' r This picture is the trade mark of SCOTT'S EMULSION, and is on every bottle of SCOTT'S EMUL SION in the World, which now amounts to many millions yearly. ?&is great business has ^iop^vto such vast proportions, ̂ i , Wra*;-Because the proprietors %ve always been most careful in selecting the various ingredients used in its composition, namely; tiate finest Cod Liver Oil, and the purest Hypophosphites. Sec0ii</;-Because they have so Skillfully combined the various Ingredients that the best possible results are obtained by its use. 77ir/rrf:-Because it has made so tB&iiy sickly, delicate children Strong and healthy, given health and rosy cheeks to so many pale, anaemic girls, and healed the lungs and restored to full health, so many thousands in the first stages of Consumption. If you have not tried it, send far free Miph, •i agreeable taste will rarprise yoa. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists. •WIS Pearl Street, New Yoifc* * , 50c. and $1.00; all druggists, r DR. TALLERDAY'S F lRDII JUKL Constipation, Torpid liver * and the Blood. < *• - Belvidere, HL, Feb. 5,1901. " X Inherited Eczema, as my mother Mffered for years with an incurable form, and I had been afflicted with it from childhood to a mild extent It had annoyed me for several years dur ing the summer months. I11 April, 1900, Hie affliction was very pronounced. By the middle of May I was nearly incapac itated for business. In June I suffered to such an extent that I could get no rest under any conditions, and the tor ture was undermining my nervous sys tem and reducing physical forces to an alarming extent, and I cannot describe nay sufferings. I had employed the best medical skill obtainable, but with no re lief until I began taking Dr. Tallerday'a Fruit Juice. Within three days my suf fering began to subside and within three weeks I was much better than I had been during the summer months for years. The continued use of this medi cine completely cured me, removing ev ery sjmptoni of the disease. Have rec ommended it to others for different blood diseases and all have been bene fited by its use. I make this statement purely upon the merits of this remedy iugtWfc ^fcVict«r% Theatre, wiir^niar upon a prospective runot proqpwtty with what is claimed to he the greatest spectacular production of the age; namely, Liebler <fc Oo. 's new magmfegmt revival «>f "Monte Cristo,' witti Ja«k« O'Neill in his historic char iicter of Edmund Dantes. The success that this attraction met with during its nm of two months in Boston and three months in New York proved beyond the peradventure of a doubt that the public is ever ready to support romantic plays, even if old, when played by romantic actors who know what romantic acting is and when the production is mounted in an adequate manner. To the theatre goer, James O'Neill is and has been for a number of years the ideal Monte Cris ta What Monte Cristo would be with out Mr. O'Neill has not yet been tried in any serious form, but it IB donbtfn) if any one will ever supceed in supplant ing this actor in the title role of Dumas great play. The picturesque grandeur and the brilliant scenic equipment with which Liebler & Co. have provided this revival are greatly responsible for the vogue of the present Monte Cristo. Every one of the five acts is said to be a picture beautiful to gaze upon. Each one is out of the common and marks an innovation in the progress of scenic art. This is particularly said to apply to the great golden ball-room scene in the Hotel de Morcerf in the fourth act and the beau tiful snow-clad landscape in the forest of Fontaineblou in the last act. Over 300 people are employed in the stage presentation. fr A Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Has world-wide fame for marvellous cures. It surpasses any other salve, lo tion, ointment or balm for Cuts. Corns, Burns, Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers, Tet ter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chapped Hands, Skin Eruptions; Infallible for Piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c at Julia A. Story's. To retain happiness in matrimonial life is not for a woman a question of re maining beautiful; it is sine qua non question of remaining interesting. --Max O'RelL - When threatened by pneumonia or any other lung trouble, prompt relief is necessary, as it is dangerous to delay. We would suggest that One Minute Cough Cure be taken as soon as indica tions of having taken cold are noticed. It cures quickly and its early use pre vents consumption. Julia A. Story. A machine that washes and dries 8,000 dishes an hour has been invented, and it is guaranteed that plates, cups, saucers, and other dishes come out of the wash without a scratch. Persons who can not take ordinary pills find it a pleasure to take DeWitt's Little Early Risers. They are the best little pills ever made. Julia A. Story. There are 75,000 Americans living in Paris. The gay city has many attract ions for the people of this side. Amer icans dislike any low and stnpid place. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Til KM Ym Han Always Bought Bears the Signature ' Write your home letters regularly and keep in touch with yoiif and old friends by weekly ence," writes Margaret E. S&ngstsr, lit the March Ladies' Home -Tour»a£ ad- dressing girls who have gone from home into the world to seek their livelihood. "Never let a Sunday afternoott drlW out without your hour spent in an and loving letter to the dear This is a good occupation far Stmday and I can hardly tell, you how minnte and confidential and affectionate this writing should be. Bnt there is no need. Yon know what yon like to hear from home, and what mother and father most long for, when your letters come. I follow those letters. Mother is in the kitchen, washing the dishes. She wipes her hands and cits down in the low rocking chair by the window where the lilac is beginning to bud. Father stands between the table and the door, waiting to hear what yon have saTd, and aware that he must wait until mother has satisfied her heart with the first reading. Then it will be his turn. To them both you are, and you will always be, jnst their own little girl, and you can never send them a line which they will not scan with eagerness. So never put off your family at home with scrappy, hurrried scrawl; take time; and tell them everything." Recent experiments show that all classes of foods may be completely di gested by a preparation called Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which absolutely di gests what yon eat. As it is the only Combination of all the natnral digest- ants ever devised the demand for it has become enormous. It has never failed to cure the very worst cases of indigest ion and it always gives instant relief. Julia A. Story. When the waters are to he disturbed England is doing her share of the splash ing. In a year 40.000 vessels enter Chinese ports and 20,000 of them are British. G. A. Roberts, of Lintner, I1L, suf fered four years with a wad in his stomach and could not eat. He lost 65 pounds. Two bottles of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin restored his appetite, cured his stomach trouble and today he is well and hearthy and says he owes his health to Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. G. W. Besley and Julia A. Story. The heaviest metal is platinum; the lightest potassium. The latter will float on the surface of water like a piece of cork. For the weakness and prostration fol lowing grippe there is nothing so prompt and effective as One Minute Cough cure. This preparation is highly endorsed as an unfailing remedy for all throat and lung troubles and its early use prevents con sumption. It was made to core quickly. Julia A. Story. A man can keep another person's se cret better than his own; a woman, on the contrary, keeps her secret, though she tells all others.--La Bruyere. Reports show a greatly increased death rate from throat and lung troub les, due to the prevalence of croup, pneu monia and grippe. We advisekfche use of One Minute Cough cure of these difficulties. It is the on|^ T£arpi- less remedy that gives immediate re sults. Children like it. Julia A. Story. •jnyr and win be gla d to answer any inquiries will enclose stamp for reply. mj sufferer wishes to ask me, if they E. J. MUNN. Residence. 540 S. Main St., Belndsare.. Place of Business, Union, I1L a Dr. Tallerday's Cough Cure Curej», Beloit, Wis. I P S MMY husband was home, sick, for over * week with LaGrippe and was cough- ing night and day. He commenced to use Dr. Tallerday 's Cough Cure and got x*Ve£ at once. We have never had a •F medicine in our house that has done so U mnch good. It is invaluable. The Pain f Tablets have no equal. t-MRS. EMMA NEEDHAM, 1216 Vine St. Beloit, Wis. FEMY grand-son has Buffered from birth with broncial coughs, and after using I bottle of Dr. Tallerday's Cough Cure is getting well. I am using both the Cough ;; I3URE and the Tonic myself, and think V; H»ey are excellent. : „ . MRS. GEO. STIRES, 721 Brook St Manufactured by THE TALLKsft^T * MKDICXNK CO., Belvidere, I1L, > k ' ' ' ,,ij For sale by WUA A. STOKY, - McHenry fn>.W.Bmn, . Weat McHenry fyv •>. tfy i>T"~ > • • ij I have been offered a discount of ten to , twenty per cent., by the wholesalers, on all heavy-weight goods and intend , to give my customers the benefit. This * • 4 means that you can get a strictly hand ? made garment cheaper than ever before. f I have a nice line of samples for you to r ; make a selection from. Come and see.: This Bank receives deposits, buys and tells Foreign and Do mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire ly satisfactory to our custom ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loqn on real estate and other first class se curity. Speo- X ' ial attention . given to collections, and promptly at tended to ..J INSURANCE 'ft,/• in First Class Companies, at the Low- rates. Yours Respectfully ^ PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. " Bankers. "Honest Workmanship and Consistent Prices." rtOTTO: or and Draper McHenry Illinois i of ^ SOBtpaQJ" Wofrdsfewk.Sentinel's from ihe * aa» jtlaoe, whioh.JodginR from themafc*«up of the item* is from tte'4MM';'&clle pen. He says "we oiOied attamgon two weeks ago to a mis- Butter company's Wroug,Os tend, yon In those items mentioned a mistake in January statement Don't know jnst how you knew there was an arror in January statement* as said statement Was not at that time issued Yon must be blessed with wonderful foresight, Again he says there is a misiake in Jannaiy statement; that the price per J00 lbs. of milk should be $.90062 or $.881 instead of $.995 as the statement reads. Well let us see. The statement reads: Milk received 526606 lbs; total amount received, $54U6.78; Total ex pense, $344,27; net receipts $6242.46. Now my omniscient friend jnst figure it once more $$5242.46 divided by 5266.06 i8$.9955. Figures wont lie. You write of "our hot-headed friend." Wrong again. Our head will not become heated with so slight provocation, Again Ostend says, "he spoke last week in the Sentinel about the net price per 100 pounds milk being the basis for dividend." Wrong again. We said '100 pounds milk and basis for divi dend." Something must be wrong. You must have written that item im mediately after awakening from a hide ous nightmare brought on by indigestion. There is a remedy mentioned among your items of last week for such ills. Try it but don't take an over-dose. ONE INTERESTED. The Pasture Stock Food Co.,824 Times building, Chicago, offers $15 per week and 10 per cent, on all sales for a man with horse atld buggy to seB Pasture Stock Food. 29-20t. WOULD YOU APPRECIATE GOOD HEALTH? YES! WELL, THEN, WHY HESITATE TO COME TO OUR STORE AND TRY Stt.00 per Month and Expenses • can be made t»y a. eapabie woman. Perma nent position. Experience uimeces>,sary. Writ© ml once for particulars. CLAUK & Co., ; WiOoulh. Uh St., Philadelphia, Pa. when the cost to yoit' is NOTHING if results are not satis factory. So few are the failures of this Wonderful Vegetable and Germicidal Remedy that we are authorized by the manu facturers to issue a POSITIVE WRITTEN GUARANTEE on it. We have implicit confidence in Micro-Germi as a Blood Purifier, A positive specific in all cases of Catarrh, Stomach ajid Kidney trouble. Y ?' :k • • ; How He Cured the Grip. Having succeeded in curing an attack of the grip without the aid of a physi cian, the editor of The Glen wood Ava lanche, a Colorado paper, tells his read ers how this feat was accomplished, as follows: "We don't know much about the ef feet of materia medica upon the human system, but we did write, fill and take the following prescription, which knocked the grip higher than Qilderoy's kite: Four quarts of whiskey, into which were dissolved four ounces of loaf sugar. To this we added a tea- spoonful of water and another quart of whiskey and then placed over a hot fire and let it boll sufficiently long to boil out all the water. We then stirred in a iittle more whiskey to cool and gulped it down without batting an eye. In order to remove the taste from our mouth we took a little more whiskey. " , Like bad dollars, all counterfeits of De^Vitt's Witch Hazel salve are worth less. The original quickly cures piles, sores and all Bkin diseases. Julia A. Story. • , 180 to California, Oregon and Waahington. The Union Pacific R. R. will sell low rate settlers tickets to California. Ore gon, Washington, Utah, Idaho, Mon tana, Wyoming and Colorado on Tues days, Febrnary 12th to April 80th. Bate from Chicago to San Francisco, bos Angeles, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle and Spokane |30. To Salt Lake City, Ogden, Butte and Helena $25. Homeseekers round trip tickets will be sold to Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Ore gon and Washington on the first and third Tuesday of March, April, May Mid June at rate of one way fare plus two dollars for the round trip. For full particulars call upon your nearest ticket agent or address W. H. Knight, General agent, 103 8. Clark St., Chicago. 85-4m »v/ni Oh, no; of course bo casticaliy) Ton don't suppose ask you that question If I expected one, do you? Mrs. Bingo (sweetly)--You dear. What would you say n should say that a telegram b lo®y#aJ . -- Bingo--Aha! I knew it I've beef expecting that telegram' all the aftep» rioon. (impatiently) Where la It? Mrs. Binge--I'll get it Bnt. d*T thought It best to open It loo rthWf mind, did you. dearest? Bingo--Certainly not If a only a matter of business. From Isn't It? Mrs. Bingo--Yea, dear. Btngo--Important meeting tonight Say# 1 Ipust be there, doesn't he? Mrs. Bingo--Yes, dear. Bingo (rubbing his hands)--I knew It Well. I'll have to rush off after dinner. Sorry for yon, my dear, but you know, business must be attended to. Mrs. Bingo-Ob, that's all right, dar ling. But don't yon want to see the message? ' Bingo-Why should I? You opened It Uke a good wife that you are, And of course 1 can trust you. Jack wants me (delightedly), that's all, and I must go. Mrs. Bingo--But there was onn thing more he said, my pet Bingo (suspiciously)--Oh, there was. Well, what was It? Mrs. B:ngo (all smiles)--He says he's got front row seats.--Pearson's. The Wotll'l Urgeit Ho»ya**(u It Is not generally known, but the largest bopyards in the world are In California, along the Sacramento, Russian and Feather rivers, and the very biggest hopfleld on earth is at Pleaaanton, in Alameda county, where there are 368 acres, with more than 445,000 vines under one wire. As the picking must all be done by band and within the short season when the blossoms are at their best an army of people has to be suddenly mustered for the harvest The mild climatic conditions that favor the de velopment of the hop and the pleasant Inland valleys where it is grown com bine to make hop picking something of a summer time delight for the work Is neither difficult nor arduous, and the pay is fair. There are bnt two drawbacks to hop picking. One Is so called hop poisoning, which is simply* a sort of prickly heat or rash sometimes pro duced by contact of face and arms with the nettlelike fuss on the stalks of the hop vine. It does not affect all pickers. The other Is the dark stain ing of the hands resulting from the resin of the blossom. It may be re moved by rubbing with the crushed green leaves of the bop.--San Francis co Chronicle. w*rran*Bdby advice Our line or spring FOOTWEAR i» in, me PLOW 6HOJS.- * •.. •» . v.«7 i., -. of Dynpltoniac. A new nime has been found for the benighted individual who is trying to do business without a telephone. Some years ago such a man could have gone along on the even tenor of hiB way un noticed, bnt in these days of time econ omy, it is assumed that he is afflicted with some inexplicable antipathy to modern businees methods; and he is now known as a "dysphoniac."--Electrical World and Engineer. Sharpen Your Bwwr Wtth Add. A simple method of sharpening a razor or other edged tool is to put the razor in water to which has been added one- twentieth of its weight of muriatic acid or sulphuric acid. Allow to remain for half an hour; the" rauove, lightly wipe dry and after a few hours set it on a hone. The acid here supplies the place of a whetstone by corroding the whole sur face uniformly, so that nothing further than a smooth polish is necessary. The process never injures good blades. Millions of people are familiar with DeWitt's'Little Early Risers and those who use them find them to he famous little pills. Never gripe. Julia A. Story. In all ill-matched Ihamages the limit is less the woman's than the man's, as the choice depended on her the leasts-- Mme. de Rieux. Take Rooky Mountain Tea. See it exterminate poison. Feel it revitalise yuur blood and nerves and bring back that happy, joyous feeling of boyhood days. 35c, Ask your druggist I will not affirm that women hare no character; rather they have a new one everyday.--Heine. Children never cry very loud for it, but they do like Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. Ask G. W. Besley and Julia A. Story. Woman's happiness is in obeying. She objects to men . who abdicate too much. -lHchelet. Vh9 Baltou*."""' ' 1 Halbard is the arms carry*d by the Serjeant* of foot and dragoons; the head of the halbard ought to be a foot or 15 inches long; one end ought to be hollow to receive the staff, but the other broad, ribb'd in the middle, edg*d on both sides and drawing to a point, like the point of a two edged sword. On one side of the head la likewise fixed a piece in form of a half moon or star, and on the other a broad point of four Inches long, crooked a little, which is very commodious for drawing fascines, gabions or whatever obstacle happen In the way. The staff of the halbard is about five feet long and an Inch and half diameter, made of ash or other bard wood. Hal bards are very useful In deter mining the ground betwist the ranks, and for dressing the ranks and files of a battalion, and likewise for chastising the soldiers.--Gentleman's Directory, 1705, Oigkt to Know. Lady--Where is the agent for these flats! Man at Door-l ean rent the mum. "Are the rents rsfesoiuUMaf^^ *Yes, mum." *'What sort of a janitor have "A very good one, mum." "Is he polite and attentive?" a®" ipi- "Yes, mum." "Honest?" | •'Yes, mum." v * "Doesn't he ever steal from tha market baskets of the tenants?" "Never, mum." "He's a good Christian man. Is hsf* "Yes, mum. A politer, more at tentive. honester or mors Christian man never lived, mum." "I'm delighted to bear that Where If he now?" "I'm.him, mum."--Weekly Bouquet SOLD AND aUABAOTjpyir JULIA A. STORY mms RotHurul Tng«4f, It is a dark night It Is also a dark kitchen. The kind hearted man in his stocking feet is after a drink of water for his fretful youngster. He thinks he can find his way In the inky dark* ness. He is mistaken. He turns to the left Instead of to the right and falla down cellar. Another good man gone wrong.-- Cleveland Plain Dealer. „ ^ la Ke*« of, Reform. /'>• "Tour effusion," said the busy editor. Is not available." "Is there any other place where 1 could send It?" qoerled the disappoint ed bard, "Oh, yes." "Where, slrr "The house of correction."--Chicago News, A IN Break. "I say. Reggy. it was nasty mean of you not to speak to me when yon met me down town this afternoon." 4,Why. deuce take It, man. It was your own fault. Us fellahs are wear ing lavender ties this week, and yon had OB a pink one."--Judge. Purchased Property at gtotslwSj*" '̂, Messrs. C. E. Chapell and H. C. Qetzleman, of Elgin, purchased from Geo. E. Chapell, of Chicago, his hold ings at Pistakee Bay. This is one of the finest places on the hay and the pur chasers were fortunate in seonring so valuable a piece of property. Bridges, rivers, tunnels, mountains, build* gathers up the scattered ray's of one's ability. That's what Rocky Mountain Tea does. 88c. . •J a r «fy '/• -made Clothing looks and wears like tailor-made, bought about two months ago, will be in in a few days. It A ; Will pay you to take a look before buvine- AIUM. A choice lot of Pnre Buckwheat Flour jnst in. All kinds of garden and field < pover, Timothy, Etc. : . J , ' • < ' % • • » . } t -v Flour and Groceries. ;V XV -' •I- ^ West M Illinois o o including tor Spring Trade, """JOHN J. fllLLER I i t •» " We Have too man 'VhiA "J-f.'V >W}- Special Inducements ! . , "'r; ! Vy? v III reduce 'i;/ .'.f' ... ... S * 5'./*' -i•, ' stock-. in this town, and invite your inspection. f, WW' "."A " Few I Blanj^g^ wd 85 cents S Iv^iA New Laces, Embroidery and ^pring stuff here '"'IvK [W«sc. EVANSON //til ii't r-f. f f k ' l r - \ '•r , I have just opened a nice, new, shin- ng line of hardware in the bnilding'receiit- y occupied by A. O. Priedly, and invite Vou to come and look at the stock. We Intend to always keep on hand a complete 'ktock, and in a short time will be able $0 ^upply you with any thing from a carpet to a Jarge ateei f If' f"'.:-' st: "'X y u*?* • / -1 I ^ : • I'V ^ ^ J •' 1 WW f • 4 i . - ' • > y , "jl- m McHenry , f - iv v. - ^ t** ' •>'.* ^ J rA . A < M' Illinois Tell us not, il ROUfBfUl Life is lint io enpty drem '9£y.: r*yi: ???** 4 fe1: But, for that cold feeling let us sell yon some warm value Groceries and Meats at prices that will make our Fire Sale com* petitors feel that sellin^x^'^^^ v / >c, "(lit price" firweries Is i "Frdst** \ the prices we make are not our onl^ attraction, for with our prices we guarantee quality. We have adopted for oar apecisl nie, tke following : '•< "J V • *•' r,' i ^ Price without quality is a Ofl©" The CYCLONE GROCERY i f R. O. TWEED, Prop. West McHenry Illinois • *- . ' V e*5' 'WW, ' 1 „«*.m &JL ,*k,