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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Oct 1898, p. 5

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;> v.r V • • WEDNESDAY. OCT. 5, 1898. 1898, Emil A both of Arlin W.- Railway Time Table. ' Taking effect Sundiy, Stey 30 l«OT. at six tfol ick A. x. Train, will pass Mollenry Ration as follow*: OOIHG SOUTH. •LakeGeneva Passenger....... 1Williams Bay Express Williams Itny Passenger ...... Lake Geneva freight . . l ake Geneva passenger .. .....7:34 A. M •• ... 3 :27 L*. I 3.27 " 1I BKB iienov» I'jiKMCjiKfr ......6;17 " "st$Wiiiiam* Bav Pass ,ger,CbIo»i7...7:<H | Williaras Bay Pass'ger via Elgin 7:2t CrOIRG aoBTH. 10: CO A , K . .... .........10:56 2:50 F. M, ;........ 4:*5 •• ........ 4:55 " ......... 6:56 " (Williams Bay Pas»enger. Lake Geneva Freight William* Bay Passenger take Geneva Passenger... .. Wlliiani. Bay Express... ... Lake uonava Passenger...... (Vf iUinms Bay Passenier..... BXPL ANATIOW, •-Daily. ^ t--Daily except Sunday. J-Sundays only. , ,1. x Thia train runs from June 96 to Sept. 4, Inclusive. ; ^ B. BUSS, Agent. McHenry. U M. W. A. : .Eegular Meetings every Second and Fourth Wednesdav evenings of each month, at their Hfcn, over Evanson & Co,'8_Btore, HOIST. B HOWAHD, Consul. 3, KTMBAIL, Clerk. . ^ , , , W. O. O. F. - it, Patricia Coart, No 187, W, C. O. F. meet '.-the First baturday and Third Wednesday ... acenlngs of eacu month, at forest Hall.: 5MRS. MIKY CO«B, Chief Hanger. QHABLOTTB MADDEST, Secretary. ^ ' MASONIC. MOHBKBT LODGJT, NO. 158, A. F. and A. M.-- Regular Communications the stcend ana fourth Mondays In each month. W. A. OKI9TY, W. M. Methodist Episcopal Church.) lev. J. B. Clark. Pastor; • Preaching Sunday, 10:30 A. St., and 7:80 p. x. Sunday School,ill: 5 A. A. 0*. A.B. Auringer, Superintendent Epwortb League, 6:5 r, x., Uey.J. K. Olark, President. Prayer Meeting* Wednesday, 7:80 p. x. 1 Ladies' Aid Sooiety each alternate wee* Krs. J. K. Olark, President. I US' A Cordial invitation Is extended to al MARRIED --At the Luther on Church, in this village, on Sunday last, October 2d. Kramliier an d Miss Rachel* Arlington Heights, III. ' • • - ' V -- - J /THE Chicago Telephone Company hiitre /moved their Central Station from the store of Owen & Chapell's to Simon StOf- ^el's, on the West Side. THE Fair to be given by the Congrega­ tion of St. Mary's Catholic Church, in this village, of which we spoke last week, is to be held some time iti the early part of November, the exact date of which has not as yet been fixed, but due notice of Which will be given in these columns. I THE Ladks of St. Patrick's Church, of this village, have decided to give a Social Party, at Stoffel's Hall, on the evening; of October 26th, the proceeds to be used to pay f< r their new Organ. The best of mnsic will be furnished and a general good time may be expected* More particulars hereafter. THR funeral of .Tames Monahan, at Aiis late residence, ia the toWn of Wau- conda, on Sunday last, was one of the largest ever held in Lake County, aud went to show the high esteem in which he was held by all who knew him An obituary will appear ia these columns ^ater. > THIS sportsmen in this village went out for their Annnitl Mud Hen shoot on Mon­ day and a rare days sport was the result. There were fourteen boats out and by actual count they brought fn 763 Mud Hens. Last years record was 649. At this rate Mud hens will be scarce on the Lakes in the near future. Unlvorsailst Churoh Directory! J. Walsh, H. U. Mead James B. Perry.... . Rev. J. Straub, D, D. President Ulerik .....Treasurer ..I ....Pastor The Willing Workers (the ladies organ- sation.) Mrs. Jaa. B. Perry President Mrs. J. Van Slyke Secretary Mrs W. A. Cristy Treasurer Bupt, of Sunday School, A. E. Baechler Assistant, W. A. Cristy a^The Factor's Chloago Telegraph Address • Grand Crossing, Preaching services at 10:30 A. X. and at 7:80 R. X. A cordial lnvitnion to all. kvf: New Advertisements This Week. Qwen & Chapell, McHenry. jf. L. McOmber, West Mellaocy. |fohn Evctnson & Co.," '**. * Jfk E. Cristy, Kingwood. of Sale of Real Estate. / TAB Rock River M. E. conference will be held in the South Park M. E. church, ^Chicago, this week, beginning IV ednesday. PABTICULAR attention is called to the large advertisement of Owen & Chapell, to be found on the fourth page of this ^iper. / AT the examination for the appoint- ( ment of a West Point cadetship from \ this district, all the applicants failed on *ytheir pfysical examination. THEODORE BICKLKR will accept the thanks of the. editor and. family for a liberal supply of excellent beets and tar- nips left at our residence. THE Ladies Aid Society of the M. E Church, will meet with Mrs. R. Sherborne, on Friday afternoon of this week, at the nraal hour. All ipe most cordially in- jrited. * Tr: h:, SEC. /, A two-year-old colt, belonging to f Henry Poile, which he was leading by the [ side of a team on his way to Wheaton, \ dropped dead somewhere near Elgin on V Saturday last. W. A. CRISTY haa moved his. Juatioe / office to the rooms over Evanson'e store,' / where he can be found on Saturday and I Monday of each week. The Town Clerk's \ offlce is also at the same place. / JOHN JUSTEN is painting the fenc-1 in / front of the two residences owned by him ^ on Elm Street, which not only improves the appearance oi the premises bat the ' str»«t as well. . p~ R J "EDWARU E ," the fine young trotting -^r^peJding, owned by C. T. Eldredgi, of this j. Tillage, again done himself proud at the : Elkhorn fair last week. -He won first \ money in the 2:30 class, in thrwstraight \ heats, the best time being 2:25% He <s - proving himself a wonderful young horse. THERE is a slight change in our rail road time tab'e which the traveling pub- lia will do well to note. The Geneva Lake Passenger going north at 2:50 and returning going south at 6:17 P M , was discontinued for the season on Saturday last. The balance ojghe trains will ran the same as osual for the present. ^ 0 THE Meneley Trio gave an entertain / ment, at the i ity Hall on Tuesday even- f ing to a crowded house. Their singing qras the finest and Mr. Knox as an im­ personator has few equals. All present were mere than delighted with the enter­ tainment. They will appear again this \ eveniug and no one should fail to hear " them. Admission tO and i 5 cents. IF yon read an advertisement to the effect that a certain firm in some distant „ city will ^ell you an elegant tinted en­ graving of the battleship Maine for one dollar--said engraving to be approved by the Uuited States government--don't bite. They will send you a two-cent teranae stamp and yoa will have no one feBft yourself to blame for stupidity. THE past week has been a good one for fishermen on the river and lakes, quite a number of fine strings being taken. At •John Buch's, near the Tron Bridge, there was a bass on exhibition caught in the river that weighed five pounds, and another one was caught in Grass Lake that weighed seven pounds '»nd four ounces. Besides these a large number were hooked that weighed from two to three pounds and a half each. THE McHenry County Principal's As­ sociation will meet at Woodstock, Sat., Oct. 8th. A full attendance at this meeting is especially desired. The fot lowing is the programme. Value of Manual Training... W. C. Smith Slant. Writing vsVertical.. F. E Angevine How Flexible Ought We t<» make Our Course of Study in the High School C. W. Hart Method in the Study and Teaching of Literature Supt. M. Moore, Belvidere J. S. BHAZIEH, Pres. P. E. ANOEVINE, Sec. THE champion girl of the period lives in Flagg township, Ogle county. In the month of May this year she planted three acres of potatoes, and in June and Ju'y kept them well and thoroughly cultivated, and besides that has done all the cooking and sewing for the family, milked four cows, fed the calves, pigs and chickens, shot three crows, killed four snakes, set the dog on four tramps, at­ tended thirteen dances and four picnics, read nine dime novels, and set up four nights in the week with her beau,and yet we often hear the question asked: "What is there far women to do?" SCHOOL REPORT Total attendance 189. Average daily attendance 177, which is divided among the variouB departments as follows : High School 27. Average attendance 26. Grammar School 27. Average at­ tendance 24. 2nd Intermediate 39 Average attendance 36. 1st Intermedi­ ate 28. Average attendance 25. 2nd Primary 39. Average attendance 38. 1st Primacy 29. Average attendance 28. The following pupils have been neither absent nor tardy during the past month. HIGH SCHOOL. Obas BUBS ; Jerfnie Smith Warold onslbf Ninariolby Wil i e OlaxdiaLenora Steven* '*~- Fay email Jennie Walton WinfloM Woolbunu Bertha Pivis Winifred (irlmoldby Rnsina Reynolds Mamie Knox Chas Sllmpin rover Kim hall Cred Ki.t'e lge Emery Kimball K liner Francisco F. E. AHGKVINB, Principal. OBAKKAR ROOM. Archie Auringer Fred Thurlwell Tank Spurllng Gottleib Boi«y Earl VVa'te Lynn l i r i s ty We6tfail Woodbnrn Heasie Mason ©IED --At Crossville, Tenn., September ^7th, 1898. Mrs. Flora Colby Hamby, Aged 20 years. Mrs. Hamby was well f known here, being a daughter of the late Gideon Colby, and has many relatives W>d friends in this village and vicinity who were greatly shocked and grieved to learn of her death, The^ cause of her death we learn was quinsy. Her remains were taken to Hartley, Iowa, for burrial. Card of Thanks. Eermit us, on behalf of selves and other relatives of the late Mrs. Man­ chester formerly Mrs. Van Deusen, to re­ turn our sincere thanks to the many friends who BO kindly expressed their sympathy by their attendance at her bu­ rial in McHenry, on Tuesday of this week. • N. D. VAN DEUSEN, J. M. EDSOH. /""^HE Harvest Home Supper, given by he ladies of the Willing Workers Soelety t the City Hall, on Friday evening last, rew out a large cro^d and all acknowl- edtted that they never sat down to a ore appetizing repast. It was indeed a fenaffq Banquet, and f e ladies are en­ titled to grjat praise for their efforts in this line. And as to the programme it was a grand treat (for all. It was some­ thing ont of the usual line of such enter­ tainments, and took the entire audience by storm and many times sinre we have heard it remarked that they had heard entertainments in the city that was not halt as good, for which they had paid 50 cents. We do not exajrerate when we Say it was Lard to beat and reflected great credit on those having the enter­ tainment in charge. Nothing we can say will do it justice. It must be seen to be appr ciated. The Supper and enter­ tainment netted the ladies the handsom 'sum of $38.45. JOHNS. MEDDLAR, an old and highly respected citizon of Woodstock, d ied at his late residence, in that city on Tues­ day evening of last week, in the 68th year of bis age. He bad been in poor h"Pttl4h for the past two or three yeare> and for the past year had failed rapidly, therefore bis death was not unexpected. Perhaps no man in Woodstock was bet­ ter known throughout the county, than John S. Meddlar, and whereev^r known he was honored and respected. The fun­ eral was held from bis late heme on Thursday afternoon, Sept. 29th. under the auspices of the Knights Templar lodge, of which I e was an honored member, and the remains interred in Oakland cemetery. THE following named Sir Knights from this county attended the funeral of Ja&> M iaabao, at bis late residence, in the town of Wauconda, on Sunday last: MCHENRY.--W. A. Cristy, O. W. Owen, Geo. H. Hanly, John Evanson, C. C. Colby, II. Waite. WooDSTt CK.--G. L. Sherwood, E. E. Richards, A. R. Murpby, L. T. Hoy, A, K. Bunker, E. V. Anderson, E.C. Jewett, E. Arnold, F. W. Buell, J. R. Hyde, D. T. Smiley, H. J. Dygert, J as. Andrews, W. G. Conklin, Wm.G. Conklin, E. W. Allen, Lee Ward. G. F. llushton, A. S. Wright, E. Whitson. RICHMOND.--J. V. Aid rich, Thos. Bow- era, Robt. Hunter, Wm. McGaw, R. Overton. HAHVAIM.--W. W. Wellington, H. H. Mogran, Thos. Marshal, Dr. J. W. Groes- beck, Jas. Logue, D. Davidson. There aro plenty of marked down gar­ ments everywhere, down because tbey don't sell, but we offer nothing but new­ est things to be fonnd in the market See our Ad. J. E. CRISTY. Remember in buying your clothing at Miller's the price is made to fit the goods you aeject JOHN J. MILLER. Dora Stoffel Mal>el Grnnger Etta Colby Annie Frtsby Nina Colby -. .•>. Myrta Gal latter Julia Jueger Ethel Owen DEBORAH cor VKR, Teacher. SBSONO IHTBHMEDIATB Frank E. Block Charles Hetmer Frank B'oek Florence Howe I)e ia Beckwtth Katie Heimer • Iva Curtis Herman Kamho'z ' Winnie Dertnoni Albert Kamholz assie E. iredge Uraoie Lee Ceiia Frlsby tiattie T.anjphere " Willie Feltz . Lillie McGae Hertha Feiu Annin Mil'er Katie Freund Iva Mead Chester Goodman Wil'ie Nickels Mamie Granger Bessie Smith MARY L. COHB, Teacher. FIRST IWTKKMSDTATB. Aim* Tesch Lee Oletrv " Irene McOmber Maggie Ward ' Carl Wegener Caioline ipndlnr Josie Nickels Lillian Swadigh Freddie Felts I.iila F aneisco Fred Wolff Florence Granger JBSSIB M. BALDWIN, Teaches; SECOWD FRIXABY. Eddie Conway Willie Gatlaher Thomas Knox Frankifi Rossman Walter Fr<-und Patsy Overocker Howinl Wattles Oilbert Howaid K<lwin Jaeger Earl Brown Pauline Auringer Gilbert McOmber Hay Page Emma Conway Julia Stoffel Mamiie Granger . Pearl Ctaxton • Mary W'gener Myrtle Wattles Ellen J'esrj Iternice Botts" Nellie N-wman John Thurlwell Le "»rr Mead FRANCES A. OSBORNK, Teacher, FJBBT PRIMARY. Jemim% Young Myra Mead Genevieve Owen Myrtle Cobb itosa Wofienor Leon Sltmpin Enyl OUou Fanny Granger Johnnie Lrng BArtha Wo 111 Walter Lee Eddie Uossmann Gerald Newman Buby Uiax on KATB F. Hows, Teacher. Behool The kcHmrt County Sunday Convention. T^ie 27th and 28th of September at Richmond, was held the largest Sunday ^chool Convention ever held in this founty. 103 delegates were present, nearly alio1 the townnhips being repre­ sented. A great deal of benefit was de­ rived from the normal lessons taught by Mr. G. W. Miller oiParis, III., a state field worker of great ability and enthu­ siasm. Much attention was paid to psi- mary work on which many helpful sugges­ tions were made by Mrs. Ballard, of Chi­ cago, who has had such wonderful sac- cess in a mission school there. Motion songs, blackboard work, Calisthenics and 1 seon stories were approved. At the close a note of thanks was tendered the ladies of Richmond who so royally en­ tertained the delegates, the manner of which may be emulated by future com­ mittees of entertainment. SEC. Silclta va. Shannon et al.--A Great Vio- tory for Attorney O. P. Barnes. On Monday of this week Attorney C. P. Barnes received a telegram from C. C. Duffy, clerk of the Appellate court at Ot­ tawa that the court had graiited a new trial in the above case, ai.d that it was remanded to the Circuit Court of Mc­ Henry county for a new trial and Mr. Barnes is jubilant over the result. The decree in the above case was rendered by Judge Chas. E. Fuller, of Belvidere, at the September term, 1898, of our circuit court, and on an appeal being taken by Mr. Shannon to the Appellate court de­ cree of Judge Fuller was affirmed by that court. Up to that , time Mr. Shannon had been represented by a Chicago law­ yer, but after being defeated both in the Circuit and Appellate courts he secured the services of Mr. Barnes, w ho immedi­ ately began working on the case to see ii the decisions of the Circuit and Appellate courts could be set aside. The first step of Mr. Barnes was to secure a superse­ deas from J udge Crabtree of the Appel­ late courty and when the case was again presented to that court on a writ of error by Attorney Barnes the same court that had before aitirmed the case, by their de­ cision rendered on Monday of this week, now reverse the same and order a re-trial in the Circuit court. If anything were lacking to prove the ability of Attorney Barnes the results of this case ought to satisfy the most exacting.-- Woodstock Democract. LIST of letters remaining uncalled for in the P. O. at McHenry, 111., Oct. 1st, 1898: Michael Br ah am. Mrs. Wm. Towns, R. A Widdicombe, Mrs. D. Hogebaam. Otto Grumwald, Mrs Colby, Harry W. Heister, ElIaMcfrea, PettT Kleebor, Hat tie Zahn Edna Hughes. Please say advertised when calling for above letters. . ROLLIN WAITK, P. M. 1 See the new Dress Gingham* Calicoes at Owen & Chapell's. and YI-KI cores corns and warts. 16 osnts PBBSONAX JAKES B. PERRY was attending to business at Woodstock on Monday. W. A. CRISTY was a Woodstock visitor on Monday last. JOHN RALSTON and wife were visiting with friends in Chicago on Friday last. JOHN EVANSON was attending to busi­ ness in greater Chicago on Friday. MRS. C. H. FEGERS was a Chicago visi­ tor on Sanday. MRS.- F. L. MCOMBER spent a few days w:th friends in Chicago last week. MISS ELEANOR MCUEE returned to school, at Evanstoif, to day Wednesday. W. A. CRISTY is in Chicago this week attending Masonic Grand Lodge. C. GUERING and wife, attended the Fair at Elfchorn last week and visited with friends *n that vicinity. MRS SMITHCAMP and daughter, of Bur­ lington, Wis., were the guests of B. Buss _&n(l family over Sunday. RAY LAMPHERE has accepted ft situ- ntion in Simon Stoffel's store, and cOm- fneneed work to-day. W.E. SMITH and wife, of Rinarwood, at tended the State Fair at Springfield, last week. OHN PITSON, of Volo, is rejoicing over pair of Twins, that arrived at his home ne day last week. HN BOLOER and wife, of Woodstock, are happy over the arrival of a son at ^jheir residence. HARRY HANLY came out from Chic igo and spent Sunday with friends in this Tillage. N. A. HEM AN, of the firm of Heman & Schneider, was attending to business in Chicago the last of the week. GEO. A. HANLY will start some day this week for a pleasure trip through Michigan. HAROLD HOWARD, of Elgin, came up Friday last and visited with friends here over Sanday. MRS. GEO. SCHREINER and . Mrs. F. K. Hranger visited with friends in Wood­ stock on Friday last. HENRY POILE has moved his family to Wheaton, III., where he has secured a situation. MRS. J. A. DANIELSON and daughter, who have been visiting at H. E. Wight- man's the past month, started for their home in Nevada, on Sunday last. /FRANK JACKLEY and wife, of Ashton, fowa, took a permanent boarder one tiay last week. It was a boy, and tipped ihgjgpales at 10% pounds. HARY WIGHTMAN wifent to Wheaton on Saturday with a load of. household goods for H. Poile. Mrs. Poile went down by train on Monday. MILTON COVERT, wife and son, and Geo. Bradley and wife, of Algonquin, were the guests of J. P. Smith and family for two days last week. W. A. CRISTY. John Sranson. Geo. H. Hanly, R. Waite. and O. W. Owen, at­ tended the funeral of'John S. Medlar, at Proceedings of Village Board. COUNCIL ROOM, Oct. 3,1898. Regular meeting. Present full Board. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The following bills ware audited and paid: * B. L. Smith, oil....*...M«..*M..^M^.riii) 65 M M. Neisen, police service..„...«.. 40 00 A. Wegener, wnshers for w works 40 John Walwh, police service 40 00 Gilbert Bros, merchandise 6 88 John Evanson & Co, oil 1 62 Jos. Blake, work on bridge 4 50 Wilbor Lumber Co, lumber bridge 7-95 Owen & Chappel, mdse 15 90 M. Walsh, work on Water mains.. 4 50 JohnSiimpin " •* " 4 50 Fred Voelz, " " *' 4 50 Aug Wasuow^ti,. " t " 6 15 Thos. Laughlin, " " u 14 40 F. Ward, " " ' 8 18 J. J. Freund, '• " 24 22 Wm. Overocker, " " 9 90 T. Hal pin, " « 11 40 Ed Simon, " " 12 37 Will Krause, " " " 18 65 Wm. Voelz, " " 14 40 John Krause, payable to M. J. Walsh, work on water mains.. 14 40 EARL MEAD and wife, of Gray's Lake, were calling on friends here on Thursday evening last. Mr. Mead returned the same evening and Mrs. Mead remained over 3unday. MRS, C. A. KNHJHT, of Chicago, oame ont on Thursday evening and made a short visit with her parents, Dr. H. T. Brown and wife, and attended the Har­ vest Home Supper on Friday evening. MISS ALTA KIMBALL went to Solon on Friday last where she will stay with her sister for a time. Mrs. Nat Kimball and Miss Bernice Kimball accompanied her, returning the same avening. MRS. AUGUSTA MILLER and daughter, who have been stopping with H. C. Mead and family for the paet two months, re­ turned to their home in Chicago last week. • PROF. F. M. GOODMAM, of the College of Pharmacy, University of the State of Illinois, went to Chicago on Monday morning to commence the Fall and Win­ ter Term oft hat institution^ H. C. MEAD went to Aurora on Tues­ day to meet with the Chairmen and Secre­ taries of the Republican County Central Committees of the 8th Congressional District. , E. D. SPIKES, of Oshkosh, Wis., arrived here on Saturday evening and is the guest of E. 8. Wheeler and wife at Rose Liwn FaTm. Mrs. Spike§ came about a week ago. MRS. WHITE, of Maryland. Mrs. Fitch, of New York, and Leonard Burge, wife and son, of Gray's Lake, were the guests of T. J. Walsh and wife in this village a day or two last week. 14 55 12 90 18 90 7 50 3 00 1 40 W m. Mead, R. D Carr, " G. Woo# " A.Voe!z,jr, *• G. Meyers, n J. Her bee, gra vel Motion by Heimer seconded by Gran­ ger, that the dramshop license bond of Harry 0. Boewell, with Casper Wirfs and Anton Eageln as sureties, be accepted. Yeas-- Baer, Freund, Granger, Heimer, Miller, Wentyrotth. Nays--None. Mo­ tion carried The bond is for the remaining seven nonths of the fiscal year. Moved by Wentworth, seconded by Freund, that the board adjourn subject to call of the president. Motion carried. The board then adjourned. W. A. CRISTY, Pres. J. STOFFEL, Clerks GREENWOOD. Mrs. Wilson and Louis visited relatives at Rinffwood Saturday. f The tiingwood Ladies' Aid Society met with Mrs. Jas. Carr last week Thursday. Our village eent its usual large delega­ tion to the Elkhorn fair. E. T. Chase and O. A. Tabor were call­ ing in our vicinity one day the past week. Jas. Wester man drove over from RidgefieKl for a brief call Sunday. F. E. Thayer, wife and daughteT, spent the Sabbath with Greenwood friends. Mrs. Maud Wilson is entertaining a lady friend from Elgin. Frank Howell is showing his brother and daughter, of New York state, the sights of Greenwood. Mesdames. N. J. Garrison and Keller, of itidgefield, spent Saturday with the former's mother, Mrs. W. Westerman. Me^dames Will Dodge and Will Mc- Caunon were calling in Greenwood last week Tuesday. Chas. Thompson is making some im­ provements on his farm. Clarence God- dard is the carpenter. Miss Bessie Baker and a young lady friend were calling in our village the lat­ ter part of the week. Will Garrison and wife rejoice over the arrival of a bouncing baby boy at their home. «r , . L m. . . - L. E. lteHett has finished his season's Woodstock, on Thursday afWrhoon fa^t. ITork at th< golf grounds at Lake Geneva An Editor's Daughter's The editor of Harper's Magazine, Mr. Henry M. Alden, has a daughter who has made a collection of over 100 dolls, each doll representing a different nation and b :ing made in that country. The collec­ tion is considered to tie the most unique and finest of its kind in existence. M s9 Alden is now to show the world her dolis. and explain them, and in the next issue of The Ladies' Home Journal she will show pictures of the first twenty. In fol­ lowing issues s te will sho*r the otaers. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR TRIENNIAL CONCLAVE. .PITTSBURGH, PA., OCT. 10-14,1898. On account of the above tickets to Pittsburgh via the Northwestern Line, will be sold October 7 to 10 inclusive, at specially favorable rates. Apply to agents for lull pat ticniars. 13-2w HORSE RACE MEETING, TAYLOR'S DRIVING PARK ASSOCIATION, FREEPORT OCT. 4-7, 1898. On account i.f the above, tickets, vift the Northwestern Line, will be sold Oc­ tober 4-7, good until October 8, 1898, t<» Fre«'port from all points within seventy-five miles. Specially low rates. Apply to agents for full particulars 13-1 w We ure now showing the largest line of clothing ever sh4wn in McHenry at one time, this is not in your mind, or on paper. If you call we will show you the good* to prove assertion correct. JOHN J. MILLER, W. McHenry and will move to Hebron for the winter. Chas. Thompson and daughter, Ella, and Huzel Westerman, were Ringwood visitors last Saturday. Goo. Garrison has returned from Dun­ dee wberehe has spent the summer assist­ ing his son Earnest in the implement business. Harry Wilson and Miss Delia Toles, two of our popular young people, were married at Lake Geneva, Wis , last Wed­ nesday. The young couple then took in the Elkhorn fair an i visited relatives at Capron before returning to their home in our village. Harry is one of our hust­ ling young farmers, and his wife ik one of our most popular young ladies, and they have hosts of friends in this vicinity who wish them a long, happy and useful life. The foolish and unnecessary expendi­ ture oi society on its trivial pleasures at a time when men and women are out of work and children are crying for food is a cruel and unchristian waste of oppor­ tunities. "I wa,8 going to frame a picture this month, but it shall hang on my wall un framed a wt.ile longer, and you may feed some of God's little ones with this five dollars instead." But the eyes of the an gel p will see a frame around the pic ture, a frame rich *rith more than earthly gilding. A mother wept and prayed at the bedside of her sick child--dying, she believed it to bt--but God spared its life, and as an expression of her thankfulness she sends five dollars, perhaps to make the life of some other mother's child brighter--possibly to cave a life, who knows? Volume on Domestic Animals. A volume of 500 pages, giving the treatment, cure and care of domestic animals, Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs. Hogs and Poultry: sent free: Humph­ reys' Medicine Company, Cor. Williams & John Bts.; N. Y. We have the power to make the price a power. The better the grade the better trade. We can prove the above asser­ tion during the week October 8 to 15 inclusive. See our Ad. J. E. CRISTY. The celebrated Pillsbury Flour can be otind at Simon Stoffel's. It i* un luestionably the mos#1 populaf Flour ver sold here. $1.00 FOR 10c. A jjentleman from Farmer City, writes: "I have used your remedy, Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, and find it an excellent medicine. My whole family use it. Our baby is only 6 months old and takes it freely. I would not be without it if the 10c size cost me $1.00--Lincoln S. Payne. In 10c, 50c and $1.00 sizes at A. Story's. Get your husking Gloves, at Simon Stoffel's. Prices way down. \*7 AN'L'E U--3 K V E K A L 1 RUST W0 RTH Y J* persons in this state to manage our :NI8'N«8A IN ther o»n and nearby connties. I! IB mainly office work condusled at home, •ialary straight #903 a yes»r and expenses-- .leflnite, bonailile, no inoi no less talary. Monthly, f75 References Enclose se'f- vldressed Ft"mped envelope, Herbert E lies*. Pres , Dept. M. Chicago. 10 4m The editor of the Evans City, Pa., iiohe, writes. "One minute Cough Cure is rightly named. It cured ray children after all other remedies failed." It cures ooaghs, colds, and all throat and long troubles. By J. A. Story. RINGWOOD. J. C. Ladd's people are enterla'ning friends from abroad. Chat lee SuHivan and Charles Dates were in town Friday. New Millinery, all the latest styles at Mrs. O. N. Rich's. Many from here attended the Elkhorn Fair last week. J. E. Cristy waaaCbicago visitor on Tuesday. The little son of F. H. Allen and wife "s very sick at this writing. Mr. Heman, of McHenry, wa£ in town Saturday. C. R. Harrison, of River Forest, visited Ringwood relatives Saturday. Miss Katie Frisby went to Chicago Saturday for a visit with relatives. She will be absent about two weeks. Mr. Goodhand's people have moved in­ to their hoase lecently purchased of Harry Peet, Simon Kelley moved family into John Carey's house south weat of town, the last of the week. Strang and Voge' --ere out after cattle last week. Nearly r i.e hundred head woe purchased in one <1ay. A new clerk has been installed at the store. We understand he is from Vermont. A. L* Francisco was in Chicago last week. He left for Minnesota Tuesday to be absent ten days. Rev. Guthrie, of Evanston, occupied the pulpit in the M. E. Church last Sun­ day. No services next Sunday owing to conference. Saturday afternoon next the members of the Junior League will hold a social at the home of Ray I)odgev Every member is requested to be present. A good pro­ gramme is being prepared. Business Iiocals. Old fashions in dress may be received, but no old-fashioned medicine can re­ place Chamberlain's CoKc, Cholera nd Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by 1. A* Story. One Minute Cough Cure, camb That Is what it was Giving value for value is the secret of good business and our clothing sale will be a fair example of the above motto. See our Ad. J.«E. CRISTY. / ______ CLOTHING, CLOTHING, CLOTHING. Buy your Suits and Oyercoats where the stock is largest, clean and new. You can suit yourself best. JOHN J. MILLER, W. McHenry. New Prints just received, Latest Paterns, and at prices lower than ever before. Simon Stoffel. Call and leave your measure for a suit of clothes or overcoat only a 'moderate profit charged and perfect fit guaran­ teed at M.J. Walsh's Remember the great closing out sale of summer goods at Owen & Chapell's. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Piles, Scalds, Burns. Leave your orders for canning peaches and get them direct from the Michigan orchard. Owen & Chapell. See the Neckties at Owen & Chapell's. New stock of Ladies Wrappers, Flan­ nelettes, Percales and Calicoes. JuBt received at M. J. Walsh's. A fresh supply of the finest candies received every week at M. J, Walsh's. We save all cash discounts in buyinur bur clothing. Those getting their Over­ coats or Suits of us will get the cash benefits. JOHN J. MILLER. SILVER DRAGON TEA. The best Tea in the market, and bough before the Tax. Sold now at 50 cents per pound. At Simon Stoffel's. Win your battles against disease by acting promptly. One Minute Cough Ture produces immediate results. When taken early it prevents consumption. And in later stages it furnishes prompt relief. By J. A. Story. WANTED--SEVERAL TRUSTWORTHY persons in this state t^> m«n<<ge our business in thetr own and nearby counties It is luainlv office work conducted at home, "alary straight 1900 a year snd expenses-- • leflnite, botiallde, no more, no less salary Monthly, (75. References. Enclose self- addrsssed stamped envelop*, Herbert E Hess, Piest,, Dejit,, M, (hi"ago. 10-4m Bob Moore, of LaFayette, Ind., says that for constipation he has found De Witt's Little Early Risers to be perfect. They never gripe. Try them for stomach and liver troubles. By J. A. Story. S OR. CALDWELL'S AL YRUP PEPSlN CURES It is now an undisputed fact that we carry the Clothing Stock of McHenry. When in want of anything in that line give us a look. JOHN J. MILLER. Thousands of persons have been cured of piles by using I)eWitt's Witch Haze, Salve. It heals promptly and cures eoze. ma and all skin diseases. It gives im mediate relief. By J. A. Story. Good pantaloons overalls 50c, 75c, 90c and $1.00. Duck coats, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2 00, $2 25 and $2 50 at M. J. Walsh's. The celebrated Douglas Shoe, without question the most stylish and best wear­ ing shoe on the market, can be found at Simon Stoffel's. Clothing and Shoes are onr specialties, hence it is easy to see that we can do you more good on those lines than you get elsewhere. JOHN J. MILLER, T SCHOOL SHOES. The finest stock of Children's School Shoes ever brought to this town, can be found at Simon Stoffel's. New Cider Mill. The uudersigned has built a new build­ ing and put in a new Cider Mill, and is now prepared to make your apples into cider on short notice and guaranties satisfaction. Every man will get hi cider from his own apples, where he haw ten bushels or over. Remember my mill is all new and good work will be war­ ranted. Bring along your apples. Mill on tue Richmond road, near the Ceme­ tery, McHenry. NICK WINKLES. McHenry, Juiy 22,1898. A PROMINENT LAWYER. v s Of Greenville, 111., Mr. C. E. Cook, wHM ̂ "I have been troubled with billiousnees, iick headache, sour stomach, constipa tion, etc., for several years. I sought long and tried many temedies, but was disappointed until I tried Syrup Pepsin. I can cheerfully recommend it to any suf­ fering from, above complaints*" Story, McHenry. • IT LEADS. ? ^ Wherever it has been introduced, Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin leads all other remedies in curing Constipation, Indi­ gestion and Sickheadache. It only costs 10c for trial size (10 doses for 10 cents). Large size 50c and $1.00. At J. ' Story's,. De Witt's Little Early Rivets,.......; The famous littl* pills. • - For Sale. "-'M Feed warehouse and Coal sheds, situ* ntedat West McHenry, III., together with a well established Feed and Coal trade. For further particulars applj at once to W. A. Cristy, West McHonry, or J. E. Lristy, Ringwood, 111. ti&U- - How to Prevent Croup. We have two childcgn who are subject to attacks of croup. Whenever an at­ tack is coming on my wife gives tbem Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and it al­ ways prevents the attack. It ie a house­ hold necessity in this county and no matter what else we run out of, it would not do to be without Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. More of it is sold here than of all other cough medicines com­ bined.--J. M. NICKLE, of Nickle Bros., merchants, Nickleville, Pa. For sale by J.A.Story. Sick headaches, biliousness, constipa­ tion and all liver and stomach troubles can be quickly cured by using those famous little pills known as I>eWitt's Little Early Risers. They are pleasant to take and never gripe. By J. A.Story. lln sure to leave your orders for PiUa» bury's or Washburn's best at Stoffel's Delivered promptly to any part of town. Wanted ftn id6H SSS Protect your Ideas; they may bring yoa wMltk. Write JOHN WE/>DEiiBURN ft CO . Patent Aug*, aeys, Washington, D. C .for their gl.iX) prtaa MMt and list ot two hundred Inventions wanted. • - I mu Sr« 1 -• ' a ; 4 ; $ "I think DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve to the finest preparation on the market for piles." So writes John C. Dunn ot Wheeling, W. Va., Try it and you will think the same. It also cures eczema and all skin diseases. By J. A. Story I have made a specialty oi the prose­ cution of all kinds of damage caaas against Maat SiEMflH RAILROADS. ."2 other Corporations, and Estates, for fifteen years and make no charge unless ttooooolttl. Call or write me. - ; C. P. BARNES, ATTORNEY, , Woodstock III* - UTILE MAID 0' DREAMS Never dreamed of anything: so pood for the human race as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. So pleasant to take and so po­ tent as a cure for Constipation, Indiges­ tion and Sickheadache, three of the greatest troubles that flesh is heir to. Ia 10c, 50c and $1.00 sizes of J. A. Story* Cotton Bats, t^e best stock in tow*.* At Simon Stoffel's. --a-- Three Doctors ia CoanltatlMk I From Benjamin Franklin. "When you are sick, what you Uksi best is to be chosen for a medicine in tils first place; what experience tells you is best, to be chosen in the second place; what reason (i. e., Theory) says is best is to be chosen in the last place. But tf you can get Dr. Inclination, Dr. Experi­ ence and I)r. Reason to hold a consult** tion together, they will give yon the best advice that can be taken." When you have had a bad cold Dr. Inclination would recommend Chamber­ lain's Cough remedy bacause it is plea­ sant and safe to take. Dr. Experiencs would recommend it because it never fails to effect a speedy and permaneat cure. Dr. Reason would reommend it because it is prepared on scientific princi­ pals, and acts on nature's plan in reliev­ ing the lungs, opening the secretions and restoring the system to a natural and healthy condition. For sale by 4. A« Ktcry. GRAND GIFT DISTRIBUTION Awarded Highest Honors--World's Fair, Dlt VWCO w CREAM BAKING POWDfft MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant* 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. A Full (Set of Six War Memorial SpMma A b s o l u t u l y F r e e t o E v e r y F a m i l y t e t h e ' * • / ' - United States. y For.sixty days we'll give absolutely I i h-4'"4 w i t h o u t c o s t e f a l l s e t o f s i x w a r M e m o - ~ J ^ rial Spoons to everj family sending as / a cash order for Household Furniture ss* ' lee ted from our catalogue, no matter whether the order-be for $1 or $1,000. 4 JsT*? This means that we're going to add * i fifty thousand names to our list of per-, ' i ?! manent customers. We're going to de- , monstrate that it pays to send direct . to the factory for furniture. This dia- tribution will cost us thousand of dollai% ' * . v" --and make us thoflsand of friends. / «. * Each spoon is of a different designer ^ J Four U. S. Battleships, including tM> r "Maine," Soldiers in Camp in Cuba, ^ Morro Castle. T V, ^ These spoons are not the cheap kind . advertised extensively at $1.00 to $1.30 , •' ' * t a s e t . T h e y a r e w a r r a n t e d b e s t c o l a W a . Mlver plate on a base of pure nickel oil var v ' ^ (not low grade brass). They will wear for years and become a priceless heir- / loom for future generations.. Send for a " > copy of our catalogue today. Yoa 't .f,, *J should enclose a stamp or two to I pay postage. ( ^ fb QUAKER VALLEY MFG. CO., • # 353,355 cc 357 W. Harrison St., Chicago^ ; ________ 9-4m r.:-< Do yoa know that E. Lawlns, Tailor, % has taken measures for six, seven ana eight suits a week. Good goods low. Prices from §4.80 to $12. Keep your hand on your pocket book until yon ssp E. Lawlus. 49tfT I* N?5: The chief Burgess, of Milesburg, Psfe, ' says DeWitt's Little Early Risers uretha best pills he ever used in his family dur­ ing forty years of house keeping. Tfcejr cure constipation, sick headache aiitt stomach and liver troubles. Small in sisi, but great in result. By J. A, Story, E. C. Blanks, of Lewisville, Texab writes that one box of DeWitt's ^ Hazel Salve was worth $">0.00 to imu» " ' It cured his piles of ten years standing. He advises others to try it. It alsfr cures eczema, skin diseases andobsttnatS sores. By J. A. Story. , f; Buy your fall aud winter UnJ^rwe^f' •nd duck coats at M. J Walsh W J* " ^ * fuL,. . . . - •t .s? *

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