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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 May 1899, p. 4

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jy[e^eirj pltinktler. p-« ; FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1890, Published Evert Fhiday by F, R. GRANGEa- ' •ricc IN THE NICHOLS BLOCK Two Doora North Owen A Ohapell's Store, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: 0»« year (in*dv&no«) $1 80 Subscriptions received for thm or aix months in the same proportion. WAUKEOAMis to be the great matri­ monial mart of Lake Michigan. The Tru® marriage law, that recentl j went into effect in W iseoiisio, is a barrier to Wisconsin citiee on the Lake, so as a natural consequence Waakegan is to receive the benefit. In last Sunday's Chronicle there were pictures of County Clerk A. L. Hendee and County Judge D. E. Jones, of Lake county. It is said that these men will look after the matri­ monial business of Chicago in the future. That is Mr. Hendee will have the issuing Of the license and Judge Jones will look alter the marryfng part of it. While it has been commonly estimat­ ed that the population of the world is in round numbers.1,700, 000,000, still it is only an estimate. No complete census of the world has ever been made, but on the contrary it has been an approximate one. The census of 1900 promises to be • an international one. This will be the twelfth census taken here and will form a part of the world's censis of 1900, which has been agreed upon by the International Statistical association at a recent meeting held at Berne, Switzer­ land. There never has been an official count in China, Persia, Siam, Afghanis­ tan and Turkey, and it is plain that large areas in Africa are wholly beyond the reach of a census enumerator, yet these countries contain a large propor­ tion of the entire population of tbe globe. China has promised to count its popu­ lation next year, and efforts will be made to induce the other uncounted na­ tions to take a census at the same time. At the regular meeting of the G. A. R. Post at Harvard last Monday evening the following resolutions were adopted: Whereas, Unwarranted and system­ atic efforts have been made in certain quarters to discredit and embarrass the administration in the matter of the con­ duct of the war, asserting that its pur­ pose is, and has been, to inaugurate a policy of imperialism contrary to the genius and traditions of our govern­ ment. Where is, The late controversy with Spain was not of our seeking, but was provoked by the tyrannical attitude of Spain toward her colonies continguouB to onr shores, characterized by atroci­ ties which called forth the indignant re­ monstrance of the whole American people, resulting in armed and unavoid­ able interference on our part in be­ half of justice and mercy. Resolved, That we extend to Com­ rade McKinley our warmest and heart­ felt sympathy in view of the harassing and burdensome difficultiei imposed upon his administration as chief magis­ trate, not only by the coarse of events attend ins the war, but more especially by the disreputable machinations of un­ scrupulous foes, we hereby pledge him our unfaltering support. Half Bates to Champaign, I if?! Via the Northwestern Line. Excursion tickets will be sold from stations in Illi­ nois at one fare round trip, May 17, 19 and 20, limited to May 21, account of Inter-Scholastic Athletic Meet. etc. Ap­ ply to agents Chicago & Northwestern 45-2w ... of Age. The kidneys are responsible for mora wckneee, suffering, and deaths than any other organs of the body. A majority of the ills aifflcting paople to-day Ib traceable to kidney trouble. It prevades all classes ot society, in all climates, regardless of age, sex or con­ dition. The Bmptoms of kidney trouble are unmistakable such as rheumatism, neu­ ralgia, sleeplessness, pain or dull ache in the back, a desire to urinate often day or .night, profuse or scanty supply. Uric acid, or brick-dust deposit in urine •resigns of clogged kidneys, causing poisoned and germ-filled blood. Some- limes the heart acts badly, and tubes casts (wasting of the kidneys) are found in the urine, which if neglected will result in Bright's Disease, the most dangerous form of kidney trouble. All these symptoms and conditions are promptly removed under the influence of Dr. Kilmer,8 Swamp-Root. It has a world wide reputation for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. No one need be long without it as it is Bo easy to get at any drug store at fifty cents or one dollar. Yon can have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery, Bwamp-Root, and a book telling ali •bout it, both sent to you absolutely free Dy mail. Send your address to Dr. Kil­ mer & Co., Binghamtou, N. Y.and kindly mention that you read this liberal offer in The P laIndicaleb. rM & BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. Proceedings of the Board of Stt^nrrlBon at Special Session. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. EE?fapfi?F Th«E N R Y ,< M a d dEN , DE-I fcA^ED. The undersigned haying Artm'ni.tnUrix ol the EVtn! •f Henry Madden, deceased, late of the County of MoHenry and State of Illinois Jiereby give, notice that she will apD 'ar o wore the Oounty Court of MoHinrv Conn? at the Court Bouse )n Woodstock at the J„ perm,on the first Monday in July next at Which time all persona haying claim* •aid ®Btate »re notified and requested to tend for the pu>poae of haying the same a.i tested, Ali persons indebted to said estate .;.SK •»»»••"" : Dated tbte 12th day of May, a . D, 1899. CHARLOTTE J, MADDEN, Administratrix, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. OF" MARTIN BOYLE t»E S-J cea»ed. The undersiPned having been Appointed Executor of the laat Will and Testament of Martin Boy 1«, deceased late of t ltie County ot McHeni y ana State of Illinois ereby gives notice that be will appear be' >rc the Oounty Court of McHenry Cou^tv" at the 'Jourt bouse in Woodstock, at the Ju.v on the first Monday in July next, at Whleh time all pertor.s having claims against tfald estate are not fled and requested to at­ tend for the purpose of having the same ad Justed. All persons inaebtod to said eat«te tre requested to make immediate pajment to be undersigned, ' : l>ated thialst day of Hay A D 1R98 M:'i i'AiKiCK J. Cit&ABY, Executor. SU-mmi The honorable board of supervisors of McHenry county met in special session at the court house in Woodstock, May l,1809. The board was called to order by the clerk, and the following nam«fd super­ visors answered at roll call: N. Brotz­ man, E. D. Shurtleff, R J. Beck, Jas. Lake, W. D. Cornue, Win. Desmond, Jos. S. Mills, F. E. Stevens, John Weltzien, L. T. Hoy, 8. E. Clark, Henry M. Turner, L. B. Covell, Frank Hatch, W. A. Tristy, J, H, Gracy and L ina E. Mentch. The first in order being the selection Of a chairman for the ensuing year, Sup. Shurtleff presented the name of Sup. W. A. Cristy for re-election, who was, unani­ mously chosen. Sup. Cristy, upon taking the chair, thanked the members of the board for the honor confarred upon him for the second time. Sup. Hoy moved that tbe board be governed by the same rules as in 1898, and that the same number and the same committees be appointed. Carried. Sup. Beck moved that the board ad­ journ until 1:30 p. m. ONE THIRTY P M. Board met pursuant to adjournment. All members present at roll call. The chairman announced the following committees for the ensuirig year, which, on motion of Sup; Brotzman, was adopted, towit: Lands-- L B Covell, N Brotzman, R J Beck, Wm Desmond and J ii Grac\. Town and t'ity Lots--S K Clark, L E Mentch, E D Shurtleff, L T Hoy and James Lake. Personal Proof rty--H M Turner, F E Stev­ ens. Frank W Hatch, Joseph 8 Mills and John Weltzien, Rai roads--J S Mil's. Wm Desmond R J Beck, L B Oovell and H M Turner. Flnanca--F E Stevens, L T Hoy. Joseph 3 Mills, John WHtz en an.i James Lake Educati n-- W D • ornue, H M Tu'ner, E D 9hurtlett, James Like >-n" F. W r-at".h- u Koads and Bridges--J H G^acy, N Brotz- rntn, John Weluiea, S E Clark and L K Mentch, #ees aad ?alarie»--Wm Desmond, J H Gracy, John Weltzien, R J Beck and 3 K Clark. Publlo Buildings--E DShuitleff, W D Com­ mie, Wm Desmond, L T Hoy ana Joseph 3 Mills, Claim*--R J Beck, E D Shurtleff, F D. 8teT- ens, N Brotzmau and ? D Cornue, Settie with the TreaSiir r--Joon Weltzien, J H Graoy, O E Clark, W D Ooroue and ii M. Turner. Poor F*rm--L T Hoy. Wm Desmond, R J Beck. F K Stevens and L K M'nlch. Elections--Jamea Lake, L B Covell, Frank W Hatch, F E Sttvens and • E Cl*r*, Town Accounts--Frank W Hatch, N Brotz- mar, E D Shurtleff, H M Turne* and L E Mentch. Rules--N Brotzman, L B Covlll, L T Hoy. J H Graoy and L E Mentch Purchasing--L T Hoy, F E Stevens and K J Beck, The quarterlv report of the superin­ tendent of schools and bond of F. F. Ax- tell, supervisor of assessments, were read to the board and referred to their proper committees. Chancery summons in the matter of John J. Pitzen et al vs. County of Mc- Heny et al was read to the board. On motion of Sup. Beck the chairman of the board was authorized t > appear at the May term of circuit court and protect the interest of the county, if there should appear to be any, in said case. The report of the grand jury for the January term of the circuit -court was read to the board and ordered printed with the proceedings, towit: To Hon J C Garvcr, Judge of th* Circuit Court of McHenry county. Illinois at the Jan­ uary Term, A D 1SSW; We. the grand jury chosen and empanelled at the said January term, do hereby report to vcur honor that we have finished the work as far as we know to come before u* at this term; that h*ve ex­ amined the county bui.dings and jail and find tbe same in good repair, well kept and the prisoners well fed and clian, We wou'd further report, so far as we know, that there are no other matters to come before and we atk this honorable court to receive this report and dismiss us for the term, Al< of which is fully submitted by said grand jury tnroush tbe foreman. E H Cook. Foreman. Jan, 10, 1899, W S mc<_onnell, Ulerk, The following named persons were se­ lected by the board to serve as grand jurors at the May term of court of said county, beginning May 22, A. D. 1899 On motion of Sup. Hoy the list was ap­ proved and clerk directed to certify the same to the clerk of the circuit court of McHenry county, Illinois, towit: J F DoYarmond, Rtley; J CDunwooiy and P F Boyle, Marengo; P L Rustell, Dunoam; John Carroll and Arthur Senger, Chemung; Walter Brandow, Alden;T H. Browr, Hart land ; E. Siandish.Seneoa; E. S. Wile x. Cor al; John Hawley, Grafton; John Motzger and J W niute. Dorr; William Daity, Green wood; M W Millar, Hebro : Geo MnConnell, Richmond; James N'eieh, Burton; JF" L Me Omber and J W Cristy, McHenry ; AH Had- aod F L C lby, Nunda; John Johnson and Ernest Miller Algonquin. The committee on education made the following report, which was adopted, towitr Mr Chairman and Gentleman it the B~*rd of Supervisois: Your commiiteu to whem was reterre 1 the quarterly repoit of W E Wirr, county superintendent of schooiF, wauld beg eave to snbmit the following re­ port on the ma,ter« bofore th'm: Your com­ mittee have exsinine i paid report and vouch­ ers attached taerctc, find the same corroi', and recommend that the amount, four hun­ dred seventy-seven dollars VW77,<*) be allow ed. All of which is respectfully submittec, W D corhur , Chm. F w hatch. H M TiJmNKB, E D SlIUBTLtFF. James Lakk, The committee on finance made the following report, which was adopted towit: Mr Chairman and-Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the bend of F t Axtell as supe--. visor of assessments would beg leave to sub­ mit the following report on the matters bo- for* them: we hive oxamlnedis id bond giv •n in t e sum of two thousand dollars {$Z • WO) with F F Axtell *s principil and T i* Marshall and James Logueas suritiee, and beg leave to recommend that the same be Droved. All of which is respeetfuliy aulimHed r E 8TkVKNB, Chin, Joseph s mills. V 1 H o y« JAMts Lakk. JF hh Weltz:ek. Sup. Beck presented to the board the matter of fixing the per dieui of board of review. On motion of Sup. Lake it was referred to the committee on fees and sal-1 aries, who made the following report, towit: Mr Chairman nnd G'ntlemen of the Board or supervisor*: Your committee to whom was referred t e matter of flxirg the salary 0r P®r ,*' ,n ,.of i.ojrd of assnssmo't review would beg leave to mum it tbe lolloping re port on the matters betVe them: That we riT Uj re ' thf*i they be paid f ur<fol- perday,or l ime actually coi. suited in con'iU ning mud review. wL U reHl»cctfuHy su mitte'i, H ? 1 hm- 9 K < L4aw, R J dIi.CK, a |> r u iv John Whtzibw, Gkacy. The ays and nayes being called for, a vote taken resulted ag follows: ayes-- Bratzman, Shurtleff, Beck, Lake, Cornue, Desmond. Mills. Stevens, Weltzien, Hoy, Clark, Turner, Covell, Hatch, Gracy and Mentch--16: nays--0. Report adopted. Sup. Sbartk.fT offered the following res­ olution, which, on his motion, was adopted, towit: lish»rt°ineMouat e i tob of the newspapers pub towns n •h»«£n»hy l>ri' ted in the towns id wbieb they derive their nam"*, be flowed twenty-flv* dollar* cta.V'O* for prlPt- initj the « >rrect roinpie e pro •« din«s of ths ho*r«i of supervisors for tho enduing year, and that « oep^ of each pai»er oontaiulnfr said proceed luge be furnished 'he oounty clerk, to bo placed on fl.e in his office. The committee on clains made the fol­ lowing report which was adopted, towit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisor: Your committee on claims, to whom was referred the bill of W. E. Wire, county superintendent cf schools, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: That they hare examined vouch­ ers and find as follows: T> blanks et^ . for town treasurer .... |H0K) To office expense*, stamps, telep,, teles..21,02 Total is'litt An t wo recommend tbe payment of the name. All of whitli <s respeatiuliy su omitted. R J Buck , Ohio, Ed ^hurtl*ff, F K >TKVKWB. w D LOOM UK, N Brotz mam. Sup. Shurtleff moved that S. C. Wern- hnm, coroner, be allowed not to exceed forty dollars (f40.00) for the purpose of employing an expert to examine the stomach of Frank Huesler, deceased, provided the said expense could not be obtained from tbe estate of said deceas­ ed. Carried. Ou motion of Sup. Stevens board ad­ journed. W. A. CRISTY, Chairman. G. F. Rushton, Clerk. QCXXXXXXXXXXOOCXXXXXXXXXXO PROBATE COURT NEWS PROBATE NEWS. Estate of Alexvnder A. Irvine. Admin­ istrator's bond $200. Estates of Prudence Irvine and Han­ nah Irvine. Same as above. Estate of Henry Madden. Proof of death, petition for letters, relinquish­ ment of ri<rht to administrator, bond $ 100, appraisers appointed, inventory. Estate of Sheltoa M Paine. Proof of heirship. Estate of John Van Schayck. Final report. City of Woodstock vs Norman Frame and Michael Schaaf. Petition to con­ demn land for street. MARRIAGE LICENSE. Emil A. Beckman...'i Chicago Anna C. Henk Algonquin Harvey Bowen Saunders Austin, 111. *gne* Alice Purvis Austin, 111. Austin J, Simmons Cedar Rapids Ella G. Bombard Big Foot REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. For week ending May 15, Mary E Water* to Martfca J Rich- „ ards >n, lot 12, asBrs plat sec 26, Mar­ engo f 300 f0 Alonz"> B Lucas et al to Helen A Rel l U6, blk 6, Ellsworth's add ro Nunda 200 00 Margaret ^nllivan to Em^ry Vewman It I, oik 15, Hart's 34 ad.I, Harvard.. 925 CO Cynthia Churchill to Amelia J Turner land In aece 5 and 9, Burton 100 Heirs of Mary E Novo* to Eliza J Udell * It 10, Ard 1 lis add Richmond 100 Adella Digains et a'to Mary Ar.n Des < Jardlns, lot 4, blk 16, Harts 31 add to Harvard 188 00 Ciara Gr'mes A has to Frank Wolok, w 62 feet lots 3*4, blk 3, Ellsworth's add Ntnda . 612 50 S*rah W Allen fthus to Wm Lowry, land in sec S, Richmond .. 200 00 Jesie Allee A wf to Wm Lowrr, parts sees 3 A3, Rlctraond 98(000 Jennie Pettlt A h te Orrin A Hill, pts Its 3 4 5 & 6, b.k 4, Paul'*, Cheinung 1C0 00 JarahJine Cook to Charles E E Oook &Kd*ard ii Cook, land in sec 27, Seaeca 1 00 Jarah Jane Cook to 9tella M CO'k.elO it lot 3 Oik 13 Woodstoek 1 00 Jarah Jane Cook to Tmogcne Dei'z et *1, pt lot 3 blk 15. Woodstock Is00 Thomas FenwiCk A r f to E H Ocok, pt lot 23, blr 1, Huntley stotion 150 00 Olive S Hubbard to Edward H Oook, lot 18, blk 1, Huntley Station 800 00 Eugene u Blade et al to J H Oornne, land in seo 12, Alden 1250 00 Admrof estate of Jersmiah Hoolev to John O O'Brien, l.nd in sec 27, Dun­ ham 356000 Josephine A Biyne A hus to Jane Ool- lie, pts of sees 11,14ft is, Dunham... 100 Wm B Sullivan to Wm McAuliff. land in sac6,Sencca S00 00 Simeon L, Carey eo al to Channoy Dun- h»m, land in sec 1, ltiley 600 00 8arah F Church to Wm Wiley, s 60 ft Its 6 7 & 8, blk 16, W00dat0jK 1200 0u To Take Thin, pale, anaemic girls | need a fatty food to enrich I «their blood, give color tow $ their cheeks and restore their | % health and strength, It is $ | safe to say that they nearly I <* all reject fat with their food. 1 COD LIVER OIL | is exactly what they require; | $ it not only gives them the im- $ % portant element (cod-liver oil) | | in a palatable and easily di-1 | gested form, but also the hypo-1 " phosphites which are so valua­ ble in nervous disorders that usually accompany anatmia. SCOTT'S EMULSION is a fatty food that is more easily digested than any other form of fat. A certain amount of flesh is necessary for health. You can get it in this way. We have known per­ sons to gain a pound a day while taking it. TALE IS CHEAP. k Talking Mncbise, a Sirgirg Macbin and a Musical Instrument, Columbia Grapfeaplioiie for $10 This is the most perfect Talking Machine on the market. Come and see for yourself at MILO HOWE'S, West McHenry - Illinois DEALER IN The artistic standard, the favorite "Ludwig"^ agnifi cent Piato at a rea­ sonable price. The world renown "Lyon & Healy" Parlor and Church Organ. The cremona tone "Washburn" Mando­ lin, Guitar and Zither, tlie standard of the world. Theworld-wide fampd "Do­ mestic" Hewing Machine without an equa 1 for simplicity, durability, light running and cheapness. Registered in Percheron Stud Book of America as No. 20043. -OWNED BY- The McHenry Percheron Horse Go. DESCRIPTION:--Color, lileck; weight, 1800 pounds; height, 17}* hands. PEDIGREE;-- Foaled March 2?, 1S95; bred by Patter«on Kio» , ot Huinrick, Illinois Hot h7 P'uliis 1122°. 21083, he by Brilliant I'111116, 2919. he by Feneion 26h2, 38, be by Brilliant 127j, 756, he bv Brilliant 180i>, 75", hi by Coro 11, 714, he by V <mIX Ohae In 713, l»e by Coco 712, he by Mignt n 716, he by Jean-ie B and 739. Dam, Eunice S2Tfi, by Brilliant 1271. 755. he by Brilliant 18!», 7.V?, he bv Coco U, 714. h* by vieux ChaBlIn 713, he by Coco 712, he by Miir. non 716, he by Jean-le-Blanc 739. Second dam. Eloise 1216, 1427, by Vldorn 483 <32, Coco II, 714, he by Vi«'ujt C'liaslin 713. he iiy Coco 712. he by Mignon 715, he by Jean le- Blanc 739. • NOIR wil) make the season of 1899 in West McHenry and i.t ighboring towns. TERMSfor one eervioc, $10 cash, payable at thr ttme of e»rvice; for tho nea«on, #12 pay- ab e on or before July 1; to insure inure to toal colt that will atand up and suck, |I5. Duo «are will be taaen to prevent, acri'lenta, but will not be reepoaalble shou'd any occur, McHenry Percheron Horse Co. HARRY WICHTMAK. Manager; i I • M U A H U U M U U | HEAB THE DEPOT, WEST McHENRY, ILL Keeps open for t he accoir modation of th Public a First-Clase Saloon and Restaurant '1° will at all times keep the be a brands of Wines. Liquors and Cigars to be found in the market PABST'8 Milww&ar Uger Beer At Wholesai and Retail. « Sff !r,l.nJ®r5® ur 8ma ' ' Kegs or Bottles al- JOMi«ieretin c^*ai'®r thauany other, quality Ordeia by mail promptly attended to. GOOD STAB LIE G FOB HORSE •> ^ Call and see us. Robt. Schiessie West McHenry, May 2, 1898, ™e BEST OP THEM ALL! I LIPPINCOTT'S. 1 T\PNTHLYJVYAGAZ1NE I joc. and $i.oo, all druggist*. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. ber ^UiI|fddlt?onlt^et? novel ln eveiy num- imSsî inlng readUig Teller? °7 «^ptiou"»3.oo SrYSf. houaehol<L Bub" w&ntcci in ©verv t/itm •#> ._»u» Um moat liberal induoemeZu wW^offtrX * B. UJmCOTI C0MPAKT. I fe- MllMlkPHlA, SMOKERS! When ii Van! of a Gooi Ciiar! . CALL AT BARBIAN BROS' THE OLD RELIABLE Cigar and Tobacco l>eatajrg. OtTR SPBCIALTIM: Our Monogram, 10c. Barbian's Best hand made 5c The beet cigars made. Sold by all local dealers. Standard and Registered No. 23895. DESCRIPTIONBay Jhorse, star, small snip, right hind ankle white, Foaled April 25, 1893; stands 17Jf hands high and weighs over 1400 pounds. He Is bred in direct line from Hnmbletonian 10 on both sire and dam side?, making him one of the best bred stVlinns on the list. Parties desiring to breed for roadsters and general purpose horses will flod it to their interest to •tall and Investigate be for* placing their mares the coming eeason. His gets will show for themselves. TERMS OF 8ERVICE:--flO 00 to 'nsnrc live colt; $8 00 for the season. Money to be ptid al end of season. 8ENATOR HOPKIN3 will 'ic at Hanley Bros', stables, M mile south of the. McHenry briok mills, the ccming season cf 1899. Escapes and accidents atowner's rieti HANLIY BROS, WeslMepiT PERE" & OWEN, Bankers, McBENEY. - ILLINOIS, This Bank receives deposits, bays and sells Foreign aud Domestic Exchange, and does a GeneralBanking Business We endeavor to do all business en­ trusted toourcare in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfactory to our cus­ tomers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. MONEV TO LOAN On Real Estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections. INSURANCE In First flass Companies at the Lowest Rates. Yours Respectfully, PERKY & OWEN. Notary Pub ic Having had several yesra •XT>«jrien"e fell. Ing farm and other ea*eg 1 now call attention to the fact that 1 f eel like getting a CREAT "HUMP" On myself and sell y°ur farm sales ln McHenry as well as Lake Oo with a great . DETERMINATION Necessary to obtain irood res'ilts these clo*e t mes, i am satisfied that it requires the came VIGOR AND PUSH To sell Tarm Sales and be suocestfnl as it dees to cnop •wood or sell you a farm in Ar kanHas. either of which I am wilting to do wli*>n called. M«3t of vou will know that I have had *nd still have nr-ch experience •eilinjr just such gfods ard stonk as you will Wer at public auct'on thii npritig. There­ fore I shoul i i now their value and h^w to get at soiling the same tor the most morey, dropping the article with the one that seme tiroes p»ys his note, I am quite a rood bid der and nm always looking for bargains. L believe I ran do more for you thai, can the others for the faii.c or lese coat, If I did not feel suie of the above and wj»6 not in r'ead earnest and willing to try, o short notice, I would not be so well eqn ipped An alarm turned in by postal may reveai unexpected results. Try Us a Couple of Times. Your obedient aud unsystematic friend T. V. S LOCUM, Waueonda. ill J. W. BONSLETT, Plumbing Contractor. All Kinds of Sanitary Flutii PBOMPTLY ATTENDED TO Has just received a very coin plete stock of Plumbing Ccccfe, Bath Tubs* Closets, Lavatories and Fixtures- Steam and Hot Water Heating. Complete stock of all sizes Galvanized and Black Pipe and Fittings on hand. Office and Show Room in Jacob Bon- elett's Agricultural Implement Building, McHENRY. ILL. UNITED STATES War Claim Agency -OF-- W. II. COWLIN, WOODSTOCK, 1LLI3JDIS. Prosecution of all kinds and «;lat>ses of Claims Against tbe Uuited States for ex-S.ildiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or heirs. A specialty made in the prosecution of old and rejected claim?; also in nil claims of soldiers in the Late War with Spain. All communi­ cations promptly answered if postage stamps are enclosed for reply. Wm. II. Cowl in. Office at residence, Madison St., Wood- fcock, III. Delrand's 3 'ap Sii Braiii Sedal I l | " i n mmi/ a if the I WflRLR|^^j ijL "lAYlONAI, FLAGS. •> of xhii't vcaivjsshowiiiK the nation < ll;i ;s of the, princlpr.,1 nations of thoj \ ^ world. Cue of these cards Is packed ln<* Acach large package of cap sheaf soda.< vlf a complot-c set is desired, we will mall< ;|.ane on receipt of five one pound Cap K toSlwaf wrapper a Give your name and* Tpof't office wrltuen. X . DsLAlIU & CU^alrpeit, ». 7. Reliable Reliable Reliable Reliable O •',>* , >. > , ' '•< ^ ' iZ'S' g REIUABILITVI ® OS o o rH • rH % o 13 d % Ph 0) pH cS It Ii m simple word yet it means K great deal to you. What tbe people of any community are constantly on the outl >ok for is a place Where they can buy their Dry Goods, Groceries, eU at Reasonable Prices and feel confident of obtaining Re­ liable Goods. The Goods and Prices at THE FARMES' STORE are known to Jbe Reliable at all times, and when we make a statement in our "ad" we mean every word of it. When Summer Goods are in demand just keep an eye on this >space, bearing in mind that you can rely on what you read as the absolute truth P g S4 W CD M »->• P s CD w CD P cr H-• CD W CD TELEPHONE NO. 261 ' i? Vest McHenry, HI. Reliable Reliable Reliable Reliable EO I P. BAER. E CD SATISFACTION! We enj lyed a very satisfactory Clothing Trade before Easter, but no doubt owingf to the contin­ ued cold weather and latonef-s of spring, many put off buying their suits until alter Easter. To these we will say tbat our lines are still unbroken that we arn in shape to do them the most good for the least monej in the clothing line. IT WILL DO YOU GOOD to see our Spring line of Ladies' and Gents' Shoes The styles are up to date, and the prices are way down. A look at our l'ne of Hats is sufficient, We will risk the Styles, Quality and Price to do the rest* All kinds of Garden and Field Seeds, Choice Groceries, Flour Graham and Corn Meal. West McHenry, 111. Yours for trade, JOHN. J. MILLER. :oooooooo |)RUGS AND Like all other goods must be fresh, and if you desire fresh goods in this line call on M c H E N R Y , ILLINOIS. Now is the time of year that PAINTS, OILS ». COLORS are in demand. Remember we carry a brand of ready-mixeo paints that is equal to any and better than many so-called "best" brands A COMPLITI LINE OP Patent Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Stationery Toilet articles and Notions. RESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED oooooooooo NEW GOODS, O o o o o j Correct Sty les, O O O o Right kind of Goods, o o o o o | o o o o o llioht kind of Pric<:8> Fair, Honest Treatment, o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O o o c o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o One Price--Plain Figures, Truthful Advertising, Practicing the Golden Rule, Money ba^k when you want it, No Shoddy or Plunder, o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o That's our way of doing Business. Doe3 it Suit You? If it docs, then we would like to see you at our store. • GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY.* AGENT CONTINENTAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Yours Truly, TVI. J. WALSH, Citizens Telephone, No. 20. West McHenry, 111

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