JDbiUOVOSflL' II Items of General Interest Told in Paragraphs. JptEETI NEWS SUMMARY •f Bw«al*l« «f •* IJtU* lapttMM from All Farts of tfcaCl*- Otavl i*taM---Pr»e«s at Farm Firodoote y ' : «?> under Clement* attacked in force and driven back after severe fighting by Boers under Delavey, Four British officers killed. Professor Tooke, University of Il linois, talked on franchise values at convention of League of American Munl&palttlai at Charleston, S. C. Porto SiCNU hired to work in Ha waii refused to go further than Pa cific coast, fearing slavery, and art stranded la San Francisco. Ibr-Presldent Harrison, in lecture on new ea3ofttes» ftt Ann Arbor, declared treatise aresubject to constitution and curj ettisenshlp. Three of the Shanesville (a) bask robbers arrested on train at Bridge* port, O., after desperate fight. Three <e^S%diurx declined re-election aa of National Civil Service Re- league, and Daniel C. Oilman, ident of Johns Hopkins university I^en&s®au t Hobson, August Belmont, \Wtllf||fc Faversham, Jjudge Barrett. Oliver Harrimaa, typhoid in New York, are re- ;:tapfi»t facing loss of 146,000 on <MBTS of bananas standing in for which there is small de claiming to he brother of . Louisiana, burned Mc- on doorstep of United 'M JMfe Lf revolt said to less than 200 follow- Announced In German Reichstag Emperor Kwang Su is a Chris- that Boers have taken Bar- killing several British offlcera. general am- Dreyfus case, cashing to side of ChineM at 200 drowsed, newspaper says Czar baa Of *30,000 for relief of desti tute Wtv«a of soldiers and Bailors mys- at Washington, of Sixth Army Corps pro- name of Robert IL Lee t in Hall of Fame. Pleats, high school boy, Ba- tavi% SQL. #tod from injuries recelvod la (QMIaB lHM. AaMftcan Forestry association wants govenpaient to buy California big tree tracts. National Civil Service Beform league metfn New York. House debate on reduction of war taxes doses to day. Revolt In Hollo, Panay, officially re ported . The attorney general of Indiana >p- plie* for a receiver for the Order of (3*O#B«I Friends, which has been da- clar«tf ^aM9viftnt by the state examiner. B»nk, Shanesville, O, by five safe-blowers, whoiiiiiifcou hand ear. One suspect •nested. • . Fire destroys a convent 'a|i: iSoi* Iowa, Slatccs of "micf and narrowly escape the HUMS. AsWfrtcan Federate of Labor kllla to establish a government of.labor with a cabinet of- of New Tork killed btensif because a religious difference marrying the woman he SI#iii|SSWi| Hoad of Nation Hundred Years, inns left tfca tbths ssto 18W, " FESTIVITIfS. Jfsst Time aawHW tit* «(toe Wednesday by a receptionto the gov ts» butchersj tdns, |3.769ft. and bocks, turke lomatic K any step tonodooH Europe " . Whii^fn Wtratioa seem- tded, thegw- lt to Mr. Kru- ie had not yet later sought rleittngs weretoo iip&Mt&utch and <3er- * For the German lost time to |$ve fobras convinced that of great jpOwer at that mo- Chancellor rm Bulow makes an other effort in the reichstag to e»yi*ia the reasons for the kaiser's refusal to M-. » -mou « Washington advocated temporal aov- ereignty for the pope. Frenchmen side with Gen. Chaffee tin the Waldersee incident, but would smother it because of their troops' share in the looting at Pekin. The Holland government has re fused to take the initiative la aid of tile Boers. Six burglars enter an Ohio bank at Seville, imprison three residents of the town, work four hours at a vault secure most of its money and escape. Porto Ricans at Indio, CaL, on their way to Hawaii, are said to be slaves |» everything except name. The Santa Fe trainmen's committee at Denver is said to have called for an immmedlate vote on the question of a sympathetic strike in behalf of the operators. Fifth cavalry put force of insurgents to flight near Santa Cruz, Luzonfkill- u tagfourteen. ! court at St Louis ruled WSMt demurrer of fcberlin M. Carter, forsaer captain United States army, and:*emanaied" him to Leavenworth prison. lent in case of C. F. W. Neeiy, Cuban postal official,begun In Untied States supreme court ?e of brothers to a mother Mighter will mix family ties in Beholds at Richmond, Va. filled and several injured ia Santa Fe near Olathe, Kaa. 3r George Hanselman found his cab from pistol wound at 111., on Louisville, Bvans- St. Louis. Shields, returned experience while Filipinos. General Wood abolished in bar, which affronted him ring judges dismissed from of* convict, die notorious Mar- Posse at Logans- falles, shooting one j&et»tow. . _ G^SStMS^^mS (ItStalL Pckagon, only avknivimg son and heir of the late chief of Pottawatomie Indians, was la St Mich., Tuesday en route to La Partem Ind., Where he will take legal to gala possession of land millions of dollars; the lands ta question covering the site of the sent city of La Porte. Mr. Poka- gOa has documents showing that the t by virtue of treattei is- patent for 040 acres to Chief father of the late chief, Sl- Whm Pokagon and grandfather of the gleeeat claimant Mr. Pokagon is ilHigalne of establishiag his claim, tat gesidence is at Hartford, Mkli; UMB 8hcmrn U» Knd Lit*. George S. Wagner, a salesman, com mitted suicide at Philadelphia by driv ing a large pair of shears through his neck, making use of a hatchet to ac complish the act In his death agony #«§a«r fell down a flight of stairs, bis weight tearing away the railing. About three months ago Wagaer's wife left him. owing to his intemper ate habits. With her 18-year-old daughter die went to her home at Piqua, Ohio. After his wife's depart- vre Wagner took up his residence in a lodging hone* and drank to still great er excess. Bnda Ifgkt ra th« OU Troat. The supreme court of Ohio at Co lumbus dismissed the proceedings brought by former Attorney General iloaaett charging that the Standard (HI company was in contempt of court for having failed to comply with an order Issued in 1892 directing a disso lution of the Standard Oil trust. The six members of the court divided. Un- j a rule of the court the failure of a majority to sustain the information la contempt Is in effect a dismissal. Bcvolt In Hollo BrokMU SYom Hollo it Is unofficially reported that the insurgents in that part of the Island of Panay as swearlag allegi ance at the rate of a thousand a day. Hie arrest of many prominent insurg- started the movement, which i to be becoming universal at Jaroi, Molo, Maadarriao, Arevelo, and Hollo. Considerable sums of ntoney and large quantities of supplies have been captured by the Americans. , Xnr XadlaM BMUI FIMMML Bardley, representing a syndi cate • of Chicago capitalists, was granted a franchise at Laporte, Ind., for the immediate construction of an electric railroad to connect the two cities of La Porte and Michigan City. The company pledges itself by a large cash deposit to have the road in oper ation before Aug. 1, 1901. The fran chise extends over a period <Hf Hfty years. ijUaska Gold Yteld asS.734.SSS. A .careful approximation of the to tal yield of gold from the Klondike and Alaska, including Nome, for the present year has been completed by the Selby Smelting company, acting in conjunction with the statistician of the San Francisco mint The amount ag gregates $23,724,223, divided as fol lows: Klondike. 121,358,329; Home, |4.S<M94. <« Blefe hramr IMS Frank Taylor, a rich and nent farmer, aged about HO years, and residing about ten miles east of Areola, HL, shot and killed himseftf Mpnday. He had been in failing health for sev eral years and within the last year had displayed symptoms of mental de rangement. He was one of the oldest residents of this section. * 4 . 3W»fc«r to Be Clmpts' ' " There was no meeting of tlie iBrec- tors of the United States Rubber com pany at New York Monday, aad Presi dent Sheppard says that no meeting will be held until early in January. He denies that prices have been cut 25 per cent, but says that prices will be lowered soon, the amount being a matter for the future determination of the directors. Nominated by the President. The President has sent the following nominations to the senate: Judson C. Clements of Georgia, to be aa In terstate commerce commissioner; a reappointment. John W. Yerkes of Kentucky, to be commissioner of In ternal revenue. (The nomination of Mr. Yerkes to be collector of internal revenue,for the Eighth district of Ken tucky withdrawn.) The following re cess nominations were confirmed: Con- sus--Church Howe of Nebraska, at Sheffield, England; J. C. IngersoU of Illinois, at Cartagena, Colombia. = -f" v;; , 'k' •. »/ * h' ' * 'i < „ g , # ernom of the states at the white bouse; by a parade of the United Statee tnMva aad the national guard, which was reviewed by the president; by im- posing ceremonies in the hall of repre sentatives, and by a brilliant recep tion at the Corcoran Art gallery at night The capital city was almost swathed in the national colors. The official program began at 10:30 o'clock, when the president received the visit ing governors, menfbers of the supreme court, the committees of the senate and house, the officers of the army aad navy and various official person ages at the white bouse. There were also present representatives of the Adams family, and nearly all of the prominent residents of Washington, who got in by virtue of being on com mittees. The Marine band discoursed music, and the interior of the mansion was beautifully decorated with palms, flowers and foliage. Gov. Shaw of Iowa dosed the speechmaking at the white house with an address on "The Development of the States During the Nineteenth Century." He said: "The close of the most remarkable century in the flight at time finds Americans the best housed, the best fed, the best clothed, the best educated, the best i«I ment would be critical and lead .to ,§0 result. "There was no use for us," laid the chancellor, "to pinch our fin gers between the door and the hinge." ' Court Name* a Receiver. Judge Lochren of the United States Dl&trict Court at St. Paul appointed B. D. Buffing ton receiver for the Minne sota Thrasher Manufacturing Com pany. The appointment is the result of an action brought by the Massachu setts Loan and Trust Company againat the thrashing company on a trust deed which secured an issue of $1,000,000. The defendant company had defaulted on $492,(HM) of this obligation. The bondholders will reorganise the cern. W. C. T. tt. to Meet In Terti. The next convention of the National Woman's Christian Temperance union will be held in Fort Worth, Tex., providing suitable accommodations can be secured. This was decided by the national officers of the organisa tion, who are stopping at Rest cottage In Evanston, 111. It was also decided to ^ inaugurate a movement to have Sept, 28> Frances Willard's birthday, observed annually in the public schools of the country* CAPITOL IN IMO. * t 1 church ad, the most profitably employed and the happiest, because the most hopeful, of any people at any time or under any sky. Marvelous are the pages of their history; unprecedented aad unparalleled the record of their achievements; great and honorable the annals of their deeds. Destiny or man's wisdom, call it which you will, has placed both Asia and the islands of the sea wider American tuition, aad baa made the flag of freedom the har binger of better tilings to 8,000,000 people, the natural distribution point for whose more than »2,500,000,000 in commerce is under the sovereignty of the United States. Surely the future la big with possibilities." Wheat Aer«s(« Decreased. Beports to the Illinois state board of agriculture from correspondents sbow considerably less area seeded to Winter wheat than last year at this time. The amount seeded Dec. 1, this year, is 1,878,903 acres, a decrease of 10 per cent from last year. The de crease is due to the poor crops of the last few years, which have discour aged farmers and turned their atten tion to other crops and to live stock. Alleged Count to Go to Jolfet. Albert Scartabellle de Porsia, said to be an Italian count, was convicted In Judge Tuley's court at Chicago of Op erating a confidence game. His sent ence will be from one to ten years in the penitentiary. The mmptetieiit was John Garibaldi of the firm of Oaiv bald! & Cuneo, who ebarged' 'Seaita? bellle with hiring secured flSO'ti'""" him on a bogus cheek if a 1^ leans bank. While at liberty the "Count" occupied an expensive suite D« Wet Is In m Tr*P» General De Wet, the ablest and the most courageous commander of the en, is caught in a trap fey the Brit- lab forces between the Caledon and tike Orange rivers. The two streams are swollen with recent rains and their Mage is almost impracticable, and on all sides the burghers are sur rounded with strong bodies of British troops. The Transvaal' soldiers are fighting desperately, but it Is felt that evea if General De Wet should suo- ceed Inrecrossing the Caledon ia pit* to the north is out off. ' \ ' Majrors Exchange IdeM. Thefourth annual convention Qf the League of American Municipalities inet in Charleston, S. C., Wednesday. The mayors were welcomed In addresses by Gov. M. B. McSweeney of this state and by Mayor Smythe of Charleston, and the response was made by the president of the league, Mayor Henry V. Johnson of Denver. The first ses- sipn was opened by the annual ad dress of President Johnson. The first topic |or discussion was, "What Policy Is Best to Use in Enforcing the Law Pertaining to Saloons?" on which sub ject Mayor Chappel of Columbu^ Cifu, read an interesting paper. .v ' ; Evan* for Minnesota Robert G. Evans of Minneapolis is now the only avowed candidate for the United States senatorship made va cant by the recent death of Cushman K. Davis. At a meeting of the Henne pin couaty delegation announcement of the withdrawal of Thomas Shevlin from the race was made formally. Then followed statements from Thomas Lowry and Loren Fletcher that they have no desire for the This left the field clear. Jilted Ot*t Get* a5.000 DMM|«h The $30,000 breach of promise of Katie Mueller against Anton H. Tapper, a wealthy land owner of Ham- mond, Ind., was compromised In the Porter Superior Court. The defendant paid the plaintiff $5,000 and costs. Wm, tettlement was effected,lust aa the #tfef was to go to the jury. . ; IMVAWNT I'L .IMK tuinyan, * wealthy fam •Wb»" Utod near Fateme«utt» 111., e| cide IwpSlpSw ahootEafl < / DISTURBANCES! not obey Noiufr,of and^iii ves and iMi Stet4i;iP cret service men by the score are inr^llie A^^Mif:!i0bbery on. the T In nis was alsaoet kiiiad pouches Of bfe car teats. The amount erable. He mail Pir con- Was consid- nMcn If eaiM ply Mite, the e«Mnt ChaffM and flfta Manhat WejUewaw Have a Sat-To Latter-*-' la AmleaMr Claaad hy i •Jfc..' - -A SMU3SM«* An liapiirtitl:; appointiv Sua thf board of i •j*r the Son high C«cial was attacked tile Boxers in He formerly famed the reftMin aient He fouhied the sity aad Its' first ^rector Ha ls friMtdly towards foreigners, and Is liberal-minded. His return to power Will promote intelligent action on thfe part of the Chinese government »w»as) The Geraian the MoMti Waldersee-Chaffee Incident, upon a eable dispatch received field Marshal Waldersee; ; "General Chaffee **ii$ Field Mar shal ron Waldersee a letter in a rough field Marshal voo to receive It, returning to Qen^; <5baate-,'='̂ then wrote a second letter for his objectionable expressions, whereupon Field Marshal von Wald ersee Invited General Chaffee to break fast, and the incident was amicably closed." ' Wednesday, December l|. British admirals in a meetlitg ja Londcm take up the charges of Weak-; ness In their navy recently made by aa American officer. Great Britain and Geftguiiiy block with China for explanation of terms. Rus sian envoy is quoted as reporting that German insolence in China threatens to incite new maMMcres by nobs. ' Thursday, Deoember lS. Shanghai dispatch says Dowag«r has offered terms of peace, including return of Emperor and payment of $200,000 indemnity. Great Brltain's delay in signing preliminary compact causing anxiety among envoys at Pekin., Friday, December 14. Reported, at Tien-Tsin Emperor Kwang Su will agree to demands of powers. Twenty rebels who were charged with putting up placards of fering rewards for the heads of for eigners have been condemned, and will be beheaded. Wildman, the American consul/ has received information that a placard has also been put up giving notice of an uprising of the rebels in J a n u a r y . . - , \ i * « Weeeott Attack* Oliver S. Wescott, principal of the North Division high school, Chicago, whose team won the chpinpionship in the recent school football season, has publicly denounced the game as inhu man. l|e said: "The football field Is more brutal than the ring for the pi fight In the latter the obnl have been especially trained fef what they are to face. Neither^expects a blow below the belt, and each has been taught the art of self-defense. But the contestants in football are kicked, wrenched, pounded without any opportunity for defense, even In their most helpless conditions." V" ' Xnsrland Want* the Island. • newspaper at London claims to have received from Madrid Official eon- firmation of the rep®t Great Britain is negotiating to buy ^Salvor a Island, which 1^ off the cOKit of northwest ern Spain, for a coaling station. The owner of the island^ a Spaniard, has been offered $1,250,000 for the prop- • •/ Schoolboy Harkhly Pttolahedt , Max Lenzmann, the 10-year^^ sbn of a Berlin lawyer, has been dismissed from his gymnasium and forbidden to enter any other in* Prussia for com mitting lese majeste when the prin cipal of the gymnasium mentioned to the pupils the recent attempt at Bres- lau upon the life of Emperor William, Landslide la Heligoland. Another serious landslide haa Oc curred in Heligoland. Thirty housee have been engulfed, and a consider able part of the island has bee# for three days under water. Thus far it h<us been impossible to send relief, and tile losses have not yet been mined.' . • For a Servant Girls' Union. About 400 servants at New York City have given in their names us mem bers of the proposed servant girls' union, which will be formed at a mass meeting at the. Social Reform club. The organisation will be auxiliary to the new trade society, and will support a training school* club rooms and a legal bureau. ^ Storm Sweeps tea Franelso*. - One of the most severe storms which ever visited San Francisco broke over the city Friday morning mi has raged in fitful gusts, rain and wind •weetfng the city with Smuaaal Vio lence, accompanied by thunder and folMvllilM^<:£n*h^ 6c- cirrence in that city. At one time rain fell in such torrents that many thought a cloud-burst imminent. During the height of the storm several houses were overturned by the wind, fences were blown down, and other damage I?#;' Go By Sled Thronsch Alaska. Asalstant Surgeon Clarence TrO* holts, of the United States army, wifh his wife, will attempt to make a win- ter trip from Tacoma, Wash., to Fort Egbert, Alaska, traveling part of the way by steamer, part by railroad and over 500 miles by dog sleds. Under orders from Gen. Shatter, Dr. TrehOlts and wife propose to start on their long iourney.this week. The distance from White Horse to Egbert is IS60 ' SMrllas CUroe Vaetary'00**. The plant of the Sterling Msjfmt' company at Kenosha, Wis., which wa* absorbed by the trust a year ago, baa beeil $m to Mr. Jeffery of the lOfitter Chicago firm of Gormully & Jeffery, IO'IM ileft aa an automoboile factory. The consideration is stated to be $«,- 000. The at Louisvttle ng trusts. Other aresolationde- shorn of soeialisUc Slaven Farsoas Ininwd. The day express from Chicago On the {•tttpburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago railway collided with the Leetsdale ac eastbound, at Edge- new Pltttsburg. Both tiains were wreeked aad eleven persona we injured. Fir* Threatens the T*e Herrick house at . . Harbor. Ohio, caught fire Friday morn lag and the flames swept every frame . . * _ Thedeadare of Olney, I1L man, of De Soto, Mo. Brad^qr . «a* CMR^bt under the wraok^ge,' whleii took aad cremated his body. Fire man B« Barrett fell his and couM only be rescued frea ductor, and R. D. Scott, brakeman, and G. L. Scott were slightly injured. Paasenger train No. 30, from Oil City, on the Western New York and Pepoi^attia railroad, ran into an open switch at Olean, N. Y., and col lided with some cars standing oa the switch, killing Fireman Patterson. Limited Train la a Wreck. The Illinois Central's Cincinnati and New Orleans limited south-bodnd pas senger train was wrecked at Isley, Ky., flftr?four • mUes abo^s. Paduc^h. Si* cars left tlb* track; the chair car turn ing, over. The tender trucks jumped the track while the train was going forty-five miles an hoar, causing the wreefk. The injured are: C. W. Northrop, Colfax,' Sid.; head cut Mrs. A. M. Coots. Princeton, Ky.; left eye and shottWer hurt J^ W. Scott, Bat tle Creek, Mich., ex-roadmaster; face mashed. Edward Meaifee, Coving ton, Tenn.; both knees hurt C. N. Underwood, engineer; scalp cut G. H. Summons, OwenSboro, Ky.; left eye and back bruised. Miss Nora Munns, Dawson; left eye hurt James Franklin, Pullman eat- conductor; scalp wounds. ^ - 'Boa* Womaa Is^Made Rich. Mrs. Agnes Adams, a resident of Racine, Wis., who Is in poor circum stances and who had been confined at St Luke's hospital by a spinal dis- esfee Saturday, received a dispatch from Templeton ft Weaver Of Detroit, stat ing thatshe ls helress to the estete ot her deceased brother, estimated at ,000. Mrs. Adaaa was born in Lon don thirty-four yean ago and had a brother named Richard Wainwright, who made a fortune in England. TWQ years ago he visited the United States and visited his sister in Detroit On Nov. 28 last Wainwright died at Nloe, Italy. When his will was read it found that his large estate had divided between bta wife and his sla ter. ,' Gets IIOO.OOO; Weds Kj^-Wlfe. A party left Battle Creek, Mich., three years ago for the Klondike, among the number being Jemome Jor dan. They attempted to make that country by taking the overland route from a point on the Northern pacific, but suffered so much hardship that after. awful reached the was heard from him since till this week, when he re turned only to find his wi^e had pro cured a divorce, as she has received no tidings since he left. Jordan had $100,000 in gold as a result of hla three years' hardship. He asfced for a re newal of the Old love, hie wife coa- seated, they were married. Wemaa Mnt Be Home at IS. > Justice Andrews in the supreme court at New Tork handed down a de cision in which he holds that a woman should be home by midnight. The. question arose on an application by Florence Abell, a dressmaker, to en join Jacob A. Omdrak, her landlord, from closing the front door of tin house and not immediately admitting her when she rang the bell. ^4 . Fire la Spring and Axle Flaa* , The Lewis Spring and Axle com pany's plant at Jackson, Mich., was damaged by fire to the extent of $60,- 000. The fire started in the varnish room, and the spring department was entirely destroyed. The axle depart ment was damaged, but not seriously, fhe property was valued at $SN^0i^ and was insured for $45,000. ^ 1: Child Is Scalded to Death. While Leno, the 5-year-old son Of Edward Hille, was playing about a kettle of boiling water at Metropoky III., he fell headlong into the kettle and was scalded so badly that he died from the Injuries this morning. . , r - -- . ^ Csar Able to B« Oat of ' The c*ar, who remains at Livadla, went out of doors Saturday for the first tim# since his illness. He sat on the veranda of the. palace, where he gave an audience to one of the min isters. street south. Nearly f^-.bprpedi. Child Falls Into Bollta* The 2-year-old daughter of Peter Eder, a saloon keeper at Elwood, Ind., fell Into a ten-gallon cauldron oi soup, made for lunch at the place and was literally cooked before her screams brought assistance. Death resulted In a short time. ' •' "nfliii i Ml': • Bvvaa Ban^l to Death. ' Six young women pupils and a jani tor perished in the burning of a stats side of Bridge tm«aft «^hool at Fredonia, N.X Thef i^rs wcapes fit h-WHlW ' eaiTfaa lS4.4N.tM. and ) b«t mm was leas mm ' Aebate upon it Mr. who waa in chaiwe trf tlie him - tWe si'i e ' •lik" " epwi'i ' it-1 three hours for tiie clerk to M3t • Taaseer. Baewiaiav-iu. Special congrsaslonal c«B«nlttee will make ino^y (tMtti Boer. Rivera and harbon it the honae gave a Chicago and HltikAi )n( «WMtiwrtMirtAw . ,w|k , to tlio v Ifffrttorippl a anrvey, aouriana jolaed in the aviee» waterway. Georgia made first sjMKh W tion to ship aubeidy bill, tttion of commerce and lOr^itta. tirade would not ment of measure into law. A. Truax, Chicago, attacked States consular service before committee on foreign affairs. man Hltt denied charges. Itallory of Chicago advocated senate: committee new cabinet 0 be known aa department of:< Preatdentsent trade trlatlea Great Britain and Central and American states to senate for api al.' Representative Mann of Chicago will'sik tor appropriation to improva the Calumet rftrer. Use of the British flag in decorating the house of representatives caused * protest, and Speaker its removal. The Cramp Ship iag^eoppany la negotiating for planta ao aa to be able to construct complete Tharsday, DeeemWr President McKinley waa informed by Senate committee after secret wmwiff that Hay-Pauncefote treaty eaaaot ratified without radical amehiWtt^ which will abrogate ClaytOii-Miili; treaty. Davis amendment jisi isltllai fortification adopted by vote of $8 t» ' 17. London press declares UaM States will not be permitted to . gate Gtayton-Bulwer treaty. Oppoaltlon to the Haaaa ahlmdag- , subsidy bill is so great thit i| hi 10»- • ly to be defeated unless *matiMrlally amended. Senator Hanna plettdg for the ahlp-niittMy meaamrat Representative Marsh, Illinois, in> ; troduced bill aathorislng President to detail army offieers as mllitair inatruc- tors in public schools. R^nreseabative Burleigh of Maine introduced new plan to fix ratio of Congressmen ing total membership $f7. Cornel Marsh will endeavor to baire adored for with Krag-Jorgeasen rifles. bishop Ireland and Bishop ICcKepdrick spoke before Senate committee against abolition of army canteen. Friday, December 14 Amendment to war tax bill re^itfr* Ing express companies to pay for stamps on shipping receipts passed the house. Senator Allen proposed aa substitute for subsidy bill payment Of bounties on exports to encourage agrl- .„A culture. Foreign committee of swath adopted Foraker amendment to effigi treaty abrogating (^yton-Butv^ treaty and wiping out section 3, which ^ invites powers to participate in man- j agement of canal. Vote may be 4 ferred until after holidays. Seeretaf? J of State Hay denied revived nuaef ̂ that he would resign aa result of sen ate's action on canal treaty. Repre sentative Hopkins presented his plan 1 for representation in *congrea% whltti" \ leaves number of members unchanged. London Chronicle says if United States goes out of the way to break ^ treaty engagements it will be an "aft- friendly act" Odd. Centenariaa Is Captain Joaathaa ̂ ^orton expired Wednesday . aged 105 years. He died tn the that some more fortunate person will ii^om the mystery and bring about the fruition of hla life'a struggle .pfsni<- petaal motion. Captain Norton wrote President McKinley intorming him be was about to reaHae hla dream aad of fered the machine to the government He received a reply Atom the pruitdaat to'the effect that if the marine waa a success he would interest MamiU. in the matter. ' . - hv The elevator at Charlotte. the Ferrin Brothers' company af< De troit was partially ds«xoye| by firs. Between $8,000 and $10,000 vt tnsnt were in the building at the "~ a portion of which ware deatw94 water. , mi Waats Gold Standard Fixed."