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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jan 1900, p. 6

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magi " * , t '1 V *" 1 ** 1 -M.'- vn TWJ na 1 % A 5 € I 7 S 9 IO II 1^ I j [ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 | 21 22 »> 24 15 27 M 29 y> 11 - ?.*•. v', ̂ Igglli. > s: j i •r. J& •KAN aWOfir ^^.Q^..CQ^ESPQS.REM§ Gathei ed by of Representatives. WAIICONDA. Reilley went to Chicago Sun­ day. - Will Dillon of Chicago called on Upends in onr village Sunday. W. Ford and wife of Chicago were at tte home of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Ford. ; i Mrs. Burton of Chicago is visiting her IgMkrents, Mr. and Mrs. Clark, this week. . Fred Dandelion won the five dollar jgg$ze offered by Fuller and Wentworth. Misses Lucy and May - Spencer re­ turned to their home in Chicago Mon­ day. Elmer Duers entertained his cousin, Scott Goodwin, of Nunda a few days last week. The Odd fellows meet for the third time, Friday evening in their hall on Ifain street. Will Underwood w^e given a pleas- ant surprise party by his friends, Thurs­ day evening. Mrs. Compton and daughter, Ruth, ire spending the holidays with Miss Hairy Glynch. Wm. Tidmarsh, Jr. of Elgin is the j p e s t o f h i s g r a n d f a t h e r , W m . T i d - j .||»reh, Sr. this week. 1 We understand that J. It Turnbull has rented E. E. Gilbert's farm and will move there in March. Tyler Gilbert has purchased A. C. Matthews' meat market and intends to ,I*in the shop in the future. V JEd Underwood and wife started Tues- y for Vermont where they will Spend onth at the former's boyhood home. Elmer Ford is still very sick with typhoid fever. He is under of Dir. Dawson and a trained nurse from Jfee City. " Among Wauconda'sNew Year sguests aire Clyde Golding, Charley Pratt, Earle Harrison, and friend, Albert Reynolds and Harry Graham. Harry Graham was tendered a sur- l^ise party by his young friends, Sat­ urday evening. Every one reports a inery pleasant evening. Saturday evening, Miss Lucy Spencer, of Chicago entertained a number of her friends at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Spencer. A most en­ joyable evening was spent by all present. Revival services Were held in the M. church last week and will continue L through this week. The meetings are oonducted by Rev. Pollock and Rev. Dutton and will be held every evening and every afternoon but Monday and Saturday. ; A party of boys, while skating on the lake Wednesday, set fire to the rushes on the bank. The strong wind blew file fire in the direction of Mr. Spencer's mill and for a while the mill seemed in danger. A number of men put out the is time to save the milL sick RICHMOND, ' Dr. Rice who has been quite ,.f Improving. v > / Earle Bower returned to Morgan Pork •r^^ljfonday afternoon. _ f Earle Bower was a Woodstock caller e night last week. Frank Schroeder returned to Morgan |j?ark Monday afternoon. |Mr. and Mrs. James Aldticii spent at the county seat. Charles Williams of Union Grove was r > ^.siting at T. F. Williams last weekl ; /, John Osmond came home from Gefrevir' spent New Year's with his parents. : Hn, D. Denison hm gooe fenr a tafo weeks' visit with her daughter at Elgin Miss Nellie Pope, who has been visit­ ing friends in this town during the holi­ days, returned to Chicago Saturday. Miss Mary Rahm who has been visit­ ing her aunt, Mrs. J. W. Hay thorn, re­ turned to Princeton Monday morning. Miss Ivy Richardson has returned from Chicago where she spent the hoUg days. Miss Ella Knight has gone to Wheaton, 111. where she will spend the winter with her mother. Quite a number from here attended the dance at MoHenry Monday evening and all report a grand time. Misses Lois and Ethel Bennett have been spending the holidays with Rich­ mond relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Smith who have been visiting relatives in this vicinity returned to their home at Fairbanks, HI., Monday morning. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Cox and son, Clar­ ence, who have been visiting at M. H. Cole's returned to their home at Batsvia, 111., Monday morning. This community was greatly shocked to hear of the sudden death of one of our most respected citizens John McConnel which occured early Monday morning. The masquerade dance given last Wednesday evening under the auspices of the Royal Neighbors was a snccess both financially and socially. Although many attended few were masked but all had a fine time and enjoyed the supper which was served. BARREVILLE. ' Mrs. Eastman is on the sick list. Wm. Bishop was in Chicago Pft*t # list week. ; ; , William Henderson was : A Gary caller last week. Minnie Johnstone of Burton Bridge spent Monday here. Miss Inga Staison attended to busi­ ness at Cary recently. Charles itanack and family attended church at Crystal Lake Monday. Several from here attended Andrew Hunter's sale at Cary last week Miss Tena Baird and brother, Wat­ son, spent Sunday with relatives at Crystal Lake. The teacher and several of the pupils of the Barreville school viaitad ftlw rooms of the Nunda school reoently. * yi, . BARBEVILLB. if- (Received too late for last week.) {.jffftrley Grantham was a Cary caller Monday. Mrs. True Flanders of Hocumvill spent Xmas at Mrs. C. C. Colby's. %Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Eastman spent the first of the week in Marengo. N. D. McNish of Carpentersville "1 ^called on old friends here Monday. Robt. Matthews spent Monday in -with his sister, Mrs. Robt. Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wolleyof Prairie Grove and daughter, Anna Bell, called on Mrs. Charles Willmington Saturday evening. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Willmington and family of here and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Willimngton and family o| Burton Bridge took Christmas dinner with Mr. and to. Harry Wolley of ffrairie Grov n. MMitREH. . • <;>; ; Not what we get, but what we glve, •Y 4 ' Is the rightful tueasu re of IMMV WO Itwvfu Not what we say, but what we <H». ^ Is the tost that tells if life's coin ring* true.^ I»A KKKOJJHTH. Elbert Thomas is spending his vaoa- tion atahome. Don't call a man a fool~r-be may be foolish enough to fight. Miss Agnes Thomas is spending her vacation at her home here. Miss Anna Harrison is spending her vacation at. her home here. A man seldom overrates himself when the tax collector comes around. You can always have what yon wafct by wanting only what you have. Eddie Martin is spending the holidays with friends at Harvard and Marengo. The man who wants the earth is in­ variably the first to growl about his tore?. ' • • Miss Ida Burdick of Elgin sp^nt a few days here with Mr. and Mrs. Eber Bas- 8 *t. recently. Mrs. E. J. Mansfield an^ daughter si<ent Saturday and Sunday with her parents here. ' . * Geme'and Lee Harrison of Richmond were recent visitors at Warren and Wm. Thomas'. A girl can be clevef ev6n if she is'nt pretty and at least nine men out of ten will never know the difference. Rev. Barber filled Rev. Jone's place here Sunday ev^iing, but on account of the severe cold weather there were but i few present. The school is closed here for a vaca­ tion. It will begin January 8th. Mr. French is visiting at Wauconda this week. Now Arizona comes to the front with • diprnvprv of a jnsr filled with petri­ fied wh'skey. In afteriyeai s th> y U prob­ ably disco vera petrified liar in that vi­ cinity. HFOOOSTOCK.^ Miss Ellsworth of Chicago is a guest )f the Roe family on Judd St. Messrs. Will Thorne and Elmer Greg­ ory are numbered with the sick. Earle C. Anderson returned '$&•• his studies at Evanston last Tuesday. A. C. Adams and family returned Saturday, after a pleasant visit at Elgin. Miss Lucia Shearer started on her re­ turn to Normal early Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Heimerdinger of Cary were guests at the Furer home during the holidays. Benj. Anderson spent New Year's day with his brother, 8. EL Anderson, and wife at Harvard. Miss Agnes Moody of Elgin was the ?uest of Mrs. Dibler from Saturday 'till Monday evening. The annual week of prayer will be observed in our city this week by union services each evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Highlands up­ turned on Saturday from a visit with relatives at Irving faric. The Presbyterian Endeavors began the New Year with a prayer meeting at seven o'clock in the morning. Miss Amelia Furer was a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. F. at Lockport during the holidays. •--• .V'v SOLON. W. J. Overton and A. E. Richardson drove to Antioch one day last week. Mr. D. Lichty and family of Spring Grove visited at Chas. Turner's Sun­ day. Mrs. J. J. Kaighin, of Detroit, Mich, is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. R. W. Overton. E. T. Monear has been confined to the house the last week and is not any bettor at this writing. Mrs. James Hodge and Mrs. L Waters have been under the Doctor's care for the.past few days. Some of our Solon residents left to^ra Saturday, returning Sunday. They re­ ported: "Birds flying high." Irving Overton was the only one from our town that was able to accept the invitation to the private dancing party at Spring Grove last Friday evening. JOHN8BURGH. Miss Helena Smith is reported pick. John May of Iowa is visiting his par­ ents. , • Oscar and Edward Miller Chicago called on M. J. Freund- - - Miss Lizzie Gilles from Elgin is visit­ ing friends and relatives. The dance at Ben Stilling's was well Bearathe Bigoaivn The Kind You Haw Always BflnW attended and every body reports a good time. Matt Willworth returned to Chicago Tuesday after spending a few Weeks with friends. * v Rev. Mathias, who has been spending New Year's with Father Mehring, re­ turned to Chicago Tuesday. Miss Susie Smith of Chicago spent New Year's at home and returned to Chicago on Tuesday afternoon. Frank Smith took his son, Lewis, to Chicago where he will receive medical treatment at the Alexian Brothers' Hos­ pital. On Sunday last Jos. Thelen and wife entertained, Peter Neisen and wife, John Huff and wife, John King and wife, M. J. Freund and, wife and Frank Smith. An enjoyable afternoon was spent. . • A Card. ly Hie undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a 50 cent bottle of Green's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure your cough or cold. We also guarantee a 25 cent bottle to prove satfetfaet^griiKMW reloaded, tf Julia A Story. Y LETTER COMP PHIL S. HARRISON 4 $ Who tiop* anil Where They Go--Bnt«r» tttinim'Uttt and SoeUty Meetinc*-NotM From Hi# Sehool. We'-annotjnak^ bargains fop " Ntw cut'-h them like flshos tn nets; But sometimes the tlihif? that life Helps more than the thing which it gets. - For good iieth not in pursuing, , S / ISor ^tilling of jmvit nor of small, But Jast tn the doing and doing, ^ ̂ As wo would be dojie uy, is ail. *•* i I Jas. Kemerling was at Elgin on Wed­ nesday. ̂ A. L. Francisco was at Richm<md bnsiness Wednesday. Ernest Dygart of Greenwood was a caller here Saturday Mr. and Mrs. D. Hall have been visit­ ing friends in the city. Homer Hastings of Richmond was here on business Friday. S. W. Brown returned his school duties Thursday morning. ? Mrs. S. Co veil and Miss Jennie -spent Saturday at J. S. Brown's. W. E. Bishop of El trin has been spend­ ing a number of days here. Mrs. B. Harrison and daughter spent Friday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Thompson have been calling on friends here. Dr. Peck, of the Bowman Dairy Co., was here on business Thursday. Miss Anna Waterman and Elmer Francisco spent Thursday at Nunda. . Geo. H. Spaulding of Chicago was here on business the first of the week. S. W. Brown ahd Miss Florence Brown spent Sunday with-friends at Green­ wood. Mrs. Will McCannon and Miss F. / . Ingalls were callers at Greenwood. <n Tuesday. . < Mrs. J, ^. Grimoldby and daughter, Winnifred, have been spending a i&in- ber of days at Elgin. ^ f The subject for next Sunday's ser­ mon in the Ringwood M. E. church will be, "Church Extension and Southern Education. " The subject for Epworth League is "Prayer that Obtains." The following is the quarterly report of the Universalist Sunday School be­ ginning October 1 and ending December Total attendance, 408. St , Average attendance, 81... ^ Total amount of collections, 11,^' Average collection, $.44. Highest attendance, 41.. Lowest attendance, .30. Highest collection, $.94. Lowest collection, $.24. OurSocietiov The Court of Honor meets in M W. A. hall the first and third Tuesday even­ ings of each month. '. t; • OPFIC3BRS.,:;' Chas. Stephenson, W.,(J.' . Mrs. A. L. Francisco, W. V. C, Mrs. H. Small, W. C. J. B. Beimett, W. R. B ^ Mrs. G. A. Stevens, W/^. ^ Mrs. H. J. Watson, W. S. • Mrs. J. W. Grimoldby, W. a Mrs. J. B. Bennett, Mrs. W. A. Dodge, Wm. Coates, directors. Chas. Stephenson, delegate to comity convention, held at Woodstock, Janu­ ary 9, 1900. The Modern Woodman of America meet the second and f ourt^ Jjl»tur4$y of each month. OFFICERS. C. W. Harrison, V. C. H. M. Stephenson, W. M- J. V. Buckland, E. B. || P. S. Harrison, Clerk. Chas. H. Thompson, O. A. Tabor, wa'x:hma]|» C. H. Ingalls, sentry. ^ E. J. Hopper, asst. escort. C. H Thompson^ C. W. W. Allen, managers. Dr. W. Hepburn, physician. The W. C. T. U. meets the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month, hours 8:80 to 4 p. m. " . ^ ' OFFICERS. : W?;. • Mrs. H. W. Allen, present, Mrs. H. P. Buckland, V. P. I;: j Miss Mabel Stevens, recording setfciS Miss Anna Waterman, corresponding sec. Mrs. G. A. Stevens, treasurer. Mrs. H. P. Buckland, superintendent of Franchise and press work. Mrs. A. L. Francisco, super of literary work. Miss Winnifred Grimoldby, superin­ tendent of flower mission. Mrs. G. A. Stevens, superintendent of scientific temperance instruction. Mrs. J. W. Grimoldby, superintend­ ent of contest work. The Willing Workers, ladies'organ­ ization of the Universalist Church, meets the first and third Thursdays o4, #ach month at 2:80 p. m. ' Y if ' OFFICERS' " Mrs. H. P Buckland, president. Mrs. J. W. Grimoldby, vice president. Mrs. F. Morgan, secretary. - rtf^ I ? vsMiss Mattie Dwelly, treasurer. 5*, Miss Anna Waterman, Miss 'Mettle Dwelly, Mrs. H. M. Stephenson, Mrs. A. L. Francisco, committee. H. S«hnlar«hip Frc*, • You may, by doing a little wrHteg at your home, secure scholarship, free, in either Draughon's Practical Business Colleges--Nashville, St. Louis, Little Rock. Ft. Worth, Galveston, Shreveport or Savannah. Best patronized Business Colleges in the South. For particulars address, The Illustrated Yo^feh and Age, Nashville, Twin. 90--0t. E«eentrle Saj-tnfr* Wri««ea Vf by m Vnmnr Fellow. She--I'm one of her oldest friends. Ue-rYou look It, A. Tuckahoe man has called his cat Boomerang, because it eoines back. Patience--Chollie says It makes him feel more like himself to have that sin­ gle eyeglass in his eye. Patrice--Well 1 am etire him look more like a fool. Bill--I've worked for every dollar ever owned. ^TiU--Whom did you "work?" "I see Paderewski ls knocking money out of the piano again in this country," said the observer of events and things. Yeast--What game Is your wife most fond of? I Crimsonbeak--A game of talk, E guess. «• *> She--Seems to me you're very for ward, sir. Oe-^fe^y^^e advance man toe a circus. "* . ""Wht»D you hear a book agent try his voice," remarked the observer of events and things, "you know once |t ls qf some volume *1? ' " * . The In Town Mnn--A** **® running pretty light on your road now? The Out of Town Man--Well, not at night they're not. ' \ Bill--Hear that fellow? He afflgfr to keep the wolf from the door. • Jill--I should think he would be em­ inently successful.--Y onkers Statesman. The Ghost Wu Shy. "Ha!" exclaimed Hamlet, starting. The wicked queen wrung her bands la a transport of agony, £ ? / "Mister, but I'd like to lee a ghost walk!" she cried. But it was only to the melancholy Dane that the apparition was visible. We should not think harshly of the queen for taking liberties with her lines, for she had received no salary for six weeks, and the thought of her husband at home' crying for bread goaded her to desperation.--Detroit Journal. Sttre Cure For Bla# ̂ "*** "Goodby, Alfred, darling! You have cheered me up. If I get lonely and de­ pressed again, I'll just look at your dear photo. That's sure to make me laugh and laugh and laugh!"--Punch. Tol«*t. r-, - ****** Bingley is a wo&denfai wom­ an." «, i # "In what wayf;.- • - ' v.y.y . -V "When she takes the second prize at card party, she can appear so tickled with what she gets that she always makes the winner of the first prize jealous and dissatisfied." -- Chicago ^nmeatHerald. • f " * 1 : - t- FilMNM. <«• ' #. "Mamma, what did you tell the con­ ductor to let us off at Schiller street for? That's a block farther than we wanted to go. and we'll have to walk back." "You didn't think, child, that I would try to pronounce 'Goethe' before a car full of people, did you?"--Chicago Trib­ une. --7~ Paper* Sometime* Keeeiiaryv Mrs. De Fashion--Where's the morn­ ing paper? Mr. De F.--What on earth do you Wfith the-morning paper? Mrs. De Fashion--I want to see if the play we witnessed last night was gobd or bad.--New York Weekly. '• •- . ^ , \A" . The Strain Too SevAf*. *%hyn6 tells me he has gone oftt of politics entirely." "That's true. Politically speaking, he was on the fence, and when the ward heelers began pulling a leg on each side it was more than stand."--Chicago Tribune. How Should He Take Itf She--Oh. how I wish you were young! He--My dear, if I were I should have to go out to South Africa and fight, ^perhaps to be killed. She--Oh. how I do wish yoq wen young!--Pick Me Up. How She. WM Landed. Bess--So Jeannette married a .farmer. I thought she said she would marry ©flly a man of culture? Nell--And so she did--a mi^ culture.--Chicago News." - :"£: i i A Sorry Ejeeptioit. , Host plant life thrives the best, ,|hey I When the sun caressed. wild oatc do not love the day, I tfai4«* by lunplteht best. • I L _ . ippivJl : B U S I N E S S C A H U 8 , & * - KNIGHT & BliOWN,. $ ATTORNEY AT 1,AW. m Washlog^i street, Uliica«o, ill. C. P. BARNES. ? £>AViD U. WELLS, M. D. pHYSlOlAN.MjHUEOK AND O' Oftice and residomxs in J usten'- . aver the I'laindtjalei- office, Mciieui*. •• • . J.u .11 m nitu ,tntf , 0. H. FEOER8, M.HJ pttrsioiAN AND suaoisoir, Iii. Office at Residence. • . '*--»• DR. A. E. AUKIKGER. i PilYSICIAN ANI> SURGEON, Office In tl old Post Office building, one door east J. Miller's store, West McHenry, ill. Bet " ' occupied by Dr. Oft~ cttiis promptly afe> lence, bouse formerly borne. All professional .-uud'jil to. H. C. MEAD, , •uati s of t|he Peace and General surance Agent, including 'Aoddmtl'^ " and Life Insurance. - . WEST MCHKNHV, - - TOT* Mi iif ' "--! : I.All *9* % ' t A. M. CHURCH, la.".. MHkWIIIIianW diiu No. 12t> State street, Chicago. Special attention given to repairing Vatches and Chronometers. 1ST- A full assortment of goods In his lixjjlt Dr. Vail ar G. Besley, >ffllce over Besiey's Drug Store DENTIST* Wis»r MCHBVR|||| Woodstock offlce--Kendall Dental Parlors Will at McHenry offlce Mondays uad Tuesdays. At Woodstock office Wednesday^; . iiursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. EXAMINATIONS l*flll All Kinds of Modern Executed on Short Notice at Price* Consistent with Good Work. Extracting by the use of N itroas Oxid <§j| or Vitalised Air. ^ • • •• C* I^OSSt O« 'D, Over Owen & Chapell's store. If,: %P. BOLEYi it r^riator of M^Henry Brewery, MoHENRY. ILL. lw»Y8 on Hand With ----the Beat Beer -A-' <\ * _ - ..VA SOCIETIES. MASONIC. MCIIKNRY LODGE, NO. 158, A. F.and A. 11, Regular C'ommmncntions the second fourthMoodasys in eacii month. . . ^ I' OEO. B. 11ANLY, W. MpV r ------.-- --:--; W. C. O. P. St. Patrick's Court, No. 187. W. O. O. F.. merit i.lie First Saturday and Third Wednesday ••veniugs of each month, at Forester Hail. MRS. NUBY COBB, Chief Ranger,; LORJETTA W ALSH, Secretary. ^ S-,' • • i--j&Sfe,:' M. W. A. Regular Meetings every Second and Four Wednesday evenings of each month, at Uail, in Stoffel's Block. • „ „ O. O. OofcBT, Consul, , H. O. MSAD, Clerk. "vi j C.O.F. ^ Meet and Third' Sundays of month in Forester Hall. A nttov Chief JOHN NBISS, Secretary. -m C . O . F . St. Patrick Court No. 748.0.0. F. Meetl held the Second and Fourth Monday eveni of each month in Forester ilaii. G. E. Walsh, R. S. J. M. Phalen, O. Bils CHURCHES, . [Mi I .^fliii'1%1 ,!• ,:*)» I J< |I I, , I. ..•.. I i jriVi'iiiify I|j jpr iniiajiir;• * , f /'s " 'f-'Ki "'-! UNIVERSALIST. Rev. J. Straub, I>; il...,i.^.:K...Castor /;• , H. C. Mead Clerk • James B. Perry..........rf...fVC.....'Ereasur«p The Willing Workers (the ladles' organiz** tion.) Mrs. L. H. Owen. Preside*** Mrs. John 1. Story........,i..i*!Vice President Mrs. J. Van Slyke .....Secretary Mrs. W. A. Cristy... wmL- •.• .Treasurer Supt. of Sunday-School...4i'MF. L.JdcOmber Assistant W.;A. Crisftg. «3fT" The Pastor's Chicago Telegraph AddreS) is Grand Crossing. Preaching Services at 10:30 A. M. and at p. m. A cordial invitation to all. ! ̂ METULODIST EPISCOPAL. Rev. W. L. Whipple Preaching Susiday 1©: School, 12 M. Dr. A. E. Auringer Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7: Ladies' Aid - * . ..Past0f 0iuiua|^ Sui P.M. Society meet each alterna week. Mrs. A. E. Aorlnger, President, Mi Cora Wi Ison, Secretary iWA. Cordial invitation is extended to all. ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC (GERMANS Services will be held on Sunday as follow! High Mass at 10 o'clock a. m. Vespers at o'clock p. m. REV. FATHER KIRSCH, Pastor. ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC. Regular Sunday services at 9:30 ta, and 12 o'clock every third Sunday - « REV. FATHER O'NEIIH HEiU Pastor, . ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC (GERMAN.) t.; St. John's CathoMr flhurc'i. John^n** have services on Sunday as follows: Higm Mass at 10 o'clock a. m. and Vespers at I o'clock p. m. Bnr. FATHER MEHRINQ, Pastor. Abstracts of Title, m McHen^y County ABSIRAO Wl WOODSTOCK, ILL. *&Y m.- £ Directors :F.F. Axtell. Harvard. R. M. Patrick. Marengo. ' . John J. Murphy. Woodstock. W. C. J^icliellHJrger. Wsxxintock LCteo. L. Murphy, Woodstock 'm Real Bjtate Bought end Siold. In»uranc« l Loans, Abstract* «f Titia aad Cenveyaucin^

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