i C. * A* ' ^ V? MAY IQOO SVN HON THE WK» THU fM •AT t K 2 3 4 3 \ 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 •8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 r 17 28 29 30 31 ?:• ••a: --,1 t j !5s';:"":^": ; ;v . JliV-' iO>'.A<:--'"' ..l. '.. • -•••• - r»" ' ..' * '*" ^ ^ - * * • '*" .. '.N,*t'"-.vs' s< /*ar / D -- t*t (>»?*' NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS RICHMOND. A. P. Bobart, of Genoa, w one day last week. Miss Rachel Bond, of Chicago, has been visiting at Dr. Ward's for several days. Dr. T. C. Corkery, of Champaign, was visiting at A. M. Wray's one day last week. Dr. and Mrs. Heirick and son, Paul, of Hebron, were visiting relatives here Saturday. Ray Alexander came out from Chica go Saturday evening and spent Sunday With his parents. Miss Jenny Sibley, of Austin, spent several days of last week visiting relati ves in this vicinity. Mr. Claude Ercanbrack, of Elburn, lias been visiting relatives in this vi- oiiuty for several days. Mrs. M. C. Haight entertained her sister, Miss Lottie Chittick, of Chicago, several days last week. Miss Maude Vinton came out from Chicago Saturday evening to spend Sun day with her grandfather. Miss Lydia Kruse, of West Chicago, was the guest of her brother, Charles Kruse and family last week. Mrs. George Earing has returned from Pennsylvania where she spent the winter the guest of her son and family. Last Friday evening a bus load of young people from this place went over to Hebron to attend a social giyen by the school. The Hebron young folks are fine entertainers and all spent a very pleasant evening, Saturday afternoon the base hall teams of the Hebron and Richmond grammar grades had a game at the driving park which resulted in a score of 14 to 24 in Hebron's favor. A. Lincoln Kirk, the impersonator has been secured for an entertainment at the Congregational church Saturday evening. Mr. Kirk has an excellent re putation as an impersonator and his unique and original entertainment' 'The Sublime and the Ludicrous" is pro nounced first class. Our Army and Navy. Not until the close of the Spanish- American war, which proved such a brilliant success for our Army and Na vy, did foreign powers appreciate the strength and stability of our engines of _W£<r. ^ot only did foreign countries watch the movements of our troops and ships with amusement, but our own people, right here at home, were sur prised to find that the United States possessed an army and navy of such strength and proportions. In one of the latest books to appear, entitled "The United States Army and Navy, 1776-1899," a grapic description of the operations of both branches of the service, from their inception to the close of the late war, is to be found. It is a beautiful art edition* and no book so complete, both from a literary and ar tistic point%f tiew, has ever been pub lished. The text is by eminent authorities in >0th branches, anil was compiled after a careful research of all government re cords. The illustrations and there are 43 of them, full-page size, are the finest gjJecimens of art ever placed in a book. The volume is published by the Wer ner Company, of Akron, Ohio, who are soaking a special offer to introduce it to the reading public. In another part of this issue will be found a more detailed 'description of the book and how it can jbp secured. tL WAUCONDA. E. A. Golding was a Chicago caller Saturday. Harry Hill is the proud possessor of a' fine new wheel. Miss Nettie Murray, returned to Chi cago on Sunday. R. R. Andrews, of Union, was on our streets Saturday. Frank and Earle Harrison spent Sun day in Wauconda. Mrs. Jane Carr, of Ringwood, visited with relatives here last week. Robert Bennett, of Barrington, visited friends in Wauconda Sunday. Several Odd Fellows, from Cary, vis ited the lodge herei Friday evening. Chancey Gibson, of West McHenry, Sundayed with his brother, George. Mrs. Farnsworth, of Mexico* is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hubbard The Misses McMarass, of Chicago, visited friends in this vicinity recently. Misses Lucy and May Spencer re turned to their home in Chicago Sunday. Miss Tyrell returned to Chicago Sat urday after visiting friends in Waucon- da. Mrs. Erakine Oaks and Robbie, of Chi cago, are spending the week with rela tives. Will Spencer and wife, of Chicago, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Spencer Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Burritt entertained their daughter, Mrs. Joslyn, of Marengo, the first of the week. W. A. Goodwin, wife and son, Scott, of Nunda, were the guests of W. B. Duer's over Sunday. Mr. - and Mrs. Frank Robinson, Mrs. Lines, Miss Gladys Lines, all of Barring- ton, visited relatives, Sunday. BARfiEVULE. . Mr. Bremer is slowly improving. Miss Pearl Willmington is numbered among the sick this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ticnor, of Terra Cotta, called on friends here one day last week. Mrs. C. Smith, of Burton's Bridge, is caring for Mrs. L. Eastman, who is sick. Lewis Schmit and Grace Ichauf, of Prairie Grove, were seen on our streets Sunday. Mrs, Ross Robinson and children, Hazel and Glenn, were Elgin visitors last week. (f Miss Lillie Scheid, of Prairie Grove, passed through this vicinity one evening last week. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Thompson, of Greenwood, spent Sunday at Leonard Eastman's. Mrs. Ruth Turner, of Nunda, spent part of last week with her brother, Will Van Natta, here. William Henderson and James Howell called on James and Emma Behn at Hazel Dell Sunday. Mrs. J. Hunter and daughter Edna were visiting relatives in Elgin the latter part of last week. Miss Parsley and Miss Nellie Johns ton, of Burton'8 Bridge, called on Mrs. C. Baird one day last week. A Knight of the Grip Testifies. MOMENCE, ILL , Nov. 14, 1898. I was troubled with a disagreeable feeling in my stomach caused by dys pepsia, and one dose of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin relieved me. I will never be without it as it is the best remedy for Constipation and Indigestion I have ever used. P. R. CLARK. Traveling Salesman for Pearson & Weytel, Importers of QueenswoHe, In dianapolis, Ind. In 10c, 50c and $1.0Q bottles at Julia A. Story's. RINGWOOD DEPARTMENT I'Hllj S. HAItlil,SON, KdHor ••••••••••••• HHHMMM MMMM MtMIH --i We scatter seeds with careless hand. And dream we ne'er shall see them more; But for a thousand years their fruit appears, In weeds that mar the land or healthful storq.- Mrs. A. t lBVancisoo is among the sick. V- Mrs. Jennie Spaulding spent Monday in Chicago. J. W. Lawson, of Park Ridge, was here Tuesday. * Mr. and Mrs. James Ladd were in Chi cago Dewey Day.' W. A- Dodge and family visited in Richmond Sunday. C. W. Harrison was away on business the last of the week. Charles Thompson, of Greenwood, was in town Thursday. ^ Mr; and Mrs. Morgan wefe Wood stock visitors Friday last. r ' Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Allen are spend ing some time with friendis at Salem, Wis. Mrs. W. H. Kelly and children visit ed relatives at Algonquin Sat. and1 Sun day. Mr. Densimore, of Alden, was in town Saturday looking up school mat ters. Mrs. Jas. McDonald and daughter Lulu, visited Mrs. E. F. Harr&on Sat urday. Mr. • Russel recently of Hebron can now be found alt the drug store elf J. S. Brown. ". ' ' E. H, Thompson, of Woodstock, was in town Friday looking after his fence interest! Mr. Snyder and family, of Wood stock, were visitors at"N. D. "Steven's Sunday. The school children held their May party Saturday last, on the lawn at H. W. Allen's. Mrs. C. R. Randall and children^ of Elgin, are spending a few days with Mrs. Dodge. Dr. Brown, of McHenry, accompanied by his grandchildren called at H. W. Aliens' Tuesday. Misses Iva Mead and Edna Story spent Saturday and Sunday with Winnie Grimoldby. Misses Mable and Myrtle Stevens re turned on Sunday from a visit with relatives in Wisconsin. Everybody is invited to attend the Poverty Social at Miss Julia A. Story's, Friday evening of this week. Fred Bell and Mrs. Ed. Bell returned from their western trip Saturday morn ing. Fred reports a pleasant trip. J. V. Buckland reports a good ran in all lines in the nursery this spring. Monday another large load of trees was taken to the lakes. OSTEND. C PERSEVERENCE. No begging's by the fates allowed, The head that plnns gets hardest raps, And he with ginger rich endowed Picks up the best of fortunes snaps. Guy Harrison was a Woodstock visi tor Sunday. Never hit a man when he is down.-- Jump on him. Edward French was a Ringwood vis itor Saturday. Louis Whiting visited his parents near Ringwood, Sunday. Happiness consists largely in forget ting things you can't have. Mrs. Henry Hobart has recently pur chased a fine driving horse. Miss Nina Hobart was a Sunday caller on Miss Ethel Abbott. Miss Anna Harrison speht Saturday and Sunday with parents here. Mr. F. A. Abbott delivered his hogs to Pratt and Thompson Monday. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Say lor and family were Sunday visitors at Geo. Thomas'. Mrs. E. E. Bassett and Miss Maud Abbott were Woodstock visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Lincoln, of Har vard, were visiting relatives here Satur day. All things co^ae to those who wait until they get rich before they do their waiting. Mr. and Mrs. Frances Martin, of Woodstock, were Sunday visitors at Peter Martin's. Willie and Warren Thomas, of Mc Henry. spent Saturday at their uncle Henry Hobart's. The vocal music will be a treat to all lovers of music, at the school house, Fri day evening, May 11th. Never contradict a woman. Leave h^r alone and she will save you the trouble by contradicting herself. Messrs. Henry Hobart and Thomas McDonald drew each one load of hogs to Woodstock for Ed. Pierce Monday. Mr-40. E. Saylor, on Thursday last, delivered six crayon portraits, the pro duct of the carefully and skillfully guided hand of his daughter Maybelle, whose fame as an executor of fine crayon work is rapidly increasing; On his way home Mr. Saylor took orders for six more portraits. I consider it not only a pleasure but a duty I owe to my neighbors to tell about the wonderful cnre affected in my case by the timely use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I was taken very badly with flux and procured a bottle 9f this remedy. A few doses of it effected a permanent cure. I take pleasure in recommending it to others suffering from that dreadful disease .--J. W. LYNCH, Dorr,\W. Va. This remedy is sold by Julia A. Story. WOODSTOCK. Circuit court will convene in this city May 28. Mrs. Lizsielft. Mills jspent last week at Marengo. - 7 Paul O Donnel isnpw the clerk at the Waverly House. Thomas Gnth spent §unday with friends in Chicago.^ „ Miss Georgia Montgomery was a Chi cago visitor over Sunday. ; ; fW C. Wellington of Harvard was here on business on- Friday, Will Kniebush, of Chicagb, spent Sunday with his parents here. Pleasure Club minstrels at the City Hall this week Friday evening, Simon Stoffel was over from Mc Henry on business fast Friday. A. PjLynburner spent Sunday with relatives and friends in Chicago. Arch Mclntyre of Hartland made a business trip to Chicago on Monday. Miss Carrie Allen is visiting relatives and friends at Dunham and Harvard. Mr. and Mrs. Gvo. Dimmel and chil dren, of Seneca, spent Saturday in town. M. J. Emerson, of the Harvard Inde pendent, was here on business Friday. Mayor E. D. Shurtleff, of Marengo, was here on business last week Friday, Jay Pratt and Will Bachman were guests of friends at McHenry recently. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Booth and Olie Simonsen were Chicago visitors on Sun day.- E. C. Wynkoop, of Chicago, spent Sunday with his father and brother here. Mrs. C. B. Wright was the guest erf friends in Chicago several days last week. * Mrs. J. S. Jones returned on Tuesday from a week's visit with her mother at Capron. - Jay E. Compton visited with relatiyes and friends in Chicago the latter part of last week. E. Q. Anderson, of Evanston, was the guest of relatives and friends in town over Sunday. Rev. Columbus Bradford, of Chicago, preached in the Congregational church last Sunday. The employees of the O, T. factory enjoyed their first half holiday last Sat urday afternoon. J. H. Peck and W. C. DeWolf of Bel- videre were here on business the latter part of last week. Miss Etta Salisburg, of Cary, visited with friends in town Saturday and Sun day also attending church. T. S. O'Brien returned,to Chicago on Friday after an extended visit with his father and sister in this city. W. J. McDowell departed on Thurs day on a trip through Ohio. He will probably be absent some time. Prof. Johnston, of Todd's Seminary, preached an "excellent sermon in the Presbyterian church Sunday evening. On Friday of last week Judge C. H. Donnley appointed Attorney Geo. W. Field master in chancery of McHenry county. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wendt left the latter part of last week for Dundee where they will make their future home. R. W. Spafford, traveling salesman for "National Home and Music Jour nal," of Chicago, has been calling on the music lovers the past week. SOLON. TO THE DANDELION. Dear common flower, that grow'st beside the way Fringing the dusty road with harmless gold, first pledge of blithesome May, Which children pluck, and, full of pride up hold, High-hearted bucannaneers, o'erjoyed what they - . An Eldorado in the grassy have found, - Which not the rich earth's ample round May match in wealth, thou art more dear to me Than .all the prouder summer-blooms may be Not in mid June the golden-cuirassed bee Feels a more summer-like warm ravishment In the white lily's breezy tent This fragrant Sybaris, than I when first From the dark green thy yellow circles burst. My childhood's earliest thoughts are linked with these; The sight of thee calls back the robin's song, Who from the dark old tree '• Beside the door, sang clearly all day long, And I, secure in childish piety, Listened as if I hejird an angel sing, With news from heaven which I could bring Fresh every day to my untainted ears When birds and fiowei*s and I were happy peers. Longfellow. Maud Loon is stopping with Mrs. George Vogle. ' Mrs. J. Gibbs, from near Wauconda, WAR TO THE DEATH • ',-t. PE^T&OF THE POULTRY YARD VST GO! visited friends here recently Mr. Will Hodge has placed a very at tractive sign in front of his barber shop. Alta Kimball, of McHenry, is the guest of his sister, Mrs. Frank Vos- burgh. Mrs. Joe Fillweber and Mrs. Stanford, of Antioch, were the guests of relatives here last week. Mrs. W. D. Phillips and little daugh ter, of Elgin, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Christian. Mr. Charles Cornish, who has been sick for many months is now able to get out and enjoy the bright spring days. Benjamin Ready of Lake Geneva, came down on his bycicle Sunday to visit his cousins Irving and Buth Over ton. Among the many delegates in attend ance at the republican convention at Peoria this week was R. W. Overton of this place. Miss Ruth Overton started Tuesday morning for an extended Visit in the East. The objective points being Detroit, Buffalo, Walloott, Boston and New York. American Lice Dentroyer Kills Mere Mites, Lice and Other Vermin in a Day Than All Other Remedies Combined. The war is on! The days of lice and vermin that have done so much to make the life of the poultryman miserable, ar.d his business unprofitable are over. American Lice Destroyer is the proper ammunition to use! This preparation is wonderful in its power, and vermin cannot exist twenty-four hours after it is applied to the coop or fowls. Every poultryman needs it. It is cheap, re liable and effective, one package being sufficient to protect 250 fowls from mites and lice for one year. When this De stroyer is used, profits at once increase. Lice and vermin do more to kill profits than all other causes combined. You know it. Don't go on losing money every week, but try American Lice De stroyer. You may have tried other things without success, but if this fails you can have your money back. We are in this fight to stay, and will back Destroyer against any number of mites or lice you may have. Don't fool away money with "recipies" or home-made makeshifts. Use scientific means. The American Lice Destroyer has been UBed by thousands of poultrymen; it has been on market several years and has been tested thousands of times. We know it is all right, and if it doesn't do the work remember you get your money back. What more can you ask? If your drug gist don't sell American Lice Destroyer, he's behind the age. In that case eend for $1.00 box at once. Made only by American Mfg. Co., Terre Haute, Ind. Personal. If you^fre constipated and tr5U)le<J witk^oad digestion, nausea, Ibill ^ffache, dizziness or foul breat we recommend as the best remedy we know of a V little pill called " Green Mountain Pearls, "j We fantee that they will rel^tfe you, andS^y won't gripe. E#sell a box of fortysCor 25 centg^^ Julia A. Story, McHenry, I1L flOOO.OO. To Be Given Away. Form as many English words as you can using only the letters contained in the text, "WARD DRUG COMPANY" for example :on, rag, candy, woman, etc. Use no letter in a word more times than it appears in "Ward Drug Company Don't use plurals or names of persons or places. Two Hundred Dollars in Gold will be given to the person forming the largest list of words. $100 will be given for the second, $75 for the third largest, $50 for the fourth, and $35 for each of the 5th 6th and 7 th largest lists, and $500 will be divided among the persons bright enough to form 30s-words or more who do not win the leading cn-ah prizes. Complete list of prizes and full particulars of the contest will be sent promptly to all contestants. This is a legitimate offer made by an honorable company and should not be classed with catch-penny affairs. If you are any good at word-making, you are sure of a reward that will pay you many times over for your trouble. Everyone ha^ an equal opportunity, distance makes no difference. It is in tended to make every contestant a per manent customer. Write your name and address plainly on your list and number words, enclosing twelve two- cent stamps or twenty-five cents in sil ver for a package of Ward's Prize Pills which is just the medicine every family needs at this season of the year. Ask your druggist about them. Contest closes July 15th 1900. In case of a tie for any prizes the money will be equally divided between such tied contestants. Mail your list at earliest possible moment. Some one is going to get this prize money, fortune may now be knocking at your door. Our object is to make our name a household word in every home. Satisfaction guaranteed or money cheerfully refunded for the asking. Address WARD DRUGl- CO., 80 and 83 East 14th Street, New York. TO THE DEAF.--A rich lady, cured of her deafness and noises in the head by Dr. Nicholson's artificial ear drums, gave $10,000 to his institute, so that deaf people, unable to procure the ear drums, may have them free. Address No. 18,833. The Nicholson Institute, 780, Eighth Avenue, New York. tf. Does Your Stomach Distress Yon f Do you bave pain in tha side, nausea sometimes vomiting, distress after eat ing, belching, constipation, loss of appe tite, dizziness, flatulence, moth patches, sluggish looks, pimples and a repulsive complexion? If you have any of these symptoms, you have dyspepsia or stom ach disorder. The new discovery, Bail ey's Dyspepsia Tablets, brings quick relief, followed by a permanent cure; pleasant to take. W. J. Bailey, written on each package. Price 35 cents, post paid. Made by Lakeside Medicine Co., Chicago. Sample free. Well informed doctors prescribe them. Sold by Miss J. A. Story. I y-Feb. 10- uo 1 DIRECTORY f , BUSINESS , * , . - - ' rVr'"-'. . '1 F. c: ROSS, D. D. S. O v e r . O WENv & QUA PELL * 8 M c H e nty til tin o is Off ice Ho u r 8: ffto 12; 1 to S? KNIGHT A BROWN. 100 Washington ATTORNEYS AT LAW street, Chicago, III. solicitor, and Counselor. Col lections a specialty. Damage Suits, etc. Office at Woodstock, 111. DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. PHr&I0IA]5' su5GEON aND OCULIST. ??cen!?n.d J-esWenee in justetl»s Block, over the Plaindealer office, McHenry. Tele phone No. 2. x O. H. FEGERS, M. D. pilY^OIAN AND SURGEON, III. Office at Residence. McHenry, DR- A. E. AURINQER. ' ' j\9IAN ANI) SURGEON, Office in the T MI ? Post Office building, one door east of J. Millers store, West McHenry, 111. Resi dence, bouse formerly occupied by Dr Os borne. All professional calls promptly at tended to. STRAYER & STRAYER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Practice in all the courts of the state. Collections given •ersonal attention. Suite 210 Real Estate building. 58 Dearborn St. CHICAGO, ILL. 11 1 1 ti': ».« iVi' "'ifji'itiin 1. D. T, SMILEY •' ATTORNEY, Counselor, Soffdtor ahk%o- tary I ublic. Will give prompt and im mediate attention to all business Intrusted to his care. office in Hoy's Block. Woodstock, 111. J* TORRENCE JUSTICE OF THE PEACE and Notary Pub- 1icj__Cie-ri^ral collection agency. Collec- le commii Yolo, 111. sionS pr0mptly nia^e a reasonable commis- H. C. MEAD, Justice of the Peace and -General In surance Agent, including, Accident and'Life Insurance. -- WEST MCHENRY, - - TT.T.: 1 A. M. CHURCH, { Watchmaker and Jewel or No. 126 State street, Chicago. Special attention given to repairing Fine Watches and Chronometers. A full assortment of goods in his line. ... ̂ Bears the Signature of ¥OS&SA. 1 The Kind You Have Always Bought .Adverts in The Plaindealer. Office, Kendal Block, WOODSTOCK, * ILLINOIS DR. W. C. BESLEY fURGEON |>ENTIST Extracting a Specialty, with the administra tion of Nitrous Oxid Gas or Vitalized Air. Qrown and Bridge Work a Specialty C. F. BOLEY, Proprietor of McHenry McHEMRY. ILL. Always on Band With --the Beat Beer SOCIETIES. MASONIC. MCHENRY LODGE, NO. 158, A. F.and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. GEO. H, llANLY, W. M W. C. O. P. St. Patrick's Cburt, No. 187, W. C. O. P., meet the First Saturday and Third Wednesday evenings of each month, at Forester Hall. Mas. MARY COBB, Chitit JRaeger. LORBTTA WALSH, Secretary. M. W. A. Regular Meetings every Second and Fourth Wednesday evenings of each month, Hall, in Stoffel's Block. H. O. MKAD, Clerk. at their O. 0. COLBY, Consul. C.O. P. Meet First and Third Sundays of each month In Porester Hall. MATT WEBBR, Chief Ranger. JOHN NEISS, Secretary. JOHN H. MILLER, Financial Sec'y. Trustees: John Heimer, Anton Engeln Ben Lauer. C. O. F. St. Patrick Court No. 746, C. O. P. Meetings held the Second and Fourth Monday evenings of each month in Forester Hall. J. M. Phalen, C. R. G. E. Walsh, R.S, CHURCHES. UNIVERSALISTr------- Rev. J. Straub, D. D .. .Pastor T. J. Walsh. President H. C. Mead Clerk James B. Pernr.. ....Treasurer The Willing Workers (the ladies' organiza tion.) Mrs. John I.Story President Mrs. L. H. Owen Vice President Mrs. C. C. Chapell Secretary Mrs. W. A. Cristy... .,i........ Treasurer bupt. of Sunday-School. F. L. McOmber Assistant W. A. Cristy The Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address s Grand Crossing. Preaching Services at 10:30 A. M. and .at 7:80 p. M. A cordial invitation to all. METHODIST EPISCOPAL, Rev. W. L. Whipple ...........Pastor Preaching Sunday 10:80 A. X. gunday- School, 12 M. ' Dr. A. E. Auringer Superintendent Prayer Meetlag, Wednesday, 7:30 P. M. Ladies' Aid Society meet each alternate week. Mrs. A. K. Auringer, President, Mhs Cora Wilson, Secretary. 0T~A Cordial invitation is extended to all. ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC (GERMAN.) follows: -- at 8 Pastor. ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC. Sunday services at 9:30 o'clock I m. and 12 o clock every third Sundi". REV. FATHER O'NEIU Pastor. ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC (GERMAN.) St. John's Catholic Church, .Tohnsbui* have services on Sunday as follows: HJGF Mass at 10 o'clock a. m. and Vespers tt f 0 clock p. m. EBV. FATHER MJBHBINQ, ~ *