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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Sep 1900, p. 4

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"••• kj PUBLISHED KVKBY THURSDAY BY m nmmx mmum COMPART. M.K. GRANUM*, W. A. C1U8TT, J. B. P«R«T, m? Pres. . Sec.. . Treas. - L * EL 7. HAUL, Manager. . Office in J us ten Block, two «k»ra north of Owen & Obapell's store. ', No. 1 gifting Distance, No. SOB; TtRMS OF tUBSCRIfTION: £ubacrlpttons received for three or. six •ttnths In the same propprtiqp. erf Thursday, September 13,1900. M- ;V NOTICE. The figures on the label after your name tell the date to which your subscription is paid. For instance, if the label on your paper reads Sept. 1, '99, It means your subscription Is paid to Sept. 1, '99. If you do not understand that the figures on your paper represent the date to which you think you are paid, notify us, giving date and amount of your last payment, and we will try and adjust the same. THERE is no similarity between the political conditions in Illinois t^is yea.- ind those that existed in this state and all over the country in 1892. It will be a long time before the Democrats Will carry Illinois again. /; NOTWITHSTANDING extraordinary expenses of onr own the United States still has considerable spare cash to loan. Daring the past eighteen months for- eigh government and municipal loans have been placed in this country to the Aggregate amonnt of $76,000,000. v. 'Ml MINNESOTA paper hits the political sail squarely on the head when it says: "If the voters could forget history, re­ fuse to learn in the hard school of ex­ perience, prefer promises to deeds, be willing to take chances on a wild ex­ periment and wait another change, there would be some chance of the Ne­ braska candidate reaching the white STEAM coal has arrived at the point where it is the basis, not only of com­ merce and manufactures, but of 'the very stability of governments, which have to support great navies. Just now all the European powers are looking to the United States for their supply of steam coal. This industry, which has /vy Recently doubled its exports to foreign ; consumers, promises to become a source * wealth impossible to foretell V -J/'.1 IN New York city the Protestant ; «hurches are leaving their doors open «very day so that at any time during ;•»' ; Ihe day the tired and disconraged may • #nter and have a few minutes helpful ip^ytest and prayer. One sexton says that ihe idea is becoming very popular, and , t -One, when the custom of keeping open '£0,v-faily was first inaugrated, it is now ; Visited by dozens. The seven day in the week religion is the genuine kind, 26000 00 10000 40000 SO 00 140000 REAL ESTATE TKANHKER8. ] >' ) Stephen Andrews to E. O. Leech, lot 9, C L Mead's 2nd addn, Hebron........4 15000 E O Leech & w to Ross Sill, lot 8, C L Mead's addn to Helmut John Havel and ft w Jo Patrick H Leon­ ard, pc in sw cor of eH lot 8, sec 1, Grafton Charles G Brainard & w et al to Will- tain H Lee. lot 3, blk 15, & Brainard's addition to Harvard Alice Bralnard et al per guardian, to same, same : Anthony A Manley et al to Andrew Jackson Bennett, ett of ne)tf sec 30, Marengo ........ Edmond F Hanen & w to Wm C Honert. pt wV4 lot 1 in nej< sec 4, Coral Frank Piclu & w to Joseph Mathauser, lots 6 & 7, blk 5, Hubbard's 1st addn & lots 8, 10, 11 & 12. blk 5, Hubbard's 2nd addn Algonquiu 880000 Nicholas J Justen & w to M J Walsh, lot 7, E M Owen's east addn to West McHenry William C Tesch & w to Ella D Lam phere, pt lofcl. blk 8, W McHenry 100000 Susan M Bralnard et al to Fred H Dob- son, lot 7, blk 2, & Brainard's addn to Harvard 35000 Alice Bralnard et al per guardian to same, same 250 00 Mary E Clinton to Arthur Stupfel, nw5< of seK sec 12, Seneca . 75 00 Patrick J Cooney & w to Orin Albee, 284.76 acres In sees 21 <& 26, Hartland.. 9254 97 Caroline E Spence to Mrs Rebert F Shufeldt, the ne% lot 7, blk 4, Algon­ quin.... 39100 ^ PROBATE NEWS Estate of William J. Chestnilt. f»roof of death. Proof of will. Estate of Henry Sinnett. Leave given to sell personal property at public sale. Estate of L. J. Shippee. Leave given to complete contract. Estate of Elizabeth Persona. Proof of death. Petition for letters of admin­ istration. Bond $100 and inventory filed. E. P. Persons appointed adminis­ trator. « MARRIAGE LICENSES. Owen G. Mead... .;...vlWoodstock Ida M. EppeL............,., .Woodstock W. J. Sweet...... ....... .Darien, Wis. Mary I. McLaron Whitewater, Wia Delta I. Jarrett... .Chicago Maud Vinton.... I.,.-,i»,1 .Richmond Arthur J. Severns*.* Nunda Marie Clampitt.. Nnnda William Bergstrom,.,.Janesville, Wis. D. Johnson:.... Janesville, EXECUTOR 'S NOTICE. Estate of Martin Adams, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Executrix of the Will and Testament of Martin Adams, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that she will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the November Term, on the llrst Monday In November next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are re­ quested to make immediate payment to the undersigned* Dated this 3rd day of September, A. D., 1900. 10-3t MART K. ADAMS, Executrix. SOLON. ' It. W. Overton was at Elgin Monday. Mrs. Frank Johonnott has been quite ill. Mrs. Rudolph, of Hichinond. called on friends here. if not, something must be ] | wrong with its food. If the mother's milk doesn't nour­ ish it, she needs SCOTT'S EMULSION. It supplies the 11 elements of fat required for the baby. If baby is not nourished by its artificial <; food, then it requires • Scott's Emulsion Half a teaspoonful three or four times a day in its bottle will have the desired effect It seems to have a ; I magical effect upon babies < • and children. A fifty-cent •J bottle will prove the irujth < „ of our statements. 4 * ShoaM be tmkea to Bummir 1W' well Mt winter. 50c. and ti.oo, all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. , •>*(, A " S V •• Af v* s-k~ u ; f 4- % A \>t?* 'y } f}' it/5 xwi .1. f V * < "rVf , *'< i a & , t ' , ^ v ' , * 1 > 1 , ^ w » -1' ^ . iv / jm jM ^ '"'v ' 4 51 m T ' a * ^ v u ^ Z - ^ C-<* fy~<' s 14 • ^ yu ^ - * t v V? i" * > / . ,fJ < <(>> % , f i S. * V ri S| A' .. to talk about winter let you know what we are selling for fall and Winter wear. We l^are the exclusive s^le on > • 'jH'w "WTanted--Active man, of good character to ** deliver and collect <n Illinois for old established manufacturing wholesale house. $900 a year, sure pay. Honesty more than ex­ perience required. Our reference, any bank in any city. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. Manufacturers, Third| Floor, 384 Dearborn St.. Chicago. ll-18t i r Stops the Cough •nil works off the Cold,.. tl ILaxative Bromo-Quinine Tableis cure a cold in one day. No Cure, no Pay.: Price 25 cents. -f fr'. rVv1'; &;• The Celebrated J?;-, - 1 .• •,' j • 1' '* ^ ~ p . v > r> .» ^ "r't r'f t Underwear ^ "i »jr» - ' I- *4 4 > -I "i .-^-1 and OvershirtS . Tf 1 ^4 r t - ' ! J * 1 ••Vy; f I ' Bears ths Signature . at * Mi J. V,.'.".. T ^ The Kind You Haw Always Bought v> 'K V " '^4' Blanke's Exposition Coffees are superior to all others. They have a smooth, rich flavor and are now being used by the leading hotels and by the large railroac|p. If you are looking lor a good cup of Goffee, give them a trial# |hat where the chnrch was "visited by , J" frang' of Antioch' wa8 here one ^D6. when thft nnntnTW) ftf VMninty Atukti y® week. OKLAHOMA was carved out of the fodian territory, given over to wander tog tribes of Indiana and white advent­ urers who produced nothing. On the contrary the inhabitants were sponges, k lira wing certain stipends from the gov- j»nd giving nothing in return. Oklahoma now has a population of over 800,000 white inhabitants and the terri­ tory yields yearly agricultural product* Worth $100,000,000. Oklahoma has not ffcen Settled and civilized at the expense of other sections. The settlers were irfmply the overflow of the congested parts of onr country--mostly the east­ ern stateB. Yankee enterprise and push have given to the territory which seven years ago was a farmless waste, factor­ ies, farms, schools, churches, railroads, electric facilities of all kinds, and all the accessories of civil life and progress. It was a spot left for the country to ex­ pand into ,-for crowding thousands left Uithont a place in the hustling ranks Of competition to secure a foothold and ft home. It is an illustration of the Policy of expansion. The territory now galled Oklahoma was needed to meet Hie requirements of an overflowing pop Wftatitm, made so by natural increase ®®d immigration from foreign countries. Who shall say that as long as there U a legitimate chance to "expand" this <*>untry shall not take that chance? Who shall Bay .that an inch of territory over which the American flag now t J|oats shall be given up at the demand $1 anyone at home or abroad? What vire possess anywhere has been right- folly obtained either by pnrchase or through the fortunes of war forced upon against our wish or wilL If we give Hp what has been added to us in ac­ cordance with the law of nations, who ia going to repay us for the millions of wealth expended ana the thousands of fives lost or wrecked in the process of Obtaining it? We have our rights, we are going to maintain them. I tried . Personal. ** - If ywrt re constipated and tr yititj^bad digestion, nausea, Ik 11 ^Klache, dizziness or foul breat W c recommend as the best remedy me know of a little pill called 'Green Mountain Pearls."vWe ^antee that they will rel^e you, w won't gripe. J^sell a box of forty^pr 25 centj^ ̂ ^fULIA A. 8TOEY, McHenry, Illinois W. J. Overton arrived home Tuesday morning with a carload of cows. The dance at Spring Grove Sept. 7, attracted a few of our young people. Horace Beading returned from the north last week with a car load of cows. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thorn have moved into the rooms over W. H. Davis' store. Miss Cecil Rynders, of Elgin, WHS the guest of Miss Alice Merrill a number of 'ays recently. Mr. Ohour's rendering factory has been in operation for some time and is doing satisfactory work. Mr. W. H. Davis and his brother-in- law, Mr* Spaulding, of Maine, were over at Wilmot buying flonr. Mrs. T. Oxtoby and children,of Mitch­ ell, Iowa,after a visit of two weeks with relatives and friends returned home Fri­ day. v W W. Winton, division freight and passenger agent of the C.M.&St. P.Ry was in onr village Wednesday of last week. Mrs. P. Overton and Mrs. Ida Peter­ son came over from Antioch to attend the Cemetery Aid 'society at E. S. Jo­ honnott's. Misess AltiaKimball.May Monear and Louise Cropley and Messrs. E. Alward, • W. Cropley and Wm. Monear spent Sun­ day at Druce's Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore have had as guests the past week their niece, Mrs. J. Stevens, of Caetlewood, Minnesota, And Mrs. E. Daggett, of Chicago. Mr. John Dennison, of Chicago, sprat the Sabbath with R. W. Overton and family, purchased a horse and drove across the country home Monday. Supt. Wire came over from Hebron in company with Miss Root, who was engaged to teach the Solon school the ensuing year and which opened Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs Harry Ocuoaad enter­ tained £he latter's parents, Mr And Mrs. Jos. James, Mrs. J. James, jr., of Anti­ och, and Miss Burke, of Virginia, last Saturday. Mrs. Wm. Thomas, of Ostend, came over for a visit at J. S. Overton's. Mrs. Grimoldby, her mother, who had been stopping with Mrs. Overton,' returned home with her. Monday George Vogel shipped his horses to Libertyville. We believe this was the first shipment from here over the new road and we hope George will get first money in the races. <sw& K - » . , ^ This signature If on every box of UM I-- Laxative Bronio Quinine TauM* kbe fnwdjr Ibit MKI a ctM to MM , . . . . v A. X ^ 1 < 1 B ^ J ^ -eTzr^ato" 5endrae lanother pound can L , BLAINHES MOJAV @TFEE. We like it betterIban' on> kind we have ever used made a^: South Bend, lnd. Otir stoci k iere and ready for examination. It will be a pleas­ ure for us to show yofi the line. We will have tnore to say from time to time about these goods aad we are safe in saying that the Staley Under* wear is not equalled by any (which is a whole : J2 " >V "*%•' f\, r;. ^ ' V '%*'•*r 1 ̂ «0wen $ gbaptlN j « mcRenry «Illinois « i" r",^' m- Saturday and Moitday September 8 and 10^5900 The C. P. Blanke Tea and Coffee Co. has secured the followin agencies who will handle their celebrated teas and coffees: GILBERT BROS., McHenry Grove oiJmiouAiG Siw'CSM Antioch M. I>es Jardins, Harvard A. NEI8H, Sorintt Grove PETEKHON BL{OHM 8<i!6III 81VER BB08 RUSFIALL Til IOMN \IIRI I4TT IT TIRNNKIUI "•c >.V" . h,i* r ly* duced prices. , The cool weather reminds us approaching and you will new? good, [reliable footwear. Our prices ar$ ^ right, and we will chop off all the profit o|| | ||p| several lots to turn them into cash at once. I"f " j lU IIIII Ml'jllliwtln Ii|ii i Miiiuminjmy'i iMliwuiiy " • * • • • * • • • i • • * • * * • • • . „ , u „ TAO». 1 Hatch Box....... 86 J Knife, on® blade, good stoel » ? 4XInches. as i o A Knife, Fork and Spoon 16 » Salt ana Pepper Set, one each, quad- raplei plate on white metal 60 6 French Briar Wood Pipe. 35 ' ®Jzo.r' hollow ground, fine English •t««l ^ eg 8 Butter Knife, triple plate, beet QTMilty , 00 ® Sugar Shell, triple pla'e, beec qvial.. 60 10 Stamp Box, sterling silver.... 70 " Knife, Keen Kutter," two blades.. 7t IS Batcher Knife, "Keen Kutter." 8-in buds 7$ 15 Shears, "Keen Kutter." 8-inoh.!7» 14 Nut Set, Cracker and it Picks, silver plated gg Yf9* "Association," beet quaiiloo 16 Alarm Clock, nickel 160 17 Six Genuine Rogers' Teaspoons, best «?°d» ICO if Watch, nickel, stem wind and set,. 8W W Carrers, good steel, buckhorn handle» «tt0 30 Six Genuine Rogers' Table 8poons, beet plated goods .no SI Six each, Knives and Forks, bnck- horn handles at0 XI Six .each. Genuine Rogers' Knives aadrorks, best plated goods 600 SAVE CTADTff YOUR W I #4im TABS 18Star" tin tags (showing small stars printed on under side of tag). " Horae Bhoe»" " -J. T.," " Good Lack," " Gross Bow," and " Drummond " Natural Loaf Tin Tags are* of equal value in securing presents mentioned below, and may be assorted. Bvery man, woman and ohild can find socaettmig qa tbo list tiisfe thvj wouiu like io nave, and can have ;" - ' » Clock, IB-day. Oatoadw, Thermom^0*' oter, Barometer... MO 5un fas®' no better made. 600 M Revolver, automatic, double action, 32 or 88 caliber 000 96 Tool Set, not playthings, but real tools 87 Toilet Set, decorated porcelain. very handsome atO * Remington Rifle No. 4, XS or *2 cal. M0 » Watch, sterling silver, full jeweled 1000 30 Dress1 Salt Case, leather, handsome and durable... 1000 >1 Sewin« Machine, first clam, with all attachments .. .1600 82 Revolver, Colt's, 38-caliber, blued steel 1(00 83 Rifle, Colt's, 16-ahot, 82-caliber 1600 84 Guitar (Washburn), rosewood. In­ laid geoo 86 Mandolin, very handsome MOO 86 Winchester Repeating Shot Gun, 12 gauge ..MOO •7 Remington, 'double-barrel, ham­ mer Shot Gun, 10 or 12 gauge MOO tt Bicycle, standard make, ladies or gents ....MOO M Shot Gun, Remington, double bar­ rel, hammerless 8000 40 Regina Music Box, 16* inch DtM.JNO THE ABOVE OFFER EXPIRES NOVEMBER 30TH( lann Sneclal Notice' %*lu "_?*?*." Tla Tags (that is. Star tin tags » wpoviai nvi|vv • stars printed on under side of tae>». "."" Tl" tat will be paid for In CASH on tbebMis of tw< hondred. If received by us on or before March 1st. IMP. VBSAB1N MIND that a disie'a worth of" ^ STAR PLUG TOBACCO will last lo*«er and affwi awe pleatire thas m. dime's wwtk Wnf •Cberbrand. MAKE fHE TEST 1 tend togs to CONTIMEMTiL TOBACCO CO,, Si lOiit, lift. • • * with ao (man 1 * » ' * " • y w 4 /or prtMfittf iiebasia of tw^uiyooaitoper • • • * • * * • • • • • • • • • ji * V i1 *•* ' ~ --\r~, money on anything you want. -y -ti * i ••••••••••••••••• I have a larger stock and a better assortment than has eWir; before been shown in McHenry, consisting of Coal and Wood | Heaters, Cast and Steel Ranges, for an# kind^ r̂f fuel. Wood and Coal Cook Stoves, Oil Heaters, Etc. " 1 | We sold more Stoves in 1899 than was sold by any one" ? firm in our village. We are ahead of last year's sales at this time and witH prospects for increased sales from now on. , | Now why are we selling these Stoves? See our Line, get our ,; ,b Prices and you have the Secret, :V -̂1* T H A R D W A R E ! " v C? -- -- - w , VJIWUBy - Cutlery, Plated Ware. Chryselite Ware, Wooden Ware, Tinware *?" ^ Copper Goods, Faints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes and Glass for tlft* t same reason that we are selling so many stoves. H w We are in shape to clean, repair, and set up youi* § 1 Heaters this Fall on short Notice YonrTrade Respectfully ^ '•» v .r. Vv * h > i ' i . P* 7 "" IMPF ^ ^ 7^.*. m

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