PROBA TE NEWS IUEAXj ESTATE TRANSFERS. L OonsAon to Julius Orel! yi Nmoda .JMft# la blk 10, 8pencer's Patrick St w to William Improvement Synd J. B.PWBT, two doon aorta of ^ Ho»SOS; OMwn^s Fa, 1 TKRMS Of lUIICRimON! reoelved for thm tbe suae p report too. January 31.1901 Stephen Hitchcock & w to Oliver L Phillips, the east 70 ticrcs of the south naif of the ne',4 of sec N« J9, HAmt. Mi|ATSuoausou et a! per maUff to M D Boy, the w 10 acres of the 8 84 acres of the eH of the sefcf ofsecSS, Vbllo Roe & w to M 1) Hoy, the nwH of the swH of sec 26, the eH of the se)< and the swH of the ne}< of sec ffT, Hartland.. I " < V It is claimed that Kentucky produces the beat hemp on earth. Not much of it tensed for home consumption. however. shoot most of their victims, or tNgm them at the stake. fit1'M The Catholic Directory show* 10,774,- / , Orthotics in the United States, 18 ibiriiops, 1 Cardinal, 80 Bishops, 11,- prieets, 6,127 churches, 3,518 mis- 1,774 chapels, 8 universities and seminaries. r. if The controversy over the place for *•> v folding the nest national Grand Army , f 'tttampmont been settled in favor of :4f;$ Clurolaad, Ohio. The encampment at ^ Chicago last summer appointed Denver "7 W condition that that city secure a rail- ~" road rate of 1 cent a mile. Having i^ftrfled, as the Council of Administration • >S i to secure the rate, Cleveland !4 -was selected by the Council. The four great figures of the last 4 1i*» of the nineteenth century in i,v Europe have all lived to an extreme old ago--Pope Leo XXII., greatest of all. | ,He will be 91 years old on March I ; ;j fl8 next Already an old man when - y-elected to the pontifidal office, a \ /"j fact that was urged at the time asa rea- \ ' aon against his election, he has occupied -j- the papal throne for twenty-three years - and still lives, vigorous in mind, if 4.'Somewhat enfeebled in body. Bismarck • who was born in I8l5f r1w» five years ; • t' younger than Pope Leo and died in 1898 *; , * at the age of 88 . Gladstone, who was ,*r ' , born Dec. 29, 1809, • not quite three 7* r .months before the pope, died in the same year with Bismarck, aged 89. Queen Victoria, born in 1819 was there- ? "j"3 - fore nine years younger than the pope, f'\ [I \ the condition of whose health still gives ; no indication of an approaching end, ^although his extremely advanced years st make impossible the hope that his life fT - can be greatly prolonged. "m Samuel Danforth & w to James M Smith, 6 & 7, blk l&Nunda Martha A Smith to WE BardeU, part of the* no corner of sec 16, 40 acres, Coral 160000 Bernard Brefelt & w to Frank R Jack- man and Fred B Bennett, the nwM of the ncM sec 33, the wK of the seM of 6ec 29 and the w 95 a of the nc* of sd of sec 29, also part of the sex of the ne^ of sec SO and part swx neX said sec 29, McHenry Patterson Pringle St w to Matthew Rus sell, the nH of lot 16 of sec 18, Seneca 867 50 Frans O Peterson A w to James Hedges lot 7 & pc s of same in John B Festerts sub-division of the nw fractional H sec 30, McHenry PROBATE NEWS Estate of Eleanor Hnrlbnt. Leave given to sell assets. Estate of Levi J. Shippee. Receipt filed. Administrator discharged. Es tate declared settled. Estate of Christopher M. Hughes. Proof of denth made. Will proven and admitted to probate. Executrix ap pointed. Bond |700, filed and approved. Estate of Hazel N Westerman, minor. Report filed. Estate of 4MB& T.mABF. A WIFE'S WARNING. The application of Mrs. Mary Ellen .• Lease, of Wichita, Kan., for a divorce from her husband, affords a theme \ worthy of more than passing considera- $ tion, especially by womankind, and, still . more particularly, by married women of if this oountry. Mr. and Mrs. I^ease have ^ lived as husband and wife for twenty- I eight years and several children have, 'been born to thorn.. As the grounds I upon which Mrs. Lease bases her appli- " cation for divorce the most serious charge w... agatart her husband is that of incom-fi "I, patibitity and non-Bupport In particu- ^ lagging she states that the support he 'S* , • has given her has not been of such char- ' acter as die deems herself worthy of. ]|§L»<'" Mr. Lease says he will not oppose his */'-• wife in her effort to obtain a divorce; U . admits her to be intellectual and other- t wise a worthy woman, but says that t -f'her course unfits her for home life and %•-1, >*: mslrlng it enjoyable. If she would leave ir\ th^ lecture rostrum and remain at home, her husband thinks there Would be no &' /' trouble between them. Here then is a case where no moral shortcomings are alleged by either wife or husband against the other and, after living together twenty-eight years and seemingly, without taking into account the wrong done to their children, the wife and mother seeks to break up the family relations on the grounds merely of incompatibility and lacks of such support as she thinks she deserves. That the condition has grown out of the woman's desire for notoriety as a public lecturer, rather than in fulfillment of wifely sad motherly duties to her home, husband and children, cannot be doubted. The question, then, presents itself: Has what the woman has gained compensated her for what she has lost? Would not devotion to her home and the happiness of her husband and child ren have been a much richer reward than the laurels she has gained in public life? - la a lass pronounced way there are many women of the present day who are estranging themselves from their families and sapping the springs of love and affection which should flow peren nially from the home, because, like Mrs Iiease, they fain would have recognition and applause from the public. Is the goal site has reached a sufficient incen tive for them to follow in her footsteps? Woman could not have higher ambition than to build up and preserve a happy home, nor a worse fate than to be the agent of its destruction. sfc'iis... - i"' m A T Topeka of his rin too ISO 00 880000 100000 119000 Thomas Quigley. Proof of death made. Will proven uid admitted to probate. Estate of Naomi Jenkins. Final re port filed. Estate of Frank Mrazek. Appraisers appointed. Estate of Richard Overton. Sale bill filed. Estate of Andrew W. Thomas. Peti tion filed and leave given to pay com mission and procure abstract. Estate of William J. Chestnut Peti tion for letters of administration with will annexed filed. Administratrix ap pointed Bond $100, filed and approved. Estate of Cyrus Hudson Sanford et al, minors. Frances M. Lockwood ap pointed guardian. Bond $1500,. filad jeaye given to borrow money. cXU MARRIAGE LICENSES. Walter J. Broughtosu.;.. ^Albany, Wis: Pearl Vjenus...... .Albany, Wia Fred Meyer. ..Ringvvood Lena May. Johnsburgh Are Yoa Constipated? Do yon have that tired feeling? Do you feel sluggish, billions and out of sorts generally ? Do you have sick head ache? Do you have pimples, eruptions, blotches, ulcers, sores or other results of constipation? To be healthy, the sewer of the body, the bowels, must be kept in an active, healthy condition, and nothing does it so well as Bailey's Laxative Tablets. They bring a clear rosy complexion and a clear head. A tablet or two taken at night makes you feel fine in the morning. 10 ct packages contain 20 tablets, and 25c pack, contain 60 tablets. Choclate coated. W. J. Bailey, is written on each package. Lakeside Medicine Co., Chicago, Prop. Sample free. Remem ber they cure oodstipatioa. Sold by Julia A. Story. Feb. 15, 00. ly. Time to Pay Up. The Plaindealer deems it necessary at this time to call the attention of those readers who are delinquent in their sub* scription accounts to the fact that money is needed to conduct a successful news paper. Some owe for one year and others for a longer period, and this may be taken for a polite invitation to call at the captain's office and settle. We have plenty of ink, pens %nd receipts and are willing to spend a reasonable amount of time each day placing our signature to the aforesaid receipts. We have been lenient with many, and now return for the courtesy shown. flour Bui we will not give at cost-^r© sure will tftiJjrixsmess for that purpose. When these goods were unpacked last fall they were placed on sal© at consistent prices. Like all hustling business houses, it is our desire to dispose of the winter footwear, clothing, Under wear, mittens, gloves, etc., which we still have on hand, before time for the spring trade. Those who have traded here know that we carry the best and most complete stock in this part of the county, and seldom leave the store without making a selection. You can still make a selection from these winter wearables and we can make the prices satisfactory. McHenry ^ - SIMON STO Jl ^ F Z--' / f flcHenry Some Reasons Why Yeu Should ImM on Haying EtHIEM HMHESS OIL Unequalea by any other. •. '»./ anfleather soft, FENCERS H Especially prepared. Keeps out water. A heavy bodied oil. • 12 w JARI!ES8 1 ^n excellent preservative. [educes cost of your harness lever burns the leather; 'ttsi|.' Efficiency is increased. „j v jecures best service. >titches kept fraa braki^. . Oil Is sold in all i A .ocalltie* X*ntifecturad by BfJrd Oil CwrUT. RIDGKI1KU). Mrs. O. Hall was in Nunda Saturday. Els ton Hunt, of Elgin, visited friends here Sunday. Miss Anna Morse was in Nanda Satur day and Sunday. Wilbur Levey was in Woodstock Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. A. S. Wakefield is visiting her son at Janesville, Wis. Chas. Jordy, of Oneida, Iowa, visited at T. P. Smith's this week Born to Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Luoas, Thursday, Jan. 34,1901, a son. Miss Nina Barden visited at Geo. Wheeler's the first of the week. Dellmar Dufield and lady, of Elgin, visited at R. L. Dufield's Sunday. Rev. Vance's sermon Sunday wis much more interesting than the proceed ing Sunday. Jdiss! Florence Munroe returned Satur day from Rockford where die has been since October. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Whiston, of Hol- combville visited the former's brother, Frank, Friday. Mrs. M. W. Ward and daughter, Nora, returned Saturday from her visit with relatives in Wisconsin. A. Lincoln Kirk, the great impersona- here to furnish great amuse- " ' " 1900. ^ ft tor, will be ment Friday evening, •Tickets 15c and 25c. Feb. 8, Bucklen's Arnica Has world-wide fame for marvelous cares. It surpasses any other salve, lo- iion, ointment or balm for Cuts, Corns, Burns, Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers, Tet ter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sck;^^ Chapped Ottlr Mc at Hands, Skin Eruptions; : Piles. Ore guaranteed. Julia A. Story's. The Mother's Favorite. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the mother's favorite. It is pleasant Mid safe for the children to take and always cures. It is intended especially for coughs, colds, croup ana whooping, cough, and is the best medicine made for these diseases. There is not the least danger in giving it to children for it contains no opium or other injurious drug and may be given as confidently to a babe as to an adult For sale by Julia A. Story. Grand Dancing Party. ^ A grand dancing party will be givea in Pint & Hagan's hall, Ringwooa, on Friday evening, Feb. 1. Good music will be furnished and a pleasant even ing is in store for all who attend. Hagan & Conway, Props. Beat Out of an Increase of His Pension. A Mexican war veteran and prominent editor writes: "Seeing the advertise' ment of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrho.ea Remedy, I am reminded that as a soldier in Mexico in '47 and '48, I contracted Mexican diarrhoea and this remedy has kept me from getting an in crease in my pension for on every re newal a dose of ^t restores me." It is unequalled as a quick cure for diarrhoea and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by Julia A. Story. To Whom It May Concern r We wish to notify the citizens of this county that we have secured the agency for Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, the great cure for Constipation, Indigestion, Sick Headache and Stomach Trouble, and guarantee it to do as recommended. We alwas keep the best Drags on hand and solicit a call, promising the very best of everything. Yours truly, Julia A. Story and G. W. Besley Advertise in this pqper for rero||^| Hade Yttaog Again. 'One of Dr. King's New Lite Pills each night for two weeks basjmt aw in my teens' again" writes D. H. Turner, of Duapaaytown, Pa. They 're the bast in tha world for Liver, Stomach and wels. Purely vegetable. Never gripe. Only 35c at JuSa A. Story'a Nobody knows ail about it; and nothing, now knowa, will Doctors try sion. of Cod Liver Oil, when they think it is caused by im- food. ' V Reconsidered. lost a small opal set 1 ring and went to the jeweler to have it replaced. Returning home he foond the lost Bet and, putting it in his mouth for safe keeping, hurried to.the jeweler's to have that set used in stead of the new opal. Rushing into the store he said: "Say, I've found the old set, so don't use that new one." He attempted to remove the stone from his mouth, gave a gulp, looked sheepish, aad said: "I guess yonll have to use the new stone." The man needed a bottle of Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin. Sold by Julia A. and <*. W. Besley. > V O Zt. X Jk. • •Step*# jfTtw Kind toy Htw Always BMght Pepsin preparations often fail to re lieve indigestion because they can digest only albuminous foods. There is one preparation that digests all classes of food, and that is Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It cures the worst cases of indigestion and gives inBtant relief, for it digests what you eat. Julia A. Story. This season there is a large death rate among children from croup and lung troubles. Prompt action will save the little ones from these terrible diseases. We know of nothing so certain to give instant relief as One Minute Cough Cure. It can also be relied upon in grippe and all throat and lung troubles of adults. Pleasant to take. Julia A. A Card. '\j Werthe undersigned, dolieretjy agree to refund the money on a 50, cent bottle of Green's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure your cough or cold. We also guarantee a 25 cent bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded. Mops the Cough ^ aad works off the Cold. ^ *|A*ativ» Btomo-Qninine Tablets aire mm . a oold in oaa - aat fljr- ' jPrica85ccnta. --it; «!• 37-26t Julia A. Stohy. The merited reputation for curing piles, sores and skin diseases acquired by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, has led to the making of worthless counterfeits. Be sure to gat «aiy lieWite's Mna. Julia A. Stoiy. You can do the .sam^ ' It may or may not be caused by the failure of stomach and bowels to do their work. If it is* you will cure It; if noi, you will do no harxq. The way, to cure a <Jlsease is to stop its cause, and help the body get back tests habit of health. r \ ; When Cod Liver Oil does that, it cures; don't, it don't It never does harm. The genuine baa this picture oit it, take no other. If you have not tried it, send for free sample, its agreeable taste wiQ2 iurprise you. , ̂ SCOTT &B61VNE, Chemists, 409Pearl.St., - N: Y. and $1.00; all druggists. eumt LOOK OVfR IDS BILL OF m Heaae^ask no questions, only hand over yoar greenbacks. Men's fine hair lined pants worth tun, for. Ifcfio Men's fleece lined Shirts. \ 30c Men's Police Shoes, worth {2.50, at.fl.80 The sldewHlk Shoe, worth 12.00, Its a good one and goes at -H-OO Bast Bhoe made for boars, worth 81.75, at ..* tl.35 Shoe Laces ,tu., Wool Mitts ,17.,...' 10c Wool Caps JBc Plush Gaps, fine. 40c Boy's Suspenders .Jks, 12c. 15c Men's •• ^.....aOc, 85c Men's Linen 'Cottars.. 8c, 10c Ladies' Stockings, Sc. 10c, 12c, 20c 3 Turkey red Hdkfa, 12c WhiteUdkfs at...... 5c, 10c Boys' Ulster, long overcoats 11.00 Boys' fine Cheviot Suits, fancy Vest, worth 13.50, for... ..... .r... .$&80 Kerosene, ..Joe ^ ' V > F We also keep a complete stock of staple groceries. Opposite Riverside Hotel. v OFF-FEED Quickly drop off in both flesh and milk, which always tneana a loss of money. A quick and sure way to get them back Into condition Ls to use KOW-KURE. - V. .V- \ {FOR COWS OlfLT.) t. It aaver fails to bring eiNra up to their best in a faw days. STATEMENT BY THE WIFE OF BOONE COUNTY'S' %' TREASURER. Belvidere, HL invalid for the past 1 suffered a great deal of pain and a little over two years ago my fifey* been an eight years pain and a nerves gave out and I could neither eat nor sleep. Medicine seemed to have no effect, although I tried different phy sicians and tonics. Finally some ad vised me to try Dr. Tallerday's Pain Tablets, to see if they wotild ease the pain and thus enable me to sleep. I tried them and from the first they helped me, and have taken them for the past two years, always being benefitted and never feeling any ill effects from. Have always taken the tablets for severe headache, to which 1 am subject and have been greatly helped, besides exper iencing no bad effect after, so apt to fol low the use of powerful headache reme dies. I feel that too much can not be said in favor of the Tablets. Mrs. Geo. Vickbks, 422 E. Madison St., Belvidere, 111. Ney, 111., Nov. 5, 1900. Dr. Tallerday, Dear Sir:--I had been ailing and all run down for some time and had no appetite. Was advised by a friend to try your Tonic and did so. Bought one bottle. It helped me so much I got five more and can safely say that it did me more good than three years of doctoring had. Yours truly, MRS. L. D. Kellog. Manufactured by THE TALLERDAt MEDICINE CQ., BelyMfir|, 111. For sale' - ^ jmu A. «OBT, KeHenry GEO. W. BESLEY, - West McHenry This Bank receives deposits, bnys and sells Foreign and Do mestic Exchange, and does a ,• Pingms Ghovb, III., Much 14, iM, Bun Association, Lyndonvilie, Vt. OtnUtmtn: This Is to certify that I hare used your Kow-Kure. I had two cows that got off their teed and dropped on their milk fully one-half, and bags caked. After using one 6fty-cent box of Kow- Kure they came back to their usual mesa of milk, baga got all richt, and they art eating aa well as ever. I consider It a first-class cow medicine. CHARLES RAMM. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire ly satisfactory to our custom ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage floney to Loan on real estate a n d o t h e r first class se curity. Spec- --mmmmm^^ ial attention given to collections,' and promptly at tended to INSURANCE In "First Class Companies, at the Low est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY * OWEN, Notary Pablic. Bankers. Kow-Rore is la powder form, to b« given is regn- lhr feed. It cures abortion, barrr--aas and acours, remove* retained aftyrbirth and caked udder, strengthens the appetite, purifies the blood, vitalizes the nerves and prevents disease. It increases the milk. It is a medicine for cow* only, made by the Dairy Association, Lyndoavlllo, Vt. Pries, 50 cents and fiM, sad for sale by J. J. BROWN & BON, Druggists Ringwood, -- - - Illinoi is H0WA BOY WAS CURED (From the Bsrald, Marshall, III.) Is sa iatarriaw with P. F. Mar- kle, hMl sailmr of the Marshall mills, of Marshall, Hi., the pub lisher was (tm the following facts Maserniac the effects of MICRO GSBM1, Med by his tea- year-old son. He said: "My boy had haea In poor health for over a year. Me had commenced to cough aad expectorate; ha became weak •aft asmas aad waa going dowa in spita e( everything we could do. Mothlac liwm to do him any panasaaat «aod, though several iMMdies waa MM. BEGAN TAKING Bell Telephone. The following are the names and numbers of the patrons of the McHenry and West McHenry exchanges of the Chicago Telephone Co. Residences only are specified. All others are business houses. SIMON STOFFEL, Manager. 224 AuringerDr.A.E. r 221 Owen O W r 343 Besley O.W.dru£ 814 Owen & Ohapell 282 Besley G.W.hotel 252 O'Neill Rev.P M r 232 Bar It fim Broa 2411'age C L r 253 Barbtan NEr 312 Plaindealer Co. 304 Boley O F 282 llosedale Club 2B1 Brand John P 284 Ross I)r F C 2 1 2 B u c h J J 2 0 2 R o s s D r F C r 211 Chapell S 8 r 342 Sommers Geo r 381 Chapell O Or 321 Spurling Dr A C r 1 Chicago Tel Co 264 Sherman Mr. r 322 DermontMrsShotel 372 Stoffel S r 281 Engeln Anton 304 StolTel S postofBce » DO! 5 StolM Simon store 273 St«iry J I r 401 Story Julia At 371 Stafford R W 341 Snyder Bros 308 Tweed R G £31 Village of McHenry pumping station 389 Village of McHenry public school Village of McHenry Marshall's res Last May ha 283 Engeln M 383 Fegers Dr G H 254 Frett Chas G 301 Fisher & Cornish 243 Hanly Geo 283HazelEJr 353 Hertz II Lr 234 Heimer Joa 203 Holtz & Stilling 204 Howe A L r 352Howell M At 263 Jensen H M 313 Justen Jiucob r 344 JuKten N J 223 Larnphere O. G. r 351 Lorlmer Wm r . 244 McHenry Cre'm'ry 242 Whiting WEr Company. 311 Wells Dr D T- 361 McOmberJC L 7 Western U.Tel Co 374 Mead H O r 373 Wightman Harry 3SJ Owen LHr TOLL STA'ilONg. German Village P. Jaeger, 10c. Johnsburg John P Lay. McHenry Gilbert Brothers Mineral springs........H. Ericsson. Pistakee Bay Ben Shilling. Solon Mills W H Davis, He. Spring Grovo.. A Nelsh, 20c. MB VanSlyke J 302 Wattles F H 384 Walsh Jack r 222 Wheeler E 8 r t EVERYBODY'S BLOOD PURIFIER Ptompt Positive Putt PttMSSfd 1 he had finished the sec- •ad tattle his health was as good in ortinary boys of his age. 1 at tribute his impfovemeat entirely to M1CK0 OXRMI. He is from all id and well, rosy- , cheerful aad happy.' > Mr. Markle is an upright, honor- , in whose word ut> ace ean be placed. " 5 ' HttCB OHB DOLLAB ' i • • romrvmrtumrAcn ADvmm v Th* MODERN REMEDY CO. MSWANEE, ILL. ' MAtilMAKl^EfiHP A. 8TOBY, - m. 1 wins &,(«. C A S H Produce Buyers Dwtesed Poultry , Oame, (Huns, Eggs and Butter. 304 DUANE STREET, NEW YORK. Write for present paying prices. MOO per Monti «d Expenses can be made by a capable woman. Perma nent position. Experience unnecessary. Write at once for particulars. Clark & Co., 234 South. 4th St., Philadelphia, Pa. DON'T BE FOOLEDI Take the genuine, origlaa! ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made oaly by Msflm Medi cine Co., Madison, Wis. M keeps yoa well. Oar trad* mark cat on each package. C o m m U f l i c a t i o n U an element that enters largely into MODERN M E T H. O D S It is this which makes t h e T E L E P H O N E an indispensible adjunct Business service 5 per day or to of residence 16 cents 24 hours (bici§o Tekpkme (ospmy SINGH STOfffL, N|r^ McHeary, ML Price, 38 cents. balfcT Accept m aahstl- yaar Dew WW* .... w ,OUTING FLANNELS - - DRESS PRINTS <*r*Vn dJ**' .A* r ^ "i GINGHAMS WHITE LACE STRIPES DRESSES AND APRONS EMBROIDERY $>Acm .ft - % « muslin Underwear ana Shoes % -- Special Muslin Underwear Sale begins Saturday#: /*• = I#adies' Night Gowns and Drawers, 50c each. Corset Covers, 25c each. Vr .s: 3*; .^3 AND WINTER GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES J"*'#1 M:: Come and $ee the Cay-$ut. - W. C. EVANSOM , * West McHenry, 111 * Ask Your Physician About It Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Difjests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It in the latest discovered digest* ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, 8ick Headache,Gastralgia,Cramps and all other results of imperfect digestion. Price 80c. and tl. Large aiae contains SH times atnallsiaa. Book allaboutdyapepatamalUKi free Prepared by E. C. DeWITT * CO- Chl«aflo. b.V';, ,':k---- _ . . . fhen a phy9teian prescribe, beer lor » pittenMt is Schlitz beer. A physician knows the value of purity. Ask him how gerins affect beer and he will tell you that few stomachs can digest them. He will say that im pure beer is unhealthf ul. You will know then why we brew Schlitz beer under such rigid precautions--why we even filter the air that touches it; why we filter the beer, and sterilize every bottle If you knew what we know and what your physician knows about beer, you, too, would insist on Schlits* ^^lipplied in the wood or M bottles by to f r ' aria AHT0H ENGELN McHenry, Illinois t '"frj I m || | Do you like Olives? We have the finest stock ordered th&t has ever been seen in this town. If you want a small olive, OT a large olive in a large bottle or small bottle, j|e have them in all grades and*t#U prices. Also some nice stuffed olives. 4-W.' "ij We have several barrels of choice Ben Davis, Baldwins, Greenings, etc. which are being sold at , right price, by the peck, bushel or barrel. fr*V •» 4 •* 1 Do you want an Apple '̂,'-^!:'1 /.-rAi GILBERT BROS, McHenry 8TOBY. J V M A it; . , i . » - . X A ...