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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Jan 1901, p. 5

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VjW^i VMentoud retail i '}-* .W* r ws OF urimimi'n 1 mi l in i mini iiimiiiiiuiiiiniiiili ' - Illinois ft)in4 itlillt today. Cb*a# Shrader aCarpentersVille holidays several days of his aad : . Far* ItlacWwerv m fall line in every department ' 4 to do • jp«i*e W» a< Conway & Rainey Ringwood, 111. . "qlirtwifttf**'"""--* Ufts' Mt BmUk Watch Chains and Bracelets, at Cost Price SOCIETY P I Woodmen Siasomo M^ccabee 5; ' /, Forester ̂ yjs* BeautyPhw First-class work \ watch and clock repaid , ing. All work guaran» teed for one year. SeW- ' . ing machine repairs of all makes v. ;* v i\ k Mr Hunt. Ml rlVISWB^n **af 'v to UT| Vi-.1" ^ EVERYBODY'S TBLOOD PURIFIER Prompt Positive Part Pktsml --ttnt'i what yos ought to 00; « good, Mssible medicine that win sharpen ywir appetite and put new *'f»" late yoar nenres aad bm> «Ha. Tw-n gad itjaat what row sywtssiawtfs. Brrr*l- airf superior to . Avar taken, sad I c*a far Momcb Ud Brer Mtikmef the h«Mt «M , ItmOyctiioU. v - 1H0H B. HARVEY, Hum*, UL PpiABWUk rat nmxmm r*cnju>D*wm The MODERN REMEDY CO. ^ "f% KEWANEE, ILL. * - * • M»MdQUAK^T«B>fer IA At STORY, •Geo. Meyers- GENERAL.; TEAMING of all kind*; . >\ V Excavating ana Grading. JttcJHenry- . • v. » August Walters was calling on Ring- wood friends recently. * Thomas Can- spent last week with his brother at Wauconda* Mr. ipli Mrs. Fred Morgan were last Wednesday. Charles Housholder, of Hebron, spent Sunday at F. Morgana Mr. aad Mrs. H. W: Allen entertained sevsspl guests New Year at their home. Frtd Small 1b spending his vacation a* Lake Geneva with his brother George. l». D. Fillmore spent part of last week at Woodstock looking after his farm in­ terests. Mrs. Myra Dwelly spent Sunday at McHenry with bar mother, Mrs. Mo* Collnm. Young People's Union willbolednext Sunday evening by Mm Buckland. Ail are invited. Mrs. Clyde*RandaTI and children, of Elgin, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Dodge, for several days. Quality and noli quantity makes De- Witt's Little Early Risers such valuable little liver pills. Julia A. Story. Mrs. H. O. Small went to Lake Gene­ va to eat Christmas dinner with friends and spent part of the week there. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepeiu convinces you of its merit the first dose yon take. Julia A. Story and Q. W. Besley. Mrs. Edwin Johonnott returned to her home in Indiana after several days visit with her parents, Mr. audi Mrs. N. D. Stevens the first of the week. Snch little pills as DeWitt's Little Early Risers are very easily taken, and they are wonderfully effective in cleans­ ing the' liver and botfels. Julia A. Story. Charles French is again quite poorly though not confined to the house all of the time. Mr. French is in very poor health and his friends hope for a speedy recovery. Ray Dodge, May Cristy, Glenn Fran­ cisco and Laura and Agnes Dodge took the morning train Christmas for Chicago where they visited friends and relatives several days. Genuine Rooky Mountain tea is never sold in bulk by peddlers or less than 85 cts. Don't be fooled, get the tea made famous by the Madison Medicine Go. Ask your druggist. The entertainment given by Mr. Nye in M. W. A. hall Monday evening was not so largely attended as it would have been had the weather been pleasapter, but all pronounced it good. The Court of Honor met Tuesday evening and installed their officers After the work was done they repaired to the home of Mrs. Dodge where they served an oyster supper. Mrs. M. V. B. Spaulding took the train Friday morning for Hennepin, where she spe"t Christmas with her son. Returning to Chicago she attended the dedication of the new church at Moore- Iand last Sunday morning. The Ladies Church Aid society of the M, E. church will meet this (Thursday) afternoon with Mrs. J. E. Cristy. There will be sewing and tea will be served. The reports of the year's work done will be read. A cordial invitation is ex­ tended to alL The Ladies Aid society met with Mrs. Bennett Deo. 20 and elected the following officers: Mrs. Will Dodg^, president; Mrs. Q. O. Small, secretary; Mrs. Geo. B. Read, treasurer; Mrs. J. E: Cristy, Mrs. Jay Bennett, Mrs. Wm. Coates, executive committee. Sore and swollen joints, sharp, shoot­ ing pains, torturing muscles, no rest, no tdeep. That means rheumatism. It is a stubborn disease to fight but Chamber­ lain's Pain Balm has conquered it thous­ ands of times. It will do so whenever the opportunity is offered. Try it. One application relieves the pain. For sale by Julia A Story. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. world-wide fame for marvelous cures. It surpasses any other salve, lo- ' rion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns. Burns. Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers, Tet­ ter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions; Infallible for Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only SBe at .Julia A. Story's. BABRKVI1.LE, John Hunter was in McHenry Satur­ day on business. J. Gibbs is pressing his hay for tin- Chicago market. ' , - C. Schroder, of Nunda, called at J. Krouse's Wednesday. : Allan Starritt, of Nunda, called on friends here Sunday evening. Thos. Thompson attended to business matters in Woodstock Monday. Chas. Eldredge, of McHenry, was calling in this vicinity Thursday. ' Wm. Win gate is hauling wood from the Albert Colby place for his winter use. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Thompson were attending to business matters m Wood­ stock Thursday. t F. W. Hartman and Fred Palmer, of Nunda, transacted business in this vi­ cinity Thursday. Johnie Hunter and sister, Edna, have been spending their vacation visiting relatives in Elgin. A number of- our^jro*»ng people at­ tended a dance at Wauconda Xmas and all report a fine time. B. W. Starritt, of the Athenieum Bus­ iness college, Chicago, was calling on friends on Friday evening., Mr. and Wm. Van Natta entertained Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wright and child- ravof Volo, and John Wrjg^i^itap, George, of McHenry, Xsu* . 7 Heaven helps those who help them­ selves Luck waits for • train; phtok builds a railroad. Mr. French was a Woodstock visitor Monday. Ed. Pierce was a McHenry visitor Saturday. Miss Rose Burdick in visiting at Mrs. E. E. Bassett's. Eber Bassett and wife Were Wood­ stock visitors Saturday. Of course the young folks all attended the New Year's ball at StoffeTs. Mrs. Robert Richardson is ill with a cold, We hope she will soon be better. Hcpxy Good sell is selling silverware. He has some nice samples and we wish him eikocess. Roy Colby has finished work for R, BL Richardson. He will work on the ice at McHenry this winter. Mrs. Mina Beedee, who 1ms been working for Mrs. P. Martin for some tame past left for Woodstock Friday. Miss Fannie Jecks is reported to be progressing finely. We are very glad to hear that she is recovering from her long illness, The Ostend Sunday school is very thankful to Chas. Cavis for the con­ struction of the snow houee for Christ­ mas Eve. Mrs. Wm. Thomas has Jbeen sick for the past week and is reported no better. She has bronchitis Her many friends hope for her recovery. A good shawl was lost Christmas Eve at the school house by Mrs. Edward Dates. The finder will please return the same and receive thanks. Re?. Wm. Nickle preached a very in­ teresting sermon here Sunday evening. Two weeks from that date he will de­ liver an address to the children. Bring them all. The merited reputation for caring piles, sores and skin diseases acquired tjy DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, has led to the making of worthless counterfeits. Be sure to^jfet only DeWitt's Salve. Julia A. Story. OBITUARY. On Sunday morning Dec. 80 at 8:80 o'clock occurred the death of Mrs. C. A. jtyder. The deceased passed away to her home in heaven after an illness of ten days. She was afflicted with bron­ chitis. Mrs. Ryder had reached the age of 75 years, 7 months and 25 days and had been a widow for the last 30 years. The last eleven years of her life had been spent at Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Ab­ bott's. Three children are left to mourn the loss and three have proceeded her to the better land. The living are. Mrs. T. A. Abbott, of this place (Ostend), George Ryder, of Kalamazoo, Mich and Benton Ryder, of Mt. Morris. Illi­ nois. Rev. Mr. Sunderlin, of Wood­ stock, preached the funeral sermon. The many friends of those offer them their heartfelt sympathy. "Tig hard to break the tender cord When love has bound the heart* ? |y •Tls hard, so hard to speak the words We must forever part. < Dearest mother we must lay thee \ In the peaceful grave's embrace, ^ But thy memory will be cheerished *' , <• *TUl see thy heavenly face. > "* - . WAl'CONDA. : ^ George Ladd returned from Diamond Lake Sunday. Will and Clyde Harris were Barring- ton callers Saturday. Mrs. Albert Coxhead returned to her home in Chicago Monday. Miss Laura Harris is entertaining a lady friend from Chicago. Miss Dora Grantham, of Nunda, is visitidg cousins in this vicinity* On New Year's night an Old Folk's dance was given at the Oakland halL Master Elmer Duers entertained his, cousin, Scott Goodwin, of Nunda, last week. Tommy Qarr, of Ringwood, is the guest of his brother, F. L. Carr, of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Burdick spent Sunday with the former's parents at Rockefellow. Dr. L. E. Hughes returned to Dixon Wednesday after spending the holidays at Wauconda. Monday evening the Odd Fellows en­ tertained their friends at a tratchmeet- ing in their hail. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bassett, of Chica­ go, are visiting the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dixon. Elmer Golding is doing some work in dentistry at Dr. Dawson's office, while home on a vacation. Mrs. Gompton, daughter Ruth aad Miss Whitney, of Chicago, are the guests of Miss Mary Glynch. A number of people gathered at the church on Monday evening to wateh the old year out and new year in. Clyde Golding, who spent Christmas at home, returned Saturday to Daven­ port, Iowa, where he is employed by the Remington Typewriter Co. For the past week the ice has beeo superb on Wauconda lake and both young and old took advantage of this opportunity to test their skill at skating and ice boating. The most soothing, healing and anti­ septic application ever advised is De­ Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It relieves at once and cures piles, sores, eczema and* skin diseases. Beware of imita­ tion.-. Julia A. Story. «*!liSNr3l Th« Mother's Favorite. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the mother's favorite. It is pleasant and safe for the children to take and always cures. It is intended especially for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough, and is the best medicine made for these diseases. There is not the least danger in giving it to children for it contains no opium or other injurious drug and may be given as confidently to a habeas A. Stqry. [ tbe 20lb Century I started in with a gold Slave* ; r vSf"* 7 *« - \->$ ^*,i.f,"" • ' «" We harfe theuecessarjr articles wit exceptionally low prices ||| keep you warm. 2 Men's Camel Hair Underwear^ wrth 60c, for 40c | " Heavy ribbed-Fleeced, -A1; 60c, for 40c I Ladies' " " Underwear; 35c, for 25c I Boys' " Fleece v"5':' 45c» for 35c f | Children's Heavy Underwear.. s\.. 8c to 60c Men's Duck Coats *44,..75c to $3.25 v"; _ 75S» 85c, £1.00 : -v4 V ' 4 m 1^. .. ,., , ^. ^Groceries, Flour, Btc* v ; at Lowest Prices A ^ :ours * • \ • .-1. Jtit A UCMI uwifPW rfw^By* Lm« distaac* 'pkoM No.«««. to i"' | UMgdUta . 3. WALSH. "v f 1 ' -' s 5aa»a'.- , A ^ si . ftr \ • .y \ th ^ v-V. _ * » to buy, fttfruWti£ Ther^e is always it ^4^ 4 few quiet wefefcs after the holidays and jp. the furniture dealer has time to look5 ,*£ver his stock. We still have an un- - ^ "* .t>rokfen lot and as a ,G^8eqttenc&'>9#P^ many bargains in PARLOR SUITS . i- . ff£ W ^CHAMBER SETS" EASY ROCKERS^ i# , . .'.v- DINING TABuES .. ' ' ",f- RUGS, CARPET^ ^ CENTER TABLED -w. h.w. a nlo* i»n» ot i , . u Picture Frames -* < m., . : 1. ' • S 4 a JACOB JUSTENA McHenry, III . , r , v , . 5 'S r-.hi I f ' t J . V . lVL dssssseiesseissssssssessassssspsiisssssssss9ssese»s»e P U R I TY Is a very essen­ tial thing in a drug store and in buying drugs and patent med­ icines we bear this in mind. We guarantee our stock to be of the purest on the market A COnPLETE STOCK Not only is oar stock complete--it is fresh and new - ftPevery department. We have secured the services of H. A. Goddard, a competent pharmacist, which insures accuracy in compounding prescriptions..... j-, c1: v \r AS* Vs •1 Iron til cy liooas, Notions, ̂ Toilet Articles, Fancy Stationery , School Supplier WallPaper, Paints aiad OUa # , Ppuggist's SundriM J. S. BROWN & SON, % Si- tpaaeaanii ippusjajpa Haes • eps'a,i<s»<>taiiaw».eii" Quess nqi We are here to stay. We buy the best goods that the market affords aad sell the same for the lowest 7 We are giving 16 ounces to J- 8 quarts to the peck and' 4 p«C*M|jpbe bushel. We make, no untrue statement* ;$jr and cutsprices to mislead the are the same the year round. s Yours for trade, SH j i A % ..1 J ^ West McHenry R. Q.'TWEB&f Piop. Long distancetelephonsaiV ' Oftdsens' tetephMie 33 Illinois i D !S::| y V ^ J, • V.^ fPt' • * 'ik.1 - i I • • ;: j' * 1 ' * . *\ V-' J lf\*' >V r' ' 1 % r , PRESCRIPTIONS C A K E F U L J L Y COMPOUNDED^ S-W&rl ;;VT0tLfiT XR'TICtES .^N O T t O S S B O Ob FINfc CHIN^ WARiS S T A T I O N E R Y LAMPS ELEGANT >. \ t4 M ̂ •* ̂ '• ... S , P- JULIA J' •V,# • v ^ : • ' , ̂ - -> ,.'fe •;w- n c H E N R I 1 L L I N O I In 11 n • ntinmm--tmmmmmm •• ' •.-&r of the -m £Wcagi *ie. .« --; ^ This we will guarantee to be the finest beer sold in McHenry, aa|l a trial will convince you of the fact. It will be handled in barrela. yes, Quarters and eighths, _ iW?. die* ^ Vpur patronage wWt be a A warranted. Try It the next time you buy, V, - r* . t ̂ 1 rl'-V ' p' . i ' "'rS-f xiS&zm ft'-.A fS, ? * .. j •iSitiiiiw

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