f m niitf ••%> V • "H"'**- * » "• j * "J. -ti,9t ..<*/.r .3^ r - >1 , >j* f f -»* * \-*m$ •••'. *,ifc.«..--• : • .^tu "' *"•• •' ' "Stilus/... __. m* •mtmmmm.r,v.--mm**™,-•<*&&*-- .#**» -m* *S « q*m IV 4i*r A«a 1** f J'l*^** *+*•*• -w % r-y-***$&* "?*; v* . fc j** vlA ^ -* ,;i ;.M,? **7* r. w^'1^ Sfe' .&**= >¥- rf Htledgad but to Truth, to Liberty and Law) No Favors Win u« arid no Fear Shall Awe. # ipry? *- t. «• "./it ,/v/w?* •. 5££vt j: H'. '" fS •"^jW '# IT -T«* #>•_« '.iff v V. 'rf ..# M'HENRY. ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1899. * ̂ *••• *5 mUiiiliii WAS TIRED OF PROFESSIONALS ROUTE TO REACH MANILA. THIS C Dr. Walter C Besley, kiENTlSX :^6if| iaialettof *k« fettirUlMrt HkrmleM ttttie Trick For lioilni a Bore. IT TAKES SOME TIME TO GET TO OUR NEW POSSESSIONS^ A' WRST MolIKKBT. Office over Realey*# J Woodstock Office Drug Store, | Kenrtall Dental 1'arlorjK will IM at McHenry office Mondays «M Tuesdays At VPooi!stock office Wednesday*, dajs, Fiids</* and Saturdays. <3* KXAMINATIOSS FREE PUBLISHED EVEBY WEDNESDAY BY EDITOR AND PBOPBIETOR. ! V v * < ..:;* i. Wa& i %te FIMEI IN THE NICHOLS BLOCK *wo Doors North Ofwl OhapeU'a Store, TERMS or SUBSCRIPTION: Oae vear iln advance)-- ». fl 60 If Not P«.iil Within Three Months. --... a ou Subscription* recctveu for tare* or six months in tbe same proportion. . 8 00 . 10 Ou . 16 wi . So 00 « 60 UW . 100 00 RATES OF ADVERTISING: We announce liberal rates fur advertising in tbe PLAij-DKALKK, ami emeivor to state them »o piaiuiy ti>di they win be leadu* un- uerst^oa. Tuoy die as toilows: 1 Inod one sear... I Inches one yaar. » Inches one year X (jolumu one >ear ",.i - X coiuuia one year.... 1 Ooiamu one year .. One inch means the meaEnrement df one incn down ttie column, siugle cotu.un width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege if changing as often »s they ohoose, without extrachurgs. ttegular advertitere (meaning those having Standing card») will be entitleu to insertion ot local i^otictsat the rate ot 6 cents per nne auii week. All others mi be charged 10 cents per line the ttr>k wefik( and 6 cents per line lor eaott *ubsfciuifni w«e*. Transient ii'tvertf»oinenti will be ch.irgen the rate of ID cents per line, ^nonpareil t> pe, same as this is sr t ii>) , he llret issuer, »uo 6 cents per -lne tor subsequent issues. Inua, au men advcruaeinent wui cost *1,0" for one week, flQo tor two weeks, <2.00 for three weeks, and so on. The tLAiNU&AL** will be liberal in giving editorial notices, but, as a business ruitfPii will require a suitable fee irom ••veryborfy •eeaiug the use of Its columns tor pecuniarj 0AlOi All Foreign Advertising payable quar- tony, in auvauue. These terms will be strictly adhered to. -VI I5UBIN£SS CABD8, W. C. ANNERS. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER. "^WEST'MOHENRY, ILL. ••SLBV«S onua »TO«B. O. U. GILLUOBIS, ATTORNEY Probate work a specialty. Office in Kendall B.ock. Vk«o«i took 111. J. r. OAS BY, ATTORNEY and Ooun»eloi at Law. OVoe in Joiiyu's Block, Woodstock, Itl. opeo-ial attent.on given to trial oases. KNIUUT A BUOWN. ATTORNEY AT LAW, HO washing on street, Quicago. la, FRANK U. 9 EFATIO COUNSELLOR AT Ll#, suite 80--IK Uiaik street, Ouiaago, ill. O. P. BA.RNK4, ATTORNEY, Solicitor, and ' Ooontelor Oolie tious a specialty. Woods.o^k, ill, FRANK R. JACKMAN, ATTO INEY an I Couaseior ai I>*w. t-rompt and careful attei U>n to all matters ten in m> han<ta. Mo iey to loan, office JnHoy blocK, wooastoek, III. ielephoue-- office, 55, residence, CU. i,6yl DAVID G. WELLS. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office and re*i ence in yichols Biocs, over the Plain<iealer office. Ucuestj, Teitahone SO 2 a U. FKGERl, M. D. JI TW AND 8URGEON, McHenry, Otttce at Rssidenoet . R. A. E. AURlNGEft, PHYSICIAN AN D»UBGKO«. Office In the Sironer building, one door west o" A. P. User's siorx, West McHenry, 111. Kesidenee, hoase formn-ly occu iod by Dr. Osborne. AU profisfejonal calls promptly attended to. W. P. ST. CLAIR, / JwUieeof the Peace and Notary Public Jteal Estate and Insurance, NUNOA, Ills JOHN P. ftMITH, Watohmaker «V- Jeweler MoHENRY, ILLINOIS, A EIKlu stooa of Olooks, Watches and Je*> A. elry always on hand. Special attention |m to repair lag &ue wMbts. «ive me JOHIf P. SMITH. •Ail. W. A. CRI8TY, of tlie Peace. WB8I MEHSNUY, ILL. ' Speolal Attention paid to Oolleotipns. i Will belli my G»ee over Bvansoa's Store, every tta urday and Monday, until further aotlea. H. C. MEAD, Juttice oj the Peace and General ln- MIranee Agent. Including Accident and Life Insurance. WBST McHBtorr, III. I. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler No 126 State Street, Chicago. Apeoial attention given to repairlag Fine Watches an i Obronometers. «V a Fnll Assortment of Goods In his line. /* J" KIONEGII Raving ba<1 several ye«rs »xt»*nen'e *e'1- ing farm and other saieii I now rait attention to the fact th«t i <cef )<ke getting* in CffEAT "HUMP" Sn ravKBif srd sel\ y^nr farm «ales fHenry as weU as Lake Oo with a &re»t ^ DETERMINATION 'Wecessary »o obta'n vool results 'heae clo*e times, lam na-'sfieU that it require* the VIGOR AND PUSH 'T®S«" Farm Sa'es and be dno^-es ful as it de#s to ©nop wood ors^li you a farm in Ar kansae. either of which lam willing to do Wh»n called. M-'ii of vou wi!l know that have had f-rd »till hav* m ch experience f^'ling just euch gro.l« and slo»k as you will rff%r at public anct on tliU spilng. lhere tore I shoul I * now their value and b^w to l&t at eel'ln* the sve tor the most money, dropping th*art'nl» wit^ ihe fne 'hat some, t mes p»yt? his n«,te, I am qai'e a cood hid der an<t i-m <slwa^ « l^okin^ for oargai a. I believe I o*n «'o m^re f.>r you thaa can the others f?r the »au.e o' less <*oet. If I did n' t feel sti I e ot the above lid Kot in dead e^ rest and wilting to try. o' Short notice, I would not baso well equipped An alarm turned in by postal may re\eal unexpeoted results. Try Us a Couple of Times. Your obedient aun uusystematii: friend • '• Jf. V, 8LOCUM, WsuoendBi ill ih . si WEST MCHENRY, ILL., - • --DEALER Of-- DRUGS, MEDICINES, F^AirslT^ TOILET ARTICLES, Pure Wines and Liquors for Medical Piir- ' poses, also Bottted Ale and Porter. .*j i The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing Tobacco always on hand. Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully Compoundsd. c. w. BESLEY. . West McHenry, Jan. 6, 1899. A Stock*. »>»fe»eie>eief »»»ei We have within the past thirty days invested ift the improvement of our stock with the desire of making it one of the cleanest, up-to-date Jewelry, Silver and Pfatedware stock to be found anywhere. It is our desire to lead in prompt service and correct goods at the lowest possible prices. In DIAMONDS and all kinds Of Pr«fcIou» Stories we lead. You will do well to look us over before making your selection, as pur stock now is complete. All the latest patterns in Sash Bucks. Pins, Bracelets* Chains, Bittons. Sings. Lidle3 Hair Ornaments, Watches and Clock-, To be found anywhere. Don't fail to sefr ^jur Silver Novetties in Picture Frames, Calendars, Match Safes. Ink Stands, Childs Sets, Pin Trays, Looking Glasses and Pomades. 1 In Fancy Glassware We Can'& be Beat. HEA11AN & SCHNEIDIR. Furniture and Undertaking THE West Side Furniture and Undertaking Store is the place to buy, is they have the largest and most complete stock in . the county. They have the largest assortment in Carpets, Chamber Suits and Extension Tables Of all kinds and at all prices. / A complete stock of all goods as is usually kept in a furniture store. Undertaking a Specialty. As we have Caskets and Shrouds.* Irom the cheapest to the very bent, in stock at all times to select from. Ycu can see what you get. N. J. JUSTEN. XD-A-IX-TST E3XOURSIONS Through fl-st <£««» and Tourist Bleeping Cars to points in California and Oregon every day in the year via the Chicago, Union Pacific and North-wasters Line Personally Conducted Excursions Every Thursday. LOWEST RATES SHORTEST TIME ON THE FINEST SCENERY. ROAD Only ronti by which yon can leave home rny day in the week and travel in tourist cars on fastest trains all the way. For pamphlets and information inquire of nearest agent. t, * M. 4 Noiili-Western Railway. DR. 8AECHIER DENTIST? o #lat* Work and everything per taining to Dentistry. Parties from a (Metanoe should drop a eard a aay or two Oeidre coming. . Office. MoHenry% • " CLF. BOLEY, Fnorieior of McHenry Briery, * MeHENBY, ILL. Always on Band with the Best Beer ̂ H SMOKERS! fben is Want of a Geod Ciiar! CALL AT ; BARBIAN BROS, THE OLD 1 j heliablk j Tobacco Deajers otm SPECIALTIES: , Our Monogram! 1 0 f c . ' Barbian's Best hand made 5c ~ best cigars made. Sold by all local dealers. Cigar mid P35EEY & OWEN, Bankers, McHENRY, - ^ ILLINOIS This Bank receives deposits, buys and eelis Foreign ana Domestic Exchange, and does a General Banking Business We endeavor to do all business en trusted to our care in a mauner and upon terms entirely satisfactory to our cus tomers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. MONEY TO LOAM On Real Estate and other flret dasf security. Special attention given to collections. INSURANCE . In First Class Companies attheLowest Bates. Yours Kespectiully, PEKJKY&OYVEN Notary Pub BARGAINS IN ROBES AND BLANKETS FOR THE KET 20 DAYS GU8 CARLSON, At his Harness Shop, near the Red bridge, will sell his entire stock of Rob s and Blankets at Cost for Cash. We have tbe finest stock in this line to be found in McHenry County, and wt must close them out. \ Tbey are all big b .rgains and I mean just what I say. Also on hand a fine Une of SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS Which will be sold cheap.j REPAIRING Promptly Attended to Do not fail to call at once and get the benefit of our bargains. CUS CARLSON McHenry, 111., Jan. 18. 1899. PAY IF YOU'RE PLEASED 30 DAYS AFTER SHIPMENT; IF NOT, RETURN. NO MONEY WANTED IN ADVANCE. Willi cvt ryQuaker K i t c h e n C a b i n e t we send, free, a copy of "The Every- Day Cook Book." containing 815 pages of the most practical re- clpes ever com piled, substantially bound in cloth. The top of cabinet Is 27 incht'H by 42 _ Inches; height. 30 nches; has two metal-bottom bine, one holding 50 lbs.; he other partitioned for corn-meal, graliam, sugar, etc.; >ne large drawer; one bread lw>ard, which elldea Into [rame. Price, complete, only >5, ou board cars In Ctal- aipo, with the cook book free. Pay In 80 days if you Ina the Cabinet the liiwt useful, labor-saving piece of tltchen furniture you ever saw •. If not entirely pleased, Tturn at our expense. No deposit, no guaranty re- julred fror-i any reliable person. In ordering be sure O say vou're a reader of this paper--this Is very import- uit--and that vou accept our Kitchen Cabinet Offer No. j, Order to-day; or, send for illustrated circular No. & 4U1RER VALLEY MFG. CO., 355 W. Harrison St.. Chicago. P. S.--Genuine Quaker Valley furniture Is never sold through retailers--always from factory to fireside at wholesale price*. Don't accept a worthless Imitation. flakes Kitchen WerkEasy Who can think of some simple thing to patent? ". i'l.' Bound Trip Not 80 Coatly Aa OM Wfht Suppose--Amount Nee#* ed and Other Int^reat- Ffteta. J ... >1 • f mmmmmmrnmmmm • ' V *1 want to Manila," the tall man with the gray beard. "I want te go first-class and by the quickets routes. How much will the trip cost »e?" ' The tourist agent grabbed up a luuvdful of papers, ran them over quickly, and,, after a minute or BO, ?aid: "The only way to get to Manila Is by way of Hongkong. China. The fare to Hongkong from this city is $303.50 ta American money From Hongkong to Manila, a journew of three days or k little more, the cost of transportation Is $<5 in Mexican money. You have the choice of half a dozen railway routes across the continent to the Pa cific coast, and this journey can be made in five days, if necessary. "From the west coast there Is a choice of two routes to Hongkong by some of the finest and fastest steamers on the Pacific. • "The journey from San Francisco to Hongkong averages about twenty-nine days, divided as follows: From San Francisco to Honolulu, seven days; to Yokohama, twelve more; to Hiogo, two; to Nagasaki, about the same time; to Shanghai, three days. .Hong kong is three days' journey from Shanghai. There is another way to go, but the way I quote Is the best. The regulation amount of baggage is al lowed and the accommodations are equal to those found on tbe Atlantic. There are first-class banks and busi ness houses both at Hongkong and Manila, so that a traveler need not worry about drafts, cables, or the like. One could make a round trip to Manila and meet all reasonable expenses for between $900 and $1,00G."-New York Mail and Express. Why Pins Are Lost. Every individual who lives to grow tip has in all probability asked, at some time in his life, what becomes of all the pins that are manufactured and lost. An old gentleman in London has prepared himself to answer the ques tion. By a series of experiments con ducted in his back garden he has dis covered that they go the way of all flesh, and ai^ resolved Into dust. Hair pins, which he watched for 154 days, disappeared at the end of that time, having been resolved Into a ferrous ex- ide, a brownish rust, which was blown away by the wind as It formed; bright pins took nearly eighteen months to disappear; polished steel needles near ly two years and a half; brass pins had but little endurance; steel pens at the end of fifteen months had nearly gone, while their wooden holders were still intact. Pencils, with which he al so experimented, suffered little by ex posure; the lead was unharmed, and the cedar almost aa good as new; but then nobody has ever asked the ques tion about pencils, and he might have spared himself his pains. : Didn't Know He Was a Poet. William Blue was an engineer in the employ of one of the trunk railway lines in this state. One of his duties was to haul the through freight over the western division, and his pet en gine was No. 2. One night he had an accident. One of the flues in the boiler of his pet blew out, and he was stalled, blocking tbe main line. He reported the matter to the division superintend ent, unwittingly, as follows: "Engine two blew out a flue, what'll I do? 'Bill' Blue." Then he sat down to await instruc tions. This is what came over the wires from the superintendent's office, about twenty minutes later: "Bill Blue--You plug that flue in en gine two, and pull her through in time to get out of the way of twenty-two." This order is stuck up in the cab of engine two. Peace Increase* Their Height. Although the average height of sol diers has decreased during the last few years considerably in these coun tries in which conscription is the rule, it is found that in countries in which peaceful conditions prevail, and no great standing army is maintained, the stature of new soldiers is greatly in creasing. This is shown conspicuously in the case of Sweden, where the av erage height of new soldiers between 1840, and 1850 was 0(! inches; 60.2 be tween 1850 and 1860, 66.6 between 1860 and 1870. 66.8 between 1870 and 1880, and 69 between 1880 and 1890.--Ex. The Real Thing in Paraguay. In Paraguay it is considered "the real thing" to dine with the rich na tives. All European and American tourists who reach that faraway South American country find a great fascina tion in being invited to a native's house. They never eat a meal without drinking a pint of water beforehand to prevent indigestion, nor will they serve a visitor who does not do like wise. It is needless to add that Para guay is full of indigestion, and the custom is continually kept up. Wanted-An Idea Protect your ideas; they way bring you wealth Write JOHN WKODKRBURN ft CO . Patent Attor- , Mrs, Washington, D. C . for their $1,800 sriae ofEw ' ana urt of two taadiwt larwtKwa wanfiNl, Why He Attended the Funeral. Our Welsh friends are pretty sharp, and a learned judge lias just been nice ly "had" by one. Summoned as a ju ror at the assizes, he asked the per mission of the judge to absent himself on the ground that he was very an xious to attend a funeral. It was not until after the judge had granted the request that he learned from the sher iff that the applicant was an under' taker.--Westminster Gasett*. "Tbe other day," said HA undertaker to & Sun reporter, "I was warned against a woman professional funeral- goer. Of course, I knew all about her. She Is harmless. Having a sufficient income to support herself modestly without much work, she has plenty of time on her hands, and for a few years has made it a daily habit to attend fu nerals, of friend or stranger, in any part of the city. She dresses very well, quietly and modestly, and Invariably pushes herself forward and gets into the carriage just back of the mourn ers. She coolly walks, unbidden and uninvited, to the carriage and takes ft seat, much to the annoyance of the others who enter the carriage, who do not know her. "I was instructed carefully that If this woman presented herself, not to make any objection nor to allow any policeman or detective to lead her away. She had a habit of screaming very loudly If interfered with, much to the disgust of the people present. This family wanted no such disturbance. I had the drivers of the carriages in formed properly. When the hearise was leaving the house, and when the near relatives had left, the fourth car riage drove to the curb, and as sooja as the carriage door was opened out from the small crowd in front of the house smartly walked the young wom an. She got into the carriage and the door was promptly closed. The car riage departed and at the next corner the driver turned and trotted his team to the stable. The young woman got out peacefully, saw she had been foiled, and departed without a word. The family paid for tbe cab»--New York Sun. Says There's Money in It. A man with the monomania for col lecting picture cards tries to justify his position by saying that "there is money In it" In proof of this be asks people to believe the following incredi ble story: Joseph Arniinlus, formerly of Cologne, but now of Jerusalem (he says), haB made a small pil6 through the kaiser's tour. He advertised In the German papers, offering in return for a remittance of two marks to send five picture cards, posted respectively at Venice, Constantinople, Jaffa, Jerusa lem and Cairo, on the day of the Em peror Wllhelm's visit. Tbe subscrip tions amounted to $900,000, out of which he pocketed $50,500. The writ ing of ihe postcards was done in a Jerusalem school, In the form of a die tatlon lesson for the children. I sup pose the card from Cairo had inscrib ed under its pretty pictures, "Place* the kaiser didn't visit!" ^ A , .. Time Royalty Bettr^^y- v ' Leopold II. goes to bed late, as ne never works in the daytime, and has to go through his letters at night Hfs bed is a heap of feather beds and feather counterpanes, In which he bur ies himself, for he has a mortal dread of the cold, even In the summer nights. Humbert has a hard bed, coarse sheets and no pillows, and sleeps away sonor ously for eight hours at a stretch. The poor young Czar dreads the night and the darkness; his bedroom is always lighted with electric light scarcely subdued by gossamer white silk shades. He seldom goes to sleep with out having taken a dose of chloral, and has the greatest trouble in getting up, which he does as late as possible.--Ex. Russia Waa After the Gold. This is an explanation, which we be lieve to be the true one, of the motive which led Russia recently to threaten to demand the cession of the province of Kuldja. Recent so-called scientific expeditions in that portion of the Chi nese Empire have revealed that begin ning from the western end of the Ce lestial Mountains, trending southwest to the Altai Mountains, dividing Kash- garia from, the Russian frontiers of Ferghana, the whole plateau or steppe Is filled with gold. And of Courae He Remained. "No." said she, "I--I can only be a sister to you." "\pry well," said he, "I must be go ing. I had expected a different answer, but--well, good night." "George," she faltered; as he was leaving the room, "George." "What is it?" he asked, crossly. "Aren't you going to kiss your sister good night?" He did not go. More Care Neoeaaavjr. Canned fruit should be emptied Im mediately after opening. Often a most dangerous acid Is formed by the chem ical action of the air upon the solder of the cans. It is this acid, indeed, which is responsible for much of the prejudice against canned food. Many of the reported accidents have been traced to this form of kitchea careless ness. What They Said. They meet. The Kaiser--How do you flndt your selluff, meln frelndt? The Sultan--Good. And you? The Kaiser -- Eggassellent Sow vos your vlfe? The Sultan--Barring a few cases of malaria, and a lot of neuralgia and Influenza, she is very well, thank y$ti. Mh? f-x, „, . mm-'m U - , A Trouaera Invented by Women. 'At the Omaha national council re cently held at Omaha one of tbe dele gates claimed that trousers were an In vention of the fair sex, but were stolen by man. It has been suggested that tt this be true the inventor perhaps la- tended for the nursing bottle the pock et now so generally used for tbo aix* •footer or the pint flask. :S§1^ An amusing story is being told Edlnburg. At a recefff auction sale of old furniture a chair, bearing on the back the carved words, "Dunottir Castle." was put up. Experts expect ed it might fetch about $25. The bid ding began at £5, and soon reached £30, when only two brokers remained in the competition, which, to tbe amazement of every one present, ad vanced in £5 bids to £100. and tt&n jumped in steps of £10 to £600. Finll- ly one of the bidders retired, and t^e chair was knocked down to his suc cessful rival at the price of £670. secret of this strange sale is quite sim ple. Sir Donald Currle had seen the name on the back of the chair, and had commissioned an Edlnburg broker to buy it. Next day, forgetting wMtt he had done, he instructed a Glasgow broker to bid for the chair, and these two were the rival bidders, with tke result that Sir Donald is now the pos sessor of what is probably the m&t costly old oak chair Hi the world.--ijhr- ttfrool Post V"V^.\AV.- Siena of the 8af' - The research into pdlfer'beliefsjs an absorbing a&d nc^f% profitless study. Scarcely a day passes that |ra do not run across some piece of Su perstition that dates, In ojS$ form^or another, from a far antiqaity. Salt is spilled at table, and we Jest wfth our neighbor over the prospect of & quarrel, half believing in the si&n, though we may not know that |he Romans did the same. A dog hofrls at night, and we recall the widespread belief that the howling of a dog ftire- tells death, but forget that our e«ly Aryan ancestors assigned to the A* the1 office of messenger from the wo#ld of spirits. Y The every-day custom-1* as otdias humanity; the nursery jingle may? be traced back to an origin in the world's babyhood; the familiar fairy which delights nineteenth centpry children is found in varying fOraia ln all countries, pointing to a commoiat iiri- gln- in a remote age, embodying -*Old Aryan myths, and giving us interest ing information of the eoaceptlo*^x)f our ancestors regarding nature ibd human life.*' ;., \ "IS .it , ' ' Appreciated at iMt... 4* . ...JlUBk .observer of men and twni*^ marked: "There is a young man .up town who sometimes writes stories, not checks. Very few people are Inif- flclently versatile to write both, i A! certain touching little story he w*0tai had failed altogether, from some mys terious extrinsic cause, to touch the steely editorial hearts, and finally the young man, on its 'steenth return, was seized with the irritability of geplua and threw it out of hi# ,.auuw. The next day he got it > Ack with a httio note reading: 'Mr ->ear Mr. S.: t re turn your very nice story, whicti, I found on the street, where it had prob ably fallen from your pocket It Is very, very nice. I took the liberty of reading it. If I were you I would send it to a magazine at once. V«#i£ sin cerely yours, Mary M." i-S Transference of .ilea*. .'.vf'v A correspondent of Nature, who ,ii associated with the observatory <at Toulouse, calls attention to a very sin gular phenomenon, the scientific* ex planation of which he seeks. Take a bar of iron in the hand by one Abd, and plunge the other end in the irs heating it strongly, but not so' micltf that the hand can not retain its ttoftL Then plunge the heated end In a pall of cold water. Immediately th# end* held by the hand becomes so hot tfca# It is impossible to retain it in the fin gers. This phenomenon, said correspondent to be familiar to men in iron, is ascribed by some repellant action which pose the sudden cold to exert heat contained in the Iron, thus driven to the opposite extreittity. I® Appreciates Her Tlollds In a recent interview Geoi van, when asked why she di<$| replied: "I don't return to t3j^| merely because I'm too contented;! my life at present. I don't know I shall act or if I shall ever act ipill at any time. I never go to ttl. ter. I never read of the theaters. , now I have lost my interest so completely that I never them or of myself ha connect them. I never open the pi are sent to me; I never talk am too much absorbed to holiday and I am happier thaJI was in my life." She Waa All H1*M. A little girl was mu the use of slang. One had been very naughtfc. said: "Now, Edltli. y ! 6hut yourself up in a ask God to forgive von ||M§> until He does." Into went but in about a pea red witi. a radiant exclaimed her mother, come out so sofln for?" all O. K„" replied Edith. "I God that I was sorry I got so asked Him to pleas* and he said: 'Ob, Miss Jones; you're iWm Land of BattwriUee. One of the most the world te the butterflies aeroMf a ma. Towards scattered flitting out to by the number 1 July 14 or 15 the most obscured frail Insects.