and mixed, 76c per yd. | in green and brown , mixed, 75c per yd. 1 olive green and blk if it mixed, 50c per yd. 12 Pieces in Mixed Novelties. See the new color in Bine Serge, also a fine line of Black all wool Serges and BriUianteens. Six pieces all w6ol Black Brrodad ® roods, plain, Brocaded Black Sateens. Several pieces latest shades,of green. Fou- piecee all »ool plaii brown in different shades A 'ine line ot Windsor Cilicoes in all shados and colors, als> a new stock of Dress and Apron Ginghams, flee<-ed\lined Wrapper Goods j „a '»•*« Of fall and wintrr Wrappers. Underwear in all we.ghts and prices for men, ladies and children. The latest thing out in Fancy Kibbon Belts. A new line ot l»die< Handk.rehieffl, Gloves. Neckties. Fancy Ribbons aBd Hose Corset Cnvara ' rfuslin Shirts, and don't forget the line of Ladies Sh*g from Piogreo & Smith. Fancy Table Covers in all colors Trunks ' relescopes and Dress Suit Cases in all sizes and sty lei. ' ' - C > • ' ' We wish to announce to the buying public that we are sole agents for Grin wold, Palmer & Co.'s CLOAKS, JACKETS and CAPES, and will offer the largest and best line in town at the lowest possible prices. Not hav ing the room to carry one or more of each kind, we have issued a cat alogue showing and describing each and every garment that thia large manufacturing company make. So all those that have not already re ceived one can do so by calling and asking for it. By handling Jackets, Cloaks and Capes in this way we do not need to carry so large a stock and so do not have a large amount of money tied up and can, therefore, sell at a very small profit--less than one-half the margins that all other dealers do who carry the stock. Make your selection and we will get it here the same day you order, and if it does not St or suit in every way, do not take it. We can certainly save you money by dealing with us. Over One Hundred Samples to pick from, and all this year's styles. Orercoats. Ia made in 16 different and if guaranteed to turn all kli d* if Block Nothing but Large Galvenized Wire of the Best Bessemer Steel used in its construction A FENCE THAT ALWAYS ITS SHU'E. KEEPS Crtaip and Joint. The blnf{« joint at each Intersection rf the wires makes anaduetnb.e fence and prevent) »t*y wire* from bemilng. The crimp in the ft rand wire provides tor expan sion and contraction and rrvents stiy wires from virig ou t of place. makufactubkd bv CONSOLIDATED STIll A WIRK CO CHICAGO, ILLINOIS I ho*e Wishing a fence will do well to see this fence and get cur prices before purehaslcg. Call on or address 9m4 E. H. THOMPSON, West McHenry. MEN WANTPI1 School Teacnera, Ma ^ T " * til cbanlcs, Farmers, Ua crnn« Agents, anvone honest and willing to bustle, 6 wni piy good wage* and steady emp ovm«nt With our facilities and per s<-.nal help and roan fully alive ar<i willing to work can w'n a faying position with us. Ap ply quick, stating age L. L. MAY a CO., Nurserymen, 8eedmen A Florists. St. Paul, Minn, Do you want a first-clasv all wool Suit or Overcoat at a very small price ? you one of Un best lire* ot Clothing ever in town. We will not be undersold by if they don't prove satisfactory, we will be here to make it right. We have just received our winter stock and can iir any one. Get >oar Clothing ot us and save money. Our tall aod win'er stock is hern, from the celebrated houses of Pingree & Smith and C. M Henderson & Co. We have thera in Bl-.cx und W inter Tan, with or without calt lining in all sh:<pe and prices. You all know when you get a Pingree & Smith Shoe, it always gives satisfaction, if they go wrong in'any way* through any defect in the leather or workmanship, come back and get a new pair, or your money back, „ ' / - Come and ask what bargains we are giving in our GROCERY DEPART MENT. We keep nothing but the choicest Groceries. OWEN & CHAPPEL. RANSOWS Do you Use a Good duality of Tea ? If so, we would recommend ours at 35c and 50c as the best value for the money in America, and in order to secure your trial order, we offer fou with e*ch pound of tea one sa k of our Best on Record Flour, $1.00 per sack, or four tacks for $3.95, with four pound* ot tea. Be sure and examine our fall stock of Underwear, Shoes, Jackets, Capes / Just received, nowhere sold with such small profits. Better hook up, look us over, and see if yon can save anything by trading here. Will you do so ? JOHN EVANSON & CO. West McHenry. Illinois, A Customer of Mine using a PENINSULAR HEATING STOVE. For which he paid rne $30, remarked to his neighbor that he would not sell it for $100 if he could not get another like it. This is pleasing to us, and doubtless is to the many owners of such stoves in thia and other vicinities. Now-1 am handling the Peninsular Stoves, Ranges and Furnaces And the foregoing is only to show the true satisfaction this line of Stoves are giving. I have 45 of thesa stoves sampled oil my floor and invite inspection from all. It will be worth jour time to ca'l and see them. F. L. McOMBER. W®8* S'de Hardware Storej