Sit LAW. m Mi DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND 8UKUEON. Ofllce mud * rMiirf^Tir** in jaatmi'ii Block, over the over Telephone No. ». D. EON, use iorme AU prof •!"t"T>fl plStef j ' ft 1. - jf? ?£' £. AtOftlNOm >BON, Ofllce IK the •UoweSfvdoor east of «rt McHenry, 111. Reai- " **-spied by Dr. salts promptly A. 43 SPUR LING, M. D.V. vnrimnMir •umiOMt attention given to DeatMff. Caik pmmptir attended. Office At Residence west of Park Hot*if Wmt MeHeory, Illinois. tglghfvtrtng Will PNnon «M in Nooda Mondlf. j Will , win!" fn Woodstock • f day. Mre. C. M. Keeler was in Nunda Monday. Mm J. k Lynch was fat Harvard Tuesday. Mr. Helming is working at Barrington this freek. Miss Hunt, of Elgin, spent Sunday at IL L. Dufield's. Mrs. F. P. Kroger and children spent: Sunday at Cary. • I Dwight Smith wti in Woodstock on . c< Jas. Westennan was in Woodstock oa busmessTiwedsy. * J. J. Gallagher want to Chicago Sat urday on business. M iss Blanche Lynch wna visiting at Chemung Tuesday. Mr. Wheelock, ofRockfosrd, to visiting 1 < W. A CRI*TY, , . Juat'ce of tha Paaea. FF ' WWBT MCHKNRY, IM* / Special Attention paid to Collections. M Will be in my Office, over Evanson's store, every Httturdajr and Monday until (wther H. C. MEAD, Justice of the Peace and General In surance Agent, including Accident k ' and Life Insurance. *\'V'V WKST MCHKNHY, - - It** . •. .V A. M. CHURCH, IMfatehmakei* and Jawaler No. 126 State street, Chicago. Pclai attention given to repairing FtM hes and Chronometers. ' A fall assortment of goods in his line. Dr. Waltsr G. Me?, DENTIST* WMT MCHBKRT. Woodstock office--Kendall Dental Parlors Will be at McHenry office Mondays and Tuestays, At Woodstock office Wednesdays. Thursdays, Fridays and Saturday*. •XAMINATIONS rnca Office over Besley's Drag Store All Kinds of Modern EBNTISTPtY Executed on Short Notice at Prices Consistent with Good Work. Extracting by the use of Vitrous Oxide Oas or Vitalized Air. F. C. ROSS, D. O. S. Over Owen A Chapell's store. at S, 1. Robinson's. Mr. Reitz, of Chicago, was out look ing for milk the other day. fr Louis_Qft»on ana best girl Were in Woodstock Saturday night J, H. Parks went to Crystal Lake Monday after a load of ice. Frank Thayer and Jas. Pearson were in Nunda Saturday evening. N. J. Garrison and Greenwood and Hebron Sunday. Miss Kilts, of Cary, visited at James Robinson's Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. F. R. Jackson, of Woodstock, called on W. H. Monroe Saturday. Mrs. Humphery, of Hudson, Wis., is -visiting with J. C. Button and family Quite a large party of RidgetieM folks attended Uncle Tom's Cabin at Nunda last week. Mesdames Frank Thayer, Scott Thay- and John Doyle were in Dundeeon busi ness Saturday. E. H. Brewin, of Fort Atkinson, vis ited with his brother-in-law, A. T. Kahl, ie day last week. If yon are in a hurry to go somewhere and want a team that can get there, oaU on J. E. Robinson. J. G. Hartman and wife and Mrs. F. W. Hartman started Monday for a trip through the west, intending to visit Denver Mid other cities. >* Mr.WfMr*. Benj. Nelson, of CM- c*pv.a*e vistingfrienda here th«^»*fc »«r&g the of August the p&- lie library will be closed on Sunday afternoons. Clarenc^ E. Curtis was at McHenry Saturday and enjoyed a visit at the par ental home. The doctors of this city have decided to charge a dollar extra between the hours of 11 p. m. and 6 a. m. Woodstock has a new lodge. It Is called the Modern American Fraternal Order. It starts *** with 90 members, j Dr. W. C. Beeoly is off on a Jaunt through the east Be expects to visit New York, Buffalo and Thousand j Islands. • | Miss Eliaa Donnely will leave Cor i New York City Thursday, *^ere sfce foes to make extensive purchases for • her millinery store, * The Dorr Township Sunday-School C. F. BOLEY, Piopiifltro of Mmj Bnroy, s \ MoHENRY. ILL. Always on Band With <*t~--the Best Boor ---- SOCIETIES. MASONIC. > McHsimv LODGK. No. 158, A. F.and A. M. Regular Communications the second and SANIY, W. II. w.c. o. F. St. t-atrlck'K Court, No. 1ST, Vv. V, the First Saturday and Third ^ evenings of each month, at Forester Hall. Mas. MART COBB, Chief Banger. LORKTTA WALBH, Secretary. ( held a picnic at Ridgefield Saturday, It was a very pleseant event ant on« that was hailed with great joy. The game of base ball between the Woodstock and McHenry teams at Mc Henry Saturday resulted in a victory for the McHenry boys, the score being 1M. Hotel Woodstock is once more open wife were in *° ^ PubUc- landlord Flint is bound to make it a sucess. He is in every sense of the word a thorough gentle man and one who is bound to build up a patronage. # : George Pratt sad Canute Lee have purchased the Flavin blacksmith shop opposite the court house on Jackson street, and have taken possession. This is one of the finest locations in the city for that business^and the firm of Pratt & Lee, both of the members of which are expert blacksmiths and iron-workers, are destined to do large business there Both have many friends in this part of the county, who realise that they al ways do what is right towards their customers. They desire the public to be come familiar with their new location, and solicit your work in their line.-- Sentinel. - 1 PwAi M. W. A. Regular Meetings every Second and Fourth Wednesday evt ' - - ' flail, in Stoffel' H. O. MKAP, Clerk! Wednesday evenlhgs^of each month, at their 18 * C. C. OOL»T, C.O.F. Meet First and Third Sundays trf each month in Forester Hall. ANTON WKBEB, Chief Kanger. JOHN NKISS, Secretery. CHURCHES; UNI VERBALIST. President ...................... .• • .Clerk lorry Treasurer J.Straub, D. D ..Pastor The Willing Worker* (tbe ladies' organiza tton.) Mrs. L. H. Owen..*.. President Mrs. John 1. Story... .--...Vice President Mrs. J. Van Siyke. .y.. Secretary Mrs. W. A. Cristyv........w,.*.-- Treasurer Supt. of Sunday-School.. . F. L. McOmber Assistant W. A. Cristy ar The Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address BGi I Grand Crossing. Preaching Services at 10:30 A. M. aal at 7:80 • ft SS. A cordial invitation to ail. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. ...Pastor Sunday fsrlntendent Itev. W. L. Whipple ^preaching Sunday 10:30 A. M. School, 12 ll a. Dr. A. E. Auringer .......... Supei « Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p Ladies' Aid Society meet each alternate week. Mrs. Dr. Auringer, President, Miss Cora Wilson, Secretary. --"A Cordial invitation i* extended to all. ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC (GERMAN.) rvices will be held (Mi Sunday as follows: h Mass at 10 o'clock a. m. Vespers at p. m. Kiev. FATBSB KIBSCB, Pastor. ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC. Jtegul&r Sunday services at 9:30 o'clock I B. and 13 o'clock every third Sunday. REV. FATHER O'NKIL. Pastor. ; -/ ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC (GERMAN.) It. John's Catholic Church, Johnsburg Sve servleeii on Sunday as follows: High issatlO o'clock a. m. and Vespen at o'clock p. m. REV. FATHKB MEHBIMO, Pastor Your Face on a Button. y SEND YOUR PHOTO and receive postpaid THE LATEST celluloid brooch Medallion. Your photo on same for two cent stamps. This low price for one week to introduce goods. Order Jpttons and one set prrr Hi gold plated frame • • Satisfaction guaranteed, all photos Agents wanted. Knott Photo Co. wAuoom>m. Will Kniggd has returned to his boma in Iowa. Miss Mary Follor is undergoing a siege of measles. Albert Roney was theguestof Ws par ents here the past week. Mrs. Oaks is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Hammond this week. Miss Myrtle Dixon, of JSyangton, is visiting her parents in this place. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh, of McHen ry, took prominent parts in "Queen Esther" entertainment here. W. A. Cristy, of McHenry, took part in the "Queen Esther" entertainment given in this place Saturday evening. In last week Wednesday's base ball game Wauconda came out ahead. SOOTS, 20, The Choir boy? M. E. Robinson, who had charge of the putting on of "Queen Esther" at this place Saturday evening, has gone to Bar rington with the intention of giv ing it there. "Esther, the Beautiful Queen," was given here Saturday evening and was well patronised. The following was the personation: Esther, the Queen,,. Mtas Ada Hick* Ahasuerus. the King W. A. Cristy Hauian, King's Counselor. T.J. Walsh Zeresh, Hainan's wift^,, v...: .Mis. T. J. Walsh Mordercal, the Jew.*v.Rev. D. C. Dutton Mordercai's Sister,.,...^ Mrs. H. Golding Prophetess -Miss Beulah Dixon Hit;h Prlert..Blanck Scribe .$• D. Turner , .......•»»»-»"• • B. K. Prfttt Median Princess. «• ..*fercy Davtin | Persian Princess .i.^^iss Darrell j Captain, King's Cuard*.. ..Bennett; Queen's Maid* Lilah Golding, Villa Dixon , , . . . . . i D e l i a H a m m o n d Zerah s Attendant* .Eyelyn Da vita »^, , n ) ....R. Bennett, O. Hubbard King's Guard s f L Dixon. N. Granger 1 Helen Woodhouse, Olive Drake- King'sPages f Carrle Pratt. Eva j . -v Ba»miiTZLt.m - ^ Mrs. C. Baird was in Nunda Sunday. Mrs. Howell is visiting in Elgin. Miss Ida Smith, of Peoria, is tfcft gueet of W. E. Shepard. Lee Lockwood, of Chicago, spenft Sun day at C. W. Colby 's. Mr. Bremer entertained company from Chicago Sunday. Miss Leander, of Nunda, Is spending a week visiting friends here. Mrs. S. S. Shepard and daughter, Olive, is visiting in Chicago. Willie Hawkins, of Elgin, was a Son- day visitor at Ross Robinson'a E. Hill, accompanied by Miss Libby, of Nunda, were Elgin visitors Sunday. John Powers and Annie Fleming passed through here Sunday evening. Fred Hill and wife, of Marengo, spent part of last week at Leonard Eastman 'a Miss Lissie Harrington, of Liberty- ville, spent Thursday with her friend, Miss Lena Baird. ' , J „ A. Graiitlum nn3 K. among those who attended tba dance at i McHenry last Saturday night Mrs. C. Baird is replacing tjie build-; ings which were destroyed by fire about two months ago. A. Shalea is doing the carpenter work. Mrs. Hunter and children were among those who attended the picnic Saturday. Also W. E. ai\d Miss Ella Shepard, ac companied by Miss Smith, of Peoda, IlL T»4*I WtU maldug headway an observant |Washington Post. 1 notice, by ^probably because »'t make itself •h. |a-a bad ; t&at, as all purely com- 'i'.fiie ginger, benzine, and red-ink jags, for ited with a cali- suramer. Once A man with a properly developed cali&aya jag will walk nine ssUea .IftaBPwA- saopr lonee deep to bita UaaaotMr. Be isatao liable-to pick his «Wa fwcfeifc .tiEa WW club himsdf the headwilll apiece of lead pipe and then hate Ife gt£*dfatlier pinched for assault' sa&d' battoiy. On the following mornlnf he'll feel as if he'd swallowed a seafekin aaeque, just the same as before hitting up Dreyfus Muiks or Oom Paul bur- giea. There's notldag dreamy or poet ic about a eaMsaya jag. A man doesn't have any fu* with one unless he's breaking his pet pmg dog's kg or doing something like that. It's the onrieat jag extant. It's got to be fed every 20 minutes or so, too, or it dies dismally, and a dying caVisaya jag is worse mis ery than being left at the post on a one to eight ahot. You want to pull up tha rose bushes in your back yard and shoot at blrd*s nesta with an airgun. You want to get a rebate on the gas bill that you paid nine years ago, and to swipe the aigrette* out of your wife's bon net. A man when he gets properly started on the right kind of good red liqtmr will want to give away his watch and chain to a cab driver, but will smash his own kid'* kite stfeks when he falls under the evil consequences of a calisaya jag. But they're bucking it, all the aame." BLUTO SPOT 1H EVERY EYE. R* BUMS Beta* la Gtfte* wttfc Vv** feat Tiiin, Mcatisti •ay. Of the many curious facta which ar«; discussed .concerning the eye, what is known as "the blind spot" seems the least understood, says the Philadelphia Record. In the eye itself certain things may go on which give us wrong sensa tions, which, although not truly illu* sions, are very much like them. Thus, when we suddenly strike our heads of" faces against something in the dark, we see "stars" or bright sparks, which we know are not real lights, though they are quite as bright and sparkling aa if they were. When we close one eye and look straight ahead at some word or letter in the middle of this page, for example, we seem to see not only the thing we are looking at, but everything else immediately about it, and tor a long way on each side. But the truth is, there is a large round spot, Somewhere near the point at which we are looking, in which we see nothing. Curiously enough, the existence of this blind spot was not discovered by acci dent, and nobody ever suspected it un til Mariotte reasoned from. the con struction of the eyeball that it must exist and proceeded to find it. U smm This Bank teeeives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do mestic Exchange, and does a swan tmm business. We endeavor to do all busi ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire ly satisfactory to our custom ers and sespectfully solicit the public patronage.. ............ Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class se curity. Spec- ial attention and promptly at-given to collections, tended to.... 3§!- : AlOONftimr r- - I Leon Helm was in Dundee on Friday. Miss Gannan spent Sunday at Elgin. Mrs. White appears to be slowly on the gain. Anna Nightman is worldng at file Morton House. Mertie Bennie, of Chicago, Is visi &ng at E. A. Todd's. Scott Morton, of Woodstock, is visit ing relatives here. Libbie Mcintosh is spending her vaca tion at River View. » Vera Haeger spent Thursday with relatives in Dundee. Mertie Hart, of Woodstock IS *islt- fitig her parents here. Anna Haeger spent Sunday at Cary with Miss Tena Arps. T. C. McKay, of Chicago, spent Sun day with her parents here. Mrs. Heiming entertained company from the city over Sunday. Miaa Marioif Pierce, of Chicago, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Mathews. Alta Haeger spent the latter part of the week with relatives at Spring Lake. The Woodstock base ball team de feated the Algonqnins at this plaoeon Sunday, the score being 3 to 0. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McKay's six- month&old son died in Chicago on Tnnjiay. The burial /Kiolt plaos on A Tall Rat Starr* The London Field tells this story: A rat was caught alive on board a British . naval vessel in a trap, and the beast was thrown from the trap into the water without being killed. A large gull that was following in the wake of the ship to pick up scraps of food thrown over board by the steward swooped down several time*, endeavoring to pick the rat up. Once the bird got too close to the rat's jaws, and the beast grabbed it by the neck. After a short fight the rat succeeded in killing the bird. When the gull was dead the rat scrambled upon the bird's body. and. hoisting one wing as a sail and using the other as a rudder, succeeded in steering for the shore. Whether the rat reached shore or not is the question, since the ship soon got out of sight of the skipper and its craft. TOLLS PAID IN HORSESHOES •arrival mt a Carta** OM Ca«t«a* . SpJMtaa a Remarkable J3«|» ̂ leatlaa la iteclaa*. 7 Oie of the most curious survival* (sit the custom of paying tolls exists at Oakham castle, in Rutlandshire. From very ancient times whenever a peer of the realm rides by the place he is re quired by the constable of the castle to contribute a horseshoe in lieu of a line. These are then hung upon the walls of a room in the cnstle, i# thought to have been formerly used as a chapel. The custom still obtains, though nowadays noblemen who pass through the town generally contribute shoes of some precious metal, richly decorated and bearing their coat-of- arms. Quite lately the earl of Onslow forwarded to J. E. Whitehouse, the con stable of Oakham castle, a new horse* •hoe, richly decorated, bearing the inj» acription: "William Hillier, Fourth Earl of Onslow." Another nobleman who was driving a> tendem through the town a short time ago was called upon for the customary When it arrived it was found t INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low est rates. Yours Respectfully, PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. ' Bankers. m Is there Anything More Attractive in the Home . than a 1 3f >.'1 _ We Rather Think Not! « ; ; Our Store is 4 ' headquarters for ,, Tfftutttcal instrum and we always have on hand a full stock of Pianos, Organs. Violins, Guitars, Mand line, Banjos, G-raphaphones, and if we have not what you want we can get it for you on short notice. WMtncHw.Mll> MIL© HOWE. Removal! It is with pleasure that I announce to the public that my stock of Goods has been moved into more commodi ous quarters, in the Perkins building, three doors south of my former place of busi ness. I will now carry the cleanest, up-to-date Jewelry, Silver and Platedware stock in McHenry.. d t p be of pure gold and beautifully chased. It is now one of the most interesting ob^ jects in the collection. BAPTIZED IN A BATHTUB. % Diamonds V'; Precious Stones. |t will be to your interest to look at our stock before placing your order fpr any thing in this line, ? • We have a large assort ment of Silver Novelties. IS?*IM Wm*a Aailou to Otacm the Or41*uaci of tk* ^ Cfcaretu' ; ' tepair Work iSpftialty targlnl Operations oat tkc Btwataek. In a recent lecture Dr. Stendel, of Heidelberg, gave an account of a series of 290 operations on the stomach per formed by Prof. Czerny during the last eight years. The average death rate was 24.8 peiibent. In the first year It was 45 per cent., but decereased to IS per cent, in the last year. rallecM* Barred (row Utor, A Maryland law prohibits Baltimore policemen from doing mechanical work for the department Or for hire. Ilk West side woman who is an ia- valid has become a church member aft er being baptised is •> bathtub, At tbe unpretentious home of the sick woman the neighbors gathered to witness the simple service that marked the con- ( secration of a life to the cause of Chris* tianity. Denied the privilege of going •R* a LIAIICA nf WAFEVTIN ronenn A# Kai* WHO TO |<§ Women as well as n en are nade miserable by kidney ai d bladder di a mac trouble. Dr. Kilmer's K>l*AiVlt3. Swamp-Root the great kidney remedy promptly cures. At druggists in fifty cents and dollar sises. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, alsopamrhlet tell ng all about i<. Address, Dr. Mil ner A Co, Binghamton, N. Y. CASTOR IA For Infiutts and ChlMrtn. Ill KM Yh Im Mn|l latfrt to a house of worship by reason of her affliction, the good woman asked that the rites of bapti&m be administered to. her in her own home, says the Chicago Chronicle. The family bathtub was brought from the rear of the house and placed In the room frbere the sick womaa lay upon ber bed. It was then filled with water and the preacher began tha. service. Leaving her bed, the sick woman, unassisted, walked across the room to where he stood. The face, though showing the signs of illness, was lighted up with smiles that seemed to show the consciousness of doing what she believed was right. The preacher then said the baptismal words and she was gently put beneath tha water. A Card o' Thank* , .f #e I wish to say that I feel under obligations for what OtoamberI»*"n,s ik>ogb Remedy has done for oar family. We have need it ia si many cases of coughs, lung troubles and whooping cough, and it has always given tbe most perlnst satfc-faetion, we feel greatly in debted to tbe manufacturers of this mn- edv a«d «i»h them to pleas* accept our t*j tfcaake.-ReepectfoUy, Mas. S. W^Oes Moiaes, Iowa. For sale by J. Druggist. JOSEPH-SOI ItEIDBt, - Mdieify, a BARBIAN BROS. Makers of Fine Ciga< s> Mil i i Our Monogram" v..-,, IO cent Cigar . Them Our Leading 5c Brands; ; | "Olivette" "BarWan "Sliver" - "Bee Hive" y "Emil.e King" MAKtJFACTtJBBB OF> Marble and Branita Monomeits, 430 Franklin St. Bears the Signature of Advertise is Tw Puimhuiab: Ssa MJ&fs5 i . » . X . msmms Ail Kinds of Cemete y Work at the Lc west Prices Foreign A Americafi Granite a Specialty. llcHENRY,. ILLINOIS. •*y , Kinds of i •eaea* Undertaking a Specialty, Also Licensed Embalmeri 7' imii carry as large a stock kinds of goods in our line, if not larger than any kouse in the county at prices to suit all. So when in need of anything in the furniture line call and get our prices before buying elsewhere. m mm, Ml A WC9 WmmJf f .1 Fruitl Fruit! Fruitt His ii tie SHS* to it! 4 The FARMERS' STORE will hereafter handle I |ull line of fruits of all kinds. Send ia yoiul orders for auiything in season and if the fpttj ou wish is in the market the order ip^ll ̂ hf plied to your satisfaction. BERRIES; Blackberries, Black Raspberries, Red Raspberries, Qooseberricf. CALIFORNIA FRUIT: i Plums, - Peaches, - Fancy Bananas, Watermelons, Lemons. Bermuda Onions and New Potatoes oil 1 j ̂ Apricots M; P* BABRt Hctfeiiry, 'MM _ M w dfiy tk CtoWot Stack Mdtary It is Nothing New, \ But it True WIM le Naadof aay *" '<? ,s , - „ '•4., r 1 *•">; - V - • > An Inspection We at* offering Special Prices on Ladies' Ox fords. It wiil pay you to investigate this sale. r-i ;Our Hot Weather UnderwauP :IJ' , * 4^Fits them all ' X ̂ _ ; ' ' •* I Flour and Pure Groceries* Fly Nets and Duster% AM' h 'V*; ^ kYi - < Yawrs for: Trade, West McHenry, BL JOHN J. ; 1mm * pecial Reduction Sa For the next 30 days w ̂ wtil illiake special reductions on all kinds of Summer goods and will offer many rare bargains in order to make room for fall purchases. !; A' ^ shoe stock is full of real bargains in Tans, r Chocolates and Blacks--Kid and Cloth tops new shapes. ̂ Special Sale on ; ; . / » * Saturday and Monday. We will offer our entire stock of slippers and Ox- , ̂ lords and all broken lots at actus ̂ We have all tbe newest Styles f la Necktie, Collars, Cuffs, and Fancy ; Shirts la Silk, Madras aad Percale Frosti* Pants, Working Shirts, Etc grades and colors, from 25c up, ; pure Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Etc. attowest prices. Fancy and Seal of Minnesota Flour. O--e* Pell > we* $ n. J. WALSH, - w. W ^ OITIZKNS* TSLSPHONK NO. SO ^ '?'i£ ••• s V ^ if ' + '. 'J >v ' : »•; ' v & if'* , f f ,4;? A- McHenry, I