PURELY PERSONAL* jpfe • * • t'i^f: J. Btockfisld was hm from Yolo Sun day. WHl Rosing MI onr from Tolo Sun day. Geo. W. Bssley wM in Chlcogo Tues day. Kim Celia Frisby was in Chlcbgo Sat urday. H. Zimmerman mad family irate In Elgin Sunday. • Robt. Weinke «M over from Wood stock Sunday. Mrs. Jake Bicktar, of Chicago, waa ia this place Sunday. Dr. C. H. Fegers was in Chicago the latter part of the week. E. Manor, of Genoa J unction, waa here lor a short time baturday. Ed. Chapeli and wife, of Elgin, were in McHenry over the Sabbat'a. ** Vera Torrance, of Yolo, waa la this city for a few hours Sunday. Boy Palmer and Harry SchaSts Fox Lake visitors Saturday. B.Sherman, of Woostock, waa Saturday on a fishing outing. Theodore J ones and Cal Curtis, over from Woodstock Sunday. Misses Agnes and Mary Meyers sojourners at the Bay Saturday* Chas. B. Curtis, of Elgin, was the guest of McHenry relatives Saturday. Will Rosing, of Volo, passed through here Sunday, white on his way to Chi cago. Misses Lillie Heimer and Annie Blake were the guests of Johnsburg relatives Friday. Chas. Swadish and Geo. Curtis are at Elgin this week ei&aged in a job of painting. Mrs. John Heimer was the guest of Johnsburg relatives the latter part of the past week. Mr. Freund, of Spring Grove, was in McHenry Saturday and favored this office with a call. Win. Fisher and wife, of Hebron,' were the guests of Mrs. Geo. Schniaer the lat ter part of the RINCWOOD DEPARTMENT WEEKLY LETTER COMPILED PHIL 8. HARRISON. BY were here were were ltoy Colby, who is employed in the Ill- no i# Iron and Bolt Co. factory at Car- pen tersyille, arrived home last week Fri- lay, having been injured by foiling from i stairway in the factory. He will re- bflpa to resume his duties in a few days. Mrs. Dr. Stranb ao&mpained her hus band from Chicago Saturday for a few days visit in McHenry. They were also accompanied by his brother and wife, Prof, and Mrs. S. W. Straub, of Chicago, who remained for a few days to enjoy rest from his labors in Chicago. H. C. Mead left for Belvidere Wednes day morning to be present at the re union of the old 15th III., of which regi ment he was a member. Mr. Mead was under the command of Boone county's great general, Stephen A. Hurlbut, and participated in the great battle Of "Shi- loh. B'ffln Batter Kftrfcet. Butter offerings on the Elgin boatd of -Trade, Monday; were 573 tubs; sales, 132 tubs'" at 16c. The official market easy at 17c. Butter last week 18c, and one year ago 17#;. , John Mertes has purchased the Pow der maker property at Johnsburg for ,1700. . Remember the concert to be f given by Prof. Harris's choral class next Monday evening. Twenty cents is enough. This the ad mission fee to the concert next Monday evening. Tomorrow is the day set for the Mc- [Henry County High School meet at Woodstock. This promises to be the Digest meet since the starling of the organisation. The Willing Workers will meet on Thursday afternoon of next week with Mrs. J. I. Story at her Cottage on Pearl street for the purpose of quilting. Let there be a good attendance. SEC. Procession will start from schooj grounds at 2 o'clock and if weather fav orable exercises will be held in the ceme- tery, otherwise in the city hall. H. C. MEAD, Comm ander, RAILWAY TIME TABLK. NORTH. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. SOUTH. 10:08 A. M ..7:23 A. M. 12:01 p. M. Freight .8:17 A. M. 5:02 P. M Freight 3:30 t> M. 7:01 p. M. 8:13 p. it SUNDAY ONLY. 5:03 p. M.. 7:28 A M THE BICYCLE CONTEST The Votes Getting Into the Hundreds and In terest Deepens--Publication of Final Vote Next Week. sfsV • TOTES. MBS. JENNIE MOSS, Spring Grove 157& BERTHA CURTIS, McHenry 172f ED. FBENCH, Wauconda 135 HAROLD CRISTT, McHenry.. ,. 71 •k° Mrs. Jennie Moss waa down from Sprtnar Grove Saturday and was a wel Umjci tuie Mrs. Putnam and Mrs E. E. Thomas, ci Woodstock, were the gnsats of Mrs. K. M. Owen on Tuesday last. Joe Swadish, who has been at work at Hebron as a carpenter, returned home the latter part of the past week. Martin Howell, of Chicago, was the guests of bis parents at their summer home at IIowells Villa Sunday. Chas. Carlson, whose home is in Wheaton, was the guest of F. Kim ball ind wife last week Saturday. M. Dassow and wiie and Miss Stock ing, of Greenwood, were the guests of triends in McHenry over Sunday. There will be a club dance at Ringwood tonigjht. Dance tickets 50 cts. Music will be furnished by Noonan's orchestra. Geo. Chapeli and wife, of Elgin, have been here several days during the week the guest of their sons, Chas. and 8. 8. Chapeli, Will Rosing was here from Tolo the early part of the week, while on his way to Chicago, where he has secured a good position. * Geo. Smith and son, Granger, were up -&n>m Elgin Sunday the guests of Senator Granger and family and also his pareata, H. C. Smith and wife. Hon. Henry L. Hertz and wife return- • «d to Chicago Tuesday after spending a lew days at their summer home at Belle- . whe on the Fox river. ^ / > Will Jaeger, who was until recently a , ttsideut of vhis place, but now a resident Grand Rapids, Mich., was here for |§w days during the week. vf j , » Mrs. W. D. Wentworth and children, of t Wauconda, were visitors at the home of B. S. Wheeler's, at Ro^e Lawn farm, on % Sunday and Monday of last week. |W L Chas. T. Granger, accompanied by his §|v brother. E. P. Granger, lett for [Milwau fcee. Wis., Tuesday morning, where they temained for a few days on business matters. . _ A. C. Granger, accompanied by a gen- tleman friend, a Mr. Duff, of Cnicago, Came out Friday evening and remained *ntil Sunday evening. \N hile here they •pentsometime fishing on the river. Chas. T. Eldredge shipped a carload of ogs to Chicago TU6OU*J. Wh« Goe« and Where They XSMer- tslnmenU and Society MeetlBgs--Kotea From the School. WANT COLUMN. r ITPTODATR NKAR. I* new. (( his bren Hoed b l iwn una. Tbi* H i» bargain 'or touuou, tor i>ar- iwu'k a Apply st this ofli.a. FOB SALB-ONK SHAHR IN *HK Ma. Henry jreamery Co. plsat. Inquire of «£*«•, iiraiger, mitnager Wilbur Lumuer Co . Wesi McQtnr , 111 FOR SALIC OUBAP--BUILOIIW roitv-erly occupied by George Ovurocli r an a iiweillnff. •ilnaiedoo vh» K, S, Wheeler land on llw wuiikiU«ui Vox Diver inquire jt W. m. Cristt, Sup*i viaor, WAKTIU-A good farm hard for work on • ho larra. Mood wages. Inquire at this office Belvidere Standard Suspend*. Marshall A Ritchie, proprietors of the Belvidere Standard, have suspended its publication. The reason for so doing is that the paper didea't pay the ex pense of getting it up and they decided it would be more profitable to ran a gen eral printing establishment. C. A. Lincoln and family, of Wayns, will fpend a few weeks with friends here. " Mr. Lincoln is one of most successful galesmei; employed by the M. W.Dunham iMtwte, but on account of poor health Wire in Her Heart; • H. C. Mead had the misfortune to lose one of the valuable cows on his farm. The animal met with a death that is strikingly peculiar and one that may be helpful inflamation to -the farmers. On examining the cow's heart they found a small piece of baling wire abont two inches long. It is certain that the cow swallowed the wire in eating bay and farmers should exercise care in this matter. Mr. Mead sustains a loss of a|iont $50. M. A. W, Picnic. Large bills are out for the M. W. picnic which will be held at Beloit June 1st. It is expected that fully 30,000 people will be in attendance. Reduced rates have been secured for the occasion. Fol lowing is the program: Music, band; invocation, Head Chap lain Troy; music, college quartette; the occasion, Joel B. Dow; address of wel come, Hon. Simon Smith; mayor: re sponse, Hon. Chas. E Whelan, Madison; music, band; "LocalWoodmen," Prof E. G. Smith; music, college quartette; address of the day, Head Consul W. A. Northcott, Liet.-Gov. of Illinois; music, college quartette; short addresses by other head officers and prominent} Wood men; music, band. The price drill Foresters at 2 o'clock on West Bridge street. First priz<?, $40; second price, 25. H. Rosenblatt & Sons will present the beet team of uniformed chief Foresters with new uniforms. Thp two best bands of fifteen pieces or over, playing during the parade, prises of $15 and $10. East side, State Street, Joe Cousine, slack pire artist, three performaces* at 3, 3:45 and 4:30 o'clock. Grand balloon ascension and para chute drop from city park. West side, West Bridge street, Rich ards, trapeoz? performer, three exhib tions. Miile. Cordelia, tight rope. There will also be day fireworks during the afternoon. John Stuart, of Hebron, was in town Friday. E. H. Thompson, the fence man, wae here last week. Gus" Adams, of Greenwood, mm* In town Wednesday. Lonnie Bishop, of Elgit, til spending the week at the Corners. Earl Carr, of Grass Lake, passed through here Friday. John W. Carr and wif(», of Grasa Lake, visited relatives Sunday. Edwin Johonott. of Chicago, was calling on frisnds last week. John W. Bell and family, of Spring Grove, were in town Sunday. Miss Mary Goodhand, of Solon Mills, was calling on friends last wsek. Mrs N. D. Stevens is visiting relatives at Clinton Junction tins week. Mrs. West lake and Mrs. Coatee, of So lon Mills, were in town Saturday. Grant Coudry, of Greenwuod, was looking after business here Saturday. Patrick McGarry is on the sick liet, but Is now reported as much improved. Mrs. Cora Bassett and Mies Jsnnie Thomas, of Ostend, were callers Thurs day. George Vogel and Bert Sutton, of So lon Mills, wsre in town the first of ths week. Mrs. P. W. Clark and and Mrs. Brock- man, of Woodstock, visited relatives Wednesday. Frank Thompson and wife, of Green wood, were Cillers at E. F. Harrison's Friday last. H. M. Stephenson drove to Kaye'e Park Wednesday with a large load of trees from the Ringwood nursery. The telephone men are again in town. Several car loads of poles have arrived for the purpose of extending the line east. F. L, Carr and family, of Wauconda, and W. Bonslett and family, of Mc Henry spent Sunday with F. E. Fay's people. R, Lawson, of Elgin, came up on the Sunday train. He is having, a new well put in on the farm, The old one having given out. Several McHenry people have been here in the past week. Among them were W. A. Cristy's boys witn their don keys, Mrs. Anners, Dr. Brown and wife, Mrs. W. A. CrUty, Miss Bernice Perry, : harles Eldredge and John Schaffer. Decoration Day will be observed in Ringwood as usual. McHenry Post has charge of affairs and will bring a speaker with them. We have received no pro gram but^vtnture to say that you will be pleased if you attend and joining with the G. A. R. in keeping the soldiers' Sab bath day. . On Tuesday evening, May 23, twenty- five neighbors from Ringwood, Camp No 567, M. W. A., drove to Wauconda to assist in the initiution ceremony of ten mpmhi'in for Wan^nnda. (kmp. The Ringwood Forresters did the work and | as usual showed their willingness to pass around a good thing and plenty of ft by giving ths Wauconda editor a bare back ride on their goat. After the cere mony of adoption refreshments were served and a general good time was en- joled by all. School Notes. , . H. M. Stephenson is engaged ia trim ming trees in the schooi yard. There will be school ii the primary room on Saturday of this week. Miss Mattie Koha was a welcome vis itor in the npper room on Friday. Mies Baldwin attended the county teachers' meeting at Harvard on Satur day. School was in session on Satutday in Mr. Fay's room. Quite a number of the primary pupils vinited during the day. Carroll Cristy enjoys the proud dis tinction of being the only pupil in the higher room neither absent nor tardy- during the school year. The primary room will give an enter tainment on the evening of the 26th in Woodman hall We think you will feei well repaid if you attend. Admission ten and fifteen cents. Proceeds will go toward a new organ for the primary room. Railway Time Table. Taking effect ftunda*, Oct, 80, 1888, at 8 o'clock A. SH trains will pas* Melteury as follows; t Passenger Freight .... fasaerger.. t Passenger . GOLKTT HOBTH. .. ... 10:00 A.M. .......H :«• a. h, . ..... 4-.'5 P. M. .....i <6:M p. M. IXA SOUTH, . • Passenger ..t... ,f;7:32A,M F Passenger 25 A, M. f Passenger 3U0 P. H. f freight ...... .... BXPLTLHATIOM. »--Dtlly. tD*iijr except Sunday. B. BUSS,|4gent, MoT7enry, 111. Business LnetlR. Spring and summer hats at Mr*. E W. Howe's, i|pstairs in T. J. Walsh.s building. ,?• The "Marquis" and the' "Winner'* are the bats that are to be popuiar this season. Call at Mrs E. W. Howe's mil linery parlors and order one. A choice line of Knox sailor bats a| Mrs. E. W, Howe's millinery parlors. Call and see our large stock of Glasa> ware and Fancy China. A. P. BAER. - 11 you want to see the finest stock of Lamps to btf found in McHenry county, call at the Farmers Store West McHenry. A. P. BAEB. Clothing bargains with all the nroflt sawed off. Leave your measure for * new spring suit at M. J. Walsh's. 11 is Probably. jjRf ' Y-X .V7?-. ia-*1" * within the bounds of conservative statement to Bay that UO Other House in the county can furnish a better paint than No person can without at least spection invited. afford to buy ahoei seeing our lines. Io» M. J. WALSH. % agon wheels learn ever All the new and prosper shapes and colors in hats, call and see them. M. J. WALSH. Seal of Minnesota and fancy flour at M J. Walsh's. It will pay you to look for your cloth ing where the assortment ie largest, ne% elf an and nptodato. Prices right at John J. Miller's, West McHenry. Buy your clothing West McHenry. at J. J, Miller's, Coui/nued from First Page. Still slavery went on for more than 200 years, untill finally the people of the north said that it must not last any longer--that the colored people ought to have as nuch rights to be citizenB as the white people--have their own homes and work for wages. But the south would not hear to this. They declared that they would break away from the Union and have their own Pres dent, and the north could do the same. But the loyal people of the north whose grandfathers and great grandfathers who had fought for independence and Liberty, would not think of dividing the Uuion. At last eight states did this and had their own president. They seized all the ships and forte. This started war which lasted four long years, and freed 4,000,000 slaves. Many of our soldiers di .'d during those long years of war and it is those graves whether they died dur ing the war or since, that we decorate with flag and flowers to show our love and respect for them. LULU BYUD. •HI twkp u nhnrt vflcBtinn. Adertiee in THE PLAWDEALEB: School closes for the year on Friday, Jui;e 2, and on Tuesday, the 8:£, occurs the annual picnic at Pifctakee Bay, oh Stiiliog'e grounds. Old as well as young are invited to attend and have a day of pleasure at this beautiful resort. By applving early to C. E. Fay transpor tation will be provided for thoee having no way to go. ROVal Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum taking powders arc tbe greatest sen to neahh of 1' the pfeseat day. Q&I8WOLD LAKIi Milo Howe, of McHenry, made our neighborhood a business call Tues-iay. Myron Fransisso and family were Sun day callers at Charles Grangers. Paul Reiger was a Richmond visitor Sunday. Ed. French got fonr ne*^yearly subscri bers to THE PI,AIM»KALEH Saturday. Oscar Flemming was "ovar the River Sunday--Fox River. Mi uses Edith and Lola Turnbull were calling on Miss Helen Granger Sunday. Mrs. John Wright was a recent visitor at her son's, Wm, Wright.. John Phalen and family, of Ridgefield, were visitimr ut Wm. Wolrh'a Joe. Turnbull an J family were Sunday callers at Albert Granger's. Miss Birdie and Etta Walmsley were Sunday visitors at ths home of John Gibbs. " Frank Green, of Blocufn's Lake, is suffering from the effect of puncturing his knee with a rusty nail. Miss Irene Biggs, of Chicago, is spend ing a short time in visiting among friends and relatives here. Quits a number in this vlcin:ty have the unpleasant job thrust upon them of "planting over" corn. The corn pre viously planted has rotted. Thero will be an ice cream social and entertainment at the Slocum Lake school home on Saturday evening, June 3. All Come. Dr. L. Werden, and family, of Nunda, were visiting at the home of Henry Werden, Monday. The doctor attended to his usual duties at Wauconda. Miss Helen Granger, Mrs. L. H. Beach, Mrs. R. G. Smith, Mrs. F. Steinsdoefer, and Mrs. Job. Yasey were calling on Mrs. Blaisdell Monday afternoon. Mrs. Blaisdell is reported to be quite sick at this writing. She is afflicted with the eczema, and has the sympathy of all who know her. John Gibbs has ploughed about GO acres ol land this spring besides fitting and sewing about 30 acres of oats, with one team. Surely this should be a good lesson for some who have plenty of horses-and men. A goodly number attended the Sunday School at Slocum's Lake school house last Sunday. With Mrs. Z Oeman for Superintendent, and Miss Jennie Green for assistant, and an able corps of tea chers, the new Sunday-School is bound to succeed. I never had any faith in luck at all ex cept that I believe that good luck will cirrj a man over a ditch if he j impe well, and will put a bit of bacon in bis pot if be looks after his garden and keeps a pig. THB PLAINDRALRK bicycle will go to the one, if be moves swiUly. A t the Uuiversaliet church the- services will have reference t > Memorial Diy. The public are iuvited. Tbt L idies Aid Society of the M. E church will meet with Mrs. Smith, on Fiiday ifternoon of next week at two o'cloek. All are cordially invited. E SEC. To bn in line follow the procession for your clothing wants to J. J. Miller's. SOLON. I. L Wattles was a Lake Geneva vis itor recently. Geo. Holmes and ' Mac" Sutton spent Sunday at Grass Lake. Several from here attended the dance at Spring Grove last Friday night. Arthur and Alice Merrill called on friends in McHenry Sunday evening. Geo Vogel and family entertained friends from Woodstock, Sunday last. Mrs. Charlie Turner and Reuben Sun- dsyed (with relatives at Spring Grove. A little boy came to brighten home of Ed. Austin and wife Thursday, May 18. Miss Sate Hodge was th9 guest of Richmond relatives the first of the week. H J. Christian and wife visited with Mrs. Mary Dodge at Ringwood Sunday. Edwin Johonott, of the Chicago Uni versity, was home from Friday till Moo- day. Chas. Foley has the foundation finish ed for hfs new house on his farm nea r here. Wm Nyqiist and wife, of Richmond, were seen on our streets Sunday after noon. John Strong, of Melburn, the leading cattle buyer in this vicinity, was here the first of the week. Bernard Bell, of Ringwood, passed through here Sunday enroute to his home near Grass Lake. Mrs. Richard Aylward still continues very sick. Her sister, MISB Maggie Cleary, of McHenry, is here caring for her. L B. Co veil and wife, of Hebron Prai rie, were the guests of the lntter's par ents, John Moore and wife, Sunday. Theodore Fellows and Lincoln Dicken son, of Genoa Jnnction, were the guests of relatives in this vicinity on Sunday. W. D. Monear and little grand daughter, Vera Turner, spent Sunday at the home of J. M. Imerson, on EnglisL Prairie. Alta Kimball, of McHenry, visited h<r sister, Mrs Frunk Vosburg, and attend ed *he dance at Spring Grove on Friday evenirg. Miss Mariam Jones and little nephew, ' -J0 view of the great number ol different brands of Mixed Faint now oittbe Uiarket this is a broad statement, yet abso lutely true. r - ' * > A coat or two of good paint, properly applied, will make toy house appear as clean and fresh as though it were newly uilt. The^greatest care, however, should be exercised in the Aoice of A paint, as a poor article is worse than valueless. f j *he item of labor is by far the greatest part of the expense in*% painting a house, therefore, it is highly important to save the sfiost of labor by buying only paint which will prove the best" mos|' durable. In order to be sure that you get the 'best, see to it that every can you buj^has on it, signed by the . fcbanufacturers, a guarantee that the paint is Absolutely pure ^ ind free from every adulteration. Orown Cottage Colore are guar- , anteed to be eomposed of Strictly I'ure white lead, Oxide of , Zinc Tinting colors, Pure Linseed Oil, and entirely freeC. "from adulteration. We further guarantee that Crown Cot-- tage Colors will go farther, wear longer and look better than iatiy brand of mixed paint on the market. Furthermore, we will state that should you find that ' Town Cottage < olors, when properly applied, will not give entire satisfaction, we will supply you free of charge with suffident MAteriai td d#l the entire work over again. * Vest Side Hardware. again. Yours Respectfully, F. L. McOMBER. IIBIMT ML of paper is used in SHOES that are made to sell CHEAP, and the first time they get wet they will wilt like a paper collar on a hot sum- - mer day. Nogoods of that kind are carried in our store. You can depend on anything bought hereto be STRICTLY RELIABLE, DRY GOODS in great variety just in. CASH PROFITS, remember, is all you are required to pay. Call and see me. WALTER C. EVANSON, W e t t M c H e n r y , 1 1 1 . V.r.r si.-tcrs. Walter of Podge<?i!!e, Wis , is visitis^ Mesdauiee Thomas Hodge and Reading. The ladies of the Church Ai i Society have purchased a new carpet lor the M. E church, which improves appearances considerably. Miss Sarah Beck, who has been assist ing her aunt, Mrs. J. M. Andrus, at Ran dolph, Wis , for several months past, came home for a few weeks. Wm. Johnott wiljl tench the coming year at the Creek school. He has taught for Bome time in the Washing ton district, where he is well liked and it is safe to predict a successful school year for the Creek pupils. Memori il D iy will be observed in a fitting manner at Solon, on Sunday, May "28. The object of having it two days before Decoration Day is so that all who wish to attend the exercises at neighboring towns may do so. Arrange ments are being made to make it a sue c-ss in every way. Three new monuments have been erect ed recent y in the Oak Dale cemetery just south of this village. Namelj: Bennett, Halderraau, and Christian. A party from Ricl>f'>rd erected the Bennett monument. J. H. Miller, of McHenry, the Holderman ,aud Staford & Z )i t, of Woodstock, erected the last named, all showing very good choice in selections and first class workmanship. This ceme tery in connection with the one north of town is kept in excellent order by means of the Solon Cemetery Aid Society, which is carried on mostly by the ladies ia this vicinity. I have been a sufferer from chronic diarrhoea ever since the war and have used all kinds uf medicines for it. At last 1 f >und one remedy that has been a success as a cure, and that is Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Re- rnedy.--P. E GHISHAM, Guars Mills, La. For sale by J. A. Story. A Good Insurance Company. Messrs. Perry & Oaen have hung out the sign of the Milwaukee Mechanics In-' suranre Company of Milwaukee, Wis Th^ Milwaukee Mpchanics has been doing business sine.* 1852 and by careful man agement and fair adjustments of losses is now recognized as the ieaiiing insur ance com pan v of the northwest, show ing assets of $2.r>G8,{M)7 J16 and surplus of f1,482,818 71. Embracing among the board of dir> ( tors the names of Fred Papet, Chas, Pflster, Chris. Preusser aud a score of equally well known prosperous lierman citiz ms of Milwaukee. When in suring your property call on Messrs Ferry & Owen and get a policy in the old German company, the Milwauke« Me chanic!. 45*4 w or PERISH D •ii He's a poor man who cpn afford to wear a shabby coat; but it's a poorer house ^hat can afford to do without a new cont of piiint. 'The man may keep together without the clothing--the house never will without tlio painting. It's paint or perish with the jjouse. Paint is a preserva tive to property. It adds to its value. But the paint must be good paint. Po?r paint injures more than it helps. The best paint to paint a house or bare or building of any kind is THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT because It is made right. Not a patent pnint, but a plain paint made as good as costly machinery, scientific super vision and thirty years of paint making can make it. If you are Interested in property, interested in seeing it look well and feeling that it stands tiie weather well, get interested in S.-W. P. No other paint in the world can serve you better, "Paint Points", our little book on painting tells more about it. Send for it. Free. 1 SHE/?W/«.1V/LLUM8 CO., PAtHT MHO COLOR MAK8R8. 2629 Stewart Ave., Chicaco; also Cleveland, New York, Montreal. E. B, PERKINS, Aueitt, iftunciti | J. H. MILLER, MANUFACTURE!! OP Maibie and firanite Monuments, All Kinds of Cemote v Work at the Loweftt Prices Foreign & American Granite a Specialty. MclIENRT. ILLINOIS. Many old soldiers now feel tbe effects of the hard service they endured during tbe wnr Mr. Geo. 8 Anderson, of Rose- ville, Yor* county, Penn., who saw the hardest kind of service at the front, is now frequently troubled with rheurr a- tism. '1 had a severe attack lately," he eav«, "and procured a bottle of i hamberlain's Pain> Ba'm. It did so much urood that 1 would like to know what you would charge me for one doz en bottles." Mr. Anderson wanted, it both for his own nse and to snpply it to his friends and neighbors, an every fami ly sbonld have a bottle of it in tbeii home, not only for rheumatism, but lane back, sprains, swelling*, cuts, bruises and burns, for which it ie un- equaled. For sale by J. A. Story, IN THE HARNESS is a, verv common rxpffl1- sion. and it is usu lly lb® c ae that the hainfins was pnr« tnuf'd h«iie Our lino of ei ngle H nd drub!© hur- nrss s ci mi'lpt". and our p ice^ art m'd© to lit an/ hoi>© owner's pocket book KEPAlRiNO vr <c«ivos pompt attention" and u really done. We caa matte a hiirnP8f? to ord©r and guar antee perfect sat^fattio.n. O-ULS. Carlson. McHenry, III. Steady Employment at good wages to Moulders, Machinists and Laborers. APPLY AT ONCE. IlilJNon I SON AND BOLT CO., C'arpenteraville, 1IL W