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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Dec 1898, p. 4

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wm_pip . . . :^r-:; jjfjjwj fluiiwler WEDNESDAY. DEC. 14,1898. -- J, VAN 8LYKK, Editor. ti *4^ - • NT'Butter on the Elgin Boasd of Trade on Monday wan steady. Of 248 tube offered 130 sold at 20c and 118 at 21c. The quotation committee declared the market 20%c. Batter last week an ! one year ago. 22c. Officers of tae board will be elected next week. M^The famous Laetgert ^taaaaiEe factory, at Hermitage avenue and Diver­ sity streets, where the murder of Mrs. Luetgert is supposed to hare taken place, was sold under foreclosure pro­ ceedings last week at the salesrooms of the Chicago real estate board. The pre­ mises were taken by Andrew H .Green at A bid of #8,547.25. ^ •&£r MTFitehugh Lee will soon be back at Havana, with an army corps at his com­ mand, and then peace and order will pre­ vail in that city. When the United States takes control of the city starva­ tion and suffering will be relieved and a new order of things will at once be insti­ tuted. And it will not be long before these changes are brought about. M^Europe has discovered that there is S'ich a thing as an American navy and that it promisee to increase rapidly in size and importance. The Cologne Ga xette calls attention to the fact that, accordiug to the present program, by 1901 the American navy will be greater than that of Germany. That is only a few years hence, and it is no wonder that Europe is regarding the foreign policy o' the United States with much greater in­ terest and concern than ever before. Agminat an Bxtra Session- Hon. A. J. Hopkins voices the senti­ ment of this District, we think, in regard to t he question of catling Congress to­ gether in extra session, after March 4th. ®e sayp; "'i'here i« no necessity for an extra session, and I do not think one will be held. There is cjmjrarat vely little that can be done by this congrese, and the president's message shows*|that no general legislation is expected thiB winter. Certainly there can bo no cur­ rency legislation, nor can anytb ng be done regarding our newly acquired pos­ sessions. It is true President McKinley recommends the passage of a law to en­ able the treasury department to retire the greenbacks, but I dou't think that recommendation will be considered at present. The whole question will go over to the regular session of the next congress. There is no danger which can threaten the credit or currency of the 3v>untry wbij^ the republican party is in power. It ia of course our duty to pro­ vide against the dangers which would arise if the democratic partv should again secure control of the. government Nothing of this kind is likely to happen for a long time, however, aud we can wait until the fifty-sixth congress i* con vened in regular session next December before taking op the question of currency reform." il o »tnc |[t| of the action of the brothers and sisters of Howard Gould in declining to enforce the provisions of Jay Gould's will by depriv­ ing Howard of $5,000,000 from the es­ tate because he married without the unan­ imous approval of ihe rest of the fam­ ily. Howard was ready to lose the mil­ lions in order to marry the woman of his^choice, and in declining to take them from him his brothers and sisters have refused to carry out a requirement that was clearly against public policy. Mh: i K:-/: ' 3C' * ,V'v I S. * •- . An order will be issued by the war de­ partment prohibiting the removal of the bodies of any more dead soldiers from Cuba or Porto Rico to the United States. This will be done by advice of Gen. Brooks and Gen. Wood, who is himself a surgeon. The Spanish laws of Porto Rico prohibit the exhuming of a body for, two years after burial, and all the surgeons agree that the danger of distributing typhoid-fever germs in this way is very great. There are 750 American soldiers buried at Santiago and about fifty or sixty in Porto Rico, and the war department will make ar­ rangements as soon as possible for the selection of an appropriate location for the proper burial in both places in per manent soldiers' cemeteries. This order will be a great disappointment to many sorrowing fathers and mothers ,in the United States.--Chicago Record. MBTPresident McKinley by the wise omissions from his annual message to Congress has greviouely disappointed the democrats. That is why the whole me­ nagerie is snarling. They thought or had pereuatied themselves that they thought, the President would an noniice a hide bound policy towards the Philippines in advance of the actual pos session of tt>ose islands by the United States, but the President isn't that sort of a statesman. He dosn't make up his mind upon any subject blind-folded, least of all upon such an important one as the future of 8,000,000 helpless people. He has delivered them from the evils of Spanish rule, and will give them a mili tary government that will be far bettei than any government they have ever kaown. That is far enough to go for sometime to come. He will know more about the subject before recommending the next step. There are other omis- rkrns from the message that are equally wise, and they are equally as nagging to the democrats, who have no other hope for future success tbau the mistakes they expect the republicans to make. President McKinley possesses the faculty of knowing what not to say as well as what to say. That is one rea eon his adminstration has been such •access. t** B. W. Ooon Favored- Hon. R. W* Coon, of Wc.ukegan, has secured a plum, probably one of the beet political poeitians ever secured by a Lake County man. He has been ap­ pointed general counsel and advisor to the American Paris Exposition Commis­ sion by Ferdinand Peck, coumiiesoner. The Chicago Herald snys it is one pf tb» most importaut positions in connection ffith the American Commission to the great Fair in 1900. * In receiving this appointment Mr. Coon is not only greatly honored; but his reputation as a lawyer and counsel is thus recognized. By this appointment Mr. Coon is to the Paris Commission just what any cor­ poration lawyer is to a corporation All the legal business which comes b fore the commission in its busy work of pre paration for the United States show in France in 1900, is referred to him. Mr Joon will do much of his work in Chica­ go. but until he leaves for Paris, he will remain in Waukegan at hie law practice as much as possible --Lake Count Independent. Beal Xstat* Transfers For week ending Dec is, inclusive Jsmea Philn an«i w John i*W.bft 20fc I in © fr of so.o Al°o»huln«,6S0 Of Amantt*. Co»r et al to Peter Wlc-irck • OX ani wX e«V and s» k n* * ami 8P>* nwS( so*. 20; also nf seM an.t ej*' n*j( and wX nt* sec I Richmond 600 Qt 8$lin Meu%rry to Cha« VcG*rry 'ct' M •X nwii awtfncK *ec 15 a* ne* swit nee. l tiiation ..ft,400 *0 John M.-Ganv to Chas McOarv <t al 9ft in ecc5 Algonquin ..*000 00 Sumo to Haine n#X awM aeo I Grafton j oqo qq 0 A Hochschild vrtw to Geo H Bent. * ley 001 ia nejf san 86 Chemung 2 500 CO Jam«e Marum to Gus Hansel and w lot* H i blk l Johnson's add Woo • stock Lenora Pntramanrt h to NeiV>oV oiark lot 3 blk 9 Ayer's add Harvard John Sba p and w «o Ifiliia SohalU lot 10 blk 3 Nunda «"»•»»»* 6C0 01* KB 00 Marriage JLloensaa. John Anthony H race H« tch Wm R h Iterpc-.. Mary Wool man Geo Carpenter. aaie Borohert. Rite* RI tjr Emery Dtiley KstberAnnes. . v Alffonqn«a . .pryat 1 lake Harvard ...... ..Iraiana Nonda . ...Green wool Probate Bvslness. Eeta'« Leonard l.ockwood Judgment for Carr e Bailev agraiaet estate for #78d K-tiate Kdward Hughe Pi oof of deitVj e'ition for letters; t-ator Hugh* ailma; bond #1C0 In ic r iora Wiokham, minor. Final report: guardian diftcharged. Kstate AW Martensrn Proof r f death; petition for letters; W P »t Clair admr; lond $ ,(>00. Kstate G<-o Wake'ey. P.oof of death; *pe^ tition to pa'ohate will. Eetate H HUusted. Proofof death: Pe- Ution to ptobate will. 7 For Sal*. ' Feed warehouse and Coal sheds, situ­ ated at West McHenry, III., together «ith a well established Feed and Coal trade. For further particulars apply at ^nce to W. A. Cristy, West McHenry, or •I. E, Cristy, Ringwood, 111. 83ti Men's Duck ("oats, all siz;s and grades, ifc M. J. Walsh's. The celebrated Pillsburv Flour can be ound at Simon Stoffel's. It i* un lueetiouably the most popular Flour ver sold here. HOMK SEEKERS' CHEAP EXCUR­ SIONS. On October 18, No/ember 1, 15, Da- i»mber 6 to 20, the Northwestern Line jvili sell home seekers' excursion tickets, «ith favorable time limits, to numerous points in the west and South at excep­ tionally low rates. For tickets and infor­ mation apply to agents Chicago & Forth western IVy. 15-eow-6w i Delicate Children XILK SHIP PjeBB WANT ANIWUW. At a special meeting of the ^Milk Ship­ pers Union at the Briggs house, Thurs­ day, a movement was started to procure the passage of a bill in the legislature to prevent the theft and authorized use of milk receptacles. The shippers are com­ pelled to use several sets of cans in the business, and are continually annoyed by their theft. It is claimed there are at least three places in Chicago where milk CMW w taken» initials and other marks f/X * |v - of indentiflcation removed and the cans ^ • *-• resold. - t E^arding the ramored milk trust, the , ,i Opinion seemed to be general that the project was all "talk". B. G Richmond, /Of Elburn. expressed the opinion that the eambine would be' a good muve. "As the milk businees is now conducted in Chicago," said Mr. Richmond, "each block is visited by any number of differ­ ent companies, whereas there would be a Kreat saying if one concern could suddIv all the city. In the matter of regulating inspection, too, the combine would be « benefit." * It tamo out in the meeting that it re­ quired 15,000 cans, or 120,000 gallons of milk to supply Chicago every day. Two months ago the price was raised from 90 cente to $1.00 a can of eiyht gallons. This is considered as fair re­ muneration, and it will be changed again this winter. In the spring the price will be reduced for the summer months. Since tbeorganization of the union, last March41(1 doubtful claims,amounting to more than 9100,000 have been collected ftat a case having been Joet. ' - i iu-" v'» ' - - m * TfeE CROWN PIANO. 1' ditcr Plaindealer--I desire through the columns of the Plaindealer to pre­ sent to your many readers a few fact-, and prove to them by unimpeachable witnesses that what I say is true Then - fore, with your permission 1 will say a few words TO YOfJK HEADERS. Are yon thinking of buying a Piano? If so I want to sell you one. I have the agency for several Pianos, but my lead­ ing Piano is the Many Toned Crown. The reason I say so is that I believe il tie most desirable Piano in the market. As a single toned Piano it has few it an\ superior, and as a many toned l'iano it stands alone above them all. It has more opposition from traveling agents and music teachers thau an\ other Piano in the market, for two rea­ sons. First, it is a hard competitor, and second, neither of those parti s are hi ed to blow it. It stands in relition to other pianos as the early apple tree does to the reet of the trees in the orchard You go into an orchard in search of a good eating aople. You find a tree with lota of clubs in the branches and under the tree, and you have found it. Yon look alter the best Piano and you will find lots of false statements have been thrown at it, but you examine the Piano and you will find they have not hurt it a particle. I have heard more false statements made about the Crown Piano than all others put together. They try to make you believe there is an attachment to it that is liable to get out of order; that it is very complicated, etc., which is as false as false can be, for there is no at tachment to it more than i be keys lor wires are an attachment to every piano It is a part of the Crown Piano as much as the keys or any other part of the piano is. No Crown Piano is without it, and instead of being a detriment to it it is a great benefit, for it prolongs the life of the piano and for that reason is war­ ranted twice as long as single toned pianos are. The part that produces the different tone^ is so simple that a child when shown it can explain it to you. It has four pedals. The two outside ones are the single toned pedals, as in all pianos. The second one from the left when pressed down lowers a strip of leather, which has a little piece of steel wire sewed in the end, bet ween the felt hammer and the wire which the hammer strikes, and the end of this leather hits the wire instead of the hammer,producing the harp tone perfect. By prest-ing the third pedal from the left you g*t the guitar, then by lining the piano pedals in connection .von get the tones of all the stringed instruments, aud it don't cost a cent pxtra You can readily see that the hamers a~e not being worn when striking those leathern as thev ere when hitting the small round wiie*, which harden them, making creates which the leather Drevents Not only so but in a great measure take them out To prove the above I would refer you ti the following well itnown citizens to whom I have sold Cro*n Pianos: Prof F. M Q.todman, West, McHenry.. Frank Ha^ly, We««t McHenry. Miss Bern ice Kimball, West McHenry Wm. Bonsleti, West McHenry. Dr. A. E. AuninKer, West McHenry. Simon Stoffel, West McHenry.' Edward Knox. West McHenry. Johr Heimer, McHenrv. E. B. Perkins. McHenry. A. L Howe, McHenry. J. H. Miller, McHenry. Ben. jStillinac, McHenry. Miss Bird Hodge, music teacher, Solon. O. W. Owen, Agent for McHenry Co. WANTED! Reliable man wanted in this vicinity to open small office and handle my goods Position permanent and good pay. If your record is O. K. and you wantsteady employment, here is an opening for you. Kindly mention this paper when writintr. 17-12 w A. T. MORRIS, Cincinnati, O. The Holidays are mrm m if"' •|j*siMo.\ STOFFEL WEST ItfoHENBY, It | With a larger stock of Goods in all Departments than ever beforc^ whioh he wjll soil at prices to suit the times. CLOAKS AND OVERCOATS At 20 per Cent Discount for Cash. Bed Blankets from 42c to $4 per pair, Underweai, Gloves, Mittens, Hate, Caps, Ovcrcoats, Rubbers, Etc. We have in stock the celebrated Mishawaka Felt or Knit Boots In endless variety, which has no equal. Call and look them over. IN HOLIDAY GOODS We can't fail to please you in almost any line. Wo have Fancy Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Neckties, and in short Fancy Goods of all kinds. Styles the ' Latest. They do not complain of anything in particular. They eat enough, but keep thin and Eale. They appear fairly well, ut have no strength. You cannot say they are really sick, atid so you call them delicate. What can be done for them ? Our answer is the Same that the best physicians have been giving for a quarter of a cen­ tury. Give them scon's Emulsion of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo- phosphites. It has most re­ markable nourishing power. It gives color to the blood. It brings strength to the mus­ cles. It adds power to the nerves. It means robust health and vigor. Even deli­ cate infants rapidly gain in flesh if given a small amount S three or four times each day. S> 50c. and $t.oo ; all druggists. mg SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York, "jm For Ladies and Gentk found ia this section. FI IE SHOES. The largest and bt st assortment to be ' V. I> TRUSTWORTHY slate to manage our T1TANTRD-SEVKRA k!,T. p®""0"" ,n this .M.r ouehiegft in th«tr own ac<1 nearby conntl'e, H is mainly office work c n Jucto-I at home Palarv etraiKot |!«X) f ueflnite, bonafld*., ro home year an<l e\i>eno*s-. . . . -- more, no it»a oalaiv. Monthly, $75. Reference*, Enclone self- etamped envelope, Hubert » M.Chicago. 10 4m addressed Hees, Prest., Dep' "Hie flneat line of wool Hosiery ia town at Simon Stoffel'tf J. W. BONStETT, Plumbing Contractor. ill Kills of Sanitary Plnmtimi PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Has just received a very com­ plete stock of Plumbing Goods, Bath Tubs. Closets, Lavatories and Fixtures. Steam and Hot Water Heating. Complete Htock of all nizen Galvanized anrl Black Pipe and Fittings on hand. Office and Show Room in Jacob Bon- elett's Agricultural Implement Building, McHENRY. ILL. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS TRADE MARKS Designs Copyright* AC. Anyone sendtng a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica­ tions Rtrlctly confldentlal. Handbook on Patent* sent free. Oldest npeney for pecurlnif patents. Patents taken throuKh Munn & Co. receive special notice, wit hout charge, in the Scientific Jlmeiicam A handsomely illustrated weekly. largest cir­ culation of ar^scientlflc Journal. Terms, $:t a year ; four mefflths, (1. Sold Sy all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.3618""1""' New York Branch Offlce Q6 F St.. Washington, D. C. HARD WOOD TIMBER LAND FOR SALE Over One Half Million Acres of splendid bard wood tlUilxT land in Northern Wisconsin and Michigan for sale by the Chicago&Morthwestern Railway. The bent lurid proposi­tion ever tiiinle to aet-tlera. The timber more than pays for the lund. For prices, terms, and all details, write or apply to J. F. CLEVELAND. Land I'omr. (:. & N. W. Hy., Cliifiago. OR. CALDWELL' ,YRUP 'CURES CONSTIPATION.I IWELL'S Al PEPSlN Another Car of Pilisburv's Best this Week SIMON West McHenrv, II!.. Deo 7, 1894. SANTA CLAUS Has decided to make his bead quartei s at our store. Holiday Goods Id 1 urge quantities have already arrived and more are coming. There are presents in abund­ ance for old and young, and O W E N ,"«s : i (8tJCCE8SOBS TO PEERt * 0WKKAI ' " : •;v ,»A ' • Don t wail until a day or two before to buy your Christmas gifts, but come now while the selection is good in all lines. We will sell Overcoats and Clothing ' " J So Cheap it will surprise you. These goods have got to go befo& ! nuary 1st, so if in need of anything in the Clothing line don't fail I come and see what we have. It will certainly pay you. I Bed Blankets in great abundance from 50c to $4 50 per pair Comforters from $1.00 to $1.50, not small, cheap onw, bat I largo and well made of good material. / k Men's Sweaters from 60c to $2.25. ' ( ^*-^1 A first class navy blue, all wool Shirt for ol. 00. * u H A first class fleeced, black or gray, heavy well-made aad Warm Shirt 75c. jS Tennis Flannel Night Shirts and Night Gowns, from 75c to |i, Fasinators in all sizes and grades from 25c to $1 50 * S Buy your Horse Blankets of ts. Gill «n<l look at them. I rnces never so low. ^ >, f We have the largest and best line of Tranks, Satchels «nd S Telescopes. Just arrived another lot of DRESS GOODS. 3 % '• Just a pattern of eavh kind, all neat and dressy, would make an % elegant Xmas present. We have a few * .V-v . f ." •Fur Collarettes and Jackets Left that are yours at your own prices. Come and see theia^ A b'g supply of Fancy Handkerchiefs for Xmas trade. They lure all very neat and appropriate for Xmas gifts. (Some and look over our Center Table, it is filled with all kinds of neat and sensible presents for Xmas, and all within the limit of your appropriation to be put into little Our Shoe stook is very complete and of the latest styles, and remember when you buy a Pingree & Smith Shoe we guarantee^ every pair. Get our prices on all Groceries. It will pay y<m. Goods delivered promptly to any part of the city. OWEN & CHAPELL. McHenry, Illinois. • HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Leather and Plush Albums, Celluloid and Plush Toilet Cases, Work Boxes, Music Boxes, Mirrows, Shaving Sets, Music Rolfc|| Glove and Handkerehief Boxes, htory Books, Checker j.ts Boaids, Scrap Books, Tool Chests, Sets of Dishes, " Toy Safes and an endless variety of Silk and ' Initial Handkerchiefs. i PRETTY TOYS To make the little ones happy. Our stock is larger than ever before, and the se'ection has been made very carefully, with a view to please. Examine our stock for bargains. JULIA A. STORY. N. B.--Our Drug Department is still in good running order and prescriptions are as usual carefully compounded. McHenry, December 6, 1898. A Complete Stock. We have within the past thirty days invested large sums in the improvement of our stock with the desire of making it one of the cleanest, up-to-date Jewelry, Silver and Platedware stock to be found anywhere. It is our desire to lead in prompt .service and correct goods at the lowest possible prices. In DIAMONDS and at) kinds of Precious Stones we lead. You will do well to look us over before making your selection, as our stock now is complete. All the latest patterns in Sash Buck* ». Pins, Bracelets. Chains. Buttons. Rings, Ladles Hair Ornaments, Watches and Clocks To be found anywhere. Don t fail to fcee our Silver Novelties Picture Frames, Calendars, Match Safes, Ink Stands, Childs Sets, Pin Trays, Looking Glasses and Pomades. Fancy Glassware We Can't b* Beat. HEA1IAN & SCHNEIDER. in A few words in this lino will be sufficient. W e have the aesort~f ment and are willing to make the Price to Suit the Buyer. Ourl line of Footwear is complete. Gloves and Mittons to suit every-^ body. Underwear and Caps, Horse Blankets and Rob s . Twenty- , pounds of good fresh Prunes for $1.00. :« Yours for Holiday Traded JOHN J. MILLER. West McHenry, 111 Ready for the Holidays. JOHN P. SMITH, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler MdlEiSHY, ILX« I hiiv^ on hand a new stock < f Watcher. Clocks and Jow^HTfU* which fwiwhtocall the attention of the buyinj public, c<nlS:dnt that in quality of goods and price I cm please any who may see fit to give me a cal l . 1 have just rtciivcd a fine line ot SOLID GOLD BIRTHDAY RINGSl The very neatest thing in that line ever brought to this town. It may not be known to everyone that there are settings that rep­ resent every mnnth in the year, but t>uch is the fact, and for lit* benefit of thos« who do not know we will dame them here: January. Real G iruet; Febuary, Amethyst Doubfet; March, Real Bloods tone; April, Rose Diamond; May, Fm«rald D «ublet; June, Real Apate; July. Ruby Doublet; August , Sard • n>x; September, Sapphire Doublet; Octob«r, Roal Op*l; November, Topaz Douhl t; December. Imitatioo Torquoi*e These rings are ot the very finest quality and are warranted as ,epresented. Call and see them Thankful to our friend•» for favore in the^past we hope to nter* rit and receive the sacue in the future McHenry, Nov 30, 1898 JOHN P. SMITH. __

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