' • * NfMS ;£= VOLUMEXXV. V r * • " • ; * N • 'M Wj illBlll^l'iMllll'lll •• •/*•••'• ' • 5S: • p g r , , ; „ r i , • • • £ ' ' ' McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER la, 1809. HAPPENINGS. KOn.« THAT YOU KNdW AND PEOPLE THAT WE KNOW. VWS imhI W®w» TheyTlatt •«mI Wko» Tkajr Visit m CknmMtd b| th« Plaindealer 8crtk«. « "Who boild A® railroads and canals, , fe: fe. Who helps aaraMde street de gall, BattuTtom? V* Who in de ̂ cwbas dersajr r'% Who fees tittwrtte' 'lection 0ay,,' '»•' ;:V: Aad who dtocovered U. 8. SI. SSp" - But turriueiw*' ^ ( Ifcobert Kimball is on the sick list %. O. Rttpp was in Elgin Monday. Geo. W. BesJey was in Chicago Tues day. • A. C. Fischer of Elgin was hereSatur* d*y. ' Mrs. Lafayette Dates iso® the sick M Senator Granger attended the Festi val Monday. Rev. Father Klrsch visited in Chicago tils week. BF. C. Mead was in Chicago Monday and Tuesday. G. H. Hanley spent Sunday and Mon day in Chicago. days in /"The] A_-eeived J 3 mm- Irs. David G. Wells is visiting in Chi cago this week. K att Weber and wife mw. In Chi cago Saturday. Rev. Dr. Straub visited our Public School Monday. E. J. Pratt was in Wauconda Sunday calling on friends. E. E. Gorton made a business trip to Wisconsin this week. Miss Cora Wilson has returned from her visit to Waukegan. Lute L. Lincoln of Elgin visited friends here Sunday. Albert Reynolds of Chicago spent Sunday with his parents. Mrs. L. C. Gates visited 'friends 'Woodstock last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Page spent severs days in Chicago this week. i High School foot ball team their suits Saturday. Miss Frances Osborne spent Sunday At her home in Englewood. George Rothermal and wife attended the FaQ Festival in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Will Whiting visited in Chicago the first of this week. Mrs. Geo. Schreiner spent a few days with friends in Elgin last week. Clyde Golding of Wauconda was the guest of Albert Reynolds Sunday. L. D. Pollard of Chicago was here over Sunday hunting and fishing. " Miss Edna Story spent several days with friendB in Chicago this week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Evanson spent several days in Chicago this week. Miss Edith Carpenter of Elgin spent Sttnday with Mrs. Ella Lamphere. Miss Rosa Justen has returned from a pleasant visit with friends in Chicago. Mrs. C. H. Albrecht of Waukegan it? visiting her sister, Mrs. G. W. Besley. J. B. Perry visited- his son, Lieut Howard R. Perry, in Chioago Wednes day. Jack and Tim Leonard of Hartland were the guests of Thomas Burke Sun day. -' Earl Wightman and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Groeebach of Chenoa are at the toy. John Stoffel and wife are the parents of an eight pound boy, born Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Guerin entertained Mr. and Mrs. Henry Taylor of Elkhorn over( Sunday. Mrs. M. A. Howell entertained her friend, Mrs. Haskett, of Chicago oyer Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Chapell went Chicago Saturday to attend the Fi Festival. » R. H. Owen and wife of Chicago visited with his father O. ,W. Owen Monday. Rollin Waite, our obliging Post Mas ter, took in the Festival at Chicago Miss Carrie Fischer has returned to the Riverside, after a few days' visst in £%fe»go. lfi-- Anna JBickier who has been visit ing friends in Chicago returned home last week. Hon. Win. Lorimer, with his family, will return to their homemiheclty this week. ' Mis* Julia Story has so for recovered Mrs. A. A. Martin and Woodstock visited at the WT A. Cristy Friday and Saturday. Martin Howell left for New York city, Monday, to be with his brother 'who isin the employ of the Ediaon Co. O. J. Holbrook, of the Chicago Tele phone Co., was here Saturday looking up business and remained over Sunday. Mrs. Smithcampof Burlington, Wis., returned to her home last week, after visiting a few days at fiie residence of B. Buss. Mrs. John W. Gate, who has been visiting Miss D. E. Granger for the past few days, returned to her home in Elgin last Tuesday. James T. Walsh, of the Harvard Her ald was in McHenry Monday. Every one was glad to see him Mid wished his itay migh t be longer. Dr. Jenks, assistant supt, of the Elt^in Isane Asylum, accompanied by his wife and children, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hanly. * John Ralston and wife entertained Major Beckley, wife and children, of Riverside, and their son John Ralston and wife of Chicago over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Chapell were called to Elgin Tuesday morning. Mr. Chapell's mother, Mrs. C. E. Chapell, was thrown from her carriage Sunday and sustained very painful injuries. Charles D. Schoonmaker, the Plain- dealer's efficient foreman, left this morning for Genoa, 111., on a few day's visit with relatives. His wife and little aon will accompany him home Monday. M. F. Walsh, the able editor of the Harvard Herald, has returned from an extended visit in Minnesota. We are glad to learn that Mr. Walsh is greatly improved in health and will again be at his post in the Herald. / Lieut. Howard R. Perry visited hie /parents here Sunday night Leiut. Per ry is aide to Gen. McKibben and was selected to accompany the Mexican party to the Festival. They were ordered to meet the distinguished visitors at Eagle Pass, and escort them to Chicago. Before returning to San Antonia, Texas, they will visit New York and Washing ton. Bdttor Than Being the Iceman. How would you like to be the Iftnndrjrmaif Foiling from dawn 'til dark, . When the work rolls in like a tidal wave,./' v And reaches the high water mark. - How would you like to be the laundrymaa The shirts piled mountains high. And your polisher wants to lay off a week For her grandmother is sick and may die? How would you like to be the laundryman With worry and troubles galore, Your best waist iron succumbs to the heat And falls in a heap on the floor? How would you like to be the laundry man When the lady comes in at the door And angrily shows you a cheap faded waist Demanding a dollar or more? * •. • Now don't be hard with the laundryman And kick with each bundle you bring. ' - : For the poor man is driven with worry and work And is striving to do the right thing. --W. M. M. in National Laundry Journal Only 80 days more in this year. Hear Miss Alvena Knopp recite in Stoffel's hall October 21. Four hundred and seven years ago to day Columbus discovered America. The McHenry Journal has enlarged from an eight to a twelve page paper. Come and hear the drummer at Stoffel's Hall Friday Evening, Oct 18, 1899. See the ad. of Owen ft Chapell. They will give yon |7.50 worth of goods for $5.00 cash. ' John Heimer is giving his business house a coat of paint. Gtaorge Curtis is the artist. ~ Get your abstracts of title, of the Mc Henry County Abstract Company, ^Woodstock, 111. tf Over 1000 new names have been added to the pay roll of the Elgin watch fac tory during the past year. John I. Story received a potato from one of our farmers, this week, which weighed two and ons-half pounds. Miss Roslyn Fehrenbach has a sweet and charming voice and always delights her audience. Stoffel's hall October 21. An elegant floor, up to date accommoda tions, excellent music, fine supper at Stoffel's Hall, Friday Evening, Oct 18, 1899.~ ' Edgar Poe died fifty years ago last Saturday, but the amateur elocutionists all over our broad land are still reciting fn^herilln ŝasto be able to enjoy Short drives. ' Mrs. Simon Stoffel was in Chicago on Tuesday buying some additional fall and m \\ r--' • Adams and wife of Spring •Grove wees visiting friends and relatives 'IHre Saturday. Arch. Eldridge and .wile of Algonquin •pent Sunday in this village with his lather C. T. Eldridge. Simon Stoffel was in Marengo last week looking after the interest of his Insurance companies? Jar. Gray, wife and daughter, Wilma, ^Liberty ville visited with David Parker and family over Sunday. Miss MayBge Besley who has been visiting fiends in Dixon for the past ttonth returned home Friday. 1 Mrs. Elizabeth Smith who has been ti Minnesota and Iowa for the last five w$eks returned last Tuesday. Miss Dora Besley and Miss Cora Rey nolds of Richmond visited at the home 4$ George W. Besley Tuesday. Mrs. John Bishop, accompanied by Mrs. Andrew Miller and her two daugh ters, visited in Chicago this week. The Raven." Dont forget to attend the dance given by the members of St. Patrick Court, No. 740, C. O. F., at Stoffel's Hall, Fri day Evening, Oct 18, 1899. The recent frosts have opened the nutting season, and the youngsters Me spending all their spare time in the woods. The crop is said to be good. Mr. Charles E. Squire is a brilliant pianist His playing is inspiring and of such a character that all will be glad of the opportunity to hear him. Stoffel's hall, October 21. The McHenry Plaindealer has been immeasurably improved since it be came the property of the McHenry Plain- dealer Co. and especially so* since E. J. Hazel has been its editor.--Harvard Herald. Dr. Wells received this morning through ̂ a sample of a remedy made in ̂ fmany, which bears the fol- fowing kie ' 'benzoyl vinjldeaceton- alkamin." How would you like to be the doctor? f Frank Wattles who has purchased the meat market of Robert Howard is well Mid favorably known in this village. We bespeak for Mr. Wattles a. prosper ous business. Mr. Howard has secured a position with Armour & Co. RINGWOODDEPARTMENT WEEKLY LETTER COMPILED BY PHIL 8. HARRI80N. WEDDED THREE YEAR* atr. wad Mas. 8. a Chapell Celebrate Tfcatr fhlrd Anniversary. Gee* mmA Where They G»-Sater- nenta ud Bae*rty the SekwL '"A Ion ft the river's summer walk, , ? • ' The withered tufts of asters nod; j * Mnd trembles on its arid stalk, ' ' The hoar plum of the goldeitkML And on a ground of sombre fir, v • Jlnd azure-studded juniper, r The silver birch its buds of purple shows. And scarlet berries tell where bloomed the sweet wild rose. O. A. Tabor was a Chicago visitor last week. Milo Howe watf here the first of the week. Wilbur Bassett of Ostend was in town Friday. 1 J. W. Lawson of Fta*k Ridge was here Tuesday. Walter Bradley Vras a Chicago visitor Wednesday. • Mr. and Mrs. Warm Fosa spent Sunday here. Clayton Harrison was a city visitor uwt Monday. Prof. F. E. Thayer of Greenwood was here Saturday. # G. A. and N. D. Stevens drove to Sunda Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Hess spent Sunday With relatives at Elgin. - Mr. and Mrs. Allen were McHenry visitors Tuesday. M. M. Chase is working at the pickle factory in McHenry. F. L. McOmber of McHenry was hers >n business Monday. Sayler E. Smith has been spending a few days in Chicago. Amos Smith transacted business in Chicago on Saturday. * Mrs. E. T. Chase is visiting hsr old lome in New England. r F. L. Carr and family fif Wauconda called on friends Friday. C. H. O'Cock of Solon Mills was a pleasant caller Saturday. H. M. Jensen and family of Roeedale called on friends Sunday. George Lumley and Miss Ida Cruik- ahank were in town Sunday. Miss Sarah Madole of Greenwood was -ailing cm friends last week. Miss Carrie Toles of Greenwood was i caller at Bert Bell's Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Whiting returned to jheir Vermont home last week. Mrs. Jane Carr has been spending a Jew days with friends in Elgin. E. W. Robbins of Greenwood took the rain for Chicago Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Allen spent the irst of the week with friends in the city. C. R. Drake and family of Highland Park were calling cm friends Saturday. J. Y. Buckland spent several days at vVaukegan and returned Monday even ing. Several of the ladies of Ringwood Iroveto Greenwood Sunday to hear \£rs. Hopper., N. D. S Wens and family attended the wedding of Charles Sherman at Wood stock Wednesday. Miss Katie Frisby who has been at River Forest several weeks returned Saturday evening, / Mr. and Mrs. James Kemerling and Mrs. C. E. Fay attended' church at Greenwood Sunday evening. Miss Erma McCannon and Miss Villa Thompson of Greenwood spent Satur day and Sunday with relatives. N. J. Boyd's sale on Wednesday drew out the usual crowd. Fair prices were obtained for all the property sold. Mrs. E. F. Harrison and Mrs. E. H. Ingalls spent Friday and Saturday with Mr. McDonald's people in Ostend Oscar Harens of Franklinville, at one time a resident of this village, has been spending a few days with C. D. Bacon's people. Saylor Smith returned on Monday of last week from his circuit of the fairs, he reports a pleasant time and * good share of premiums. George Vogel of Solon Mills passed through town Saturday with a small drove of cattle purchased at the Boyle sale for John Strang of Antioch. As usual Mr. Straub will hold service in the Woodman's hall next Sabbath afternoon at 8:30, at the close of Sabbath school. These services are well attended. All are invited. Any one wishing * canary can find just the one to suit both ear and eye by calling on Mrs. O. A. Tabor. She hat nearly forty of the little songsters some of which will be sure to pleaee you. The Universalist ladies of Ringwood will give a social at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Allen, on the evening of Fri day, the 18th. Refreshments will bt served and a pleasant and profitable time is bespoken. A cordial welcome to all. Will not their McHenry friend* turn out in force? Certainly! Pupils of the primary room who were, neither absent nor tardy the month off September, are: . Zillah Stevens Agnes Dodgo Vivian Fay Ernest Heiscfc , Clyde Francisco Mildred Waterman1 Dora Hutson Walter Coates El win Waterman Clarence Allen in . Mrs. Frank Hutson visited school the primary room last Thursday. The Pistakee Vaeht Clnh. /*Alarge number of the members of the Pistakee Yacht Club met at the Bay Saturday to take in the boats. Thn was the closing event of the season, anc, was attended with pleasant ceremony, The past season has been one of th* most enjoyable in years, and is fraughl with many pleasant memories lo ' cottagers ana visitors alike. f Mr. Mid Mrs. S. fi. Chapell celebrated the Srd anniversary of their marriage <m Saturday. In the evening they en tertained a party of friends at progres sive cinque. The prises were won by Mrs. Hazel aftd! supper of two thoroughly ̂ a few old f the merrimf atone true gracious dignity < good natured he tertainments socia Mr. and Mrs. Gallaher. A dainty was served and [by all. Alter supper imes were indulged of all. It, fa really i an succeeded in Mrs. Chapell V ibined with Sherm's ity make their en- r, of the brightest ipell received the Heartiest good wishes of all for a future of happiness and prosperity. Those pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. W. A Cristy, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gallaher, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gorton, If r. and Mrs. L. H. Owen, Mr. wad Mrs| E. J. Hasel ̂ ̂ ̂ FHee of Hard C«m^1 to Advao**, J Owing to the scarcity of hard coal and the numerous»strikes during the year it is probable that prices of an thracite coal will advance. At a meeting of the mine operators recently held in Chicago it was decided to ascertain the amount of hard coal available and if the committee deemed advisable to advance prices at once. A meeting will be held in the near future and definite action wfiil be taken. ., -a at-- CROWD WAS IMMEN8L FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD VISIT CHICAGO. > Sw*evlnir Buthusiaam aft the Chteac* Banquet Bar MeKtnley, < Marttml.-; and .. Laurler ̂ Probably the largest number of peo- {|h that has ever visited Chicago at any <||e time was there during ths past waste. All nations were represented. Thshigh Mad the low mingied with one. unbroken spirit The President of the United Stakes, the Premier of Canada and one of the leading spirits of thi Mexican Republic were there for the one great purpose of binding the love o] mankind closer. The crash of the music, the blaze of lights, floating banners, and the seething mass borne on as o» vast personage, made a brilliant picture f tp be reflected on memory's walls in tht ooming years. l>aneet Dance! Dance! No one should fail to attend the dance given under the auspices of St Patrick's Court No. 746, C. O. F., at Stoffel's Hall, Friday Evening, Oct 18, 1899. This promises to be the most enjoyable event of the season. No paint have been spared to make it pleasan for all who attend. More accommoda tionshave been added than in forme) dances. Furnished rooms for ladies, smoking rooms for gents and city water m all tha rooms, in fact all the up-to- TEN-DOLLAR COUNTERFEIT. Secret Service Bureau Notifled ef Danger ous Fraudulent Silver Certificate. The secret service bureau, Washing- tom, faas received notice of ia new and j&a«ge*0Q»$lO silvef certtfioiMte, series of list, letter B, TWlreaa,. register, and Morgan, treasurer; «t,.Hen' drickB. The note is a photo-meohanical re- productooh. The facets good but rath er too light, owing to the use of a poor quality of black ink. The back i^better than the face, the most of the scroll work being good. , The note is on soft paper, probably two pieces of Japanese paper pasted to gether, and the silk lines of the genuine paper are reproduced with care. j, WF-' ->"4- H. > , ' Concert Program. t Sato^ay evening, October li, is the date of the oOtt- < <;ert given for the benefit of the Ml^Qenry band. Mu- :^^icians from various places haviB Jfelplered their assis tance abd a program of high stwi#Sird is assured. It ;j Remains for the people of McHenry to demonstrate their •} ̂ Jipprecultion of this effort toward the organisation of a rmanent band, by a large attendance. W. N. Wyek- ff, a leader of unquestioned ability, is bending his best Energies toward giving us a class band. Working ||n harmony, there is no reaeotfc why this concert shall jgiot be a great success lhwj|jjidl|. is the - ' ^ liA ""Wortftne Teller1* By t he ppy 'till By the Band. * * "She v^a^Ha . • I w< , r:sdected I «Hopfano Solo. 1 . Mrs. B«ij. Nelson. Oh Italia felovetl". .. McHenry Chottd Class., k wji. o,uia "Romance" i UHWriniawski 8 VloHn Solo J ̂ «.Poli8b Dance".. Nellie Skh*lB.$/ *Swtetand Low ".- .*... Misses Aunie Bickler and Lillie Heimer. VpA»T T.V "An Indian Ride - v theBwi' $ i ThCbuntry".. .- . ' •' Male- Chortlt. Di^Uaeta Nelson, g-r Sqptano Solo | Mrs. Benj. Quartette, "The House that Jack Built, '" Caldicott Misses Reynol Is an 1 Thelen, Messrs. Kargea and Barl̂ an. '•ti,.' ' -J Solo.. . . . Miss Rosa Justen. the Sound of the ̂ * ' m. N. Wyckoff. " [Bratton •. V' ;• p. v: '--'.J' ?:Jl8 Choirus, "Star Spangled Banner" 4'M The audience is invited to join in the Chorn*.. w> mm* I#!1!? > hi urn i ' 4- rf j "i1' ̂ IMMMMNHM /" A Plwaaant Surwiae. By means of two ha ̂racks, the teach ers and High School pupils were con veyed to the home of Willie Claxtoa, on %riday evening and gave him a very plesant surprise. It was the sixteenth anniversary of his birthday. The pupils presented Willie with a beautifully round edition of Shakespeare, and SVIrs. Angevine, Mr; Brents and the teachew gave him Victor Hugo's Les Vliserames. VJRfifresfcmenta consisting of cake and ice cream were served and a good time all. i ;v The Fwblte Sehj*»l Uhrar ̂ . In the neighborhood of three hundred volumes have been received for the Pub ic School Library. It now comprises >ver six hundred volumes of poetry, fic- ^ion and reference botdis. The untiring, ""IfiPoft of Prof. Angevine in conjunction vith those of the efficient corps of teach ̂ jrs has given as a school second to noma tfcHenry lias good caftse to be proud of ler school and teac|Kers. * s y .- . - j , Merrit ̂ onum and Lutie C»rk of )stend wete at Woodstock last tVednesdas, Thttmarriage was quite a mrprise tooths friends of the ing it a secrefon- performedt /oung couiAe lit ftey succeeded in keep- after the ceremony date accommodations have been added. Supper will be served in the same build ing so that no one need leave the hall. Horses and baggage will be cared for free of charge by Harry E. Wightmffn. Principal*' Association. The McHenry County Principals' As sociation will meet at Woodstock, Satur day, Oct. 14. Prof. Collins, of Capron, will discuss the first five chapters of Taylor's Child Study and Supt. W. C. Smith, of Nunda, will talk on Locke's ' 'Thoughts on Education." A course of study will be outlined for the year. ' F. E. ANOKVOTS. • -A IRamUjr Heanloa. 'A pleasant reunion occurred at the idence of Charles Granger Thursday, Oct. 5. It was the 41st anniversary of the marriage of Mr. .and Mrs. H. C. Smith, the 60th birthday of Mrs. Smith, the 82nd birthday of Grandma Gage and the 7th anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H- Owen. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Chapell and Mrs. Clem ens were also present. >y Ketone to McHenry. A letter was received from a former resident of this place who says that he Sftw two Mclenryites in Chicago last Saturday, in front of the Illinois Trust Mid Saving's Bank. The la ly was sitting on a valise and the gentleman standing by her side waiting to fpe the President --who never came. / Section Meetings Illinois Y. M. C. A. This year the Annual State Conven tion of Illinois Young Men's Christiar. Associations will be held in three sec tions; for the Northern district at Au rora, October 18-15; the Central, at Peoria, October 20-22; the Southern, at Oentralia, October 27-29. The progran: jf each meeting has been planned with the greatest care and with a view tc naking the sessions of the greatest prac tical value in the promotion of Christiat work among men. Mr. George L Wrenn, President of the Chicago lift Cinder writers Association will preside at Aurora; Mr. F. B. McKown, of Rod island at Peoria; and President D. B. Parkinson of the Southern Illinois Nor nal University, at Centralia. , Among the phases of the work to bt discussed are the distinctively religious *ork, the Bible study department and ohe educational work, where there wil be special meetings lor the college men, railroad and town men. A business men's banquet and reception will bt aeld at each place. The Annual Report of the State Com mittee will show a prosperous year'i work, with decided -advance made if nany directions. Among the new ac complishments to be reported are: thi establishment of the first miners' Y. M. J, A., the Board of Directors of aiming company having a] 1600.00 in cash and a monthly jf$50.00 for its maintenance; >rganization of an Associations the boys at the Illinois Staie r ttory, where more thon 600 have t)*oom< nembers and are actively participating in devotional and literary meetings; a very successful and much appreciater branch maintained for eight weeks dur ing th<? eix»unpment of the Illinois National Guard; the erection and dedi cation of a splendid new building forth* railroad men at Decatur. Each year demonstrates anew the practical usefulness of the Y. M. C. A. as an ally of the churches, and its ap preciation by pastors, educators, rail road managers and business men gener ally is constantly increasing. The plan of holding the annual meeting in three sections will undoubtedly greatly in crease the attendance. Young men in towns not having Asso ciations are especially invited and wil] be welcomed as honorary delegates if they bring credentials from their pastors. Any one desiring a copy of program ma} secure it by dropping a card to L. A. Bowman, Secretary, Association Build ing, Chicago. A MUM leal Treat. The SKerman Concert compe&jr com posed of Charles S. Sherman, violinist; Miss Roslyn Fehrenbach, soprano; Mist- Alvena Knopp, elocutionist and Charles E. Squire, pianist; will give a program that all can appreciate and enjoy at Stof fel's hall on the evening of October 21. It is seldom that talent of real and permanent value is added to the'long list of entertainments of the day.. The Sherman Concert Company has been ad ded to stay and is sure to win the admir ation of the people ̂and a return engage ment. Mr. Charles Sherman is a violinist oi rare talent and ability. He is a pupil of the great S. E. Jacobsohn, the worldV greatest teacher, and exhibits man) traits of his old master. He was con cert meister at the Columbia Theatre, Chicago, for five years, ending in '98; since then he has devoted his time tc traveling and giving concerts. He it the author of Sherman's Systematic ano Melodic Violin School, and Sherman't Revised Edition of David's School foi advanced pupils. He has also written many concert pieces. Northern Illinois Teacher*' A ••oclation. De Kalb is making extensive arrange ments to entertain the Northern Illinois Teachers' Association on October 27th and 28th. President Cook of the Ndrmai estimates that there will be about 1500 teachers present and every effort should be made by our people to properly enler- tain the strangers. The success of this meeting means much for De Kalb and and the Normal SchopL The im pression carried home to about every ALL OVER NEWS GATHERED FROM ̂ MANY EXCHANGES*! H! More or Leu Interest People and Rvent« In the Cltlea : lagee Around Vs. Burglars entered the Converse last Friday night and off about $40.00 worth of trance was gained through si If one of the family had not at and disturbed them, probably the! would have obtained morse Five lars was obtained presumably by the same robbers, at Frank Hamann's. They also attempted to antes Staples' house, but did not succeed*-*-- '̂ Palatine Register. ̂ R. A. Nugent, H. R. Jerome and Dr. 4: C. M. Johnson left this city Tuesday ̂ night for Nicollet county, M&^fiphrtfe they will spend three' tvild ducks. Fred A Digging * .ac, Mich., and his associate in the lum~ oer business, Mr. Murphy, joined th* party at Winona, Minn., aext week H. D. Crumb .ell will go on to the same) chere will be quite a colony people up there and it is predict they will kill a lot of wild ducks are there in great ni --Harvard Herald. Attorney's D. T. 'Smiley, V. Lumley and F. G. Arnold left on lay for Nioollett Minn. ,i will spend a couple of weeks mnting. --McHenry A heavy north-l •roke in two just before vood, Tuesday evening. Thereat away section < rashed into the fiist git*. don as it entered the station, 4x loaded refrigerator cars about the wreck with and eggs. One car wredta ̂% 4*g« section of the station platfdrm-- iarvard Independent ̂ The marriage of Helen A. Hal «ily daughter of Mr. and Mrs. iaven, to Rev. Hayden R. Uptoft, of Milwaukee, was solemnised at the home tf the bride's parents in the presence of ibe immediate family and Mrs. C. J." lotay, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Rev. Wjii. 1 MatthewsofthePkesbrtaiiaa •fficiating, using the bwmtifal ceseia»«tiy »f the Episcopal churoh. The i i young man of great promise mtered his work with a zeal iicates a bright future. The »ne of our best educated teems eminently fitted fo* t i ministers wife. She will he in church work here and by her many (friends, but goes with their beet wishes. --Marengo News. The talking about new dailies being mpremely happy over the arrival of a jaby in the family is often stereotyped lonsense, but in the case of J. Leon lelin, our young hardware fatti, it is a ober fact that hejis pr ;st, proudest man in the lay a boy baby Came to live in h|*9 amily and "Jack" was happy .and no aistake. We extend the father nother our congratulations. McH«a£t|sr Jounty Republican. Lawyer J. F. Casey went to ;an, Monday, to attend the < >f Lake county, where he awsuits pending for trial at this term, tfr. Casey's ability as a lawyer is be soming well known outside of his own iounty, since he has a number of cases in Cook and Kane counties at the prefi ̂ ant time. He has also a very important ^ase at Elkhorn, Wis., the county-seat jf W alworth county.--Woodstock Sentir neL Mrs. S. A. Smith moved to Elgin this veek where she will make her home in he future. Mrs. Smith's removal is regretted by a great many friends whose ̂ jest wiehee follow her. -- Wauoofida Lear ler. ,-"_j ^ \ New Books. v The Universalist Sunday School have /, >rdered a very considerable addition . /• ;heir library, which it is hoped will he >n the shelves by next Sunday. They vill be very bright new and veiy at* ̂ ;ractiveas well as useful to the members : t£ the school. The ubiaij as it is hs» nany very valuable volumes of standard ] ] literature for young and old, and much -s' )f it is being well read. With the new Tr iddition lt"will' library. • " ' ' i' ̂ To the Pubita. _ - v SUi- Having scrfd my business I wish to iiank the people of McHenry and sur- founding country for their valued pat- I i"onage. Mr. Louis Howard has been se cured by Mr. Wattles to manage the jusiaeSS: and will be ever ready at all times to serve the public. Thanking you all, I am yours truly, R R How ABB. effect upon the new educational institu-/ tion just established at DeKalb. It attendance. -- f* therefore important that everj house-\ ^ntgrnal injuries. Dr. Wells was iat hold extends its hospitality and provides at least lodging room for our honored guests. On Friday October 27, dinner and supper will be served at the Normal, on Saturday October 28, dinner only, will be served at the School. Com mittees are at ^present canvassing the city and getting a recoid of the uuHiber that tfef various citizens will entertain- tf. AceMeat. Allen Colby, living two miles iMcHenry, met with a serious accident /Friday. He was driving across th< ̂ tracks when his horse became frightened hamlet in Northern Illinois will have it* if utd stopped so suddenly as to throw JCr. Colby over the dash board. Two rfbe were fractured and he received severe fo Wef«h the Malt ' Last week postmaster Waite bega* weighing the outgoing mail. This wiltl be continued for thirty-five record must be kept of the same separate repeat of mail service made. f i ' .1* • 9 " ̂ -4, ir ,;v v . . .. •Mi