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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Feb 1901, p. 4

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' ^THURSDAY BY « mmtm COHMNY PlM. _ ^ W. A. Cbibtt, J. B. P«unr, Bee. Treas. B. 3T. Him, Manager. i Jusfeae BlocK, two dma aorite ot * »wrtl*s store. Oiuaana'. No. 1 VC«MS OF •UBSCAIPTIOfi: ....».» or six received for three the same proportion. Thursday, February 14,1901 ..... notice. • *fce figures on the label after your n&rne tell UN date to which your subscription is paid. pyt Instance, If the label on your paper reads 1,*W, it. means your subscription Is paid to9ept. I, *99. If you do not understand that il» figures on your paper represent the date §C which you think you are paid, notify us, giving date and amount of your last payment, and we will try and adjust the same. Advertiser*, Attention! i desiring their ads changed must have copy in this office not later than Monday night Its we positively cannot make changes after that time. The mm who raises hogs realizes that the pen is mightier than the sword. " A SURPLUS of $7,000,000 in the re­ ceipts of the goverment over its expen­ ditures dxuring the last month is a good Vtunple of Republican management. •,/.'? Having contributed more than $18- 000,000 to public libraries, Andrew Car­ negie surely is entitled to several de­ grees from the colleges as a man of let- REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS, Charles W Smith & w to Sarah Smith^: It 6. blk K, J. T. Pierson's addn to: Crystal Lake. 4 1 «b Austin Lindsey & w to James Richter, , H a near sw cor nv!i nwii sec 18. Al- . gonquiu MMW Nicholaus Schumacher to Nicholas J Justen. It 4, Nicholous & Katheriue Schumacher's sub-division se frl X sec 18. McHenry.. 35000 A L Austin & w to Charles H Foley, M a un se cor nwk* sec 21, Richmond... 100000 Jacob F Smith & w to John J Smith, se fraction sw frl M & pt e fraction se frl H also sH spv< seVf sec 24, McHenry... M F Patterson & w et al to Mrs Helen M Brink. Its 7 & 10, blk 6, Nunda 80000 Elleu F Parsons to Caroline Eishoite, It 8, blk 2, Mrs Mullin's add to Huntley 50040 Mary J Waples & hto Lillian B LStzen- berger. It 13, blk 5, E E Ayer's add Harvard -- MOSS Orestes Garrison to James L Hartwell, seM swH sec2. Greenwood 1500 Lee E Turner to Albert Willey, It II, Turner's 1st add to Solon 0000 Clarence H Paine & w to Fred C Sieg- meir, It 14, blk 6, Nunda 4 A NEW religious sect has been organ­ ised upon the principle that rich men dhould give all their wealth to the poor. II should find plenty of converts among the poor. if It can hardly be expected that the ew battleship Wisconsin, which has gone into commission, can add as much renown to the state after which H is named as the schooners which have IBade Milwaukee famous. - 4 Women are often accused of being poor housekeepers, bat a force of men V*ho moved a bachelor's effects the k day stirred up so much dust that were compelled to wear wet i over their nostrils. , i; / James Whitcomb Riley has written tor entertainingly about the frost-en- j'V crusted pumpkins and the joys that i eome with the autumn time, but he has never taken "spring" or the "beautiful ! « • «ow" for a poetic theme. Riley wants , ~• to retain his popularity and he - knows ' W. Adjutant General Robert B. •Wallace of the Grand Army of the Republic says that the veterans are an- 1 - Swering the final roll call at the rate of -1,000 men a month, a full regiment if ; '. every four weeks. The roster now eon- }* v. fains 276,662 names. It will still be a grand old army, however, when there is but one of its men left >, * , Ninety-seven young girls in Tren- £- *°n- N". J., have signed the following f pledge: *1 hereby promise not to keep with or to marry any man s / Who is not a total abstainer from the of all intoxicating liquors, including ; " *rine, beer and cider, and I promise to gfE Abstain from the same myself, I won't a man to save him." f> ' v Rather than undertake to settle the perplexing question as to which is the -favorite flower of that state, the legisla- of New Hampshire has passed an net providing that the school children of state shall decide the matter by • jfcheir votes next June. This would be ( - an easy way for the Illinois legislature I ", "to dispose of the same question. |C' A LARGE number of promotions will |Crr follow immediately upon the enactment |p|w|jf the army reorganization bill Itpro- ^ " f vides for a larger number of officers in t /" ! order that the organization may be fully gJ|W|Oipped with officers ia case it is raised to its maximum strength, and also for 5 fan increase In the staff departments, and together these changes will mean p. , * numerous promotions all along the line $ fori tiie present officers of the regular |f- army. |r STRAIN IS TOO SEVERE. Possibly Governor Yates mat possess vigor necessary to with- ' stand the strain he is having to endure t in giving audience day after day, and £"» ?t. during long hours each day, to the vast number of persons who visit him for ithe purpose of securing appointment to : official position for themselves or their |> friends, but it will test his strength to the extreme, as it would that of any fik .. person undertaking the task, no matter how vigorous he might be. It is strain which the governor of the state should not be subjected to and a remedy will have to be provided if the evil, if it may be termed an evil, continues to grow in the future in the same propor tion that it has grown daring the past decade. It may be that the number of office- seekers who importune |he governor for position is not greater now than it was in former years, in proportion to the population of the state and the num ber of positions to be filled, yet it so. But, if the increase iB due only to Increased population and the many ad ditional positions that have resulted from the increased population, it will continue to grow as the state grows in age and the numbers of its residents and a means should be provided to re- Uew future governors from the im- possible task they are destined to en­ counter. ^ It is commendable in the governor tfaat he wants to treat all applicants : that he ie willing to give all who asdkit a personal interview, and to per- sue and weigh their applications and in­ dorsements, but to do so he must give ' -V' more W tHjflHi to than of right the governor of a state should have to give. There ar» mattears of vifttl importance in admii^Hf tering the albdrH of a state of over millions of people which, if they oottld have tiie attention they should have, would take all of the time, the best thought slid consideration of the chief esecnfcive »nd every hour of his tiiuw, aiiu nil of the energy ihat lie is reviuktHl to devote to applicants for official posi­ tions must be given at the sacrifice of more important duties. The welfare of the state, as well as a just consideration for the comfort and health of the gover­ nor, make it imperative that he should be relieved of some of the strain which under present conditions is put upon him in the attention he is required to give to office-seekers, PROBATE NEWS IMS 00 S00 425 00 Proof of Frank J. Proof of Crystal Lake & Nunda Union cemetery to Henry NVollenberg, Its 84 & 35, bit 1, cemetery lots, sd cemetery.. George L Murphy to Frank Gooch, ett b% It 2 swk sec 6, Riley. Charles P Huffman & w to Phillip M Huffman, about 74 acres in sees Jr. 34 35, Nunda PROBATE NEWS Estate of Margaret Flood. death made. Will proved. Flodd appointed executor. ' Estate of Warren Hnlett. death made. Will proven. Amanda E. Hulett appointed executrix. Appraisers appointed. Estate of Peter Freund. Inventory and appraisement bill filed and approved. Estate of Andrew Bourne. Appraise­ ment bill filed and approved. Estate of Mary J. Ford. Inventory filed and approved. Proof of death made Sarah Smith appointed adminis­ tratrix. B^fnd, $100. Estate of Henry Deikman Inventory filed and approved. Estate of Elijah A. Bower. Proof of death and petition for probate of will & letters testamentary. Hearing set for February "27. I Estate of Jjtnes Smith. Final report filed. ' Estate o£ W m. Sullivan. Bond filed and approved. Estate of Frank Mrazek. Appraise­ ment bill filed and approved. Estate of Wm. Shotliff. Leave given to sell personal property. Estate of Catherine Durkee. Sale of real estate approved and deed ordered. Estate of A. W. Hart. Stood filed and and aoproved. Estate of W. W. Ellsworth. Report filed and approved. Estate of Andrew W. Thomas. Sale of real estate approved and deed or­ dered. Estate of Matthew Slavin. Petition for probate of will and letters testamen­ tary filed. MARRIAGE LICENSES. William Kollenkark...... . Crystal Lake Augusta Ahens .Huntley Henry Griffin Seneca Bertha B. Simons,... .. .Marengo Herman J. Kappen.. Huntley Lizzie M. Buhrow .Huntley John J. Macguire *.. 1 iP.. .Hartland Mary O'Connor .Dunham Reuben R. Turner...Solon Mill- Nellie B. Halderman Solon Milla < # i Just Received Direct From the Manufacturer.; V'.Az i. I mm 1 k'ii Pants that usually sell at $2.00, go at.. $2 Pant worth now ciienry DR. TALLERDAY S (HAS. 1. PtfTIS & (fl. C A S H Pi*Sduce Buyefl VOLO. Miss Mary Graves was a Volo caller Saturday. Jack Raymond IhaB returned from his trip to Minnesota. Miss Mary Raymond was a Yolo caller Wednesday afternoon. Quite a number in car little village are still on the sick list. Miss Bessie Rogers, of Waukegan, is visiting friends in Volo. Abbey Converse and Maud Walton were McHenry callers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Torrance, of Wau conda, were Volo callers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Raught have re­ turned from their visit in Waukegan. Mrs. Laura Granger, of Chicago, vis­ ited at Fish Lake a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Walton and Mrs. Jane Converse were in Waukegan Tues­ day. Miss Jennie Walton attended the teachers' institute held at Woodstock Friday and Saturday. The masquerade dance was a failure on account of the storm so it will be held Saturday night February 16. • Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Has world-wide fame for marvellous cures. It surpasses any other salve, lo­ tion, ointment or balm for Cuts. Corns, Burns, Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers, Tet­ ter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions; Infallible for Piles. Care guaranteed. Only 25c at Julia A. Story's. •<. MASTER'S 8ALE OF REAL State or Illinois J Vbs McHewbt County f In the Circuit Court of McHenry County. Jacob Justen 1 vs vBlll to Forclose. John Krause et al j PUBLIC NOTICE |s hereby given that in pursuance of a decree made and entered by saicl Court in the above entitled cause on the 31st. day of Jan., A. D., 1901, I, Geo. W. Field, master in Chancery of the Circuit Court ot McHenry County, Illinois, will, on Saturday, the 9th day of March, A. I). 1901, at the hour of one o'clock in the af­ ternoon. at the East door of the Court House in the city of Woodstock, county of McHenry and State of Illinois, sell at public vendure to the highest and best bidder for cash, all ami singular, the following; described prem­ ises auu real estate in said decree mentioned, or so much thereof as will satisfy said decree, situated in the town of McHenry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, to-wit: Lot number three (3) in Block number three (3) in the Village of West McHenry and Origi­ nal plat thereof. Dated at Woodstock, 111., Feb. 11, A. D., 1001. Geo. w. Field, 33-4t Master in Chancery. Working Overtime.* Eight hour laws are ignored by those tireless, little workers--Dr. King's New Life Pills. Millions are always at work, night and day, curing Indigestion, Bil­ iousness, Constipation, Sick Headache and all Stomach, Liver and Bowel troubles. Easy, pleasant, safe, sure. Only 25c at Julia A. Story's drug store. v;: A good looking' horse and poor look- '^/ _ ing harness la the i worst kind of m oom- bi nation. * Eureka Harness Oil not only make# the barnetM and the bone lock better, bat makes the l| leather soft and pliable, puts It in con- {I dition to last--twloe as long (| as it ordinarily wonld. / 1,7, Soli ewrywhere In n«m • >W I Fi.'li sin*. Made by il ililuif STANDARD '• OIL CO. Give Your Horse a. Chancet Bdl Telephone. The following are the names and numbers of the patrons of the McHenry and West McHenry exchanges of the Chicago Telephone Co. Residences only are specified . All others are business houses. SIMON 8TOFFEL, Manager. 234 AurinperDr.A.E. r 221 Owen O W r 343 Besley O. W.drug 314 Owen & Chapell' 288 Besley G.W.hotel 252 O'Neill liev.P M#• S32 Barbian Bros 853 Barbian N B r 894 Boley G F v 201 Brand Joba jV 812BuchJJ ^ 2 1 1 C h a p e l l S S r 881 Chapell C O r 1 Chicago Tel Co 241 Page C L 312 Plalndealer Co. 262 Rosedale Club '>4 Koss I >r K C 202 Ross Dr F C r 342 Somniers Geo r 321 Spurling DrACr ' sSh 364 Sh erman Mr. r 322 DermontMrsShotel 372 Stoffel S r ' California The Gateway To the Orient BABXUSTU.X.K. Chas. Knaack has a new wind milL Clarence C!olby was in McHenry Mon­ day. Miss Lillie Robison, of Elgin, is visit­ ing with relatives hem Miss Annie Fleming attended teachers institute at Woodstock Friday. Mr. Swanson, of Nunda, was trans­ acting business here last week. Miss Maude Harnish, of Burton's Bridge, spent Saturday in Elgin. Johnie Hunter spent Saturday night with Floyd and Robbie Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thompson and family spent Friday at Thos. Thomp­ son's. A few from here attended a card party at P. Hunt's at Holcombville Fri­ day evening. A little son of S. Krouse accidently had one of his fingers cut off with a%j 4& one day last week. Allyan Starritt and Miss La Nette Covalt, of Nunda, spent Monday evening with Miss Clara Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Chappel and Miss Annie Wilton, of Lake Co., visited at Chas. Wilmington's part of last week. Miss Clara Thompson and Chas. GKbbs were pleasant visitors at our school on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Fred Wilmington entertained a large party of his friends at cards on Thurs­ day evening. The 1st prizes were cap­ tured by Miss Birdie Wamsley and Wm. Walsh. The booby was won by Jim Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Thompson and daughter, Clara, attended the double silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L. Bryant and Mr. and Mrs. Chas " " Numerous profitable Openings in California. Make money in orange and lemon groves, vineyards, wineries, orchards. Make money in cattle and sheep ranches, wheat fields, . beet sugar culture, varied farm products. Make money in mines. oll wells, manufacturing, trading The California Limited daily, Chicago to Los and San Francisco. •' General Passenger Office The AtchUea, Topeka a Santa & R'y CHICAGO 281 Engeln Anton 283 Engeln M* 333 Pegers Dr 0 H 254 Frett Chas G 301 Fisher & Cornish 843 Hanly Geo * 288 Hafeef E J r 353Hertz H Lt 234 Heitner Jos 208 Holtz & Stilling 2 0 4 H o w e A L i , 332 Howell MAr 203 Jensen H M 313 Justen Jacob r 344 Justen N J 223 Lamphere C. E. r 351 Lorimer Wm t 244 McHenry Ore'm'ry 242 Whiting WEr Company. 311 Wells Dr D '? 861 MeOniber PL 7 Western U Tel 00 874 Mead H C r 373 Wlghtmap Harry 383 Owen L H r ' TOIX STA xIONS. German Village........P. Jaeger, 10c. • Johnaburg John P Lay. McHenry .....Gilbert Rrofcheiw Mineral Springs ...H.Ericsson. * Plstakee Bay.., Ben Stilling. Solon Mills W H Davis, 20c. Spring Grove A Nelsh, 20c. 304 Stoffel 8 postoffloe 5 Stoffel Simon store 273 Story J I r 401 Story Julia A r » 371 Stafford R W 341 Snider Uros -i 303 Tweed R G 231 Village of McHenry pumping station 388 Village of McHenry public school 233 Villageof McHenry Marshall's res 392 VanSlyke J 302 Wattles F H 384 Walsh Jack r 222 Wheeler E S r Constipation, Torpid liver and th£ Blood. 3 ^ Belvidere, 111., Feb. 5,1901. I inherited Eczema, as my mother suffered for years with an incurable form, and I had been afflicted with it from childhood to a mild extent It had annoyed me for several years dur­ ing the summer months. In April, 1900, the affliction was very pronounced. By the mictdle of May I was nearly incapac­ itated for business. • In June I suffered to such an extent that I could get no rest under any conditions, and the tor­ ture was undermining my nervous sys­ tem and reducing physical forces to an alarming extent, and I cannot describe my sufferings. I had employed the best i&edical skill obtainable, but with no re­ lief until I began taking Dr. Tallerday's Fruit Juice. Within three days my suf­ fering began to subside and within three weebs I was much better than I had been during the summer months for years. The continued use of this medi­ cine completely cured me, removing ev­ ery sjmptom of the disease. Have rec­ ommended it to others for different blood diseases and all have been bene­ fited by its use. I make this statement purely upon the merits of this remedy, and will be glad to answer any inquiries any sufferer wishes to ask me, if they will enclose stamp for reply. E. J. Munn. Residence, 540 S. Main St., Belvidere. P l a c e o f B u s i n e s s , U n i o n , I1L ^ ' • » , Dr. Tallerday'^Jii; Cough Cure Cures. Beloit, Wis. i My#fflsband was home, sick, for over a week with ljaGrippe and was cough­ ing night an<rday. He commenced to use Dr. Tallerday's Cough Cure and got relief at once. We have never had a medicine in our house that has done so much good. It is invaluable. The Pain Tablets have no equal. Mrs. Emma Needham, 1216 Vine St. /1 Beloit, Wis. My gran#-s<^ti haB suffered from birth with broncim coughs, and after using | bottle of Dr. Tallerday's Cough Cure is getting well. I am using both the Cough Cure and the Tonic myself, and think they are excellent. Mrs. Geo. Stires, 721 Brook St. Manufactured by THE TALLERDAY XID1C1MX CO., BeWMm, f& . For sale by • JULIA A. STORY, •* McHenry CMBO. W. BESLEY, f •'*" VWert McHenry Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Itartilicially digests tlie food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon­ structing the exhausted digestive or­ gans. It Is the latest discovered digest- ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it In efficiency. It in* stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SickHeadache.Gastralgia,Cramps and all other resul ts of imperfect d igestion. Price 60c. and Si. Large size contains W* times small alee. Book all about dyspepsia mailed free Prepared by C. C. DeWITT & CO. Chicago. JULIA A. STORY. Tamy Ualentines : " % % * • *-jiv'/*" 'Hi*. ^ ~ 'iA y~r ;>rv,/r • We have an elegant display of fancy Valen­ tines which all the young men and ladies should see. You can surely make a selection that will please your friend. | ' /, j. ' me- * West A large assortment to select from now, while the stock is complete. ' Come in GEO. W. BESLEY 5 Chas.^ E. Rowley, at CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. 11m KM You Have Always BwgM Bears the Blgnalare of l» tllLIP JAEGER General • £ommi$$ioii merchant ' - •" !> ,*• •< Stall 1 A3, Fulton St. Wholesale Market Special attention given to the sale of •f "M 1 . m Dressed Bief, riuttoo Hogs, Veal, Poultry Hides, Etc. Butter and / - * street This is the oldest on ti - T a g s a n d p r i c e l i s t s iC furnished on application^ This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a 4EHERAL BANKIM BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire* ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. •. Honey to Loan^ on real estate and other first class se­ curity. Spee- ial attention given to collections, and promptly at­ tended to INSURANCE ; in First Class Companies, at the Low­ est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, IWary Public. Bankers. Sale ptr A Complete 'rinting Consisting pt Cylinder Job Press Paper Cutte^r f ^ Gasoline Engiue ^ Job and Dlspla; Body Type - Btones . standi And everything with which to print a paper or do job work. wmwM Will be sold seperately or a very low price given on the entile plant Apply at once to Dressed Poultry, Oame, Furs, , i Bff§* end Butter. a»4 DUANP STREBT* NEW " writefer preseet piyiat prices. ^OJQ per Mnttuti Expeases can be made by a capable woman. Perma­ nent position. Experience unnecessary. Write at once forparticulars. Clark & Co., 234 South. 4th St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Pon ' t Be Foo led i T t i p s g w n i l f . n r l t l -- I ROCKY HOVNTAW TEA sfs^&sss^srx kMps ym w*H. Oar Mi mark cot on cadi pacfaun. rain, MB oaU. Nmrwl „ In bulk. Accept no Mtwtl- «W«wwi*TiDim tute. Aak your drugsUt. M W W ' T I © C o m m a n i c 4 t i-o n is an element that enters largely into MODERN M D T H O D S It is this which makes the TELEPHONE an indispensible adjunct Business or residence service 5 to 16 cents per day of 24 hours Cikigo Tefepkse (smpay swoh im: '%4 ' - ' C v « s- you like Olives?^; 1 We have the finest stock ordered that has ever been seen in this town. If you/.want a small olive, or a large olive in a large bot we have them in all grades an some nice stuffed olives. e or small bottle, at all prices. Aiso Do you want an Apple? - ' • 1 ^ \ v We have several barrels of choice Ben Davis, Baldwins, Greenings, etc. which are bein°g sold at right price, by the peck, bushel or barrel. v r |G(L.BERT BROS, McHeft'fV m .. MILD LAXATIVE, DoMiu frngAD ?TS? uxTrm VELL,I GuE»\b. jWociid yocx 3oor>er be ocr^>63# irrit»Dkv^iCftOdrniserotbi«, tbcsD^od tooetweu.? Well.1 Gutss No! TH£M GOTO 0RU6 STTORC AMD SECURE: THIS /nooceM^rrrc* IN T»/^eT Coco-CCLIRY-COUA, COR MCRV£,VlTAUTY# ̂ CAU^HCSS AnOPCACCFUL5LUM6eR. TH6M0PKNI JULIA A. STORY, Druggist. IQOSSPSOSSI P U R I T Y is a very essen­ tial thing in a drug store and in buying drugs and patent med­ icines we bear this in mind. We guarantee our stock to be of the purest on the market.... issoesooeessSBsssssBsseiNHiee--oco|. >. A COriPLETE STOCK Not only is onr stock complete--it is fresh and new in every department. We have secured the services of H. A. Goddard, a competent pharmacist, which insures accuracy in compounding prescriptions Fk&sjr <3doil * NbUoii;" 4 Toilet Articles, Fancy Stationary . v School Supplies, Wall Paper, Faints and Oils Druggist's Sundrie^J" % ^ ffl* ' Ringwood, III rS . BROWN & SON, 1 A* i 'Mi R ED • RIVER* VALLEY • FAIM • WANS • FOR . SAL f An absolutely safe investment paying 6 per cent t erest A full description of the security with location, value andamount of loan, will be sent upon request. If you wish a choice inveatment of an* amount, I will esteem it a favor to hear from you with a request for (totalled information LAJIB^RSON, Cashier Bank of Warren, • - Warren, Minnesota RsraywcsB:--Eirsfc Nat. Bank, St. Paul, Bradstreet* or Duns •*e RED RIVFR VAUEY EARNS BOUOHT AND SOLD hr •T: 114 J05. H. HUEflANN, Joh"fu^ M Wf Illinois. Sw -» r: >* Appleton Corn Shelter*"^ Corn Shellers and Tread Power* THE PLAINDEALER COLD STORAGE emcatt, Pikes ilwiys ReisiaiMe *.• ' > - • •... V • ft m W&;. -1^ \ftU r£" AefeS , flS)> , ^ X"4<, -""'Infi \ Implex Grinding Mills, Bock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Windlfiflu $ v ; Supplies. Harness Oil, Paint Oil and /lachin^ -Ik ^

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