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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Nov 1899, p. 8

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Niinong th« flicfc Tor Iowa on Mon- in Chicago Satur- waein Chicago on Satnr- on f~^> W> > ioi iM^- '*»•/ • . jt Thai Ctm, day. (leo. .Tayne was in Waukegan oyer Sunday. Mra Frasmk Adamek spent Sunday in ^'vvpiiicago; -• ... ^ 4 Jim TX>ig of "Ofcfcftgo was 4mre on . flitxrBftay. : » - Walter Helm returned from Chicago . Friday. : /• ; Mrs. Steffen luw recovered from her r. fiM'll of sickness. . " *. Mrs. Jim McKay flSbtt«(d|iy %ith Mrs. Bartell. , , v E. C. Chapell of Elgin was in to#** e first of the week. )5 . The bowling team will play at EJlgin , 4Mi Wednesday evening. ; j * M e r i l » n d B e r t A n d r n i i i o f N u n d a %.?: ^sited here on Saturday. »* The M. W. anitiated their 100th. flfcomber on Thursday evening. % Mrs. Geo. Helm left on Saturday for fcer future home in Waukegan. D. H Haeger and wife of Dundee filled on R. W. Haeger Sunday. J A house warming was held in the JBtnieger house on Tuesday evening, t- Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Montanye of Dun- visited at the Helm home on Sunday, ••if G as Eberlv and family of Carpenters- '?plle spent Sunday with Julius Martin. Mrs. F. Threadgold and sons, Chun d Eddie, of Carpenters ville visited re Saturday. On Wednesday evening the Algonquin mling team defeated the Elgins at lgonqnm by 129 points. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Con- egational Church gave a tea at Mrs. enson's on Mondav evening. A few of R. W. Haeger's friends and relatives dropped in on Friday evening Jttid reminded him of his birthday. Pro- 1s-easive euchre was played aatlvfcfee time Is reported. 5 1* s* JNtfh- The k that i the i: had' i • mi •' -mi' r- Ch m- BARRETILLKi ^ W. Diteng was a McHenry caller Mon- Elizabeth Stanson is under the doc- ti^ters' care. ! ̂ Miss Tena Baird spent Sunday at Crystal Lake. <v Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wellington spent , ,' &imday at Dundee. i> j;/ Wm. Ramsay of Elgin spent Thurs­ day with Mrs. C. Baird. r; « Thos. Ames of Terra Cotta was seen «i our streets Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bryant of Prairie .®rove, called on friends here Friday evening. Mrs. W. Howell who has been visit- tig friends in Elgin, returned home Thursday. She is reported to lined to her home since her return. Don't go back on your local store if it ; 1(1 trying to serve you right. It pan ' iferve you better if you encourage it from Elgin Fri{ Vdgt is.* Chicago visitor this week. G^Ss Mjttrray was at McHenry Satur­ day evening ClyileTorrance. spent Saturday and Sunday in "Void; . : Mrs. Bennie Wegener and sister, Miss Lena Wort*, were at McHenry Satur- 3>lr. and Mrs. Wm. Clough and daugh­ ter, Beside, called on relatives in Volo Saturday, Misses {Delia Rosing and Annie Weg­ ener were McHenry callers Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Chas. Potter returned from Elgin Friday, where she has been stay­ ing for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Snyder of Monaville Visited the latter's pareuts, Mr. and Mts. Sable, Wednesday. Ambrose Raught made a business trip to Wancon la Monday to see about the new stove f<wr the M. E. church. Mat (ilosson went to Chicago Thurs­ day where he his secured employment with his brother-in-law, John Scheid. Misses Lizzie Glosson and Annie Eff- ling and Messrs Peter Weber and Willie Thurlwell of McHenry were in VqIo on Sunday last. J. Serrenson has given up the mail carrying and E. Richardson, the post­ master. will carry it until he finds some one else to do it. ^ Orson J. Demmon of Lusk, Wy., spent Sunday at A. J. Raymond's. He was in the 8th Illinois Cavalry in the Civil War and also in Company 1 of the 15th Illinois Infantry for 22 months. He brought a oar load of horses from Wyoming- .^>>4#, ' WArCONBA. • ... Frank Reffly has a new cilwe^*.^ J. W. Gilbert has a new horse. M. S. Ford made a trip to Grayslake Saturday^. Ray Murray is attending Wauconda high school. John, Hqdge of Lake Zurich was in town Saturday. Will Lamphere was a caller at Mc­ Henry Saturday. Ray Johnson spent Friday and Satur­ day in our village. j Miss Delia Hammond is Visiting rel­ atives in Chicago. Mrs. J. S. Reynolds visited relatives in Chicago last week. Mrs. S. Ford of Chicago visited rel­ atives here last week. Mrs. Wm. Donelley is the guest of her sister, Mrs. M. Donelley. Spencer Abbott of Barrington was a Wauconda visitor Wednesday. Misses Emma Mathews and Lilah Golding went to Nunda Friday. A number of Wauconda's young people attended a dance at Barrington. Fire Company was out Wednesday and Thursday filling the town cisterns. E. J. Hazel of the McHenry Plain- dealer was a Wauconda caller Tuesday. ^little daughter arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cooke, last week. Bert Munshaw of Nunda called on' aors of fur coalman a result 6i Sale. . . v • ^ We understand that F. L. Carr ex­ pects to. take the stump for Wm. Bryan and free silver- Bang's street has been graveled and straightened which adds greatly to the appearance of it. Ge<> Mills who has sold fur coats and robes here for twenty years, held an auction Saturday. Mrs. Flora Lihes of Barrington spent a few days of last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Biurritt. A number of our boys enjoyed a game of foot ball on the school campus Satur­ day afternoon, with Mr. Hubbard as coacher. A number of people from here inten­ ded to witness the foot ball game at McHenry but did not on account of bad weather. There will be an entertainment in Bennett school house on Thanksgiving evening. A number from here will take part in the exercises. , Those who watched for the meteoric showers last week were much dis­ appointed, as the sky was clouded and no meteors appeared. Henry Clipp of Lake Zurich had a large bay team stolen Thursday night. The thieves were overtaken at Irving Park Friday with the stolen property in their jjoswession. A party of Nina Pratt's young friends surprised her Friday evening. Games were played and refreshments served and at a late hour the young people re­ turned to their respective homes. Mr. and Mrs. Will Harris went to Waukegan. Wednesday and on return-' ing home found their house in possess: ion of the Royal Neigbors. It was a complete surprise and after refreshments were served the guests departed leaving two rocking chairs as souvenirs. Chamberlain'* Pain Halm Cures Others Why Not You? My wife has been using Chamberlain's Pain Balm, with good results, for a lame shoulder that has pained her con­ tinually for nine years. We have tried all kinds of, medicines and doctors with­ out receiving any benefit from any of thain. One day we saw an advertise­ ment of this medicine and thought of trying it, which we did with the best of satisfaction. She has Used only one bottle and her shoulder is almost well. --Adolph L. Millett, Manchester, N. H. For sale by Julia A. Story TXT ANTED -SEVERAL BRIGHT ANDHON- * * est persons to represent us ;is" Managers In this and close by counties. Salary S900 a year and expenses. Straight, bona-flde, no more, no less salary. Position permanent. Our references, any bank in any town. It is mainly office work conducted at home. Ref­ erence. Enclose self-addressed stamped en­ velope, The Dominion Company. Dept. 3, Chicago. 11-iet Elgin Butter Market. On the board of trade, Monday, offer­ ings were 65 tubs, all selling quickly at 26 cents. Official market declared firm at 254 cents. Butter last week, 25 cents< and one year ago 22 cents* Sales of fche past week, 9,800 tubs. r ** * " Baking Powder ijfy, „ Blade from puiff/ of tartarQ ' Safeguards the food against Alom teUoff nowden are tfte jpeitest mcnaccfi to health of the present day* •*$& Kvanaoii'i* Shoes. T h e s h o e d e alers are complaining about too fine w e a t h e r f o r shoe trade. P e r h a p s t h e conditions are similar here. More need o; u r g i n g t h i sales, of course and particn- l a r l y m o r « ne4d on om part to tell you about our shoes. Winter tans, in light and dark or black if you prefer, e£tra heavy or medium weight soles. Some are waterproof. Do not think it necessary to tell yon about prices as you know they are always cor­ rect and lowest possible profits are ad­ ded to first cost. We urge you in the strongest terms to buy at home, patron­ ize home industi-y for shoes or anything needed in your family providing, how­ ever, you can make your cash go as far here as elsewhere for upon your patron­ age depends the success pr failure of our town and we all are interested in its prosperity. Look the Stores over and in your investigation look into our store also. Walter C. Evanson. O Beara the Signature of TORIA. »The Kind You Haw Always fW •fn-' *4r 1 Mil :MI Accepj »t on LI( romesl Eute !, inl lb.pkg*. Best Coffee for fti£ Money! Tiy LION COFFEE and you will never u$e any other. It is absolutely pun Coffee and nothing but Coffee* ties mailed FRMM in lion heads cut from it of i lb? tlON COFFEE pkgs. & Gold Collar Button. lied frM lor S (ton heads ctftCraai Uaft »wrappers aatf m 2-cent stamp. Made tolled goM and with n urher-of-pearl suitable alike lor ladies and gentle- i out. This shape Is handy and popular. flantel Clock. By express, prepaid, for 110 lion hcudc and a 2c. stamp. Frame beautifully finished with gilt. Stands 5 inches high. A beauty and good time-keeper. Alarm Clock. Daisy Neck-Pin. t Genuine Hard-Enamel and Gold. ' For 1S lion heads and • 2-cent stamp. The Illustration is only two-thirds actual size. Color a delicate pink, with jewel setting and gold trimmings. Bast enamel finish, rlish and durable. mmm ••••• STRENGTH, PURITY AND FHVORj ' Sent by express, 2-cent stamp. When ordering either clock, please name your nearest Express Office, if there is no express oflice located in your town. , prepaid, for SO lion beads and when oi Lion'* Bride.' ̂ Jt mttfron nt «*»•«- Stylish Belt-Buckle. ( Handsomttf gold-plutuS, with Roman finish, and set with ruby colored jewel In the center. This will be welcomed for "dresaed-up" occasions by the ladies who like to wear different colored sashes. The gold-finish goes well with any of them, uiven for SO lion beads and a 2-cent stamp. wm: Mailed tree far 12 I Lion CtHni wmmm An unusually fine picture, from the brufih i of the noted German artist, Gabriel Max. It is founded on Ch&mis&o'e poem, "The Lion's Bride." The story is interesting, and we send with each picture a hand­ some folder, containing copy of the poem and telling aH»bou» it 8Ue, 15x26 inches. Ladies' Apron. Made of good quality lawn, with alternate revering and tucks; broad hem at bottom, and is neatly gathered at waist; a very superior and stylish article. Size, 36x40 inches. Olven for 20 lion heads and a 2-cmt Box of Colored Crayons. For 10 Hon heads and a 2c. stamp. Fine wax crayons, fifteen different colors, accom­ panied with out­ line pictures for coloring. Each crayon is wrapped with strongpaper, to prevent break­ ing. Child's Drawing Book. Fruit Picture. D. •• Dorothy and Her Friends.** A bright, chacry picture. Per 8 lion heads Md s 2c. stamp. a bright, cheery picture, represent­ ing a little girl play­ ing with her chick­ ens and her rabbits. The predominating colors are rich reds and greens. Size, 14x28 inches. For 10 lion heads* and S cent stamp we will mail it tinned, KMAy for hanging. Size, 16x24 inches. Olves for t lion heads and a 2-cent stamp. 50-Foot Clothes Line. . Given for 18 Hon heads and • 2-cent stamp; Made of close$ r, braided cotton- threads, strong, and will give the best of satisfaction fpsmiai A collection of nice outline pictures bound into book form with sheets of tissue paper be- tween the leaves, on these tissue pages the children can trace the pictures beneath, thas affording enjoyment, as well as instruction to the hand and eye. These drawing books and the !x>x of crayons go very well together.' There are six different kinds, ana each drawing book requires 6 lion heads and • 2-cent stamp. Naval Box Kite. See it Fly I The cele­ brated box kite now so popular. Thirty inches long and comes safely folded, but can quietly be spread to fly. Every /American boy wants one, and older ^persons also are interested nailed free for 40 lion heads cut from Lion Coffee wrappers and a 2-cent stamp. Ladles' Scissors. Length, five Inches, suitable for cutting, trimming and general household use. Ulven tor 12 lion heads and a 2c. stamp. Razor. Qlven for 38 lion heads and a 2-cent stamp. A first-class razor, made of best English steel, and extra hollow-ground. Rubber Dressing Comb. For 10 lion head® and • 2-cent stamp. th, 7 inches. finish ingH full size arid weight. jtMlne India rubber, finely late for a ladies'dress- in the household. ' tire of i and a playing, 2-cent s! "India." \ Similar to "fijF- chesi," which hSl been played in east­ ern countries since before the dawn of history. The illus­ tration shows plan of the game, with usual counters, dice and dice-cups ac­ companying it. A game which people Given for 20 lion stamp. Every timeyou buy a pound package of LION COFFEE you have bou0^| something else, too. Don t overlook Jt! You have bought a certain portion of so^ ̂ article to be selected by you from our new Premium Lists FaE 8A1E -- Good cook stove, cheap. Apply to Mrs. W. A. Oristy. ? 9 •CMAB 8Ai„K -Fifty Poland China pigs, just x weaned S2.00 a ploce if taken right away. K. B. Gardner, Solon Mills, 111. TjM)R SALE--A number of Poland China pigs, E fl.months old. Apply to Wm. Baylor, aboutthroe miles west of McHenry. 21-4t A Chance to Make From f91 to $8 * Day All Winter. We want two men to work for us dur­ ing the fall and wint.r in this (xmnty to take subscription orders for The Prairie Parmer. Big money can be made by our special plan of work. Many are now making from $2 to $4 a day and will double this after the subscription season fairly opens up. Otir plan of work gives a clear held. "We want only two good men for this county. The first reliable applicants will get the work. Send reference and write at once. The Prairie Farmer has been published for nearly sixty years and is well known to every good farmer and stock-raiser. Write at once. Address The Prairie Farmer, 106 Adams street, Chicago. • 4t CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tkt KM You Hm Mmjs BoigM Bears the Signature of GEO. SOM Called Him a Liar. Barney Plumb of Kansas says he oal- led every Doctor a liar until he tried Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. He says it saved- hinr hundreds of dollars Doctor bills, for one 50 cent bottle cured him of stomach trouble. Sold by--Julia A. Story. ' - Where do you ship your Dressed Bee^ Calves, Hogs iSheep, • also t-S'V:-7;: Poultry, Hides. Tiliow, dm, Butter, Etc., Etc. Do you get Satisfactory and Prompt Retnrns for yonr shipments? tf not, why not ship to a strictly Reliable House, where you not only secure the best prices but get HONEST and PROMPT returns? Write for tags and market quotations. CHAS. A. DANZ, Commission Merchant. Jl NO 6 Fulton mm, (Hkgfl, HI. This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a mmi BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the p u b l i c p a t r o n a g e . . . . . . . nbney to Loan i " on real estate a n d o t h e r first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention given to collections, and promptly at­ tended to INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low­ est rates. Yours Respectfully, PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Banker*. Is there Anything More Attractive in the Home S! It is with the that I announce "!to the this vicinity 4hat wj > „ of Robes and Blankets Is now ready for inspection. If yon need anything in this line jnst Harness Now is the time to Order that jbarness. This is the slack season and we can give ypur order the best of attention. Order it now. McHenry, III. WM. MER2. (0. McHenry, li%; Flowers in all Varieties! .'ft. |Vfl,V ii* t lt'ii •' m,.1 ' i f jppii tiemgns on Bnort nimoe Mu as, reasonable prices. ; » . h : •<: ....... t * Potte3 Plants ot atT kinds" consign on hand. We would be greatly pleased to have the nnhlic orfyn ns H on.11 H. M. JENSEN, Manager Sanitary Plumbiiig at Spec­ ialty. Orders by mail and 'phooe promptly attended to. ^ Office and stock room j,. ^°in the Schnoor block. MM.P. " WM iMkn. K* F, WATTLES maccomortoB.K.B«aru<0 '..j > ; Meat Market All kinds of Fresh and :;J saitMeats always onhand Oysters in their season. Vegetables and Canned:^ Goods. Come and give me a trial. . & if; Wattles. West McHefcry. Compounding Prescriptfoms. Its Essentia S'; NOTIONS! ••0^well-known fact that cairy a sttperb line of notions, ocp>f sisting of Perfumes, Stationery, Tq£ let ^rtkles. etc,. ' - • 'I 11m. W. BESLEY, West flcHeary* 111. than a a. loaks, Clothing', J Overcoats, etc. Never before have we been so well prepared to supply our customers in these lines. Our stock is complete and we are certain that we can satisfy all in price, quality and style. It costs nothing to inspect them. We Rattier Think Not I Our Store is .> headquarters for musical instruments^' and we always have on hand a full stock of Pianos, Organs, Violins, Guitars, Mando­ lins, Banjos, Graphaphones, and if we have not what you want we can get it for you on short notice. Wut ndtmry, Itt KiiLOHOWE. Removal! It is with pleasure tWit I Announce to the public that : |ny stock of Goods has been ^ fnoved into more com modi- ^; ^>ii8 quarters, in the Perkins " ' building, three doors south my former place of busi­ ness. I will now carry the leanest, up-to-date Jewelry, Silver and Piatodware stock ' in McHenry. u ; i *1' t & •fe;. % These coats are carried in stock by a few country merchants, and we are one of them. We have a stock from which,anyone can make a selection and it will be to your advantage to buy now Blankets for Man ;Mr" " ^ - d - S ' v.. ' inspect our line of bed and horse blankets. They cannot be duplicated at the prices for which we areoffyriwr them-., ,,-5v , , . . ' •aid to worked ia s:Hpi| ' ABOVE AW ONLY A PEW ofr THE LION COFFEE PREMIUMS. Another lift will i«rtly appear In thi* paper 1 Don't mlas it I Tbc graiKleat lUt of premluai* ever Offwvtf I know UON COFFEE by the wrapper. K ii a sealed pack- *1"1 'Ion's head in front. It <s absolutely pure If the package LION COFFEE l» roasted the day. It leave* the factory. [Was IHIPf/ >/ j^Vy MOTICE. » • 'Osep send your letter In the same envelope or f more than I $ Hon heads are sent, you CMI the margin. Ask your grocer for iarca letters to the 'When writing for pr'>. package with the lion I., save postage by trimming Utastrated premium ii ' I WOOLSl OO., Toledo0 OMom Diamonds and/' Prectous ??/ones. to ». * be to your interest ^ >Krr^°k at our Stock before ff$„piaciiig ypur, order lor aiiy- thiu^ ii| line, re hav^l^kiirge assort* " ne«it 6i Silver Novelties* 4 '* 'y?*, mtt Rep# Work i Spedifty. Elegant Sofa Pillows at 4g cents each; ̂ 5 5uper .̂ kliie of Collarettes hâ r̂rived I adies' Flannel or ̂Mercerized M BLACK AWCOLOip Waists » ' rjg*z T i. ' ; r!#;; 5TOFFEL. msmtoamxi .. - -•tyngt?: flcHenry. m'm- We have them in many ferent styles,and at all on The ladies should not call and see them.

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