WEDNESDAY, NOV. 23, 1898. jr, VAN 8LYKE, Editor. . WTThe batter market on the Elgin 'Board cf Trade on Monday was firm at 22c, the same as for foar weeks and one year ago; offerings 151 tube; sales 116 tabs. One manufacturer, held for 22%c, « bnt failed to realize. ' MP*When Mr. Wharton Barker of Philadelphia, the "Middle of the ttoad" Populist nominee for president, con cludes a careful inspection of the retump of the recent election, he may consider it advisable to take out a search warrant tJ find his party. MP" As the Democrats of Wyoming only elected three out of the forty-seven members of the state legislature, it in ' difficult for them to accept the state- ments of Bryan and Altgeld that the Democracy did not loBe much of any- ' thing at the recent elections. Sk. iyTh« Flour mills of Minneapolis and other points are running to their full ca pacity on eocount of a heavy export de- , mand and are not anxious to sell in the borne market at prices which it is thought will be materially advanced within a short time. iVThe contest in Ogle and Winneba go counties between James P. Wilson and Joseph Bacharach, both of whom were Democratic candidates for minority representatives, resulted in neither on<> getting the office on election day. The Wilson people threw their votes to Frank S. Regan, of Rockford, who is the only Prohibitionist elected to the present legislature. Be will probably vote with the republicans on all party questions. MTlt is significant that after two yean' trial of life imprisonment instead of the death penalty Colorado is already agitating a return to the latter method. After all the arguments, humanitarian and otherwise, have been passed back and forth the fact «till remains that murder is commoner and more deliber ate where the death penalty does not exist. There is no deterrent of murder •o forcible to the criminal miad as the notion of being hung. MF*In Switzerland if a child does not attend school on a particular day, the parent is notified by the public authority that he is fined so many francs. This fine is increased on subsequent days un til the amount involved becomes serious. In case of sickness the pupil is excused, bat if there is any suspicion of s iamming a physician is sent to investigate, and if the suspicion proves correct the parent is made to pay for the doctor's visit. Wouldn't such a compulsory education law make a howl in Illinois? tVThere is a limit to the patience of »VBL so patient a man as President Me Kinley, and the Spanish government has *bout reached it. Appreciating the poei- rion of Spain, president MoKinley hae been disposed to allow the Spanish Peace Commissioners. time to accept our de mand for the Philippine Islands, but when they made their second answer, just submitted to our commissioners, merely an elaboration of their first answer, which they were informed was not an answer at all, they forfeited their claims tor any (further consideration at the hand* of this government. They are too plainly endeavoring to kill tim«», in the hope that something may tufu up that will help them. Our commissioners have been instructed to inform the Spanish Commissioners that the r.egotiations must be brought to a close at once, either by the comp!et:on of the treaty of peace, upon our terms, or by the refusal •>f our demands for the Philippines. This country is prepared for either termina tion of the negotiations, but Spain will be very unwise if it provokes us into more fighting, it will simply mean the loss of more Spanish territory. General Otis reports a condition of affairs in the Philippines that furnishes an additional argument for the speedy termination of the negotiations at Paris. Only a por tion of the island of Luzon is in posses sion of onr troops. On one of the ad jacent islands the insurgents are having things pretty much their own way, and there is danger of their massacring the Spanish residents and looting the towns, and under the existing status our troops cannot inter f ore. M7*Bishop Doane, of Albany. N. T , seems to have experienced what our Me thodist friends call a change of heart. At the beginning of the war he spoke as one who could not see beyond the end of his own^nose. Now that the scales have dropped from his eyes hs sees as did other men months ago. In an a«ldress yesterday he said: "But the duties are upon us and the dangers are before us, and we must meet them like men and in the fear of God, and not apply t<? the conditions of to-day counsels that were wise a hundred years ago, nor whine like babies at a bitter dose of medicine, or schoolboys over a lesson that is hard to learn. Not conquest, but the acceptance of responsibility among the nations and peoples of th? earth to whom we have message--this is our duty, written, it seems to me for him who runs to read." It is wonderful how many men sue clearly after the war what they shut their eyes upon at the beginning of war. Suppose the people zealous in defense of national honor had paid heed to Bishop Doane at the beginning of the war, where would we have been to-day?--later Ocean. 1 Superior Value* In Hen's Derby and Fedora Hate at $1.90. The Hub's Department, lathe Largest la Chicago. ^ HENRY C. LYTTON, N. W. OORNCR ST AT* ST. A JACKSON BVD., CHICAGO, IIX. by You Can Always Save Money trading at The Hub, which is the greatest clothing store, in the world. EVERYTHING A MAN OR BOY MAY NEED TO WEAR48 HERE! We guarantee to fit any man or boy, of any size or shape, with better material and at lower prices than any other clothing store in existence; If you cannot conveniently come to the city, send for our free i l lustrated mail order catalogue. Goods sent C. O. D., on approval.' Tiy them on. If they are not satisfactory we will pay return charges. V f * Our .Qnorlsl I AOHOPCI Bey's All-Wool Reefers $3.95. Men's All-Wool Kersey Overcoats 910. WUr ®POCI0I Leaders. Boy's 2 Piece All-Wool Suits $2.95. lien's All-Wool Suits $10. la every case where goods are not satisfactory or entirely as represented ; your money will be returned without question or argument. TP-* O W E N Better Tak* What She Can Qet. Spain wants $200,000,000 for the Philippines, but if she can $20 cash she would do well to close the deal and make out the papers.--K&as is City Journal. A . P. BAER, Prop* 5 year tl a A Story In A Few Words. John-- How did yon come out llist; on your rented farm? 1 Tom--Barely made enough to pay rent John--What rent did you pas? Tom--1 was paying $3 per acre. John--Will you rent a farm this yeai? Tom--No, I am going to buy a farm aud pay for it f»r what I am paying yearly for rent. John--Where are you goingto buy i'-i, Tom--Why, have you not seen the of fer of C. S. Graves, Janeaville, Wis , who has an advertisement in our paper of land at $10 per acre. Above ie a sample of conversation heard between a great many farmers in the thickly populated counties of several states. You-better write him. iMaM WSo long as Porto Rico and the Philippines are kept under military rule the President, as commander-in-chief of the army and navy, can make any needed financial or revenue regulations; after legislation has provided a civil government and system of revenue and finance tor them the law must be fol lowed, even if it be found objectionable, until amended. That is why the impres sion is growing in Washington that the President will ask no legislation from congress for the islands, but will keep them under military government until their needs are better understood, in order that when there is congressional legislation for them it may be of a per manent nature. NFThe postofflce department at Washington has ruled that the writer has a right to regain possession of a let ter providing he can prove to the satis faction of the postmaster at the office from wbich it was &ent that he was th<? writer of it. Even if a letter has arrived at its destination, and before it has been delivered to the person to whom it was addressed, it may be recalled by a tel egram through the mailing office. The reason assigned is that the United States is Only the agent of the writer of the let ter while the letter is in transit. This decision is important to business men and to private individuals. J. D. LODTZ, McHENRY, ILL. Artistic Tailor. Seasonable Gccc's at Reasonable Prices. CALL, LOOK AT SAMPLE?, \ CT1VE SOLICITORS WANTED i~Y everywhere for "The Story of tie Philippines" by Murat Halstead, com- m^sioned by the Government as Official Hii-torian to tho War Department. The book was written in army camps at Han Francisco, on the Pacific with General Vlprritt, in the hospitals at Honolulu, in Hong Kong, in the American treaches at Mauila, in the insurgent camps with Ag*iinaldo, on the deck of the Olimpia " ;th Dewey, and in the roar of battle at the fall of Manila. Bonarzi for agents. Brimful of original pictures taken bv government photographers on the spot. Large book. Low prices. Big profits. Freight paid. Credit given. Drop all trashy unofficial war books. Outfit free. Address, F. T Barber, Scc'y. Star Insur ance Bldg, Chicago. 17-4m TTTANTRO-SEVKRAL TRUST WORTH? VV pereocB iu this state to maDage our bu inrs* In thmr own acd nearby conn ties. mainly office work conducted at home Salary straipnt (900 a year and expennes- (lefinite, bonnOU*. no more, no le8« salary, Honthlv, §75 References, Enclose ielt'. addressed stamped envelope, Herbert E Hees, Prest., Dap', M, Chicago. 10 4m West McHenry, III. It Is No Longer a Question Or Calculating as to the probable return of good times, it is question of where you can get the best DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ETC., V FOR THE LEAST MONEY. • ! )id you ever know a man to refuse an opportunity to get rich? The best chance to save money, which is the secret of wealth, is to Gall at Our Store and Learn Prices Before You Buy. GIT A SDIT AP 00 AWAY HAPPY. J. D. LODTZ. McHenry, Nov. 22,1898. •^It is a significant fact that the two United States senators who most fla grantly misrepresented the sentiment of their states on the silver question dnring the regular session of congress have been re tared as a result of the recent elections. They were Senators Murphy of New York And Smith ofjNew Jersey, Democrats, who voted for a free coinage resolution in opposition to the pronounced senti- of the people of both states against such financial folly. Their course gave the Republicans a good majority in each leg islature and insured the substitution of Republicans as their successors, and there is no escaping the fact that both Mnrphy and Smith owe their political extinction largely to their votes for free coinage. MTJustice Harlan, of the United 8 fax tee Court, in a speech at the opening of the School of Jurisprudence and Di plomacy of Columbian University, said a * few words that are especially applicable to thi the croakers who see nothing •head of os but trouble, on accouot of annexation. He said: "These people are disturbed over the annexation of new territory. They were disturbed when ws annexed Louisiana. What we*e we going to do with those Frenchman and Indians? they asked. They were dis turbed when we annexed New Mexico; bnt here we are, 70,000.000 strong, and I believe that public life is cleaner to-day than ever before. I say to them, be of good cheer, we will be able to meet the great responsibilities. Maybe by what is going on at this time in another part of the world we are in the midst of a great crisis. But we take courage in the fact that we are in the hands of a man, who, through and above all things, is aa t - The McHenry Marble and Granite Works A Fleshy Consumptive Did you ever see one ? Did you ever hear of one ? Most certainly not. Con sumption is a disease thai invariably causes loss of flesh. If you are light in weight, even if your cough is only a slight one, you should certainly take Scott's Emuslion of cod liver oil twitb hypo- phosphites. No remedy is such a perfect prevent ive to consumption. Just the moment your throat begins to weaken and you find you are losing flesh, you should begin to take it. And no other remedy has cured so many cases of consumption. Unless you are far advanced with this disease, Scott's Emul sion will hold every in ducement to you for a perfect cure. Our Goods are New and Clean and will bear the closest inspection, while i Prices Will Astonish You They are so Low, Having Touched Rock Bottom. Call and be Convinced. All Druggists, 50c. and $1. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists. N. Y. Tpl siiiy Old Sleepy Eye Flour is astill the leading branc * V e do not have to change brands two or three times a year like some merchants do, trying to get a flour that will suit the trade. Slecpv Eye Flour gives satisfaction to every one that uses it. We have a lot on hand made from old wheat. Goods delivered to any part of McHenry. Yours for trade, Wert McIIenry. Illinois. All Kinds of Cemetery Work at Low Prices. ^ ®"«11 Line of Finished Work constantly on hand. Foreign and American Granite a Speciality. J.H.MILLER, McHenry. E. C. Blanks, of Lewiaville, Texas, writes that one box of D«Witt's Witch Hazel Ralve was worth f50 00 to him. It cur«d his piles of ten years standing. He advises others to try it. It also cures eczema, skin diseases and obstinate soreg. By J. A. 8tory. The celebrated Pillebury Flour can b<* ound at Simon Stoffel's. It in un jueetiouably the most popular Flour over sold here. Hoarseness Sore Throat Hoarseness, sore throat and constant coughing indicate that the bronchial tubes are suffering from a bad cold* which may develop into pleurisy or inflammation of the lungs. Do not waste health and strength by wait ing, but use Dr. JohnW. Bull's Cough Syrnp at once. This wonderful rem edy cares all throat and lung affec tions in an astonishingly short time. Dr.Bull's Cough Syrup Cures Hoarseness and Sore Throat. Doses are small asul pleasant to take. Doctors recommend it. Price 35 cents. At all druggists. J. W. BONSLETT, Plumbing Conitrao to r. All EM; of Sanitary PIohiMD ' PBOMPTLYJLiiEsDED TO Has just received a very com plete stock of Plumbing Goods, Bath Tubs, Closets, lavatories and Fixtures. Steam and lot Water Heating. Complete ptock of all sizes Galvanized and Black Pipe and Fittings on hand. Office and Show Room in Jacob Bon- slett's Agricultural Implement Building •flcttBN RY.ILL. NOW 18 THE TIME to buy a SEWING MACHINE New Machines from $15 to $60. Second Hand Machines from $5 to $10. Every Ma* lilne warranted to give »ati«. faction or money r*fun »»d. Mnrlunfa 'old on monthly time payments if deeireil by purchaser. tr Cleaning and Repairing at Reasonable Charge*. N. A. KE AWPAN, McHenry. III. STORY & CLARK ORGANS. The pressure woa never stronger than tort 1?. Dealers rnd retail buyers, not renllzinr th'ir own IT teiestf, elamor for and ilfmm figures at which honeit hlg^ cjas' instruments canr.ot be prorfu«»<i. Bvt our orgms wer« never better thnn now No btlt^r ones were ever mode, or can lie mnrte They repreoem the intelligent and con scier tious application of the gr at- est of >k.ll. Inventive irgaruity, expcrierce and tlM highest grade of wood, metal fabric. At the bame time w>ih the improvtm*nts con. st'intly being made in methods of oroiiucmg we are able tr> g ve greater val»e for any giv*n amount ,t mnnev than eve before A I orftan8 sold on monthly pay ments. piymentato suit buyers Organs rented bv >he month- prices reasonable. O gan* put out on trial ftee ot charge. JOHN F*. SMITH, Watchmaker and Jeweler* McHENRY, ILL. Raving opened n slioprn Algo .quin foi* the Repairing of W>- tehee. Clocks and Je • eiry, I snail spend the flr»t ihree d »y sof each wee* in tha village, out <i»irin^ n>y absence vay stor-. in McHenry «vill be op»n for b ?inera, and all repairing lelt there will receive prompt attention on my return.' The last three days of th* week I l»e fo nil at my store ber«, and will t>. II yon aoy thing in m» line at Bed Rirk Prices. Any goods not in block will be ordered and de livered with the lead p~>*s bte delay. REPAIR NO Of PINE WATCHES A 8PEOIALTY. from a Ion* experience in the business I am confident I c*n please you In every par- tlcular. Call and see ine. JOHN P. SMITH. McHenry, Oct. 18,1898. HARD WOOD TIMBER LAND FOR SALE Over One Half Million Acres of splerulid hard wood limber land in Northern Wisconsin and Michigan for sale by the Chicago & Northwestern Railway. The best land proposi tion ever made to set tlers. The timber more than pays for the land. For prices, terms, and all details, w rite or apply to J. F. CLEVELAND.. Land C'omr. C. & N. W. By., Chicago. Farms for Sale Cli ico Africa Inral Lend, In WIcorsli KinnesoU Dakota CLA^Tf. Troon 1 rnd other CountUa lu LTO.V, YETA.OW MKDICTNK and other Counties lu BROOKINGS, CODINGTON aud oilier Com* tea iu Improved Farms, $16 to $25 per r ere Unimproved Land, dlO per aero. ernuQ Improved Farm*. t«» V, down, i Ei a III u t uiiuproved l.and, one tlftli down. Here is an onporfunitr t>> obtain a fam in ?he healthiest >e tion of the U. S>nl a verv low i'rtCC an J wliichei sure to boon incrcaac in \alue. These Lands are Dcsi. able, O The Ternia are Ka*y. 0Q The Noll la Kl< h and Fertllo. fl Of Haplrt Incr« a e in Value 03 Of Excellent Market Facilities. Q Of I'ure Water and no Dmtilli*. <£» Of <>OIMI Hoadx. School* ntnl i'linrcheo. pes In the vicinity of uei^hbora and frlendt You can soon own a farm, raise as food crops, and get as good prices as in outhernWisconsin or Northern Illinois. We know you will be pleased if yon will investigate. Address, C.8. GBAVES, Janesville, Wit. GOOD LIVE AGENTS WANTED. We can undersell them all In Jackets, apes and Collerettes. OWSKA CHA ,* •< ' OWEN.) (SUOCE88ORS REPARE yourselves lor a long, odd winter- so say all the weather prophets--also thj# Blliskrats for they are building their bouses large anUt high. Never before has our stock of winter goods# been so complete and prices so low. We are prepared to show a large and well selected stock of , ".r 5-v Overcoats, Paps and Und erwear In all grades and prices. SHOES built for wintor wear from Pingree & Smith and C. M. Henderson which assure you they are made right and of the proper material. Ladies'. Misses' and Caildren's Jackets, Gapes and Collarettes, In all styles and prices. V e can certainly save you money on these garments. Call in and see the line of DRESS GOODS They can not be excelled by any stock in town in any way. Wc have a fine assortment of Babies' and Children's Cloaks from $1.25 to $5.00, in all colors. SNAG PROOFS--Don't forget that we arc sole agents for .the Snag Proof Rubber Goods--they are by long odds the best on the market. They will outwear two pairs of any rubber boots or overs on the market. Every rubber company in existence try to imitate the Snag Proof goods so you can' see they must be right or other firms would not be trying to fool the people. We lead them all in GROCERIES. There is not space enough to quote you prices in them all, but if you will call and ask we mil convince you that we sell the best goods for the least money. H >rse Blankets In great abundance. We have a large stock of horse blankets in >ill grades and can in ike prices that will surprise you. Come and see wbat we have. Groceries. Get our prices on groceries of all kinds and don't forget where you can get the GOLD MEDAL FLOUR. - OWEN & CHAPELL. McHenry, Illinois. SPECIAL SALE --AT THE-- New Store for November. We are Offering Many Bargains in Cold Weather Goods Men's Heavy Duck Coats, with gray flannel lining, II 00. Men'd Extra Heavy Jersey Shirts, the 75c quality, for 50c. All wool Sweaters $1.00 to $2.50 Heavy fleeced-lined Underwear, 25c. y Good Prints, 4c. ,/ Best Blue Prints, 5c. V Extra heavy yard wide Meeting, 5c. Heavy Shaker Flann^ 5c ]3 bars Good Laundry Soap, 25c. 12 Bars Lencx So^p, 25c. Good Uncolored /^pan Tea, 25c. McLaughlin's X X X X Coffee, 9c. California Prunes, 5c. Calitornii Apricots, 5c. Good Salmon, 10c per can. Good Pie Peaches, 10c per can 3 cans for 25c. Best Kerosene Oil. 9c 4 sral. keg Syrup, $1 CO FeltBoots, Overshoes and Rubbers at lowest price*. Special orders for Clothing and Overcoats carefully filled. Ycurs Truly, ^ WestMcHcnry. A Customer of Mine using a PENINSULAR HEATING STOVE. For which he paid me $30, remarked to his neighbor tlrat he would not sell it f>r $100 if he could not get another like it. This is pleasing to us, and doubtless is to the many owners of such stoves in this and other vicinities. Now I am handling the Peninsular Stoves, Ranges and furnaces And the foregoing is only to show the trua satisfaction this IiM of Stoves are giving. I have 45 of these stoves sampled on my floor aud invite inspection from all. It will be worth your time to call and see them F. L. McOMBER. W^st S'de Hardware Store