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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jul 1900, p. 2

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I SP5B » - 3.$ k. ' Wr~: * x V\i:. -*?... " '••?-;s^7r'-V-.;y;;.^v;.: ^£\Y;VT H***1 *"•" $t:£ \(a ̂ JULY I900 ( SUN MOM fUE WE& TBI) FRJ SAT I 2 3 4 3 6 7 i l | S 9 IO 11 12 13 •4 n i l •J 16 •7 18 20 21 m 22 23 24 25 - 27 26 1 l 'K- \ *9 JO 31 i NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS RICHMOND. Mr. and Mrs. Miessner spent Sunday at Lake Geneva. Miss Edna Speaker is visiting rela­ tives at Linn, Wis. Miss Flo Heck spent last week visit­ ing relatives at Lyons. Miss Ruth Bogart is visiting relatives and friends at Harvard. Miss Carrie Baird, of Woodstock, is visiting at Mand Vinton's. Miss Ivy Richardson is the prond owner of a fine new bicycle. Mrs. George Eldredge spent the latter part of the week at Harvard. Thos. Hurley, of Freemont, Neb., spent last week in this vicinity. Mrs. Arthur Hannas is entertaining Lulu Ercanback, of Elburn, 111. Mr. Harvey Kimball spent Sunday visiting his father at Woodstock. Mr. Lowery came out from Chicago •nd spent Sunday with his family. Miss Eliza St. Ledger, of Chicago, has been visiting a! Perry Haskin's. c r Mr. Frank Reeder, of Clinton Junc­ tion, is visiting relatives in this vicinity. Miss Carrie Smith has been visiting "relatives in this vicinity for several ' days. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks have been visi­ ting P. G. Skinkles and family for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Aldenderfer and son, Wray, of Chicago, are visiting relatives in this vicinity. Miss Margaret Sumner has been suf­ fering from a severe attack of quinsy for several days. ( Mr. James P. Lott, of Chicago, was attending to business in this region Sat­ urday and Sunday. Miss Carolyn Ward has been enter­ taining Miss Ethel Van Wie, of Rock- ford, for several days. " E. RIDGEFUSLD. Noble was in Nunda Satur- HMIMMUmilWMMIMXMMMHMMNMillimi JOHNSBUKGH. Mr. Wm. Britz, of Chicago, spent the Fourth out here. Rev. Father Schmitt, from Aurora, is visiting relatives around here. Mrs. Maggie Freund, from Chicago, visited with her parents last week. Quite a few from here attended the parade at McHenry on the Fourth. Mr. Sthephen Freund, of Elgin, is visiting friends around'Johnsburgh. Mrs. Michaels is entertaining her brother, Mr. Thelett, from Chicago. ULMRS. Math. Bower, from Chicago, visited her mother Mrs. Britz last week. Misses Barbara and Mary Schmitt spent the Fourth with their parents here. Mr. Jos. Brick, of Chicago, spent the Fourth with friends and relatives in Johnsburgh. Mrs. Susie Smith boarded the_train for Chicago Sunday evening where she will spend a few weeks with friends. "Mr. Charlie Michaels is working at Fox Lake this week. Charlie is a bright young man and is liked every­ where. The picnic held by John Karls was a great success, everybody reports a good time. The music furnished by Schaef er's orchestra and brass band was excel­ lent. The boys do well and we hope they will meet with good success. C. WAUCONDA. Roberts is entertaining "Mrs. day. . Mrs. R. H. Conant was in Nunda Sat­ urday. J. Carmichael and F. Thayer are on the sick list. Clark Jacobs, of Nunda, was here on business Friday. Geo. Baker and S. M. Simmons were in Nunda Friday. ; Mr. A. Westerman, of Woodstock, "was here Friday. •. Mr. and Mrs. J. Merchant were in Yoodstock Friday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Ward visited at •Woodstock Sunday. Mrs. Agnes Munroe was in Chicago Monday and Tuesday. Miss Inez Dean, of Chicago, is tiie guest of Miss Sadie Wood. Geo. Truax and son. of Chicago, spent Sunday at Father Truax's. Master Orison Wood returned Satur­ day from his visit in Chicago. Mrs. T. Farney, of Chicago, is visiting with his sister and brother this week. Mrs. and Mrs. F. Jackman, of Wood­ stock, were here the first of the week. Rev. Steele and wife were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Garrison Sunday. J. A. Westerman and E. Merchant were in Woods took on business Satur­ day. jrfiss Myrtle Robinson, of Elgin, visit­ ed friends here the latter part of last week. Mrs. Harback Mid sons, Clinton and Glen, of Galesburg, Mich., are visiting old friends and neighbors here. Advertise in the Plaindealer. Geo. ousin Clyde Golding spent a part of 'last week with his parents. Oscar Tabor, of Ringwood, came to mill at Wauconda on Saturday. Mrs. Hammond has returned from Chicago accompanied by her sister. Geo. and Will Coates, of Ringwood, were callers at Wauconda Monday. Miss Alice Henry is spending a short time with her sister, Mrs. Woodhouse. The Wauconda Jrs. cross bats with the Barrington Jrs. Tuesday at Barring- ton. Miss May Spencer is entertaining her friend. Miss Grace Andersen, of Avon- dale. Mrs. Erskine Oaks and son, Robbie, of Chicago, are visiting relatives in this village. * - Frank Reading and family, of Egan, S. D., were the guests of W. B. Duers »§t week. • - - ;--: :-- Mrs. Geo. Roberts has returned from Jefferson, Wis., where she has spent the past month. The choir boys from Ravenswood, are encamped at Camp Thomas on the shores of our lake. A number of young people from Barrington attended the dance in Oak­ land hall, Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Nile Wynkoop returned to their home in Woodstock, Friday after spending a few days with friends in Wauconda. WOODSTOCK. Geo. H. Hooker was in Chicago on Monday. Eugene Hoy was at Geneva Lake on Saturday last. Oats are ripening fast and the harvest will soon be here, O. G. Mead made a business trip to Chicago on Monday. Miss Ollie Knntson spent Sunday with relatives at Harvard. H. J. Booth was a Chicago visitor the latter part of last week. Mrs. B. Higgins is spending the week with her sons in Chicago. Fred Rugie spent Sunday with rela­ tives and friends in Chicago. Mrs, A. W. Cumins, of Denver' Colo., is visiting with friends here. Threshers are getting their machines ready for the coming season. Earl Truax, of Chicago, WAS a Wood­ stock visitor on Saturday last. M. S. Caskey was in Chicago on busi­ ness last Friday and Saturday. Will Downing returned on Sunday from a week's stay in Chicago. Races at the fair grounds next week Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Dr. Win. Hopf spent Sunday and Monday with friends in Chicago. Dell Olmstead and Miss Jessie Wright were at Crystal Lake Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Jones spent Sat­ urday and Sunday at Crystal Lake. The Oliver typewriter factory begai. work again Monday after a week's va­ cation. Farmers are busy putting* up the hay crop, which is decidedly light in this section. Arthur J. Mullen, Tracy Bunker and Eugene Hoy were at Crystal Lake on Snhday. Attorney Hazelburst, of Elgin, was transacting business in this city last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs* C. B. Wright are taking their summer outing on the banks of Crystal Lake. Adolph Wilke, of Chicago, was the guest of the family of Jacob Knhn ttffe latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wilson and daugh­ ter, of Chicago, are guests at the Mer­ chant home south of this city. The July rasce meeting opens in this city next week Thursday and twenty- two horses are already on the grounds. Dr. and Mrs. George Thomas, oi Grand Forks, South Dakota, are visiting with John J. Murphy and family in this city. Dairymen are obliged to feed their cows, and a good lhany herds are begin­ ning to show the effects of the shortage of feed in pastures. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Livesy and daugh­ ter, Ella, and Walter Syret, of Ravens- wood, were guests of relatives and friends here this week. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Dufield, son and daughter, Allen and Opal, and Mrs. Nickerson spent Sunday afternoon on the banks of Crystal Lake. Misses Cora and Alice Griffin, of River Forest, who have been visiting with Miss Ethel Field in this city, returned to their home Monday afternoon. The Kishwaukee Horse company, of Seneca, lost their handsome and valu­ able Perch eron stallion last Saturday by death from some unknown cause. Mr. and .Mrs. C» P. Barnes, Mrs. A. F. Field, Mrs. J. M! Austin, Miss Ethel Field and the Misses Cora and Alice Griffin spent Sunday afternoon at Crystal Lake. During the heavy thunderstorm last Saturday morning lightning struck the chimney on the south side of the new church block, knocking off a few brick. It was a close call. - Mrs. Mary Wilkins returned to her home in Chicago Friday of last week after a pleasant visit with relatives here. She was accompanied to Chicago by her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Cowlin, who re­ mained in the city for a few days' visit. The contract for laying pipes and making all connections for conveying city water through the old and new cemeteries was awarded to A. Dwight Osborn, he to furnish the material and do the work except dig and fill trenches. The interior of the city hall is being remodled and improved. John Connell has repaired the breaks in the walls and Whitson Brothers are putting in a new steel ceiling, after which Wienke & Davis will paint and decorate the hall in the most artistic manner : -- "I had stomach trouble twenty years and gave up all hope of being cured till I began to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It has done me so much good I call it the savior of my life," writes W. R. Wilkliison, Albany, Tenn. It digests what you eat. Julia A. Story. Very Low Kate* to St. Paul, Minn., Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold July 15 to 17, inclusive, final return limit, under cer­ tain conditions, August 21, on account of Biennial Convention National Re­ publican League. Apply to agents Chi­ cago & North-Western R'y. l-gt BARKEVILLE. Will Smiley attended chnrchJat Nun­ da, Sunday. Mrs. Bremer entertained company from Chicago last week. Harold Salarson is entertaining com­ pany fromsthe city this week. Mrs. C. Baird and friend called on Crystal Lake friends Thursday. Robertson and James Howell spent Wednesday and Thursday in Elgin. Mrs. Will Ramsay and family, of El- »gin, are visiting with Mrs. C. Baird. John Nish and Arthur Grantham and lady friends spent the Fourth at Diamond Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Willmington and children and Ross Robinson and family spent the Fourth at McHenry. Miss Tena Baird and friend's Mrs. William Ramsay and Miss Margarete were Wauconda visitors Sunday. "I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my famil v with wonderful results. It gives immediate : ?15ef. is pleasant to take and is truly the dyspeptic s best friend," says jfc.' Hartgerink, Overisel, Mich. Digests whit vou eat. Cannot fail to cure. Julia A. Story. VOLO. Arthur Frost is7 visiting relatives in Kenosha. Miss Frances Converse, of Chicago, is visiting at John Walton's. Mrs. James Kirwin spent a few days -of last week iu Elgin. Mrs. Geo. Bnhr and lady friend, of Chicago, spent the Fourth here. Miss Maud Walton gave a party If on- day evening, July 9, in hpnor of her thirteenth birthday. Games were played, and an elegant supper was given. Those present were: Adeline Wait, Irene Horton, Rose Sexton, Hel- len Raymond, Clara Vasey, Agnes Dun- nill, Frances Converse, Elsie Walton, Maud Walton, Deleraer Townsend, Charley Wait, Paul Avery, Clyde Wright, Lee Huson, Frank Nicholls, Clauda Richardson and Bennie Rosing. ' " ̂ (Too late for last week.)** Mrs. Breamer, of Chicago, is- visiting at Geo. Sheids. v' Miss Jennie Walton returned from Waukegan Friday. Robert Granger,. Of Chicago, spent Sunday at Fish Lake. Mr. Smith, of Oak Park, is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Pad­ dock. • / • , Miss Celia Rosing atad Mrs. Joseph Miller w^re McHenry callers Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Geo. Case and neice, Miss Emily Dowell, of Waukegan, are visiting at Dowell Bros. . Mr. and Mrs. James Murray visited the former's Mother at Wauconda Wed­ nesday evening. Mr. Vogt and family are entertain­ ing Mr. and Mrs. Weigle. Mrs. Wei- gle is Mrs Vogt's sister. Mipses Celia Rosing, Anna Miller and Annie Wegener attended church at Frcmont Center Sunday. Miss Pierson and Miss Sadie Granger visited Miss Clara Wightman at Mc­ Henry one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Gilbert, of Mona- ville, attended services at the M. E. church here Sunday afternoon. Robert Andrews, one of Volo's for­ mer teachers has secured the principal- ship of Wauconda school for next year. Misses Florence and Lena Kemerling, of No. 780, W. North Ave., Chicago, are visiting at the home of A. J. Ray­ mond this weefe*^ Miss Sadie Granger, Master Willie Granger and Miss Pierson returned to the city Friday after several week's visit at Fish Lakg/ Miss Jennie Walton was elected sec­ retary of the Sunday schools of Wau­ conda township, at the convention at Wauconda, June 24. SOLON. Mrs. Grimoldby, of McHenry, is the guest of Mrs J. S. Overton. Mrs. Thomas, of Ostend, visited with friends here one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Harness visited relatives at Channel Lake Sunday. Miss Sarah Beck has gone to Ran­ dolph, Wis., for a visit with relatives. The Misses Lickly, of Elgin, were calling on friends the first of the week. A number of our people attended Episcopal services at Spring Grove Sun­ day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Holmes of Hebron Prairie, were visiting friends here the first of the weok. Willis Gardner, Guy Hodge, Alice Merrill and Anna James attended an entertainment at Spring Grove Monday night. Harry Turner and a gentleman friend came over from Woodstock to spend a short time with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs Robert Turner. Mrs. J.. M. Andrus and little daugh­ ter, Belle, who have been spending some weeks with relatives, returned to their home at Randolph, Wis., Saturday. Mrs. W. J. Overton and daughter, Addie, drove over to Antioch to spend the Sabbath and were accompanied home by a lady friend, Mrs. G. Van Devan, of Milwaukee. George Vogle had the misfortune the past week to have a valuable horse bad­ ly cut up by becoming entangled in a wire fence. The frequent occurrence of accidents of this nature one some times wish for the zigzag rail fence of of olden days. The Appetite of a Goat Is envied by all whose Stomach and Liver are out of order. But such should know that Dr. King's New Life Pills, give/ a splendid appetite, sound digestion and a regular bodily habit that insures perfect health and great energy. Only 25c at Julia A. Story's Drug Store. Very Low Kxcuraion Raten to Denver* Colorado Springs and Pueblo. Via Chicago, Union Pacific and North­ western Line, on June 19, 20, July 3, 9, 17 and August 1, 7 and 21, good return­ ing until October 31, also very low rates on same dates to Glenwood Springs, Salt Lake City, $gden, Deadwood and Hot Springs. Quickest time. Best service. Apply to agents Chicago & Nbrth-Western R'y. 51-8t TO THE DEAF.--A rich lady, cured of her ieafness and noises in the head by Dr. Nicholson's artificial ear drums, gave $10,000 to his institute, so that deaf people, unable to procure the ear drums, may have them free. Address No. 18,828. The Nicholson Institute, 780, Eighth Avenue, New York. tf. 0 . 4 L S V O R X . A . . Beam the ft Ihe Kind Vou Have Always Bought Signature Benefit From Smudges. A curious bit of adaption to circum­ stances may be seen in, the summer among the cattle of the swamp lands along the Mississippi. From July to mid-September blood-sucking insects-- mosquitoes, flies, gnats, and so on- are so bad there cattle are sometimes in danger of their lives. So are people unless they make smudges--that is to say, fires so thickly smothered they will fill the air With clouds of smoke--and thus drive away the pests. The cattle soon1; learn- the use and value of the smudges. Reports show that over fifteen hun­ dred lives have been saved through the use of One Minute Cough Cure. Most of these were causes of grippe, croup, asthma, whooping cough bronchitis and pneumonia. Its early use prevents con­ sumption. Julia A. Story. An Element Instead of a Virtue. Sincerity is no single virtue to be classed with others and ranked above and below them. It is rather an ele­ ment running through character and life, as the sap runs through the tree, giving life and vigor to every branch and a tender beauty to every leaf and blossom. Let us cherish it as the deep­ est principle of our hearts and the most vital element of our lives. ' 'After sufferingfrom severe dyspepsia over twelve years and using many reme dies without permanent good I finally took Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It did me so much good I recommend it to every­ one," writes J. E. Watkins, Clerk and Recorder, Chillicothe, Mo. It digests what you eat. Julia A. Story. Agents' Wanted. To sell the MARSH READING STAND AND REVOLVING BOOK CASE Best Office or Library article ever patented, and sells everywhere on sight, at a good profit. Why stand idle with such a chance to make money? Ask the pub­ lisher of this paper to show you sample of this stand or write us for full partic­ ulars at once. MARSH MFG., CO., No. 542 West Lake St. Chicago. It Is Not Fashionable to die just yet, but you must digest the food that now pains you, causing such unpleasant eructation and sick headache or you will die just the same. Ask any­ one who ever took Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin for Constipation, Indigestion, Stomach Trouble and Sick Headache At Julia A. Story's. Excursion Tickets to Races at Woodstock, 111.; Via the" North-Western Line, will be sold at reduced rates July 18 to 21, in­ clusive, limited to July 23, Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. • • ', , 2-2t WILMINGTON, III., Sept. 21st. 1898. W. B. Caldwell. Dear Sir:--I take great pleasure in adding my testimony as to the efficacy of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin as used iji our Home. We use it in all cases of Constipation and Indigestion. Respectfully, EVA J. SWEET,Nurse, Soldiers' Widows' Home O Bwnthe Signature of T O R I A . The Kind You Have Always /t I lie MM] T( . Personal. If you^fre constipated and troU>1ed witk^acl digestion, nausea, cbll h^aache, dizziness or foul breat we recommend as the best remedy we know of a little pill called Green Mountain Pearls.ny We rantee that they will relive you, andNtey won't gripe. Jpfvse 11 a box of forty^pr 25 centft^^ Where to Locate ? WHY, IN THI TBRNITORY TMVHtlD IY THI Louisville arid Nashville Railroad im GREAT CENTRAL SOUTHERN TRIINKLINE, IN K E N T U C K Y , T E N N E S S E E . A L A B A M A , M I S S I S S I P P I , F L O R I D A , WHERE Farmers, Fruit Qrowers, Stock kaisers*JVlanufacturers, Investors, Speculators and Money Lenders will find the greatest, chances in the United States to make "big money" by reason of the abundance and cheapness of LAND AND FARMS TIMBER AND STONE IRON AND COAL LABOR--EVERYTHING I DIRECTORY * BUSINESS CARDS. Free sites, financial assistance, and freedom from taxation, for the manufacturer. Land and farms at $1.00 per acre and up­ wards, and 500,000 acres in West Florida that can be taken gratis under l). H. Homestead laws. Stockraising in the Gulf Coast District will make enormous profits. Half fare excursions the first and third Tuesday* of each month. Let us know what you want, and we will tell you- where and get it but don't delay, as the country is tilling up rapidly. • Printed matter, maps and all information free. Address. R. J. WEMYSS, General Immigration and Industrial Agt. LOUISVILLE, KY. - - :;v .- -T-r- E , C . R O S S , D. B. s. O v e r O W E N < 6 ^ k : A P E L L ' S M e H en r y . > / I I in o 'i K ; Offi c e h t> u rr8 : 8 to 12; 7 to 5 < : KNIGHT A BROWN. ^ ATSS?,FGSC4J, lf|AW' «. P. BARNES. A*TTORNEY, solicitor, and Counselor. Ool- lections a specialty. Damage Suits, ete Office at Woodstock, # DAVID G. WELL8, M. D. v ^ PHX£ICIA^' sUKGEON and CCULI8T. Office and residence in Justen's Block over the Plaindealer office, McHewy. Tele­phone No.*. ••vuswr,*#ie. <?. H. FEGE?B8, M: D. V v PHYSKXAN AND SURGEON, McHenry. 17 111. Office at Residence DR. A. E. A U RINGER. PHXfT,9IAN AND SURGEON, Office fn the T l ost Office building, one door east of J. Millers store, West McHenry, III. Resi­ dence, house formerly occupied by Dr. Os­ borne. Ail professional calls promptly at­ tended to. * STRAYEft & STRAYER, A TTORNEYS AT LAW. Practice In all the courts of the state. ('<>1 lections given personal attention. Suite 210 Real Estate Board building.' fio Dearborn St. CHICAGQtlLL. D. T. SMILEY, A TTORNEY, Counselor, Solicitor and No- *ry iF* Klve Prompt and Im­ mediate attention to all business intrusted to his care. Office in Hoy's Block. Woodstock, II H. C. MEAD, Justice,of the Peace and General fa. surance Agent, including Accident and Life Insurance. WEST MCHENRY, - - III. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler No. 126 State street, Chicago. Special attention given to repairing Fine Watches and Chronometers. A full assortment of goods In his line. Office, Kendal Block, WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS DR. W. BESLEY SURGEON DENTIST Extracting a Specialty, with the administra­ tion of Nitrous Ox id Gas or Vitalized Air. Crown and Bridge Work • Specialty C. F. BOLBY, Proprietor pf McHenry Brewery, McHENRY, ILL.' Always on Hand With the Best Beer--1 SOCIET1E9. MASONIC. MCHENRY LODGE, No. 158, A. F.and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. GEO. H. HANLY, W. M. W. C. O. F. St. Patrick's Court, No. 187. W. C. O. F., meet the First Saturday and Third Wednesday evenings of each month, at Forester Hall. MRS. MARY COBB, Chief Ranger. LORETTA W AL8H, Secretary. M. W. A. ^Regular Meetings every Second and Fourth Wednesday evenings of each month, at their Hall, in Stoffel's Block. C. C. COLBY, Consul. H. C. MEAD, Clerk. C. O. F. Meet First and Third Sundays of each month In Forester Hall. MATT WEBER, Chief Ranger. JOHN NEISS, Secretary. JOHN H. MILLER, Financial Sec'y. Trustees: John Heimer, Anton Engeln Ben Lauer. C. O. F. St. Patrick Court No. 748, C. O. F. Meetings held the Second and Fourth Monday evenings of each month in Forester Hall. _ _ _ , J. M. Phalen, C. R. G. E. Walsh, R. S. CHURCHES. .UNIVERSALIS!. Rev. J. Straub, D. D Pastor 4 u' J/NWSls^i President H. C. Mead Clerk James B. Perry Treasurer The Willing Workers (the ladles' organiza­ tion.) Mrs. John I. Story President Mrs. L. H. Owen Vice President Mrs. C. C, Chapell .,.,.S(icr(,tary Mrs. W. A. Crist.y Treasurer Supt. of Sunday-School F. L. McOmber Assistant w. A. Cristy The Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address is Grand Crossing. Preaching Services at 10:80 A. M. and at 7:30 P. M. A cordial invitation to all. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Rev. W. L. Whipple ..Pastor Preaching Sunday 10:30 A. if. Sunday- School, 12 M. DnA- E Aurlnger........... Superintendent Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 P. if. Ladies' Aid Society meet each alternate week. Mrs. A. E. Auringer, President, Miss Cora Wilson, Secretary. A Cordial invitation is extended to all. ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC (GERMAN.) Services will be held on Sunday as follows High Mass at 10 o'clock a. m. Vespers at 8 o'clock p. m. REV. FATHER KIRSCH, Pastor. ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC.' Regular Sunday services at 9:30 o'clock a. m. and 12 o'clock every third Sunday. REV. FATHER O'NEIL. Pastor. ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC (0ERMAN.) St. John's Catholic Church. Johnsburg have services on Sunday as follows: High Mass at 10 o'clock a. m. and Vespers at 8 o'clock p. m. R«v. FATHER MEHRINO. Pastor «• * *

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