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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Feb 1901, p. 7

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* V ' X , r . < ^ ' , ' " V >*«** *v *s -ktAj#- v-*,.rJK ^ u Uv „*„+„ - - • - • " • .v. .«. „ ^ ^ ̂ r *, s^n ' .» ,K» *-.-*£< *r-.-*"i v ii.Uii -*».^.^-4«4i H, ^••'V-fe**--f?- '•«•»"••£•. -,<H* ^U^^^P.V- Wm^H1., !w *. ^r K% $ ;*M >>%*"'* * f *i„ ggga = *afc; BVTHE--HUP, by Pe-riHia- ^U *" - fia aa t. Geo. H. Wtilto'«-£w« l M m i < ! » f l » » l » t f t f « l » » ! ! f l l l ! l i » l H ] ftiHtiHmr Z l l Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z I Z Z i Z I Z Z Z Z Z Z Z l I Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z I Z Z Z Z Z I I Z I I I Z Z Z i n La Grippe Is epidemic catarrh.--It spares no class or nationality. The cul­ tured and the ignorant, the aristocrat and the pauper. The masses and the classes are alike subject to la grippe. None are exempt--all are liable. Have you the grip? Or, rather, has the grip got you? Grip is well named. • fThe original French term, la grippe, has been shortened by the busy Amer­ ican to read "grip." Without intend­ ing to do so a new word has been coined that exactly describes the case. As if some hideous giant with awful GRIP had clutched us in its fatal clasp. Men, women, children, whole towns and cities are caught in the baneful grip of a terrible monster. Pe-rn-na For Grip. Mm Dr. C. D. Powell, President o£ Epworth League, also President of Loyal Temperance Legion, writes from Chehalis, Wash.: "I have used several remedies In' cases of severe colds and la grippe, but - fione I consider of more value than Peruna."--Mrs. Dr. C. D. PowelL After-Effects of tm Grippe. Miss Emma Jouris, President Golden ftod 8ewing Circle, writes from 40 Bur­ ling street, Chicago, ill., as follows: "This spring 1 suffered severely from •the after-effects o£> la grippe. As the doctors did not seem to help me 1 /^ bought a bottle of Peruna;"--Miss Eft- * mat Jouris. Comrmm Howard's Latter. I t Fort Payne, Ala. ifhe Peruna Medicine Co., Co/ambus, Ohio: Gentlemen--•'/ bare taken Peruna % stow for two weeks and find i am very p gattcb relieved. I feel that my cure pt' WiU be permanent I have also taken it for ia grippe and I take pleasure in ̂ recommending Peruna a* an excellent :C ̂ - remedy to all fellow sufferers."-- 'jhMr'JlL W. Howard, Member of Congress. 1A Grippe LMTCI the System la a tri. Deplcrabl# Condition. D. L. Wallace, a charter member of jr-v, tka International Barbers' Union, from U> Western avenue, Min- fv' ^eapolis, Minn.: . "Following a severe attack of la grippe I seemed to be affected badly all over. "One of my customers who wak greatly helped by Peruna advised me to try it, and I procured a bottle the same day. Now my head is clear, mf nerves are steady, I enjoy foba, and rest well. Peruna has been worth a dollar a dose to me."--L. D. Wallace. Grippe Causes OesfD«». y Mrs. M. A. Sharick, chaplain G. A. R. Woman's Relief Corps, writes from Fremont, Wash.: "When la grippe was the prevailing illness in this Western country I was laid up the'whole winter, 1 partially lost my hearing, and had a very bad case of catarrh of the head and throat. I read of Peruna, tried it and had my hearing restored and'catarrh cure^, »I cannot speak too well of Parana."-- Mrs, M. A. Sharick. La Grippe Cared In lis Ftrst"flftar*> Lieutenant Clarice Hunt, of the Salt Lake City Barracks of the Salvation Army, writes from Ogden, Utah: Two months ago I was suffering with BO severe a cold that I could hardly speak. . "Our captain advised me to try Pe­ runa, and procured a bottle for me, and truly it worked wonders. Within two weeks I was entirely well."--Clarice Hunt," Coagr--swan jWhite's Letter. ' ̂ Tarbom, M ft Gentlemen--"I am mors than satis* fled with Peruna and find it to be an excellent remedy for the grip and cm* tarrb. I have used it in my family and they ail Join me itt recommending it as an excellent remedy.' *--Geo. H. White, Member of Congress. Remained la Feeble Health After Owed of La Grippe., : Mrs. T. W. Collins, Treasurer Inde­ pendent Order of Good Templars, of Everett, Wash., writes: "After having a severe attack of la grippe I continued in a feeble condi­ tion even after the doctor called me cured. My blood seemed poisoned. Pe­ runa cured me."--Mrs. T. W. Collins. Address The Peruna Medicine Co., of Columbus, Q.. tor a free book <p catarrh. Mx* Batted to Their Kecks. i •^Corporal" Tanner has received a latter from his son. Captain E. W. • •Tanner, of the army, now serving In the Philippines, who describes one of the methods used by the insurgents to -punish natives who will not join them. •He says that they dig holes in the ground and bury their captives np to the necks in earth, leaving nothing but their heads sticking above the sur­ face, and in that situation allow them to starves to death.--Washington Let- it er. A Remedy tor the Grippe. *%yfelcians recommend KEMP'S 9ALSAM for patients afflicted with the grippe, as it is especially adapted for ee throat and lungs. Don't wait for the st symptoms, but get a bottle today Jjuid keep it on hand for use the mo- $nent it is needed. If neglected, the 'ffrippe brings on pneumonia. KEMP'S lIALSAM prevents this by keeping the <sough loose and the lungs free from in- ̂flaxnmatlon. All druggists, 25c and 50c. "IftwiylM" «he JUMatta, ^ After having been discontinued tor a century, the ancient «"""»! ceremony of "marrying" the Adriatic Will probably be revived in full splen- -r--- Coughing Lead* to Consumption, _ Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough "*t once. Go to your druggist today ,-:jaiid get a sample bottle free. Sold in f |BS and 50 cent bottles. Go at delays are dangerous. v If you are about to strive for your life take with yon a stoat heart and a Clear conscience and trust the rest to Hod. AN INNOVATION. The Louisville A Nashville R. R., to­ gether with its connecting lines, baa Inaugurated the Chicago St Florida Limited, which is a daily, solid train, wide vestibuled, steam heated, gas lighted, with dining car service for all meals en route from Chicago to Thom- asville, Ga., Jacksonville and fit. Au­ gustine, Fla. The train leaves Chicago over the Chicago & Eastern Illinois tracks at 11:00 a. m., running via Ev- ansvllle, Nashville, Birmingham' and Montgomery, Plant System to Jack­ sonville, and Florida East Coast to St. Augustine, arriving at the latter city at 7:30 the next evening, making the fastest time ever made between these points. The train has annex sleeper, leaving St. Louis at 2:15 p. m., which also runs through. Mr. C. L. Stone, General Passenger Agent, Louisville ft Nashville R. R., Louisville, Ky., will answer all inquiries concerning this train and furnish printed matter con­ cerning it Coolness of Nnrse MaeDeaaM. Nurse MacDonald, whose courage under fire while performing her duty drew Lord Roberts' praise, is a Nova Scotian, and went to Africa with the first vessel of the second contingent. She gained experience in war nursing at Montauk Point when the American troops came back from Cuba. In south Africa she nursed at Rondebosch, Klmberley* Bloemfontein and ,P*e* toria. :• t£~- V 1 lllim KIMil Work in Both Houi field. at Spring- REP0BT OF THE PROCEEDINGS. Mr. Xohe Introduces • BUI to PvehlMt Kail roads from luntnx Passes to Mem- brr* of the Legislators -- An Anti- tte BUI Introduced. Ai 'W if " ^ In the house Mr. Nohe's resolution pre* vWJlng for the appointment of a special committee of five to Investigate the wrecks and accidents on the Chlcag<\and Alton railroad during the past six months was taken up as a special order. The motion to refer the resolution te the committee oh railroads was Carted--yeas, 91; nays, 2S. Ex-Speaker E. C. Curtis of Kankakee offered a resolution in the house calling for a revision of the state constitution. The resolution, after some discussion, was referred to the Judiciary committee, which has not been announced. The proposition to call a constitutional con­ vention was vigorously opposed by the Democratic members and does not seem to have strong support on the Republi- c*n ®ide of the house. Mr. Curtis insisted that it would be practically impossible to secure a satisfactory revenue law with­ out a constitutional amendment, and he citea as an instance of constitutional ob­ struction the action of the supreme court with reference to the 5 per cent clause in the revenue law. A WEEK IN ILLINOIS OP HA %**EN N I N VS. prcit S»lr History of IUlnob 01searned Be- fort stitc BBstorlcsl %, H,.1 HSm'!*"""1 Wednesdny, January SO. Wie house passed the senate bill v™- » nf f®r the Participation of the state or Illinois in the pan-American Exposi­ tion at Buffalo. The bill now goes to the governor and immediately upon ap- provai by him will become a law. The ™ provides for the erection of a suit­ able building for an Illinois headquar- .the e*POsI«on and making an ex- niDit of the resources, commercial ad- \antages, mechanical appliances, educa­ tional progress and other interests and industries of the state of Illinois. Ten thousand dollars, or so much thereof as m^K. necessary, is set aside for an exhibit of the agricultural products of the state and 110,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary for an exhibit of the horticultural products of the state. Kepresentatlve Logan Introduced a bill •jnhJk provides that in cities of over u i , u n d e r 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 p o p u l a t i o n t h e r e shall be created a board of police com­ missioners to have charge of the police departments of those cities. Thumday, January 31. Gus Nojie continues to be the star a*!* w" house. He Introduced a bill prohibiting railroads from issuing passes to members of the legislature and making It a felony for legislators to accept free transportation, and the bill was read the first time, advanced to second reading and made the special order for next Wed­ nesday morning. Qua Nohe says he is on the square with his bill. He said that next \\ ednpsday he will substitute the vV isconsln anti-pass law for his bill. Ia Wisconsin the law prohibits all state offi* cials, judges, members tt the legislature, etc., from acceptlng railroad passes. Senator Stubbletield introduced a bill which prohibits the sale of cigarettes or cigarette paper in Illinois. It Is identical with a bill introduced in the house last week. Speaker Sherman announced the appointment of the following committee on the rights of the minority: F. J. Sulli­ van, Farrell, Mitchell, Crafts, D. E. Sul­ livan, Wilson, Hunt, Jandus, Tippit, Dono- I'hue, Hefferman, Johnston. Purdunn, Warder, Gray and Craig. The sub-com­ mittees of the house committees on con­ gressional and senatorial apportionment held meetings fqr the purpose of mapping out the work before them. Friday, labraarf t. Representative Curtis introduced. tfeS bard-roads bills. One of the bills cre­ ates the office of state engineer of roads who Is directed to co-operate with and advise all road officers in the state rela­ tive to the construction and mainten­ ance of hard roads. The bill directs the method and procedure of providing hard roads and for the payment of the ex­ pense thereof. The other bill provides that lifteen legal voters in any township may petition for the construction of hard roads, and it makes it the duty of the township officers to arrange for hold­ ing an election to vote on the proposi­ tion. It also provides that in each town­ ship where there are more than three miles of hard roads the supervisor shall appoint a custodian of hard roads, whose duty it shall be to keep them in repair. It also provides for sale of township bonds to pay for the construction of hard roads. Gov. Yates has appointed Edward S. Brown of Evanston a member of "EHi military staff with the rank of cplonel. The appointment dates from Jan. 28. Col. Brown wag formerly treasurer of the Republican national committee. Illinois* Karly History. ' THe Second annual meethltf of tti Illinois State Historical society closed at Springfield with the reception given to the members by Gov. and Mrs. Yates at the executive mansion. The Hon. David McCulloch of Peoria, presented a paper on "Old Peoria," in which the history of the early French settlements in the vicinity of the present city was triced. The Hon. Nick Perrin of Le­ banon read a paper on "The Oldest Civil Record in the West," having as its basis the old hog-skin bound hook, recently discovered in the archives erf St. Clair county, supposed to have been kept by a French marine officer or notary and covering the years from 1737 to 1767 inclusive. E. A. Snively of Springfield read a paper on "Slavery in Illinois." "Early Reminiscences of* Illinois," by Dr. A. W. French of Springfield was a record of the writer's personal experiences when he came to Illinois from the east in 1847. Mrs. Laura Dayton Fessenden of Highland Park, representing the Daughters of the American Revolution, spoke of "Illinois During the American Revolu­ tion." William L. Pillsbury, secretary of th? University of Illinois, read two very interesting papers, "The Influence of Congressional Grants Upon Our School Systems" and a memorial of the life ahd work of Prof. Jonathan Bald­ win Turner. Do Not Spoil Tour Clothes y using inferior soap. Maple City Self cashing Soap gives the best results. Try All good grocers sell it. f f A • f V History casts its shadow far Into HM land of eong.̂ -Longfellow, PV i¥ r What Do the Children Drink? Don't give them tea or coffee. Have TOO tried the new food drink called GRAIN-Of It is delicious and nourishing, and takes the place of coffee. The more Grain-O yon give the children the more health you distribute through their systems. Grain-O is made of pure grains, and when properly prepared tastes like the choice grades of coffee, but costs about >4 as much. All grocers sou it> Ueand&e. t o / ' It ip said that hornets never use the aecond seaso% Sf Moras OF THE SESSIONS. Mr. Nohe introduced a bill In the' house providing that on the elevated railroads in Chicago the fare shall not exceed 5 cents for a single passage between the hours of' 6 and 8:30 a. m., and 4:80 and 7:90 p. m., and tickets good during these hours shall be sold at the following rates: Six tickets for * cents, fifteen tickets for 00 cents, and thirty tickets for Mr. Donough introduced a bill in the house amending the divorce law by pro­ viding, among other things, that where an amdavit of non-residence is nled and a decree of divorce is entered there shall be no remarriage for a period of three years after the granting of the decree. There has been considerable talk re* cently about holding a constitutional con­ vention, and Speaker Sherman Is in favor of the proposition. It will require an af­ firmative vote of two-thirds of the mem­ bers of each house to adopt the resolu­ tion, and if It is decide^ that a conven­ tion is necessary the question of holding one must be submitted to the electors at the next general election, which will oc­ cur a year from next November. If the proposition for a constitutional conven­ tion carries the general assembly will call a special election for the purpose of electing two delegates from each sena­ torial district to the convention, and the convention must meet and begin its work within three months after the speetal election. The preamble to the Curtis resolution says: "The provisions of the constitu­ tion of this state are in many respects inadequate to the present and prospec­ tive needs of the people. The rapid in­ crease in the wealth and population of our large cities and the vast amount of capital invested In commercial enter­ prises demand legislation which cannot be secured under the present constitu­ tion. It has been demonstrated that it Is impossible to secure a satisfactory revenue system with the present consti­ tutional limitations. By its provisions tt is not possible to submit to the people % proposition to amend more than one article of the constitution at the sains .line." Mr. Witt introduced a bill in the house fixing sleeping-car charges as follows: For the ordinary sleeper for each 300 miles or fractional part thereof, H tor i lower berth; for. compartment Cars, (1.50. . 4 The members of the Illinois fish com­ mission are at work on a bill for pro­ posing amendments to the fish laws of .he state. Commissioners Nat Cohen ind S. P. Bartlett arrived, and within i few days they will have tne text of •heir bill completed for submission to •he legislature. The new law will pro- j>ose a closed season for seines from April 15 to Aug. 1, and commercial fish- iimen will be prohibited from taking fish CMm the waters during this season. Chase After Dr. Wright, William Henry Campbell of - Santa Clara, Cal., who left Springfield for Clinton, accompanied by a deputy sheriff with a writ of habeas corpus to get possession of his little daughter, Fannie Marie, who, he claims, 1b un­ lawfully detained by her grandfather, Dr. John Wright, returned to Spring­ field without accomplishing his 'ob­ ject. He arrived at Clinton only to find that the old man had disappeared with the child. He believes they have gone to Oregon, and has gone there in pursuit. Campbell is very much in­ censed nt the refusal of the sheriff of Dewitt county to serve the warrant for the arrtst of Dr. Wright, which was telegraphed from California. Before leaving here Campbell offered a reward for ^he arrest ol Dr. Wright. ^ . inlwii' 'Doetsloa of CmiM^ v*f In the Coles county Circuit court a most extraordinary legal point was decided. Mrs. Rebecca E. Burwell brought suit for separate maintenance against her husband, John Burwe.l, but Judge Dunn denied her prayer. Tne court decided, however, that she was entitled to the widow's dowry in her husband's estate, although her rights had lain dormant over forty years. It was shown that Mrs. Burwell had first wedded a brother of her present hus­ band, who was the possessor of a val­ u a b l e f a r m o n t h e o u t s k i r t s o f M . t toon. When her first husband died the land came into John Burwell's pos­ session, whom she subsequently mar­ ried without claiming the widow's por­ tion* , * • '<> ' :g . "If 'i #' fteport nS «tat. The quarterly bulletin of the state board of charities' showing the condi­ tion of the fifteen state charitable in­ stitutions has been issued at Spring­ field. It shows the total expense in­ curred for the quarter has been $572,- 584 and the total payments $690,941. The outstanding indebtedness at the close of the quarter was $86,291, to meet which the Institutions had $137,- 522 cash in hand and $18,723 on account of special appropriations in the state treasury. The Burphis for all the In­ stitutions Dec. 81 was $69,954. The per capita cost for all Inmates was $45.07, the net cost to the state being $42.70. The average number of Inmates during the quarter was 10,183. J • / { < ? Separated fsr Msteea 'Spun, After sixteen years of separation, during which Mr. and Mrs. David M. Patton have been searching for each other, they have been happily reunited at Galesburg. Mr. Patton, while they were living in Sclota, Neb., left for Colorado with some cattle. He was gone long and his wife, hearing he was dead, returned to Illinois. He recently heard of her through the pension of­ fice. He is 83 and she 68 years old. . . Oaaal Brlags .» Dacaags fait, , Suit for $40,000 damages against the sanitary district of Chicago was filed In the Circuit court at Jollet The complainant is Patrick R. Bannon, who owns 300 or 400 lots along the west side of the river. He says this land is now almost totally submerged and its value almost totally destroyed by the constant flood coming from the drainage channel. i a Fargsr. Everett Hinton, a yonng man who was married in Springfield a few days ago, was arrested in that city on a charge of forgery, and was taken be­ fore Judge Connoll, who held him to await the action of the grand Jury. The same judge officiated at his mar­ riage. Hinton is accused of forging the indorsement of William Workman to a worthless check for $145. The home of the young man is at Macomb, hut the check was cashed at the Jk t̂r burn bank. Ba--ball la Tfcrae Statas. The Indiana-Illinois-Iowa Baseball league is now an active organization* It will be known as the Three I league. It came into being at Peoria under tho most favorable circumstances. The circuit will comprise Peoria, Decatur, Bloomington, Rockford and Rock Isl­ and in Illinois, Davenport and Cedar Rapids in Iowa and Terre Haute in In­ diana. M. Horatio Sexton of Rock Isl­ and was chosen president, secretary and treasurer of the league "2 J|j| ^ .V . v. instead of Strong! Mmkm Tourmmif m Mew Mmal Di. GREENE'S n -m f . • • it'Cf BLOOD AMD MERVK WmShrm You thm MMf Vljpof* of Pmrfmot Man* itoodm AWMWS, Wl«fn «MV Imfgnratot West Nso* Old before his time 1 A broken-dowa, miserable wreck--weak, nervous, dis­ couraged I The world to him seems a place of mist, peopled with ghostly beings, ^ whose flitting to and fro about their 1 daily tasks serves but to irritate him. He sneers at healthy amusements, and finds no comfort or pleasure in life. He is sick and he does not know it. Bo drags about, and therefore thinks he Is well. He is despondent and peevish, and weak, and he does not know that there are merely signals--some from the stomach crying for aid--others from the nerves beseeching strength --still others from the great life-current--the blood --moaning that it is so impeded and clogged with. ̂ impurities that it cannot move. He, and all others like him, will find imm» diate relief in Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy. This is just what it was intended for. It never fails to make weak men strong and vigorous, puts new life, vim, strength, power and energy into them. * Dr. Creeag'a Nervura is New Ufa* Hope and Strength for Weak Me*. Mr. JOHN D. SMITH, •lectrtclaa far Ike Thompson-Houston Electric Co_of Lm ' Mui.,sayst--"VVhen * man hssDMO rfdt 'andiscurad, it 1* his duty to tell others nabout it, that they, toe, may gut well. •Thrcs.ycari a(o I had been working almost (night an4 day, could not (at regularly) tad (got only a f«w hour »Wp at night. No (man can stand that long, and i swg began It* b# prostrated. I cot-id not sleep when II tri«-d, and my food wmi'd not »tay on my istomach. I wag in a terriUle condition, and 2was much alarmed. 1 went to doctors, J but they did mo no (rood. Learning of tha I wvnderful good done by Dr. Greene's f Nervura blood and nerve remedy, 1 deter­ mined to try it. It < ured me completely it all my complaints. I eat heartily and sSma well, thanks to this splendid medicins. I b e l i e v e I t t o b e t h e b e s t r e m e d y l a Mtftence." • * • V , 9fr. Greene's Nervura is tht One Great Restorative . r Whkh Curea. tilr. GIEKNK, 85 West 14th St., New York City, is the most successful specialist tn cvetfhg nervous and thronl* diseases. He has remedies for aft forms of disease,' and offers to give free consultation and advice, personally or by letter. You can tell or write your troubles to Dr. Greene, for all communications are confidential, and fatten ars >sswt!%d in plain, sealed envelopes* I n that dreadful fiend that threatens the life of rich and poor, can attack and kill only those whose bowels are not kept thoroughly cleaned out, purified and disinfected the year round. One whose liver is dead, whose bowels and stomach aire full of half decayed food, whose whole body is unclean inside, is a quick and ready victim of appendicitis. If you want to be safe against the scourge, keep in good health all the time, KEEP CLEAN INSIDE! Vse the only tonic laxative, that will make your bowels strong and healthy, and keep them pure and clean, pro­ tected against appendicitis and ALL EPIDEMIC DISEASES. It's CAS- CARETS, that will keep and save you. Take them regularly and you Will find that all diseases are absolutely 25c. ALL DRUGGISTS. il £ > T F O R T H E CUREs bowel trMklM, smstteMa, Ml-inaaa, tad breath. Ml Meed, wind tits stoasaeb, fcl>at«4, foal VWIIH molthillMiMhS. lsdlgMtlM^ piMplaa, patas aflsr eatlaf, liver IrssMs, sallow conplsxloa a n d d l n l n w s . w n e a j o u r k o w r i i « l m * t r e m - larly yoa are tettlnc alek. Conattpatloa kill* asn peoplo Ikaa all stiw dlasaaee togoUkor. It la a •tartor for the ehreale all moats asUI loss year* of nflbrlsc that eoaao afterwards. No matter what alia )roa, start talrtag CASCARITS t»4a]r, Ikr yea will mover got well asi he well all the time an til "*> Tak* MI aivlcei start *n4*r aua ehsslats aaar* yea pat roar bowels right. with CA8C*RKTS to-day antes to ear* or money SOLD IN BULK. slasllar aaetlelae la the worMU groat Merit. M< oar bast toetlai--lal. win aoll CASCAJKJETS akoolato ~ •Mnnftiidet. SoksyMay, l Mr, aoaost trial, as MrstasM Hllifei aAaSpsusSoaoCSo MlaL We luave oSth aad kMlaUli nsrsat ' • ' kMoWl BOS. alval saCirn aot satMea, aftoraatM oso <NWs,w>sratts aaass* We kaiaattko caaty WlM as k, aall. sr tk.4rapMfrtai wkM yra aarsaassa It, aa4 goSjroar aiasykais we both >.iH._Taks«sfst«!a nastfarwkataUtiw atarlta <ajr. MaSrai MlNSI ga •ucftnmuw VTILLKCEP YOU DAY B3®TODE3@ HILSIIWOILIL TAMC No SUSTITUTC . FKC CATALOCUC, SHOMNS Fuu.LU« or GMMCHU MDHMS. A.J.TOWERCO. BOSTON. MASS. IN 3 OR 4 YEARS M INDEPENDENCE ISSUE) It you take np jour bomesln Western Cao- ada. the land fit plenty, illustrated pamphlets, giving experiences oI farmers wno han bo- come wealthy in grow­ ing wheat, reports at delegates, etc., and full ion as to reduo-d railway rates eaa be had oa application to 'fee Superintendent of Immigration, Department of Interior, Ottawa, anada, or tc €. J. llroughton, 1SS ItawdadA Block, Cfcictttro. 111. - or K. T. Holmes, &OOB 6. 'Big Four" Building. ladlaaapolis. Ind. m HOMES. 10 ACRES. S1S0; •!( per month: nola-tere»t. fruit farms In the garden spot sf the C. S. Within 2 rai'eso* a S.'.O'city asd rillroad. For fact* regarding the richest auaiag dUirtct, the farut* and the best city.and InTec.ueni* that will pay more than :*.•% Oreraember. coun­ try I* tha place to make money i. write kosxe UiTUTSKIIT {MfiM. HirrtMMS Art»UL SPECIAL PRICE! MePerShsr«.farValM|U» Payable in 10 atoatUy ta> stallments, or H <1 fa cash. Mines in Stiver Oily Camp. Owyhee County. tweea the great DeLaakM and Trade Dollar OiMwetl- dated mines. 18H mtDtmr claims. SIS aeree eft mineral land. Pull information fives. Address •OOS1SS M1MKG COMPJJi*, arts, M. IDAHO GOLD MINES MARRY RICH W. N. U. CHICAGO, NOw 6, 10O1. Vkes Asswerlsa Mvertlsemeets Kis4!y Mestioa Tkia hut OSITIONS SECURED tor graduatsi of its (tall l»nnl •«*•«! •! a lull in laeMlill. ssa satsr st ear ttaa Otrsalais ties. nDADfiV^*1 D'SCO VERY, gives WW'O I «ulck relist sad care, word list Bookot^stlmonloissail* aavrtrssaaeat iMsm a. r» ̂ r 'm&t '•.j

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