.11 i ln li' i - u> 'X V '*• >'£ i*. i-'W"1,!##! K-R9-U, ^ I srw^; V.'* Jfc i-.-'iSiiwfcs ifl in *Pw«f ^r-V'O', *%S$: ' 4% dw •» ! T&OS Hon. W. N. Roach, Unttta ttatM Senator from North Dakota. Hon. W. N. Roach,, United States Senator from North Dakota, per sonally endorses Peruna, the great catarrh cure and tonic. In a recent letter to The Pernna. Medicine Company. at Columbus, Ohio, written from Washington, D. C., Senator Roach says: "Persuaded by m Mend I bare used Peruna as a tonic, and / am glad totestiiy that It haa greatly helped me in at vigor and appetite, i etBcatlous as a cure tor N. Roach, LarSmore, bare bee* advised by Mends that It Is rei tha almost, universal complaint at catarrh."-- North Dakota. No other remedy cmn take the place of Parana. Mr. Bd J. Makinson, contractor and builder, 610 Grand Block, Wa bash street, St. Paul, Minn., says: _ "Many doctor Mir. K. J. Makinson, Contractor and Builder. bills can be saved by the use of Peruna. I have all my friends talcing Peruna, and 1 h a v e ' h e a r d n o t h l n g b u t p r a i s e f r o m fhem. Last fall I had a bad cough. . I took four bottles of Peruna and it Mitt me. I am Inclined to- ir a r d s c o n- sumption, as all my family have died with it l weight 188 pounds, and I believe it is Peruna that has given me such good health."--J. Makinson. As a result of the changeable cli mate, catarrh has become one of the most prevalent and universal dis eases known to man.. Nearly one- third of the people of the United States are afflicted with catarrh in some of its many phases and stages. Add to tills the tact tnat catarrh rap idly tends to become fixed or ehronic, also the further fact that It is ca pable of producing a great many other diseases, and we begin to real ise the true nature of this dread dis- 0U0, So formidable has catarrh become that in every city or town of any size numerous doctors are to be found who make the treatment of ca tarrh a specialty. Of course a great deal of good is accomplished in this way, but as yet a comparatively snail number of the people can avail themselves of this treatment be cause of the great expense neoesaa- rily attached to it Mr. Byron J. Klrkhuff, Attorney and Counsellor at Uv. *§> 5 Grand New Sweet Peas. Aaserlea--Blood red strlpod 4 Ceata Clant Wfclte-The beat whit*.... 4 « CovatcM ofCa4«cu-Bliu... t M I*HM D*Anasg«--Cma NM..S m Saloplaa--Best scarlet ...........4 ** s*̂ S3£fi?!?»<5SS All for lO Cts. Up-to-date Catalogae <rf That 6row and a FREE :et of now Climbî r̂ Nastnrtiums it yon paper; S. Y. HAINES * CO., IOS Boston Block, Minneapolis* Minn. ISO KINDS > kta4a «r WMt Mrta al»rl«w DO VOU COUCH D O N T D E L A Y KEMP'S BALSAM II Carat fiia, A CMH8 taklnf CaMt Caatf*. 1 Wii|ii|8#. BesfiefcltissndA is cata lar isaauapMsa ia Sist stem lIcmTkV&tnsr i " '"y ••• p---- WUVtUTNT iMTttt tlfttt VMltW jllM ; Imn, apdts. Oitoa M at ML . n L*! n «l»m «f aria ui ana «•«». •wwyq^si.'8go*i C(TAMJ*MCD INC. To all such people Dr. Hartman's remedy, Peruna, comes as a great boon. Not only is it more successful In curing catarrh than the treatment of the catarrh specialists, but it Is within the reach of every person la tiiis land. Peruna can be bought at any drug store, and is a remedy Without equal for catarrh in all forms, coughs, colds, bronchitis, con sumption, and all climatic diseases of winter. Pernna is not a guess, nor an ex periment ; it is an absolute, scien tific certainty. Peruna cures catarrh wherever located. Peruna has no substitutes--no rivals. Insist upon having Peruna. Let no one persuade you that some other remedy will do nearly as well. There is no other systemic remedy for catarrh but Pe runa. Byron J. Kirkhuff, attorney, c o u n B ellor-at- law writes from 691 Qates ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., the following: "I have used your Peruna tar catarrh and find i t s c u r a t i v e powers all you recommend. 11 cured me of a very bad attack and though I 8 u if f r e d for years I feel en tirely relieved, and if it will benefit others, I gladly give it my endorsement"--B. J. Klrkhuff. If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hart- man, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, president of the Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. INOTb LEFT. tar IBM mm* fh* li»w Aalasala. Instinct bas been defined as a soft of SitiMtiftiriWHMit peculiar to the lower" aitiWa. ' That mas possesses traits we all tat (Mm is one so'subtly engrafted ln his aalttre that, under certain draun- staaeen, fee l8 unconsciously made lo act to precisely the same manner as the wot animal, and that is in drde- travsHat. lt is a peculiar instict which saases wild animals, when par lor any considerable dlstanoa, always to travel in a circle; and <9*n> when lost mi the veidt, the prairiee, arte the forest, unconsciously becomes eoirtraUsd by the saaie instinct and is to band his course and travel in a circle, and return to thth same place t started. A notable ln- of this is mentioned by Mr. Catlin, an American traveler of repute, which occurred while ascending the upper Missouri. He had left the steam- ep on which he hfj bett --"fay up the river, with the object of reaching an Indian village by making a short-cat across a prairie on foot, accompanied only by a single attendant "In our oourae," said Mr. Catlin, "we had a prairie of some thirty miles to cross; 4u, being dark and object by which to having no irfrmpatn tiMe. During the first te, and we kept onr eourse very well; bat on the next though w« started right (laid onr eourse), we nO doubt soon began to bead, notwithstanding that w* appeared to be progressing in a straight line. There was nothing to be seen about us but short grass, every where tiie same; and in the distance a straight line, the horison, all around us. Late in the afternoon, and when we were very much fatigued we came upon the vary spot, to our surprise, where we had bivouacked the night before, and which we had left on that morning. We had turned to the left and no doubt had traveled all day in a circle. The next day, having the sun shine, we laid (and kept) our course without any difficulty. On arriving at the Sioux village and relating our sin gular adventure, the Indians laughed at us very heartily, and all the chiefs united in assuring me that whenever a man is lost on the prairies he trav els In a circle, and also that he invari ably tarns to the left; of which singu- 1 fact I have become doubly convinc ed by subsequent proofs similar to the OJQ* mentioned.--Chamber's Journal. and i» ckmdf^wfiail guide -- with ma at day the sun -VOWER-5 'vsh brm*° SLICKER BLACK OftYUXOW i8„ Origin! Sltetor WILL ut r vow DRY IN THE HARDEST SFORM. Adapted to wants of the OKLAHOMA ffiANT^D Write tor ear valuable free AN IDEA. H*Y» yon aa MM? Protect roar brine voa wealth, free book "in* and Outs ot No attoruer'a fee until patent ts all BBIOHT * CO., PATKKT A1 !>.C. Offers F ee Heawa to 60.000people on 8,000,• 000 acres of lands, war to open to settlement. Opportunity of a lUMfeae. THE MOWA CHIEF, devoted to Infor- snttoa About these lands, wUl contain jrrocla- matlonfljdiis date of openins. One year II.00: t'RgS-Werote; 6 cents pet copy. MORGAN S MANUAL, (Otmypleto Settler's Guide) with seo- «opja MANUAL, MAP Mi CHIEF, -̂̂ "jForsale by Bart mINmh Oealera, mmUnrn WCK r. LOMW, Perry, a T. UTTOENBTS, oasa If All waat to Btakcmaaey aetalltuet tPQi I UU £>l<imi!iabWbaî tal> . _ ^ . i si C O N S U M P T I O N ̂ IN A TRASH FILE. CM Bag Sa>qt» Cola Vaaad la Kaax- vlllo, Taaa. Walter Cheatham, an Employe of the city stables, has had the good fortune to find a vary old coin of the realm of Great Britain in a trash pile, says the Knoxville Journal and Tribune. The coin is of the same sire as an Ameri can dollar and weighs just the same. Walter did not realize that the coin might have a big price ottered for it, and while showing it to Stable Boss William Kellar, asked that official what he would give for the coin. Mr, Kellar does not know the value ot old coins, and offered ten cents. Mr. Cheatham declined and Mr. Kellar proffered twenty-five cents and the bargain waa struck. Mr. Kellar de cided be would keep the coin as a rare novel keepsake, but now he would probably refuse an offer of $500 for it, pending a thorough investigation of its value to numismatic collectors. On yesterday Mr. Cheatham returned to Mr. Kellar and tried to buy bade the coin for a quarter of a dollar. Mr. Kellar refused, but jokingly said he would take t& tor it. Cheatham was about to take him at his word, when Mr. Kellar said he intended to keep the coin. Its owner was then informed that according to a coin collector's manual, King George's dollar was quoted as being worth $1,500. The ooin is much worn and the date is effaced, but *»«g George's profile is stamped on the face of the coin, while on the back his majesty is pictured astride a horse in the act of slaying a dragon. "George III., G. B.," are some of the letters easily deciphered around the inargin of the coin. The edge if worn amooth. JAPANESE BABIES. Tkrim Wall. 1 Aoeording to our modern scientific ideaa aa to the careful treatment of 'babies, those of Japan would seem to have a hard time, and yet there are no healthier, nor fatter looking little mortals on the face of the earth. We Insist on a fixed temperature, on ster ilised milk, on all sorts of improved things, while the Japanese baby gets a good dose of nature, and seems to thrive on it It is dressed and un dressed in a frigid temperature in win ter, and in summer its tender little eyes are always exposed to the full glare of the sun, as it is carried on its mother's back. It is to be feared, however, that this latter treatment of ten does affect the eyes of the children though they get over it later in life. At Nagasaki, amongst the women coal ers who coal the ship, you may see many with Rabies on their backs. The mothers work all day in the rain, or in the sun, or the snow, and there baby sleeps, indifferent to everything, the top of its head alone visible, while the movements of the mother do not seem In the least hindered, and she accomplishes as much work as the men. It seems as if the babies of this class were born stoics!--Anna North- end Benjamin In San Francisco Bulle tin. Stage* atopa Prli afa Soratoa. ffig. Brignoll once agreed to sing » solo at St. Agnes' church, in New York. He arrived late, and the ser mon had commenced, but Brignoll, un-. abashed, leaned over the choir railing and tried to attract the attention of the preacher by shaking his head and gesticulating wildly. At last he yell ed out in a voice that reached every corner of the church: "Me ready for se sing. Stoppe ze preach! Stoppe se preach!" And the priest actually cat the sermon short in order to accom modate Ihe Impatient tenor, whess voice now rang out with such fervor a to thrill the worshipers and justify the sacrifice. Tfco Well Kaaw% MJiSttiiifSii There never a better opportun ity tor persons suffering from diaeasea *f the heart, nerved liver, stomach or dropsy to test, free, a New and Com plete Treatment for these disorders. Dr, Miles Is well known as a leading speetaltot In tMN diseases, and his liberal offer is certainly worthy of s»> rioim consideration by every afflicted Special Treatment is and Immensely ao- periortotibeoediaaxy aMthods. It oondata of several remedial sanfagy selected to suit eaoh tadtvidnal ease, and to the finel result of tWiittjNNa ytam of very oMb- tive^Sdr, tM^aMits, laxative plOs and twaaBy a slasmr exacted for each ease. Sxtennve WEStth* clearly demonstrate tha$ Dr. mfe JTwr Treatment is three Of̂ tSssrt stole testimonials will be seat upon , doctor to be one of the world's most saebessful physicians. Pa., was curad after Sseay physicians pronounced her «uhe^*hopeless." Col. B. a SptlMMua, of the Sth United State* Regulars, located at Sen Diego, Cel., says: "Dr. Iftles* Special Treatment has worked wonders ia my eon's caae when all else failed. Z had employed the best medical talent And had spent 8,000 in so doing. I believe he Is a wonderful specialist. I considered It my duty to rec- ommend him." "For year* I had severe trouble with my stomach, head, neural gia, sinking spells and dropsy. Tour treatment entirely cured me," writes Hon. W. A. Warren, of Jamestown, N. T. As all afflicted readers may have 18.50 worth of treatment especially adapted to their case,/ree, we would advise them to send for It at once. Address Dr. Franklyn MUes, 906 to 807State St., Dept. Chicago- Mention this paper. Criminal. There are now sixteen prisoners in solitary confinement in the Massachu setts state prison at Charlestown, the most dangerous of the lot being Jesse Pomeroy, "the boy murderer." He is constantly laying plans to escape and keeps the guards ever on the alert to thwart them. He once pulled down the ventilator over his cell door and made a saw of a portion of the material. Then the place was walled up and fresh air introduced into his cell in other ways. He has now been impris oned on a life sentence twenty-serren years. ••ws Tli la i . One Hundred Dollars reward for tny tana that oannot be eeied by Hsu's F. J. CHBNBY A CO.. Toledo, A We, the undersigned, have known P. J. Cbeney for the tan 1ft years and belie Ye Mm perfectly honorable la all buslneaa transections and financially able to carry eat eayebllca- Dracststs.TOledo.Ohfo „ Ball s Oetarrh Cure ia taken lateraaUy. »ct- l&g direetly upon the blood and maeooeaurtMee eftbe aystem. Testimonials sent frea Pitas lloper bottle. SoM by Ml dr«s»ista Ball's Family Pills ate the beau Bastorlng a MaMwral Castlo. •t Hohkonisburg, in Alsace, the re mains of an early medieval castle is to be restored by the kaiser after the manner in which Pkrrefonds, was re built by the architect Viollet L» Due tor the Empress Eugenie. 5-^ , rf • . sf "P i. V. €/i.v ;4->. Moves t«« oowais e*cn oay. to ha bsattbr to aaeess • - 'aft™ " • " ,• - .... gently <m tM H««r and kidneys. Cures sick headache. Price IS and M«. . Aa 4MM Vor* la The oWest tort in Aa»prtoa is at St Augusthw, Fla. It wii bvllt by tbo Spanish over three centuries ago. It was for a long time used as a prison. There is 90 iwwriy that «an eqpil GaTteld Tea tartheearaof all " •Wtti of tjie liver ; it baa for years the standard by which other are jadgad.^ There are several large factories in the United States devoted to tha man ufacture of roeewater. It requires no experience to dye with PUTNAM FADELESS DYES. Simply boiling your goods in the dye la all that'a necessary. Disinfection of houses la the only policy pursued in Calcutta against the plague. TO COTUB A COLD IK OKI DAT* Wto LAX ATI V a BROMO QCiMINK Tabijits. aB refund the money If It fails to 1 B. W. Grove's BisBSture is ou the box. XSe. Japan has 6,300 kilometers of rail ways, or about as many as Bavaria. Ism sore Plso's Care for Consumption durel my life three years ago.--Mrs. THOS. Rosaflsa Maple Street, Harwich, N. Y.. FVb. IT, 1000k Give a man a good dinner and it. takes the edge off his criticism. BAVTS CAPS FOB COLDS, Fafest, surest, quickest cure for colds. Druggists know the ingredients. 95 cents. On December l, 1900, Switzerland had a population of 3,312,551. IA Grippe conquers life--Wlsard Oil conquers La Grippe. Yonr sells Wizard Oil. Tha thinner the wine of faster It will run out. The Beet Homofcsepeta use Maple City Self Washing Soap he* cause It gives the best results. Only 14.6 per cent of tha nativea of Porto Rico can write. Coe'a Cough Balsam fii (fee oMeetaadbeat ItwmteeskapaeoM thaaaaytMncelss. It la always reliable. Try il. SET $1.25 An essay on man- tempt to marry him. -a woman's at- PAnns'* HAIS BUSUI keeps the hair soft asd pleaUlel sad reetoMs the e<*w wbea gray. Hmsaoosira, taa bss<<«are tor eons, ilea The greatest number of jewels in a watch is 21. When evcllng take a bar df White's "T* You can rids farther and easier. Japan still haa wins made of iron. fee Oaa Otl AOaa'a Foot-Kaao fNa Write to-day to Allen S. Olmsted, La Roy, N. Y„ for a FREE sample of Allen's Foot-Esas, a powder. It cores sweating, damp, swollen, aching feet. Makes new or tight ahoes easy. A cer tain cur-' for Chilblains and Frost-bitea At all druggists and shoe ttores; 25c. A«* aff California'* Big Trees. Professor C. E. Bessey, who has been counting the rings of growth of the California big trees, doubta if any of them, approach the age of 2,M0 yeara. Oeeahlag t«ads ia Oaaai Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Go to your druggist today and gat a sample bottle free. Sold in 25 and M cant bottlee. Go at once; delays are dangerous. Henry James calls bis new novel "The Sacred Fount.': It to to be pub lished next spring.- ^ •" Aa Inferior Artlclo Is dear at any arlee. If you want a good article buy Maple City Self Washing Soap. Songs without words are preferable to aongs without sense. M - , 'gUa" laj flesh feef'Wsi' theftotaaea .oft glove whea h W St Jacobs sad Stiffness %:,-r IflMCV nw in Koouna is MFI a<m< Unkl UMc wtfciiii* How to the time is ' - invest. Get la at bottom fttase aadbe prepared for four more of prosperity. Write MOKEYSjr INVESTED for ear aaanal report and partieiilars. Bisl-- TiOjirrtti MCktM nDODQV NEW Discovci UlfyrO I aolck relief and c CAM'S. Book of osttmoBlUi ani le SATS' DBCOVCmr. slvee . . I care# wort: • SATW treatmen" •a. n. if. «*««•«"ens. a«- k. A»lamu. •< MARRY RICH L£ SELECT LIST SENT 'REE. AM. CENTRAL ESCY. Lhwela. lit. Consisting of COTICORA SOAP to clca&sette skin of crusts and scales, and soften tk tlWE- ' ened cnticlc, CUHCURA OINTMENT to allay itching, irritation, and inf soothe and heal, and CUTICURA to cool and cleanse the germs. A SINGLE SET is often s flie most tortoring, disflgnring skin, scaS ̂iiind blood humors, rashes, itchings, aM lnt&ittas» with loss of hair, when the best pĥ ciaî and all other remedies fail. WONIERFIL CURE OF PSORIASR. I N A S twfetcffarl /% idv finally nfirrj Vy CufictBt _ Ointment, I wish to tcHyoa my c^>erkficc» may benefit by it. I wag ao plewuily afflirtrf matter that exuded {torn my pores after the scalcs had fnlei off, would cause my underdothi&g to actually fan to «f body. After remaining In cm podtioiv littinf m' ' down ̂for aa hour or two* the fiah on my elbowt and would split, ao thick and hard would the cnatf acalei bt The humltiartcwi I eaeperiencriL to say notiimw ol phyriud agoriy, was something frlghtluL The detached scafcsirotill fairly rain from my coat sleeves. I have read none of testimonials that appear to represent a cue ao bad a* But as to the cure. I commenced 'bathing In hoi osra Soap suds night and' morning, applied the Grtkmi If in a dkek la two i ' ̂ 3.-^ "1 UUD >and in less than a month I was cured* I! and have skin as soft and Mothers may benefit by ah regrettiog that sensitiveness forbids me 6 dMingmruox. J• *1* WM, PwdiOiflf MHH| dCpu lyWb to appi car, and in less than passedforty yean of age a as a baby's. Hoping that ence, and regretting that m H : Millions of People Use Outicura 8oa| aad« mn iKin Jm form of 1 ttona, lpflsimstfons, aad exoorlatioiiat or too free or offensive 1 washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and f surges* themselves to women, aad es| , . owe emollient properties derived Cram CuTtCtnu,the great skin < <deaaslng lnyredlehlŝ aBd the most refreshing of Sower odors. H eaaladvoe nose who aa*eo&ee used thess great sliln pulSexe aad bi beamlfylBg the skin, scalp, hair, and bands. No other foreign or d however expensive, is to be ooaipared with It for all the pnrposes of nursery. Tons It combines In Oxa Soap at Onb Paics, the BB«T si soap, and the BKWtoUetand baby soap in the warid. Sold bjr all dmnrlo*" tf Afflicted with sorm eyepi. ii-^ 1 Thompson's Eye Wat^ w. N. U.CHICAGO. NO. O. toot. r-.. Sour Stomach ? . (£* jf ? 1 H % k ; ' Back tq> a sewer, and you poison the whole neighborhood. Clog up liver and bowels, and your stomach Is full of undigested food, which sours and ferments, like garbage in a swill-barrel. That's the first step to untold misery--indigestion, foul gases, headache, furred breath, yellow skin, mental fears, everything that is horrible and nauseating. CASCARETS quietly, positively stop farmentstlp* H rtmtach, make the liver lively, tone up the bowels, set the whole machinery going and keep it in order. 1 ^ Don't hesltatat Take GASGARBTS to-day and be saved from suffering! m | ; 0¥sJ V"-3" """ wroTi' hoasa. Mr Uver was la a^varybads OaaBsrelsTlfee VnMlHMiaMiajm with Joe. Kaaau--, Ooagrsss St̂ St. Lads. Ma M to try GAMi* win sever be without them In the My Uver was la a vary bad atepe. avr aead aeheS aad I kadatosnachtrou Wow, ataee takiaa Oaaaafets. t feel line. > . •- BEST FOR BOWELS AND U WHILE YOU THE TABLET MTBCT DRUGGISTS BC* tfc* 4 ttss • yiiij zrmE le* sallow &T2Z*. SslM&tSiNto I*4'.: * ! V;y ~.ik« _ x. Ait*. • • ' . . . V . tfr'. " % .&*.i. ..... , K f,. -f 1 iJSf v . JL I. \ // ,.v .