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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jul 1899, p. 5

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/W * iis^ & it-*.* ' IRecfopfY BUSINESS CARDS. O. H. GILLMORE. •j £;<', ATTORNEY. Probate work a specialty. tj"f . (Wtee in Kendall Block. Woodstock, lh. v <* - J. F. CASEY. A TTOBNEY and Counselor at Law. •.***• In Joslyn's Block. Woodstock, III. lal atteution given to trial cases*. Oflke Spec- KNIGHT& BROWN. 100 Washington i ATTORNEY AT LAW " **• strtH t, Chicago, I1K FRANK L. 8HEPARD. pOITNSELOR AT LAW, Suite 80-1*1 dark ^ street, Chicago, 111. •3; C. P. BARNES. A TTORNEY, solicitor, and Counselor, lection* a specialty. Woodstoqk, III. Col- ?* «- : DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. •pHYSIOIAN AND SURGEON. Offlee and <|5 residence in J u sun's Block, over the Plaindealer office, McHenry. Telephone No. ?. C. H. FEGERS, M. D. CI AN AND SURGEON, McHenry, III. Office at Residence. DR. A. E. AFRINGER. "PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in the : ! old Post Office buiklhiK. one door east of >T. Miller's store, West Mo Henry, III. liesl- idence. bouse formerly occupied by Dr. Os­ borne. All professional calls promptly at­ tended to. ! 111 m i i A. e SPUR LING, M. D.V, VSTBRINAKT •UROBON. ; 'Special attention given to Dentistry. ,.'l Calk promptly attended. Office at Residence west of Park Hotel Wast McHenry, Illinois. i V ' w. A CRISTY, Jutt'ee of the Peace. WEST MCHENRY, IIX. Special Attention paid to Collections. • - Will be in my office, over Evanson's store, 'every Saturday and Monday until further potlce. H. C. MEAD, * Justice of the "Peace and General In­ surance Agent, including Accident and Life Insurance. WKST MCHENRY, - - III. Your^atd ^ Would Look Well Here, A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler No. 126 State street, Chicago. Special attention given to repairing Fine Watches and Chronometers. %%r~ A full assortment of goods in his line. Dr. Walter G. Besley, Office over Besley's Drug Store DENTIST* WEST MCHENRY. Woodstock office -Kendall Dental Parlors Will be at McHenry office Mondays and Tuestays. At Woodstock office Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. ' •XAMTNATTONS -- - C. F. BOLEY, Proprietor of MsHewy Brewery, MoHENRY. ILL. Always on Band With the Best Beer jpROk OUR CORRESPONDENTS Neighboring News Gathered fc»y our Able Corps of Representatives, 1 ; TOIO. Will Rosing was a Yolo caller Sunday evening. Peter Bower is entertainhi* relatives from Chicago. . .. Mrs. John Brown's father, Mr. Blake, is visiting her. I4sle Potter Is visiting Hn. Cowman at Lake Villa. Mrs. Wingart is entertaining a sister from Minnesota. Dan Slipper is doing nome painting in the M. E. church. Mrs. Ben Rosing, of Kenosha, ir the guest of J. Rosing and wife. Willie Moore returned Saturday from a visit with relatives in Wisconsin. It is reported that George Richardson will soon open a store in Hainesville. Mary Freund, of Wauconda, will teach the Volo school the coming year. Miss Anna Compton, of Elgin, arrived in Volo Monday for a visit with relatwet- here. Mr. and Mrs. Emory Power, of Chicago, are visiting at Raught brothers'. v . Alfred*' Nichols and Ghis Carlsot. went to Chicago on their wheels Sun day. They will remain there unti. after the Fourth. Mrs. Harmon, her daughter, Ethel, and son, Stanford, came out from tht city last week, to spend the summer at "Cloverdale Farm". Dr. Spurling was here on a profession­ al visit Wednesday. A little colt bel onging to C. Dillon broke its leg ano he was called to replace it" The Catholic school closed Friday foi the summer vacation. The sisters wiL go back to Milwaukee this summer, but will return to reopen school lir thi fall. At the social Wednesday evening Mrs. Harmon and Miss Stanford rendered some beautiful songs. They are excep­ tionally fine vocalists and everybody should hear them at the church fair July 12 and 18. Dont fail to attend the church fair at Volo, Wednesday and Thursday, July 12 and 18. A large variety of useful articles, such as aprons, dusting caps, sun bonnets, pillow covers, children's clothing, ties, tidies, bedding, cushions, table spreads, etc., andl all kinds of fancy work will be for sale. Articles will be on sale all day and socials each evening with' special music and other features of interest. Ice cream, cake, and coffee can be had at any time. People from far and near are expect­ ed. Let every body come. The proceeds are to be used for repairing the Volo M. E. church. SOCIETIES. MASONIC. MCHENRY LODGE. NO. 158. A. F and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. GEO. H. HANL.Y, W. M. W. C. O. F. St. Patrick's Court. No. 187. W. C. O. F., meet the First Saturday and Third Wednesday evenings of each month, at Forester Hall. MRS. MARY COBB, Chief Banger. LORETTA WALSH, Secretary. M. W. A. Regular Meetings every Second and Fourth Wednesday evenings of eaeh- month, at their Hall, in Stoffel's Block. C. C. COLBY, Consul. H. C. MEAD, Clerk. C.O. F. Meet First and Third Sundays of each month in Forester Hall. ANTON WEBER, Chief Banger. JOHN NEISS, Secretery. WAUCONDA. Miss tucy Mason has departed for a visit with friends in Kentucky. The Roney-Fitzgerald boxing contest has been postponed until July 8. Will Monahan has decided to open a barber shop in the Hughes building. Mrs. J. E. Lynch and children have gone to Chicago where they will reside. Edwin Johnson and friends are locat­ ed in his residence and will remain here for the summer. CHURCHES. UN I VERBALIST. T. J. Walsh ...President H. C. Mead Clerk James B. Herry Treasurer Rev. J. Straub, D. D Pastor The Willing Workers (the ladles' organiza­ tion.) Mrs. L. H. Owen T. President Mrs. John 1. Story Vice President Mrs. J. Van Siyke Secretary Mrs. \V. A. Cristy Treasurer Supt. of Sunday-Scliool F. L. MeOmber Assistant 'A W. A. Cristy pF" The Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address is Grand Crossing. Preaching Services'at 10:30 A. M. and at 7:30 P.M. A cordial invitation to ali. Exceptionally Low Rates to Indtanapulift, Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold at greatly re­ duced rates from all stations, July 18, 19 and 20 (but not for trains arriving Chi­ cago before July 19 or later than July 21), limited to August 20, 1899, inclusive on occount of National Convention Epworth League. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western Railway. 1-2 Excursion Tickets to Janesvllle, Wis,, Via the North-western Line, will be sold from stations in Wisconsin, Michi­ gan and Illinois at reduced .rates, account of L. A. W. Meet, etc., to be held July 12-14. For dates of sale limits of tickets., apply to agents Chicago & North-Western Railway. 1-1 Excursion Tickets to Woodstock, 111., Via the North-Western Line, will be sold at reduced rates, from stations within 75 miles, July 12 to 15, inclusive, limited to July 17, inclusive, on account of Horse Races. Apply to agents Chi­ cago & North-Western Railway. 1-1 FBAIRIB OKOVB. John Wagner celebrated Independ­ ence Day in Chicago. Bennie Pingry went to Watttibnda Sunday on his wheel. C. B. Warner, of Chicago, spent Sun­ d a y a t J . J . J o h n s t o n e ' s . ' : ' J " Arthur Eisenmenger has his wheel to Willie Schwalger. Richard Steele attended to business matters in Chicago Saturday. Mr. Wood, of Chicago, spent a few days at Silver Lake summer resort. Fred Bryant, wife and family ate ice­ cream, Sunday, at C. P. Huffman's. John Qibbs, of McHenry, was at Evergreen Farm Friday on business. Master Dell Shepard, of Chicago, is visiting his grandma, Mrs. A. Hunter. Ella Robinson, of Barreville, spent Sunday at Mr. Huffman's, or"Hilly- vale. " Eddie Buchler, of Crystal Lake, is jnjoying life oh the farm at Strawberry Lane. Arthur Surfleet is now.assisting with arm duties at Andrew Hunter's at •ttlver Lak|. Some of our people spent the Fourth n Nunda, others in Cary and the rest stayed at home. Warren Roberts and Andy Hender­ son, of Nunda, fished in Silver Lake Saturday night. John Hunter and daughter, of Jarreville, were callers In this vicinity ant week Thursday. W. L. Campbell, at Holcombville, mtertained Mrs. Bat»cock and the for­ mer's mother Saturday. Jennie Babcock accompanied her grandma Sunday to Elknorn, Wis., where she will visit several weeks™" ~ • Hollie Shales rode his "bike" from Elgin Sunday for a weeks' visit with his cousins, Herbert and Earl Huffman. Paul Reiger and Miss Phannenstill, of Oris wold Lake, were present at the "Rose Cottage ' dance Thursday even­ ing. A large black bass, .weighing six pounds was caught last week, Tuetday night in Silver Lake by Mr. Eggler, of Dundee. Last week Thursday night a dance was given at John Haskin's and was well attended. Reed's orchestra, of McHenry, was secured for the occasion. -Mrs. Frank Gibbs «nd- sons, -Walter and George, of River View, and Mrs. B. K. Sparawk, of Munshawville, visited at the home of Mrs. A. V. Adriance on * Saturday. Master Robert and Maggie Wallace accompanied Mr. Warner from Chicago Sunday morning. They will spend their vacation with their grandmother, Mrs. M. Johnstone, at "Evergreen Villa." Ebenezer Knapp and wife, of Marengo, Bert Thompson and wife, of Pleasant Valley, and Charles Babcock's family, also his mother, Mrs. L. Babcock, of Elkhorn, Wis., attended the Babcock reunion last week Thursday at Crystal Lake. It is rumored tnat John E. Warner, of Chicago, a former resident of Prairie Grove, is married. Numerous friends and THE PLAINDEALER wish the young couple much joy and prosperity on their journey through life. On Friday, July 7, the funeral of Prairie Grove items will be held from Evergreen Farm, the home of the corres­ pondent, E. K. McWhorter. By the above we mean that our items will cease with today's (Friday) issue as the correspondent is compelled to give up this business on account of the busy season drawing nigh. Miss Emma K. McWhorter wheeled to Dundee early on Sunday and attended Communion service and Sunday school in St. James' Protestant Episcopal church. She was the guest of Dr. E. F. Cleveland. A brief visit was made in the afternoon at G. F. Arderson's in Carpentersville, and' as it rained heavily in both villages the fair bicyclist was obliged to return to Nunaa by tain. METHODIST^ EPISCOPAL Rev. W. L., Whipple Pastor Preaching Sunday 10:30 A. M. Sunday- School, 12 12 N. Dr. A. E. Auringer... Superintendent Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 P. M. Ladies' Aid Society meet each alternate week. Mrs. Dr. Auringer, President, Miss . Cora Wilson, Secretary. A Cordial invitation i s extended to all. ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC (GERMAN.) Services will be held on Sunday as follows: High Mass at 10 o'clock a. m. Vespers at 3 o'clock p. m. REV. FATHER KIRSCH, Pastor. ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC. Regular Sunday services at 9:30 o'clock a. m. and 12 o'clock every third Sunday. REV. FATHER O'NEIL, Pastor. ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC (GERMAN.) St. John's Catholic Church, Johnsburg have services on Sunday as follows: High Mass at 10 o'clock a. m. and Vespers at 3 o'clock p. m. Rev. FATHER MSHRING, Pastor. O. A N. W. ft. ft. TIMS TABLE. OOIKO NOHTH I * Williams Bay Paw. 10:00 • x --o Vv t " " " 11:10 A. M--O «. . Freight ....11:80 a M --o take Oeoeva Pi Pass KsXprese.... 8:00 r M -w 4:45 p M ~w 4:5ft p. M-- o 6:51 p. it --o fc'Effe OOIKO SOUTH. I Lake Geneva Pass. & «< 4. Paw I."- ' , w. '< • u ' • « • 1 w' M • n >( Freight. 7:82 A M.- 8:83 A M 8:18 v M --O 6:15 P: M --W 7:08 p m --w 7:24 P M - 8:18 p M --G $ Daily. 'Daily except Sunday. fSun- day only, s ffete tsmifi wili ran onlv ' from Jooe 25 to September 8, 1899. G Galeoa Division, w Wto. Divjaloo. ?K>v Aii The New Wrinkles And Most Modern Ideas \ are embodied in the lines on our counters today. To convince you of the fact, we invite your attendance at our store at your early pleasure. To get your busi­ ness we'll name you figures that'll prove irresistable To Wear Well 5 To Sell Well H O E S ~ - x-.-i Nut Fit Welt Nist Weir Well n. J. WALSH, ;,<• West McHenry, 111. r i • «! 't it be a eaiital Met if road gravelers* wages wife raised a trifle more, so as to them to screen gravel before dumping it on the streets? No wonder our lady cyclists are dis­ gusted with the poor condition of our bonlevardsi Indeed! When ever an opportunity presents itself they remove stones from wheel . tracks. Shortly after numbers of teams pass along and large stones from oeBfter of roads are again shoveled into th^ cleared tracks. When the ftkir cyclists return the result is that sometimes they dodge the huge stones alright or if not they and the wheels are sent flying into ditches. ftlDOBriBLD. Cht& ICeeler was in NundaJSilsi^y. Will Pisk, of Nunda, was here Sunday. Mrs. Sue Thayer was in Nunda Mon­ day. J. Doyle and wife were at Nunda Fri­ day. - Rev. J. \ Wood wai in Chicago Mon­ day. "" r. J. E. Robinson was in Nunda Mon­ day /•', £ --. . - • . 1. 0. Olson te visiting ' at South Bend, Indiana. James Westerman wte in Woodstock Saturday. ^ ; W. Fanter was in Chficago Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Thajper were in Nun­ da Friday.,:- Y • , Y • ' Fred Hartman and wife weire 'in Chi­ cago recently. Miss Ethel King, of Woodstock, was here Saturday. , Mrs. Keeler and son^ Martin, were in Nunda Friday. Miss Rosenthall is visiting at Pal­ atine this week. Mrs. J. B. Lynch was in Harvard the first of the week. Miss Myrtle Robinson is the proud ow ner of new bike. Miss Edith Kald, of Crystal Lake, spent Sunday at home. Miss Lola Lynch visited at Geo. Whiston's at Terra Cotta. Mrs. Quin and children of Chicago are visiting at Mr. Gallagher's. ,-- Mrs. Clara Lafore and Mrs. Emily Hall were in Nunda Friday. G. K. Bunker, of Woodstock, was here on business last Thursday. Mrs. Edith Castle and daughter, of Austin, are here for the summer. Miss Rose Bard£n, of Chicago, is spend­ ing a few days with relatives here. 1. E. Mason shipped a carload of fine cattle to Chicago the first of the week. Mr. Castle, of Austin, came out Mon­ day to spend the Fourth at Mr. Davis'. Mr. Philips, of Slocmn's Lake, visited his daughter, Mrs. Ella Parks, here Fri­ day. " J, Carrol and bride, of Chicago, visit­ ed R. H. Conant's last Sunday and Mon­ day. Misses Lilly and P^arl Whiston, of Terra Cotta, visited at J. B. Lynch's Sunday. E. Merchant and sister, Mrs. Noble, of Woodstock, visited at J. B. Lynch's Sunday. Mrs. Mamie Jackman, of Woodstock, visited at W. H. Munroe's the first of the week. Mrs. Tackman and children, of Cincin nati, Ohio, are visiting her sister, Mrs. Alta Keeler. D. Smith, who has been visiting in Lake county for some time, returned home last week. ^ Prof. Thayer and daughter, Mamie, visited relatives at Hebron Sat­ urday and Sunday .' Orspn Wood, who attended school at Chicago during the winter, is home spending his vacation. Mrs. W. H. Munroe'is caring for her daughter, Mrs. Cecil Jayne, who is quite sick at Algonquin. We forgot to mention last week that Mr. Dufield has a new partner to assist him in the blacksmith shop. Mr. and Mrs. Hazeltine, of Elgin, visited with the latter's sister, Mrs. Alta Keeler Sunday and Monday. Delmer Dufield, accompanied by Miss Lizzie James, of Elgin, visited at R. L. Dufield's Sunday and Monday. Miss Blanch Philips returned to her home at Slocum's Lake Friday after a Parks. The committee meeting of the Y. P. S. C. E. was held in the church parlors Thursday. The prograift was very good* But most of all we must not forget'that the ice cream and cake touched the right spot. Miss Lizzie Forney gave a picnic for her Sunday-School class, Saturday, at which we played croquet and many in­ teresting games. A pleasant time was had, and all returned to their homes at an early hour. Among those outside the class who spent the day with us were Misses Florence Munroe, Blanche Lynch, Mabel Reed, a%d Lily and Pearl Whiston. An Epidemic of t>iarrho«a Mr. A. Sanders, writing from Coco­ nut Grove, Fla., says there has been quite an epidemic of diarrhoea there. He had a severe attack and was cured by four doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He says he also recommended it to others and they say it is the best medicine they ever used. For sale t»y J- A. Story. Druggist. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tke Kind Yti Han Always Bought Bears the Signatnre of1 Bowman, ' woowtodit. Mrs. S. C. Hall spent the Fourth in RockfoCrd. ' Miss Jennie McElroy is visiting rela­ tives in Chicago. W. H. Young entertained his brother, Dell, of Elgin, over Sunday. Mrs. Gardner Burbank is entertaining her sister, Mrs. Soper, of California. Frederick Bird, of Chicago, spent Sunday with his father, E. R. Bird. The Baptist Sunday-School held their annual picnic, Wednesday at McHenry. Harry Booth and wife, of Chicago, celebrated tho Fourth with relatives here. Misses Florence and Mabel of Harvard, are' guests of 1 Renicb. Mrs. Clara Allen returned from Chi­ cago Saturday after an absence of sev­ eral weeks. Loren Copeland departed for Canada Saturday to enjoy his vacation with re­ latives and friends, Ed. Kemerling, wife and two little sons, of Elgin, spent the Fourth with relatives and friends in town. The employes of the Oliver Type Writer factory, nearly 300, qnjoyed a vacation this week until Thursday morning. " , ' The ice-cream sociable last Friday evening on J. Quinlan 's lawn, under the auspices of the Catholic church, was largely attended and a decided success. Rev. S. C. Hay will take a vacation and much needed rest during this month. He will enjoy most of his* va­ cation at his pretty home on Queen Anne street. Preserves (-.fruits, jellies, pickles or cataup ar« i more easily, more quickly, mora healthfully aealed with R*fln«d Paraffin* wax than by any other method. Doxena of other oaeawillb* ' '"Refined Paraffins Wax In every household. It la clean, taatelesa and odorleas--air, water and acid proof. Oet a pound cake of It with A list of ita many OM from your druntat or grocer. Sola everywhere. Made by STANDARD OIL CO. Is there Anything More Attractive in the Home than a t 9 We Rather Think Not! Our Store is headquarters for musical instruments and we always have on hand a full stock of Pianos, Organs, Violins, Guitars, Mando­ lins, Banjos, Graphaphones, and if we have not what you want we can get it for yon on short notice. Wwt rtcHcnry, III - MILO HOWE. FLY We have thorn in great variety and at prices to Buit all horse owners. Now is the time to buy them while thcre ia a large assortment to eelect from. A Complete Stock of summer gpods for the Horse. WM. MERZ, MeHsnry, III. Removal!- It is with pleasure that announce to the public that my stock of Goods has been moved into more commodi­ ous quarters, in the Perkins building, three doors south of my former place of busi ness. I will now carry the cleanest, up-to-date Jewelry, Silver and Platedware stock in McHenry. Diamonds and Precious Stones. . It will be to your interest to look at our stock before placing your order for any- thiug in this line. We have a large assort­ ment of Silver Novelties. Bepair Work JOSffH SOlKEHXt, 'kwi | N. J. JUSTEN, IN a*"-: Kinds Furniture ••••••• Undertaking a Specialty. Also Licensed Embalmer. carry as large a of all kinds of goods iii our line, if not larger than any house in the county at prices to suit all. So when in need of anything in the furniture line call and get our before buy^ag elsewhere. It I. JUSTEN, N«. 38 % e s the name "FARMERS' STORE" is well and favorably known in McHenry and vicinity, and honest dealing has caused this popularity. We make no false statements when ad­ vertising and the shrewd buyers have learned to put confidence in our business methods Our stock of can not be excelled.... Always bear in mind that we sell Up-to-date Dry Goods at prices that are to please. The goods will speak for themselves. A. P. BAEIT, McHenry, III. TtlM>hoBcNo.a>61 Me is no Doubting | The Quality of Goods' Purchased Here» ; J Our business methods have been , ^ weighed in the balance and are never x found wanting, hence the liberal pat­ ronage that has been bestowed upon us. Our stock of Dry Goods and Clothing was never more complete than at present, and we have some except tionally good bargains to show yatt A Glance into our , ̂ -Grocery Department- will convince you that we handle nothing but the best. ^ JOHN J. MILLER, West McHenry, IH. >00000*0Q00QI SPECIAL WON SALE * ̂ • v I,-? • *£•»" ^ . V- V,-'I On all Summer Merchandise to close them out quic Lawns, Percales, Wash Goods, Underwear, Etc. Oxford Shoes, per pair, 75 ̂ • « •« M Si •OO It will pay you to cah. A Car load "BEST ON RECORD" AH For Cash. ? Ladles' Brown " Black WestMcHsiiry,m '* . n,,;; ;* y WAITER C. BVANSON i»eeeeeee»«eeet /A* if.

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