McHenry Public Library District Digital Archives

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Feb 1901, p. 8

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, U***A)k*v v '̂SSi^ .f"^.» *"* "' 1H®3 ^afl^wiwIS-SfflwlSw^ tS&mto •f^y-ij;'", >'•; - 11* v>« '̂ ,;, f * " v : • i * Sfcst* • ^ • *8* * 8'? • ?Si- < l '̂-vVwj » ' <<r ^* -J-- ^v. * 2-1 *% % v , - " . ' / • J > , » ^ 4 1 £ * ' " • • - * / ( • " . s I / ̂ * • » %T« ' xv' \J<<^ *?» £, { * V i£ ",,jftt 1 £<... ,?.*.» * ' If.r' f f»J ... J»2 ..,*X« ,*._... *4^* T e *'t, r "» 'j?o & • t*J; i, * ^ ** -*/'•;*> }/'?'*4 w % ^n'.'}' - **£*" >* J*r ['V _ /<' ^ jif-* * • ^ ^ »*4"" .cfc *^i <* ^ '*£"• c »,*•" ' "V- Ph ? £?/. ^,- x - r$?*-H*; t%t"*- » ' • • / ^ ' V ' > W r ; ; 1 / ' V ' x' * * J'lT^' 4 - « ' ' < '* ' * "*iv * V*'̂ ' -'i" ' W'v *\'" •" **' "' * ^ \^f\* rV,.«p '̂.„ ^ t:"„,v* ! °° ^ ,* * ' J, v£-*V. -' ' iV ;' , > 1> ' , ,1 ' '/, l7v'" -i' " I/l T" V v ̂ "v- ' v..-; - f f.v ; _v%- ^ 4 '- • - >S ^ ^ \ .t , ;HV ,' 1̂ ' - •< ;-w--v^.V;. '.y . "':J:-<-"4 M, i ,...t.„8_i < . .14 • ^0-!--, . "•' ^ "s " a S^?"' ; ""»' ' ' •'&&'•"•" -Mt*' a '• ? 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"f*- i;-. j: « . i fv K- •- - -, £ »; f ,.(;> >*"v/ '< 1 > ' ' have made , 1900. - ! - i f ' - . f ? v ' ^ ' V ? ? / / 5 ^ - » ' - - v ; ? , / ' • • . . . *' X<,; -"'I |md they are all cleaned up. And now we invite you to help yourself to 'the'best,'* f-;7 ? I, K *?^% '̂\', e n d o f t h i s l a r g e s t o c k a t p r i c e s w e w i l l g u a r a n t e e s a t i s f a c t o r y t o a l l . H o p i n g y o u ' . • _ , : . j ? " 1 • , ' ? • ' • » ; * 4 , , - 1 ' -- - - - - - - • ' ' ' u s t u r n t h e r e m a i n d e r - * • ^ . 4 1, we remain . '̂ i'-'A. w,<-\**- «rs ' .\,v : . #-K - >'; ';'.r ' '.,i w- _ . H -1 ^ y '*r » * „ „ t'U tt, • , ij, »,% v* * */ fi"' • ^7.^., • , -, ' ,v. A k 1 %*Ft^T'TW , /*4-•; , . /-'n'"" " . 1% ^ -a >x, i >,mhI ^ \ ^ a t k? - ^- Yours truly; ^ ^ ^ ->. I ' > / V / " V - f i ' ? - ! , 4 v ' " ? ' . ' . ' v * '•', > £ ', . * V. < % v ,----1---1--;:^ " -'• * ^ ~S "*'~v y ^ "'• i ^ - :r ••* K^, J/iV-J11'̂ f; |V '"' ^ '* Ibf™""" c $ • - '} , J4C;. , ; ^ ' 1 7' •4 - ' , c ' < ' ^ 5 , , , . A 'X, \ T'-^ ^ ' V- sw y\hf* ' ;/ lU £t f~ J J- ^ / V' i, : r - i'» , ... -v t V. i - <,*«•«-.-, J< i 4"/ 4 n » \, fC " \ 5 ' \ ™ . 1 i . j & > * *• - i v « V > * * , * > - » » " V j , « ^ y / , f ; 1 ^ ^ >r -* *\ V ^ <rV, " v . • V'ff ? s ^ 1 r . « r j V - a - . » ; - 1 . ' " . ~ - T . - > w - ' - " ; 4 < - - W ' ^ v f t " ^ ' - / " [|^ V - T»« TOWN8HIP HIGH SCHOOL. ' (Oontmudd from first page) xuent d a duaoemtic government In whiobtheredttUbeno more Americans of tiM MOCHiddaflB ruled by Americans of tite ftnl rinw There must be a town- ship fii whkdi there are no factional inteiwU, 90 poll or haul for advantage or tho«#^ tiiere may be factional inter­ ests thorn must be men enough wise enoogfc to subordinate private advan­ tages to public good. There must be a community in which there is an under­ standing of our duty in preparing our children for the fullest and best enjoy­ ment of life,and for the most useful and progressive citasenship. And, besides ail these, there is still a great need before a township high school can be started. There must be a few public-spirited men who are willing to make themselves thoroughly familiar with the matter in hand; men who have push and energy, who will endeavor to educate the croak- en and to overcome the opposition of those who can not be educated; men who are willing to be rewarded for public ef­ fort Iqr rebuff and censure, resting con­ tent in the feeling that * 'he is our friend yrho makes us do our best" In the hands of such men the preliminary labor and difficulties in establishing a township higb school will soon be overcome and the school once established will so prove its advantages that it will be the pride and glory of all the thoughtful worthy men and women in the township. But, what are these advantages? I have dwelt to some length upon the neces­ sities and advantages of a high school course, so it remains to state bp those advantages which would attach to • • strictly rural township high schooL First, it is economics!; it costs less to educate boys and girls at home than it .- . does to send them away. •• (Continued next weal;). Advertiwd Letter*. List of letters remaining uncalled for in the post office at McHenry, Feb, 1, 1»00: ••;•• Albies, Theodor^ , -•. I:1 • ' ["• *,. " Gruener, Rupp U \ ••'•" Roberts, Mrs, Hatfie Severs, Miss Maria sf» ;v\ Snell, Frank L. ef& '" When calling for above letters please say advertised. ROLLIN WAITE, P. M. , Pneumonia can be Prevented. This disease always results from a cold or an attack of the grip and may be prevented by the timely use of Chamber­ lain c Cough Remedy. That remedy was extensively used during the epide­ mics of La Grippe of the past few years, and not a single case has ever been re­ ported that did not recover or that re­ sulted in pneumonia, which shows it to be a certain preventive of that danger­ ous disease. Chamberlain's Cough Re­ medy has gained a world wide reputa­ tion for its cures of colds and grip. For sale by Julia A Story. f iif ' Taxes! Taxes I I will be at J. J Miller's store, west McHenry, on Wednesday of each week for the collection of North Nunda taxes. «8M* t Lou BURTON, Collector. 1* Grippe Quickly Cured. "In the winter of 1898 and 1899 I was taken down with a severe attack of what is called La Grippe" says F. L. Hewett, a prominent druggist of Win- field, 111. "The only medicine I used was two bottles of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It broke up the cold and stopped the coughing like magic, and I have never since been troubled with Grippe." Chamberlain's Cough Remedy can always be depended upon to break up & severe cold and ward off any•.c' attack of pneumonia. It is pleasant to take, too, which makes it the most desirable and one of the most •'! popular preparations in use for these ACCEPTS WJTH AN AXE. How the KBUM Saloon Smasher Would Advertise Milwaukee Beer. There is always danger in nsin£ Pimento. For sale by Julia A Story counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel salve. „ The original is a safe and cer­ tain cure for piles. It is a soothing and healing salve for sores and all skin di- _ seases. Julia A Story. . The Pasture Stock Food Co.,834 Times building, Chicago, offers |15 per week and 10 per cent, on ell sales for a man witt horse and buggj to sell Pasture fl&ackFood. 29-90t. StiffeU* The Kind You Haw Always Mt « Can't Stop Making Mon^y. H&. dozen of the wealthiest capitalists the country--men who wield abso- ijOetktrol over immense business en- -will tell the readers of The Evening Post (February 10) remain in the race Wuivu ihey ly won. them writes frankly whether " mmef tor its own sake, for _ > Jogrof wwkiagi or to gala the ^%itb wb$ch vaat invests v Taxest Taxes! On teS after this date I will be at the following places for the collection of taxes:' Thursdays--J. J. Miller's store, West McHenry; Saturdays--Owen & Chapell's store, McHenry; Mondays--C M. Adam's store, Johneburgh; Tues­ days--J. E. Cristy's store, Ringwood. 3i-6T PETER ROTHERMEL, Collector. Be In Styfc,^. Don't laugh at fashion. f\K Don't discourage ambition. ,"*[*•. Don't hinder progress. Try to affable. Look on the bright si Strive to be happy. Enjoy life. Keep healthy, • £>' '• which you can do by wttng Ur. Oald- well's Syrup Pepsin according to direct­ ions. It is an absolute cure for Consti­ pation, Indigestion, Stomach Troubles and Sick lieaditeiie. G. W. Besley and Julia A Story. * • A i f ' In answer to a novel offer of the SShlitz Brewing company, made to Mrs. Carrie Nation to appear on the lecture platform "in the cause of true temper­ ance," with the incidental purpose of singing the praises of Schlitz beer in moderate quantities, the following reply was received last evening by Eugene Wuesthoff, by whom the offer was made early in the day: "If it is your pleasure that I shall ad­ vertise your business with the hatchet, which is my usual way, I am at your service. I promise that every one shall hear of your famous beer." Whether or not the "acceptance" will lead to the closing of a contract between the Brewing company and Mrs. Nation remains to be seen, thought it is prob­ able that she will hear again from Mr. Wuesthoff today. Mrs. Nation as an advocate of "true temperance," her name on the Schlitz Brewing company's payrolls as receiving $500 a month for voicing the excellence of the article that made Milwaukee lamous, scarcely seems in keeping with the line of work which she has so ener­ getically carried on in Kansas. Yet the opportunity is hers. It was with a heart filled with admiration for her ap­ plication of the strenuous life theory, that Mr. Wuesthoff, who is general manager of the Brewing company, sent her the following telegram: Mrs. Carrie Nation Des Moines, la.-- Appreciating your energy and your sin­ cerity in the cause of true temperance, we offer you a salary of $500 per month for youir services as a lecturer of true temperance advocating the temperate use of absolutely pure Schlitz, the beer that made Milwaukee famous JOSEPH SCHLITZ BREWING COMPANY. Within a few hours, Mr. Wuesthoff had his reply, for the woman who has so effectively wielded the small axe in Kan­ sas, proved heraelf equally adept with the pen. • • . Mr. Wuesthoff. when sending the dis­ patch to Mrs. Nation insisted that the offer was bona fide. Danger of Colds and f>aOrlppe. The greatest danger from colds and la grippe is their resulting in pneumonia. If reasonable care is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, all danger will be avoided. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy for these diseases we have yet to learn of a single case having resulted in pneumonia, which shows conclusively that it is a certain preventive of that dangerous malady. It will cure a cold or an attack of la grippe in less time than any other treatment. It is pleas ant and safe to take. For sale by Julia A Story, To Presidential Inaugural at Washington JD. C„ and Return, Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold Febniary &8, March 1 and 2, but not for trains ar­ riving Chicago before March 1, limited for return to leave Washington until March 8, inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. 88-3t Buy what thou hast no need of,and ere long thou wilt sell thy necessities. Recent experiments show that all classes of foods may be completely di­ gested by a preparation called Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which absolutely di­ gests what you eat As "it is the only combination of all the natnral digest- ants ever devised the demand for it lias become enormous. It has never failed to cure the very worst cases of indigest­ ion and it always gives instant relief. Julia A. Story. Industry needs not wish, and he that lives upon hope may die fasting. When threatened by pneumonia or any other lung trouble, prompt relief if necessary, as it is dangerous to delay. We would suggest that One Minute Cough Cure be taken as soon as indica­ tions of having taken cold are noticed. It cures quickly and its early use pre­ vents consumption. Julia A Story. Diligence is the mother of good luck; and God gives all things to industry. TO CUBE A COLD IN ONE DAT, Take LAXATIVE Bromo Quinine Tab­ lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig­ nature is on each box. 25c. By diligence and perseverance the mouse ate the cable in two. Basis a* Kind Yoti Haw Ateays Begt --, A Card. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a 50 cent bottle of Green's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to cure your cough or cold. We also guarantee a 85 cent bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded. 27-28t t, JULIA A, STOBY. Reports show a greatly increased death rate from throat and lung troub­ les, due to the prevalence of croup, pneu monia and grippe. We advise the use of One Minute Cough cure in all of these difficulties. It is the only harm­ less remedy that gives immediate re­ sults. Children like it. Julia A. Story. Salaries United States Officers. President, $50,000; vice-president, $8,- 000; cabinet officers, $8,000 each. United States senators, $5,000, with mileage. Congress--Membe« of Congress, $5,- 000, with mileage. Supreme Court--Chief justioe, $10,500: associate justices, $10,000. Circuit Courts--Justioe of circuit courts, $6,000. The Kind Yeu Haw Always Bougtt G. A. Roberts, of Lintner, HL, suf­ fered fiur years with a wad in his stomach and could not eat. He lost 65 pounds. Two bottles of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin restored his appetite, cured his stomach trouble and today he is well and hearthy and says he owes his health to Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. G. W. Besley and Julia A Story. At a great pennyworth pause awhile; many are ruined by buying bargains. y 11,1 • 1 • 1 • 1 Should a Man be Vain? : Certainly he should. He should liave ambition to look well and feel good, which he cannot do unless he digests his food. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin aids digestion, clears the head, keeps the bowels regular and makes a man feel at peace with the whole world. Try it G. W. Besley and Julia A. Story. 5 * : f - S v ; C and ' h'it Boars the How to Cure the Grip. •' •• Remain quietly at home and take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as dir­ ected and a quick recovery is sure to follow. That isemedy counteracts any tendency of the grip to result in pneu­ monia, which is really the only serious danger. Among the tens of thousands who have used it for the grip not one case has ever been reported that did not recover. For sale by Julia A. Story. ' - ' * 4 V >,fl , The most beautiful thing ir the world is the baby, a$t dimples, and joy. The most pitiful thing is that same baby, thin and in pain. And the nother does not know that a tittle fat makes all the differ­ ence. ' - v Dimples smd joy have gofce) and left hollows and fear; the fat, that was comfort and color and curve^U but and iov£*4* gone.! > 1 ;-4 The little one gets no fat from her food- There is some­ thing wrong; it is either her food or food-mill. She has had no fat for weeks; is living on what she had stored in that |Jump little body of hers; and that is gone. She is starving for fat* it is death, be quick! 1- Scott's Emulsion Liver Oil is the fat she, can lake; it will save her. The genuine has this picture o:. tt, thke uo other. H you have not tried Ut send ir free sample, its ngrecabic *te will surprise you. aSCOTT & BOWNE, -- Chemists, : •O© pearl St., H^y. SOc. and $1.00 all drugariata. ^ J "V« ' t- * 4 " f Ws:.0 .f;: i * K \ - ] ' t' ) •'y.i v 1,5 D v.- '<:k> • • W v i^ . v ; vK • »,i- • ;Vv " '5- e . f , . v "; T A * 4 y," - > \'-i * '<4" K-: a- • 's-frtxi J PRESCRIPTIONS C A R E F U L L Y COMPOUNDED •"frnU **, <i 9'j s* *; ' v.- v? si'1""' f 't W1*-' S* **' ,T*U *< 1 r ^ i - 1 ' < - 1 " > i i i ' t u a * , i ' * ' ' f< fOII<ET ARTICLES . C'Z: N ° T 1 ° N » ' « - : v - ». (. ;•' PAINTS .AND' OILS,, o a K S. •• %, FINE CHINA WAR« ^ ^5 y y ' S T A T I O N E R ^LEGA^T RAMI'S " * - 'w"t ^ *" " ? w -»«. t JULIA A. STORY f l c H B N R V I L L I N O I S W H Y 'X '.v ^ The C. F. Blanke Tea & Coffee Co. has secured the following agencies in this vicinity to handle their celebrated Teas and Coffees: GILBERT BROS., McHenry SIMON STOFFEL West McHenry Antfoch--Williams Bros. Arlington lleights F E Davis Barrington--Jota» O Plwtge CrysfU wkfr^O GixXSgt Des PlHines-^picgler W«»- Edison Park--WoB A Bohr Grays Lake--F D Batterenall Greenwood--ma W«rt«m»n & K«*Pi» Harvard--H H Megram ^ Hî rOBHBpfwBros. Huntley--P Hteali >} fvanboe--John Melfcle Johnsburgh-^Tohn V Lajr Norwood Park--J as A Lo we Palatine--Be bpppe Bros^ -PC ussell--Sirer Bros Solon Mills Simes *; Spriag Gjovg-® E liurtifpil Cntotf*-C L Krenier Voio-J H Blobardsoa fauconda--Goldin* Bros. sk-0« HHooker F 4 Kv' Faust Blend jQ o f f $ ̂ «•> - E r̂ved excludvely on Dining CUB of Tie Mm PiUce Qr Co. . '&»• * and twenty-five other of the great- ̂ •. o- „ V. est Railroad and Steamboat lines, », ,-*i* Hotels and Restaurants of the | - I ' ̂'•̂ United States and Canada - *. * --' y-t < -.%K •i," ,1 . * 4g..i5 ii-I ; - Because, it is blended by taste, not / by weigh ̂has the finest drinking K ̂ quality of any Coffee in the world and is always the same. up 1,1 0, J ,•% y I% 1 ̂ i fMm tea & (orrff to Promoters of High Grade Gkmds • ̂ '«• *. >t" wid Projnietoxu of the Most .Com- s ptete ,OoffM Flant in the, U% S. ̂ \\ V ' ' •' ^ ,i; Jit

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