. Kw MAY IQOO SUN MOM m WED THU HLI •ATJ « j I 2 3 4 •ATJ « j 6 7 8 9 IO 11 12 13 14 «3 16 17 18 19 J 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 , 27 28 29 30 3B s L K* r§k siwi $ ipy '-f ^'.-' --•; "* •tjjW '•»•••# f JM4$R» '-•• M ***** %* . NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS >®vS,".V i* • . £' VOLO. Wedding bells will soon ring in our little village. Mrs. James McCabe was a Chicago visitor last week. Miss Laura Grainger, of Chicago, is visiting at Fish Lake. Will Leonard entertained his brother, from Monaville, Sunday. Mattie Freund, of Wauconda, was a Volo caller Sunday evening. Otis Murray, of Johnsburg, was a Volo visitor Sunday afternoon. Henry Stanton and wife, of Fox Lake, were Volo callers Sunday. Alfred Nicholls, of Chicago, visited his parents Saturday and Sunday. Miss Ruby Cooke, of Wauconda, visited relatives here over Sunday. Miss Lena Wortz went to Chicago Monday. She will remain there several days. Mrs. Heise, who formerly lived at the Cloverdale factory is visiting friends here. \ Mrs. Ben. Cossman, of Lake Villa, visited her mater, Mrs. James Kir win, Sunday. Mrs. James McCabe is entertaining her daughter and her husband from Chicago. The teacher and scholars of the public school observed Arbor Day by planting trees and flowers on the school ground. Peter and Jack Stadtfield, Wm. Dunnill, Dan Richardson and John Richardson spent Sunday at Manuel Eatinger's at Long Lake. Mrs. Mary E. Hopper corresponding secretary of Illinois W. C. T. U. will speak at the society at Mrs. George Wait's Friday afternoon, May 4. All ladies in the vicinity are most cordially invited. NORTH NUNDA. Ed Sutton spent Sunday at Cary. John Purcell sports a new bicycle. Star Brink wheeled to Elgin Sunday. Miss Clara Thompson spent Sunday with Kathryn Walsh. Robert Frisby, of McHenry, visited relatives here Sunday. R. G. Tweed was a pleasant caller in this vicinity Sunday. Miss Mayxne Knox spent Sunday with friends at McHenry. T. F. Walsh, of Evanston, spent Sunday with his parents. R-J-Walsh accepted a position at Wightman's livery, McHenry. D. H. Carr, of Woodstock, called in this vicinity one day last week. Mrs. Mary Kanaly, of Elgin, is, visit ing her sister, Mrs. Ellen Frisby. John Ralighan has rented his cottage on Prairie Ave. to summer tourists. Miss Ellen Sutton was a guest of friends a few days of last week, lat Karoline hat was returned )wner will please call and pay when he has sufficiently re- the effect of the scorching rays. Tortured A Witness. Intense suffering was endured by wit ness T. L. Martin, of Dizie, Ky., before he gave this evidence : "I coughed every night until my throat was nearly raw; then tried Dr. King's New Discovery which gave instant relief. I have used it in my family for four years and recom mend it as the greatest remedy for Coughs, Colile and all Throat^Chest and Lung troubles. It will stop the worst cough, and not only prevents but abso lutely cures consumption. Price 50c and $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Julia A. Story's Drug Store. WAUCONDA. •Rev. Dutton and wife spent Sunday in Evanston. Clyde Torrance is suffering from neuralgia in the face. Joseph Glynch and wife drove oul from Chicago on Sunday. Ed Pratt, of McHenry. Sundayed with relatives in this burg. Levane Werden and family were Wauconda eallers Sunday. R. P. Andrews, of Union, was a Wauconda caller on Saturday. Earle Harrison spent Sunday with his mother and sister in this village. Jack Taggart, of Mndgets Lake, called on Wauconda friends Sunday. A party of young people from Palatine viewed the wonders of Wauconda Sun day. R. C. Kent, of Chicago, spent the first of the week with friends in Wau conda. Mrs. Wells returned Saturday from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Hughes, in Dixon. Misses Lacy and May Spencer are spending their vacation with their parents. John Hodge, of Lake Zurich, was ad mitted to the Odd Fellow lodge here Friday evening. Miss Nettie Murray is spending her vacation with her parents on their farm near this village. An automobile visited our town Sun day. It is the first machine of the kind to come to Wauconda. Mrs. Will Donnelly returned to her home in Chicago after spending the week with her sister, Mrs. M. Donnelly. The Mystic Workers gave a dime social in their hall Saturday evening. A good crowd attended and a neat sum was taken. Chester Sowles and Elmer Golding finished their first year in Chicago dental school and returned Saturday to spend their vacation in Wauconda. BABBETILLE. Mr. Weaver left for Chicago Thurs- day. ^ Mr. Shales, of Nunda, spent Saturday here. Mr. N. D. McNish, of Carpentersville, spent Sunday visiting friends here. Swan Hanson and son Henry viewed the great metropolis last Saturday. Miss Nellie Johnstone, of Burtonl Bridge, called on friends here Sunday Miss Anna Willcox, of Nunda, spent part of last week visiting friends here Miss Bingham, of Chicago, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. Willcox at present writing. Mrs. E. Willmington and family were the guests of Mrs. E. Moglar in Chicago last week. Miss Anna Fleming attended the wed ding of Fred Powers' at Holcombville Thursday. At the school election held here eleven votes were cast, 3 for J. W. Wingate and 8 for E. F. Matthews. Mr. Matt hews being elected. A Knight of the Grip Testifies. MOMENCE, III , Nov. 14, 1898. I was troubled with a disagreeable feeling in my stomach caused by dys pepsia, and one dose of Dr. Caldwell 'i Syrup Pepsin relieved me. I will never be without it as it is the best remedy for Constipation and Indigestion I have ever used. P. R. CLARK. Traveling Salesman for Pearson & Weytel. Importers of Queensware, In dianapolis, Ind. 'o In 10c, 50c and $ 1.00 bottles at Julia A. Story's. ALGONQUIN W. Haeger is in Wisconsin. A. Baumen has moved to Elgin. Ruth Yerkes was in Elgin on Friday. R. E. Haeger shipped cows to Chicago on Sunday. ' Fred Keyes is slowly recovering from the mumps. Miss Dora Dodd hasleft the oonden sing factory. Mrs. Greater, of Cary, was calling here Saturday. ' Mr. and Mrs. £eon Helm were in Cary on Friday. Mrs. C. F. Dike, of Crystal Lake, was calling on friends on Saturday. Mrs. Churchill and daughter l^ave for Barrington this week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Kee spent Sunday with D. Morton and family. Mrs. Marie Morton, George and Lottie are at Phoenix, Arizona. Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Montanye visited at Mr. Leon Helm's on Sunday. John Brundige and wife have moved in their home on Harrison street. * Anna Haeger and Mrs. George Keyes were inthe city on Thursday and Fri day. Mrs. Hubbard, of Chicago, spent Sun day with her parents, Mr." and Mrs. Seebert. Mrs. D. N. Thomas gave a party on Friday evening it being Mr. Thomas' birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wandrack, Mr and Mrs. John Chewning. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Doig, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barletts, Mrs. Stratie, Libbie Mclntinf, Bert Strahe and Joe Syke attended the Odd Fellows' anniversary at Woodstock. WOODSTOCK. Mrs. J. C. Darrell, of Harvard, was in town Friday. Mrs. C. B. Wright was a Chicago visitor on Monday. Rev. J. A. Wood, of Ridgefield, was the guest of Rev. S. C. Hay Sunday. Miss Emma Turner is a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs Blakeslee, at Lockport. Miss Adele Medlar was the guest of friends at Windsor Park from Friday 'till Monday. Mrs. H. D. Parker and little son, Dodsley, departed for Milwaukee on Thursday where with Mr. Parker they will reside in the future. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Morse, of Ridge field, attended the Sunday school con vention last Sunday. Mr. Morae gave an excellent normal drilL Two good interesting sessions were held at the township Sunday school con vention last Sunday in the Presbyterian church. We can congratulate our selves on re-electing J. D. Cronk as president. Rev. and Mrs. R. B. Guild leave on Thursday for their new field of labor in Chicago. Rev. Guild will be pastor- of the Leavitt Congregational church We regret their leaving our City, but have the best wishes of many friends. RICHMOND. Mrs. Oran Stevens spent Friday in Chicago. Mrs. Fred Parson was in Chicago one day last week. Miss Pope, of Chicago, is visiting at George Vinton's. Mr. Fred Holmes and daughter, Mae, spent Thursday in Chicago. Mr. Joseph Richardson spent Satur day in Chicago transacting business. Miss Dora Schroeder spent last week in Chicago visiting relatives and friends. Mr. Thomas Anderson went to Chi cago Tuesday to see the celebration in honor of Dewey. j Mr. Cecil Bennett came out from Chicago Friday evening to spend Satur day and Sunday with relatives. Mrs. Frank Howden who has been visiting relatives in Chicago for some time returned home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Brien have been entertaining their daughter, Mrs. Samuel Wright, of Elgin, for several days. The dance given Friday evening under the auspices of the Richmond high school track team was quite well attended, thirty tickets being sold. At the proper time refreshments were served. Music was furnished by the Burton Theatre orchestra and it is needless to say that all present had a merry time. A Fast Bicycle Rider. Will often * receive painful cuts, sprains or bruises from accidents. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, will kill the pain and heal the injury. It's the cyclist's friend. Cures Chafing, Chapped Hands, Sore Lips, Burns, Ulcers and Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 25. Try it. Sold by Julia A. Story, druggist. _ Agents Wanted. To sell the MARSH READING STAND AND REVOLVING BOOK CASE Best Office or Library article ever patented, and sells everywhere on sight, at a good profit. Why stand idle with such a chance to make money? Ask the pub lisher of this paper to show you sample of this stand or write us for full partic ulars at once. MARSH MFG., CO., No. 542 West Lake St. Chicago. Rev. W. E. Sitzer, W. Caton, N. Y., writes, "I had dyspepsia over twenty years, and tried doctors and medicines without benefit. I was persuaded to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and it helped me from the start. I believe it to be a panacea for all forms of indigestion.' it* digest# what yon eat. Julia A. Story. RIN0W00D DEPMMNI1 PHIL 8. HARRISON, Editor ; »W«mi --»»•»»« HHWWMMHHHM lllimlim||M April laughed and threw a klss^ : ? , Then afraid It seemed amiss, Quick she dropped a shining tear, Aurl it straightway blossomed h|»ref - Seeing this, she then threw more,- A! Crying harder than before-- ^ * A tear for every kiss she threw |t- f ?. From every tear a blossom gre\ft* ( Till she, laughing, ran away, > •• ? And left her flowers all to May. ( --Hugh McCulloh in Philadelphia ledger. J. E. Cristy was in Chicago Tuesday. Clyde Clark, of Ostend, was a caller Saturday. v Mrs. Jane Carr is visiting relatives in Wauc'onda. * Willie Brown was in Chicago the last of the week. J. B. Bennett and family ant spend ing a few days in Chicago. Mrs. Mary Fay, of Elgin, is spending a few days with ht-r mother. Mrs. Auringer and children, of Mc Henry, were in town Saturday. Miss Emma Matthews, of Nunda, was calling on friends Saturday. C. E. Fay, of Chicago, has been spend ing the past w^ek with his mother. Mr. Rugg, of Keystone, is visiting with his daughter, Mrs. J. S. Brown. Mrs. T. A. Abbott and daughter, of Ostend, were calling on friends Friday. Misses Mabel and Myrtle Stevens are visiting relatives at Clinton Junction, Wis. The Creamery company has been making some repairs on the living rooms. The cemetery has been put in order by Mr. Chase and looks much neater than ever before. Miss Maud Sivers returned Tuesday from Racine where she was called by the death of a relatives. Olive Stevens is now located in rooms at Bert's Bell where she will be pleased to meet her many friends. The Y. P. C. U. will meet Sunday evening May 6, 1900. Mrs. H. P. Buck- land will lead the meeting, Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Wright, of Rich mond were visiting with Ed. Bell's people recently. Neighbors Wright and Bell came to town to see the sights and saw them to be sure. The many friends of H. C. Allen gave him a pleasant surprise last Tuesday evening and presented him with a very nice cane. Mr. Allen is eighty years of age and says he can do as much work as many younger men. J. S. Brown has been very busy'for some time getting his store in shape for business. That he has a liice store needs no telling. When in need of any thing usually kept in a country drug store, give Mr. Brown a call and be convinced that you can do no better elsewhere. We have been hearing a great deal about blind pigs, in fact just before and after the city and village elections a great deal had been said about "another blind pig" and if we remember cor rectly a county paper stated that the city of Marengo was about to enter into another ' 'blind pig epidemic." Our curiosity was so much aroused that we went to see what the noise was all about, and upon my word there was no one in the whole county could tell us where we could find the much talked of "blind pig" and we came home in dis gust. Imagine how great was our joy on Sunday morning last when Neighbor N. D. Stevens came along and told about a blind pig right here in our town and said it could be seen on the farm of O. A. Tabor. It is there all right but our interest in blind pigs has taken a very decided slump. We had expected to see something about the size of an ox and weighing at least a ton, but this was a little wee dried up thing with both ears gone and rolling around the mud just like any other pig. It was in fact the worst looking animal of the swine family we ever saw. We have received no word from Mr. Tabox' that he will sell, but will venture to say that any one in the ,county wishing to get a blind pig can go a great deal farther and fare worse than to take this. A Woman's Awful Peril. x ' 'There is only one chance to save your life and that is through an operation" were the startling words heard by Mrs. I. B. Hunt of Lime Ridge, Wis., from her doctor after he had vainly tried to cure her of a frightful case of stomach trouble and yellow jaundice. Gall stones had formed and she constantly grew worse. Then she began to use Electric Bitters which wholly cured her. It's a wonderful Stomach, Liver and Kidney remedy. Cures Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite. Try it. Only 50ct. Guaranteed. For sale by Julia A. Story, druggust. * „ "Secrets of Success; or, Our Business Boys" by the Rev. Francis E. Clark, founder of the Young People's Society for Christian Endeavor is a book of good and wholesome advice for boys. See tjie advertisement in another col umn. The Werner Company, publish ers, are offering it at a special price, tf. J. Q. Hood, Justice of the Peace, Cros by, Miss., makes the following state ment: "I can certify that One Minute Cough Cure will do all that is claimed for it. My wife could not get her breath and the first dose of it relieved her. It has also benefited my whole family." It acts immediately and cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe, bronchitis, asthma and all throat and lung troubles. Julia A. Story. 1,000,000 DEATHS! FROM CHOLERA DURING THE PAST YEAR. «v Thr «<Bnn* of ttils Fatal Diiwiw so* tflrk- i»K Everywhere! Thousand*! of Dollar* Saved by This Wonderful Discovery. Hundreds of thousands of dollar^ has been lost in the poultry business on ac count of the devastation among the flocks, caused by cholera, roup, gape, and other fatal diseases. There have been many remedies advanced, but none seem to be so successful as the Ameri can Poultry Mixture. This will cure chickens in jthe last stage of cholera and roup, and is excellent for gapes. Do your fowls suffer from violent diarrhea, dropping-of the wings, stupor or ex cessive thirst? These are the first symp toms of cholera. Cholera is a germ disease and being infectious spreads rapidly through the entire flock. Take time by the forelock; don't stop to ex periment with unreliable or untried remedies. Use this mixture at once and the sanitary measures they recommend in connection, Don't give the fowls up. Cholera is a terrible disease but this remedy cures it every time. It is also guaranteed for roup, which can be told by hoarse breathing, swelled eyes, dis charge at the nostrils, resembling ca tarrh. Fifty dollars is offered for any case the Mixture will not cure. If some of your fowls are diseased it will pre vent the rest from catching it. Try* it. It is cheap, reliable and effective; a sci entific preparation, goes more than three times as far an any other remedy; does more good than all of them com bined. It is used and endorsed by the most experienced and largest breeders of plain and fancy poultry in all parts of the world The manufacturers guar antee every package or refund purchase money. If your druggists don't sell American Poultry Mixture, he's behind the age. In that case scad $1.00 for sample box to American Mfg. Co., Terre Haute, Ind. . Personal. V If yogiwe constipated and trctiried ad digestion, nausea, qui) dizziness or foul breat we recommend as the best remedy we know of a'Uittle pill called Green Mountain Pearls, "v We antee that they will relive you, won't gripe. WeseW a box of forCWor 25 cents^^ 91000.00. To Be Given Away. Form as many English words as you can using only the letters contained in the text, "WARD DRUG COMPANY" for example :on, rag, candy, woman, etc. Use no letter in a word more times than it appears in "Ward Drug Company." Don't use plurals or names of persons or places. Two Hundred Dollars in Gold will be given to the person forming the largest list of words. $100 will be given for the second, $75 for the third largest, $50 for the fourth, and $25 for each of the 5th 6th and 7 th largest lists, and $500 will be divided among the persons, bright enough to form 30 words or more who do not win the leading cash prizes. Complete list of prizes and full particulars of the contest will be sent promptly to all contestants. This is a legitimate offer made by an honorable company and should not be classed with catch-penny affairs. If you are any good at word-making, you are sure of a reward that will pay you many times over for your trouble. Everyone has an equal opportunity, distance makes no <)ifference. It is in tended to make every contestant a per manent customer. Write your name and address plainly on your list and number words, enclosing twelve two- cent stamps or twenty-five cents in sil ver for a package of Ward's Prize Pills which is just the medicine every family needs at this season of the year. Ask your druggist about them. Contest closes July 15th 1900. In case of a tie for any prizes the money will be equally divided between such tied contestants. Mail your list at earliest possible moment. Some one is going to get this prize money, fortune may now be knocking at your door. Our object is to make our name a household word in every home. Satisfaction * guaranteed or money cheerfully refunded for the asking. Address WARD DRUG CO., 30 ana 32 East 14th Street, New York. A Keen Clear Brain. Your best feelings, your social position or business success depend largely on the perfect action of your Stomach and Liver. Dr. King's New Life Pills give increased strength, a keen, clear brain, high ambition. A 25 cent box will make you feel like a new being. Sold by Julia A. Story, Druggist. Agents on salary of $15.00 per week and expenses; the greatest agent seller ever produced; every stock and poultry raiser buys it on sight* Hustlers want ed. Reference. /Address, with stamp, American Mfg. Co., Terre Haute, Ind. ' 82-ly "A Howling Success." Wherever properly introduced Dr. Gaid well's Syrup Pepsin, as a cure for constipation, has met with phenomenal sale. Many druggists cannot say enough in praise of its merits, as well as its great popularity with the people. In 10c trial size and also in 90c and $1.00 sizes, of Julia A. Story. DIRECTORY f . .• •••>•?•*•£**;*• if*"'- BUSINESS CARDS, •f F . c . k o s s , & . Over O WEN & QHA PELL' & M c M e n r y I I I i n o i s Offitp hour$: 8 to 12; 1 to 5 m KNIGHT ArBROWN. i C. V . BARN1CS. A TTORNEY, solicitor, and Counselor. Col lections a specialty. Damage Suits, etc. , - Office at Wooa»toek,kll.. DAVID 6. WELLS, M. D. tjTOldAN. SUROEON AND OCULIST, v Office and resideuee in Justen's Block, .' over the Plaindealor office, McHenry. Teie-i*- phone No,2, 1 " v;,: . --^ r.rjk: pHtSiOIAN AND SURGEON, ieHeniy.C *• III. Office at Residence. 5:3s; DR. A. E. AURINGER. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in the •7 olfl Post Office building, one door east of J. Miller's store, West McHenry. 111. Resi dence, house formerly occupied by Dr. Os borne. All professional calls promptly at tended to. 8TRAYER & STRAYER, A l l ORNEYS AT LAW. Practice in all the x courts or the state. fflvpn personal attent Board building. * ~ «» . X A ovwtc ill ill! Lilt? courts of the state. Collections given ersonal attention. Suite 210 Real Estate 59 Dearborn St. CHICAGO, ILL. 1>. T. SMILEY, A TTORNEY, Counselor, Solicitor and No- ^.tary Public. Will give prompt and im mediate attention to ail business intrusted to his care. Office in Hoy's Block. Woodstock, 111. J. W. TORRENCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE and NotarajPub- ^ lie. General collection agency. Collec tions promptly made at a reasonable commls- 8lon- Volo, 111. H. C. MEAD, Justice of the Peace and General In- surance Agent, including Accident and&ife Insurance. WIST MCHENRY, - - Ttj.- A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler No. 126 State street, Chicago. Special attention given to repairing Fine Watches and Chronometers. 13BT A full assortment of goods in bis line. Office, Kendal Block* WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS DJR. W. C. BKSIrBY SURGEON DENTIST Extracting a Specialty, with the administra tion of Nitrous Oxid Gas or Vitalized Air. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty C. F. BOLEY, Proprietor of McHenry Brewery, MoHENRY, ILL. Always on Band With m--m the Best Beer SOCIETIES. MASONIC. MCHENRY LODGE, NO. 158, A. F.and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. GEO. H. HANLY, W. M. W. C. O. F. St. Patrick's Court, No. 187. W. C. O. F., meet the First Saturday and Third Wednesday evenings of each month, at Forester Hall. MRS. MARY COBB, Chief Ranger. LORKTTA WALSH, Secretary. M. W. A. Regular Meetings every Second and Fourth Wednesday evenings of each month, at their vveanesuay evenings of1 Hall, in Stoffel's Block. H. C. MEAD, Clerk. C. C. COLBY, Consul. 0. O. F. Meet First and Third Sundays of each month in Forester Hall. MATT WEBBB, Chief Ranger. JOHN NEISS, Secretary. JOHN H. MILLER, Financial 8ec'y. Trustees: John Helmer, Anton Engeln Ben Lauer. C. O. F. St. Patrick Court No. f46. C. O. F. Meetings held the Second and Fourth Monday evenings of each month in Forester Hall. J: M. Phalen, C. R. G. E. Walsh, R.8. CHURCHES. Rev. J. Straub; D. D Pastor T- J;, Walsh. President H. C. Mead - »...Clerk James B. Perry. Treasurer The Willing Workers (the ladles' organiza tion.) Mrs. John I. Story... President Mrs. L. H. Owen Vice President Mrs. C. C. Chapell Secretary Mrs. W. A. Crfsty Treasurer Supt. of Sunday-School ...F. L. McOmber Assistant W. A. Cristy The Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address Is Grand Crossing. Preaching Services at 10:80 A. M. and at I'M p. H. A cordial invitation to all. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Rev. W L. Whipple ..Pastor Preaching Sunday 10:80 A. M. Sunday- 8c iiool D?: A E- Auringer ... Superintendent Prayer Meetlag, Wednesday, 7:80 p. M. Ladies' Aid Society meet each alternate week. Mrs. A. E. Auringer, President, Miss Cora Wilson, Secretary. A Cordial invitation is extended to all. ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC (GERMAN.) Services will be held on Sunday as follows: High Mass at lb o'clock a. m. Vespers at 8 o'clock p. m. REV. FATHER KIRSCH, Pastor. ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC. Regular Sunday services at 9:3Q o'clock m. and 12 o'clock every third Sunday. REV. FATHER O'NEIL, Pastor. ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC (GERMAN.) St. John's Catholic Church, Johnsburg have services on Sunday as follows: High Mass at 10 0,'clock, a. m. and Vespers at 3 0 clock p. a.' RXV. FATHKB MKHBUTC, Pastor. • rfe A;