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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Feb 1901, p. 4

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THURSDAY BY mam. OtuatT. __ „je. trwi. K» JVHjfcwr*, ;k, two doan north of C.-tESS »No.1 or *uM6ftirttoN; _ received for lie same proportion. or six Thursday, February ai; 1901. is AftfS *11 is said and done Mrs. Na- tkmsUttle hatchet does not yet take rank with George Washington's. TTfcCLB: Sam ia breaking all kinds of records. A government report shows that the sale of postage stamps during ppl 'month of Jannary was larger than IfgriNtf" before, the aggregate sale being That fact would hardly aeern to indicate that the Amerioan peo­ ple are becoming Illiterate. If they will contrast the royal dis­ play aooosnpNiyiag the opening of the British parttamect by King Edward with the inauguration ceremonies soon toooeor at Washington, ex en the most should be con- is at least some re­ publican simplicity left in this country DUKING the past year the exports of iron and steel from the United States amounted to more than fonr times as mnch as they did ten years ago. All American commercial transactions are conducted on a large scale in those re­ publican times. Tffls world's greatest crop 1B that of the potato, 4,600,000,000 bnshelsof pota toes being produced annoally. Seven- eifchlliu of there oome from Europe; 2,- W0>000,000 bushels of wheat and 13,600, - H % 000 bushels of com are also yielded by mother earth in the oourse of a year. ST. IkJOIS wants congress to appro- priate $8,000,000 towards defraying the *of the big fair she wants to hold years henoe, but wants the money conditions. She objects to the < restrictions that no beer shall be dis penned at the fair, and that the gates |U1 be kept dosed on Sunday. The . <4Mttsr might be compromised if the fmiOtors will give a guaranty that : before the money is paid over they will flee to it that the Missouri legislature will ytosno resolution prohibiting the United •StatesHag from floating over the expo* ettlonbufldings. WHAT THE PEOPLE PAY FOB. Thaomnibuis appropriation bill that is into the state senate provi- i of the executive de- of the state and appropriates put pose $8,688,678.95 for the 1 beginning July 1,1901. This la excess of the omnibus appropriation bill of two years ago. is mads up of the following itsini ̂atrih covering two years: ibfflce and mansion..! 41,440 'Ofstate, payroll..... 194,440 heat, Bght, ate. #6,000 library 6.840 189,300 luie, but their hwsause of the weath |̂j||L roads which at times dettg| their pic#ts from sending them wlwol. Tkrir imgular attendance, dstoacte from benefits they m gain from the sjtme aggregate attend ance if it could be regular and consecu tive. But in the small schools thi>se who attend, whether regularly or irre STQiivrlv. h&ve no such advantages for acquiring education as they would have ia the large schools, properly graded, taught by more efficient teachers and provided with better equipped buildings, If the showing made by the Ohio expert ment is a reliable criterion, not only are thousands more children gathered into the schools daily, but they are better taught, go to and from school more com fortably and healthfully, and the system is maintained at less cost tnan under the old plan of many separate schools. PROBATE NEWS 3US0Q 100 100 100 100 00 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Peter Schneider & w to George M Herd- klotz, pt nwM sec 81, n of road. Greenwood....., 33130 00 Catherine Durkee per admr to F F Ax- tell. \ int in e?il It 1 & n 1 rod of e54 It 4. blk 1, Hart's 1st addn Harvard Julia Murphy & h to Ira It Curttes, It 00 assrs plat sec 1 & n'i sec 12, Riley Washington James et al to same, suae William A Boies & w to same, Its 19, Sff. 38 & 41, assrs plat sec 1 & nH of sec Riley. also Its 14 & 15 of sec 0 St Its 13 & 14 assrs plat sec 7, Coral...... Harry W Woodruff & w to Fannie 0 Woodruff, It 2, bllt 3, Hart's 1st add to Harvard John Durke to Lee Grover, pt w!4 neM sec 11, Marengo Charles Krambeer & w to Edgar C Haw- ley, pt nwj* sec 1#, McHenry Fred M Williams & w to Matilda Huber, swM swh sec 34. soH sen sec 23, pt ne )4 seM sec 23, Nuuda 8000 00 Peter Nolau & w to Peter Fahrney, nV4 It 1, sw!4 & nH it 2, swj* & nwj* seJi sec6, Greenwood 5075 00 Simeon Brown to Robert 0 Schryver, e H se)< sec 1, Dorr W D Monear & w to Fannie K Overton, 1 acre in sen seM sec 22, Richmond... Francis King & w et al to Aretta E VanBusklrk et al, It 0, blk 1. Sufford place add to Marengo Elizabeth L Begun to A G Perry, pt It 7, Hebron 180000 Mary Brlgham et al to Bert ah Stone et al 25.45 a in wit sw>4 sec 6, Hebron.... Huntley Cemetery asscn to Henry Wol- lenburg, It 182, blk 3, Huntley Ceme- Korman Harrison to Thomas Lumley, wH swH sec 6 A wH n*H sec 8, Mc­ Henry 190000 George A Lumley et al to W E Walker, same, except s 20 acres 8000 00 Margaret Leonard & h to Catharine Elizabeth Miles, Its 4,5,0,7 & 8, blk 4. & land lying west Johnson's add Woodstock 100000 Thompson L Morris & w to Mary S Mor­ ris, e% Its 10 & 13 except &c blk 12, Nunda Same to same, wH sH neii sec 3, Algon­ quin Mary A McCauley et al to Michael Hayden, owii ne^ sec 38, Alden 10000 100 100 100 05000 prisoners and paying itfeitiaBniiioii iter's oflloe • r's office. i superintendent public iQ- W&aetkm 101,000 10,000 86,886 SI,600 it-general's office hoard charities 19,520 3,114,000 00,640 92,040 90,000 190,500 9,440 MAJRRIAGB LICENSES. Aretem H. Whitney........Grenoa, His. Amelia J. Overley... .Waukon, Ia. Angust C. Frederick ^Harvard Nellie Louise Dunklan... . . .̂ Dunham Vincent E. Davlin........ . ..Wauconda Edna Hutchinson......... ...Harrington JohnD. McNamara... Bonne Hannah DeLanty .Hartland William W. Monear,...... .Solon Mills Altia May Kimball... * ..... ...McHenry Wm. Shnltz 1 Harvard Nellie Cofey. Harvard Ray W. Huntiey.. 1'.......Sharon, Wis. Katie Alice Windeck. .Sharon Charles B. Johns............ ..Union Mary Berg Marengo Whitney E. Brigham............ Hebron Clara May Libbey. a',. .Hebron Benjamin H. Prouty » .Hebron Carrie M. Richmond...Hebron Fred H. John. Marengo Fiaba Spears ....Marengo Wm. W. Kuecker..»„ Coral Carrie fieidmann........... .Coral PROBATE NEWS Estate of Matthew 81avin. Will proven. Frank C. Slavin appointed ex­ ecutor. Bond $8000. Appraisers ap­ pointed. Estate of Ifargarat Flood, inventory filed. Estate of John Kaiser. Proof of warehouse com- Oommlwionersof labor........ Free-em0oyment offlcei... cotmnissioners UetttewiUttt-govenior's expenstif Bxpenses XUnd general a ̂ sembly ,y! I^nooln home and Lincoln mosi- 4S.000 27,462 86,100 88,000 100 "1,000 j, 7,600 H5,840 f5,230 %,000 85,000 •is,ooo -^8,500 ,r 18,000 •0,600 r live stock commissioners...... Insurance superintendent... . Historical library Factory inspectors...... .im Board of arUtration.. ..k... Board et par ions..... State entomologist.... Board of health v* * • • ~ Senator Chapman will also introduce • till appropriating $1,000,000 for the pay ot offioere and members of the next general assembly and the officers of the itate government This bill is the same aa it was two years ago. QP£9$OLIDATED SCHOOLS In Ohio the system of consolidated odtontry schools has been introduced in wveral counties and is being successful­ ly carried out The experiment re­ veals one feature of especial importance. In One consolidated district last year the average attendance of pupils was 144, . whereas from the same territory, before the districts were consolidated, the at- tendance was 125. In another instance a dlstrict which furnished only eight pupils to the separate school sent eighteen to the consolidated school Eighteen schools maintained separately under the old system furnished a daily "ayvfeage attendance at 217, but after the school? had been consolidated the aver- Age attendance was 300. * It would seem from this showing that throughout the state of Ohio, when the : schools were operated under the old sys- tMp, there must have been thousande of <^iimn<Aattending school who should haw» been. Undoubtedly it is not dif- ferent in Illinois. It is common to /&oast of the many school houses that >M» tobe seen over the state, i benefit are the school houses t are not sent to the school ? th* nKist of pitting the TMCoagb ittngsoi You have used all sorts of cough reme­ dies but it does not yield; it is too deep seated. It may wear itself out in time, but it is more liable to produce la grippe, pneumonia or a seri­ ous throat affection. You need something that will give you strength and build up the body. SCOTT'S EMULSION 1 will do this when everything , else fails. There is no doubt about it It nourishes, strengthens, builds up and makes the body strong and healthy, not only to throw off this hard cough, but to fortify the system against further attacks. If you are run down or emaciated you should certainly take this nourishing food medicine. *nd "•°°> *" druggist*. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. m- SSI: • ys.--: i you shiver to think of Sprfflg today, but just bear in mind | that Easter is not far off. As usual we open i the season with a superb line, come and look ?;them over whether yon wish to buy now or not. We can show you the finest in Staple and Novelty Goods and Trimmings. We have always carried a good line, but now it is safe to say that we have the largest stock that was ever brought to town, and the pHces are lower than ever. Com4 and look at it. i • Shirts, Collars, Neckties and Furnishings. assortment iir Pants, Jumpers, Overalls and Work Shirts. West flcHenirjij death. Petition for letters of adminis-* tration to Frank Kaiser. Bond $100. Estate of Thomas Quigley. Apprais­ ers appointed. Estate of Nancy A. Winch. Final report filed. Estate of Caroline 0. Wells. Inven­ tory filed and approved. i Estate of Henry Dialnttann.. Jkp- praisement bill filed. Estate of Dorathe Sender.lWnal re­ port filed. Estate of T. Howard Fellows, minor. Report filed. Estate of Jennie Calef, inventory. Final report and proof of heirship filed. Estate of Wm. Lumley. Proof of heirship made. Final report filed and approved and executor discharged. Estate of Wa. Sullivan, insaaia In­ ventory filed. Estate of Christopher M. Httghes. In­ ventory filed. Estate of Ed son Bresee. Proof of death made. Celesta Ralston appointed administratrix Bond $18000. Apprais­ ers appointed. Proof of heirship made. Inventory and appraisement bill filed and approved. Estate of Michael ' Cleary. Leave given to sell personal property at private »le. Pfearls F~pund In Ve is talking - . W f ' West flcHenry an looking for ̂ medicine that Mountain Pearls." that they core liver constipation, bad digestion, nausea, dull headache, dizziness and foul breath ? There never was a pill sold .ivhich acted so quickly and they don't gripe one bit. is s«Lwe ask--we know suit wltt be. JULIA A. STORY. i V/>'} * 0 ' ' dinner time is » good m odor. ^tandamu OILCA tmenctoT* "BLOOD PURIFIER Prompt Pbsftive Pure Pte*s&nt --that is absolutely reliable; that will disarm thtir terror of opiates and imparities so fearful to them, so fatal to their diildren. MICRO GERM1 c*n bt rt- Uedupon. If you have a little one who hovers around the fire in the morning, goes to school afteir taking hat a tow mouth- fals of fbofl, comes homa pale and fatigued, MICRO OSRMI ia just what is needed. It brings a good appetite, corrects the stomach, malms pus, tich Mood and puts the hue of health upon the cheek. Thous­ ands of mothers say so; a few days' trial proves ft f FKICKOHB DOLLAft V. •'t'friwa nmttuK facts jdmuv .. 1U MODERN REMEDY CO. KEWANEE, ILL. • BnM mrniTirT--Thr JUEli',#. STOBY, - HcBenry Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artl ficiaHy digests the food and aids Sature in strengthening and recon­ structing tlie exhausted digestive or­ gans. It is the latest discovered digest- ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It In efficiency. It in- usea, BlokHeadache.Gastralgla.Cramps and all otherResults of Imperfect digestion. sskli b* k. c. oe*»rr a qOvChieuso. JULIA A. STOB%. "• iV K " • ; f iiHiminmiiwiiiin •««»»»««»»•»«••• P General { - €otnitii$sioti ! "Ittercbjwl I gt*U 1*3, Fulton 8*. n ,f | Wlx4i»a!e Market -A- 1 ̂; ebicago, dinini»mm>mni>i Spaclal attention given to the aale of Dressed Beef, riutton f Kogs, Yeal, Poultry » Hides, Etc. Butter and Eggs it." »"n This is the oldest house on tha street V Tags and price lists furnished on application ̂ COLD STORAOB FREE r mwiiimiiiiiminmiMnmil D ^ • " if *"/V t r- *>' -V mt* •M IM r;# ,y' PEE8CR > PTTONS C A R E F U L L Y COMPOUNDED J, &X> f'; '% - •• "fei TOILET ARTICLES N o T j o u s; PAINTS AND OILS B O O K S FINE CHINA WARE| Mr A T I O N E H Y.j ELEGANTiLAMPS ̂ • v-.. ,:p; $ p-'i JULIA A. STORY Constipation, Torpid liver and the Blood. Belvidere, III., Feb. 5, 1901. I inherited Eczema, as my mother suffered for years with an incurable form, and I bad been afflicted with it from childhood to a mild extent. It had annoyed me for several years dur­ ing Hie summer- months. In April, 1000, the affliction was very prononnced. By rhe middle of May I was nearly incapac­ itated for business. In June I suffered to such an extent that I could get no rest under any conditions, and the tor­ ture was undermining my nervous sys­ tem and reducing physical forces to an alarming extent, and I cannot describe my sufferings. I had employed the best medical skill obtainable, but with no re­ lief until 1 began taking Dr. Tallerday'a Fruit Juice. W ithin three days my snf- t'ering began to subside and within three weeks I was much better than I had been during the summer months for years. The continued use of this medi­ cine completely cured me, removing ev­ ery sjmptom of the disease. Have rec­ ommended it to others for different blood diseases and all have been bene­ fited by its use. I make this statement purely upon the merits of *this remedy, and will be glad to answer any inquiries any sufferer wishes to ask me, if they will enclose stamp for reply. <" E. J. MUNN. Residence, 540 S. Main St., BelvidM^e. ' Place of Business, Union, 111. Dr. Tallerday's Cough Cure Cures. ̂ Beloit, Wis. My husband was home, sick, for over a week with LaGrippe and was cough­ ing night and day. He commenced to use Dr. Talierday's Cough Cure and got relief at once. We have never had a medicine in our house that has done so much good. It is invaluable. The Fain Tablets have no equal. Mas. EMMA NEEDHAM, 1216 Vine St. Beloit, Wis. My grand-son has suffered from birth with broncial coughs, and after using £ bottle of Dr. Talierday's Cough Cure is getting well. I am usiUg both the Cough Cure and the Tonic myself, and think they are excellent. MRS. GEO. STIRES, 721 Brook St. Manufactured by THE TALLERMT MEDICINE CO., Belvidere, 111. For sateV JULIA Av STOBY, , KtHnry GEO. W. TBE8LEY, - Surest^IcHenrjr This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and J)o- mestic Exchange,and does a GENERAL BARKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage.... .... Honey to Loan on real estate a n d o t h e r first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention given to collections, and promptly at­ tended tO .'...4 INSURANCE'! in First Class Companies, at the Low* est rates. Tours Respectfully j PERRY & OWEN, j Notary Public. Bankers. #0.00 per Noatl tod Expesses can be made by a capable woman. Perma­ nent position. Experience unnecessary. Write at once tor particulars. CLARK & Co., 234 South. 4th St.. Philadelphia, Pa, C o in in o n is an element that enters largely into MODERN M E T H O D S It is this which makes t h e T E L E P H O N E an indispensible adjunct Business or residence service 5 to 16 cents per day of 24 hours (Hugo IHtptH (wptfy SIMON STormmr. McWfiry,». Olives? W© have the ftikest stockhas ; seen in this town. If yon want a small Olive, 4 l>;'.Pr a lar̂ e olive in a large bottle or staall bottle, we have them in all grades and at >li pi'iues. Ateo ^c«ne nioe stufFed olives. you want an We have several barrels of choice Ben Davis, f tBaldwins, Greenings, etc; which are being- sold at right price, by the peck, bnshel or barr4. IVtcsMeriry •MHMHMMIMnmiimmmhmm INCOWS * r1 ' 1 ̂ n 4 ̂ Thi* mttfidne will put Ike animal in as good cOndltiow n IxfcWt the trouble. KoW'Kurc b a me cure for scotm in cows and calvcs. AUSTIN M«cmu>, ?ITTsri»LD, N. H., says: «I had three talvea that scoured badly, They wen so weak they could not get up. I used Kow-Kure, and in a few 4*y* they were aU right. It is just as good for cows." Kow-Kure It hi powder form, to be riven in regular feed. It earea abortion, ud »cours, remove» retained afterbirth ana caked odder, strengthens the appetite, purifie* the (VUlBt 1«IUVT«« Ml ̂ blood, ritalixes the nerve*, and prevents disease. It increases the milk. Iti> a dedicin«iorc«M : «aiy, mad* by the Dairy Association, MrodonviUe, Vt. "' * J. S. BEOWN & SON, Price, 50c. and,ah4lor sale by DRIPGGISTS, Bingwood, 111. R L ED • RIVER • VAILEY • FARM. LOANS • TOR -Ml An abanlntely safe inveatment paying 6 per cent interest. A full description of ' the security with location, value and amount of loan, will be «ent upon request. If you wish a choice investment of anv amount, Z will esteem it a favor to hear from you with a request for detailed Information. LAflBER50N, Cashier Bank of Warren, Bbtobknccs:--Etrst Nat.Bank, St. Paul, •••RED RIVER VALLEY tflRNS BOUGHT AM) SOI©-- WnrTwi, or Dans & *. JOS. H. HUEflANN. Appleton Corn Shellers Corn Shetlers and Tread Power* tieierif Bhcksmltll̂ Prices ilwiyS Daplex Grinding Mills, Rock bland Flows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills V . Ifell dnppliee. Harneee Oil, P^intOil Mid - « " lHachlne Oils i Speclat ̂t, 'o • 1 The C. F. Blanke Tea & Coffee Co. has eeenred the following agencies in this vicinity to handle their celebrated Teas and Coffees: QILBERT BROS., McHenry SIMON STOFFEL Weet McHenry Antioch-WtllUuns Pr< .̂_ . Arlington HeMrts--F E D«*to Barringtoa--JOl Faust Blend < >.» o f f e e served exdnrively on Dining Cars of He Mill Pabce (tf <f r t c H E N R Y I L L I N O I S • • mm •a .tr, TX t̂ mm mm ftBaltistable ohl Erause > • and twenty-five other of the great- •"J'i est 'RaOroad and Steamboat linea, HoMte sad ReetanrMts of the OnaacUi'̂ l ̂ Ks't4 •X IS' , r - , * ' 4 » Vt ̂ by weight; has the finest drinking quality of any Goffeailt the/wcwld.. m: Vitesi-.' and hi always the Put tip F. BIAHKE TEA & COf Fff CO. Promoters of High Grade Goods <*, and Proprietors of the Most Qua ̂ plafts OOOM Ms»fc In the IE & W rm •: *v;- ̂ ,n> , jaltSA; !

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