steiir fceatei. aw Vltli dtning our service tor all **»««'&** tfttama totloy ĵ oanmi* mm sl •*»• Fla. The traln loaves Cfcleaa* the CUcago ft Bastemli£a0& at Xl:#«a. m., ruimin* % Nashtuie, mn&&um*: Plant " •onvffi®, and Florida A* '*<&**&*, arrivte* at J »t 7:10 the next • • fastest time ever ma4»' V*4' fotorta. tfca traits h*p annex «a< • leavfe* St. Louis m.f *Mt» aisonina taMagk.,1?%« <1 l. stone, Genttil Passenger Agent,, Louisville ft NasiSta R. R„ Louisville, Ky.. ̂ ; ans#rill. lnquirlee camming this is traisr and furnish printed matter con- 4- »s-- aewa--, |pi*o>.; Via readers of this paper win he Toledo, :' * Qattlag Amy from Niekataara.^.-j* In the future the United States steamship Scindia is to be known as Ajax. The Scindia, it is said, ac quired an unenviable reputation by the amount of soot and cinders she emitted from her smokestack. The men on board the Scindia acquired a disrespect for her and altered her name to the "COders," A Banady f« tha OiHiWi ̂t.V: Physicians recommend KEMP'S BAIr- 8AM for patients .afflicted with the grip, as It Is especially adapted for the throat and lungs- Do not wait for the first symptoms of the disease, but get a bot tle to-day and keep ft on hand for us* the moment it is needed, if neglected the grip has a tendency to bring on pneu monia. KKMP'S BALSAM prevents this by keeping the cough loose and the lungs C«e* faoaa Inflammation. All droggists sell KEMP'S BALSAM at. 25c and 60a. Field Can for Austria. • The question of a new field gun for the Austrian army is still under dis cussion. There are advocates of a nickel-steel and of a bronze gun: meanwhile the Austrian artillery re mains armed with an antiquated weapon. Try Grain-O! Try Graln-Ot Ask your Grocer to-day to show yon • package of GRAIN-©, the new food drink that takes the plaoe of coffee. The children may drink it without injury as well as the adult. All who try it, like it. GRAIN-Ohas that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, bat it is made from pure grains, and the most delicate stomach receives it without dis tress. V the price of coffee. 15c and Mote per package. Bold by all grocers. The Empress of China Is said to carry with her 3,000 dresses when she travels. These fill 600 boxes, and are taken care of by 1,200 coolies. "pre- and " do not ««? *®ar and Brawrrinc the . or llrtilirtlng It to ordinary and he 1MM ft* wla- opeato rain. satowor hail storm §»r'Ji*irior; nor If lift ida open during a gale ,.„;.-_;_^;pplch may wrench them from 'nJare them, or causa aaad. hi i aa latwesS* ' IT Jaa- To enjoy good health it Is necessary to keep the digestive organs In perfect con dition: Garfield Tea is the most success ful remedy for all forms of Indigestion. ' -- "• X#ugh and grow fat--Ben Johnson. ttoouSt thoroughly rep^r t >, and any other damage %y thieves* because of his to prase*ve the premises, a burgling is not ordinary wear and tear, should replace them with perfect If he allows the water to overflow he Is responsible for the consequent Urn- age. It is well for every tenant to keep in mind the word "preserve" and the phrase "wear a&d tear."--'Texsafly Record. POLICE OFFICER RESCUED OSwf A. C, SwaMOB %t «fea OteaeO Staffs Yore* Tells aa lag Story. Council Bluffs, Iowa, (Special.)--Kindhearted Officer Swan son of the local police force is very popular in this city. He has lived here for seventeen years, and has en- Joyed many high offices in social and society work. He is now Vice-Presi dent of the "Dannebrog" Brotherhood, the largest Danish secret society in America, * which combines benevolent with the social feature^. Owing to the constant exposure and many hours on feet, which his duty as a police makes unavoidable, Mr. Swan- son became the victim of serious Kid ney and Liver Trouble. He was vary bind, but has entirely recovered. He gires the story in his own words as follows: "I have been a sufferer for manjr years with Kidney and Liver Trouble^ and have tried many remedies, some of which gave me temporarily relief, and others which were absolutely worth less. I began to think that there was no help for me, when my nephew gave me a part of a box of Dodd's Kidney Pills which he had left, saying that it would do no harm to try them, as they had certainly fixed him all right. What he gave me helped me so much that I felt justified in purchasing more, and I grew slowly better. It took almost two months to effect a complete cure, as mine was a very bad case, but I can cheerfully and truthfully say that I am a well man today, and I am very grateful that Dodd's Kidney Pills were thus brought to my notice." The wonderful cures effected by Dodd's Kidney Pills in Iowa have cre ated quite a sensation in some parts of the state. There does not seem to be any case of Lame Back, Rheuma tism, Kidney or Bladder Trouble which these wonderful Pills cannot cure. They are certainly popular here, and the sale through the local druggists is very large. • A needle machine turns tut MUfc- 009 needles in a week. :S ; NERVOUS ouhed by . •- 'jf,- ' • Or. Qroono's ' jtfjroi/iiDji . JmpSviilW HB ceaseless drudgery of h o u s e h o l d cares is mora than the strongest man oould endure, and it is BO wonder that women Show the effects of worlc and worry. » Thousands of women in offices, shops, and fae- tories break down in health under strain and beeome weak, tired, \ narvooa, and debilitated, tortured: with female complaints, or raokad by headache, neuralgia, backache,! and kidney trouble. Here Ilea the great strain upon the nervous systems of woman. They have little or no rest; their life is one continual round of workt duties here, duties there, duties without number. What wonder thai such women go to bed at night fatigued, and wake fired and un- refreshed in the morning! What women need is that great strengthener and invigor- ator of womankind, Dr. Greene's Nervnra blood and nerve remedy --that remedy which rebuilds health aa4 strength, purifies and enrichea the blood, gives strength and vigor to the nerves, and the strong'vitality and energy to the System which will enable Dr. Qroono'm NERVURA FOR IMF BLOOD MK6 to do their work and yet keep strong and well. It is this great cine they need. Nothing else in the world ean do ita work. MRS. M. IK PERKlNS,of I00Q St..5o. Bostoa, rtaM<«*ejr*: . "I was completely run Inm and could not eat, fogthastAtflt food- wis masicfe. I did not sleep at nUht and was-as tbed ta tfcs mwasng aswhsnl retired at night My head andWdc adbed all the tfaae. Iwaa ossqpMi hanstod if T taisdtodomy boussiicrtt,aad ooold net walk wither b#ng I wasaxoesrively narvoos and tmer wept " Then 1 began to tekeDr. GMimSo aqrsnmintepnm S» to I4o w^bmmmoT' *jr WHIW M oeaasMl about tmbs . pounds ln thi last twa ninths.. I would ia-' hiiuqmrb ,andl yiaisasl Ihavf not The benefit of Dr.Greene'sspeoial advioeia attbsdfah poaal of every sick ly woman,anditia wall to Write for It or aali and aee Dr. Qreenaat hia offiee, WW. 14th St., New ?wk Oty. Do ing ao may shorten the time required fo* reoovaryof full wUl sraida aright in tare. Abeo- la Obaerredlnacloon- ar*>n» Tnmn m mt TOW Isafi M tSia w<»-ld and few savage onea where evi- and skill mvalsr on every tha north of 8««dea trains American to points not from tha North Cape. The lias to be hauled hundreds the plains of snow, but Swedish lumbermen have Its use almost doubles their Again Puntas Neras In Tierra Is the uost southerly conti- On th# globe. Tbt impor- there is equipped with ileetrte machinery manufactured wlth- hundred milfa of New York actf tha schemes devised by Yankee are so might have been almost sac- riliflotis in *, leas practical age. - A iaq|» oonsignment of steam pumps was lately shipped to the East. Their das- tifintkin wu the Jordan. Formerly with an eye to the main had found it profitable to se- Cal&bashes of water from the sa ri var and "8611 their contents to and convents to be used as hody water. A wideawake American His opportunity. He devised a pomp of convenient size, a num ber of which were set up at suitable points along tha banks of the Jordan. Tha result was a profitable business in retailing to the churches all over Eu- ropv Again, American devices are fijkfUng their way Into the Vatican it self. The sovereign pontiff has recent ly bean our customer for * flashlight appsrstus, which stands by his couch and oan be ignited at any moment dur ing the night by pressing a button. Tfodfction has assigned to Bagdad the honor of producing the m^at celebrat ed of temps. But a New York house has superseded Aladdin and his genii. The lamps are of fanciful pattern, and 3^3 ^ith da?lo@3 often mare pleasing to tha ays of the oriental than the wornm.m mrnmeimo. They are of simple ieiign, operating without a chimney, on, Qm principle o< the blast furnace. Tiler *re conveyed lb a point on the FarsiSa gulf, fran whMkoe they are hauled ever 30 milaa oi 4mmft on caatibaeic. t*«jr are then transferrwl to rafts and towod * hundred milea up th»,Euphrates, wlmre they ara apdn loaded on eamels, Which eonvey them to their destination, two hundred miles frcwi the rlTer. Thea* lamps ara qidta thi Ihlng in the orient. Axnong the residences that ̂ they decorate ara tha palaceA at tha aMtan of Moroooo ̂ the prihca of Slam and several rajaha In tho ̂at na fijrtant date th» ptnka wilj be a thimi jf the past, a*d the puma walla aOalAi »Job. Ada* maud for electric fans of thf awe up- to-date of the native princea, a little sultan in Borneo in particular having laid in a considerable supply. The torrid climate of India opens up a number of opportunities for American enterprise. Nor does the ancient land of Egypt turn up its nose at our new* fangled contrivances. Hie supply of images in the pyramids having ran rather low, owing to the depredations of curio hunters, an American firm has been filling up the vacancies with most interesting and antique appearing little statuea. As a matter of fact, they are manufactured by a new patent process from various condiments, but they look so ilka ancient stone that they would deceive any but an expert E3gypt ap pears to be getting frisky In its old age. An American merry-go-round of tha Coney Island type has recently been set up at Cairo. It is largely patro nised by the Arabs, who cut a Una fig ure in their snowy burnooses bestrid ing the green and gold tigers and ele- phanta.--T. O. KMB$ In Atlanta Con stitution. COLLECTORS Persons Horsewhipped in India for Objecting to Dues. In India the native tax collector is intensely proud of his position and has methods which are, to say the least of ingenious. The small amount of oversight which he receive ̂tends toi»ftke him despotic, and he gets his pound of flesh in a manner entirely hla own. It iB said, however, that the coaicientioU8 performance of his du ties is likely to get him into trouble, if the, recent inquiry relating to the Gvuuurat district substantiates the flam- plaints that have been made. Gujarat is a maritime province in the Northern part of the Bombay preaidency and, al though some of tha districts are flour- lahing, others are in a poverty-stricken state owing to the barrenness of the soU. This gradually becomea worse aa the briny spray from the sea causes a deterioration of fertility. The aver age tax collector there has a matter- of-fact, every-day system of horsewhip ping persons who object to paying their revenue dues. By way of variation, or whan a whip is not at hand, its place Is taken by a stick, club or by boot leather. If the culprit has a skin with which this treatment is not persuasive other methods are tried and an in stance of unsurpassed degradation is reported from the village of Bhatgaum. At thta place a man from whom some money was due was led through the atreets by a rope with which his handa were tied. The rope was then put Into the hands of a Dhed, who led the man to the neighboring village of Olpad. Western people may not see anything very heavy in this treatment, but con veying a man with his hands tied is considered specially degrading by the natives of India. In addition, a Dhed belongs to one of the lowest castes, whom people are not permitted to touch, so that being led, or practically driven by such a person, is about the depth of degradation in the eyes of these people. In other cases families have been turned out of their homes at a moment's notice, often suffering great privation. Others have been tor bidden to use the village well, an order which means great distress in a hot country. Houses, cattle and landa have in many instances been "attached,* proceeding better translated at tha present time by the word "comman deered," and in many cases the trou ble has been made worse by resource to money lenders. Wives have been compelled to sell their wedding pres ents, which every class of people In Guzarat are obliged to make on tha marriage of a relative. These presents are the sole property of the wives and it is considered not only improper and dishonorable, but Sacrilegious, tor suoh to be sold, or even pledged. Lullaby Her Death Song. To the music of a soothing lullaby, playad softly on a piano, Florence Pal mer, 19 years old, died in Chicago the other day at the home of her aunt, Mis. Sullivan. Miss Palmer was the daughter of Matthew Palmer, of Wau- kegan, 111., and had been ailing for a long time.' Feeling that dissolution was near, the dying girl, who was very fond of music, asked her friend, Emily Michaels, who was watching at har bedaide, to play something on the o. Miss Michaels at first demur red, but the Importunities of Miss Pal mar at laat prevailed and she turned and opened the instrument Soon the melodious notes of the lullaby filled the room, and the gratification of the fast-falling patient waa pictured in her worn countenance. When the melody waa about finished the smile on Miss Palmer's face vanished, and just as the last notes of the old song were sounded she passed away In perfect peace. U8B8 OF EXCELSIOR* la Aa*«rte» INMH A aad Faplan. "Bxcelsior, an American invention, whloh is extensively used for packing purposes and in the manufacture of bedding, and various other upholstery Is not, as is generally believed, from shavings," said a whole- dealer in the material to the writ er rscently. "It is an article of regu lar manufacture, and between M,000 and 40,600 tons of the curling wood are turned out by the Eastern and Western lumber mills annually. "Basswood and poplar are the woods m4 In the production. The logs are sawed into lengths of eighteen Inches, wklcli is the length of a fiber of ex- These hlodcs are in split kalves and the wood is properly sear Excelsior la made of different of coarseness and fineness of fiber. In the manufacture a series of knifi points run down the face of the ttoOk, catting into the wood in parallel Bass that are spaced according to the width Of the fiber to be made. A fol lowing knife slices off the whole face of the block thus served. The fibers curl and commingle ,as the knife sets them free. An excelsior machine makes two to three hundred strokes a minute, every stroke cutting off a tier of fibers across the face of the block. The usual commercial package of ex celsior is a bale weighing aibout 250 pounds. At wholesale exeelalar sells at from fit to |40 a ton.--Washington •tar. la Baattag Kxtgiand Kavaots •ffs.oo.eoqo In the pleasure of hunting England ItSS Invested, ijt is estlpatod, IK,Ml- Ml, and each year, following tho Ohase, pvts Into over 925,000,000. The various English packs number about 400, of which it are of staghounds, 196 foxhounds, H7 harriers and 61 beagles. The HSarl of Bat burst has figured that the dally cost in the season of keeping foxhounds and hunting the country is $8,250. The main food of hounds consists of oat* meal, dog biscuit and horse meat, and hundreds of tons of these components of tho dog ration an bought and sold in England eacb season for the sup port of the packs. Hunting, except fa tho case of hunting with baagies,means that the hunters must be mounted, and it is estimated that for this purpose 105,000 private hunters are kept throughout the country, not including the horses of the servants of the hunt;' In fact, huntsmen figure up that thai* diversion Is a great natioaal Mttrlng XM* !• HIGHLANDS. How the value of land has gone up in the Highlands of Scotland, as well as elsewhere, is evidenced from some extracts that have been given to the press from the MS. of the late Rev. Donald Kelly, a Kintyre divine, who had observed the changing conditions. Some rentals in Kintyre, as compared with those of the latter half of last century, have gone up a thousand fold, and that without taking into consider ation the value of the shootings sad fishings. There are four farms in Kin tyre today that are more valuable than was the whole of Kintyre in 1772, their rent roll standing at £2,400, as com pared with a valuation for all Kintyre of £2,025 a hundred and thirty years ago. T--la are but clothes «f tha dead, 4 grave Is bi|t a plain suit, aai a rtoh monument is one embroidered. iOrffln of 9MM "btwltM*."' Iowa almost from the date of its ad mission has been called the "Hawkeye State." Hawkeye was the name of a noted Indian chief, who, in the early days caused no little trouble along the western border of Americaii civilisa tion. Little Ella--"Mamma, is the min ister coming here today?" Mamma-- 'Not that I know of, dear. But wht did you ask?" Little. Ella--"Because I saw papa dusting tha bible. oC this tiaorning." Grocer--The boy you recommended won't do at all. Customer--What 1ms ho beoa ap to? Orocer-I gave him * tice ta stick up: "All the delicadea of the season will be found inside,'* and he pasted it on the rubbish barrel. how the sfawy origiBatedt* Wheeler*. ;.t A CRY FOR HB ' . Coughing LMHI to Conanmptloo. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Go to your druggist today and get a sample bottle free. Sold in 25 and 50 cent bottles. Go at once; delays are dangerous. The only successful way of curing a bad complexion is by purifying the blood and cleansing the system: Take Garfield Tea --an Improvement can be Been after a tew days. It Is claimed by a physician of Italy that the fumes of petroleum will cure whooping-cough. TO CCBK A COXA IN OlfIS t»AT, Take LAXATIVS BBOMOQU.NINE TABLETS. AH dnugtsts refund the money It it fails to com K. W. Grove's signature is ou the box, Sfic. In times of war the number of In dividual homicides always increases. itesdlt W •£ Prompt Ropl^i Letters from Mrs. Watson, lished by Special Permission, y For Women's Eyes Only." - MKohlS.lMt Tto MRa PUTKHAJI, Lnrar, MASS.: ^ U D EAK M ADAM: -- I am suffering from inflammation of tho ovaries and womb, and have been for eighteen months. I havo a % continual pain and soreness in my back and side. I am oalj from pain when lying down, or sitting in an easy chair. I stand I suffer with severe pain in my side and^ back. I lieve my troubles were caused by over wuk and lifting soma ago. ^ • 7/if** is a drag to me, and X sometimes feel like giving ^ being a well woman; have become careless and unconcerned everything. I am in bed now. I have had several doctors, but did me but little good. "Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has beea xeoogmusafad i to me by * friend, wtA I have made up mj mind W give'-MJ'ft fair trial * I write this letter with the hope of hearing from JW to TIIY case."--MRS. & J. WATSON, Hampton, Va. '•Mb Brad for fBU 99. 1Mb B. H. l,W . fits ornerroamewefter Great Ner*« Restorer. . _ trW bottto and treaties. W 8a. PSHxtalpM*. Pa. ,HAf\ Many a man has ruined his eyes by using glasses other than speotacles. WAHTKD--Men wltfc rin to advert!* sad Intro duce Monarch Poultry Ml*ture. StnlgM Mlity •15.00 weekly and wtpran, Addma wKk »t» llQaarch Mfg. Co., Sta. 1M, Sprtngfleld, Illlaols. A shaft 4,760 feet deep In search of copper has been sunk in Michigan. yam sure Piso's Care for Consumption saved my life three years ago.--Mrs. THOS. BQMHW. Maple Street, Norwich, N. Y.. Fwb. 17,1900. Great men stand like solitary towers in the city of God.--Longfellow.' / « BAITS CAPS FOR COtDS.,^ ^ Are recommended by the best druggists. 85 cents. 1 hey cure safely and quickly. The eternal stars shine out ag popn as It la dark enough.--Carlyle. *^ ? (-trf _ : We pay «1S a WNk ' fk aad expense* u> men with rlga to Introduce oar Potum COMPOUND. JAVCLLS Mra. Co., Dept. D, PABKOKS. KAXS»S. A farmer works a miracle whoa h» turns his horses to grass. CM'I Cough Balsaaa fa the oldeot and best. It will break up a cold quicker thsu aoytblQii else. It Is always reUaU)». Try H- The sweet simplicity of tne three; per cents.--Lord Bldon. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES do not stain the hands or spot the kettle. •-1 .VoV y#l'H * 41 ̂ f* i • . T! < X- ' ^ * An egotist is a man who enjoys talk ing to himself. Many oaasea lnduoe (ntf h*tr. hot Tamxmb'* BUxa •ALBAM brlajM t»aclc the yonthfal color. HutDsacoBNs. the best cure for corns. iSeta. A character is a completely fashioned will.--NovalSs. Baseball players: Golf players; all play ers chew White's Yucatan whilst playing. Some actors appear at their best in a dying scene. , The beat is the cheapest- Carter's Ink is the best, yet it costs no more than the poorest Some men are afraid of nothing but danger. Hovember _ : ̂ «BBA» Mug. PIIHCHAM:--;I feel It my duty _to you the benefit that your advice and Lydia S. Pinkham ̂Vl Compound have done for me. "I had been suffering with female troubles for some time, walk but a short distance, had terrible bearing down pains inJNfWt r; of my bowels, backache, and pain in ovary. I used your mef" four months and was so much better that i oould walk three the distance that I could before. " I am to-day in better health than I have been for two years, and I know it is *11 due to Lydia E. Piwkham^g V« Compound. / , 1 u I recommend your advice and medicine to all woanea who «uCu.* 'i? •MMBS. S. J. WATSOW, Hampton, Va. This is positive proof that Mrs. Pinkham is move competent t> advise sick women wan any other person. Write her. It costs yon "nothing. REWARD. --We Ua*e d^KWitwt wlth Of whieh will be paid to any penon who eaa ft] ar* not genuine, or were pabllahed bafate ; rf? •yiWiW i>nl il>>ii lit'ill L a . About the doctor says- Then, "Let's see your Because bad tongue bowels go together. Regulate the bowels, clean We all'know that tms b to keep and look wefl. F You can't keep the healthy and regular with purges or bird-shot pills. move you with awful giq>o» then ~ you're worse than. Now what you want b Cascareb. Go and get them today-Cascarel̂ -in metal cost 10c. Take one I Eat It like candy, and H will work gently-whSe you dacp. it that means H strengthens the muscular walls of the bowels, gives them new f̂e. Then act regularly and naturally. That's what you want It's guaranteed to be found in • THE TONIC LAXATIVE LIVERTONIO x 10c. 25c. 50c. ALL DRUGGISTS. § T F O R T H ? NEVER SOLD IN f If after •BlillltBi tarlv roa arc rnnoa BUM iw MUktn It fto • SB «&psiBaaags3^as »«*e to eutwMMrnnaia.