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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Jan 1901, p. 3

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mmm J/. ft* < _•>. k<;<- v^' * - SH i&as' »*«* V- /*' ̂*TN mry-county of the civilized world ^ the Sisters of the Good Shepherd =C;§sre known. Jot only do they minister _ $ totheapirftmal and intellectual needs of "the charges committed to their care," but they also minister to their bodily H^y' im«*s. • ,f , With-so man j children to take cam of < ^ J"', Vidtoprotectfromclimate and disease, " V»" .gChese .wise and prudent Sisters have •*, V#, rfound Per una a never-failing safeguard. n, { * v r Columbus, 0., July 10, ItOO. Feruna Medicine Co.,€ity: •'• <€k»tiemen--"A number of years afo -S:. s;' f* 4; tte- i> \\. '< • -..v |»ur attention was called to Dr. Hart- |man's Perupa, and since then we have ^ used it with Wonderful results for grip, •coughs, colds, and catarrhal diseases of ;: ithe head and stomacli. For grip and winter catarrfe eape- Vl it has been of great service to the Inmates of this institution."--Sisters of %he Good Shepherd. ; The following letter is from Con- > ,< , >re$sman Meekison, of Napoleon, Ohio: Richest Man in lown HOOM. *'v- Congressman Connell of the Elev- ,|Sntii Pennsylvania district is the rich­ est man in the lower house of the na­ tional legislature. He draws an in- 4ome of $500 a day from one Invest­ ment alone. Mr. Connell was born in |Kova Scotia, and is one of the largest $oal operators in the United States, t ilifty years ago he was working as driving Jbgar 4a a coal mtne at 75j4»»ta 3 1 d a y . V ' - ' { X The Pervaa Medietas • Gentlemen--1 have used several bet* ties of Peruna and feel grestly bene* fltea thereby from my catarrh of ths head, and feel encouraged to believe that its continued u s e w i l l f u l l y eradicate a dlseaae of thirty years* standing. -- David Meekison. Dr. Hartman, one of the best Vnown physicians and surgeons in the United States, was the first man to formulate Pe­ ruana. It was through his genius and perseverance that it was introduced to the medical profession of this country. Send to the Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacture ing Company, Columbus. Ohio, for free book written by Dr. Hartman. How'i TblsT .V*.v,w , v ^k^vr ii" V We Offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's tarthCure. F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, O. "We, Hie undersigned, have known F. 3. -- for the last 15 years and believe him all bust n< Cecily honorable In all business transactions financially able to carry out any obliga­ tions made bv their firm. West * Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Welding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale sts. Toledo^ Ohio. „ Ball's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, aot- •fai directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent tree. Price •tbe per bottle. Sold by mil druggist* • Sail's Family Pills are the best. \ % Writiag Life of^Bla^J on*'«3T the ""and. He is now e In the arduous task of writing a' .of Gladstone." Af odd intervals jewriting bis "Life of Richard 4en" and Is also a member of #oent. • ton Can Oct Allen's Foot-Ease Free. W Write to-day to Allen S. Olmsted, Le JBtoy, N. Y., for a FREE sample of ^lien's Foot-Ease, a powder. It cures sweating, damp, swollen, aching feet. Makes new or tight shoes easy. A eer- vtain cur-1 for Chilblains and Frost-bites. ^t^ftU druggists and shoe stores; 25c. Ofclaafo'a BmrnUoa. •CMeago, however, will reserve the |-ight to regard her drainage ditch as |lhe biggest thing in the canal line in litbis hemispaere.--Kansas City Jour- Shei. • Bben •' lordan of Boston has of- to ouild a hospital to be pre- ted to the town of Plymouth, Mass. Thirty minutes is all the time re­ tired to dye with PUTNAM FADE- DYES. KM; Men resemble needles; trfctn they broke women have so use lor TO ERAS A cou> nr on MT. TON LAZATITI Baotto Qnimmi TULITS. AH -4r«gslsts refnnd the money if It falls to cure. fUtlf. Grove's signature IS oa the box. 25c. ] Gold gauze is used to cover the en- I?. tire front of the bodice and to form a f|,;||roke. ptao's Osra lathe beet medicine we ever ueed \ tor all affections of the throat and Innga.--WM. 6 t>. EsDsunr, Vantmren. Ind.. Feb. 10. HMO. [C \ h Three things are boundless; the horizon, foolishness and love. : * '-j; r HrANTID-Men with rtgt to adrertlM mi XflwA Poultry Mixture. Strsfght salary weekly sad expense*. Addresa with staaip " JUfe. Oa., Sta. i9t. Springfield, IUlnoU. Forethought is easy; it's U*e fli«r- Ihought that pulls hard. ^ ! > ' • WONT % ? ? WIUi your health. Use Batt's Caps for Colds. .' Prompt cure guaranteed. 26c at druggists. Cunning is about the poorest ooan- terfelt of wisdom. ifi the oldest and best. It will ttaak ap aeold qolckar anything eioe Itlsatvayantlahls. Try It. CM'* Congti it. It will It is atvayantiibla ^ An event is a circumstance that sel­ dom happens. Mtrgnstt ;;' A Tigoront growth nd tha artgSu tHhaTrby P*K«A'8 HATB BALSA*. oase, the best care for «M P Don't run if you want to catch your [breath. H. CNbtrse, DBS JfotaM, lews, tffl aa rsaasst --ixplaln all aboat tbe Gladiator Gotd Mlib« Ooa- extremely tatereaUng; wrttaa .̂ Figures are like -hens--they asver lie. " ̂ ; Baseball players; Golf play«rs; all play, tts chaw White's Yucatan whilst playing A carb-uncle is a Jewel of a^relatira STOCK MEN ALL GOING. The fourth annual convention of the National Live Stock Association at Salt Lake promises to be the largest and most Interesting gathering of stockmen ever held in this country. Salt Lake City is going to cover itself with glory in the manner in which the visitors will be entertained. The con­ vention will be held in the Assembly hall of the Mormon church and a grand concert will be tendered the delegates and visitors in the Tabernacle on the first evening. The programme of the entertainment committee contemplates events for each evening of the convex don and after the convention adjourns, there are excursions to the mines and elsewhere. Colorado is going to send a large delegation and the Denver ft Rio Grande railroad will run a special train, leaving Denver Sunday, January 13, which will reach Salt Lake City the next day in time for the committee meetings. The fare for the round trip will be fl8 from Denver, Colorado Springs or Pueblo and one fare front other points In the state. Those con­ templating going Bhould engage sleep-: ing car accommodations at once. Write to S. K. Hooper, general passenger agent, Denver, or see any Rio Grande ticket agent. It will be a delightful midwinter trip, and no stockman who is interested in the industry can af­ ford not to attend the meeting. \ . : i ;. ,̂ 'jriliE TO GO SOUTHS | For the present winter season tlft Louisville ft Nashville Railroad Com­ pany has improved its already nearly perfect through service of Pullman vestibuled sleeping cars and elegant day coaches from Cincinnati, Louis­ ville, St Louis and Chicago, to Mo­ bile, New Orleans and the Gulf coast, Thomasville, Ga., Pensacola, Jackson­ ville, Tampa, Palm Beach and other points in Florida. Perfect connections made with steamer lines for Cuba, Por­ to Rico, Nassau, West Indian and Central American ports. Tourist and home seekers' excursion tickets on sale at low rates. Write C. L. Stone, Gen­ eral Passenger. Agent, Louisville, Ky., tor particulars. • bean ham been an Francisco moun­ tain* li Wlheaetora Arizona by the *ad have migrated south into the hills an<^ canyons around Blue riv­ er, affording sport for the cowboys of that section. The maneuvers of a herd hears were watched from a peak Blite river a few days ago by a posse of well-known cowboys, composed of Nels Wilson, Rawley West, "Buck" Davis and several oth- «r%: Shortly before coming apon the §£•$ they had encountered a bunch of ftvabeani and killed four, but the oth- er eseaped after a chase. Their am- WWitftfam was spent on the fourth bear and the cdjiueroe started out to rope" the fifth. The roping of bear, mountain lion and even deer is a favorite pastime of the Arizona cow- and at the same time affords a test of his accuracy with the rope and tips speed and activity of his horse, eats the San Francisco Chronicle. He seldom misses a "throw" when the animal is within range, but in the roping of bear not only must the cow­ boy be sucoeesful in placing tha noose ifeaut tbt bear's neck, but he must draw it taut before the wily brute shakos it off. On this occasion the hoys followed their quarry through mesQUite shrubbery, and several times when It appeared on an open they toned the lasso about the anl- maT* neck. The bear as frequently stopped, obtained a little slack and neatly through oft the noose with his paw. The cowboys suffered the dis­ grace of losing their animal, three lariats and their temper, but they re­ turned to Stafford, a small community in the mountains, with four skins and a wonderful account of a herd of Ari­ zona bears. Cowboys from the sur­ rounding hills are contemplating a r̂ deo and are gathering for a big bear hnnt. Little ammunition will be taken along, for the cowboy, as a rule, who stoops to shoot a bear is regarded as no better than the hunter who revels in "potshots," and the vaquero who returns without having successfully roped several bears will be in dlsgraoe. . Oai»au> ̂ >i <Nw in W<N«a. . Joseph Chambertaln seat out a re­ quest to the goternora of British col­ onies a few months ago that steps be taken to secure specimens at mosqui- i toes in their respective Jurisdictions, 1 and that the same be forwarded to the ; Natural History museum in London for scrutiny and classification. The secretary for colonies had already co­ operated with the Royal society tor a rigid investigation into the suspected relations between mosquitoes and ma­ laria, Inasmuch as malarial -fevers are said to be the cause of more deaths than any other malady in the tropical possessions of lite crown. Thus far over $,000 specimens have been re­ ceived, and additions are being made to this total almost every week. The genus anopheles, which Is held respon­ sible for the dissemination of malaria, is represented by 22 species, at least 10 of which were until recently un­ known to science. Great variations both in sise and the markings Of the anopheles have been detected, and al­ though the genus is practically world­ wide in its distribution, no single spe­ cies belonging to it appears to have a very extensive habitat. This latter peculiarity is not equally characteris­ tic of the innocent culex, one species of which has been found in North and South America, the West Indies, Gi­ braltar, South and West Africa, India, the Malay peninsula, Hong Hong, For­ mosa and Japan.--New York Tribune. , hi a wo- _ te asodera ivinf, not one woman in praMhes thia perfectly without experiencing a trait of vwy asawfing and some- 11 in-- Ml II Til jUMfltOBI. Tho ̂<^w!dralî t flashes, sending the blood surfing to the heart until it seems tready to burst, and the faint feeling that foUowrs, sometimes with chills, as if Oa heart were going to stop tor good, are symptoms of a dan- gerooBt nervous trouble. Those hot fiaahea are just so many calls from nature fcr help. The nerves are «ry LOW RATBS TO THB SOUTH. Excursion tickets at reduced rates are now being sold by the Chicago, Milwaukee ft St Paul Railway to the prominent resorts in the South, in­ cluding Jacksonville, Fl^t., Mobile, Ala., New Orleans, La., Savannah, Ga., Paso, Tex., which are good for return passage at any time prior to June 1st, 1901. Information regarding rates, routes, time, etc., can be obtained on application to any coupon ticket agent of the Chicago, Milwaukee ft St. Paul Railway. # Tha Kvwlag refer : f.J Review of the Century, -with forty ar­ ticles by some of the most prominent writers of the world, will form a part of the regular issue of Saturday, Jan. 12.1901. Laoc'i Faasily Medlctaa. Movea the bowels each day. In order to be healthy1 this is necessary. Acts gently on the liver and kidneys. Cures sick headache. Price 25 and 50c. A western man speaking of a cyclone said it would have blown his house away had there not been such a heavy mortgage on It. If you have never used Garfield Tea, the original herb medicine, send to tbe Gar­ field Tea Co., Brooklyn, N. T., for FRBE Garfield Tea cures. THEORY OP" MURDER. Vsaalusaat of AslwJi aa ladax la M*|; Criminal Innttnct. According to an ingentas statisti­ cian who has been at work on the sub­ ject ever since the assassination of King Humbert of Italy, the greatest number of murders is likely to be com­ mitted in that country in which ani­ mals are treated with the most cruelty, He claims too that comparatively few murders are comitted i% those coun tries in which societies for the protec­ tion of animals flourish. Out of every million inhabitants, he says, there are in England and Ireland only six mur derers; in Germany, 11; in Belgium, 14; in France 16; in Austria, 23; in Hungary, 67; in Spain, 83, and in Italy, 95. These figures, he maintains, are just what might be expected. In no country, he says, are animals treated with igorer kindness than in Great Britain and with more cruelty than in Italy, and the treatment ac­ corded to them in the other countries may fairly be gauged according to the number of murders committed in each. At the same time this statistician, who is a German, and an influential mem­ ber of the Berlin Society for the Pro­ tection of Animals, admits that ciimate Is a considerable factor In this matter. ; OEMS OF SHAW* Pari&V iioaareh Has tha Most Valaabta Collection oa Earth. The shah of Persia has more pre­ cious stones than any man in the world. In his palace at Teheran he keeps $10,000,000 worth of them in a glass jar ana loves to let the almost priceless gems trickle through his fingers. His crowns and his thrones are mar­ vels of oriental magnificence. The Kanjanian crown is shaped like a flower pot, with the small end open and the other elosed, having at the top an uncut, flawless ruby as big as a hen's egg. Two Persian lambskin caps are adorned with splendid ai­ grettes of diamonds, and there are gauntlets and belts innumerable cov­ ered with pearls and diamonds, the handsomest being the Kanjanian belt, about a foot deep, weighing about eighteen pounds--one dazzling mass of diamonds, pearls, qpseralds and rubies. Drinking bowls studded with jewels, swords, (me or two of which are worth a quarter of a million each, epaulets of diamonds and armlets so contrived that the brilliants revolve and keep up an ever-changing scintil­ lation, seem to realize the wonders re­ vealed by Aladdin's lamp in the cave. The first phu% among the gems be* longs to the famous Draya-i-Nur, 'or Sea of Lighr, sister diamond to the Kohlnoor. It Is an inch and a halt long, an inch broad and three-eighths inch tMck. \4 Onadrar tn SwttasrtatHfc ; *'• As the Matterhorn Is the grandest object to be seen in Switzerland, so also are the glaciers above Zermatt the most magnificent. In the Oberland and at Chamonix the glaciers are frozen rivers and cataracts. From the Cor­ ner Grat the glaciers are vast seas of ice, with ledges of rocky beach over which the frozen breakers are beating. The Aletsch and the Rhone glac ers are grand, frozen torrents of immense volume, and the ice fields of the Mont Blanc range are of vast extent; but it is from the Gorner Grat, where the spectator is surrounded by frozen seas, out of which the snow peaks rise like islands, that the imagination is over­ powered by stupendous glacial effects. An old toper say% he envies acorns, because they always remain la their cups until they drop. Every time a sum's* wife looks hap­ py be flutters hlnwelf that J* is tht cause of tt. la Northwaat. Dr. Isaac L. Wood of Plymdulfi, Mass., recently visited an agricultural fair at Kamloops, British Columbia, and brought home with him two apples as samples of the ordinary fruit of that region. One of them measures fifteen and three-fourth inches in circumfer­ ence and weighs twenty-three ounces. The other is nearly as large. Dr. Wood saw at Kamloops an apple which weighed twenty-nine ounces, and which would have been sufficient ftqr a pie of the usual household ahm. A HIGH MARK. The New Ycrk Almanac for . sued by Chas. H. Fletcher of New City, haa aet a hicb mark for similar publications during the new century, and shows remarkable enterprise on the part of the publisher when we consider that It Is Intended solely for tree distribution. The numerous pufc __ acter are usually gotten up with the . gle Idea of cheapnesa, while tha thought of expense has certainly been set a«d< • New T< tn the case of the ehar- i aia- fork Almanac. The artistic colorings of the cover, tbe accuracy of Its calendars and its fund of Information all go to make It well worthy of perusal and preservation. It haa in­ numerable hints for mothers as to the care of children. A unique page Is the 'Baby's Record" page, which win wank, to be filled in ' with baby's name, date of birth, cut first tooth, etc. The whole is a very creditable piece of work and may be procured at any drug store or direct on request, free. taSaoa la Mediterranean Sea. " . Divers who have been at work in the sea between Cape Matapan and the Island of Corlgo, the ancient Kythera, report that they have seen statues and other archaeological objects. They have brought to the surface a hand which must have belonged to a bronze statue. The Grecian government has undertaken the supervision of the further researches which will be made. lag out tor be heeded in time. Lydia £. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound was pre­ pared to meet the neieds of woman'* system at this trying period of her lifa. It builds up the weakened nervous , and enables a woman to pass at grand change triumphantly. " I waa a very sick woman, caused byChange of Life. I suffered with hot flushes, and fainting spells. 1 waa afraid to go on the street, my heat and bade troubled me so. I waa en­ tirely cured by Lydia E. PinkhamlS Vegetable Compound."-- MRS. Jinan Hohb, *010 Keyser St., Germantowai Pa & LOSS OF MEMORY Tha Review of Reviews Gives the news of the world and Ita interpretation by the editor, Dr. Albert Shaw; discusses the really important public questions, and pictures the great human figures of the day; summarizes the 'best articles of other magazines; reviews the newest books and Illus­ trates the whole with more than a hWUjjrecl timely pictures eacti nw^th. - Hhe Century Magaslaa Is throughout the world a household phrase, suggesting literary and artistic wealth. For the following year the publishers engaged a group of novel and short story writers and promise "A Year of Romance," which will prove a welcome announcement to subscribers for 1901. m m m \ I Mr Arthor Snlttvan's Mta The last resting place of the body of Sir Arthur Sullivan in St. Paul's cathedral, London, is near the tombs of Sir John MUlals, P. R. A., and Dr. William Boyce, the writer of ^ church music. Don't Get Footaotet Get FOOT-BAM& A certain cure tor Swollen, Smart­ ing, Burning. Sweating Feet, Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot- Ease, a powder. Cures Frost-bites and Chilblains. At ail Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad dress Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. .Wee Man Who Attests Tan* Prisoners in Morocco are compelled to pay the officers for their trouble In arresting and escorting them to jail. This plan makes the police watchful and always alert for business. toughing Leads to Consamptlon. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Go to your druggist today and get a sample bottle free. Sold in 25 and 50 cent bottles. Go at once; delays are dangerous. Some old maid has now got Hp a story that a baby's biting on tha rub­ ber nozzle of a milk bottle will mate it grow up tb ohew tobacco. Garfield Tea haa permanently cured countlesa cases of chronic constipation, and many diseasea arising from a clogged system; It cleanses the system aad.purl- flea the blood. A well-filled cupboard is the best board of health. SMeThreat, Cresp. (a. KisasdAsthsn. ia flrst stages, Useat I la dealers evry> eaats aad 60 cents. is often derived from an unlooked for source--the Kidneys. Odorous urine or that which scalds or stains is an in­ fallible proof that you are progressing towards Bright's Disease or one of the other for in s of Kidney Trouble all of which are fatal it permitted to grow worse. reward will l>e paid for a esse MB SB of twrkaebe, nervousness, sleep. a^mm IcMiteM, wpakuegs, loss of Ti- JAalll tslitf. incipient kidney, bladder VUII and iirlimrv disorders, that ce*» not lie cured by MORROW'S KID-NE-OIDS the great mientific discorery for sbattSM# nerves aad thin Impoverished blood. OHIO, INDIANA. ILLINOIS AMD WISCONSIN people eared t»y Kld-ne-olils. In wrttfcag them plwtie enclose stamped addressed envelope. Mr. E. R. Erman, U14 Broadway, Lorain, O, Mr*. K. U Iteeder, 320 Bank St., Lorain, 0. V. P. Coffey, broker, Anderson. Ind. Solomon Sawyer, Jackson St., Bracll, Isdj - , K. C. (ireen, Grand Are., Waukegan, 111. W. U. lieebe, «Vntialitt, 111, Mrs. W. K. Leferer, 11 Stb St., Fond-du-Lac.Wis. Morrow's Kid-ne-oids are not pills, but Yellow Tablets and sell at llfty cents a box at drug stores. JOHN MORROW * CO.. CHEMISTS. SPRISGHEM, 0. SKINTORTU And every Distressing Irritai of the Skin and Scalp Instar Relieved by a Bath witfa $ DnBnlTs COUCH SYRUP Cures a Cough or Cold at onof. Conquers Croup, Whoeplog-Cough, Bronchitis, Grippe stidConsamptionQuick. sure^results. Dr. Bull's PUIS CarsCeastlpatlea. SOpUtslOc. "THE CHICAGO and FLORIDA 'J SPECIAL? SOLID VC8TIBULKO Twwil®;; faa CHICAGO {•ST. ADtHISnNE •Wt'i EVERY m Entire train runs through solid fraai Chicago to St. Aujmsti ne. Absolutely ao ^change of cars for either passengers or baggage. Pinttrmia Wednesday, J*p> if, 1901. THROUGH DINING CARS. THROUGH PULLMAN SLEEPERS ̂ THROUGH OBSERVATION CARS. THROUGH BAGGAGE CARS. llSili fliahsHlill i 12th St A Park Roa.CMoqpt 12.00 Noon, aaaiva «T. AUGUSTINC a.3oiranr».li Borparticulars call eny*gark>eiUfM4r rridwa •' 4* Ci TUCKER, ^ And a single anointing with CUTICURA, great skin cure and purest of emollients, treatment, when followed in severe cases by doses of CUTTCURA RESOLVENT, to and cleanse the bipod, is the most speedy, nent, and economical cure for torturing, ing, itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, pimply skin and scalp humors with loss of ever compounded* > m? UfFearftsate. Catholic Agents OUTFIT FREE UrntD--Men or Women, Town or Oonntrr. iSETHENa NKW. Write a oaea. Addresa C.MLCa. Caste* Nfe, CMcs«e,Hl. ADADfiV NEW DISCOVERY, _ Ullvrw 1 quick relief aad earesi Book of tenimouioH MI I is a*TS» I ~ •a. a. a. wuuui'B i« s. t ^ IN 3 OR 4 YEARS IN INIEPENDEHCE ASSURED CUTICURA SOAP, assisted by Cuticwa for preserving:, porifyingf, and beatifying the cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and daodtttfl> and ping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and foagh, and sore hands* for baby n the form of baths for anno] free or offensive perspiration, in the form of washes for lAirilfm -weaknesses, and many sanative antiseptic purposes which iliWj suggest themselves to women and mothers, and for all thcgiiipow of the toilet, bath, and nursery. No amount of persuasion ohi l»» duce those who have once usoJ these great skin purifiers and tifiers to use any others. CUTICURA SOAP emollient properties derived from CUTICURA, the great cure,with the purest of cleansing ingredients and the motti ing of flower odors. No other medicated soap ever is to be compared with it for preservings purifying, and ing the skin, scalp, hair, and hands. No other foreign oe< toilet soap, however expensive, is to be compared with it lor aft the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Thus it in ONE SOAP at ONE PRICE, viz„ TWENTY4TVE < the BEST skin and complexion soup, the BEST toilet and baby soap in the world. Complete External and Internal Treatment #or Every -- OoBststtaf of Cpwctma 8<uyase.>.>a olsaaistfca spa at < niTlAIlM seslss sad aoitea ths tUefceasd ewtMs. Cntrcu' fuueura __*"1 _ A giaauiSsrls aflea wffleteat toeata«>s aws* tstti THE SET, $1.25 FREE ELECTRIC BELT OFFQ in.nim mi.- OTMWSjjgaM. Innah Mwaesatoe aae If you take op jour bomeala Western Cbn- ada. the land of plenty, niworated pninptklets, alTias experiences ot farmers who have be­ come wealthy in prow bur wheat, reports of _ doWatMi ctc., tfid r WM oatar amaf SsnuoTi Ssaay nadwet wnatzzzsi IZafilcted wtthi' Mn «ye*. «w \ >>US. 'iw- * .ih... A,Ar,: , diMMM, wsskatssas sad d»ssrt>is. nr «a*aa ŝ scŝ ssststsriŝ ANTED SR&NJSW bj a »«or Mas f«» yes»h. t tar oar Talasbl* free boos "tse sad Os«s af Tr&nskr̂ vtssrss&issit SL^.U ^ . Sg W. N. U. CHIC AGO. HQ.̂ Vkes Aasveris9 MyttHmmm

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