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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Jan 1901, p. 4

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Ttna« or SUBfCRIPTION; iweei^ed' fait tiiree" or •ss PTOp<ff*ftOfc« January 34, ifot 1 FEW Englishmen are old enongh to Mmember when they were ruled by a ling. It will bother those of the present *y to mag "God save the Idag." THE U. & Sftp*gme CBURT has dec&ED foreign territory, onr only gnapoa»ia,ti» war with Spain being to tin Ottbans from Spanish dominion. J KIDNAPING WIN not baa popular form dl crimiiiality when the numerous legis­ latures now in session get through devis for that of- A loag lode ahead is taken by the St Lonis Qtofea-Dispatoh when it suggests that' UlifM&scannot establish abetter precedent than to pat a Yates mtheex- acntive chair every forty years." THE fact is being generally recognised lathe bisiimsa world that Germany, and AM &^nl«liMW <rar leading commer­ cial rival, and that it is with Germany Ifcat we haye to fight for commercial EUIKJPE la beginning to qppnoiate American corn. Since 1896 the exports «f corn from the United States have averaged 178,000,000 bushels a year, Which is an avange of 954 per centover | ||»papeviouB fire years. IT is said that Mrs. Bliss,:itlie wife of flie new governor of Michigan, inspired the denuaoiatioii of the cigarette trade, which formed a part of the inaugural SMasage. Women can exert a powerful toftusooe in politics without having a * <•» it" * * ^" 1 s - Xavekt, &HS It it a ns « h to John Uood- 8, blk 11, Black- Chart* jjjrAm£& atchiasMadd Marin ¥ ftehmitt to &«pb«iir Sckinitt It l aw* sec 6, alapeK a*XMc 7, also John'M Frett & w to liardaVillains, It«. Jobnsburgh Lee Barr A wtoAnton*> J Sola, It 14, worth, pc injiirM sec 17, M< ~ John to Hofe* n% John Ci EGA Rachel lt»«G 1«M» enry lilts, nndt sec so, also* 4. blk 4, r B Anderson tcker's addn'Wood- E Ki?it Ooie'et kl to Lewis Hatch! pt. _sotf sec 10k Burton biwd M Patrick & w WoodWorth, It 7, 1 Ric! Ma . . to Mrs Sarah oorfhrarth, It 7, blk 8, Safford *" Marengo & w lo William Burch- sec 16, Chemung.... society to WUbel- blk 2. Ridgefleid Place, addn onroe Nash JVUlMTrBrTTWl V/vIIlvw6F7 mlna Aaners. It 34, THERB k no reason on earth f îjr Mr. ^Qhastead's reeolution to ascertain the namber of voters that are disfranchised Sa Ike states should not have been adopted, Only those who fear exposures thataaeh an investigation would bring .•in* haft any reason to oppose it 5 • 1 MI'I 'II I I" K "I 1 11 SS JOBH ALLAXD, of Bay City. Midi.,has HfUauil to pay the $1,000 damages iwatilni Miss Mary Baker in the suit she and the judge has aastlrfaa to jail for six months. Oourts caa be none too severe upon the man or Woman who is guilty of dander, * Ir there istobe anything tike a gener­ al revision of the road laws at the pres- MtMMion of the legislature, a prime CmtNM of the change should be to do inviif trith the thousand and one town bosses" and place the of the roada in skilled and farm ia to be started •fla from Manilla by the Philippine commission for of ascertaining what seeds this oountry can be cultivated on the far east- Tie University of Californ­ ia will send from its experiment stations fee required seeds and plants. ' • THE Tuscola Review says an editor 4own that way printed an item which i iMaft that "the man who was hugging Ui hired girl had better stop or his name fPMflfl be published." In a few days abnat twenty-five citizens paid up their nh--ipikins and told theeditor to "pay iso aMention to foolish stories gain' worn xno oo 1000 Frederick Bremer & w to John Z Anderson, land in sees2S&23. Nunda PROBATE NEWS. Estate of Matthew Slavin. Proof of death. Petition for probate of will and letters testamentary filed. Hearing set for second Monday in February. Estate of Caroline C Wells. Proof of death. Administrator appointed. Bond $500, filed and approved. Estate of Margaret Flood. Proof of death. Petition for probate of will and letters testamentary filed. Hearing set for February 11, 1901. Estate of Lyman S. Page. Proof of death made. Administrator appointed. Bond 1200, filed and approved. Inven­ tory filed. Estate of Christian Jensen. Final re­ ceipts exhibited. Administrator die- charfffsi. Estate of Matthew Connerty. Bond |200, filed and approved. Estate of Henry Bremer. Widow's selection approved. Estate of Levi J. Shippee. Final re­ port approved. Proof of heirship made. Administrator to be discharged on filing bond. Estate of Raymond C. Murphy. Proof of heirship made. Estate of Matthew Conerty. Petition for citation dismissed. Estate of PiereQuemener. Inventory approved. Estate of Joseph A. Read. Annual report approved. Estate of Willi* te of William Shotliff. Inventory and appraisement bill approved. Estate of Richard W. Overton. Widow's relinquishment and selection filed. Estate of Clarence E. Hulett. Re­ quest of minor and petition for appoint­ ment of guardian. Bond $700. Estate of Warren Hulett. Proof of death. Petition, for probate of wijl •:MARRIAGE ynwl"- ̂ * ' EdWairdT. Jones... Harvard Nellie Rector Harvard August J. Ucke... .Portgage City, Wis. Lottie M. Phillips Hebron 2Afl IflfO mi? But we will not give them awa wears b yn they were plaoed on houses, it is our desire to dial wear, mittens, gloves, etoM w spring trade. Those who and most complete stook in this [,befbre time fbr the we carry tiie best of the county, and seldom leave the store without making a selection. Tou can.still zaaiCB a selection from these winter wearables and we can make the prices satfcikctory. Wert McHenry flcHaity J OHN8B17R6H. John P. Lav transacted business in Chicago on Friday. Miss Christina Bugner, who has been sick for a couple of months, is better again. Jake Miller had his fingers badly out last Friday while sawing wood for Mrs. Freund. A number from here attended the dance at Ringwood Friday night and everybody reported a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Freund, of Mo- Henry, recently entertained company from here: Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. George Nell, Mr. and Mrs. John S Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Lay, Mr. John M. Miller, Mr. Frank Sohmitt, Mr. Peter Freund and Mrs. Bugner. Every­ body report® a good time. Stops the Cough and works off the CoM. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure cold in one day. No Cure, no Pay. Price 25 cents. For age and want save while you may, no morning sun lasts all the day. TO CUBE A COU> IN OKX DAT. Take LAXATIVE Bromo Quinine Tab­ lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig­ nature is on each box. 35c. Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will learn in no other. ITOXtZA.. iTfclkMYail >9 lie MM M ran MUTI BMHIIM fflfnstm of Lying rides upon debt's back; it is hard for an empty bag to stand straight Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Has world-wide fame for marvelous cures. It surpasses any other salve, lo- rion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns, Burns, Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers, Tet­ ter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions; Infallible for Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 36c at Julia A. Story's. An You Constipated? Do you have that tired feeling? Do -- *--1 billions and or Do you have sick head you feel sluggish, billions and out of generally? 1 Creditors have better debtors. Do you have pimples, eruptions, blotches, ulcers, 8® Old People Hade Young:. I| J. C. Sherman, the veteran editor of tto Vermotrtville (Mich.) Echo, has dis- oovend the remarkable secret of keep- fng oMpeople young. For yean he has " Nervousness, Sleeplessness, In- n. Heart trouble, Constipation Rheumatism, by using Electric Bit- i, aad he writes: "It can't be praised 4eo Mghly. It gentiv stimulates the Addaiejm. tones the stomach, aids diges- " , aad gives a splendid appetite. It worked wonders for my wife and It's a marvellous remedy for old i'eowaplaints." Only 50c. at Julia t drug store. He that by the plough would thrive. * e-r hold or drive. ' Wmself must either His Wife Saved Him. Iftr wife's good advice saved my life -••/••writes F. M. Ross, of Winfield, Tenn., ' /̂ vJcw I had such a bad cough I could hard- breathe, I steadily grew worse under doctor's treatment, but my wife urged me to use Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, which completely cured !•» Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, La ^"Gripp* Pneumonia, Asthma, Hay Fev «r Mid all maladies of Chest, Throat and P^4?P ar® positively cured by this mar 1 v, reloue medicine. 50c. and $100 feggfjjPSvery bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Julia A. Story's drug store. ' Foolish men make feasts, and wise eat them. Deal's Celebrated Inllmjii •ad Pmmtlra. all disoaeoa. One of the greatest ^ maiioal diacoveries for women. We law thonsands of testimonials to prove |f;v;l»«»Bat merit. An article that should be tn every household. Cannot fail to Ifgiag |hedesired result Send at once '• ftMr-a wax with full instructions. Sent free-any part of the U. S. for $1. if triw^you will always use it The «nly genuine antiseptic on the market. MME. DEAL, 280 Jackson Chicago, IlL sorts ache? sor ̂ or other results of constipation? To be healthy, the sewer of the body, the bowels, must be kept in an active, healthy condition, and nothing does it so well as BAILEY'S LAXATIVE TABLETS. They bring a clear rosy complexion and a clear head. A tablet or two taken at night makes you feel fine in the morning. 10 ct. packages contain 20 tablets, and 25c pack, contain 60 tablets. Choclate ooated. W. J. Bailey, is written on each package. Lakeside Medicine Co., Chicago, Prop. Sample free. Remem­ ber they cure constipation. Sold by Julia A. Story. Feb. 16, 00. ly. What maintains one vice would bring up two children. A Prominent Cfiteago Wonta Iprsls Prof. Roxa Tyler, of Chicago. Vice- President Illinois Woman's AlUance, in speaking of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, says; "I suffered with a severe cold this winter which threatened to run into pneumonia. I tried different reme­ dies but I seemed to grow worse and the medicine upset my stomach. A friend advised me to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and I found it was pleasant to take and it relieved me at once. 1 am now entirely recovered, saved a doctor 's bill, time and suffering, and I will never be without this splendid medicine again." For sale by Julia A Story. If you would have your business done, go, if not, send. Beit Oat of an lners-- of His Tumi-- A Mexican war veteran and prominent editor writes: "Seeing the advertise­ ment of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, I am reminded that as a soldier in Mexico in *47 and '48, I contracted Mexican diarrhoea and this remedy has kept me from getting an in­ crease in my pension for on every re­ newal a dose of it restores me." It is unequalled as a quick cure tor diarrhoea and is pleasant and safe to For sale by Julia A. Story. Fly pleasure and it will follow you. The duligent spinner has a large shift Beconsid«red. A Topeka man lost a small opal set out of his ring and went to the jeweler to have it replaced. Returning home he found the lost set and, putting it in his mouth for safe keeping, hurried to the jeweler's to have that set used in­ stead of the new opal. Rushing into the store he said: "Say, I've found the old set, so don't use that new one." He attempted to remove the stone from hia mouth, gave a gulp, looked sheepish, and said: "I guess you'll have to use the new stone. The man needed a bottle of Dr. Want of care does more damage than want of knowledge. , TBI Whom It May Concern T We wish to notify the citizens of this county that we have secured the agency for Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, the great cure for Constipation, Indigestion, lick Headache and Stomach Trouble, and guarantee it to do as recommended. We alwas keep the best Drugs on hand and solicit a call, promising the very best of everything. Yours truly, JULIA A. STORY AND G. W. BESLBY. 'ife- 51-ly ? ̂ Who dainties love shall beggars prove. , Fools lay out money and buy repentance. • < ---- Hade Young Again. 'One of Dr. King's New life Fills . % eadhnight for two weekshasput me in teens' again" writes D. H. Turner, Cald­ well's Syrup Pepsin. Sold by Julia A. Story and Q. W, Besley. Work today for you know not hew ranch you may be hindered tomorrow. >• .. W» ligMtiu* fa on ermjr box of the f«rain» Laxative Bromo-QuiitiiieT»u*i the maiti thai carta m Women and wine, game and deceit small an" wn, Pa. world for Liver, Purely v Only 25c at J re the best and vegetable. Never tiUa A. Story's. while sluggards sleep; ve oorn to sell and to make the wealth and the want The Kind Yo^HawAt^ IflJH than For Infants and Children. Tin Kind Yn flin Ahrajs Bagtrt Bears the Signature of KXDOEFIKK.D J. A. Westerman was in Woodstock Tuesday. Mrs. Keeler and Marvin were in Nunda Tuesday. Miss Adele Medlar, of Woodstock, was here Tuesday. W. Levey and & R. Morse were in Woodstock Tuesday. Mrs. W. B. Munroe visited in Wood­ stock the first of the, week. m odor, LOOK OVER THIS BILL Of FARE For want of a nail the shoe was lost, and for want of a shoe the horse WHO lost * ,v* :i\. * 2'*£T " 'Sj: if I - J. ; \ Nobody knows aii about it; ain4 nothing, now kw>wn, will always cure it Doctors try Scott's Emul­ sion of Cod Liver Oil, when they think it is caused by im­ perfect digestion of food. You can do the same. It may or may not be caused by the failure of stomach and bowels to do their work. If it is, you will cure it; if not, you will do no harm. \ The way, to cure a disease is to stop its cause, and help the body get back to Its habit of health. When Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil does that, it cures; when it don't, it cure. It never does harm* The genuine has this picture on it, take no other. If you have not tried it, send for free sample, its agreeable taste will surprise you. SCOTT &BOWNB, Chemists, 409PiearlSt., N^lf. jec, fad |M0; •Udruggut*. Please adc no quei«ons, only handover your greenbacks. Men's fleece lined Shirts 80c Men's Police Shoes, worth |&S0, at.fl.80 The sidewalk Shoe, worth (2.00, its a good one and goes at 91.00 Best Shoe made for boys, worth •1.75, at fL86 Shoe Laces....Jc Wool Mitts....10c Wool Caps......••.*...a....... 18c Plush Caps, flne.^«^ 40c Boy's Suspenders;4c, 12c, 15c Men's '• .......... ......aoc, 85c Men's Linen Collate. 8c, 10c Ladles' Stockings. 8c, 19c, 18c, 20c 3 Turkey red HdldtS, 13c White Hdkfs at. 5c, 10c Boys' Ulster, long overcoats. fL00 Boys' fine Cheviot Suits, fancy Test, worth IS . -IK90 Kerosene, per gal........ ..Mc We also keep a complete stock of staple srocerisB. Opposite Riverside Hotel. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yea est. Itur̂ lfidally dlgests the food and aids to strengthening and recon- rtrq^Dg the euaustea digestive or» gaqsTlt)« latest discoyered digests aot and tonic. No other preMration ean appfoaob tt to e®cle»py. It In­ stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, ITauses. 8iok Headaohe,Gastralgla,Cramps and aliotherresultsof Imperfect digestion. Price lOe. aad It. .Large «tsecortalas**< Vgw small sise. Book all abootayspepsla roatleo free Prepared by E.C.OeWltTACO. Chicaoo* JULIA A. STORY. hlt' STATEMENT BY THBJ WIPE OF BOONE 1 COUNTY'S , TREASURER! i ItitsifilsMs ftr imVIUUl U| *«« Have been an invalid for the past eight years. I suffered a great deal of pain and a little over two years ago my nerves gave out and I ootid, neither eat nor sleep. Medicine seemed to have no effect, although I tried different phy­ sicians and tonioa Finally some ad­ vised me to tey Dr. Tallevday's Pain Tablets, to see if they -would ease the jnin and thns eaabie me to sleep. I tried them and tram the first they helped me, and have taken ttem for the pest two yean, always being benefitted aad never feeling any ill dfoote from. Have always taken the tabletsfor severe headache, to which I am subject aad have been greatly helped, besides exper­ iencing no bad effect after, so apt to fol­ low the use of powerful headaone reme­ dies. I feel thai too much ban not be said in favor of the Tablets. MRS. GEO. VICKEBS, 422 E. Madison St., Belvidere, IlL Ney, 111., Nov. 5, 1900. Dr. Tallerday, Dear Sir:--I had been alliiDg and all run down for some time and had no appetite. Was advised by a friend to try your Tonic and did so. Bought one bottle. It helped me so much I got five more and can safely say .that ft aid me more good than three yearn of doctoring had. Toms truly, ;;;; . Mas. L. D. KELLOO. ...' ftnahetand by THE TALiEBOAf MKDICINB CO., BelvMexe, HI. For s«|e hy JtJMA A. 8TOBV, / . • McHenry GEO. W. BK8L1ET, . W«tMoHenry This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Ik>- meetic SSx6hange,and ^ d o e s a 0CHERAL MHKIPIO BUSBKSS. We endeavor to do all bust ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire* ly satisfactory to onr custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. f .. Honey to Loan" on reiki estate and other first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention given to collections, and promptly at­ tended to. INSURANCE in First Glass Companies, at the Low­ est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Bankers. B«ll Tolepkoae. The following are the names Mid numbers of the patrons of the McHenry and West MoHeary exchanges of the Ohio ~ * Oo. Residences only are speclfl are business houses* SIMON BTOFFEL, Manager, ttiAurlngerDr.A.E r HOmnOVr 843 Besley O.W.drug BesleyG.W. hotel Barbian Brgs Ml Page C L r Otah Dr F C DrFCr 8tt SomnetS Geo r an Bj^urttng Pr A C r >1 an stoffeisr Stoffel 8 vostoffiee tlBOO HVEI AVAT BSttsMs aaA fatngto awa or wsise. bsars m iris, an vwNjMwwn u iswss«a> W»H :,sans»!saassr" - mm wmM Mm • • • Rmt Tsrtu ileago Telephone ilflea. All others 814 Owen Ac Chapell t P'MelUJEtev.P M r Barhlan NSf ~ ley G F and John F BuchJJ Chapell 8 S r 881 GhapeUC C r 1 Chicago TtAbp ttS SannontMnw geln Aaiboa e»mre Dr C H Stoffel I i stove S54 Frett Chas Q SOI Fisher * a 158 Herts H L •34 Hetmer 908 Holts A 904 Howe A Oond* Jos Unf _ Howe A va Howell 1 283 Jensen 218 Justen BUJuston „ „ Lamphesre C. E.r mer Wm r m Village of McHenry .... public school 838 VU1 jallsres H , Walsh Jack r Lorimer Wm r H Wheeler E 8 r McHenry Ore în'ry 848 Whttlnc W £ r Company. 811 Wells Br D 1 861 McOmberF L 7 Western TJ Tel Oo 874Mead HOr 878 WightmanHarry 888 Owen L H r * VOUr STAVIONS. Oerman Village P. J Johnshurg..... ....John McHenry Gilbert Brothers Mineral Springs H. Krlc--on Plstakee Bay............ Ben Stilling. lolonMllls. ............W H Davis?: Spring Grove............A Neish, 20c ,10s. oc|i|\r tsmaooo a oo o a osssi leesssassssseeee P U R I T Y is a wmj tial thing in a drug store and in buying drugs and patent med­ icines we bear this in mind. We guarantee our stook to be of the purest on the market.... A COriPLETE STOCK Not only is our stock complete--it is fresh new in every department We have secured the servioes of H. A. Goddard, a competent pharmacist, which insures aocuracy in compounding prescriptions..... V ̂f w Paintsai»l Oiia , . Toilet Articles, Fancy Sti&t pv«^chool Supplies, , , , V W»U Paper, BTOFFWOOD, M. J. s. BROWN & SON, _ -i ' W> $ : ' KG. L C AS Foduce Buyers Poultry, dame, FIH%, '•?,-rEgga and Butter. DUANE STREBf;! NEW YORK. WIN! Iff present piyiai prices. can be nent position. " once * MdBtt Ml fipeeses « a capable woman. * ̂ sltlon. Experience unnecessary. W ftirpartlculars. Cijm* St Co., gKflouth. ith BCPhttsdelphia, Perma- Write Pa. DONT BE FOOLCDI TsksthscsaaiaS, Brtglaai HOCKT MOVNTA8N TCA G o m m ti it i c a t i o ia is an element that enters largely into MODERN M B T H C D S It is this which makes t h e T E L E P H O N E an indispensible adjunct Business service 5 per day or to of residence 16 cents 24 hours SM0H STOfFEl, NcRtvy, HL hj * - *>:> • r/.' OUTING PLANNEW saiiisi 'Vv DRESS PRINTS ,l;r ̂ •-.-j "j-'" 'lA! C?i.' 'jiv' yi-4%5 . *i;, GINGHAMS tWlTB IiACE STRri»^S* * FOR DRESSES AND APRONS . t- ̂ EMBROIDERY ; |5 v ̂ LACES •M- i it muslin Underwear aiid ± Special Muslin Underwear Sale begins Saturday. 1; Ladies \ Night Gowns and DrawersH 50c ̂ Qh. - Corset Covexis, 25c eacE: ' :V ̂ > h.-* \V' :«w I AND WINTER GOODS |AT REDUCED • • • £ome and see the Cay-out* ̂ - w. c. EVANSOM If, West mcBtenry. Ill •• S .* "When a physician prescribes beer for a patient, H is Schlitz beer. A physician knows the vslue of purity. A&k him how gems affect beer and he will tell you that few stomachs oau digest thsw, He will aay .that im- pure beer is unhealthful. * You will know then why we brew Schlitz be6r nnder such rigid precautions--why we even filter the air that touches it; why we filter the beer, and sterilize,every bottle If you knew what we know and what your physician knows about beer, you, too, wonld insist on C V . 5 , ^ 5 Supplied in tiie wood or in bottles by \ . > 1 Pits MT0H EHGELH McHenry* Illinois K'VW; •'ft# & *r-\ 'j. Do you like Olives? We have the finest stock ordered that nan ever been seen in this town. If you want a small olive, or a large olive in a large bottle or small bottle, we have them in all grades and at all prices. Also some nice stuffed olives. *•> W Do you want an Apple? V ̂ We have several barrels of choice Ben Davis, Baldwins, Greenings, etc. which are being sold at right price, by the peck, bushel or barrel. GILBERT McHenry

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