Wfr'.-li-'ya s e r s t McHENRV, ILLINOIS AY, JANUARY 17, 1901 CIRCUIT COURT f^EXT WEEK. REPORT. TO THQl FWAL REWARD tl«m of Iwifcrtna Paxils that N«ithw Mr IMT Doe**** Ban BM« lMa«d ui Are I* tke Umnia of the Circuit Clerk. PEOPLE THAT YOU KNOW AND PEOPLE THAT WE KNOW. ONE BY ONE THEY ENTER THE SILENT CITY. liiliilliii hawse" at the |ie reported Iwvy Aurora has DO .. WWgi0Mm not able to oay a O&ft Df the cemeteries, which are prolwrty. It is n*t that thedi of one of the cemeteries apiot of ground to the towwuup perhaps desifla^tliat itants of its city of tbe deed be |*QfcfFom contamination with ordinary ToW at ^LtnV A» ju. partmentaas A Weokly Budget »t Ponwmal Krttm tteked Up Here and There hy Tfce PbladMlMU' Scribe. THE CITY CHOIR. tolWaiHJMueSft Choir. aapKaroWfet was still a F. BARNB8. tbe roualc mount tbe splreg AND OCULIST. Justeo's Block, McHenry. 0-ftFMllW, M. AND &URGBON, e at Btesldence. MeBenry, Office In the floor east of r, IU. Besl- by Dr. Os- promptly at- : K 'Vi:V> STBAYEB A 8TRAYEB, 'RNEYS AT LAW. Practice la Ail the Oottectious given » SIO Real of tbe state. ntlon. Suite 50 Dearborn St. CHICAGO, ILL. tate D. T. SMILEY, IJ&Y. Counselor, Solieitorand No lle. Wttl - tlontoal „ Office i«t > Block, Woodstock, II FBED'K C. PASS, M. D. N AND8U disrates block ; H. C. MEAD, Justice of tbe Peace and General Xn- mianini Agent, ifidoding Accident and life Insurance. .:P V;VHtlfafiinT, - - Iub. V . . A. M. CHURCH, v , W«tohmak«r ami Jtwtfer I No. 136 State street, Chicago. | 8pecial attwtlon give* to repairing Fine •; Watches ana Chronometers. ftt" A full assortment of goods In his line. Office, Kendal Block, WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS W. C. BESLEY SURGEON • DENTIST Extracting a Specialty, with the administra- * tton of Nitrous Oxld Gas or Vitalized Air. ,rn.:>• • , Crowa and Bridge Work a Specialty fW# MRS. a. F. BOLEY, Pwpmto sf Mdtary fewoy, p' V-'t&W- . :s . . f MoHENRY. ILL.! '!§*)» on Baud Wid'"* • tbe that Beer-----*1 f: eOCIETIE8, i'V j'.ijWIj," MASONIC. •*W M.- and MCHKNKY Lone*, No. 168, A. P.and A. - Regular Communications the second - • <s&T'HWT,W.«. >. • '}• . W.C.O.F. S St. PahWl Oimrt, No. 187, W. C. O. F., meet 7 the First Saturday and Third Wednesday tmiBCI of each month, at Forester Hall. 1 ' M«8. MARY COBB, Chief toger. XTOSANVA WALSH, Secretary. \ " II.W. A.' > *' > "A* Regular Meetings every Second and Fourth ® H-0% Wednesday e-maings of each month, at their j H.ll, over H.O. H>U>,01«rli. * C.O.F. each ' •' Meet First and Third Sundays of ' : s1 month in Forester Hall. ̂, A^- v : ASTOB ENQBLS, Chief Rangw. '-:4< '4 JOHN Naiss, Recording secretary. v Lon» Oiotr«u., Financial Secretary. „ . i JOBS J. HABBIAH, Treasurer. C ' " Beif lSwuS: Heimer, 40m Engeln. • i V : > 1 -- W * T -- ' St. Patrick Court No. 746, C. O. F. Meetings %' held the Second and Fourth Monday evenings of each month in Forester Hall. J. M. Phaien, C. R. Walter Bolger, B. S. CHURCHES., ,*>S< UN I VERBALIST. D... ..... ...Pastor President _ ......Clerk James&. Perry ... Treasurer '»?'• N lS« WilUag Workers (the ladies' orgauiza- 1 MrsTjohn 1. Story President x * His. It. H. Owen................VKie President •; M«.C.C. Chant l̂l... Secretary K' ••-•Sis W. A. Crlsty.. .ii> i. ... • Treastupr x Of Sunday-School F. L McOmber j^totant. W. A. Crlsty PC The Pastor's Chicago Telegraph Address i,t .j.: JsGrand OraBslug. Preaching Serrlces at 10:30 A. *. and at 7:30 L ' • *.M. A cordial invitation to all. - METHODIST EPISCOPAL. r.W.L M:30 A. u. . a *." *• Wednesday ..Pastor Sunday- Superintendent 7:30 p. M .. meet each alternate week. Mrs. A. E. Auringer, President, Miss Oora Wilson, Secretary. PP"A Cordial invitation is extended to alL ./ ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC (GERMAN.) •3" X 8ei flees will be held on Sunday as follows High Mass at W^clocka.Hi. Vespers at 8 o'clock p. tn. FATHER KIBSCH, Pastor. ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC. :?v --r™** ^^Sw.BlTHraO'HBit: Pastor. OT. JOHN'S CATHOLIC (GERMAN.) O'clock o-« Catholic Church, Johnuburg '«S Sunday as follows: Hlgfi lock a. m. and Vespers at 3 Bar. FATHBB Mnmtwo. Pastor W'r IpORSALEOB RENT-Tfae pvppert; 0-1. •;#" eeeaMed by tbe McHennr StMiin v I - . iBtttrests of efl®cti of the »United Statea Mtal the word o»ed aaatrademark. will probabij soon be "Kgln" dairy but&£ adajKentucky or TO^aJere can pMil •JHtafitt-" ThaTSil Elgin will auffer from decision is poaitim The man who Mis ns the hor̂ e is pass ing away will hffte to live to be older than a thonsand yearsif he lives to see that day. Tl» jbocM^ein age w ll not come in that fctae if ttdoea then. Auto- moinies will become plentafnl and they will be enjoyed by tfce we t̂hy, and per haps will Moome so da«ap that common people can owa them, bat the horse will be nere and' Witt nod bayers jast tbe eaune. The thing we onght to tie Inter ested In is to Indeed horses that will sell for good »on»y. ' the cheap pings, bw '̂ rwBy howcB. A man who isn't his own physician at forty is a lool," said Hie great Dr. Aberoethy, and tiie remark luw a meas- are of truth. Experience ought to teach tts What we can do and what we can eat, not it does not alwayif as in the follow- tag case: Thus, a<warding to the Box . Gazette, a waft »te three caiOain- bejs, a few rad shes, i satacerful of |fi»r- rants, and drank a glass of ice water, 1 then he went to bed. The next day he said to « firf̂ d: "Well, 1 have learned one thing; a person has no right to drink water jnst before retiring." Did yon ever mate a study of the man who does not take hi* home papers? He is the man who never does anything to help along enterprise. He is the man who goes the longest between hair cats, and whom tlie swindlers always find easiest prey. He is always first to olace rosette of tobacco Jnice npon your newly swept sidewalk. If you were to lome yon would find half oi the windows stuffed with his worn out punts. In short he don't amount to anything here, and when he dies both St. Peter and the devil, will kick on tak- inghhn in. This orthographical fit was thrown by a North Missouri editor whose inspired eloquence is worthy of a better cause: Our heart swells up with gratitude and our voice is choked with emotion, like a inutey cow with a turnip in her throat The world after all, a happv one, and as we gaze hom tbe widow of oftr editorial monastery at the sun-kissed Iwpaipe, sweet visMjii of milk «nd iuwiy» humming hwp^and molasses, Inick t^iMese and anraro^l nectar dance before onr astonished ^aion like a calf before a circus poroeasion. Last Satur day one of our subscribers came in and paid, in cold cash and in* cold blood, throe years' arrearage and two years in advance!" An exchange says that someone re cently asked the question, "What is A friend?" It answers: "It is the fellow who will inconvenience himself for you. It is the man who will sit by yonr bed side when yonr frame has been touched with disease. It is the man who wi}' come to you when the clouds are black, while the muttering thunder of misfort une growls along the sky. It is the man who will say: Don't be discour aged. I see you are in trouble Let me help you out.' It is not the man who will talk to you in a pleasant manner for policy's sake. It is not the man who will do you a kindness only when he feels he will get in return full value for services rendered. We would not give two cents for the man who would Write his name in fancy letters in onr friendship album if he would not visit us when we are in trouble." Church Note*. i. Everybody is invited to the Pot-Pourri nodal Friday evening of this week. The Willing Workers society will meet with Mrs. H. T. Brown on Thurs day afternoon of next week The Y. P. C. U. devotional meeting next Sunday will be Jed by Miss Ella Spsulding. Subject: "New Testament Promisees." s German Eyangelist Lutheran church will have service next Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock and every other Sunday thereafter. H. DANNHNFELD, Pastor. The Rev. W. L. Whipple wishes to extend thanks to the members of his Ringwood congregation for the substan tial Christmas remembrances. Owing to an oversight on our part omission was made of this in a previous tatiie. Reconsidered. A Tcpeka man lost a small opal set •ut of his ring and went to the jeweler to have it replaced. Returning home he found the lost set, and, putting it in his mouth for safe keeping, hurried to the jeweler's to have that set used in stead of the new opal. Rushing into the store he said: "Say, I've found the old set, so don't use that new one." He attempted to remove the stone from his mouth, gave a gulp, looked sheepish, and said: "I guess you'll have to use the new stone." We Want Them. The reports, requested by the rwpre- sentatives of the Gail Borden Condens ing factory, have been forwarded and the citizens of McHenry are anxiously awaiting developments regarding the proposed location of a factory here. The three important conditions have been satisfactorily arranged and it is believed we are in a fair way to secure this in du t̂ri". • . Grand Masqncndc BSII. - A' grand masquerade ball wUl be given in Riverside hall on Thursday evening, Feb. 14. Prizes will be awarded for costumes and dancing. Full parti culars regarding all arrangements in a later issue. b m m • 7 Stoffel** HMqS«nMle Ball. Extensive preparations are being made for a masquerade ball to be given in StofEel's hall on Monday evening, Feb. 18. All particulars in a later issue. Stops, the Cough and work! «ff tkeCoid. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure • oold in one day. No Cunv no Pay. •'He'll t*ke the Jsl l̂ non!" the tenor cried, l looked into my face; roey homei My/lourney hotte!" ̂ llowed by the bass. ,-.v ; .Slu^ ̂tbe sopranoVhrill, ? -- , I'WflEflr not why tney looked at me ̂ • : And yelled .He'll take the pil--*. As I half Muting reached the door , And «aw the suumr doa»e - f ? Tthem slag: ̂ Wheta Wte is o*iir l aewa tnem slag: "Wlieh nfels He ll take the pilgrim houae." j-Oy Wamaa. ' Elgin Butter Markot. mtube of batter were offered on board of trade Monday. Eigh- teenoents wasbdd and the butter was witiidrawn with no sales made. The nMHriteffc WaB declared ateadr at SI cents. Tfcia li a drop of three cents. The week ly output was 835,800 pounds. Shoes awful cheap at Owen&Chapell's H. C. Mead retnrned from Springfieli Tueedfty. 1 Mrs. L. C. Gates to recovering from her reeent illness. Yon can get anything at cost or lees at & ChapelT*. Frank Wattles has been on the aick list &r *ome time past. Little Miss Hattie Lamphere has been ill for several days past. little son of John IX Lqdts has been very ill for some time. Mi*« Jennie Covell is slowly convales cing from her recent illness. Ben AdamH, who has been seriously ill Withpneumonia, is improving. H. E. Wightman retnrned to his home in t'hicago Monday morning. Gene Matthews, of Chicago, was the gneet of McHenry relatives wis week. Mrs. Frank Haaly was pleasantly en tertained by Chicago relatives last week. Mias DoraBeeley was the guest oi Chi cago friends last Saturday Mid Sunday. John L Story sgent Sunday at home but returned to Chicago Monday morn- ing- _ John W. Fay was out from Chicago last Friday to attend his brother's fun eral. Mr. Edson Brezee is seriously ill and grave fears are entertained as to his re- cox ery. Miss Nina Robertson, of Barrington, is the guest of McHenry relatives and friends. Miss Emma Fay was a guest at the residence of H. C. Clemens the first of the week. Chris Nichels moved to Algonquin last week where he expects to reside in the future. U you want a p&k, bushel or barrel of nice apples call on Gilbert Bros . They are selling them right. Misses Nellie Clemens and Stella Nordquist retnrned to their school du ties in Evans ton last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Ralston, Jr., of Chicago, are here to assist in curing for Mr. Edson Bresee who is Berionsly ill. Mr. and Mrs, C. H. Parks spent Sun day and Monday in Elgin where they were called by the death of Mr. Parke sister. Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Besley, of Wood stock, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hanly for a brief visit the first of the week. Miehael Frisby, of Tea, Lincoln Co., So. Dakota, will visit friends and relati- tives in and aroundMcHenry for the next two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wentworth and Harry Fuller attended the funeral of Mrs. I. wentworth, at McHenry, Thurs day.--'Wauconda Leader. The Pasture Stock Food Co.,324 Times building, Chicago, offers $15 per week and 10 per ceî L on all sales for a man with horse and bnggy to sell Pasture St.»ck Food. 29-80t. A. A. Chapell, who represents the Wm. Frankfurth Hardware Co.. called on customers here this week. Art ha an easy way about him that draws "all men unto him." He reports business good. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mead, of Mc Henry, attended the meeting of the W. R. C. Saturday afternoon. Mr. Mead instal ed the officers. He made the Ga zette a brief but pleasant call.--Rich mond Gazette. John A. Cooke, the good-looking circuit clerk of Cook County, and his chief clerk Mark L. Solomon, of Chica go, were in McHenry last Wednesday and made us a friendlj call. Mr. Solo mon whispered to us that the circuit court clerk is a bachelor and says he haa grave fears for his future should he decide to spend the summer in Mc Henry. Persons who suffer from indigestion can not expect to live long, because they cannot eat the food required to nourish the body and the products of the undi gested foods they do eat poison the blood. It is important to cure indigest ion as soon as possible, and the best method of doing this is to use the prep aration known as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you eat and re stores all the digestive organs to perfect Julia A. Story. A New Coin. ̂ t A new three-cent piece fesi?lfe^S" It#- thorised by act of congress to take the place of |he old coin that so closely re sembled a dime that it became necessary to stop ite coinage. The new piece is to be of nickel, the size of the old bronze cent, only thicker, and in the center is to be a hjpla one-fourth of an inch in diameter. The coin is so designed that it can he distinguished by sight or touch. Sore and swollen joints, sharp, shoot ing puns, torturing musclee, no rest, no sleep. That means rheumatism. It is a stubborn disease to fight bat Chamber lain's Pain Balm has conquered it thous ands of times. It will do so whenever the opportunity is offered. Try it. One application relieves the pain. For Bale by Julia A. Story. When threatened by pneumofeia or any other lung trouble, prompt relief is necessary, as it is dangerous to delay. We would suggest that One Minute Cough Cure be taken as soon as indica tions of having taken cold are noticed. It cures quickly and its early use pre- *" consumption, jfnlit A. Stcfj>« * V* t1 5 ̂r x. '•*? lows: No. E&oQtA Fourth Room..... . . .... Third Room... Second Room... 4.... .S®..... First Room........,.88...., TARDINSB6. High Sohool Fifth Room. .. .-<p, £Wlh Room.. ........ Third Boom.......̂ Seooî lRoom first Room...4.-, The following pupils have been neither absent nor tardy and have made satis factory grades in scholarship: HIGH SCHOOL. > X Robert Sutton M^d Cbranger ' Earl Waite DowStoffel . Thomas Stevens '-f Emery Etmball Mjjiaie Kuox J Fred Eldredge Marian Oarey F. E. AJTOEVINE, Pria. FIFTH BOOM. ; F Frances Boss Ca«de Eldredge Chester Goodman Line MoGee •. Willie Thomas Dick Walsh AGNES A. PERKY, Teacher. FOURTH BOOM. Lena Stoffel Florence Granger Peter Justen Bessie Zimmerman FraakB^ck Anna Ziinmennan # \ MARY L. COBB, Teacher. ; THIRD BOOM. Peart Claxton Carrie Niesen Julia Stoffel Alma Teach Will Gallaher Leonard Phillips Frankie Roasman Howard Wattba DORA BBBLKY, ̂ SECOND ROOM. Mande Granger Alice Olson Helen Kopsall ' FradF t̂z Riidolf Mueller WiU Stoffel Bay Page Elsa Blook Baby Claxton Marguerite Granf Time Stewart Annie 8chessel Earl BMwn Gilbert Howard Kuril Olson Boy Page ~ Ed. Rossman Hi Frieda Berner LoU Boyle Fumy Granger Marie Long Francis Stoffel Mary Schessel John Felts Mattae Laures Edwin Owen Eddie Roasmann Franl̂ Sehessel 1 EDITH WRIGHT, Teacher. FIRST BOOM. Bennie Zimmerman J Jaones Boyle Ineal Maggie Boss AmatwU MarOia Stoffel KATE F. HOWE, TeadMr. Weekly School Note*. Mrs. Wheeler visited the third room Wednesday. Y icfor Petersdki is af»W' pap:1 în the seccmdroom. w Mayme Carey has decided to live on bacon (B) the rest of her life. The sickness has and is still causing a very low standard of alteMUutoe. Rosie Zimmerman, Emma and Eddie Conway have returned to their school duties. Two seta of supplementary readers have been purchased for the 7th and 8th grades. Effte, George and Dena Nickels are now missed by their companions as .they have moved from this vicinity. Anna Knox, Eddie Freund, Jams? Boyle, Harold Gillee, Clara Warta, Willie French and Rose Huson am pupils absent on account of skskaMB. Messrs. Win Claxton, Harold Cristy and Gay Colby, former students, have enrolled themselves in oar rattle once more and will pursue the business course in bcwttceet&lfc. We have arrangea With the editor of The Plaindealer to pnhltoli a number of articles on the '̂ Township iiigh School." We trust the school patrons Will read them carefully and tipen use their influ ence and vote to secure its adoption in our own town. The first section class in the actual business course in bookkeeping began work Monday afternoon and are thus very enthusiastic over this study. The text adopted is Office Methods and Prac tical Bookkeeping, the excellent «y»tem published by Powers & Lyons. Any Old Thimr Will DE. An exchange says <a schoolboy made the following complaint to the board of directors: "Mr. Directors: My sister who is the school teacher v hips me every day. Pa and'tna told her to whip me oftener than she did the other pupils so they would not thi&k she was partial. I Write to you to let you know that this is too thin. She is an old maid and gets mad because she cont get married and when she gets mad she larrups me. I hate to say such things about my sister, but it's so, and I write to inquire if you can't stop her licking me or get her a husband. Any old thing will <Jt»» just so it fa a man/] \ ~;f • H" , Smalley -fTpgala ; M. D. Smalley, of Chicago,Miss Lena Engeln, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Engeln, of this village, were united in marriage on Thursday, Jan. 10. The ceremony was performed in Chicago and was quiet and informal. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Smalley join The Plaindealer in wishing them a future of happiness and pros perity. A. F. a A. M. At a regular meeting of McHenry Lodge, No. 158, A. F. & A. M., on Mon day evening last, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: R. Waite, W. M.; S. S. Chapell. S. W.; Jas. Conway, J. W,; John Evanson, Secy.; son; E. W. Howe» Treas.; W. C. Evan- son, S. D.; E. J. Hasei, J. D.; Samuel McDonald, Tyler. Pepsin preparations often fail to re lieve indigestion because they can digest only albuminous fowls. There is one preparation that d&eets all classes of food, and that is Koqol Dyspepsia Cure. It cures the worst oases of indigestion and gives instant relief, for it digests what you eat. Julia A. Story. Reduced Bates to Salt Lake City, Utafc, aa* -."•'SV Krs»LMUM> Wentworth, Mrs. H. A. ̂ HMUWS mm! Frank Fay are Kamlwiwl A«ao»g fieparted Oaea. FRANKLIN SCOTT FAY. Franklin Scott Fay died at his home in this village on Wednesday, Jan. 9, after a lingering illness. Th® funeral was private from the |«>nae, Dr. J. Straub officiating and Deaoom F L. McOmber conducting. The Y. P. C. U. of the TTnliuisaliwI presented a beautiful wrestii and a number of floral offerings were Fra&dln in early boyhood was a pupil of the villî E© pubhc school aaalso of the Sabbath school of the Universalist chnwh. fitm. school he entered the employ* ment of Mr A. a Wright, of Wood- . . „ <mrk in his drag store, with the deiign of fitting himself for that profasifoa. After this preliminary work, he eat«8«d the oollege of Pharmacy of the North-Weetern university in Chica go. After graduating he entered the „ dMnlt of Fuller & Fuller in the city. He was noted not alone as a druggist hut an eaqpert. From the company of Fuller ft Fuller, in 1898, he WetttJ to Dtnver, Colorado, sog- gested by failing health wWch it ww hoped that climate would remedy. There he followed his profession tiU-the misfortune of loosing a hand in 1694 ob liged him to change. This serious blow contributed materially to the general breaking down'of his physical system. Believing, however that the Ookwado climate was essential, he remained there till last summer when he was brought home. There was little ground for hope after a full diagnosis of his aase; and Ite lingered through much suffering till the release came; bat most patiently, un complainingly and with clear farad ties to tbe last, with his good cheer never desert ing Mm. Upon his return home, his noble sis ter, Miss Emma A., at once left her work in the East and placed herself at his bedside doing all for him thai affect ion a d skill ootud devise. At the hands of a devoted mother, brother, sister and many interested friends he lacked noth ing f rom the human side. But his hour had come, the vail parted and he entered with the loved of former years. If he had lived till the 18th of April The McHenry county circuit court in January session in this The docket, which has just been l* sued, containa 11 people 's cases, 69 oom- mon law iad 78 chancery. Of the com mon law oases 01 are new, and of the chaiMMky cases 09 are new. It is a startling fact that of the 78 chancery cases listed 24 are tails f or di- voro% with *11 the incidental trimmings, awl toe question forcibly sograts itself, Whifbsr are we drifting 7--Woodstoclr BUYS THE M1NEOLA. Kdsett C. Howard the Parekaser^-Frtee 9SO.OOO. INFORMATION GATHERED VARIOUS 80URCE8. Soiwe of tke HappeaMtga ta m is Condensed Form for B*igr : SRhmfi Qlesslsgk. Teams were com all#r Mosncbky wight L abMt loVoM the floor was bsing trc temporaryto &en«W time » was ^soedl to quin (Stiasn. The county xeeonls real eibMs changidtl torssiNBfldyiSSliL- RichardsinformaThel were 8,414 entries on the tear. _Qf this number been deeds, the others' he would have competed his 84th year. His body was interred in Woodland cemetery. 1 When the shadows of the evening, i Steal across life's rugged way, We forget oar h**v# crosses, - • Whlek, (iie day k|«, made us sî 't- And we look beyoodear IQSSM, To a someday by spTI>T- i \, When the clKle here is bitikeiu V An* Itsloving to*m|Bgna»f ' • "•" "••~-T«r*rjww6i. ' ,• '̂ elmS)M)̂ nrowt MRS. ISAAC WENTW' Mis. Isaac Wentwwrth died at home in McHenry,on Tuesday morning, January 8, 1901,after a lingering illness. Lucy J. (Stewart) Wentworth was born in Jacksonville, N. Y., Nov. 88, 1884,and later removed to Athens, N. Y., where she resided for some time. On Dec. 17, 1854, she was married to Isaac Wentworth and removed with him to Chicago, HI., in 1857. In 1871 they left Chicago and became residents of Mc Henry, where they lived until the time of her death. She was a woman of ster ling qualities, a devoted mother and wife. She was loved by all who knew her and those who knew her best loved her most. Every family of the neighbor hood feels a personal loss at her depart ure. She was a member of the Mc Henry Methodist Episcopal church, hav ing joined under the ministry of Rev. J. C. Bigelow, in the year 1882. During these years she has maintained her Christian faith until the summons came, when, with a smile she bid farewell to earth's receding shores and sailed for a heavenly port. "11 ark 1" they whisper, angels say* "Sister spirit, come away! Wtiat is tills absorbs me quite, Stea: •Drov Tel) teals my senses, shuts my sight, >w»s my spirit, draws my breath? me. my soul, can this be death? *The world recedes, it disappears! Heaven opens on my eyes, my ears With sounds seraphic ring: " fend, lend your wings! 1 mount, I fly, •e is thy * ' Ji, grave! where: 111, death! where is thy sting?» >y victory? Via the North-WeStern Line. Tickets will be sold cm account of annual Stock Convention, National Stock Association, to be held Januarv 15 to 18. For dates of sale, etc., apply to agents Chicago & North-Wettero V ~ She was most patient during her suf fering and every want was ministered to by husband and children. She leaves to mourn her loss, a hus band, three sons, two daughters and one brother. Her children are John Went worth, of Cedar Lake, Ind., Jacob Went worth, of Elgin, III., W. D. Wentworth and Mrs. Hetty Fuller, of Wauconda. and Mrs. Mary Lamphe.-e, of McHenry. Her brother, W. H. Stewart, of New York, with all the children, were pres ent. The remains were conveyed to the Methodist church, where appropriate services were held, Jan. 10, at 10:30 a. in., the Rev. W. L. Whipple officiating. She was laid to rest in Woodland cem etery by her sons who acted as bearers. The bereaved family extend to all their friends the most hearty thanks for the kind assistance given in thp. , %sir time of sorrow. •, MRS. H. A. CLEMENS. ̂ Mrs. H. A. Clemems died at the resi dence of her daughter, Mrs. William H. Harrison on Friday, Jan. 11, aged 90 years, 11 months and 15 days. The fun eral was held from the house on Sunday Jan. 13. Obituary notice next week. Time to Pay Up. f Plaindealer deems it necessary at this time to call the attention of those readers who are delinquent in their sub scription accounts to tnefact that money is needed to conduct a successful news paper. Some owe for one year and others for a longer period, and this may be taken for a polite invitation to call at the captain's office and settle. We have plenty of ink, pens and receipts and are willing to spend a reasonable amount of time each day placing our signature to the aforesaid receipts. We Qive been lenient with many, and now expect a return for the courtesy shown. Newspaper Doings. The Harvard Independent entered upon its thirty-sixth volume last week. The genial publishers, Messrs. Emerson & Saunders, are giving their readers a newsy and up-to-date paper, and are .aohiaviaff thesucoess whiohiB thsfcr doe. C.̂ Howard, whoso hotel, the Howard hoose, at Foot Lake, .was burned reoeatiy, has purchaised the Min- eola dubheriae, cottages, and grounds adjaoent, torfSft.OOO, and WUl not re build his tamer resort The Mineola, which waafcRi&t 19 jrear*ago tar a dub of Chicago be«rt or trade men, cost far more than it sold tar, and la the finest building of ite kind at Fox Lake. The club foiled several yean ago, and the building being adapted to hotel purposes has oeen leased ss a pubUo summer re sort by the receiver sinoe theO. Mr. Howard will build an annex aad spend $5,000 in increasing the building's capa city from 50 to 100 rooms. Council Proceedings. Council Room, Jan. Regular meeting. Present, full board. The minutes of the December meeting were read and approved. The following Mils were read aad ap- the finance committee: For tour score and enjoyed as many sf t&s j worldae a*y one we < ^ m entTwe wish tla vumr Wpy returna ofthfei I 60 180 9 01 196 76 18 40 100 40 00 40 00 proved by the a B. G. Sherman, dray.. J. J. Milter, oil Owsa & Chapell, oil, etc. Simoa StoffefToil........ Wm. Felta, street labor.. Wilbur Lumbfer Co., coal. M i f » On motkm by Schreiner seoooded by FMnad ths M1H were approved and or dered fsM. la the matter in controversy between the village and Chas. Frettas to amonnt of water used to Nov. 1st, the snp«rin- tendent of water works Stî sd tlMfe Ia read the meter cwrreotiy oa Kov. 1st and that on Nov. 19 he rsatoved the meter and did aot iwtky Miy danSMM in the bott«sl%ii|l#1iMter box atMfthat he did not'.ialiiiM^Wtt̂ SMter leldMd at any . . . . _ brFroond ssoimdefl liylClhMr Wmtofl8.67<?SSBCted in fait Yeaai-TChapell, Eldredge, Freund, Mil let;, Sehreiner. Nays:--Engeln. Motion out Ita place. 'ab|MM|k:.iBAi. other oider fat the eahury fund be issu^T Carried* On motion by Eldredge seconded by Miller the board adjourned. S. STOFFEL, KM. J. STOFFEL, Clerk. A Social Kvening. Mr. and Mis. Charles Chapell and Mr. O. N. Owen pleasantly entertained a large company at cards on Saturday evening. Cinque w as the game selected for the evening's entertainment aad eight tables were filled with interested pkyers. Mrs. E. J. Hazel received the lady'S prize, a handsome cut (pass vinai grette and Mr. S. S. Chapell was awarded the gentleman's prise, a ster ling silver match safe. A supper of three courses was served In a particular ty dainty manner at small tables. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. John I Story, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Chapell, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H: Owen, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. Hasel, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Howe, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cristy, Mr, and Mrs. F. L. McOmber, Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Hchoonmaker. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hanly. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Besley, Dr. and Mrs. H. T. Brown, Mrs. E. M. Julia C. H. mortgages foreclosed as , the Aomhsr foreclosed years ago beats evidenoe to the 1 there is an abundance of plenty--Harvard Herald. OnFriday, Dec. 86,19001 aad L. Graver went to day, to intercept Wm. vatam tohk home af̂ after a visit here. Nunda Friday and ing on Aay mwrning MftGron^S ttat«ae of She junction Kendiew'a < mustdaatt ti»at aH . , traimi were I. fallrnl to him not to . so it ls detahMd At 9:80 F^a small Waaeat D. Waite, toUnes » t i m n a r t j l j amww on JM J putoutaadalli apt Owen, Mrs. H. C. Smith, A. Story and Kate Howe, M> Granger and George Hanly. Keep a Tootiu'. If you toot your little tooter ar lay aside your little horn, there's not a soul in ten short days will know that you were born. The man. who gather* pumpkins iB the man who plows all day, and the man who keeps it humping is the man who makes it pay. The man who advertises with a short and sudden jerk is the man who blames the editor because it didn't work. The man who gets the business has a long and steady pull and keeps the local paper from year to year quite fulL He plans his advertisement in a thoughtful, honest way, and keeps forever at it until he( makes it pay. He has faith in all the future, can withstand a sudden shock, and like a man of Scripture, has his business on a rock. Clear SIOO. The dance given by the Ladies Sodal ity, of St. Mary's German Catholic church last Tuesday evening was a grand success. The vmusic, furnished by Reed's orchestra was especially fine. The supper was one long to be remem bered and consisted of all the good things in season. Mrs. John Heimer, Mrs. Nicholas Barbian and Mrs. Emil Schneider, the committee in charge, left nothing undone that could have added to the pleasure of those in attendance. The sum of $100 was cleared. Grand Dance. You are cordially invited to attend a grand dance in Pint & (lagan's hall. Ring wood, 111., Friday evening, Jan. 18, 1901. Music by Reed's famous orches tra. Floor committee: Jas. Green and Jas. Rainey, Ringwood; Ed. El wood, Solon; Bern Bell, Spring Grove; Aug. Walters, Tryon s Grove; Jack Mueller, Johnslurgh; Ray O. Lamphere. Mc Henry; Nick Weber, Greenwood. A rousing time is promised to alL Dance tickets 50c., supper extra. ^ Masquerade Ball Peh. IU -• *' - *V A masquerade ball will be gtVenai fte McHenry House hall on Monday even ing, Feb. 18. Hapke's orchestra, of Wauconda, will furnish the music and suits can be procured on the night of the dance, ijpod time ia promised all who attwd. Tfchet* 75o ̂spectators , mm- railroad they: MRA.Collina OOISMiwImi, killedandthe • is . way toi is in.a had waited at'the train from the started to cross _ into the path of the south, which Wi and the view dt by the freight Mrs. Collin- were had left only a good health and life. The bereaved pa'hy of the entire deep affliction. ocrafc TheFarusar. Wftd Wit when supplies as with always by the consign atodir1 mer. Who is it whea tink- ^ light and money sdiUBii^ ^ still struggles with aU hiS JaigMT farmer. Who c^tm br d^>t * is forced to do his Mm beet 4 up the interest? The ftarateft when he gets a good crop, makes I and debts both stopt Tlw farssw. is it that worln eoatentc " on the public tricksters the laws he must obey"! Who gives his doQaia greedy trusts, oombinee, lau^h when'er he whines? Tha Who is it who mast iit< fateve' public life and poUtioe, and dCnra trickeater and his tricks? The A Fot-Pourri SocteL The ladies of rhe Willing Wet ciety will give the first of a eetltejif so cials in the church parlors as evening of this weefc. Pl̂ aty cent amasement in tils way o( 4 ioned games, charades, eto., willl vided and refreehm«nts will for which these wilt ha no «i Everybody is cordially invited to a pleasant social evening. A. will be taken. Are You CoatiipaMT Do-you have that tired feeling? Tou feel sluggish, biUkms and sortB generally r Do youhave ache? Do you have b'otches, ulcers, aorea or othsr of constipation? To be sewer of the body, the bo' kept in an active, healthy and nothing doe* it so WSQBB LAXATIVE TABLETS. Thai clear rosy complexion and am A tablet or two taken at you feel fine m the man} packages contain 30 table) pack, contain 90 tablets. coated. W. J. Baity, is each package. Lakeside (Chicago, Prop. Sample fne* ber they cure consti Julia A. Story. A rare musical treat is inetere tar «U who attend the bead. oooeottefe'F " evening of next week. LovenoC SMSMSSS*16 date aad be pre^ared Ibr a i Fridarevwriat. Jaa.8& r; f t % w - * v * y « i ^ % ! '1' " f* Vi