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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jan 1899, p. 5

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)|e{[eiry fhuMcc. WEDNESDAY. JAN. 4, 1899 Railway Time Table. p}". Ttkfnv effect 'nnda", Oct, 30, 1808, at fl Iv" f'clock A trains will pass McHenry M • f, 'C«iiows; . h- * OOIK» 1WBTK, , ... *<10:00 A. *. * *. C'S V. M <&W ; ' , i Passenger. J Freight..... -f Passenger.. <o* * Passenger . * Pa*<mnR*r. ; | Passenger . psnMntar.. f" Freight oonro BOOTH, w - - f ' KXPLlIHlTIOMt tDiUy except Sunday, *- B, BU39, i Agent, Mb® s-Ji r. M. 7:32 A,* 8:25 A, M. 3:20 P. M. 3:2ft I'. M. :;%y, enry, til. M. W . A . Regular Meetings every Second and fourth a«(tn»8'lftv evenings " f each oi»ntb, at tbelr ill. over Evanson A Oo.'s store. BOBT. B UowiU), Consul. ' J. KlMBAtL, Olerk. W. O. O. r. Ht. Patricia Court, No 187, W. O.O.W. meet • >\, the rtrst Saturday and Third Wednesday .••'J? evenings of «wh month, at forest Ha'I, .V 5Mr*. mart COBB, Chief Ranger. O0AHM>TTB MADDEST Secretary. w : MASOWIO. MNNNINTT LODO*. NO. 158, A.».and A. M- •tegnlar Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. W. A. ORISTT, W. K. Methodist episcopal Church. Rev. W. L. Whipple Paator Preaching Sunday, 10:80 A. *• Sunday j School, 12 M. "' / ' Dr. A, B. Aurlnger, Superintendent . - Prayer Mestlng, Wednesday, 7:80 r. u. \ •Lades' Aid 'Society each alternate weak rMm. Dr. Auringer, President, Mlae Cora ;/X>' ; f Wilson, Sec'y. iy* ?*< \«T'A Cordial invitation la extended to all Unlversallst Ohuroh Directory. • J. Walsh,. .President ,. ...Ulerk .Treasurer Pastor j n. Mead y James B. Perry |IT. J. Straab, D. T> •< The Willing Workers (the ladies organi­ sation.) Mrs. Jas. B, Perry .1 President •Ira. J. VanSlyke... ..... .Secretary Mrs. W. A. Oristy Treasurer Snpt, of Sunday SohoA,.,. . A. E. Baechler j) AMl8tant,..|.......... ........--W. A. Oristy IfThs pair's Chicago.Telegraph Address • Grand Grossing, Preaching services at 10:80 A. I. and at 740 Cm. A oordlal invitation to alL Haw Advert iaemanta Thia Weak. John J. Miller, West McHenry. Geo. W. Besley, " " Miss Julia i. Story, McHenry. •JGpi 4;. T. ELDREDOE shipped a ear of hog* OH Tuesday and Frank Wattles a mixed ir of-Hogs and Cattle. ROBERT SUTTON and wile, who live southeast of this village, celebrated their silver wedding on December 26th. j- •fr~WE understand that Brand A Son are to enlarge their Ice House, at McCol- lam's Lake, and that work will be com- \menced on the same at ones. ••f-;%JTHKBE will be a Basket Social at the VS'idence or Peter Dongherty and wife, ^ West McHenry, on Thursday, to-morrow Ifening. All are cordially invited. .• THE ladies should not forget the lec- tnre by Mrs. Barber, at the City Hall, on --SPbursriay and Friday afternoons oi this vl'lpek, Jan. 5th and 6th. / OWING to the non-arrival of onr pa- , per from Chicago, the PLAINDEALEB ip One day late thit> week. It must be that the Holidays had a bad effect Oik the v Supply House in the big city. MRS. J. VAN SLYKK will lead the Y. P. "7j <3, u. Devotional Meeting, at the Univer­ sal in t Church, on Sunday evening next. Subject: "Yalne of Sects--of our Sect" All are invited. T A SLIGHT change occurs in the Railway I Time Table this week. The passenger j train which passes this station gring ' noath in the afternoon leaves atv 3:20, \ five minutes earlier than heretofore X^Those interested should make a note. THS ladies of St. Patriot's nongrega- flon ave preparing to give a Grand Ball, flit Stoffel's Hall, on Monday evening, |Teb. 13,1899. Proceeds to be used for $he purpose of paying for their new |»rgan. More particulars hereafter. MRS. ESTELLE CRAWFORD BAKER, at the City Hall. Thursday and' Friday afternoons, January 5th and 6th, Sub­ ject: "Absorption, or the Wasting and Building of Tissuo, and the Economy of Nerve Force." No Admission will be «harg»d. WE have not been furnished with the score of fche shoot which took place her* on Mx>nday, and can only say it was well attended' and some good scores were made. In the Live Bitfl Shoot L. H Owen, of this village, took first prise, killing twenty-three birds ont of a possi­ ble twenty-five. THE congregation of St. Mary's Chnrch, in this village, have df cirted to hold their Fair from February 5th to iaelasiw. It si!! fcs held iu the rfietr Chnrch, which it is expected will be in readioeas by th<*t time. We shall | more to say about tsi« next week ? HON JAKES A. ROSB, Secretary of iBtat*, will accept our thanks for a copy of the official vote of the State of Illiaois, ^castat the General Election. Nov 8, .1898, with an appendix showing the f^ote cast at the Judicial Election June 7th, 1897, the Presidential vote of 1896, p and the vote for State offices in 1894 It is a valuable document for reference. A. L. HOWE has commenced the erec­ tion of a new Ice Hou*e, near his resi­ dence np the river. He will build one large enough to supply every family la , town, and the coming season will ran :w vgon for the accommodation of those ' v/ • who desire Ice, which he will furnish at r reasonable rate. He should, as be no v doubt will, receive a liberal patronage. 0?&?r Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup should b« ~{j I kept in every household. It is. the best |4*# J remedy for cough or coid, and is espec |> . tally recommended for that grippsooagh t * fries 25 cts. The Jovial Social Club will give their next Party at Stoffel's Hall, West McHenry, on Friday evening of next week, Jan. 13fch. Good music will be in attendance and the nsnal enjoyable time may be expected. TicVetn, rjO oeuts. All are cordially invited The parties under the annpicfg of this club are bt:ir>g anxionsly looked forward to by the dancing public, and the announcement of tt*e date is sufficient to insure a good at­ tendance. Bear this date in mind, Fri­ day evening, Jannary 13th. / / ONR hundred *nd f^'t.v fonr couples attended the New Year's Party at Stoffel's Hall, on Friday evening and all report, a ptaaiant time. The music wa» the best, the supper was fine and the management soared no pains to make it pleaeant, and from t,he remarks we have heard it is evident they succeeded. Too much cannot be said in praiee of Baern- itein's Orchestra, which now stands at the head of any music that ever visited this village, and so well are they thought of by the dancing public that the mere announcement that they wil) be hero insures a large attendance^ IN an Austin, Nevada, paper we find an account of the death ef William Dougherty, a son <«f Michael Dougherty, of tbis village, which o<?curred at a place called Big Creek, fifteen miles south of Austin, on the night of December 24th. It appears that Dougherty and a man by the name of Guiliery, for whom be was at work, had been in Austin all day Saturday and started for Big Creek early in the evening, and arrived there betw<en eleven and twelve o'clock. Soon after their arrival some trolible arose between them and a fight occurred, ip which Dougherty was stabbed with a knife, killing him almost instantly. The mur­ derer gave himself up to the authorities claiming the deed was done in self-de fenee. We understand that Willi.m. Dougherty left this county about 20 years ago, and has resided in the vicin­ ity of Austin ever since. He was 44 years of aaje and nnmarried. It will be sad news for his relatives and friends in this section. Pritoipal'a Asaooiation The next meeting of the McHenry County Principal's Association will oc­ cur at Woodstock Saturday, Jan 14tb, 1899. Following is the programme: L What shall we teach to advanced classes in Grammar J. M. Edsall 2 The nature of Tests W. C. Smith, C. Manly, F. E. Augevine 3 What is a fad in the public school R. O. Moore What has the 19th century done for Educaition Charles Shaffer' Read "Adams" to page 81 F. E. AKGEVINE, Sec'y. Xeaolutlons of Condolence. At the last meeting of St. Patricie Court, No. 187, W. C. O. F. the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: WDEREAS, It has pleased our divine Lord to call to himself the beloved father of our'eeteemed sister, Charlotte J. Madden, therefore be it Resolved, That we. the members of St. Patricia Court No. 187, W. C. O. F., tender onr bereaved sister our sincere and heartfelt sympathy and WHEREAS, AS our sistsr has suffered a great loss which our Heavenly Father will give her strength to bear therefore be it Resolved. That a copy of these reso­ lutions be sent to her as a testimonial of our respect and sympathy, and that they be published in the two newspapers in our village, and in 7he Women's Catholic Forester. MRS. C. H. FEGBRB, MARY PUTT N, LOBETTA WAI^H, Committee. DEATH OF FBaS J. / DIED.--At his home, north-west of this /village, on the Greenwood road, oft Fri- ' day morninsr, Dec. 30tb, 1898, of Con­ sumption, Fred J. Sherburne, aged 34 yearn, Ave months and sixteen days. Fred J. Sherburne was the youngest <son of Robt Sherburne, of this village, was born in the town of Nunda, and has lived in this vicinity all his life. He was a young man of sterling integrity, and practiced the precept "Do unto other as ye would that others should do unto you." His sick­ ness was of nhort duration, be being con­ fined to the house only about five weeks. As he had trouble with his lungs some years ago, it was at first hoped that he might recover as he did at that time, but unbeknown to his fritnds that dire dis­ ease had gained too firm a hold and de­ spite the best medical skill and care it could not. be shaken off. He declined rapidly until death came as a relief as above stated. He leaves a wife, one child about two years old, an aged father, mother, brother and sisters to mourn his early de mise, who hav? the heartfelt sympathy of all in this, their hour of sorrow. The funeral was held from the M. E, Church, in this village, on Sunday fore­ noon, Rev. W. L. Whipple officiating, and was attended by A large .concourse of relatives and sympatihzing friends, and his remains lMii^^ at r^^rest ti Woodland Cemetery. THE MeH ->< r t 1'ounty Sunday School Bible institute will hold thtir next meet­ ing in the M. E. Church. McHenry, on Wednesday, January 11th, The follow-, ing is the Programme: MORNING SESSION. 10:00--Praver Service' Local Pastor. 10:30--Uonft>ri«noe, led by G. W. Miller. "What Bible Students Need" a --Systematic Study. • b --Normal Course. c--Thorough Preparation. AKTKRNOON SESSION. 1:45--iPrayer for the Children Primary Snot. 2:00--Teacheia' Meetings Nettie C. Harrison. 2:20--Normal Drill G. W. Miller. Necessity of Normal Classes. Dr. C. C. Miller. 3:00--Primary Teaching and Child Study.. .... Primary Superintf ndent. 4:30--Next Sunday's Lesson Taught to the Children.. Pri mary Superintendent EVENINGSESSION. 7:00--Song and Praise 8ervk», Local Worker. 7:30-- Primary Unions Primary Supt. 7:50--Address G. W. Miller. Bring your Bibles and note books and come to work and study. Pray earnestly for God's blessing upon all the work done in these institutes. Our Aim--Better Bible study, better teaching and totter results from our institutes. All township officers, pastors, superin­ tendents and teachers are expected to attend these institutes. Workers from a distance entertained* Bring an offering for state work. > ^ * COUNTY SKCRETA'&Y. & To Mothers and Daughters. Ton are cordially invited to attend two illustrated lectures by Mrs. Estelle Crawford Bak«r, at the City Hall, Mc­ Henry, Thursday and Friday afternoons January 5th and 6th, at 2:30 o'clock Subject: "Absorption, or the wasting and building of Tissue, and tho economy of nerve force. Miss Baker comes highly oecom mended by both the public and the press as one whose aim it is to educate andenoblethe life of woman. She is fiscal Secretary ol the American Temperance University, of Harrman, Tennessee, with authority to travel in the interest of the University, secure,endowments, obtain Scholarship, fellowships and funds for th» upbuilding of said University. No lady, young or old, should fail to hear her. Mrs. Hoard, wife of ex-governor Hoard, of Wisconsin in apnw.lting of Mm. Baker, in Hoard's Jefferson County Union says; "Mrs. Baker is a life-long friend ot mine, and have no hesitation in saying that she is a Star in her roll as Lecturer." These Lectures are free, and as we said before, should be attended by every mother (*nd daughter in our village Remember the place and date. City Hall, Thursday and Friday afternoons, January 5th and 6th. 'M FSaFlteSEIQfS i t* '*'• '• 4 76 319 5 40 43 75 2 85 PXBBONAI* TBOS. F. WALSH made a flying trip to Gray's Lake on Friday last. C. E. CHAPELL, of Elgin, was calling on friends here the first of the we^k. Miss LENA ENGLEN, ol ^Chicago, spent New Years with friends in this village. MRS. CHAS. BYRD was a passenger for Chicago on Monday moruing. MRS. ED. KNOX is spending a few days with relatives and friends in Chicago. J. B. PERRY was attending to business at the county seat on Tuesday. A. B. JOHNSON spent Sunday and Mon­ day with friends in Elgin. - JAC B JCSTEN attended to business in Chicago on Monday last. MRS. E. LAMPHERE has been quite sick for the past tew days, but is now re­ ported better. MRS. JOHN WENTWORTH. of Chicago, was the guest of Isaac Wentworth and wife, the first of the wejk. ROBT. SCOTT, JR., and wife, of Chicago, spent New Years with the former's par­ ents, in this village. MIPS AGNES MURRAY, ot Chicago, spent the Holidays with friends at Norths era Nunda. v Miss KATIE WALSH returned to Chicago Monday after an extended visit at Ber home south of hereV G. W, PHAUN and Walter Keefe, ot Chicago, spent the Holidays with the former's parents, it Terra Cotta. Miss MARY CI.EARY and Arthur Hamil­ ton, of Elgin, attended the New Year's dance in this village. GEO. G. SMITH, wife, son and daughter of Elgin, spent New Year's with friends in this village. N. A. HKMAN, of tiie firm ol Heman A Schneider, attended to business in Chi- cago on Tuesday. MISSES EMMA ^ND CARRIE FISCHER, of Chicago, spent a few days with friends in this village last week. MRS. M. A. HOWELL has been quite sick the past week but is now reported much better. E. J. MANSFIELD and wife, of Green­ wood, were here Sunday to attend tho funeral of Fred Sherburne. L JOHN FCHKEIXER and w!fe, of Elgin, spent a few days with the former's par­ ents here the first of the week. MISSES DELO AND NELLIE KNOX, of Elgin, spent Sunday with friends in this village. . J. ZIMMRR, Long Grove, was calling on friends here on Friday Mid Saturday last. LEWIS ROSENGARTEN and family, of Harvard, spent New Year's with H. Zim­ merman and family, in this village. FRED FELTZ, JR. returned to his duties iu Chicago after a week's visit with his •parents, in this villsge. Miss ELLA KELTER spent New Years in this vicinity and attended the dance at ply ccouotains ^pom up in LIST ot letters remaining uncalled for ia the P. O. at McHenry, HI, Jan 1st, 1899. N L. Brown, Tommy Tibbitts, Dug Robe, Christ Wilke. Please say advertised when calling for above letters. ROLLIN WAITK, P. M. - Or. Suit's Cough Syrup will rid yon of a Isold quicker than any other known remedy. Don't tet a cold go as it eomes; lor you may endanger your life. Price 25 cts. v Lecture on Mewaiok. BY TUBLK tytNE, JUNEYEB. 2 Mewsick Is of 2 kinds. Vofefe Mewsick and Instrewmentle. Vokle is made by the human yois. Egsample: When a raz^r-bdek hungry pig rares up on his hind l»g* and prayes for his tater peelins and buttermilk, that is Vokle Mewsick. When a long eared hors gits sick of catin emty mangers and tries to loosen the shiugle nales on his roof askin for a quart of oats, this is a strikin egsample of Vokle Mewsick. Tu bring it neerer home. When a congregashun chases a qnire all ove^-the gaummit tryin to ketch on we feel like thankin some one for the human vois. What is a more techin egsample of vokle singin than a tall, staitly lady, if she is only young, a lettia out her swan-like telescope neck to its full length standin on her tip toes, with gezoll eyes turned heavenward at an angle of a good many degrees, and tryin hard to drown out her $75 peean- ner with her vokle ground oat lofty tumblin. In my next I will try and enlighten my readers on the beauties of Instrumental Mewsick. . Real Estate TranaMrs. For week ending Jan. 2, inclusive. Marengo Town Trustees to T J Rich- ards iota 41 and 42 in Marengo Cem­ etery f Frederick Krstchmei to Geo Nell 77-100 acres in lot 12 Johnsburgh 850 00 Kicholns Martin and w to Christianna Sell same property 960 00 Henry 8on<i rick or to ffenry O Bond. ri< ber eX ot e# nejtf sec 29. ex eejtf sw3* ail in Greenwool 1,030 00 John con!man and w to Otto Rason nek seJ* and e>4 neii, except la, all inaecll. also 12a in sec 2 all in Richmond *. ..6,000 00 C H N'ranis ami w to MlnneCormack loi 4 hik 4 Ayer's ad Harvard 1,900 00 Peter Kreund and w to J- hn S Freund sX nw& ue)tf and pt e% swjtf nejtf all in eec 14 McHenry 1,000 00 Feter y rennd and w to John 8 Freund ne irl X sec i!>; also e end of jiM nwj* eec 19 pt nwjtf seM sec 10 all in McHenry, 3,109 00 Lewis B for.ion and w John Lambkey lot 6 blk 8 Hart's add Harvard 1,200 0) Karriage Lieenaea. Henry Tonyan ...R'nsrwood JPHzabeth Alihoff Johnsburgh August stark .. a... Woodstoek Antoine Kri8chjce>.|. Woodstook Uea S Thoman... Dakota Mary Murphy WooisUMk r B, Bennett Woodstock n»lo iiil>bSrd...i - - - . W OGilolGCii Probate Business. E-tate John Flusty. Claim of Mars*ret P«rtman allowel for #125. Estate James Mills. Final report approved Estate Chas E Mills. Order for saieotreal estate as per cop on file. Estate Joachihi Freese. Following claims were allowed: i.ena yewj^rs 823.50; Logue A Saunders, til 40; \V. A. Hocnschlld, §45; F.J Timor ng. f5t 85; same, $40 76, Estate Geo Wakely. Proof of will; Chris, lana Wakely exr,Oond approvod. Estate Win Westerman. Proof of heirship and entry of appearance. Estate H. K. Huste:. Proof of will; bond waived; Flora liusted exrx. 700 Proceedings of Village Board. COUNCIL ROOM, .lan. 2, 1899. Regular meeting. Present full Board. Minutes of last me jtin^g read and all- proved. / ^8* The following billrrirsrs audited and approved by the finance committee: John IIeimer,ex. acc't water wks..$ 4 25 C H. Granirer, name.„ 4 25 WebBter Mfg. Co., bill ot oil 2 50 A. P Baer, chimneys and lamps... 7 50 A. P. Baer, ex. on water works.... 2 92 National Meter Co., meters 104 00 C. H. Grander, messages, express and freight 3 23 J. Van Slyke, pub. dog notice....... 2 20 P. I to thermal, labor and gas pipe 3 03 Michael Welsh, labor 3 90 P. L. McOinber, oil and lead pipe.. 42 98 J. W. Bon8lett, labor 2 25 Wilbur Lumber Co., coal 10 00 Wilbur Lumber-Co., lumbar M. Englen, oil Geo Sinners, labor John Walsh, police ser andexp.... Gilbert Bros , mdoe "" Wm. Schreiner, labor ....^10 50 John Neiss, labor 7 50 Aug. Wacnofski, labor...... 2 25 M. J. Waleh, for J. Feehan, labor 3 30 M. Niesen, police ser and meal 40 25 Illinois AlaFble Iron Co, stop bxs.. 12 28 A. .Mueller Mfg. Co., tap machine..l03 50 Motion by Went worth seconded by Freund that the bill be paid. Carded. Mytion by Granger seconded by Miller that the bond of M. Nio«on as Village Tapper, with John J. Buch and Jacob Justen as sureties be approved. Carried. Motion by Granger seconded by fieimer that the board adjourn. Carried. The Board .*hen adjourned. W. A. CBISTY, Pres. J. STOFFEL, Clerk. ATTENTION^ While in Puerto ttico I secured three superb 10x12 negatives of scenes famil- tar to every soldier of the 3d III. One shows in bold relief "Poverty Hill," the camp where we had so great a number sick. In the foreground is the Colonel's quarters, showing Col. Bennett, Major Jackson, Major Shaw, and others of the principal officers of the regiment. Off in the background lies a low ridge of moun­ tains, along the ridge df which we bad our outposts. Between the Colonel's quarter* and Poverty Hill can be seen a short stretch of the Queen's Highway, aloug which our brigade marched in its advance on Cayey. The picture is clear cut and full of detail. The second ,1s an excellent view of the Plaz i deOuayaraa, in the city of Guay- ama, which city has about 15,000 in­ habitants.; The Plaza is full of luxuriant tropical vegetation and natives. Among the natives are Bruno's t'iree daughters, typical Spaniards. In the background is the old Catholic Cathedral, from the steps' of which Gen. Brooke used to vatch dress parade. Each batallion formed in the road and faced inward, oc­ cupying three sides. It Is ft splendid picture and a 8ne souvenir. - The third picture shotfs a typical fountain stream where the boys used to wash their clothes. The scenery is sim- •TBE PENNY MAGAZINE, New York, w^hich is the lowest priced magazine in America (20 cents a year), and which is owned by Hon. Chauncey M. Depew, the eminent American orator, wants a rep­ resentative in this vicinity. It is a good opportunity for one of our ambitious young men or young women. Applica­ tions should be addreeged to the Sun scRii*TIR»N DEPARTMENT, THS PENNY M GAZINE, Temple Court, New York City. • '• - for Stat Stoffel's Hall. R H. OWEN and wife, of Chicago, were the guests of 0. W. Owen and wife, in this viilage, over Sunday. ^SENATOR GRANGBB went to Springfield on Monday morning to be on hand at flhg opening of the State Legislature.* O. C. COLBY and wife and l ert Colby, of Nunda, were here on Sunday to attend the funeral of Fred Sherburne. ' Mas. O E. CBCRCHILL. and daughter. Miss Nola, of Libertyville, were the guests of R. Sherburne and family the first of the week. FRANK BAR HI AN, of Blgin, came up on Friday night to attend the New Year'p Party, and remained here visiting friends until Monday afternoon. D. HURLEY, L. Hurley and Win. Burke, of Richmond, were in attendance at the New Year's Party, at Stoffel's Hall, on Friday evening la£t. MISSES NELLIE ' LEMENS, Stella Nord- quest and Jennie Covell returned to school at Evanston on Monday after spending tbe Holiday vacation at their homes here. LEWIS LUSK and wife returned from Denver Friday, where tbey went two months ago for the latter's health. We ar J sorry to learn the change did not prove of any benefit to her. MISSES ETHEL GRANGER, Gussie Gran­ ger and Genie McDonald, of Janesville, and Mary Granger, of Milwaukee, were the guests of Mrs. F, K. Granger, in this village, last week. E. B. PERKINS informs us that a young lady came to board at his residence on Saturday morning last. She is hale and hearty and tipped the scares fa. 7% pounds. Mother and child are doing well and 'Gene is correspondingly happy. We smoked. MRS DR. WELTS, who we reported last week as q -ite sick, was taken to the West Side Hospital, Chicago, on Friday last, where she is being treated. During her short residence here Mrs. Weils has made many warm friends, who sincerely hope for her speedy recovery and return to her home. HBALTH AND HYOIKNB. the distance and show ho^ difficult would have been our conquest of Puerto Rico if the Spaniards had held out. Ths cloudless sky gives a good idea of how the sun poured down with tropical force upon the boys. Up the stream a short distance can be seen a water pipe whicb>< furnishes the water supply for the city. It lies along the surface and gets the full heat of the sun. It makes the water very palitable to us Northerners, nit. These pictures are tp be had at the low price of fifty cents each, three for one dollar ani fifty cents. It shows things vou htve read about, now you can see. The photographic work is of the very best and will delight you. Mail orders attended to promptly. FRANK W. Bennett, 28 pounds of choios iJ^pt^Side. Fruns* TO THE PUBLIC. We are authorized to guarantee evrry bottlo^of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and if not satisfactory to relund the hioney to the purchaser. There is no better medicine ^iade for la grippe, colds and whoopinec congh. Price 25 and 50c p«r bottle. Try it. J. A. STORY. WANTED--SEVERAL TRUSTWORTHY persons in this state t > man*ge om bnBiness in their own and nearby counties. It is mainly office work conducted at home. Salary straight $900 a year and expenses-- definite, bonailde, no more, no less salary Monthly, 075, References. Enclose self ddressed stamped envelope, Herbert E . ess, Prest. Dept., M, Uhlc«go. 10-tin A few more bushels ol those fine Onions at 45c a bushel at' J. J. Miller's West FREE ILLUSTRATED LECTURE TO TBE LADIES. Mrs. Estellfl Crawford Baker, Fiscal Secretary of the American Temperance University of HarrimaD, Tenn., who is here under the auspices of the Viavi Company of Chicego, giving a series of lectures at the City Hall, will give the third of tbe series at Riverside Parlors, Saturday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock, to which all are invited. Her lectures bear strictly on the physical organism of woman. ' A Nation Rises no Higher than its Mothers," therefore all wives and mothers should hear these educational lectures. The Saturday lecture will be of especial interest to young ladies and teachers. AH girls over 13 years of age invited. . RELIABLE 8ALESMAN WANTED. We do not promise creat riches, but can make it an object to the right man to sell our Lubricating Oils and Greases. Address at once. Tbe Euclid Oil Com* r.»t»g rtoveland, Ohio, SPRING GROVE. Mrs, James Westlake is slowly recover­ ing from her recent illness. A1 ice, Maude and Mamie Carey, John Westlake and flurry Spears are among those that are enjoying their vacation >tt home. The factory ice hou-^es here and at English Prairie were filled last week. Our school opened Monday , with l£iss Alexander, of Geneva as teacher. Communications received Irom John Oxtoby describe the great discoveries ol ujold made at Canyon City, Colo, now christened DawsonCity. Mr. Oxtoby and wife own,320 acres of land located with­ in 1% miles of the eold find, and can plainly see the fields from their dwelling. Mr. Oxtoby has located a couple of claims and it is hoped by his many friends here that he will strike it rich. Provisions command a favorous price, >ind as he has a fine fruit ranch started on his land is evident that his proper­ ty will assume a large value. The Koyal Neighbors received twenty two new members in their Camp No. &58 last Thursday night. Eight more i being ready to go in at the earliest pos­ sible date. The work of initiation wis Siplendidly performed by the Antiocb team of Olson Camp. The Richmond "amp was also largely represented. Re­ freshments were served. The Officers of Nippersink Camp, R. N. 0. A, No. 458 for the ensuing year resulted in the reelection of Mre._ Lizzie ^ierce, Orach; Jennie Oxtoby, Vice Or- iv-IP; Mrs. H.Turuer, Chancellor; Jennie Vfoss, Recorder; and the election of Cora VVestluke, Banker; Laura Shotleff, Edna Pierce. Mirshalip; Mrs. C. Westlake, In­ ner Sentinel; Mary M'llwain. Outer Senti­ nel; Managers, Kate Shoileff, Carrie Vo- gel: Physicians, Armstrong, Fegers and Darby one from each town being elected. RINQWOOD. ^"Choice Millinery at Mrs. O. N. Rich's. H. L. Waterman and wife arervjoioeing over the arrival of a son. Mr. Adams, of Greenwood, was in town last week. James Green was a Chicago visitor over Sunday. ' F. W. Mead, of Elgin, was m pleasant caller Thursday afternoon. James Ladd and Frank Harrison were Woodstock visitors Friday last. Richard Lawson and Frankie were in town last week. School began again Monday after the usual holiday vacation. Lonnie Lawrence, of Pullman, III., is visiting relatives in and about town. A. C. Matthews was ftn Chicago last week. Special meeting of ('amp 597 M. W. A., this Wednesday evening. Mr. Drake's people entertained a Mend from Chicago over Sunday. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Dwelly Saturday afternoon, Jan. 7,1899. The Ladies' Church Aid Society will meet with Mrs. Fred Morgan on Thurs­ day afternoon, January 5,1899. The Cemetery Aid Society will meet with Mrs. H. W. Allen Thursday evening, Jan. 12,1899, Willie Bishop returned to Elgin Mon­ day after spending the holidays at Smith's Corners. Many from here attended ths funeral of Fred Sherburne at McHenry on Sun­ day last. J. V. Buckland went to Chicago yester­ day morning to serve as a juryman in m Federal Court. James Carr and wife, and Chas. Thomp­ son and wile, of Greenwood, were in town Saturday. Mrs. E. Pierce and Miss EvacThomp- aon, of Ostend, visited Ring wood friends Wednesday last. Frank Bell and Frank Harrison re­ turned to Nebraska Monday last, after a visit of two weeks. Several Ringwoodites attended the New Year's Dance at McHenry Friday evening. Arthur Conant, of Rockford, visited his aunt and cousins, Mrs. O. N. Rich and Mrs. F. R. Hess, a couple of days last week. Mrs. Bateman will return to the city this week, having spent several weeks at Burr Oak Farm. Harry Olson returned to his home in Elgin on Saturday last, after spending twe weeks with his aunt Mrs. O. N. Rich. The electiou of officers for the Epworth iieague took place Sunday evenihg. Ti e following officers were elected. Pres., Rev. Whipple; 1st, V. P., Mrs. Fred Morgan; 2nd, V. P., Mrs. Spaulding; 3rd, V. P. Mrs. Bennett; 4th, V. P., Miss Florences Brown; Sec., Edward Peet: Treas.. Scott Harrison; Organist, Florepgf Bro; Chorester, C. E. Fay; * NUNDA. A. D. 189®. Another cold snap reminds as that the days are lengthening. Mrs. Ternllliger, of Nunda, is spending the New Year with friends in the City. . Miss Florence Baldwin went to the City Saturday last. Fred Wendt is quite sick with ths grippe. The seats for the church will be placed 5hisweek._^ , , > 4,..J . , . . - ; , . . . , . . , , Ice harvest at Crystal Lake will sqpn be done. Miss Jessfe Baldwin visited in Green­ wood part of her vacation. F. R. Jackman and wife spent New Years with J. R Jackman, of Nunda. Misses lone Watson and Mabel Philip were Chicago visitors during the holiday week. Eugene Andrus, night operator at the station, who has had about two months vacation, resumed bis place last Sunday night. Tbe inside painting of Dr. Watson's new house is being done by C. W. Seeley and Mr. Carlsen. It is expected to, be very fine. A runaway in town Friday morning. Not much damage done, only, tipped over a load of old iron and broke a wagon tongue. Miss Daisy Benthusen returned to her school at Lexington, 111., Monday even­ ing. After spending the Holiday week with her people in Nunda: Miss Georgia St. Clair lesumed her du­ ties at the Carpentersville public school, Monday morning. After a week's vacation. Anson Thompson, of Crystal Lake, met with a painful accident last reek Friday Dec. 30th. Mr. Ti ompson re­ sides on his farm near Crystal Lake and owns a piece of timber land about fours miles west of Crystal Lake, where they cut fire wood for his own and his tenants use. They went to this timber lot Fri­ day morning to cut and haul home a couple of loadsfof wood and had cut off a large tree, and as it fell it lodged in the tops of other trees, standing near, and did not clear itself from the stump and the butt of the tree rested on top of the stump. While the men were trying to move it from the stump to dislodgq. from the tree tops it slipped suddenly, and caught Mr. Thompson's big toe on his right foot and dissevered it near thd joint holding the foot, boot and Overshoe fast, until Mr. Eegstbim and the hirer! man by much effort succeeded in moving the tree enough to release the foot. Mr. Thompson was brought home at once and Dr. Hull was called to dress the in­ jured member. Upon examination Dr.- Hull found it necessary to amputate the toe a little back of the first joint which he did very successfully and with the ex­ ception of tho pain attending such an injury the patient is as comfortable as expected. ; Cotton Bats, the best stock in towm At Simon Stoffel's. Flannel Shirts and Sweaters almost Bt your own price at Simon Stoffel's. Call and see our large stock of Glwi* ware and Fancy China. A. P. BAXB. Have yon seen the new line of NeckUm! All the latest styles just received at M. 3, Walsh's. New Prints just received. Latest Paterns, and at prices lower tus sver before. Simon Stoffel. Our line of Shoes are like ths Awriett navy, "Can't be Beat." M. J. WALSB. A large sfock of New Winter Dress Goods to select from at M. J. Walsh's. The celebrated Douglas Shoe, without question the most stylish and best wsar ing shoe on the market, can be found at Simon Stoffel's. Cloaks and Overcoats at 20 pep discount for cash. SIMON STOFFBL. Be sure to leave your orders for Pills- jA*' bury's or Washburn's best at Stoffel's Delivered promptly to any part of town. ^ j A large line of samples to select a Suit '«, or Overcoat from, and only a «m«n !:f.' profit charged at M. J. Walsh's. Bed Blankets from 42 cents to #4 sat . pair at Simon Stoffel's. #1,; •» « " 1 Fable Rugs, Fancy Table Cdvsrt, Table Linen, Napkins, etc., in great va­ riety and atths lowest prices, at "" Steel's. If you want to see the finest stock of Lamps to be found in McHenry county call at the Farmers Store West McHenry. A. P. BAM. Chamberlain's UOIKJ, unolera andDiar- rohea Remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant and sale to take. Sold by J. A. Story. All goods fresh ana new and Prices ths Lowest, at the Farmers Store. Call is and learn onr prices. No trosbls to show Goods. A. P. Ruhr. House to Rant. A good house to rent on tlw Wist Side. Good barn^^well, cistern and all ,«si •if'A V 'i:W modern con l Darn^we venisnces. Inquire of SIMON STOFFBU. ,;1 SPEND your winter in Florida. Bait ^ of Hunting, Fishing and Boating ths ^ famous Iudian River. Get over jrons ^ catarrh and rheumatism. I have spefit 7 winters at Melburne. Writs me lor -.-'J pamphlet and cost. •'V J.F. POWELL* 'u&i .. Waukegan, Illinois, • v ' ' » ; ""FLANNEL WAISTS. • t If yon want something warm, mat and stylish in Stoffel's. this line, call at 'J La Grippe Successfully Treated* "I bavf just recovered from the second attack of la erippe this year," says Jas. A. Jones; publisher of the Leader, Mexia, Texas. "In the latter case I UBed Cham­ berlain's Cough Remedy, and I think with considerable success, only being in bed a little over two days against ten days for the former attack. Th«? second attack I am satisfied would have been rquelly as ba I as the first but for the use of this remedy as I had to go to bed in about six hours after being 'struck' with it, while in the first case I was able to attend to business about two days before getting down." For sale by J. A. Story. A CARD. We, the undersigned, to hereby agree to refund tbe money on a 50-cent bottle of Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it tails to cure your cough or cold. We also guarantee a 25-cent bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded. JULIA A. STORY. 21-Cm Bring in your bands, onr stock of (i loves and Mittens fits them all. J. J Miller. ^ -§ WANTED! ! Reliable man wanted in this vicinity to open small office and handle my goods. Position permanent and good pay. If your record is O. K. and you want steady employment, here Is an opening for you. Kindly mention this paper when writing. 17-12w A. T. MORRIS, Cincinnati, O. TX7" ANTED--PEYERAL TRUBTWOfcTHT VT persons in thla state to T*-tT|rTt «H* !j 11 bines* in their own and nearby misiljil It is mainly office work condnotel at * Salary straight t»00 a year and in* definite, bona tide, no more, no leas ~ salary. Monthly. Raferesae* Enclose s$!f. addressed stamped envelope. Hess, neat,, Uepk M, Chicago. Herbert FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. In Tatterns and ty t&e Yardf, Stoffel's. If you are looking for bargains do nbt fail to call at the Farmer's Stors J^efors you buy. We know VonmonQy we can surely- A. P. BASE, . inland Ofetoa Boars ftr Sals* ' ^ The undersigned has a tew fins Polaad China Boars for sale. " B.A.S»*v*K,a Spring Grove, III. 2-m . A CTIVE SOLICITORS W A N T E D everywhere for "Ths Story ol the Philippines" by Murat Halstsad, com- ; missioned by the Government as Official Historian to the War Departmsat. Ths bock was written in army camps at Salt - Francisco, on the Pacifls with Genera! Merritt, in the hospitals at Honoluln, la.. - Hong Kong, in ths American troncfeisai Manila, ia the insnrgea*; oims fwSjK, Aftuinaldo, on ths deck of th* Olympia, . with Dewey, and in tbe roar o( battls a#,; .'^ the fall of Manila. Boaansa for agents. Brimful of original nfajfcnres taken by government photographers on tbe spot. Large book. Low prioss. fHg profits. Freight paid. Credit glfWu. Drop all trashy unofficial war books. Outfit free. Address, F. T. Barber, Sec'y, Star Insurance Bldg., Chicago. 17-4m I have made a specialty 01 the ] cution of all kinds of damage against RAILROADS. other Corporations, and Estates, for fifteen years and make no charge nnlfW ucoessfuL Call or writs me. . >6 ii. P. BARNES, AI WANT AFr ONCE Several reliable salesmen to sell oat" complete line of Mill, Engine and TMH- H-N er Supplies. Steady employment all year round. The Crown Supply Company, Cleveland, Ohio. Awarded Higbeat Honors--World'* Wr» •DR. ^ CREAM RAKING POWDffl |(OST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powdfr. Free ftom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, CRANBERRIES, the very finest to found anywhere, at Simon Stoffel's. HOME SEEKERS' CHEAP EXCtJB* SDNS. On October 18, November 1, 15, Da- cember 6 to 20, the Northwestern will sell home seekers' excursion with favorable time limits, "to.Ml points in the west and Strath at tionally low rates. For tickets aad i mation apply to agents Chicago Forthwestern R'y. 15^o*-6w f Bed and Horse Blankets, the finest Una to be fonnd in the County, at Stoffel's. 0 FLASHLIGHT PICTURES- L. E. Bennett has demonstrated, dinar-' ing the past seventeen months, thatarti- ficial light is equal to daylight in making pictures. The atmospherical effects SfS superb and cannot be surpassed by tlia best daylight work. When is taken into account the flash as BMttjk; superior for tbe reason the sxasfc can he gotten, providing, of cooHM, 9' tbe subject has it. With all tkai -ad­ vantages it will be seeu that L. E. Ula' AQ YEARS Tiff "\r nett is the man to make the babies, lathe-s, mothers, aad aK IIdv rest of the family. Call at <--^ ^ For Sala. Fsed warehouse and Coal sh^ds, ntsdat West McHenry, 111., with a well established Faad trade. For further partienlars once to W. A. Crtety, Waal" ~ J. E. cristy, Ringwood. IB. Men's Dock Coats, all sbea Mad

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