^ ^ 3 ,t; .:!.?«SSI il^%;ir^p' *$ ^ *' Carefully Selected--only Coirect - : ' • ' - • • • » * * --^ v'-WCa !*?? Stylish Trimmings, Notions Ladies' W aists and Capes "WS . .. Muslin Underwear Domestics Hats and •tint DIRECTORY. BUSINESS CARDS* O. H. GILLMOBB, A tWaiBT Pr >t»t« work ft . Oflo* U Kwdtll Biook. WMII took ill. & } I":'*"? §*#" • A ki. J. t. 0AABY, TTOHNET and Oanmelot at Li*. OVtt in Jonlyn's Block, Woodstock, III. Spee- a»tt«nt on given to trial CAM*. KNIGHT * BROWN. 1TOBNBY AT LAW, 110 Washing cm L HUMS, UalMgO, lit. FRANK L.. 8HKPARD CO0MSBLJU.K AT LA*. suit* UMuk »imi, Obiup), UL -UR a P BARNES. TTORKKT, Solicitor, and Counselor Oolio^uona a specialty. Weodstock, 111, DAVID G. WELL8, M. D. kBYSlOIAN AMD SUBGEON, Office aad r«*i once In MIchols Block, over ita« » WMIHK OFLTES, Mcttcnrj. T •l«t»hon* r»BT8 I re» flaiaac i» a toy C. M rSGBB), M. D. IHTSIOI IN AND 8UKGEON, MeHaniy, UL oa«e »t BaaWanoo. , »R. A. E. AITRINGBB, t>HTSIOIAN AND AUBG BOM. OHM In.tbe t. Strouer Unildmg, one door west of A. P. bnor's store. West McHenry, 111. Kesidenoe, ktmsa formrrl? occu led by Dr. Osborne. Ml professional cabs promptly attended lo. g»-awmw» •' ' ~ A. C •FOULING, M. D. V- : VBTMMNANV IUMION. ^peeial attention given to Dentistry. Call promptly attendedL ' Office at Residence west of Park Hotel. West McHenry, Illinois. W. A. CRI8TY, Jnirtloe ot the Peaoe. WEST MoHJENRY, ILL. SpMlal Attention paid to Collections. Will be in nay Office over iTinnft'i Store, •very U urday and Monday, until further notice. H. O. MEAD. Justice of Me Peace and General In surance Agent. Including Accident and Life insurance, WHT MOHZKKT, IU. A. H. WATERMAN. Attorney-at-Law and Solicitor in = . Chancery...... Real Estate, • Loans - and • Collections Office over Bet ley's drug Store, W--t McHenry, . . lUbmoit A. M. CHURCH, WatohiuBker and «J eweler No. 126 State Street, Chicago. Speetal attention given to repairing Pin* Watobea an i chronometers. 4fir A full Assortment of Goods la his Una. C.F. BOLKY, Proprietor of McHeory Br raj, MeBKXBT, ILL. Always on Hand with the Best Beer t Dr. Walter C Besley, DENTIST WBST MoHENBV, Offlce over Be*l«T°s | Wood*t ick Office Drug Store, I Kendall Dental Parlors. Will be at MoHenry office Mondays and Tuesdays At Woodstock office Wednesdays, Yhars days, Fridays and Saturdays, EXAMINATIONS FREE, SOCIETIES. MASOSIO. MoHnmr Looor, No. IM, X. r. and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. GEO. 14 HAKLY, W. If. W. C. O. P. St Patricia Court, No. 187, W, O.O. W meet the Piret i-aturdsy and Third Wednesday evenings of eaou month, at Forest H*ll. 'MAS. VAST COBB, Chief Banger. OBABLOTTB MADDK* secretary. M. W. A. Regular Meetings every Second and Fourth Wedneadav eventngs of each month, at their Ball, in atoffel's Block. ^ , O. O. CCLBT, Consul. H. a MEAD. Clerk. CHURCHES. FROM CORRESPONDENTS UNlVSNSALtST. * J Walsh, Prealdent H. O Mead Olerk James B. Perry Treasurer Bev. J. Straub, D. D..... Pastor The Willing WorktfS (the ladles organ •atlon.) Mrs L. H. Owell Mrs. John I.Stftry •• •• Mrs. J. Van Sly^e... ... Mrs. W. A. Oristy Bupt, of Sunday SehodL, Assistant, JHTThe pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address a Grand Crossing, Preaching services at 10:M A. M. and at 7slO cordial laTiUtton to *IL President Vloe President Secretary Treasurer A. B. Baerhler ...W. A. Oristy 10:30 A. M. Pastor 8nnda« METMODI9T EPI9DOPAL. ter W L. Whipple... preaeHnK Sunday, School, 12 H. Dr. A, E. Auringer, Supsrlntsndsnt Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7 40 r. v. Ladi*s* Aid "oelety each alteriwt* week •Trs. Dr. Auringer, President, Wilsoh, bse'y. ear A. Cordial invitation Is extended to all ST. M AiY'3 CATHOLIC (GERUAN) Rervi"es will be held on Suunays »« follower Hiirh Mass *t 10 oV.icwk a m.; Vespers it 3 o*oloek p, M. BBT. r ATHCB KIKSCH. Pasvp' ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC Regular flunday services at 9:80 o'elock a, a. and IS o'clock eve-v thtr Hundsy BkT. rATHBBO'NniL,PastorM ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC (GERMAN) St. Joseph's Catholic Church, JohnsUure have strvIneson Sunday as f Howe: High Mas* at 10 oVIo^k a. m and Vespers at 8 o'oiockpm. BBV RATHBB M BUKIM«, Paator TO THE LADIES: The Plaindealer Co. wishes to annoanoe to the Indies of Mc Henry aod vicinity that they have all the facilities for turn ing out up-to-date calling cards We use nothing but the best cf material and guarantee that our work will give entire satis faction. Call and inspect our stock and get prices WOODS DCCK. llr. Kamholtx, of McHenry, tu in town, Thursday. E. A. Boyce will oocapy IIm Darrell home on Clay St. Hogh Rassell, of Btbroo, WAS MM on oar streets Saturday ereniag. Peter Lee, the news-boy, OB tike Har vard passenger, is quite ill. Mies Helen Forrest entertained Miss Ikrnice Perry, of McHenry, over Sunday. Miss Effle Giles, of Chicago, visited with friends here Thursday and Friday. Little Misses Athol and Clara Maning, of Marengo, are guest) at James Du- fleld'a. Mies Jennie McElroy, of Hartland, is stopping with her sister, Miss Tillie, at present. Mrs. E. W. Dike retained last week after an extended stay with relatives in New York. Mrs. W. E. Waite and child, of Har vard, cams home Sunday morning to make her parents a visit. J. C. Darrell and family move to Har vard this week after thirty years resi dence in their home on Clay St. Remember the Dewey sociable, which the W. R. C. will hold in Q. A. K hali over Murphy's drug store, May 1st. Conductor aad Mrs. J. S. Austin and tittle son, of Chicago, were visiting re latives here the forepart of the neek. Rtv. S. C. Hay and family are now set tled in thoir old home on Queen Anne St, where they will receive their friends. O. G. Mead and his nephew, Master Harold, returned Monday evening, hav ing enjoyed a few days visit with rela tives in Elg;ii. Mrs. Clara Allen delivers her lecture, "Her Majesty's Towers and Westminis ter Abbey," at the Presbyterian church, Tuesday evening, May 2. - Admission, 1$ cents. Mrs. D. F. McCanley joined her hus band in Chicago Sunday, where they make their future home, D. F. having secured employment on the Lake street elevated road. The brilliant electric lights at the Con gregational church, Sunday evening, displayed as well the beautiful walls and oeiling and other improvements on the Interior. It is certainly a pretty place for worship. •OI4>, Josep hine Win gar t is working for Mrs. C. Dillon. Born to Albert Etten and wife, April 23, a son. J. W. Torrance and wHe were McHenry callers Friday evening. J. W. Torrence attended to business in Waukegan Saturday. Jimmie Doyle made a trip to Chicago with his team this week. James Murray visited his mother, south of Warconda, Sunday. George Sanford, of Fort Hill, was a Yolo caller Friday afternoon. O. Cable and wife, of Lake Villa, were, Vollo callers Sunday afternoon. Miss Mabel Ford and Mrs. Sanderson were callers in Grant Monday evening. A. J. Raymond and wife and Mrs. Wui. Dunnill were Cnicago visitors Monday. Mrs. Joe Suhaffer and children, of Mc Henry, visited at C. Sobel's Thursday afternoon. C. tfabel and Mr. tl'irtz attended tie G. A. R meeting at Wauconda Satur day evening. f Jack Dowell and children, who live near Hlocum's Lake, were visitors at John Vassey's on Sunday. Misses Mabel and Alice Ford visited Miss Edith Turnbeil at Wauconda Sat urday afternoon and Sunday. Mies Mary Do we, of Waukegan, was visiting relatives and friends at LUy Lake and Big Hollow last week. Nine of the Volo young people went to McHenry on their wheels Friday evening to attend the school entertain ment. At a meeting of the school directors Saturday night James Carney was ap pointed clerk of the board, and J. 8. Russell, president. Ten of L'zzie Kretchmer's youag friends surprised her Thursday evening, it being her sixteenth bi« thday. A pleas ant time was spent by all, Albe; t Potter and family, who are well known among Volo people, returned from N irth Carolina last weeM. They have settled in Wauconda. Wedding bells will soon ring again in our town. The marriage of Joe filler and Sadie Geary, which will occur May 9, was announced in the Catholic church Sunday. On Tuesday eranioff, Ap^il 18, the "Jolly K^bel" Club gave their first party at the home of Mary Raymond. Those present were, Misses Jennie Walton, Rosie Rnson. Alice Ford, Mabel Ford, Mary lUnghfc and Kdytbe Bauer, and Messrs E trl Townseud, R >llin Town- *nd, Orton Hubbard, Chester Sowles, Hhas. Parker, E Igar Parker and Vernie Torrance. Tuesday morninor Affril 28, It-99 at the Fremont Center church, occured the marriage of Miss Clara D ir^ir, of Ivan- hoe and George Rosing, of this place. After the oeremouy the bridal party went to the home of bride where the wed- diag dinner was served. Miss Celia Ho ling and Miss Annie Dorfler were bridesmaids. They were both attired in white mull. Will Rasing and Frank D.trfler were groomsmen. Mr. Rosing is a prosperous woiiDg farmer and is to be congratulated upon his choice of a life partner, l&tbe e«$ajji0 tbaf gars a dance in Stadtfields hall. A very large crowd attended. The young conpie will live on John Rosing's farm near Big Hollow. " • » BPKINQ OBOYE. Daa Lichty returned from Missouri last Saturday. Wm. Watts transacted business at McHenry Saturday. Mr. Stafford was in towa Thursday last, tuning pianos. Jack Warner has moved iato Wm. Preice's tenant houss. Lewis batch is to build a mm bouse on the mill property here. Miss Edna Pierce is now at Solon, assisting Mrs. Lee Turner. Harvey Wilson is busy breaking colts for the farmers around here. Mrs. Isabella Neish spent last weelt with relatives in the village. Mrs. Catharine Westlake visited friends in Wilmot the first of the week. Augustine Hubbari aud wife, of Elgin, visited with friends here last week. Herman Bowman's baby boy is having a Very b .d attack of whooping cough. Wm. Van Patent, of Antioch, accom panied Joe James on his uxual visit home.^ Raymond Thompson finished reaching at Union Grove, Wis. last week and is now at home. A social will lie held next Wednesday evening. May 3, at the M. E. church All are invited. Proceeds to be used for song books. James Westlake is having various im provements made on his house, so as to better entertain the traveling pnblic, Selim Pierce is doing the carpenter work. Mrs. Peter Sill entertaining her daugh ter, Mrs. Hill, and grand-daughters, Pearl and Grace Hill, of Chautaqua, New York. While on their journey here Miss Grace and Pearl contracted the measles and have since had the usual siege, but both are now on t"e road to recovery. GBEXNVOOD. E. G. Wefct jrman and wife visited at Ridgefield Sunday. L. F. Howard and wife are both sick at present writing. Mrs. W. H. Lee was under the doctor's care the past week. J as. Cruikshank is under Dr . Wind- miller's care at present writing. Will Garrison, from near Ridgefield, was calling in our burg one day the past week. O. Garrison and Miss Margaret West er man were Uidgtfleld visitors last Monday. * Will Allen gathered up 219 down of eggs last Monday and he did not get all o! the n. M. Dassow and wife and Miss Stocking were Woodstock visitors ldfct Saturday afternoon. C. W. Thompson and C. V. Goddard were Ring wood visitors last week Tues day night. Miss Maggie Palmes, of Johnsburg, is sick at the home of her sister, Mrs. Henry Mentor. About twenty of our Woodmen at tended Cftmp . '".a4 Saturday night. Mrs. Eber Basset, of Ostend, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. E J. Mansfield, last week Tuesday. Mesdames Granger aad Smith, of West McHenry, were callers In our burg one day the past week. Orlando Garrison has bought the Roberts house and lot in our village. We did not learn the price. Fred Allen came out from Chicago Sunday and spent the first of the week with Greenwood relatives. John Pierce, Sr., and daughter, Mrs. Frank Abbott, returned the latter part of the w»>k from an extended visit at Spokane, Wash. The Ladies M. E. Aid Society will meet with Mrs. L. Coudy, Wednesday after noon, May 3. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Mrs. Wm. D. Carr spent two days last week at Dundee with her sons, Dr. F. M. and G. G. Carr, aad their families. She went to have dental work done and found the doctor well and very busy. PBAIRIB QBOVB Frank McGue is working for Mr. Van Xatta in Barreville. ^ | Mrs. C. P. Huffman spent a couple o1! days last week in Elgin. Louis Burton assisted Mr. Steele to haul hogs to Nunda Tuesday. j Aitbor Eisenmenger was doing busi ' ness at Griswold Like Wednesday. John Johnstone was cleaning seed oats at Evergreen Farm Saturday. Mrs. John Haskin vis ted Sunday evening with Mrs Lawrence McGue. C. B. Warner returned home to Chica go on Wednesday night of last week. Edward Maloue took in the beautifnl sights of Steerville Sunday afternoon. Miss Mary Eickhoff entertained her schoolmate, Miss Ella Jess. Sunday last. Mrs. Wm. Ridke made a business call on Mrs. Margaret Johnstone Aiday last. Will Z mmerman, of Woodscock, speut Sun Isy with his cousin at Mr, Borch- ardt's. Miss Anna Haskin, of "Rose ottage," was a Cary visitor last week Thursday evening. Mr. Burtsn, wife and family, from town, spent Sunday witl the family at Evergreen Villa. Miss Phoebe M. Warner rod* her wheel to Ridge del J Saturday and visited Mcs. Frank Thayer. Mrs. Robinson and niece, Miss Dora Grantham, visited at the home of C. P. Huffman Sunday. Henry Wille wheeld down from Ridge* fieltfSunday and visited at his node's, Mr. Eisenmenger's. Mrs. Corn well went to Elgin on Wed nesday of laet week to visit her daugh ter, Mrs. D. Shales. C. T. Eldredge came down from Mc Henry Saturday to transact business with Richard Steele. ^ The managers of the Prairie Grove dancing club are preparing to give another dance soon. Mortimer Randolph paid a visit to his parents near Ridgefield Sunday, making the trip on his wheel. Miss Bessie Bttbsock stayed over night in Nnnda last Wednesday, as the guest of Mrs. Hattie Henderson. Mrs. Charlie Babcock and baby daughter, Florence May, enjoyed a visit at P. Huffman's Friday. Mine E. K. Mc'.Vhorter wheeled to town Sunday night and attended ser vice in the Christian church. The annual move iu I hicago has ar rived, Some of the city schools are en joying a vacation this week. Philip Kiltz was here from Pleasant Valley last wqek Thursday attending to tusiness matters at Evergreen Farm. Miss Clara Eisenmenger had the plea sure of entertaining the Misses Ida Sass and Emma Borchardt on Sunday last. Miss Anna Behan, of Burton's Bridge, passed through tiny Prairie Grove one evening last week to visit Gary relatives. Wm. Johnstone and sister, Mrs. Wm. W allace, and children took dinner Sat urday with D. Burton and wife in town. Master John P. McWhorter made a pleasant call on Mrs. and Miss Mat thews, of Silver Lake summer reeort, Saturday. * John Wagner, who had been working at John Gracy's, of Terns Uotta, for a year, is now assisting with the . work at Mr. Steele's. Mrs. Margaret Wallace and children arrived from Chicago Saturday morning for a week's visit at "Evergreen Villa," with her mother, Mrs. M. Johnstone. This week Friday Miss Emma Mc Whorter goes to Brighton Park, Chica go, to attend Communion service and Sunday school next Sabbath, in St. Philip's Protectant Episcopal Misssion, of which she is a member. Tuesday night several ladies from this vicinity were initiated into the R. N. A. lodge at. N unda, as beneficiary members. We hope their names will appear in next week's issue. One of the number i s the Prairie Grove correspondent. ft - A two act entertainment, "Among the Breakers," is the name of a play which will be given by choirmaster, John Ko- curek in Parish Hall, Chicago, on Wed^ nesday evening, April 2Q, for the benefit of St. Philip's choir encampment fund. 9 oeooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooeoooooooi in a mm THE A J AX .OO BICVCl - F. Call and see it. L. McOMBER, - WEST MoHENRY, ILL. ii SPRING CLOTHING of Newest Styles, in Large Variety and Sizes. Suits and odd Garments to fit anyone. Head quarters for the famous Dutchess Trousers, which are all fully warranted. Beloit Over alls and Shirts. NEW WALL PAPER with perfectly matched ceilings and borderi^ Large variety in Mounted Window ' plain, decorated and fringed. New Lace Curtains, and Curtain Poles. Portiers, Table Coven New Style Carpets in stock and by sample \ ELEGANT STYLES IN SHOES Sid well De-Manufactured by W. L. Douglas, Wiendt and The Mayer Shoe Co. and Grades are IN IT. Our Stock are Correct. Anchor Plow Shoes are the best and can be had at our store* Our Styles^ and Prices y and Boots For the Nobbiest Gents' Furnishings in town you must see our new Fancy and plain; j Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Hats, etc. Big stock of the Black Cat Brand Hosiery received for Spring trade. ^ ' %.i J Ladies' and Gents' Mackintoshes, Duck Coats, Bobber Boots, Headquarters for PILLSBURY'S BEST Flour. All kinds of Gard en and Field Seeds. Complete stock of No. 1 Groceries. ' / %-i't BIGGIE BOOKS A Farm Library of unequalled value--Practical, Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive--Hand somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated* By JACOB BIGGLE No. 1--BIQQLE HORSE BOOK All about Horses--a Coininon-Sense Treatise, with over 74 illustrations ; a standard work. Price, 50 Cents. No. 2--BIGQLE BERRY BOOK All ftbout STOwitur Small Fruit*--r+r>A '»•1 •' *«»»«" • IU1A14UU4 4^ (.uiuit-U iiic-iik-t 1 epi vtaiiLUCii;: varieties and 100 other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. No. 3--BIGGLE POULTRY BOOK All about Poultry ; the best Poultry Book in existence ; tells everything ; with23 colored life-like reproductions of all the principal breeds; with 103 other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. NO. 4--BiGGLS COW BOOK All about Cows and the Dairy Business: having a mat sale; contains 8 colored life-like reproductions ofeach breed, with 132 other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. NO. 5--BIQGLB SWINE BOOK Just out. All about Hogs--Breeding, Feeaing, Butch ery, Diseaaes, etc. Contains over 80 beautiful half tones and other engravings. Price, 50 Cents. Thf BIQQLE BOOKS are unique,original,useful--you never saw anything like them--so practical, so sensible. They are having an enormous sale--East, West, North and South. Every one who keeps a Horse, Cow, Hog or Chicken, or grows Small Fruits, ought to send right away for the BIQQLE BOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL W West McHenry. SIMON GEORG.E W. BESLEY, ii out the world--the biggest paper ofits size in the United States of America--ha ving Over a million and a-half regular readers. Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL S YEARS (remainder of 1899, 1900, 2901, 190s and 1903) will be sent by mail to any address for A DOLLAR BlLL. Sample of PARM JOURNAL and circular describing BIQQLE BOOKS free. WILKER ATKINSOIY. Address, FARM JOURNAL CBAS. F. JEN'EINS. PHILADELPHIA i A AGENCY FOR THE MERICAN sr'^WOVEN WIRE FENCE Kftde of yirge, Strong Wires, Heavily Galvanized. Amply provides for expansion and contrac tion. Only Best Bessemer steel wires used. Always of uniform quality. Never goes wrong no matter how great a Strain is put upon it. mm Does not muti late, but does efficiently tnm cattle, horses, bogs and pigs. EVERY ROD OF AMERICAN FENCE GUARANTEED •Y THE MANUFACTURERS. Call and See It. Can show you how it will save you money. You can fence your fields so they will stay fenced. SOLD BY J. D. Donovan, Woodstock. F. L. McOmber, W. McHenry, R. J. Wingate, Nunda. Albert Paddock, Gray's Lake. James Green. Ringwood. D. Huntington, Gilmer; Prices Low Having bought 8 carloads of American Fencing belore the recent adv&nos m prioM. AIHO handle a full line of Steel Gates and Lawn Mid Poultry Fencing. . - v iflofctoi l 1H. THQttPSOM, Apt, WEST McHENRY, ILL., --DBALEB IN-- DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, TOILET ARTICLES. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medical Pur poses, also Bottled Ale and Porter. The best brands of Cigars and Smoking and Chewing Tobacco always on hand. Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. C. W. West McHenry, J&n. 6, 1899. ; • -a Are You Cleaning House? i IS During house cleaning time you an wish for a few new pieces of furniture, or f>l . J would like to replace an old piece with some-. thing new and up to date. W e have a fine v Jtj stock of White enameled, brass mounted ^ ^ Iron Beds, and can make prices to fiit any ^ • pocket. Center tables, Dining tables, Din* ° ing room chairs, rockers and Upholstered Furniture in grert variety. Carpets and Mattings ir h >? % t >? W Are articles that come into protdl • c this time of the year. We carry a lint? thatt ^ you should inspect before going else- \ - ^ where, and anyone can make a selection :y* from our line of samples. Place your ordt; • ^ • ©r with us for carpets and mattings and w<f ' .y : will guarantee that you will be pleased in both price and quality. ^ - ' ii" r? ^ *<A * MoHenry, Illinois JACOB JUSTEN,