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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Sep 1900, p. 6

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TELEPH* EX0HANCE8. s *\ *' ': B*H T«l«>pti<M». bVi.Vv ' ' . . are tbe names anfr titiTBibeTS §U»e patrons of Ui# Mcjieurj and West cHeurrexchanites of the Chicago Telephone >. Residence oaljr are specified. All otht>rs 'jure busiuess houses. SIMON STOFFEL, Manager. Aurlnirer Dr. A. E. r233 Nlesen M M ry. Bartum? Bras B a r l > i n t ( N s r ey G F Boswell H 0 Brand JohnF Buch J J Burke Thus Beslcy, G. W. Chapell S S r Dermont Mrs 8 Engcln Anton Engeln M SEngo ln M r * Fegers Dr C H Ml Frett Bros & Witt IS Gilbert, Bros 383Owen LHr 221 Owen OW r ;:.y 381 Owen 0 N r ^ 314 Owen & Chapelt • m O ' N e i l l R e v . P M r 341 Page C Lr 863 Ptalndealer 262 Rosed ale , . 3 8 4 R o s s D r F O 2 0 3 R o s s O r F C r 1 : 254 lvupp A O r •, 342 Soniniers Geo Jr 321 Hpui line Or A C r 372 Stoffel S r 304 St o (To I S postoffice 5 Stoffel Simon r K3 8 Gilbert, Bros toll sta273 Story J 1 r ltlcHet»ry, Bakery afe|; Goods and gottfeo tionery ' tf. " 'J - «* | Hotel E. ,T. r l Hanly r I Hertz H L*J» i Holtz & Stilling I Howe A L r ! Howell M A r t Justen Jarob r t Justen N J : Lamphere G. E. r £12 Lamphere Ray r 51 Lorimer Wm r 282 Story Julia A * 323 Stafford R W; 231 Village of Melfenry . pumplug station 281 Villiijroof Mr Henry president's res 284 Village of Mr Henry public school 36® Wattles F 11 311 Wells Dr D G 7 Western IT Tel Co McHenry Ore'm'ry 371 Wightinan Harry i Company. 214 Wightman Harry r 124 McHenry Journal 222 W heeler E S r ; ftl McOmber F L 242 Whiting W E r : c, TOM, ST A , ION8. . ...'i 1 2 rings, Pistakee Bay, Ben Stilling 4 3 rings, Johnsburg, John F Lay 4 rings, Solon, W H "®G4- .. „ l)avis, 10c toll r#^»iiiee, Spring Grove. A Neish, Citlaen»*Telephone.0 The following are the names and numbers ; ijf the pat rons of the McHenry and West Mc­ llenry exchanges of the Citizens' Telephone Bo. Residences only are specified. >. AU Others are business houses. - 2 ' • G E O R G E F . B L E T H E N . M a n a g e r . 13 Aurlnger Dr A E 24 Justen Jake |B Auringer Dr. A E r 48 Jensen H N "• . #9 Buch J J 16 McOmber F L . ~ » Bacon Wm r 21 Meyer Geo r Buck land J V, Ring-23 Mert-es Joseph, PlS- l wood takee Bay W Boley G F 23 Mineral Spring, Pis- pi Barbian Bros takee Bay ,4 Cristy W A r 42 McHenry Laundry Jp Chapell S S r 43 Magueson G L Rose- w Clemens H E V dfale -m Clemens J 0. X 10 Miller John r 5*9 City School r 23 Nell George, Johns- " " * burg 23 Nye Dr ^ 24 Owen & Chapell ; '10 Depot C N W By Co26 Perry & Owen .., Ei Dighton Station 37 Pumping Station Erickson H 38 Post office. McHenry S6 Evanson W O i Plaindealer v , ;8 Evanson John r 48 Smith Will r v s» ' #3 Freund Frank 48 Smith E. A. r v f Johnsburgh 8 Summer GeorgMi ' ]4 Freund Peter B 50 Spur-ling Dr A 0 Fox Lake stock farm28 Sfmes H< #4 Conway & Rainey 86 Cristy W A j, Ringwood tmes Henry 47 Schiessle Robt 14 Story Miss Julia A 34 Snyder Bros 27 Schneider Joe 23 Simes, Dighton sta­ tion 48 Smith J. D. r ! 32 Tweed R G i > Wells DrD 1 _ . Wells Dr D r ^$3 Howard Ed 0, Fox 7 Wilbur Lumber Oo. Lsike 30 Walsh M J §9 Hazel E J 17 W'attles Frank "':15 Justen Nick 5 Wightman Harry 11 Fegers Dr C H 11 Fegers Dr C. H r J8 Friedly A O 3 G r a n g e r F K r t Granger Chas Heimer Joe 81 Heimer Jolin 3 Holtz & Stilling S3 Heman Joe, Johns- burg "V "|30. J* • Hfo.9. ^ - Dist. Phone No. 342. GEO. SOHMER5 |- Gas Fitting I1 X-5 s» Also Agent for Eagle Acetylene Gas flachine , % Q^t Sittings, Gas Fixtures and C»Md« ' ^4 ---for sale ^ f ' I gaKe ttlbite and Rye Bread fresh Every Day j Pumps y V ,1 Steam Fittings and Olind mills , # f tK«t and Wood CMiks and Farm machinery A fall line in every department ^p^mre prepared . . *! to do Well Work of all Kinds • " :d- . * Conway & Rainey Ringwood, III. if All 'kinds Bra«s Valves and C=) Cj Diron Pipe always on hand. WEST M'HENRY, ILLINOIS uppiNcon's MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY The Best in Current Literature 12 COMPLETE NOVELS YEARLY MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 per year; 25 cts. a copy NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF The Academy of Northwest- S» em University, asss^asa A. $ t HewKBT V. iiBK, IUU., JPrinclpal, Evanstou. 11L ' - ••• » b- 1 >X' *; '^V/4 » • > : J. J' ^ m 'M i f / < Ladies' Belt Buckles iwWatch Chains and Bracelets flit Cost Price SOCIETY P I N S Woodmen Masonic Maccabee Foresters Beauty Pins VinlrclMB work only in watch and clock repair­ ing. All work guaran­ teed for one year. Sew­ ing machine repairs of all ' makes JOS. SCHNEIDfS, • Mdlnry, III. ^ Trtmimmi BARBIAN BROS. Makers of Fine Cigars^ "Our Monogram" _ 10 cent Cigar Leads Them AH. Our Leading 5c Brands: "Olivette" "Barbian Bros. Best" "Silver" - "Bee Hive" : t.gmpjfQ Cuban" Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon­ structing the exhausted digestive or­ gans. It is the latest discovered digest* ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in­ stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. Sick Head ache, Gastralgia, Cramps and all other results of imperfect digestion. Price 50c. and $1. Large size contalnsSSH times small size. Book all about dyspepsia mailed free by E. C. DcWJTT A CO* Chicago- JULIA A. STORY. DON'T BE DUPED The. I . "tvvc uwen, Piacea upon the market «®W5d and** various names «a low priSe By hfa?p^,5ealer8' 8TOc€rs' agents, etc., and tJoneto 88 a premium 'or sutaerip AniKHinoements of these eoniparatlV4|y Worthless «• Sf»^^vVe^U1^fcef08ruK,Sl ffltv SOtfRfpa^lghbr"PriCed i*0011' WheQ ln are ali'frorn A Vz, k"°W ^ belleve- Reprint Dictionaries, phototype copies of a book of over fiftv IsO^and'^Ji'*!11itsda^ wa8«old for about i wa? muc" superior in paper, n wmVln*in*to these ""Nations,'being tnen a work of some merit instead of one Long Since Obsolete. TIlM ^jr .. . .. ^upp'ement of 10,TOO so-called "new tted to dnt ,, 8°rae °f these ,K>oka &re adver- before, his death. Ctth'er minor additions are probably of more or less value. sjm exn^ili^ n«H»*rf.i^workA^8' we have at vast publiahed a thorouarhly revised to a dictionary lasts a lifetime you „ Get the Best. H IllURt/fitted pamphlet free. Addreas G> A C. MERRIAM CO., Springfield, Mm, •.!!" 1 {"iiiju'siiL" i:v 111 r • t. m. ;• THE WEEK'g |$|TORV. lt«aoHT of httrMt From 411 Om th« World. s . *' The Peapack Smith family held a re nnion at Peapack, N. J., and 2,800 were pres«nt. The Leh%h Valley railroad hiw abol islied the on trains. The largest portion of the town of Whitewood, N. W. T., was demolished by a tornado. Three men dying from thirst were picked up on the desert 60 miles from El Paso, Tex. Forest fires that have been raging in the Yellowstone national park have been extinguished. Exports from the United States dur­ ing the past fiscal year increased to every Section of the globe. The overdue transport California has arrived at Manila. She was delayed at Guam by a broken propeller. The Pennsylvania lines west of Pitts­ burg, have instituted a traveling police court to rid the line of tramps. The county commissioners at Madi­ son, Ind., propose that the county buy all the toll roads and make them free. The will of R. P. Gormully, the Chi­ cago bicycle manufacturer, left the bulk of a $1,000,000 estate to hiB widow. A party of 25 Laplanders is on its way across this country to Lapland, after helping the management of reindeer in Alaska. Rev. George- B. Cutting, a young clergyman in New Haven, Conn., has discovered in hypnotism a cure for the cigarette habit. Chicago wood-working establish­ ments are offered inducements to move to Michigan by points like South Haven, to escape strikes. Bethel Baptist church at Fairview, Ky., buHt as a memorial on the site Of Jefferson Dayis' birthplace, was de­ stroyed by lightning. Near San Rafael, Cali., three fisher­ men fought desperately with a school of man-eating sharks, having a narrow escape with their lives. Edward Meyers was killed at Young town, O., by coming in contact with a live wire while working on the cross- arm of a fifty-foot pole. Rev# Dr. Francis S. McCabe, a Pres­ byterian clergyman well known through­ out the west, died at his home in To- peka, Kan., aged 77 years. Mrs. Mary McGill was killed in Maryville, Mo., by the shock of the news that her son, James McGHU ̂ had died suddenly at Jetmore, "Kan, The police and citizens had a lively chase down Grand Boulevard, Chicago, after a baby elephant, which escaped from a circus on adventure bent. The body of a canal laborer on the Hennepin was found near Sheffield, HI., along the Rock Island track, he ap­ parently having fallen from a train. John D. Rockefeller has given $180- 000 for new buildings for Spellman seminary at Atlanta, an institution for the education of the colored peoples A Knickerbocker from New York, Edward Van Ness, raised a Boer flag at Bar Harbor, Me., to greet the British fleet. Police took the emblem down. R. Smith, who killed Henry Watson at Aurora, Mo., in March, was found guilty of murder at Mount Vernon, Mo., and sentenced to forty years in prison. In the past year according to an an thority, Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Princeton, Pennsylvania and Cornell universities expended $804,248 on ath­ letics. Samuel A. Casey, Jr.,aged 17,of Pana, who won the gold medal in the eastern Illinois oratorical contest on May 80, at Charleston, I1L, has become inaanft from overatudy. James Watkins and' Henry Williams were arrested at Cananville, O., after a battle with the police. They are charged with burglary and had a set of burglar tools. Watkins was shot in the leg. The poet office department has given a contract to the Canadian Develops inent company to carry letter mail from Skagaway to St. Michael and Nome from December* 1 next to March 81 next. Thomas Totten and his niece, Anna, aged 18 years, were drowned in the White River near Waverly, Ind. The girl had gone in bathing and got beyond her depth. When her uncle went to her rescue both were drowned. The president has pardoned Frank M. McBride, who was convicted at Salt Lake City in May, 1808, of embezzle­ ment of $8,072 postoffice funds while assistant postmaster at Salt Lake, and sentenced to four years in the Utah penitentiary. Recently obtained evi­ dence raises a serious .doubt as to whether there ever was a shortage. The Fifth Avenue Savings and Loan association, of McKeesport, Pa., is in­ solvent, and the Mercantile Trust com­ pany, of Pittsburg, Pa., has been ap­ pointed temporary receiver. An al­ leged discrepancy of $82,000 has been discovered in the accounts of a former secretary. Nearly 1,700 mill workers had deposited all their savings In the concern, the cash yahie of the shares being $467,690. The made lands on tbe Chicago lake front are to be surveyed for taxation. The music for a funeral service at Muncie, Ind., was furnished by a phono­ graph. . y; Mayor James g! Woodward,. of At­ lanta, Ga., was impeached for intoxi­ cation. The Iowa normal school at Cedar Falls opened with a faculty of 48 and 800 students. « The new wage scale in the tin plate mills maintains the recent high water mark in wages. The chief of police at Assumption near Pana died from a three weeks' attack of hiccoughs The convention of American dancing masters at Saratoga discouraged the rag-time dances. Three mills of the American Steel & Wire company at Cleveland resumed, employing 500 men. Illinois crops had favorable weather last week and tbe corn is now thought safe from frost. Chicago saloon keepers will Combine and establish a brewery of their own to fight the brewery combine. • DeWitt's Little Early Risers are prompt, palatable, pleasant, powerful, purifying little pills. Julia A. Story. Former President Cleveland has ac­ cepted conditionally his appointment as a member of The Hague arbitration commission. The five-story brick factory' building, 149-51 Huron street, Chicago, burned. Loss to Newberry estate, owner of the structure, $100,000. Frank Collingnon and Alfred Will­ iams, each 6 years old, were killed by a Chicago and Northwestern train at Rogers Park, HI. South Dakota has an aggregate of 11,500,000 acres of vacant government land, which is now subject to entry by qualified applicants. When you are born the Creator starts you going and you go a long time, if you grease the main-spring of life with Rocky Mountain Tea. Great lubrica­ tor. Ask your druggist. There are 10,028 saloons in the state of Ohio, and they pay a tax to the state amounting to $570,654.02. The total tax collected from these Saloons last year was $1,901,891.88. The bill of exceptions in the case of Caleb Powers, found guilty of implica­ tion in the murder of Goebel, has been overruled and an appeal allowed by Judge Cantril at Georgetown, Ky. The steamship Ohio Arrived at Seat­ tle from Nome with 882 passengers and treasure estimated at $2,000,000. About one-third of the gold came from Nome. The Klondike contributed the balance. Arthur T. J. Rice, a prominent New York business man, was drowned at Brighton Beach while bathing. It is thought the drowning was the result of his false teeth dropping into his throat, strangling him. ' Chief Hlowahe, | Ipi aged medicine man and chief of the* Yakima tribe, was stoned to death in his tent by an Indian named John, whose child he had failed to cure. John was next in line to the chieftainship and had long, desired the death of Illowahe. The emergency bags sent by a church society to Kansas soldiers in the Philip­ pines contained among the necessities a box of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, the well known cure for piles, injuries and skin diseases. The ladies took care to obtain the original DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve knowing that all the coun­ terfeits are worthless. Julia A. Story. •mm f . ' : Cttlred of Chronic Diarrhoea thirty Years of Suffering. £- "I suffered for thirty years with diar­ rhoea and thought I was past being cured," bays John S. Halloway. of French Camp, Miss. "I had spent so much time and money and suffered so much that I had given up all hopes of recovery. I was so feeble from the ef­ fects of the diarrhoea that I could do no kind of labor, could not even travel. a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, ana after tak­ ing several bottles I am entirely cured of that trouble. I am so pleased with the result that I am anxious that it be in reach of all who suffer m For sale by Julia A. Story. % 7 ' Lightning Visible 150 Mile* Away. Lightning is believed to be visible at a distanoe of 150 miles. Opinions differ as to how far away thunder can be heard. A French astronomer who has made observations declares that thunder cannot be heard at a greater distance than ten miles. An English meteorolo­ gist has counted up to 180 seconds be­ tween the flash and the thunder, which would give a distance of twenty-seven miles from the place where the light­ ning occurred. Chamberlain's Pain Balm applied to a cut, bruise, burn, scald or like injury will instantly allay the pain and will heal the parts in leu time than any other treatment. Unless the injury is very severe it will not leave a scar. Pain Balm also cures rheumatism, sprains, swellings and lameness. For sale by Julia A Story. „ - : ~ - " 4 < \ ,~«j "Advertise in the Plaindealer. / • -m r S », f V •';? r '••• v' aV- V 1 •"! * „ v; jt > > ^ I,k' , ' v 4 > %| r ' V/, 5,"-1> » - 3 ^ ^ 1 * \ - 'ft '• " J- «i£.VN t, 111 coming to our Trading fiace you n ^ not fear of being talked to death on Politics, or bothered about Religion, as those are matters of your own, but we have and do insist, during the present Campaign, to insert in the Platform, Our Motto^ V'- ^ '3^ *1 X-- ' «• '•> . ..j • i. st J- 't k T, ' i-,4 k̂ T ' ̂ > r " ' 4 it>% J-..% u. ^ 9 i t ; Ji our experience in business gained in the past, and ^ the Money with which we Discount all Bills are any help 3 a., taviW to ̂ tto * -t » ' - 4 sV* %> k i \ " f , •17' 7,J*Se,. -' > : ft/ CLOTH I NO iftd OVERCOATS! | 5 y '7?.'4 fttV, ^ vv i. f -,5--S ' V \t ^ t \ * • t . - ' • A . . . . • t< ' --3 "While Prices on Clothing are a littlte stiffer than it were three or four years ago. Cash will do a great deal, and we have placed orders for Suits and Overcoats for Spot Cash, at such prices as should draw your Attention S= this Fall|. so large/ , - ^ * a ?*<•£ «*.•$ v ' Leather and Rubber lFootweari •i-':•<>}• 4/ rj;r* : y :- Leather Goods we sell the Selz Make, and We be- ^ Mefe their Reputation for making an Honest Shoe is not 3 confined to this Country. We can fit your whole Family. 3 It is cheaper to buy and wear Rubbers than pay Doctor Bills. f ,_-v r • vK , .V•' i <»•'• "" <* i' r •liu*1 •> 'ij % >•"' Underwear, Shirts and Overallsl time of the 'Year. Our Stock will certainly please you, and our Prions-^will -- -- J - , v.;- iff1 ^ r«**> $0: m Q R O C E R I B S 1 v ( iiiiifjs ' . t : " } r ^ .v. _ ^ S J-, § f L ^ ^ * * . t , $ •£, f n f ~ i1* •> M-"- * >"t V, r-; £ ^ ' A-fbrfe stock Aao^ier £ Car of Jersey Lily Flour on the way* - • j-. t I* * cv. -4v .. n- .VI -"J-' ^ £ 'S* i •mk- " ' ' ; ;S. * ' i ' •« ̂ West McHenry, 111. JOHN J. MILLER

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