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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Feb 1901, p. 8

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'• ' 4, i •' M:' V- ' i * - - '. ̂ A • vf ? t r •> intend to make THIS, the last week of the great closing sale, the Week of aJl, and have marked every thing so low that if you are ing to need any thing in bur line within the next six months, will pay you to come and load up before March ' i. -- • ti: kV J; f i*v tember, this slaughter in prices is not in any special branch of the ' consists of the whole stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Notions, G eriesandall. You all know that throughout this sale, from " | start, we have sold goods just as advertised and furthermore will promise you that from now to March 1, will sell any thing cheaper * than was ever offered before in 4;.:: i-v-V-V- Si 1 --••A t i • ^ _ l\ ' " . V 1>v'j c-' i-V'S ri*: ; if&.&[': s^-vi : ' ' :X-v (HAS. L. PEITIS & CO. C A S H j Produce Buyers Dressed Poultry, Game, Furs, 4*" ; .f Eggs and Butter. . Ms 304DUANE STREET, ; NEW YORK. Wk presort p<vn* prices. Do N'T BE FOOLEDI © ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA yg'&airart tog ymm ||frfL^Ow >r«<| mu. W»wr MM No. 2 The Chance . C- , Rented faros*, •aprodocttvo Mil, wfavmUe clfmate, poor crops, wtgages, low prices, are dis­ couraging obstacles in many 'localities. -i-* , X:f:% WHY NOT OO TO ASHINGTONI here land is cheap. here work is plentiful. hers- all kinds of fruits, gnSas and vegetables grow. here they can be raised in abun­ dance. here they are raited with the least amount of labor. here the climate is almost perfect, here churches and tchoob abound, here a home of your own and freedom from debt awaits./ This disease always results from a cold or an attack of the grip and may be presented by the timely nee of Chamber­ lain's Cough Remedy. That remedy waa extensively used daring the epide­ mics of La Grippe of the past few years, and not a single case has ever been re­ ported that did not recover or that re­ sulted in pneumonia, which shows it to be a certain preventive of that danger­ ous disease. Chamberlain's Cough Re­ medy has gained a world wide reputa­ tion for its cures of colds and grip. For Bale by Julia A. Story. Ton can't tell how an apple tastes by licking the skin; neither a man's heart by the cut of his coat. La Grippe Quickly Cared. "In the winter of 1898 and 1899 I was taken down with a severe attack of what is called La Grippe" says F. L. Hew'ett, a prominent druggist of Win- field, 111. "The only medicine I used was two bottles of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It broke up the oold and stopped the coughing like magic, and I have never since been troubled with Grippe." Chamberlain's Cough Remedy can always be depended upon to break up a severe cold and ward off any threatened attack of pneumonia. It is pleasant to take, too, which makes it the most desirable and one of the mo«t popular preparations in use for these ailments. For sale by Julia A. Story. Many a man imagines that he is in the glare of publicity when the public isn't aware of his existence. There is no necessity for a man spending' his days working- on a rented farm, barely making1 his living', and with never a prospect «t owning his own home. WONDERFUL WASHINGTON. "The ever-jfreen state," is ri to you. The land of plenty, the land unrivalled resources, the land of easy livinff. H you desire any information or descriptive matter upon this subject, --«^ us your address. _____ For illustrated description and full informa­ tion about SETTLERS' LOW RATES OVER THE GREAT NORTHERN RY. write or call on MAX BASS, Gen. Int. Aft,80 S. Clark 8t_ if. I. WHITNEY, F HP.4T.A., ST. PAOFC, MINN. GREAT NORTHERN TICKETS ON SALE f^tenary 18th, 19th. 26th; March 0th* 12th, 19th, 26th 1 April 9d, 9th, 16th* 93d* SOth, As an exchange truthfully remarks, people who go away from home to do their trading should-not feel hurt when others go away for things in their line. As a community we are all dependent on each other and each should patronize the other when he can. Our interests are mutual and money spent at home will find its way back to you in time. Do not go out of town for what you can get at home." *' V" • ____________ , ^: - W How to Care the Qrip. * < » Remain quietly at home ari& take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as dir­ ected and a quick recovery is sure to follow. That remedy counteracts any tendency of the grip to result in pneu­ monia, which is really the only serious danger. Among the tens of thousands who have used it for the grip not one case has ever been reported that did not recover. For sale by Julia A. Story. Taxes! Taxes! On and after this date I will be at the following places for the collection of taxes: Thursdays--J. J. Miller's store. West McHenry; Saturdays--Owen & Chapell's store, McHenry; Mondays--C. M. Adam's store, Johnsburgh; Tues­ days--J. E. Cristy's store, Ring wood. 3i-6T PETER ROTHEKMEL, Collector. A Card. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a 60 cent bottle of Green's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it foils to cure your cough or cold. We also guarantee a 25 cent bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded. 27-26t JULIA A. STOBY. Mothers can do more to save the world than preachers. , s f e ; : f : • f , q Stops the Cough j, , • ; land works off the ColdK' Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, no Pay. Price 25 cents. Certainly he should, tie should have ambition to look well and feel good, whiehuhe cannot do unless he digests his food. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin aids digestion, clears the head, keeps the bowels regular and makes a man fed at peace with the whole world. Try it. Q. W. Besley and Julia A. Story. The truth of a silent man's words is never questioned. e Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Has world-wide fame for marvellous eurtis. It surpasses any other salve, lo­ tion, ointment or balm for Cuts. Corns, Burns, Boils, Sores, Felons, Uloers, Tet­ ter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions; Infallible for Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c at Julia A. Story's. An idle young man makes a needy old Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold February 28, March 1 and 2, but not fdr trains ar­ riving Chicago before March 1, limited for return to leave Washington uattt March 8, inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. 88-8t Working Overtime. Eight hour laws are ignored by thoae tireless, little workers--Dr. King's New Life Pills. Millions are always at work, night and day, curing Indigestion, Bil­ iousness, Constipation. Sick Heafoohe and all Stomach, Liver and Bowel troubles. Easy, pleasant, safe, sure. Only 25c at Julia A. Story's drug store. TO CUB1 A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take LAXATIVE Bromo Quinine Tab* lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's sig­ nature is on each box. 25c. I will be at J.J Miller 's store, West McHenry, on Wednesday of sack week |; for the collection of North Nunda taxes. £•;. LOP BURTON, Collector. A powerful engine cannot be run with ' a weak boiler, and we can't keep up the ? strain of an active life with a weak ^ stomach; neither can we stop the human 1 machine to make repairs. If the 1^1 stomach cannot digest enough food to ^ keep the body strong, such a preparation as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure should be used. It digests what you eat and it simply H§ can't help but do you good. Julia A. 7 Story. . : • . ' Whatman has done woman wants to do. • •• ' ; Children never ciy very loud tor it, 11 but they do like Dr. Caldwell's Syrup ^ Pepsin. Ask G. W. Besley and Julia A. /; Story. Dancer of Colds and LaOrippe. The greatest danger from colds and la grippe is their resulting in pneumonia. If reasonable care is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, all danger will be avoided. Among the tens of thousands wbo have used this remedy for these diseases we have yet to learn of a single case having resulted in pneumonia, which shows conclusively that it is a certain preventive of that dangerous malady. It will cure a cold or an attack of la grippe in less Uma than any other treatment. It is pleas­ ant and safe to take. For sale by Julia A. Story, There are only three kinds of people in the world--those that have the grip, those that have had it, an^L tfytt expect, to*have it. v^- . -- • ' -/ifc., Be In Btjrla. f Don't laugh at fashion. , ' I 1 determined to reduce " : 1 1 1 1 1 I ' r « " ' - f . - M ? " I Shoes and will close out many lines at Don't hinder progress. Try to be affable. J < s ; T Look on the bright flffifti Strive to be happy, Enjoy life. v *' Keep healthy, which you can do by using Dr. Cald­ well's Syrup Pepsin according to direct­ ions. It is an absolute cure for Consti pation, Indigestion, Stomach Troubles and Sick Headache. G. W. Besley and Julia A. Story. The more health a man drinka the less be has next meaning, flen's Fine Shoes^t-:!' from $1.20 up >Nv Ladies' Fine Shoes, , from $1.00 up Misses' and Children's Shoes from 35c Up 1'-. m - ;:jiX ACTUALifCOST Do not miss the opportunity of buying your u ̂ Shoes now. We will give a bigdisoountoa#;;;fV * ' _ v ~ s • f<-f • . S t ' ft f :A * * v,: f' '.<• 'j- ' 1 *•' S anything,i» li«e» WW. T-" •- 4 ' f r r x i r - \ ? r - n $ . * } < : > • * • ' .it*#,* Yours truly, ^ t'.'i . ;.,fv •.H'. ' Telephone 363 ̂ • v .. . ̂ -Al • • : : J .W , ̂ ̂ i V . * * * *4 i i f f jf +4 * * y " : •~4"' v\k- & fe fa: '»r •>.$ '?• J mmm ' V.J.". ** -llf: ,& U. l'\"~ West McHenry, lltti ?V m •m ~ fsfc" j

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