McHenry Public Library District Digital Archives

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jan 1900, p. 8

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llmHol E. P«ck wad Mr& Irving Herbert spent ,y with friends here. Anna James is at Solon now ng Mrs. Robt Gardner. ,al Meeting of the R. N. of A. Nip- pexsi&k Camp Friday evening Jan. 13. •J: .0f- and Mrs. Wm. ShotUiT attended 1 the M. W. A. installation lit Wilrnot gfeiast week. * ^ Mr. and Mrs. Richard Oxtefey e&tsr- a few friends at a card party last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johnson of Capron spent Sunday and Monday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Wesilake. A large number of men from here •Sfl; are at work on the ice at Twin Lakes. A large new ice-house has been .built there and work is brisk. i • '> Janet Turner, daughter of Jamee aad tl # \ Janet Oliver Turner, was born January 1 38, 1817 and died December 18, 1889. i " * On the second day of October 1843, she *' was married to John Heaney, an English *3,%' . soldier, and in August, 1844, came with hjm to Newfoundland where they re- a? ; • '•? <... ». B. Cit^key. ,.. Henry who was and Mrs on Dec. the with Cheney, was Saturday then mained until May, 1847. They Itu «\ came to the United States, finally set- tttaginLake Co., purchasing a farm, r ^ on which they remained until 1864. *1 Selling their farm they moved to v ; Spring Grove. The death of Mr. Heaney a occuring in 1880. Mrs. Heaney leaves one brother, Thomas O. Turner, of Day- ton, Ohio, two sisters, Mrs Isabella Neish, - v Jf Spring Grove, and Mrs. Jane Green, f ; v of California, and a large number of ' , ' - nieces and nephews. In the neighbor- f : hobd she filled a place that no other •1: 1 ** can, always assisting in any good cause •* * and working hard for the promotion of the Gospel. She had a strong sense of duty and to her the "Right was ever Right" tend her whole life was lived in / - accordance thereof. Her life and her j* i V memory will live on as a grand example 'i \ ,; to those with whom she mingled. X *' mn»i<ap»lopurt for, trial at term. Baa4»We toe WMM default of wliieh he. .WiP--f̂ : mamled to jail. Corbrtt was present when Judge Bel- den gave Ms decision and extremely nervous. Arsoon as the decision announced Corbett Jumped to his feet and, trembling with excitement, asked to be allowed to say a few words. This was not granted, and when he was taken back to jail he wept and declared his innocence. The case has been a remarkable one and has attracted much attention. At­ torneys claim that when the case comes up for trial it will have to be sent to some other county, as it will be almost impossible to secure a jury here. r . Ten, Cents* Worth of Prevention. If y<pu ,are subject to eolds, the very best tiling you can do is to keep your system in as open and perfect condition as possible. If you do this you are much less liable to take cold. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup of Pepsin is as pleasant to take as pure maple syrup and is the most ef­ fective stomach remedy to be had. Trial sizes, 10 cents (10 doses 10 centB); large sizes, 50 cents and $1. At Julia A. Story's. "Secrets of Success; or, Our Business Boys" by the Rev. Francis E. Clark, founder of the Young People"s Society for Christian Endeavor is a book of good and wholesome advice for boys. See the advertisement in another col­ umn. The Werner Company, publish­ ers, are offering it at a special price, tf. O A S T O R I A . Bin the j9 The Kind You Han Always Bought Signature v t ' All- % <; <'< -4 * . \ the bi of gun. The twrM ows the iends forward the »!»- bol- bursttng n>) AIM h bullets, un. It Is Is 'set" it a given shell has In and toObullets, which continue their course In a conical shower on to the ground. fifcrlejr, per bushel. • »v»* Wot a Violent Case. • Mrs. Peck-Henry, what would you do If I were to die suddenly? Henry--Pray, don't talk of such a thing. I think It would almost drive me crazy. Mrs. Peek--Do ypu thiak you would marry again? Henry--Oh, no! I don't think < 1 would be as craiy as that.--Chicago News. " - ,• I;X': An EICIBIITC Book. The "Almanach de Got ha" is the most exclusive book of its kind, and perhaps ©f any kfnd In the world, and to get *0&e's name In its pages Implies that <me is either an exalted personage or something very much like it. - And of those whosSe names appear very few are able to boast of having a poftrait between its select and scarlet covers.-- London Letter. "X"- Wiy He Harried. "Young man." said the old gentle­ man, "my daughter is too young to mftrry. A girl of her age cannot be sure of her own mind In a matter of such Importance." ,"I fully realize, that" replied the young man. who had just secured the fair one's consent. "That's wbjr I don't want to wait."--Chicago Post» .. *, per busfteiw,.... per bushel. . . . . . . &%-•'*• * * ».•-% per or lb...........I ens, Live, per lb.. * lb.,.# ......... „ per *.«•'* Iiel.. .&•* • :ii' Iwidhel... . »ver, per posbei Buckwheat, p«r bushel-. Hay, per ton...... m W. R. R. TIME MoHBNRY.M.1.. On account of continued poor health ;k farm, consisting of 175 acres, at cation on the new short eat of the C. large enough for summer boarders. Good For further •Williams |i»y Passenger • .. ~ Freight.... * tv *• Ptte»«eui?er. +IiSkeQenera PasseHger.. GOING NOFCIIE1. .10:00 A. M.-- ti .11:30 A. . 0:51 P. If. O OOINO SOCSP,, ?Luke Geneva Passenger4.wi'>. 7:32 •Williams Bay Express... .8:25 * " " Pasfieuger.ivVfv. .3:18 * '• " Freight...........2:40 tDaily. *Daily except Sunday. +8ui only, o Galena Division, w "W isctaisin nlpw.' on or B. GARDNER* Solon McHENRY POSt'© Malls arretv and depart from follow*: • • Mall Closes. . 'Leave Depot. South 7:00 A. M A. M. South 8:00 A. M...... .... 8:25 A. It. tioath| T.....'..: f;.^ i.JiM*. m. ; |North8:30P.M ;.v,fi;51 P. u. MAILS RECEIVED. 1 North., 7:32 A. M South.. Norths'., . .3:18 p. M South.. South nr*»:50 P. M JOHNSBURG MAIL. s LeavesMcHenry... 10:39A. m. Arrives iU Joiiiisbiirg.....;..^;.: A. M. Leaves Jolinsburg. »v?i 18:30P. M. 0k; Ij^aniT. ti- 1:30 p. M. --.'C Kollim WAITS, P.M. .oo worth for P.B.R. on I dffer for sale at the exceedingly low rate of $15.00. books are in excellent condition and cost me $45.00. order to raise a certain si^ of money by the first, February, I make this offer. Rev. W. h< Whipple, »:6- w** Jh*. West McH« Silence Is the safest response for all the contradiction that arises from Im­ pertinence, Vulgarity or envy. WK8T McHBNRY POST OFFICB. Mails close ten minutes before departure of the same time erf tt SIMON 8TOFFKI„P. M. trains, and arrive at the same time erf the fttcUenry malls. MAYBE YOU HAVE A PRETTY GOOD FITTING CORSET AND HAVE BROKEN THE CLASP, IF SO, The vineyards of Italy coy«r nearly 8,OOO.UOO acres. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE BAT. Take LAXATIVE Bromo Quinine Tabf| All druggists refund the money! i if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig» I nature is on each box. 06c. Is the Standard of Coffee Excellence by which all Coffee Quality Is Compare AND CORK PROTECTED CUSP. /"i, > For 10 cents, repair your old corset and make It better than it#was when new. NPYT TIME you betted buy « p. n. corset m first ncAi I line and save time, money akd htiehc£ RECOMMENDED,And GUARANTEED H. J. WALSH, - West McHenry, No. 00 Six Handkerehlelk Pattern. No. 59 Four Handkerchiefs. No. BI nlng Room Table, Cloth. IS yards Printed Or gfcodie, 39 incbes wide, i col­ on to select Cloth, white with nd Ml 8taeWxMlnchML SentfMtpaid w receipt of S ent PMtaia stamp u4 60 almtarM oat from wtitpa* of ArtmcfclM' Oo»e. $!'• ] Blue Peart MMt Nile Oreeti SI CMt * jfi UWH Finest Perfumes ^ Articles Paints and vuifw ions galore^ IMS t«re« cut from wrap- pen of Arbuckles Ko*«ed Coflbe. when nMeriag be ture to state the color desired. No samples ill be «i«ra oul. 81* lAdier Poek* ehiefs, beoutitched, eoloted bort- •r», »i*» 13x13 inohqe. SeatpMt paid renelpt *f -9. nat po«ta«e Mam AS No. 04. A Pair Of Window Curtains. No. 52. Lady's Apron line quality V^bite lawn, #lde strings and fancy lace Insertion. Size K x 40 Inches. Sent post­ paid on re- cefptef tw« eent poat- we staaip •nd 25 •!«- itttMrea cat from wrap­ pers of Ar bocktes Cof- m Wtvpftt Cmt- tatn a }«rd wide two and three .quarter yards long. Spat post­ paid on re eeipt of 3 eent post »ge stamp and 65 sis •aatares cut from wrap­ pers of. Ar? buckles No. 58. A Pair ef 8heara. Or (be best American make, 8 Inches Ions. Seat post-paid on receipt of it cent postage stamp aad 15 slsnatares cut from wrappers of Arbuckles' Roasted Coffee. ^ No. 50. Razor made by J. R. Torrey*. DAILY EXCURSIONS ,*•, The J. R. Torrey known as the best made In the United States. The printed guarantee of Surer goes with each lasor. Seat first-class and Tonrist Steeping Caja to pointa in CaIifora!» every day in the year IV - -H' ? • r * - •"iff receipt of a cent postnee stamp aad 98 sl«aatares out f«Mn wrappers of Roasted Coffiaa .....PERSONALLY (OKMKIED EX \ N0.6O. Lady's Belt. No. e No. 02. A Carving Knlfe and Forlt. Man's Belt. Every Thursday -,jauW3SST RATES ; ^IOBTEST TIME ON THE ROAD FINEST SCENERY fr >v. V s'-'.r •? v,t.. * 'v^v i 's t j I ^ " vyxfy Mo. 57. A Pair of '3i#clssora. Hade by the best American manufac­ turers and well finish­ ed. SK inches long. Seat pest'paid en receipt of % fsalage stampjad IS slcaatares oat from wrappers of ArbucUes' _ _ abrle, grain leather tan color l!t |p. wide, nickel plated buckle, limits uie loUowing sizes only, give size in inches when ordering, from 22 to 26 in.; from 27 to S2 in.; from 33 to 36 in. Sent post­ paid on receipt of a it c«?ut post, ace stamp aad !20 signatures cut ftom the wrappers ot Arhucklea' Roasted Grain leather, tan color, nickel-plated buckle and rings. When ordering give size of waist in Inches. Belts run from 84 to 42 Inches In length. Sent post-paid i receipt of 'i cent postase stamp and 20 signatures cut from wrappers of Arbuckles' ttoasted CoOsf* A firat-ciasa get, mounted with gsnulne buck-born handles. 8 inches long. Sent by express, charges prepaid, on '2 cent postase stamp and 90 slandtures cut from Arbuckles' Boasted Coffee. When ordering name your neat Office ss well as your Post Office. No. 63. A Butcher's Knife. Six inch blade, hard wood handle, good materials and well finished. Seat pest-paid on receipt of 'i cent po«tn«te stamp aad 20 signatures ent from wrappers of Arbuckles' 1 toasted Coffee. No. 64. Kitchen Knife. No. 65 A Lady's Pen Knife* "Win cut bread, slice ham and saw the bone, very kitchen. Sent 14 signatures cut Serviceable, and should be in every kitchen. Sent post-paid on receipt of 2 cent postage stamp aad from wrappers of Arbuckles Roasted Coffee. Has two finely finished blades. Handle heautiftilly w*.rip«rat®rf in imitation of onyx. Seat po»t-pnid on receipt of 2 cent postnee stamp nnd 30 | sfjfnuttircH cut from wr^ipers | of Arbuckles" Roasted C< No. 67. Picture F silvi post-paid on re­ ceipt of a cent pes lace stamp aad l'i slann- tares cut from wrappers of Ar- buckles' Boasted Coflfee. > . Only route by which you c*n leave home any day in the week and travel tibfcrist care on fast trains all the way; J?or descriptive ^ttphtetB ai»4 formation inquire of nearest agent *&•> :. • 1» y 'l .V. .'.V-., : - No. 66. A Gentleman's Pocket Knife. K 'tTwo-bladed knife made of best , Slaterlala and finished in work­ manlike mannes. Sent pout- paid|Dreceipt of2 cent punt. a«e stamp and 40 nicmitures cut from wrappoiB of. AxfauclOes' BoastsdOMtos. • Py '1 An XHL Revolver. o. 68. No. 66. A Gentleman's Watch. The " New Haven" Is a watch of the ordinary shte. Stem wind and stem set, dust proof, nickel-plated case, solid back. Quick beat movement, highly polished steel pinions. Modeled after a standard watch, reliable time-keeper. The printed guar-' tee of the maker accompanies each watch. Sent pout-paid oa receipt of '£ cent postnee stamp and 90 sianatares cut from wrappers of Arbuckles' Roasted Coffee. „ ' L1 Cnams No. 7f. - Cnameled Alarm Gtook. • ~r:d fi*ds material and WOricma&sHtp, 95 calibre, centie-ftm doable action. Sent by express^ dwraes prepaid br us, on receipt sf2 cent postace stamp and 150 i cut from wrappers of Ar- When ordsrtng aams yoor i •xpress Office as will as your Post Office. No. 70 PorcelalnCloefc. - Imported porcelain frame, be^utifully ie- oomted. Movement made by Kew Haven Clock Co., guaranteed by them a good time­ keeper, I inches high, same width. Seat br express, ebaraes prepaid by us, oa receipt of a coat postace stamp aad ! 115 signatures cat Stem wrappers of : A r buck lee' Roasted Coflfee. When ordering name your nearest Itpna Office as well as your Post Offioe. . , ""Hlglieststandard of Alarm Seamless fwme, ornamental hana^|j|ii j French pattern and second hand^S Will run thirty hours with one wind*^'^ lng. Sent by express, charso^^ prepaid, on receipt of tt eaal|L' « postace stamp aad SO sisaa^- •. tnres cut from wrappers of Ar| | « buckles' Roasted Coffee. When or* dertng name your nearest Exj Office and your Post Office as well. TMs is a picture of the sig- BKtaft on Artoocklst' Roasted MM Wrapper, wkleh m are • « c a t o u t a n d M a d t o S M i toocher. No other part of tt»s CoSos Wnmr wH. be accepted a* a vouchor, nor wMltMtPMura bo SOME OF O0B SIGN ATTTBES ARE PSIRTED «V Him* t§ It AR BUCKLE BROS., of a List whlob Is found lr> eaol Roasted Coffee, and with aacL (band the purchaser has boufht. Ve to be selected by him or T the oondition that the sifnat on tbo jmolUMfe is to be culototand MWirnod toArbockleBi as a voocbOr, in aooordilnce with the directions printed connection with each ttom lllnstratod Mid descrlbodln the " This List will bo kept |«o4 euljr «U1 - this List will appear In thla paper shortly. -rhla represent# one page of pound pukue of Arbucklef' package In which the List a definite part of some from the List, subject on OKPT.f NIW YORK CITY, N. V ii %jwm 9. ClK^l^-Arnn"'- . REVQUtTtOM Bom to the oftim %: j *:z' * the clothed," paid an of the Spanfato-American War. ad ceuamlly cared tlon described in Mtall. mwtf*- jtear (MMtktoiaSI whnm eimbles us to 111 .. lly cared for. letail. Anaro^t. AAadrafimiMa' It givaa to The 8panlai BEWXPS OFFICIAL utaefrm^uiaatratieaa, leo nafta of text I8}2x is velmilniahM bookpaper. mam<#a$swmly»w t&lsjmblicstion. grain kcntc^of a rich, deep brown and bine color osrselrea, aiMf add«»theoost oflbrttattHOa o<$10.00» er evidence of b A beautiful graph operatlOPa Anny watt from 177ft dk>wn . . ,

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