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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Nov 1898, p. 8

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't How To Find Out. a bottle or common plan HAKES DEMAND - * « * » - - £ M-Si. ;*i* -4 •MA west KjcHenry • joor wat«r and let it stand twenty-four p* , Mum: a sediment or settling indicates &«5 a»<anb®a!thj condition of the kidney*; WK ' tt it stains your linen it is evidence of L"' fcMne.v trouble too frequent desire to I;/ paw it or pain in the the back is also ^ convincing proof that the kidney* and pg Madder are out of order. qf- _ . What To Do. •. - There I® comfort in tho knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. KilmerV % Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy |?lf • Inlfills everv wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder |L '. and every part of the urinary passages ISCi It corrects inability to hold water and fr > Scalding pain to pass it, or bad effects «4-"A following use of liquor, wine or beer, and &£*vr overcomes that unpleasant necessity of A r * beiDg compelled to KO often during the Zki day, and to get up many times during C» the night. The mild and the extrardi- gji nary effect of Swainp-Root is soon realiz- LV ed. It stands the highest for it« wonder 1 fol cures of the most distressing cases. If f'"*_ .. you need a medicine you should have the /,*best. At druggiste fifty cents or one 'A =- dollar. Yoa may have a sample bottle and a t 'y book that tells more about it, both sent Cx absolutely free by mail, if yon send your • address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham- ton, N. Y. When writing be sure and t - 'y mention that you read this generous <t.f- ' offer in THB MCHENRY PLAINDKALER. fT|7AKTED--cEVERAI- TRUSTWORTHY " •' ' W person" in this stats to manage our It* t- bufeincs in their own and nearbv counties. fx s*r it, i» mainly office wo t con«lucte I at home. ***'£ SaHry straight |900 a year and expanses-- Sfei.".5,. - definite, bmaflde, no more, no -ess salary, rf Monthly, $<5. References Enclose self -V " addressed stamped envelope, Herbert E ' Heai", Prest., Dept. M, Chicago. * MILO L. HOWE, DEALERMN PIANOS, ORGANS, Musical Merchandise. 1 Kindsand Sheet Music. . West McHenryl - lllirpis- Sevett CKoioe WTTEWFE vfaited SBFC MSTWW . - ^ V< ' .*1 « *v *>.' ' .'aaieaajfeiSfei DRESS V GOODS 60 Cents per yard, are Cheap at 75 Cent#. NEW, NEAT AND DRESSY, £C ftu.-i,.' Bai'es Tate to Piano Stools Naturally. A growing girl wuo has no Piano misses a great deal of enjoyment, and day by day becomes at a great disadvantage, socially. We make a specialty of good, honestly-built Pianos, at low prices. Our stock is all-- embracing--we exhibit the finest Pianos ever shown in this village, but we take equal satisfaction in ^ctremely low-priced instruments. A Visit of Inspection Will Surprise You Pianos Tuned and Repaired. On short notice and satisfac­ tion guaranteed. Ian alao Agent for the Celebratedinprored DOMESTIC SEWING HACH1HB8, One of the beet Machines on the market, W.uch will b1! sold on ea-y terms, and guar un­ to 3d. Call and see tt. MILO L. HOWE. NOW "ON-HAND MEN'S FUB OVERCOATS Choice Assortment at Right Prices. tt Remember the Maine/' ' „ J* ' - -Jr'" M % 'W- • f t * . M D E H*F': Undersell our We would like to #1 U - B - A Customer of The Farmers' Store. A. C. SPURLING, Veterinary • Surgeon, . .Went McHenry, 111. 'hi' Special attra+ion given to the treat- iomz of Cows. t J Office at residence on Waukegan atrMt, on* door east of Hotel Park. - Felt Boots, Overs and all kinds of Winter Footwear at Hon£3t Prices. Oar stock will compare favorably with any in the county, have but one price and that the lowest. We J. E. CRISTY. Ringwood, 111. • Si HUMPHREYS' MGK. 1 Cures Fever. ^ NJ. 2 « Worms. 3 " iiiSaiits' Diseases. No. 4 " Diarrhea. b©; - o- «Y. 7 " Couyhs. lr<; X-LO. 8 Cvren Neuralgieu r*o. . 9 " Headache. IT ' 14 O. t<o 10 11 " Dyspepsia. Del&yed Periods. L-.O. i2 44 Leuuhorrea. No. 13 Cures Croup. Wo. 14 " Skin Diseases. jpT" WFT 18 " Rheumatism. 7^ • 16 •• Malaria. MOI 19 " Catarrh. fciow SJO Cures Whuoping Cough Wo. SJ1 " /.strima. ' • J. - Wo. 24 " Gen =sral Debility. Ko. 26 " hee. Sickness. •'4. • JHo. 27 Kioaey Diseases. 28 Cure* Hei, >rous Debility. • JFEP'T- No. ao 1 Ur> lary Diseases • JFEP'T- JHo. 32 " ile^rt Disease. Lx. No. 34 Core Throat. I?1' Mo 77 Gol :is and Grip. DB. HNITIEIRETE HOMEOPATHIC MANTTU. <U 1>I8EASKL' MAIXED I'BEB. >, Uma.L boctlts o' .'lj^sanu pellets, fit the vest JJOtket. Scld by druggists, or sent prepaid npon Maue'ptof ori .e, 25 .tents, except Nos. 28. ana 82 "lit- made Jfl. 10 only, Humphreys' Modi 3 Compauy, 11! William St., New York. '(•I#*- H U M P H R E Y S ' W I 7 C H H A Z E L O I L H?HE P»LE O NTMENT." PPUea- External or Internal, BISnd or Bleeding! italaln Ano; Itchlnj?or Bleeding of the Rectmn. ! ? rellet 1b Immediate--th', cure certain. |'MOEs 60 OT& TRIAL SIZE, 25 OTS. ! Bold by DrufgliU, Of Mat post-paid on receipt of prio* WUHrUBtcn* K1IB.CO.. 111 * u« VUlMi St.. RW TOIX Frazer Axle Grease &XUE GREASE FRAZER »; Chriago, Wanted-An Idea t or Cold •ntennial • Fair. ICATOR CO NavYoffc. Who can think of some simple tiling to patent? ideas i they mar brlngyou wealth WKDDhKUURN ft CO., Patent Attor-•ffar • DBALBB IK DRUGS and MEDICINES A FULL LllfK OF CHEMICALS. DYE STUFFS, T Paints, Oils and Colors OOKITAHTLI OW HAHP. FCLLLIWBO* PATENT ME0ICINE8, TOILET ARTICLES, Stationary and Druggiata' Sundrlaa. Physicians' Prescriptions] • Carefully roropounded by I Reglater«d Pharmaclat, T*ut Patronage la respectfully aollelted. ^ --JULIA A. 3 o r CfuDoor V eHof hwerH&e 3ou*i, McBenry,lli We have not the time or space to quote prices this week, btit would say to the buying public we can and will Save You Money On all goods in our line; Our stock is complete in every department* Our stock of Boots, Shoes and Rubber Goods Cannot bi excelled and our pricea are right. In Underwear - Our stock was never more complete, and we know we can please you CROCKERY and GLASSWARE Our line is complete. We will sell you anything you want from a cup to a full dinner set. Call and see us before buying s Our Grocery Department Is full of Choice, Fresh, Clean G-oodet and we invite you to call and look cvar what we have to t.ff jr you in this line and learn price Flmir Old 8iccpy Eye Flour is still the leading brand. We do not have to change brands two or three times a year like some merchants do, trying to get a flourvthat will suit the trade. Sleepy Eye Flour gives satisfaction to every one that uses it. We have a lot on hand made from old wheat. Goods delivered to any part of McHenry. Yours for trade, •iSm ' •>|to We have provided both. - Never during our time here, which is 16 years, have we offered for sale such a large, complete and well selected stock of Suits and Overcoats in Men's, Boys' and Children's as we have placed on our counters this fall In making your selec­ tion out of a stock so large, clean and new, you are sure to find styles and patterns you could not find elsewhere. We ask in justice to yourself to give us a look. We will risk our stock to do the rest. SHOES AND RUBBERS. , r i ^ e hftve looked after every detail of the footwear bnsiness, our entire stock of Rubbers was bought before the ^advance. The most • 5 important School Shoe of the well known make of Seiz, Scnwab & ^ Co. is here in all sizes for boys and girls, they will stand the hops, « skijw and jumps of the young and turn the wet. The leather boot 7 is taking its place again on the farm for fall wear, we have the as- v sortment. Rubber goods in all widths and sizes, felt and fusion lined. Our under stock comprises the entire line, men's, women's and children's, from a cheap cotton to the best woolen goods. Duck . . coats, overalls, jackets and shirts. Remember our glove and mitten line. Fall Caps, wool Sweaters, Groceries, Flout. Remember in • trading with us you are not as • ed to pay the old long time prices; we own our ptock at rock bottom, spot cash prices. - Yours for Fall Trade, West McHenry, III. JOHN J. MILLER. THE REASON WHY There is a why and wherefore for everything. WHY we wear clothes has gone beyond the realnj of discussion. WHEREFORE good dressers prefer to wear garments made by The J, D. Merchan t Tailor. MCHENRY, ILL. West McHenry. Illinois, • Ittnfia 8a crificing Prefits. Taking a Big Loss. OMMET 18-20 Douglas Ave., Elgin 111., * • - Cutting prices right and left to clear stocks. Costs no longei the selling price on Suits and Overcoats. Everything marked at prices that must sell. Taking a loss of thousands of dollars to make a clean sweep. This add. does not tell one-hundredth part of the clearing sale saving chances. No matter what you may want, it is sure to pay you handsomly to look here for it. Now is the time to turn our loss to your profit. Investigate what the bargain tables offer from now on till closed out. Is a matter worthy of explanation. The reason is simple and the story is told in few words. It is BECAUSE he makes the clothes strictly to the measure of the party ordering them. They are trimmed well, they fit well, preserve their shape, and above all --they wear well. His prices are "popular" FOR THE REASON that they are reasonable. They are made to fit the pockets as his garments are made to fit the forms of bis customers. Il^^uarantees SATISFACTION, and more than that--gives it. He wants your trade and he is ever ready to make it an object for you to be with him. Now is the time to call. New Fall and Winter* Samples Just Received: McHenry, Sept. 5th, 1898. J. D. LODTZ. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO BECOME A MEMBKR OF THI HOME HEALTH CLUB (Cat this oat and forward it to the Inter Ocean Pah. Co., Chicago, III.) Painting and prosperity go together naturally. Paint Is tho outward sign of prosperity. Paint saves property. Increases Its value. Twenty dollars worth of paint often adda two hundred dollars to the market value of a property. All owners reckon with this strange tact. But many put off paint­ ing too long, or paint without putting enough brainu into the choice of paint, and their property "runs down." The palnta (hat are made oy thoughtful people /or thoughtful people are THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS Their makers have tried for thirty years to make the beat paint--the moat eudurftin paint. They have succeeded. Kvery can of The Sherwin-\Villiamn Paints is fully covered by a guarantee, and back of the guarantee are the reputation and all the resources of the company. You can be fully posted on paint, tiy "Paint. Points," an Illustrated little boob which we will Bend free on request. The Shbhw:n-Wii-uiam3 Co. Paint and COLORMJIMM, 'SXHikHewwxt Ave., Chicago; mtiwtMwtimuA, Mw Yetit and Montreal. 3 . P E R K I N S McHENKY, ILLINOIS. Another immense sacrifice of profits to rcduce stocks. A clearing sale with us is a clearing salei hat we want to get rid of must go, no matter how great the loss. This week will be the most tempting bargains of the sale. The reductions are astonishing. Paint and Wall Paper House There is none representing the factories at prices We sell the cdebrated Sherwin-Williams. Paint. better. Call and sec our Wall Paper Patterns, patterns of various styles produced by a dozcji that are beyond competition.. Room Mouldinas to Matcli\ all Wall Paper, Graining, Paper Hanging, Sign Writing. All specialties and first-class job gnarantoeti. iiail and bee me. Mo trouble to give estimates on work. * Si E. B. PERKINS. CLOTHING AT ' ~ : "LESS THAN COST. for al! Suits and Overcoats sold formerly at $12, *13 and $15. $8.50 O Ci £CC\ f°r a,l and Ovcrcoats sold (pU.OU formerly att&50, $0.50, $lt. Profits completely sacrificed to clean up our stock, former selling prices ignored. Every suit marked at a Cost^ and price that must sell quickly, the Season. The greatest Money-Saving Clothing Chance of CHEAP CHARLEY, 18-20 Douglas Ave. Elgin, 111. THE INTER OCEAN PUB. CO.: 1 hereby accept the invitation to beeome a member of the HOME HKALTB CLUB, and I inclose herewith one dollar to pay for one year's subscription to The Weekly Inter Oc<>an, wb;cb, T understand, entitles me to a life membership, a record number, and a copy of Volume 1 of the florae Health Club books (price, $1.00) tree of Expense, Name Town or City. Street No... State. One of the most practical and beneficial courses of study ever offered to its readers by any newspaper. Not only are there a series of practical lessons in paper each week, but the subscriber is pre­ sented, free of expense, with a beautiful cloth-bound book, worth one dollar, besides a life membership in the great elub. Subscribe at once and get the special lessons now being published. THE WAR IS OVER '^7 --BUT-- JACOB JUSTEN, The Rleiable Furniture Dealer, Can still be found at his old stand, four doors north of the Bank of McHenry, with a full stock of furniture of all kinds, to which ho invites the attention of the buying public. ^ Parlor and Bed Ro6m Sets Lower than the same goods can be bought anywhere in the county. In short, I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD on any class of Furniture, quality of goods considered. Call and see me when in want of anything in my line. WE CABBY A FULL LINE OF Caskets, Coffins, Burial Robes, Etc. We guarantee first class work in every respect. ' Call and see me before purchasing. JACOB JUSTEN. McHenry, III., Sept. 7,1898. L .. IT / ki 1 '1

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