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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Sep 1900, p. 7

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In every town and village Grease that makes your horses glad; Abstracts of Title. McHenry County ABSTRACT (OMPAHT.. - WOODSTOCK, ILL. ; s {F. F. Axtell: Rarvued. • R. M. Patrick, Marengo. John J. Murphy, Woodstock. W. C. Eiehulberger, Woodstock Geo. L. Murphy, Woodstock Real Estate Bought and Sold. Insurance and Loan* Abstracts of Title and Conveyancing. fl. Jensen W::> 4; 's* & FLORIST k-'l i , "vf V-tV . 'tut TFIowei* ^ in all Varieties.1 FuneralDesigna on short notice and at reasonable price®, ' M ."AC.'1" j. i-i r " t , 3 Potted Plants of all kinds constantly on hand. We would be greatly pleased o havethe public give us a call , : , M&i- McHENRY, ILLINOIS. WATTLES . (Successor to B. R. Howard) All kinds of Fresh altd salt Meats always on hand /'Wl Vegetables and Canned Goods. Sakery Goods a Specialty All Kinds of Salt Fish. Highest market Prices paid for Hogs, Cattle, Sheep, lides and Tallow Fat Cattle a specialty Fresh Vegetables and Fruits received fresh dai|$f! < )rders from Pistakee Bay will receive prompt and careful attention. Call on me will 4o the right thing with yo®. P. WATTLES, • - 'v ' Wert •ongr distance telephone, 3M iltUena' telephone 17 ) This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BAKKINO BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. • Floney to Loan ; on real estate and other first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention ivento collections, and promptly at- ended to. • • • • INSURANCE First Class Companies, at the Low- &t rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, dotary Public. Bankers. MM BO YE AM' EXPERIKNCE PATENTS :ttw «f Interest Prom ' £JU World. the Chioago high schools enrolled 9,600, a gain on last year of 7 per cent. A Chicago resident of 1886, a pioneer cooper. Charles Williams, is dead, " /' DEMONS COPYRIGHTS 4C. invention ts probably patentable. Commonl Scientific Jfnerkatt A handsomely ill eolation ot any i William McCoy, first Mayor erf pendence, Mo., is dead, aged 87 years. A grade crossing accident in Evanston was fatal to a girl of 10,. Ruth Burkett Forrest McNally, of Paris, 111., was drowned while swimming near Oakland, HI. Frank C. Tiklen and Miss Ethel N. Arnold were • married at Greencastle, Ind. Fire in the workhouse brush factory at Daytooi O., caused a property kiss of 14,000. The Seventh Day Adventists, of In­ diana, opened their annual meeting at Muncie. Two Indians were killed by an Indian policeman at the Rosebud agency while resisting arrest. Mary Linken and her daughter, aged 10, burned to death in a tenement fire at East jpiverpool. O. The Rev. D. C. Green, a missionary in Japan, says that the religious drift in Japan in toward pantheism. ' To prevent consumption quickly cure throat and lung troubles with One Minute Cough Cure. Julia A. Storv. Tlje Nevada nickel syndicate is said to have obtained control of the National Nickel company, capitalized at $5,000- 000. . The Flint and Pere Marquette rail­ road has ordered a new ferry, to cost 1850,000., It will be used on Lake Mich­ igan. Galesburg business men entertained an excursion of 100 business men from Quincy, touring the state on a special train. The wedding of Miss Mabel McKin- ley, niece of the president, to Dr. Her­ manns Bam:, was solemnized* at Somer­ set, Pa. People who burn the Lamp of Reason need Rocky Mountain Tea. Greatest reason producer known. 85c, Ask your druggist. Hotel Rockingham was the principal loss in a $300,000 fire at Narragansett pier during the terrific wind Wednesday day afternon. Two lovers at Cobden, 111., who had waited for each other 20 years, were married Sunday. They were Frank Waggell and Mary Bancii Riverside, Cali., reports the death of John J. Hewitt, president of the First National bank and formerly a citizen of Freeport, 111., aged 78. A cloud is cast on some of the mar­ riages of the Sunday excursionists at St. Joe, Mich., owing to the fraudulent bureau which has been engaged in the affair. The most dainty and effective pills made are DeWitt's Little Early Risers. They are unequaled for all liver and bowel troubles. Never gripe. Julia A. Story. Mason City, la., which donated loca­ tion and $100,000 for the college of the Sons of Veterans, expects to have $200,000 in new buildings to be erected for the school. You-can spell it cough, coif, caugh, kauf, kaff, kough, or kaugh, but the only harmless remedy that quickly cures it is One Minute Cough Cure. Julia A. Story. A monument was unveiled at High­ land park, Pittsburg, to Stephen C. Foster, composer of Suwanee River, My Old Kentucky Home and other pop­ ular songs. Searchers for illicit water pipes and water stealing at the Chicago stock­ yards found an unchartered pipe, but it was not in use, having been abandoned and having no connection with pipes in seryice. Prof. Frederick Starr, who has sev­ eral years been investigating the ten­ dency of the American climate to change the people to the Indian type, is convinced that the change is slowly in progress. David C. Coates, of Pneblo, Colo., has been substituted for John Calder- wood, nominated for Lieutenant Gover­ nor, of Colorado, by the Populists, on account of objections to Calderwood by the Democrats. ' } Sister Mary Clara, * member of the Notre Dame sisterhood in the see of Baltimore, has been appointed mother superioress of the western province of hei community, with headquarters at Milwaukee, Wis. ^ x 1 ight hundred butchers employed in the packing-houses of the Jacob Dold Packing company and Klinck's and Danahy's packing houses in Buffalo. N. Y.. are on a strike, owing to the refusal of the Dolds to discharge two men who refused to pay their dues to their union. The emergency bags sent by a church society to Kansas soldiers in the Philip­ pines contained among the necessities a box of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, the well known cure for piles, injuries and skin diseases. The ladies took care to terfeite are worthless. Julia A, Story. ' 'OoV. -ftootwii lOtt to at Chamberlain. S. D. The Philippine commission Ins set apart $1,000,000 for highways and brid­ ges in Luzon. A bug us minister at St. Joseph, Mich., united scores of couples, who now fear theiv weddings are illegal. A lone robber held up a Burlington train near Harper. Neb., and secured $1,000 in cash and jewelry. Seeley Perry, formerly Mayor of Rockford, 111., and prominent in busi­ ness cirt lee, died, aged, 78 yean. The American Wire & Steel Co.'s plant at Anderson, Ind., is to resume Sept. 34, after being 15 months idla • DeWitt's Little Early Risers ace prompt, palatable, pleasant, powerful, purifying little pills. Julia A. Story. The plague is again increasing. Over 1,000 deaths from the disease are report­ ed to have occurred in India last Week. An oihciai report on fc&e Texas storm shows that the wind velocity was 130 miles an hour and the tidal wave four feet high. Ira D. Sankey has been making a re­ vival tour of Ireland, and receptions in honor have been frequent throughout the island. " The Chinese minister in London de­ clares peace is in sight in China and that America will force Europe to follow its lead in making a settlement President Mitchell, of the United Mine Workers, ordered a general strike in the anthracite region, beginning Monday, affecting 100,000 men. George P. Gregory, superintendent of the San Jose Correctional School in Cuba, has died of yellow fever. He was a native of Whittier, Cal. Dick Ingle, a farmer living near Persimmon, Ok. T., was shot and killed by A. Huffman in a dispute over a lease of some land belonging to Ingle. The Duluth and Iron Range railroad has been obliged to suspend temporarily the ore traffic on the road in conse­ quence of several serious washouts. The grand jury at Marysville, O., re­ turned an indictment of first degree murder against Rosslyn H. Ferrell, for killing Adams Express Messenger, Charles Lane. A campaign of the Chicago city au­ thorities to tear down bill boards which mar the sightliness of the city has been taken into court by the company own­ ing the boards. Frank Miller, one of the oldest tele­ graph operators in the country, and who rendered valuable aid to the gov­ ernment during the civil war, died at Frederick City, Md. When you are born the Creator starts you going and you go a long tifcae, if you grease the main-spring of life with Rocky Mountain Tea. Great lubrica­ tor. Ask your druggist. Chamberlain's Pain Balm applied to a cut, bruise, burn, scald or like injury will instantly allay the pain and will heal the parts in less time than any other treatment Unless the injury is very severe it will not leave a scar. Pain Balm also cures rheumatism, sprains, swellings and lameness. For sale by Julia A. Story. ed to arrive in this country soon, accom­ panied by % number of students for the Catholic University in Washington. A panic was produced in the Eidel- weias restaurant in Chicago Wodnec- day evening, owing to the breaking of a 10-inch stewm pipe in the alli-y. the lat ter having been run into by a team. President Tucker says that the pulpit will have in coming years the greatest power it has ever had, providing the preacher gets the requisite knowledge ot men. Permission has been granted by the authorities for the establishment of a third Jewish Creche in Warsaw, and to open for this purpose a public subscrip­ tion for 8,000 rubles. The Catholics who are holding aeon* vention at Bonn have declared themsel­ ves in favor of removing the duty on agri­ cultural products in order to aid the suffering farming class. The Rev. E. W. Vaughn, 90 years old, is vicar of the church in Llantierti Glamorganshire, Wales, which is built on ground representing the most ancient Christian center in the British Isles. The Rev. William Kirk Guthrie, a grandson of the famous Thomas Guthrie, has been chosen associate pastor wi h the Rev. Dr. McKensie, of the First Presbyterian Church, of San Frandsco* The great blow over the lake region the fore part of the week is estimated to have damaged the fruit in Michigan* Canada and New York to the amount of $1,000,000 and possibly much mors than that Mrs. O'Neill, arrested in Michigan' for getting $50,000 worth of goods for. personal use of Chicago merchants, ad­ mits selling $4,000 of her jewels in Paris, but states that she never saw the bills for the goods. A famous painting of the 17th cen­ tury by Ruysdael, purchased for a high officer of the American navy, supposed to be Admiral Dewey, was stolen dur­ ing shipment from Italy to New York. The loss is $15,000. Dr. Dennis Dowling Mulcahy, once an active Fenian agitator, who was im­ prisoned in England in the latter part of the sixties with O 'Donovan Possa and others, died in Newark* N. J., TMsday night, aged 58 years. John Hopkins, for more than forty years organist at Rochester Cathedral, in England, died recently in his 80th year. His last performance on tte cathedral organ was a "Dead March" on the occasion of the death of the Duke of Saxe-Coburg. Henry Peyton, who is charged with murder at Sioux City, la., and is now under arrest at St. Louis, Mo., con­ fessed to a safe robbery at Clydesdale, Miss. The oonfession will clear the name of George Simmons, of Clydes­ dale, who has been accused of the crime. Poisonous toadstools resembling mush­ rooms have caused frequent deaths this year. Be sure to use only the genuine. Observe the same care when you ask for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. There are poisonous counterfeits. DeWitt's is the only original Witch Hazel Salve. It is a safe and certain cure for piles and all skin diseases. Julia A. Story. mms > %Ve.CS OOOOOMOMM School Book Supplies - - ^ , ' » -7 • * * ISSSSSSSSSSSSSiSSSSSiaBBSOBBS Writing Tablets rtaterial L-,„ l > •» a. s. BRoain « DRUOQISTS j }' ' * * ' * >/ • Rtngwood, - , - r ' d, K'ZV * '.?/• it- Patent Medicine# IBBBBOBBl .. and Stationery «eBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB<WH>t CASTORIA ̂Yow Have Always Bought, and which hw* beofc in use for over SO years, has borne the signature of " and has been made under his per* sonal supervision since its infancy. t Allow IIP one to deceive yon in s All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are bnt \ Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of 5; In&nts and Children--Experience against Experiment* What is CASTORIA " Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare* goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee* It destroys Worms and allays Fcverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind • Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend. G E N U I N E CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of tf : . .x\y In Use For Over 30 Years. TH« WWTMW WMNWY. TT MWMT «TMCrr, NEW TOMS err*. , A AX I LP LAXATIVE. When in Doubt MtRVfclLLS TABLfeTS IN METAL BOX Of special utility in Poverty of Nerve Force, • gervt-Tire, Worry, Exhaustion, Headachc, Dcprsarion, Nausea, Loss of Appetite, Liver Torpor, Insomnia, Palpitation of the Heart and all Nerve Disorder*. f%* IAVATIVF MODERN RtMtOY Co. Hewitts, iw-iMoia- OUMtANTSSB Bf anea 11 •: j : I V SOX.VS the quertioa «f Sboe Economy for Children, if Hen- denon'i Little Bed School House SHOES are always purchased. They wear the longest, fit more com­ fortably, and look better than any ether make. 1 HENDERSON'S SHOES are the Substantial Kind. Henderson's "American Beauty* sad "Empreaa" for women and their ««Q*orum" and "Director" for mca give the greatest satisfaction In wearing qualities, comfort and style. Always Ask Your Dealer for HENDERSON'S SHOES. rri> • Clip out this advertisement and present it to your shoe dealer and he win I yott absolutely FREE Henderson's Red School House Puilt. inlirnl and for the children. C. M. HENDERSON & CO., CHICAGO. l^UEtC&ST SHOE MANUFACTURERS IN THE WEST. 4 -! - <i i * i m '"'-""A* .! \ ' Not at one-half their cost, Jyut at a reduction that will make the pnee attractive ahd sell the goods at Sfittoti mcRettry 361BroMhny, 696 F 8U WMbnctOO, 10 D a y s will soon belSere, and all those barefoot boys and girls must be properly shod. We guaran­ tee our line of school shoes to be the best on the market. You will also find a line of goods especially adapted for school dresses for the little girls. That boy may need a new pair of pants or a whole suit, and if he yoes we can clad him for less money than you will pay else­ where. If you desire that your children make a neat appearance on the first day of school, it will behoove you to bring them to, this store. W- 111 ! "4^'k > 0 x

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