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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Aug 1899, p. 5

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'ft HI ir- Igji^ttigtran . SHEPARD. »ulte J%l» Clwk . CWFE«GO, III, YIDG. M.D ON. Office Mid lock, over the Telephone No.2. AND enrjr t*. WE«8, M. D. r*Sfi» SURGEON, • at Residence. McHearf, A. E. A I! RINGER. DSUBGEON, Office in the i bnltdlng, one door east of W«SM«Menry, 111. RhsI- iertjr oocwpieti by Dr. OB ' il cuts - All professional promptly &t~ A. C 8PURLING, M. D. V* VSTFTRINAHV SURUM. cl&J attention given to Dvaikttry. Calk promptly attended. rat Restdeme wmt of Pttrfi JiaM Wm MtHenry, moots. u >H * W. A CHUTY, ^ r* 4u«Vc» of th« Peacoi * r \ • Wssf MCHknwy, III. ky 8ped|j|l Attention paid to Collections. Will beta my office, over EVinson's •very Hatarday and Monday until ft NetahhcHiiHi New* 9HHhere«l. of Representative®. : Corp* •• notice. H. C. MEAD, Justice of the Peace. and General In- t surance Agent, including Accident * and Life Insurance. - • ! W*8T MCHKNBY, - - y»#"n;i)iii(i|i ?. j.. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jewel** • No. 126 State street, Chicago. -^Special attention given to repairing Fine Watchect and Chronometers. |W A full assortment of goods in his line. Dr. Walter C.Besley, Office over Besley's Drag Store fc- Mi DENTIST. WEST MCHENRY. Woodstock office--Kendall Dental Parlors -Will be at McHenry office Mondays and Tuestays. At Woodstock office Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. , •XAMINATION8 PRBB ^ I / A All-Kinds of Modern XDEKITISTRY r Executed on Short Notice at Prices Consistent with Good Work. Extracting toy the use of Nitrons Oxid Gas ; 1 or Vitalized Air. F. C. ROSS, D. D. S. Over Owen As Chapelt's store. C. F. BOLEY, • Proprietor of Mmy Brawfeiy, McHENRY, ILL, -. Always on Hand With ' 1 the Best Bmr JH®, 3&* ©OCIKTIK8, .'.v;-. MASONIC. 7-:,v McFhnrarr LODGE, NO. 158, A. F.atid A. M- Re?uiar Communications the second and >ik>urth Mondays in each month. 7 GEO. II. HANLY, W. M. W. C.O. F. . 8t. Patrick's Court, No. 187, W. C. O. F.,meet line First Saturday and Third Wednesday 'evenings of each month, at Forester Hall. MRS. MABY COBB, Chief Ranger. LOKETTA WALSH, Secretary. M. W. A. Regular Meetings every Second and Fourth . Wednesday evenings of each month, at their llall, in Stoffei's Block. H. C. MEAU, Clerk. O. C. COLBY, Consul. &K; C.O.F. ' Meet First and Third Sundays of each ; month in Forester Hall. -, ' ANTON WEBER, Chief Ranger. ,";4 , JOHN NBISS, Secretary. C. O. F. St. Patrick Court No. 748, C. O. F. Meetings feeld the Second and Fourth Monday evenings Of each month in Forester Hall. J. M. Phalen, C. B. 5: G. E. Walsh, R. 8. CHURCHES. UNIVER8ALIST. ; j *. J. Walsh President v«. O. Mead ...Clerk .Junes B. Herry .Treasurer Bev. J. Straub, D. D. Pastor .The Willing Workers (the ladies' organiza­ tion.) . H. Owen... President Irs, John f, htory.-......... Vice President •&vvLan w/k« •. ^". •.... Secretary Mrs. W. A. Cristy .Treasurer gupt. of Sunday-School...:....F. L. McOmber Assistant W. A. Cristy 0T The Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address is Grand Crossing. ' ' ^Preaching Services at 10:30 A. M. and at 7:30 '1fc M. A cordial invitation to all. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Sev. W. L. Whipple Pastor^s Preaching Sunday 19:30 a. K. Sunday- gchool. 12 12 m. : JJr. A. E. AsrinncF 3uireriiii«uutni •*;; Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Ladies' Ala Society meet each alternate eek. Mrs. Dr. Auringer, President, Miss Wilson, Secretary. A Cordial invitation Is extended to alL - ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC (GERMAN.) • Services will be held on Sunday as follows f lgh Mass at 10 o'clock a. ni. Vespers at 3 cloc" lock p. m. REV. FATHER KIBSCH, Pastor. ff-r •> , ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC. Begular Sunday services at 9:30 o'clock a. m. and 12 o'clock every third Sunday. KKV. FATHER O'NEIL, Pastor. ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC (GERMAN.) St. John's Catholic Church, Johnsburg have services on Sunday as follows: High Mass at 10 o'clock a. m. and Vespers at 3 fclook p. m. REV. FATHER MKHBISG, Pastor. ¥S* : wl. H. MILLER, MANCFACTUKBH OP Ibrlils and Branite, Homimeiits, . " All kinds of Cemetery work at the •..-lowest prices. For* igu & American 5 anitespeciftlty. McHenry^ III. - V iOHNSBVKQ. R«T. H. Mehring went^lii^liariKs^p#1 Joh&P. Lay was a bosinem caller in Chicajjo Wednesday. Jacob Meyers and *m, Henry, diwe to Woodstock Tuesday. A. Beeee, of Lake Villa, i ness caller here Monday. Phil. Freiler, from Elgin, transacted business here Saturday of last week. Miss Anna Bngner is visiting with relatives in Chicago this week. Stephen Engels and Math. Rowen, from Solon, were visitors here Sunday. Mrs. John and Math. Neisen and Peter Wagner and wife visited with Geo. Nell and family. Jos. F. tk'bmitt left for Chicago Tues­ day. William Brnoe, from Solon is tending his blacksmith shop during his absence. The German Medicine Co., are giv­ ing nightly entertainments here and are meeting with success. They are giving a good show. - John Meyers had the misfortune to break his collar bone last week but is getting aloug nicely at present under the treatment of Dr. Nye of this TOM). A. 3. Raymond drove to Chicago Sun­ day. Willie Moore spent Sunday with parents here. $ Miss Fannie Sex too is visiting her grandmother in Elgin. Miss Sadie Raymond, of Elgin, is visiting relatives hers, Mr. Allen, of Vermont, is visiting his daughter Mrs. C. G. Hutson. C. G. Hutson and family attended church at Waconda Sunday. Mrs. Baldwin and Elsie returned to their home in Chicago Saturday. Mrs. A. Potter came out from Chica­ go, to spend a short time in Volo. Mrs. F. Sexton had the misfortune to run a nail through her foot Tuesday. Will Leonard will clerk in El Richard­ son's store in the place of George Wegener. Lawrence Miller who has been work­ ing in Minnesota this summer is visit­ ing his mother here. Mrs. Sylvester Wagner ami sister-in- law Miss Kate,, of Fremont, visited at C. Sable's one day last week. Miss Anna Campton returned to El­ gin Monday after a visit of about three months with her sister, Mrs. J. Kirwin. WOODSTOCK. "iCr. and Mrs. Wellner spent Sunday atCrystal Lake. -J E. C. Anderson, of Chicago, is enjoy­ ing his vacation at home. Miss Adeale Medlar is entertaining, Miss Alice Wyant of Harvard, Miss Belle Hart entertained Miss Carrie Lee, of Seneca, Sunday. Fay Duffield, of Chicago, is assisting In the Democrat office this week, Mrs. Wm. Nottingham and Miss Ethel were Chicago visitors, Friday. G. Tracy Bunker came home from Madison University to attend the Fair. Miss Florence Boone is entertaining, Miss Lily Sweet of Dundee, during the Fair. Ben Edmunds visited relatives in Chicago Saturday afternoon and Sunday. The M. E. Mid Baptist societies will both serve meals and lunches on the Fairgrounds. Miss Cora Fillmore, of Richmond, has been a guest of Mrs. E. E. Thomas the past week. Rev. C. C. Markham of the Baptist church preached a very impressive ser­ mon Sunday evening. * Miss Mary Spooney attended the Epworth Camp-meeting from WjBdnes- d iy till its close Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Anderson, of Har­ vard, were guests at their mothers' home, Saturday evening and Sunday. Messrs. L. Nogle, A. Lascelle, and Misses Mary Lee and Mae Gibbons were at Epworth Grove Camp-meeting, Sunday. Mrs. R. Forrest and Mrs. Fulker while driving out recently, were sud­ denly thrown to the ground, the car­ riage giving away. The ladies suffered a few bruises. At the business meeting of the W. C. T. U. on Friday, their faithful officers were re-elected: Pres. Mrs. G. Burbank; Vice Pres, Miss E. J. Norton; Secratary, Piss Adda Taylor; Treasurer, Mrs. j. C. St. Clair. A bus load, namely, Mesdames. Nogle, Racers, and Fairchilds, Messrs. Nogle. Gibbons, Anderson, Carlson and Las­ celle and the Misses, Mary, Anna and Bessie Anderson, Belle Heringson, Lily Lawrence, Effie Gabrion, Mary Lee, Corneli • and Ada Taylor attended the Salvation Army tent meeting at Har­ vard Wednesday evening. in was KWOKrasu). Floyd Morse was in Chicago recently. A. F Davis was in Chicago Wednes­ day. Ifiss Katie O'Flaherty, of Chicago Is tore. Rev. J. A. Wood was in Chicago Sat­ urday. Henry Thayer, of Chicago, is yisiting his parents. Miss Myrtle Robinson was in Nuhda last Wednesday, Mrs. Mamie Jackmaa, of Woodstock, was here Monday. Miss Mabel Hunt, of Elgin* is visiting with relatives here. Ray Still and sister; Lain, wire i in Chicago Wednesday. * Miss Bessie Still visited Ring wood last week. Earl Skinner, of Gi«ei&wooi| visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Alta Keeler and son Marvin were in Chicago Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hartman are visit­ ing relatives at Woodstock. Lewis Gibson and Bertha were in Woodstock Monday. Mrs. Warhurst, of Lake Geneva, in town on buisness Monday. Mrs. Brewin, of Atkinson, Wis., vis­ ited at Mr. H. F. Kahls Monday. Nearly fifty from here attended the M. W. A. picnic at Nunda Friday. Miss Bessie Reed, of Elgin, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Reed. Mr. and Mrs. John Whiston, Terra Cotta, visited their son Frank, Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Cecil Jayne and daughter return­ ed to their home Monday after a two tfionths visit herd. Mrs. H. F. Kahl and daughter Elsie returned Monday from a six weeks visit with relatives and friends at Atkinson, Wis. . WAUCONDA. Elmer Duers is visiting relatives in Nunda. Miss Lucy Sowles Went to Waukegan Monday. Miss Lucy Spender went to Chicago Thursday. Mrs. Plumstead is siek at the holaie of B. K. Duers. Mrs. Young and daughter spent Wed­ nesday at Fox Lake. Frank and Earle Harrison spent Sun­ day With their parents here. Rev. and Mrs. Eaton returned to their home in Nebraska Wednesday. John Spancar ani daughter, May, were Chicago visitors Sunday. Miss Rosina Reynolds spent Sunday with her frtand, Irene Golding. Mrs. Walls returned to Chicago Tues­ day, accompanied by Mrs. Spencer. A number of Wauconda people joined the excursion to Devil's Lake Thursday. The Wauconda «*amp, M. W. A., will hold a picnic at Ford's grove, Sept. 7. Jenks & Cooke, who own the cider mill on the Oaks' farm, have begun to make cider. Henry Harris, Henry Davis and Mrs. Ham returned from their trip to the east Tuesday. Charles VanNatta had the misfortune to loose a horse. The horse became cast in the stable and died from injnriea A large number of our people went to Waukegan to attend the unveiling of the Soldier's Mid Sailor's Monument, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Burritt attended the wedding of their granddaughter, Miss Nellie Lines to Frank Robinson, at Barrington Wednesday. The social held on the school grounds last Saturday evening was well attended. About $18 was taken. After expenses are paid the remainder wilt he put into the organ fund. Last Tuesday four more of our young men went to Chicago and enlisted in the 37th regiment, U. S. volunteer, for service in Philippines. They are, Nor­ man Granger, Oscar Fleming, Wm. Hodge and Paul. Reiger. A Mother Tells How She 8*ve4 M*r Llttl* Daughter's Life. I am the mother of eight children and have had a great deal of experience with medicines. Last summer my little daughter had the dysentery in the worst form. We thought she would die. I tried everything I could think of, but nothing seemed to do her any good. I saw by an advertisement in our paper that Chamberlin's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was highly recom­ mended and sent and got a bottle at once. It proved to be one of the very best medicines we ever had in the house. It saved my little daughter's life. I am anxious for every mother to know what an excellent medicine it is. Had I known it at first it would have saved me a great deal of anxiety and my little daughter much suffering.--Yours truly, Mrs. Geo. F. Burdick, Liberty, R- L For sale by Julia A. Story, Druggist, McHenry 111. BhusO* TO ^ The Kind Yn Ibm Always 9«vM BMH the ^ i w MHQ iou <nan Always of Who mm& Where They telRMent* and Society- Meetings--Notoa From the School. ^ j/" - School begins Monday Sept. 4. /- Frank Clark, of Osteod, wis calling on friends Saturday. Mrs. Gaylord, of West McHeary, was in our village Wednesday. Miss F. A. Ingalls, of Elgin, is ing a few days with friends. Mrs. S. Whiting and family, of John­ ston, axe visiting relatives here. • Mrs. W. A. Cristy, and son,'Mc­ Henry, were callers Wednesday Mrs. F. H. Walker, of Lake Geneva, was calling on friends Wednesday, Miss Hilda Kemerling returned from her summer vacation on Thursday. N. E. Fossand wife, of Richmond, attended the festival Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Robbing, of Green­ wood, were visiting relatives here Sun­ day. Mr. wad Mrs. E. S. Bassett, of Ostend, were calling on friends Saturday even­ ing. Benjamin Hutson has moved in the rooms over Pint and Hogen's wagon shop. Charles Sherman and lady friend of West McHenry were calling on friends Sunday. Our well man, G. H. Spaulding, has his hands full looking after the needs at thirsty people. Our millinery store is a thing of the past Mrs. Rich having moved her goods to Elgin. Junes Green and H. J. Watson drove to Elgin Tuesday with two loads of goods for Mrs. Rich. Clyde R. Harrison and daughter, of' River Forest, spent part of last week with Mrs. M. E. Harrison. Mr. Kemerling's people are entertain­ ing Mm Kemerling's father and other relatives, from Hampshire, this week. Mrs. P. W. Clark, of Ostend, and Mrs. L. E. Smith, of New York City, spent Wednesday with Mrs. Allen's people. In the items last week we wtfre made to say Mrs. Ostend accompanied her, it should have read Mrs. P.. S. Martin, of Ostend, accompanied her. The ice cream social at the residence of William Coates on Saturday was a success in every particular. The ice cream was the best we ever tasted. Mr. and Mrs. Kemerling and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Fay returned Thursday last after a ten dpys' outing on their wheels, having visited friends in Chicago, Elgin and Hampshire. J. E. Cristy's people hive been lav­ ing more then their share of sickness the past week, the little folks are very< much improved, but Mrs. Cristy is not gaining as rapidly ae might be wished. BAKKKVILLE. Walter Shepard left last Monday for Peoria. Mrs. Larson moved to latt Thursday. Miss Leander, of Nunda, is visiting Mrs. Stanson. Mrs. C. Wellington visited at 1. Hielies last Friday. . Miss Inga Stanson is visiting Mrs. R. V. Rogers, of Cary. Andrew Henderson, of Nunda, was seen on our streets last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Eastman and Mrs. C Baird and daughter spent Saturday in Merengo. A large number from here attended the Woodman's picnic at Nunda last Friday. * Miss Lidia Buck, of Terra Cottr, called at the home of her sister, Mrs. 1. Matthews, last Friday. Mrs. Ella Shepank left last Tuesday for Chicago where she will spend two weeks visiting friends. Fred Matthews moved his family last Thursday from the Jim Blin house at Birton Bridge to the Hunter Cottage in this village. E. L. Shepard, of Chicago, and XL V. Shepard, of Irving Park, were the guests of their mother. Mrs. S. S, Shepard, last Sunday evening. Mrs. Will Hitchcock, of Silver Lake, and Mrs. Jessie Rolands and children, of Carpentersville, were the guests of Mrs; Edwin Willimington, last Sunday. Mrs. Weaver and daughter, of Bar­ rington, who have been visiting friends srcuim here went to . Menngo where they will visit at the home of Mrs. Weaver's parents, Mr. md Mrs. Coqu­ ette. ' KIDNEY Is a deceptive disease TRAI !Di C thousand have it and 1 KV/UDLC don't know it. If you want quick results you can make no mistake by using Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root. the great kidney remedy. At druggists in fifty cents and dollar sizes. Sample bottle by mail free, also pamph­ let telling you how to find out if you have kidney touble. Address, Dr. Kilmer A Co., Bingham- tonN. Y, Bean the ffigsafcnn of T ***** 3E The Kind You'Haw Always Boi|M --------------•MUM,!------------------------------------f . Buchholz, Suits Pressed, Cleaned «<• Repaired. Suits, (rom $\i up; Puts, from $1 up.w Call and see Saiiiples and get Prices Before Piit* chasing Elsewhere. 'Twill he to your Interest. Ostrander Building, West McHenry, 111. "I figured out years ago," said a prosperous farmer, "that with very moderate drinking, I'd drink an acre of good land every year. So I quit. Here is a temperance lecture, done up fn a small parcel convenient for hand­ ling. He wanted a straw hat for his soil. Ten cents was the price he wanted to pay. The merchant showed him a hat priced at IS cents. "I can-buy a car­ load of them for ten cents each." "You can beat us, "said the metchant as he pitched it back into the box. The MM went out followed by an almost bare­ headed boy wearing a disappointed look. An hour later that same man went to a {dace where dri nk is sold, paid ten cents for an ounce of whiskey and did not "JeW" the bar keeper one cent. The boy still needs a hat.--Sandwich Argus. The Woman's Christian Temperanoe Union of Wheaton has issued a circular and petition to members of t\e Chicago Golf Club asking them to discontinue playing on Sundays and to close their club house. They make the request in behalf of all concerned, and more par­ ticularly in behalf of the "caddies,'f who in the formative period of their lives need the good influence of a day of sacred rest and religious instruction. The petition was endorsed by a vote in meetings of four of our churches, and by the names of 300 citisens. In giving account of a convention of brewers, a New York paper remarks that "never before were so many mill­ ionaires gathered in one hall at one time." And now if we could assemble all the men whose beer-drinking hw made theie colossal fortunes possible, it would be quite as significant and cer­ tainly an uncomfortably suggestive sight, In tha saloons of a single city of a hundred thousand inhabitants, the contributions annually taken for the enrichment of the brewers and their agents are estimated at three and a half million dollars. A young woman was recently asked by a young man to become his wife. He was a bright fellow and was ac­ cepted in general society because of the wealth and official position of his father, but his habits were known to be bad. There were no evasions in her answer. "You tell me," she said, "that I possess qualities that you must have in the woman who is your wife. I cannot say that I have them--but I can speak of habits that I do not have, and that 1 could not accept in a husband who did have them. I do not smoke. I never swear. I do not indulge in wine. I am not in debt. Not -a moment of my nights ate spent with questionable associates, and my days are not given to idleness or to walking the streets with silly, unthinking girls. Most women avoid the indulgences I have mentioned, and do not welcome them in men who ask to become their hus bands. As you have them, or most of them, I am not willing to become your wife, I am sure nothing but wretched ness could follow from such a union.' The answer Was sharp and decisive. It is a pity all girls under the same cir­ cumstances are not as frank Mid sen­ sible. The Cigarette EvlL Suppose a boy has a lot of cigarettes, and smokes a few of them every day. is there any injury in this? I can tell you, for I have had such boys for pa­ tients. Such smoking, even in so-called moderation (as if there wure any such thing as moderation in stimulants for the young!) will do three things for him: 1. It will run his pulse up to 100 or more per minute. I. It will re luce his weight below the healthy standard. 3 It will reduce his strength and gen­ eral vitality, as will appear in his pale complexion and diminished appetite. * * * Cigarette smoking is one of the worst habits physically that a boy can form. It injures the heart and digestion, and it tends to check the growth. It gives a lad false and silly notions, and it does not bring him into good company.-- Harper's Young People. During the civil war, as well as in our late war with Spain, diarrhoea was oue of the most troublesome diseases the army had to contend with. In many in- tsances it became chronic and the old soldiers still suffer from it. Mr. David Taylor, of Wind Ridge, Greene Co., Pa., is one of these. He uses Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and says he never found anything that won id give him such quick relief. It is for sale by Julia A Story, Druggist, McHenry 111. wagon Get a box and learn why It1* tba best gnaie ever put on aa axle. Sold avurjrwhat*. Made by BTANDAKD OKI. CO. BARBIAN BROS. takers of ,l$ne Ctgar||, (t Our Monogram 10 cent Cigar jLeads Them All# Our Leading sc Brands: "Barbian Bras, b) p!j»SMv«r" - "Bee Hive^ "Empire Cuban" m J. JU it* % 'W: V>- ? « V /t ' Undertaking a Specialty. Atmn I Pmlwlnifr 2 . -.I.':- 4-ni •* :*• •r* , si - """" r *H ijlof all kinds of goods in our "?f:line, if not larger than any | house in the county at prices !to suit all. So when in need lof anything in the furniture "'"T'line call and get our prices ,v 9 before buy ing elsewhere. ^, iVWfifi; ; ' ' • . • • j, ' " •„ „y; ^ It J. JUSTffl, West Mdlnry, IIL • / " "15 ' ":0 * '»,% ./ ' $ > ' iis "v%. 't?§ 1 C' w r %--<«»--mhm «**«************** « • < > ' O o o O O O i> O o o o o o «• < • <•. H o o i t Fruit 1 Fniit ? Fruitt lis is tke Season fur it! .j. * V *%, '* j> * V!( T t r ~7^C • XT* : SSL The FARMERS' STORE will hereafter handle a full line of fruits of all kinds. Send in your orders for anything in season and if the fruit you wish is in the market the order will be filled to your satisfaction. : ' BERRIES j Blackberries, Black Raspberries, . ' V Red Raspberries, Gooseberries. CALIFORNIA FRUIT: Apricots, - Plums, - Peaches, - Cherries. Fancy Bananas, ̂ Watermelons, Lemons. ! Bermuda Onions and New Potatoes on hand. A. P. BABR, McHenry, HI. t is Nothing New* ut it is True AY ^ ^ \ f ^ . . }t *?' : B p m any tie (WSttck A JfcHeiry - • l« N«ad of aiy '-v-'. I- J * ' ,* - f -r •; V - ' 'i* - '• „i >".• An Inspection « ' ; Means Selection. * t" Our Prices dre todflteci Rî t vic'4( * , if*/*, ' - \u$ > . We are offering Special Prices on Ladies' Ox* . 1% wUl pay you to investigate this sale. V-. *, L. ' , ' Our Hot Weather Underwear Fits them all. •• ; 'j /7 'A/4 'k'v - ^ Flour and Pure w«t MoHenrr, m. JOHN J. MILLER. I No Matter . : ?? Jfi 'At »*4' j., - we do not purpose carrying goods from f One season to another. We want the jDeople to have the seasonable merchan- ^ i Jjge ^ ̂ s proper time. Our prices are • an expression of that det^raiiaation,; ̂Until September i ? we will offer all Challies, Dimities, Organdies and all Summer Dress Goods at one-half their { former price. Summer Underwear, Crash and Straw Hats, Slippers and Oxfords at actual cost to convert same into cash and make room for Fall Goods!! " /SA; v f ur stock of goods is New, Fresh an<t* Clean. Te have no shop worn shelf warmers to offer J|ou--nothing but strictly up to date merchant /Ar^ .y'if i .On» Mwni Pi «i»I| ~~ "t n. J.WALSH, - West McHenry, 111. NO. 20.

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