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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Feb 1901, p. 3

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i4U' todm- ca«f««d. ft* the papers to Is still after him..J*:' to overhaul him and ftsttha hiliaw Honolulu mnprn*' *m. t» nay Wtten fce left ' tlMr t <3Hy, to let Kansas OHjr, ft. î ify and < v HUOIB ..._ ... OQtthe «tfi)ea*». She refases to ghy the man's ; tt«| could 4o :V '̂V, HALF DEAD SOLDIER. -• 4"-;V tt BnkM dp to Bh' În Sooth Dokota. ' \ Bristol, So. Dak., Feb. 18th, 1ML-- „., '(Special.)---Peter Behres says: "When I retwawl from the war I found that Ik • -VI was in a very critical condition. My rm was all run down, and I gradu-hecame worse, until I was half V"*'"i;dead with Kidney and Bladder Trou- ||^|||Me. My family wanted me to consult physician, hut as I had learned 1. / through several of my comrades of the wonderful cures of Dodd's Kidney mis I determined to give them a trial »» KVU Mr. Behres, or Capt Behres as he should be called, because he was cap- {i .v^ tain of the 1st Minnesota Cavalry, and r/- »- - in 1862 was for fourteen months in continual service In warfare with the Indians, is now an honored member of the Q. A. R., who has reached the ripe •Id age of three score years and ten. I * j He continues: "I am now an old sol- ..j"' •y-.dier, seventy years of age, and enjoy­ ing almost perfect health, and all y thanks for this is due to Dodd's Kidney Pills. 1 found after having used the 'fefltat few boxes that my faith was not misplaced in them, and in a very short while my kidneys were doing the work • T required of them and the bladder trou­ ble was soon eliminated, it was al- yUF' most a year before I was myself, but ^ /during that time 1 used Dodd's Kidney /Pills faithfully and with the very best ^ results that anyone could wish for. 1 p:|§|||wottld not have been without them for king's ransom. I am now well aa > :* any man of my age. 50c a box, six boxes for |2.&0. Buy I tl^em from your local dealer if you can. fi^j^If he cannot supply you send to the V ?f;-;Dodds Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. M • >V\ ' WtelieirB OwMtMlty to AlMVA«Mb - \J, Mr. Charles W. Mitchell, whose offer || to be responsible tor the whole of the || d«fot on the Aberdeen university build- ,:;;;lngs, to the extent of £20,000, has •if teen announced, is a singularly unos- - • tentatious man. He spends the for- | tune made In the great -business of Armstrong, Mitchell & Co. in doing good quietly, and in financing artistic ffrjand educational experiments, some of j-% which are almost Quixotic in their freedom from the commercial element ' •>'; One excellent institution which he has •mj decently started, and which is being : worked under his personal superin- '. tendence, is the handicrafts' Company, : ifj Intended to instruct and assist artistic ^7* craftsmen and mechanics. Mr. Mitchell is a well-known artist, whose "Hypa- ,tia" was one of the paintings of the year in the Grosvenor Galley of 1885. i K a4,: Csefulnees of Meg*phoaf>s. . Megaphones are by no means a instrument. They are, in e of great practical use, |§| and will doubtless be so recognized in the near future. On the water, shore or in any open country where there are no obstructions and no local 5^ sounds to interfere, one may talk v 4 through a megaphone and be distinct* viy heard for over a mile, while.a loud 3vii> \ ment for at least two miles. I VMonufoc tartar Sl(wi Fla<ii O®® of the busiest Industries in Eng­ land just now is that of the manufact- ure of signal flags. On Jan. 1 next the : mercantile marine will be obliged to ^ndopt the prised system of the in- <%. { ternational oode of flag signaling, and i.each vessel will need ten new flags. ^>w!v,«Aa England and her colonies have 'j.( '̂ nearly 11,000 vessels In this category, prodigious amount of preliminary h 'work in bunting is made necessary. ^ ; » v . te* •* •• Btobjr. , % To keep the skin clean is to keep > tt healthy, every mother should there- k- ̂ ion a«e that her halqr 1> gî ea a dally v'kgttT in warm water with Ivory Soap. > ;r "Th« nnraary should also be well aired Mf%uad cleaned, and all clothing washed y V Jwtth Ivory Soap, well rinsed and dried '-̂ 1 ̂««• ®LI2A R. PARKBS. Comforting;* A medic&l journal says that man's ittle toe la disappearing. This is corn- news. There will be that much >r the conductor to tread on la « crowded street Qar.--Wa*hln£ton iBtar. . - • tmnm'a Ŝ mllr HMtota* {Moves tan bowels aacH day. in ' ̂ ifo he healthy this is necessary. 'gently on the liver and kidneys. Cores riaiek headache. Price 25 and 50c. >rgeV-I just saw you coming conservatory with Miss Goldie. , l̂ ndsome girl, but too aMteh , ^n>i ma trnr me. Thomas--Yea. r*e Jftiit reserved her for life. "W . C' v WASTED--Men and women to Mil mm ;jiatt-Grtp thoe in*ole; ran prvreatatfr* t'Tmmgm Orlp, A too pMfttnOan at feet. for wmpUl ' sslM*. A««ot« cut nutke big money. •" <1* i BMSIih, Fennt. Not only is education free in New jSealand, hut, Where necessary, efcil- iiren are conveyed to and from school on the government rail- hMit'he- mm wsiiwer- Of a qaart tank- to 'the rc- inherlt the of iii sire, the ae> sabtedly, presents, The aforesaid sire, how- ill part and between the geniality that prompt̂ ills godchild's ha£ him with a thla vol- d in morocco, con- t ittalier of his favorite re* which he had caused to be print- ed lor this a#«p purpose, witli th« mmat that oal could not begin too yewwfc to study and practice £1* •!<»- tlea of the cutî ry art, s«r#t̂ »te. As, however, this strange gilt mui ac­ companied by a very hattdam the parents smiled gracftNtt upon the eccentric bon vivant. you are seeking a sponsor for your child don't select one with a hobby. Such Is the opinion, formed ten aaft experience, of a Devonshire father, who a few years back rashly asked his cousin, an enthusiastic naturalist, just returned from the east, to act in that capacity. In due course his relative , and with him, as a gift for godchild, a large box containing a carefully selected sample--of Teno- moff reptilse! ;Ats a ^#ih«al stampede took plaoe. the father alone screwing up sufficient courage to re­ main and reproach his cousin, who, after a somewhat stormy scene,left the house with his present. At a conjur­ ing entertainment given for the bene­ fit of his family and friends a Mr. Z-- was immensely jocular and witty at the expense of an elderly bachelor re­ lation, from whose hat he produced a heterogeneous assortment of articles. Two years later Mr. Z-- asked the same relation to stand godfather to his infant daughter. The relation consent­ ed, hilt what waa the fond father's chagrin when he produced, not only the costly gift that was expected of him^..bjjt the very hat which two win­ ters back had been, in the hands of the amateur conjurer, a veritable cor­ nucopia, remarking at the same time that, as he really did not know what to give, he thought he had better hand over the wonder-working hat to the father, and let him make his own sel­ ection therefrom. And with a chuckle he left the house. tHK NBWE8TWOMA«i TO* etrl of Kansas la' tkm iMtmmt IpceUMo. Esther Searle of Cawker City, Kas., is the latest specimen of the new woman. During the two months that her brother was absent Miss Searle took his place In the blacksmith shop with her father. Bather was deter­ mined that'her father should suffer-no inconvenience from the absence of her brother. In consequence she took hold of whatever there was to do with a heartiness and vim which astonished everyone. Her prowess at the anvil became the common theme of conver­ sation in the vicinity. The Searle smithy became the rendesvous for those who had heard of the girl black­ smith's fame, and curious people from far and wide drifted into the little city to see the prodigy for themselves. •Miss Searle seemed to be unoonsclous that she was the object of so much at­ tention and continued her duties at anvil or bellows just as if she were doing nothing extraordinary. Various women's clubs in Kansas and other states have taken up the subject, and a very interesting paper was read at <me of them by an advanced woman suffragist recently. In the course of her remarks this woman said: "The lesson which Miss Searle 'has taught us should mean the regeneration of wom­ anhood. We shall never escape from the thraldom which binds us like glaves to the mop, the scrub brush and the dish rag until we put ourselves ex­ actly on the same level as the* male, We must take our place at the forge and the carpenter's bench, as we have done at the loom and at' the counter. We must sail shi?s lag svx:ct guns, blast rocks and mine metals. The Woman of the twentieth century will be a revelation. She will no longer be the timid, shrinking Shadow of lordly and domineering man. She will ask no quarter in fighting the world's battle. She will take only when she can give. She will till the soil and mine the mountains. She will run lo­ comotives and drive electric motors, play football and baseball and do any­ thing and everything to develop that aide of her nature which has lain dor­ mant for centuries, thereby compelling her to be the weaker vessel." rfnr Wenhiporc ta atil-- Dr. A. Donaldson Smith writes: "In Central Africa, among the Katu, I dis­ covered these people to be cow wor­ shipers and to indulge in certain rites which were supposed to be peculiar to the Hindoo religion. Plastering themselves with cow dung and throw- ing- blts of dried dung at every one and everything they liked seemed to be a matter of much import to them, and occasionally some old man or woman would *be quite unmerciful in giving me a too generous dusting. The origin of this cow worship is presumably the same •with the Katua as with the Hin­ doo, traceable to the great dependence placed upon the animal for susten­ ance. The Katua eat the cow, but all the people turn out when the beast la killed and go through much .ppeK mony."--Pennsylvania Grit. „ • GtMS Poyalty Moit StatMf. There art only four statnes in the "United Kingdom erected to the mem­ ory of women other than royalties. The first statue of a woman erected in Bngland waa that of Slater Dora, the Walsall nurse; the second was that of Mxk Bidden* the third Flora Mao- ddnald, and the fourth that unvfiled at Diaoon a year or ory of Bora . ' Nevnr light,* iMirtti filial only #t Oer Bpaelsl TraatmMit wertfcy of ssrioia Is eeeot the world's byhimdrsdB ot«S& two after Bell, D. D. Secretary of editorially J man i> SEndd, 5ftSSSS3?w«« . & "-Jewell, M. feUsh your aur- .fc Mess. M. IX, Medical Collate, tes has taken twe , _ hwtructton to dis- ot the heart and lungs." M». Tru- Isr-s inherited headache and dfast- e_Well-known manufactarer of 3L, J. C. Bcott, says: "I had spent thousands of dollars on physicians until 1 consulted Dr. Miles." fin. Frank Smith, of Wabash Ave., Chl- Itset "Dr. Miles cured mo of live leading physicians had me vp." This new tijrstam of special treatment Is and Immensely su- methods. readers may have 88.80 worth of treatment, specially pr»a>ed tor thslr cese, /r««, with full directions, we wooM advise tt«B to send for it at onee. Address Dr. VwMf* MBss, 808 to 8OT State St., Dept. L, Cbleago. Mention this paper. "DBALINO WITH CRIMB8 IN CANADA." (From the Chicago Times-Herald, on Jan. 18th, 1901.) The citizens of the Dominion of Can­ ada have just cause to be proud of their record as law-abiding people. The annual report of the criminal statis­ tics of the Dominion, which has a population of over 6,000,000, shows that there were only twenty-five indict­ ments for murder In 1899, of which only two were left without final action. Eleven of thoee indicted were hanged, nine acquitted and three oonfined aa Canada is a country of vast propor­ tions. Its people are scattered over a wide stretch of territory, making po­ lice surveillance particularly difficult and In many districts impossible. Yet a city like New York or Chicago alone furnishes a far greater criminal lint every year than the whole vast stretch of territory from Quebec to Vancou­ ver. The Canadians ascribe their Immu­ nity from crime to the promptness with which punishment is meted out to offenders. When a man Is caught red-handed in the act of robbing an­ other he is not released on straw bail by some justice of the peace from the slums, to go out and repeat the offei Sharp and sure justice Is meted oat to criminals of all kinds, the result being that when the guardians of the public peace succeed in bringing a thug to the bar they are seldom called upon to hunt him a second time. Furthermore, there are few court de­ lays in Canada when a criminal la brought to book. They have no Dreyer cases over there. There are no meth ods whereby Canadian criminals can have the proceedings stayed from month to month and from year to year or after being convicted, appeal from one court to another until witnesses die of old age or opportunities for cor­ ruption can be found. Nor does thla swift method of treat­ ing with wrong-doers in Canfcda leave the innocent unable to properly1 defend themselves. They have all the oppor­ tunities and privileges that our own laws extend to them. The extent to shield the guilty Is lacking*--that is alt The above, taken from the editorial column of the Timee-Herald, give* some idea of the immunity from crime that exists in *Canad|i, and this is one of the many inducements held oat for Americans to settlft jtn the district known as Western Canada. The a son of 1901 will see a few new sections of the country opened up for settle* ment. They are attractive in every respect. It is understood that one of the best Indian Reserves in the famous Valley of the Saskatchewan will be opened, up this year, and an Invita­ tion is extended to those desiring homes to make inquiries. The price of the land is said to be nominal. Be> sides these lands, the several railway companies have lands to sell; also the government For particulars write to the agent of the government, whose advertisement appears elsewhere. A QomUob of Partisanship. Major General O'Grady Haly of Lon­ don, who went to Canada a few months ago to assume command of the Cana dian militia, has come to loggerheads with a portion of the people of the Dominion. The general was asked to lend a military band for a political meeting in Qnebet, but declined m the ground that the meeting was of a partisan character. In consequence the prees of the party he offended has made a vigorous attack upon him. wtth VOCAL AFPUCATXOK8, as they SMmot tesoh the seat of the fllsSss. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional ttfn riai, and in order to cure it you sauet take Internal remedies. HaU's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, " direetly on the blood and mvoons HaU's Catarrh Cure is not a quack It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this couatry for years, and is a regular pro* scriptlon. It Is composed of the best tomes known, combined with the best blood purf ~ acting directly on the mucous surfaces. >th* get a hottie today 'I for aae the mo­ lt -- fiammai A wise man questions in •ore of thitr «o cvtmA w ..., tnia " SSeand 18& asks children unless he to quite _ » onac HAS. QonaBaTAntats.An iy If it fails to ears. sn the heat. He. Thirty thoosaftA people in the Unit­ ed States males tMr living from the growing sOk Igdnitry. • I do not IJ <M»W yjsglOere tor Ooasnmptloo hss aa eqpft toe SsMttni and coMs.-Joa* V Boran, Triatty ffn !*», 111 1. Feu lfclM* Fools art̂ apt to discern the faults of others and overtook their own. Lame back abtafeee a young man feci old. Wisard Oil makes an old man feel young. See yonr druggist. Wealth istbeb«}l*i eye on the tsuget at which all hVBHMtty aims. turn make a speeialty of doing othera they are dunned by. 3D* Wot BpoU Tow Cl< by tulng tnfsrtor soap. Maple City golf washing 8oap elves the best results. Try it. JUlyood grooort s<H It An auctioneer always looks bnrhld- ding when condtictlng a sale. _ BATra OATS FOR OOCM. wuî rtoy thatjnsiwfr̂ andoerotheoapsa. The aharper a man to the harder it la to make a tool of him. Cailst* Ink hss the larcsst ails etaay lak la theworid. be* esose It Is the best lak that oau be made. The man who works is a the loafer*a point of view. Boms articles most be described. White's Yncatan needs no description; it's the real Fame is to notoriety what the rail turtle is to the mock. Gee* -®fe<A Bataua . Stimulants seldom hurt A maft--If he leaves them alone. PUTNAM FADELESS DYBS are fast to aunllght, washing and rubbing. A woman is a fact--and faota are stubborn things. lose tt. pimriiui " Mr. ooras. Uots. The bulldog bites first and barks afterward. VSrfeetyMrhatr eadyontose It. 1 luiamsmai cNra end color Hxmaaootn, dMbest ears for ooi _ hmm*. M*-. 1 . . i -V < la ymit tnslies md mil0 KVa kov witfi many fd«K aai dor tibe duand if not rr«T< JoiltCNlfi When tfrfB canal h Uodci kandM% ;i>i mim in m iwmirf " w ^ Wpkni c*imiut parses w fripbtg salts *rt 4*r Wmtn&s to use for cfeaaftr ooi the B&wtta Whtjf force out He «§tbucibn by : 4violent spasms of the iemteb, but O.,, Me intestines %e*k mud «w«n less sbk to * regular movements flbn before, br§er due necessity next time. Tlca too hvwt Hie pdl hsfa, wfcfcb «•* smmiAW. sail T TUonty wmtLfmuA CA^CARETSr fcccatoc they <n otft ^foccal matter with viofeao^btft act as gi tiig^iote30 feet of Bowel wall, sbrengtihen lis i and tcctote healthy, natural action. Boy a«l try Oxnlcotrt for imitations and adbstittites or m can^ fexAs. Cascaiets ut new soU fat balk. LmI IkI fr>tl> mill) lln lniij[ flint T" oattt loii) Yoo find that In aa entlwly natural way yoar ' Ji'. < i t. 10c 25c. 50c. ALL DRUGGBT& CURE ' USE UVBR TONIC SI SOLD IN laltsr __ Jlsibseoa. OMMlMfltski MMMS WMMHMVe - -- _ -- -- -- M a t s a w f t i M H t y e u s e r >g Ost eoaae shwwsrtU. Ho matter wtsl wQlsmftrt well sMMM^rallsU^%MmS any. JSSSS roum AT LAST A TtUB REMEDY Posltlrely some- SAsnAsois, wartm. H.T. DROPSY. esses. Book of iestlmoeli NEW MSCOVtRY) ftves _ _ quttik relief and eeresweesl : of iMtlmoelaU sad is MTrtiMtont •sa.rn.aL - W. N. U.CHICAGO. NOw S. Wfcea Aaswerlag Heatioa TUs fi I'*! f J i s-i * i 1 A*".' '.g» *-£ :' §>£¥< ;rj tm mm mU mm km fmmim, Wommm mm old mm _ >alals, freeL _ _ F. J. CHKMEY a ca, Prope., Toledo, ft • - Armameot of ~»ew gfclpe. The armament of the new British battleships Queen and Prince of Wialea will be of a very powerful character* and in each case the guns will ooati £75,000. When ready for the pennant each ship wUl have cost £ 1,060,000.--* Montreal Herald and Star. > ^ i ' The Great Hsrk Cam, „ The uses of Garfield Tea are It regulates the digestive organs constipation; purifies the blood; geed health. Soase men hoaat of they go are mitfity elow travetac» 1/5 ' % a- f* • v I - ̂ Dr. Greene's Nervurt ! makes lean m §eang i«r Vmki. Remember J Not Age, but Disease, 1 ( 3 M a k e W o m e n L o o k O l d ! •tronjf, 1 - •>', **' . ,r, • US 1 > r } "%} ' \ is-"'. , Ill Heelth »' 1 ^ "" - - u ̂ < iVi You cannot look yonr best unless yon feel yonr best--that la, unless y&t M jf, vigorous, with pure blood, strong and steady nerves. , ̂ ! f yon have no appetite, poor digestion, are bilious and constipated, your akin will b* dark, sallow, pimply, with unhealthy pallor. If you axe sleepless, nervous, initable, despondent, with nerves aU on edge, fed aa you could fly, and axe startled at every sound,--these nervons troubles will wit your face with wrinkles like age, make yoo lode haggard, hoUow-eyad, take the from your eyi» and the glaatfc gptitif from your step. If yon sufer from female troublea, the dragging pain, Ac adung head, the tired Hmba, the utter wcakneta ̂ ^oatration aad misery will turn youth to old age unless cured at once. * < . - 7* , ; ^ . ' / ' Alwqym Mi Bmmuty for Wt , . * ' j ' Stf . >t ^ •r t-'i-"-. Te NERVUR4 BLOOD AND NERVE RBMEDY JNMS Makes (HI INKS BCCHM I Uvags Mikes com lean. 5 fr rff Or. Orseatf s Hervnsa blood and nerve remedy will ante yew look and lee! rlQ restore yoareneegies, vivacity and enkmneat ellRe. It wUl mate rwv UhteyeSb and fine ewnpleaioa. T" -"f- ji grarri mm and Hkm kind oi youth that if not past ftfty. It Is a veritaMe jpaata lag and despondMRt women. "ftr. iwiai'i Vsm Cwel That Dark sad Sallow leek." Mali William Bartelfiu, , SI Bast 87th St, f: New York City, ssys s "Dr. Oreeae's Mervara made a weoderad iatprevemeat a at see. My m flss, hat Br. tmsi's Sai> wa Cared He.** TOaabath Brown, oi ' HartwoU's Ave., R.l;a*as (|Ot etreag ̂t̂ elhs to ?•; w, Crccafs Ntrwa FOR Your Health, Your Strength, Your Beasty. lenty efface, el farm and l--tara \ iliag anly to good heath. aMa who takes the matterta hand tetattgantfcr. Use the HirfVBi HMI PfVi wmWtm reataratKa, Or. : ' •'v r-f ' fJP&i Van may ceswaK Dr. OreenawMhenteaathy cattag Ms effba, IS Was* »*n*. Maw York City. Dan*t throw away

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